Rhizome Design Questionnaire

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?-"#"&*@ 8ecs, nlc, Anwyn, nlcole
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*Sasha ls 1enanL wlLh Councll & would llke Lo have lL Lransferred over Lo 8ecs or Lo CommunlLy
Croup. SuggesLlon from Mlke lelngold was Lo manage as ls aL presenL, wlLh Sasha as parL of collecLlve
& Lo add name Lo walLlng llsL Lo ensure Lhlngs are legally ok.
*leellngs abouL currenL arrangemenLs:
Llkes & wanLs Lo keep: Pemp Agrlmony, planLs ln beds, pond
Would llke Lo change: Wlllow, Crass, general layouL, shed, area aL back, pond Lo be healLhler
(furLher noLes on base map observaLlons)
CLher changes: Sasha's parLner ls Laklng cuLLlngs from hops, Sasha Lo move rose & frulL
B$#$+& C B,6)"#
1eachlng space: planL lu, seelng planLs Lhrough Lhelr cycles, harvesLlng Lechnlques, growlng
& horLlculLure skllls, expllclL llnk Lo 8hlzome CommunlLy Cllnlc
Crowlng space: growlng perennlals for demonsLraLlon (and harvesLlng where pracLlcal &
posslble) and annuals for harvesLlng
ParvesLlng space Lo make medlclnes collecLlvely. Surplus can be sold.
Soclal space for communlLy evenLs & parLlclpaLlon (see below).
AbouL Lhe slLe:
As many herbs as posslble
MlxLure of perennlals & annuals
CuLlawed vegeLables & planLs
Lndangered and underused herbs (8rlLlsh & from oLher parLs of Lhe world LhaL are
Low malnLenance
Shared values:
SlLe ls accesslble, managed organlcally & ecologlcally, collecLlvely run, organlsed and
promoLed on Lhe prlnclples of self-help/self care/ul?/muLual ald and grassrooLs sklllsharlng.
Access: Any pald evenLs Laklng place aL slLe need Lo deslgn for access e.g. a cerLaln number
of free or subsldlsed places.
AlloLmenL pro[ecL 'dropplng by Lhe wayslde'
noL enough people Lo supporL/manage Lhe pro[ecL
leellng overwhelmed
SlLe become unmanageable/'feral'
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eople uslng Lhe slLe:
Core collecLlve - see below.
volunLeers on workdays: lncludlng parLlclpanLs ln 8hlzome courses and anyone who ls
lnLeresLed ln herbal medlclne can aLLend and geL lnvolved.
Learners - from local herbal medlclne courses run by 8hlzome and oLher self-employed
Leachers lf needed
Ceneral publlc - Wlll be lnvlLed Lo share ln slLe durlng soclal evenlngs & communlLy evenLs
Laklng place LhroughouL Lhe year
SlLe managemenL:
Managed by a collecLlve of mlnlmum of 8 people who are commlLLed Lo roLaLlng Lhe
responslblllLy of openlng Lhe slLe once a week for an adverLlsed workday.
ueslred soclal faclllLles:
llre plL
laces Lo slL for aL leasL 13
8oom Lo manoeuvre for aL leasL 12 learners from 8hlzome courses
Soclable & warm feellng
SeaLlng open & llghL
lf ralnlng lL ls unllkely Lhe slLe wlll be used, an evenL shelLer/Larp can be also be used lf
Long plcnlc Lable
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Anwyn: headspace ls focused on move/Leachlng/pracLlce work. lnvolvemenL may lncrease ln
Sprlng & Summer however would llke AuLumn/WlnLer Lo seLLle & ground ln 8rlsLol & wlLh
nlc: Works aL CSA ln 8radford on Avon and doesn'L wanL Lo spend Llme on alloLmenL aL
weekends. Manages oLher alloLmenL wlLh loLs of perennlal herbs & planLs and needs more
supporL wlLh Lhls lf Lhls space ls Lo conLlnue Lo be used.
8ecs: LnLhuslasLlc & wanLs Lo lnvesL Llme & energy ln pro[ecL. Powever would sLlll llke Lo
begln wlLh shared collecLlve responslblllLy from Lhe beglnnlng as one way Lo reduce
CranL appllcaLlon has been submlLLed by 8ecs for 1200 Lo neal's ?ard for Lools, mypex,
planLs, adverLlslng, shed
lf granL ls unsuccessful, group wlll 'puL call ouL' for needed lLems Lo urban growlng
scene/communlLy neLworks and apply for furLher granLs.
Cngolng cosLs could lnclude renL, seeds, planLs.
Longer Lerm/regeneraLlve lncome:
uonaLlons can be asked for durlng evenLs
Surplus from courses held aL alloLmenL can be re-lnvesLed ln pro[ecL
1o nlc's AlloLmenL:
leels under pressure Lo malnLaln slLe, even when noL supporLlve of llfesLyle/deslres e.g.
worklng as a grower ln Lhe week
SlLe ls generally very challenglng wlLh perennlal weeds, slope, wlld plums and so forLh
leellng Lo keep for anoLher year lf managemenL can be beLLer shared
SlLe well sulLed Lo low malnLenance perennlals
Could become parL of Lhe pro[ecL buL some unease around ylelds e.g. because Lhey are Lled
Lo lncome of 8hlzome. Cne suggesLlon Lo offer medlclne share ln exchange for labour Lo help
manage Lhe ploL. lf sLrong communlLy lnLeresL ls generaLed, people may wlsh Lo volunLeer on
slLe anyhow.
lf sLlll challenglng afLer a year, slLe wlll be reLurned Lo councll and planLs can be moved &
lnLegraLed lnLo communlLy alloLmenL and/or made lnLo medlclne.
1o 8hlzome:
AlloLmenL ls an auLonomous pro[ecL however has sLrong, muLually beneflclal llnks wlLh
8hlzome CommunlLy Cllnlc
1he alloLmenL can be used as a way Lo compllmenL oLher lncome sLreams e.g. Leachlng whlle
sLlll belng congruenL wlLh lnLegrlLy of Lhe pro[ecL & shared values.
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add 8hlzome Lo alloLmenL walLlng llsL
explore furLher poLenLlal granLs
order mypex
Send llsL of planLs deslred Lo grow Lo nlcole (folk or laLln names are flne)
Lnqulre 8L permlsslon Lo pollard Lhe wlllow
uL call ouL for Lree surgeon/compeLenL volunLeer Lo pollard wlllow
nlcole: uraw base map & prepare concepL plan on recelpL of planL llsLs
1hlnk of name!
Conslder how besL way of organlslng planLs (noL flnal deLermlnanL buL helpful framework)
e.g. by hablLaL, body sysLem
Send llnks Lo nlcole of your favourlLe herb gardens, noLlng whaL you llke abouL Lhem
Conslder loglsLlcs of culLlvaLlng medlclne: e.g. Llme/money balance, whlch planLs are mosL
expenslve Lo buy for your pracLlce? Whlch are dlfflculL Lo obLaln? Whlch are noL abundanL ln
Lhe wlld & are beLLer culLlvaLed? Whlch do you use mosL ofLen? Whlch could be sold for
more when made lnLo medlclne?

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