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John Frusciante

Equipment Analysis
- Seymour Duncan Antlqulty | Plckups
- Maple v-shape neck 7.5 Padlus
- 3-way plckup selector.
- vlntage Prets
- Alder body
- Seymour Duncan Antlqulty || Plckups
- Posewood Thlck C Shape Neck 7.5 Padlus
- vlntage frets.
- Alder body
- 5-way plckup selector.
1962 Fender Stratocaster (Tobacco Burst)
1957 Fender Stratocaster (Sunburst)
1963 Fender Stratocaster (Fiesta Red)
1ohn Prusclante uses hls selectlon of Pender Stratocastors predomonlnantly for llve and studlo recordlngs. The l962 Tobacco 8urst was
recelved as a glft from Anthony Kledls upon re[olnlng the band for the Callfornlcatlon album. 8oth the whlte stratocaster and the esta red
stratocaster were recent acqulrements durlng the Stadlum Arcadlum album.
John Frusciante
- Seymour Duncan Antlqulty || Plckups
- Posewood Thlck C Shape Neck. 7.5 Padlus
- vlntage Prets.
- 5-way plckup selector.
- Select Alder 8ody
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- Posewood Thlck C Shape Neck 7.5 radlus
- vlntage Prets
- 3-way plckup selector.
- Double bound alder body
- Peatured on "Llve at Slane Castle"
- Hollowbody
- Arched lamlnated maple top
- Lbony Pretboard l2 radlus
- Pllter'tron plckups
- 3-way plckup selector
- 8lgsby vlbrato tallplece
- Gold plated hardware
- Used excluslvely on "Callfornlcatlon" and "Otherslde"
1962 Fender Stratocaster (White)
1962 Fender Telecaster (Sunburst)
1957 Gretsch White Falcon
The Telecaster was used wldely between 2003-2005 and was featured on many songs on the "Llve at Slane Castle" album. The maln dlstor-
tlon tone for lead playlng was acqulred wlth use of the 8oss DS-2 Turbo Dlstortlon pedal. The Gretsch whlte Palcon ls excluslvely used for
"Otherslde" and "Callfornlcatlon" and ls played through the Pender Showman ampller.
John Frusciante
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- Seymour Duncan Antlqulty || Plckups
- Posewood Thlck C Shape Neck. 7.5 radlus.
- vlntage Prets
- 5-way plckup selector.
- Alder 8ody
- 3-way plckup selector
- Posewood ngerboard 7.25" radlus (30 length)
- Pender noatlng tremolo arm
- Three Slngle Coll Plckups
- Tuned l octave below gultar
- Slngle spllt coll plckup
- C shape rosewood 7.25" radlus neck
- vlntage frets
- Alder body
1961 Gibson SG/Les Paul Custom (Cherry)
Fender Bass VI
1961 Fender Precision Bass (White)
The Glbson SG ls used for some heavy dlstortlon portlons on studlo recordlngs. The Preclslon 8ass has been wldely used for bass parts on
1ohn's solo albums, such as "The Lmpyrean".
John Frusciante
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- 3 Humbucklng PAP plckups
- Posewood thln taper neck l2" radlus
- Medlum-[umbo vlntage frets.
- 3-way plckup selector
- Maestro vlbrato
- Can be seen ln "Portune Paded" vldeo
- Mahogany solld body constructlon
- Two humbucklng plckups
- Lbony Pretboard l2" radlus
- Low/wlde Prets (Pretless wonder)
- Plxed Tune O Matlc brldge
- 3-way Plckup Selector
Early 60s Rickenbacker 365 Deluxe (Mapleglo)
1969 Gibson Les Paul Custom (Black)
The Glbson Les Paul Custom was used almost excluslvely for the song "Peadymade" durlng the Stadlum Arcadlum tour.
John Frusciante
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- Posewood back and sldes
- Solld spruce top
- Lbony ngerboard
- Abalone rosette
- Pull body, fretboard, and head blndlng
- 8ody Style: l4-Pret Dreadnought (D)
- Serles: Standard Serles
- Top wood: Solld Spruce , Posette: Abalone Pearl, Plckguard: Tortolse Color
- Slde wood: Solld Posewood
- 8ack Constructlon: 2-plece
- Plngerboard and 8rldge: Lbony 8lndlng: whlte, 8ound Plngerboard
- Neck wldth at Nut: l-ll/l6 ln
- Scale Length: 25.4 ln., Prets Clear: l4, Prets Total: 20
St. George XX12 by Bartial of California
- Pully hollow body constructlon
- 8ound Posewood Plngerboard
- Maple Thlck Oval Shape Neck l2" radlus
- Two humbucklng plckups
- 3-way plckup selector.
- Left-Handed vlntage Tremolo.
- Ploatlng rosewood brldge
- Medlum-1umbo frets
- Maple Seml-hollow body constructlon
- 8ound Posewood Plngerboard
- Maple Thlck Oval Shape Neck l2" radlus
- Two humbucklng plckups
- 3-way plckup selector
- 8lgsby vlbrato tallplece
- Medlum-1umbo frets
1962 Fender Jaguar (Fiesta Red)
Gibson ES-175
Gibson ES-335
The Pender 1aguar has been ln 1ohn's possesslon longer than any other gultar ln the collectlon.
John Frusciante
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- C-Shape Maple neck
- Posewood fretboard 7.25" radlus
- vlntage Style Prets
- 2 slngle coll plckups
- 2-way plckup selector
- Alder 8ody
- vlntage 1azzmaster Tremolo Arm
MXR Micro Amp
John Frusciante
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Big Muf
English Mufn
Boss DS-2 Turbo
Ibanez WH-10
Wah Pedal
- l
- Galn 5/l0
- volume 4/l0
- Tone l0/l0
- Sustaln l0/l0
- Output 6/l0
- |nput 8/l0
- Hlgh 4.5/l0
- Mld 5/l0
- Low 7.5/l0
- Tone l0/l0
- Level l0/l0
- Dlstortlon 8/l0
- Mode ||
- Gultar mode
- Sweep l0/l0
Boss Chorus
Holy Grail Reverb
Line 6 FN-4 Fil-
ter Modeler
Line 6 DL-4 De-
lay Modeler
Electric Mistress
- Low Settlng
- Level 4/l0
- |ntenslty 6/l0
- Depth 5/l0
- vlbrato 7.5/l0
- Sprlng Mode
- Mlx 6/l0
- Obl wah
- Prequency 6.5/l0
- Q 6.5/l0
- Speed 6/l0
- Mode 4/l0
- Mlx 3/l0
- Used as a tap tempo
multl delay
- Used as a tap tempo
trlplet delay
- Color 4/l0
- Pange 7/l0
- Pate 7/l0
- Tlme 5/l0
- Pegen 4/l0
- Mlx 5.5/l0
Line 6 FN-4 Filter Modeler
(alternate settings)
- Seeker
- Prequency 4/l0
- Q 4/l0 Mode 6/l0
- Speed 7/l0 Mlx 6/l0
- Spln Cycle
- Prequency 7/l0
- Q 6.5/l0 Mode 5.5/l0
- Speed 3/l0 Mlx l0l0
Moog MuRF
Moog MF103
Digitech PDS1002
Digital Delay
- Dynamlc mlcrophone
- Used for all studlo recordlngs
- Posltloned "a couple lnches" from the axls
- |mpedance of l50 ohms
- Undlrectlonal (cardlold)
- Potatlonally symmetrlcal
- 40 to l5,000 hertz frequency response
Martin 0-15
Shure SM-57 Dynamic Microphones
Although many acoustlc studlo recordlngs were performed on Taylor acoustlc gultars at the dlscretlon of producer Plck Publn, 1ohn feels
strongly about the tone of hls Martln and wlll use lt for all future acoustlc parts.
John Frusciante
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- l4 fret mahogany neck
- All mahogany 8ody
- l9 fret 8razlllan rosewood fretboard
- Pectangular 8razlllan rosewood brldge wlth long saddle
- 24.9" scale
- tortolse plastlc plckguard
- l-ll/l6" nut wldth
Strings Picks

Daddario XL .10-.46 .60mm Dunlop Tortex
- Pour LL3411 power tubes
- LCC83 drlver
- Sllver vlnyl
- Chrome sllver panels
- Llmlted edltlon 50th annlversary serles
- Used excluslvely wlth Gretsch whlte Palcon
- Slmllar to Pender Twln Peverb
- Two Channels
- Pour |nputs
- Pour l2AX7 preamp tubes
- Two l2AT7 preamp tubes
- Pour 6L6 power tubes
- |ntegrated sprlng reverb and vlbrato
Marshall Major 200W
Marshall Silver Jubilee 50/100
Fender Dual Showman Reverb
Marshall Ma[or- 8ass l0/l0 Mlddle 6/l0 Treble 4/l0 Presence 6/l0 Loudness One 4/l0 Loudness Two 6/l0
Marshall Sllver 1ubllee- 8ass l0/l0 Mlddle 6/l0 Treble 6/l0 Presence 6/l0 Output 6/l0 Lead 9/l0 Galn l0/l0
Pender Showman- 8ass l0/l0 Mlddle 6/l0 Treble 2/l0 Presence 4/l0 Output l0/l0 Lead 8/l0 Galn 7.5/l0
John Frusciante
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- Pour KT88 power tubes
- LCC82 drlver
- Lnclosed tone stack and feedback loop
- Pour lnputs
- Two Channels (Hlgh, Low)
- Actlve tone controls
- Approxlmately l200 produced
Paul 1oseph Stewart
Page 7
A John Mayer Discussion Board. 2010.
Two-Rock Boutique Guitar Amplifcation. 2010.
Fender. 2010.
Martin & Co. 2010.
John Frusciante Gear. 2007.
John Frusciantes Guitar Gear Rig and Equipmement. 2007.
John Frusciantes Guitar Rig and Pedal Board. 2007.
John Frusicantes Pedal Board, Holy Crap! 2006.
John Frusciante, The Red Hot Chili Peppers. 2001.
Red Hot Chili Peppers John Frusciante. 2006.
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