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Video Storyboard

Name of video: Get Pearson SuccessNet! Background: o!or"#$pe"Si%e of &ont: Pearson 'e(site Screen si%e: 6666666666 )))*pearsonsuccessnet*com 17:83 9::3 ::2 +ctua! te,t: Description of this scene: Pearson Sign In Screen Screen 1 of 20 Narration: Logging In -emem(er that (oth $our user name and pass)ord are case.sensitive* To log in to SuccessNet:
1* /pen the SuccessNet app!ication using $our assigned 0-1* 2,amp!es are: )))*pearsonsuccessnet*com )))*ph!iton!ine*com )))*(io!og$*com /n the Welcome page3 t$pe $our user name in the User name fie!d* #$pe $our pass)ord in the Password fie!d* !ick Log in* 4our SuccessNet home page appears* #he !ook and fee! of the home page varies* 4our home page appearance is (ased on the products $ou use* ;Sketch screen here noting co!or3 p!ace3 si%e of graphics if an$<


#ransition to ne,t c!ip: Screen )i!! fade out and fade in to the ne,t screen* +nimation: +udience Interaction:

Inspiration for this document: 5aricopa


o!!ege* http:"")))*mc!i*dist*maricopa*edu"authoring"studio"inde,*htm!

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