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State Farm® Key Questions for Consumer


1. How do I know that I’m getting the right amount of coverage for my
situation – not overpaying for things or leaving me exposed?

2. What are the advantages of having different types of insurance policies

(home, auto, life, etc.) with the same provider?

3. What disadvantages are there of having multiple insurance policies

(home, auto, life, etc.) with the same provider?

4. How can I understand what comprises a good policy for my situation

under each of the insurance categories? Language is complex and
difficult to understand.

5. How does your company make sure that I can get smart, trusted
advice if my personal situation changes?

6. What can I do to make sure that I get all of the discounts I’m entitled

7. Are there benefits to renewing with the same company when my policy

8. How can I ensure that I’m making an apples-to-apples comparison if

I’m price shopping among several companies?

9. How can I make sure that my insurance decisions fit into my overall
personal financial picture?

10.What is the impact on me if I file a claim? Explain to me why my policy

goes up when I make a claim? How is this protecting my financial
needs if my insurance company raises my premium?

11.What are the most overlooked discounts that are relatively easy to

12.How frequently should I review insurance policies to ensure they are

up-to-date and meet my needs?

13.How can I tell if an insurance agent is being “straight” with me, or just
trying to sell something else?

14.Do my kids get a discount when they buy a policy with the same
company that I have been with for years and years?

15.Will a poor credit rating influence the coverage I qualify for and my
premiums? How do I know if an insurance agency is investigating my
credit report? Is that legal?

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