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Amanda Taylor

PO Box 1872 Carthage, N.C. 28327 act008@ ra!ema"l.#nc$.ed#

OBJECTIVE To o ta"n a $o%"t"on a% a &oc"al 'or(er #t"l")"ng comm#n"cat"on and organ")at"onal %("ll%. EDUCATION Bachelor of Social Work, &oc"al 'or(* +PA 3.7 The University of North Carolina at Pembroke; Pem ro(e, NC* ,ecem er 2013 Associate in Arts, B#%"ne%% Adm"n"%trat"on* +PA 3.Sandhills Community college* P"neh#r%t, NC* .ay 2003 EXPERIENCE &oc"al 'or( /ntern* A#g#%t 20130No!em er 2013 Moore County Department of Social Services; Carthage, NC ,e%"gned a ne1 em$loyee2"ntern man#al Acce$ted "nta(e call% 3or %creen"ng Analy)ed a%%e%%ment tool% Cr"t"4#ed ca%e% 3or ca%e clo%#re Teacher A%%"%tant* A#g#%t 200705e r#ary 2006 Sandhills Theatre rts !enaissance School; 7a%%, NC A%%"%ted lead teacher 1"th cla%%room act"!"t"e% Adm"n"%tered 1r"tten and oral a%%e%%ment% 8d#cated ch"ldren #t"l")"ng an "nd"!"d#al")ed a$$roach ONORS!ACTIVITIES Al$ha Ch" 9onor &oc"ety* 2013 Al$ha &"gma :am da* 20120$re%ent Nat"onal A%%oc"at"on o3 &oc"al 'or(er%* 2013 Cam$#% A%%oc"at"on o3 &oc"al 'or(er%* 20120$re%ent North Carol"na Ch"ld 'el3are 8d#cat"on Colla orat"!e* 20110$re%ent CO"PUTER S#I$$S ."cro%o3t O33"ce0'ord, Po1erPo"nt, 8xcel VO$UNTEER EXPERIENCE 7ol#nteered at &o#thern P"ne% 9ead&tart* 201202013 7ol#nteered at &andh"ll% ;ena"%%ance Theatre Art%* 201002013 RE%ERENCES A!a"la le #$on re4#e%t

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