Assignments 12 of

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Video Storyboard

Name of video: Get Pearson SuccessNet! Background: Pearson screenshot Co or!"#pe!Si$e of %ont: Co or screenshot &ith orange te't (o'es using ( ack te't) Pearson *e(site &&&)pearsonsuccessnet)com Actua te't: Description of this scene: Assignments Screen 12 of Narration: Assignments Step 1: C ick on the P anning ta( to get assignments) Step 2: C ick on the Assignments Su( ta() Step +: C ick on dropdo&n (o' and se ect ,eading Success "racker) Step -: Se ect Grade .eve Step /: Se ect ,eading Step 0: Se ect Categor# Step 1: Se ect Ne't

Audio: Se f 2oiceover "ransition to ne't c ip: S ide &i fade in and fade out to the ne't s ide) Animation: Audience 3nteraction: Audience &i fo o& steps to assign assignments)

3nspiration for this document: 4aricopa Communit# Co ege) http:!!&&&)mc i)dist)maricopa)edu!authoring!studio!inde')htm

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