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Diary of men in hell

This book is a form of shor s ories! some a" #ally ha$$ene% o real $eo$le in o her "o#n ries! in a %ifferen $ar of he &orl%! yes i %oes ha$$en! yo# may hink no''' This only ha$$ens in films an% so on b# in fa" I ha(e %one a s#r(ey on his an% i e)is s! I'm sorry o "ra"k yo# shell of belie(es an% b#rs yo#r b#bble of ho& yo# see he &orl% b# his is r#e! an% of "o#rse some are fi" ional s ories o# .of my (ision This book is no for he fain of hear &ho may feel %is*#s e% of he s"enes ha &ill be re(ele% on here! so if yo# are one %on' bo her "on in#in* rea%in* his book +#s "lose he book an% *o f#"k yo#rself b# if yo# are a bi* fan of fe ish! $ain! %omina ion! mis ress , sla(e rela ion! h#milia ion! fem%om an% b%sm e" -'' .an hen his is he book .for yo# Some of he names an% "hara" ers in his book are real $eo$le! some are fi" ional! an% in fa" he real mis ress's names are for a real lea%ers in $orn in%#s ry &ho ma%e a *rea o# s an%in* "on rib# ions in $orn in%#s ry ha &ill las e(er .af er If yo# are rea%y o #nleash yo#r %ee$es %arkes %esires an% se)#al fan asies! *o ahea% an% en+oy . he o#r in he mis ress's mansion

I +#s ha(e one say before &e s ar an% al&ays remember his '' PORN IS ART ''


Do&n o&n "i y of Ne& 1ork in a 2 s ars ho el he '' ''. $hone rin*s Re"e$ ionis 3 he ne& Ameri"ans ho el! "an I hel$ yo#

4aller3 yes $lease! "an I alk o Miss Ma%eline Da&son

Re"e$ ionis 3 s#re sir! hol% on I &ill %ire" yo# o .her room .Rin*-' Rin*-''rin* Ma%eline3 hi .Re"e$ ionis 3 Miss Ma%eline yo# ha(e a $hone "all Ma%eline3 okay! &ho is he s #$i% f#"ker &ho "alls !!!me (ery early like his! be er be im$or an 4aller3 hello miss Ma%eline Da&son! I'm 4harles yo#r *ran%fa her's la&yer! I ha(e some ba% ne&s for yo#! I'm sorry o ell yo# ha yo#r *ran%fa her $asse% a&ay las ni*h an% he f#neral &ill be hel% omorro& af ernoon a his mansion in /is"onsin I ho$e ha yo# &ill "ome so &e "an %is"#ss his &ill an% he le*a"y he lef for yo# as I #n%ers an% yo# .are he only rela i(e he ha% Ma%eline3 ooh oo ba% for him' Okay I &ill be here' I ho$e &e "an finish ha &ill's $a$er &ork 5#i"kly! .yo# #n%ers an% 4harles3 yes for s#re Miss Ma%eline' I &ill %o my bes Ma%eline3 lis en o me yo# s #$i% shi ! I %on' nee% yo# o %o yo#r bes ! yo#r bes is no *oo% eno#*h for me yo# &ill %o as I sai% an% finish he $a$er &ork 5#i"kly or I &ill f#"k yo# brains o# ! yo# . #n%ers an% .4harles3 yes Miss Ma%eline Then Ma%eline han*s he $hone' '' I ho$e ha ol% shi ro en in hell ! he be er lea(es me some &or hy money or b#rn in hell ! in fa" if he %i%n' I &ill b#rn his %ea% bo%y o ashes ! $ee 6 shi on i ''. an% fee% i o he &or hless s #$i% la&yer

/is"onsin! a he mansion! &here Ma%eline '' arri(es &earin* a hi*h heel an% mini bla"k skir &i h bla"k fishne s o"kin* #n%ernea h &i h a (ery $#r$le blo#se an% a bla"k ha an% a bla"k *lo(e in . her lef han% Ma%eline3 no &on%er I'm he only one here! .e(eryone ha e% his ol% shi ' Hahahahaha No& le 's *e o(er &i h his &ill! &ha his %ea% ?f#"ker lef for me 4harles3 are &e e(en *oin* o &ai #n il &e b#ry !him Ma%eline3 '' she sla$s him on his fa"e (ery har% ha her han% lef a re% mark on his fa"e '' are yo# s #$i% or &ha - &ha %i% I ell yo#' I sai% yo# %o &ha I ask yo# o %o! an% %on' e(en %are o %o i a*ain or I &ill ha(e my &ay &i h yo#! yo# li le .ma**o $ie"e of shi .4harles3 yes Miss Ma%eline Ma%eline &alks o he offi"e in he mansion ''. follo&e% by he la&yer ! she si s %o&n in he offi"e's "hair ! she $# s her %i(ine le* one o(er one on he %esk ! an% asks he la&yer ! &ha are yo# '' &ai in* for yo# s #$i% li le %i"k

As he la&yer o$ens he safe an% s ar s o rea% he &ill 4harles3 Miss Ma%eline from &ha I see here yo#r *ran%fa her %ona e% all of his money o "hari y an% . lef yo# only his mansion Ma%eline3 &haaaaaaaaaaa 7777 Ho& is his $ossible! ha %ir y son of a bi "h ho& "o#l% he %o his o me' . Is ha all yo# s #$i% shi 4harles3 Miss Ma%eline I "an' ake yo#r offen% o me anymore' My &ork here is %one an% I &ill lea(e .ri*h no& Ma%eline3 are yo# o# of yo#r min%777 Ho& %are yo# . ? alk o me like his She s an%s #$ #rn aro#n% he offi"e &i h he '' la&yer's ba"k o her as he si in* on he "hair! she ook he (ase from he bookshelf an% hi his hea% ''.har% as he fell o he *ro#n% #n"ons"io#s

Ma%eline *oes o# from he offi"e o he lobby &here her *ran%fa her's "offin is here she o$ene% i Ma%eline3 oooooh yo# son of a bi "h yo# only lef me his mansion yo# %ona e% yo#r money o "hari y yo# &hore h#h -'' She s$i s on his fa"e many imes ! hen she o$ene% his "lose% eyes &i h her fin*ers an% s$i e% on his eye balls ill hey are fille% &i h her s$i s '' no& yo# like his ! I &ill f#"k yo#r brains . o# yo# %ea% %i"k hen she ki"ks his "offin &i h her le* an% shakes i ill her *ran%fa her falls o he floor ! she *oes ba"k o he offi"e an% sear"he% for any hin* o ie he la&yer &i h i b# she "o#l%n' fin% any hin* ye ! she &en o he basemen o look for a ro$e &here she fo#n%s ro$es she ook one an% &en o he offi"e o ie he la&yer - she s ra$$e% him o he "hair (ery i*h ly ha his skin be"ame all re% form he ro$e s ra$$e% all aro#n% him she ie% his han%s an% his le*s in a &ay no e(en Ho#%ini "an *e .a&ay from his She &en o he lobby a*ain &here her *ran%fa her's lies she ie% his han%s an% %ra**e% .him all he &ay o he offi"e Ma%eline3 no& le he f#n be*ins She $o#re% some &a er on he la&yer's offi"e hen she s ar e% o sla$ him many imes ill he is '' "ons"io#s a*ain' '' /ake #$ yo# $ie"e of shi 4harles3 &ha ! &ha is his! &ha %i% yo# %o o me! !!!!&hy yo# ie me like his Ma%eline 3 %on' o$en yo#r f#"kin* mo# h #n il I ell yo# o ! I &ill ea"h yo# an% he %ea% ol% shi o(er here some manners ! from no& on yo# &ill be my sla(e ! yo# #n%ers an% ! sin"e I &ill li(e in his mansion I &ill nee% a ser(an an% yo# &ill be mine . #n il I'm hro#*h &i h yo#

She a$e% his mo# h an% #rne% off he li*h s an% '' &en o# of he room o ha(e some res ' She &en '' o he mas er be%room an% sle$

In he mornin*! a he mansion! Ma%eline &akes #$ '' #mm le me see &ha I &ill %o &i h hese *arba*e ba*s! his la&yer &ill be my ser(an an% he %ea% shi &ill be for my $leas#re''' She o$ene% her ba* an% she *e s o# a bi* bla"k %il%o! mo# h s re "her! a lash an% a "ollar '' his is eno#*h for he firs %ay! '' hahahaha ,She ook a sho&er an% *e %resse% She &ears her bla"k hon* ! o$less from abo(e e)"e$ her ne"kla"e hen $# on her (ery hi*h heele% boo s an% ook her ma erial an% &en %o&n . o he offi"e

Ma%eline 3 as she en ers he room her *ran%fa her on he floor she ki"ks him &i h her le* an% s e$$e% on his fa"e &i h her boo s as she is hea%in* o he la&yer ! she s$i s an% sla$s he la&yer har% #n il he &akes #$ ! '' rise an% shine yo# $ie"e of shi ' I &ill f#"k yo#r brains o# ! I &ill ea"h yo# o be my ''.sla(e I &ill rea yo# like a %o*! yo# #n%ers an% She $# a "ollar on his ne"k! she ki"ke% his "hes &i h her le* so he ook he "hair an% fell o he floor' She s an% #$ ne) o his hea% an% ook he mo# h a$e off! an% ol% him ''s#"k my heel like a %i"k I &an i shines' He &as %is*#s e% in he be*innin* an% ref#se% o %o so b# she sho(e% i har% in his mo# h she re$ea e%ly mo(es her heel in his mo# h on an% off an% off a s#%%en his ee h o#"he% he heel an% s"ra "he% i ! she fel ha bi e an% s"reame% on him! yo# &hore look &ha yo# %i% ,ho& "o#l% yo# %o ha yo# i%io 4harles 3 I'm sorry ! I'm (ery sorry ! $lease for*i(e . me I &on' %o i a*ain I'm really sorry Ma%eline3 ooh yo# $oor shi %on' &orry ha m#"h! I kno& yo# are sorry an% yo# &ill ne(er %o i a*ain! be"a#se I &ill make s#re yo# &ill ne(er %o i a*ain' She $# he a$e on his mo# h a*ain &hile he asks &ha &ill yo#! $lease for*i(e me I'm sorry' Mmm sor Af er she a$e% his mo# h she smile% o him an% s ar e% o ram$le his mo# h an% hi i (ery har% &i h her boo 's heel (ery har% he s"reams as she smiles his mo# h s ar e% o blee% e(en he a$e *o $ier"e% from her heels an% she ke$ la#*hin* an% ki"kin* an% s e$$in* on his mo# h (ery har% re$ea e%ly an% br# ally hen she sai% I ol% yo# I &ill make s#re yo# &ill ne(er %o he same mis ake a*ain' Then she ook off he orn a$e of his mo# h &i h he bloo% all aro#n% his mo# h! he s"reams o# of $ain an% "ries! $lease! $lease s o$ %oin* his o .me! I be* yo#

/i h his s"reams *e lo#%er! Ma%eline's la#*hs *e lo#%er an% lo#%er' 1o# see no& &i h all of yo#r ee h broken! yo# "an ne(er %o he same Then Ma%eline akes off her hon* an% hro& i on his fa"e! %ry off yo#r bloo% #n il I "ome ba"k o yo# .s#"ker Oh no& i 's yo#r #rn *ran% shi ! she s oo% #$ on his "hes an% sai% '' yo# sho#l%n' ha(e %ona e% all yo#r money o "hari ies! I ho$e "hari ies "an hel$ yo# no&'' hen &i h her ri*h le* she $# her s$iky heel on his ri*h eye an% $resse% on i ke$ $ressin* #n il i 's $ier"e% an% his eye ball s #"k o her heel an% all bloo% "omin* o# from his eye she la#*hs an% la#*hs

Af er&ar%s Ma%eline looke% o 4harles! an% sai% look &ha ha$$ene% o him ha 's &ha he '' %eser(es for bein* s#"h a ma**o no& le 's *e ba"k o yo# an% *i(e yo# a lesson of ho& o alk o yo#r mis ress! an% lis en in here yo# i &an yo# o %o e(ery hin* I &an ! li"k my fee ! ea my s"a ! %rink my $ee! yo# &ill be no hin* b# my loyal sla(e '' %o*! I &ill rea yo# like an animal or e(en less 4harles3 as he moans o# of $ain! an% is no able o alk from his ee h bein* "r#she% #n%er her fee ! he ?asks her '' &hy yo# %o %is o me Ma%eline 3 as she smiles she sai% o him '' yo# %on' *e i ri*h ! so e)$e" e% from a s #$i% Moran like yo# I like %oin* his o men I like he &hole &orl% o be #n%er my fee ! an% #n%er my %i(ine fee is . &here yo# belon* '' 4harles3 '' yo# "ra8y

Ma%eline3 '' as soon as she hear% ha ! she $i"ke% #$ her lash from he %esk an% &hi$$e% him so f#"kin* har% on his fa"e ! an% &en br# ally &hi$$in* him all o(er his ie% o he "hair bo%y ! bein* so hel$less ! s"reamin* o# of $ain as she "on in#es bea in* an% &hi$$in* him like a ra$i% %o* &i h ki"ks all o(er his fa"e hen she #nb#"kle% one han% an% $# i #n%er her heel "r#shin* i #n%er her s$iky heel as she re$ea e%ly &hi$$in* him an% &hene(er he s"reams lo#%er she &hi$ him har%er an% har%er ! af er 9: min# es of nons o$ &hi$$in* an% ki"kin* she "o#l% see ha his fa"e . skin an% his s#i e &ere orn from he &hi$ lashes Then she sai% '' look &ha yo# %i% o yo#rself for '' misbeha(in*! hahahahah Then she $# her ri*h fee on his mo# h an% ol% him! yo# ma%e me ire% yo# s #$i% shi ' No& I &ill .ha(e some res an% *e ba"k o yo# as she is lea(in* he room she looke% ba"k o 4harles &ho &as %rainin* bloo% from all o(er his bo%y ! an% sai% $ray yo# &on' en% #$ like ha ..%ea% ol% %o* o(er here ! hahahahah .. To be "on in#e%

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