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Video Storyboard

Name of video: Get Pearson SuccessNet! Background: Is Pearson SuccessNet screenshot using ing! Screen si%e: .......... Color"#$pe"Si%e of &ont: /0:12 3:42 4:2 Pearson 'e(site )))!pearsonsuccessnet!com *ctual te+t: Classes Build Ne) Classes Class"Group Name Period Num(er Select availa(le products Description of this scene: Build a Class Screen 2 of Narration:
Group One of your first tasks in SuccessNet is to create a class or group. To create a class or group: 1. On your top navigation menu, select Classes and then click uild Ne! Classes. The "nter Class#Group $etails page appears. %n the Class#Group name field, type the name of the class or group you !ant to create. %n the &eriod num'er field, type the class period. This numeric field allo!s up to t!o characters. %f you don(t use class periods, leave this field 'lank. %n the Select availa'le products list, select the products you !ant to use in this class or group. Click Save. The ne! class or group is listed on the )anage Classes page. Creating a Class or

5Sketch screen here noting color2 place2 si%e of graphics if an$6

*udio: Personal ,oiceover

#ransition to ne+t clip: Screen )ill fade out and ne+t slide )ill fade in! *nimation: *udience Interaction:

Inspiration for this document: -aricopa Communit$ College! http:"")))!mcli!dist!maricopa!edu"authoring"studio"inde+!html

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