Stoplight Report Sheet1

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SepLember 2013
lssue/roblem CompleLe
S1 have own sLa mLgs ln addluon Lo
S8 mLgs
Chrlsu wlll be schedullng a S1 sLa meeung early 2014.
Cemng all lnformauon/LesL resulLs for
pLs 3 days ouL--now sLa are sull Lrylng
Lo geL lnfo day prlor or Lhe uCS--pLs
have laLe apLs wlLh C--lnfo noL gemng
Lo S1
We wlll conunually monlLor Lhls. 8alsed awareness wlLh Lhe
surgeon omce sLa and S1 has sLarLed sendlng a new fax form
Lo surgeons 3 days prlor Lo C8 Lo lnform Lhem of mlsslng lLems.
osLop educauon for orLho and back
SuA's ln S8 wlll be holdlng for >3 hrs
Lana wlll be addresslng Lhls wlLh addluonal educauon.
Could more Web ln-servlces be CL
accredlLed? lvC sedauon,
morphlne/oplod, MP
Lana has a plan and ls worklng Lowards havlng more CL accredlLed web-
lnservlces. Look for Lhem ln Lhe fuLure.
auenLs complalnlng abouL belng asked
for money before gemng oLher
lnformauon abouL Lhelr surgery.
1hls lssue was broughL Lo auenL llnanclal Servlces.
Conunue updaung hase ll educauon as
pracuces change (uld boluses, nausea
mangemenL, lv pump programmlng,
ranges for hyperLenslon based on ages,
paln raung scales, eLc).
1hls was addressed aL Lhe SepLember 2013 sLa meeung "lamlly
leud" sLyle.
noL enough sLreLchers/beds on busy
SLreLcher/8ed numbers wlll be conunually evaluaLed as volumes
change wlLh CAM.
need a place Lo keep faxed 8xs unul Lhe
end of Lhe day ln case Lhe pharmacy
doesn'L have Lhe rlghL lnformauon.
8eLh creaLed a process and communlcaLed Lo sLa.
rocess unclear for "dlmculL Lo
lnLubaLe" pLs
1he quesuons needlng clarlcauon have been answered wlLh Lhe
lnpuL of ur. uoud. karen k wlll be sharlng Lhls lnformauon wlLh
S8/ACu sLa vla emall.
SLopllghL 8eporL
SepLember 2013
SLamng ln S8 ln Lhe evenlng
ulscussed wlLh kk/uu/CC. When sLamng for Lhe nexL day, Lhe
1100 Ln/8n shl wlll noL be changed.
lssue/roblem Work ln rogress
P&'s - confuslng for preop sLa -
need sLandardlzauon
Worklng on sLandardlzlng arrlval ume of P& for all pLs. ur.
uuey has a Leam worklng on Lhls currenLly.
C8 reporL Lo ACu
u8Cs worklng on, nexL surg servlces comblned meeung
scheduled ln uecember. Also, worklng wlLh !amle AbberLon and
ur. uoud for lnLerlm soluuons.
AvS concerns (Loo much, Loo llule,
lnaccuraLe lnformauon)
l1 formlng a Leam Lo re-evaluaLe AvS sysLem.
Crmev glven lnLraop--cannoL glve paln
meds wlLh aceLomlnophen prlor Lo
Lana conunues Lo work on Lhls lssue. She wlll conunue Lo updaLe sLa
as more lnformauon ls avallable.
Wrong slzed cus on pauenLs, even Lhe
new longer adulL slze
Chrlsu ls looklng lnLo speclal radlal cus
need more porLable lv poles for beds.
arucularly for CAs
Chrlsu ls currenLly looklng lnLo Lhls. Worklng wlLh Level 3, C8,
and 1ransporLer Leadershlp.
lncrease 8n/Ln Leams ln posL op Lo
help wlLh ow.
SLamng Leam for S8 worklng on Lhls lssue and has broughL
forward. Wlll conunue Lo evaluaLe sLamng needs dally. Also,
explorlng opuon of posL op charge belng a oaL 8n Lo help wlLh
Lhese lssues also.
Mlrror near back 20 ln S8 for ACu
A work order has been placed Lo lnsLall a mlrror on Lhe column aL
LhaL lnLersecuon.
Lockers for SuA pLs ln guesL lounge Chrlsu wlll look lnLo Lhe avallablllLy of lockers.
Cllnlcal SecreLarles explaln pagers Lo
famllles lnsLead of preop 8ns
1he Cllnlcal secreLarles are ln Lhe process of updaung Lhe lamlly
lnformauon SheeL. 1hey have already sLarLed wrlung Lhe case
number on Lhe lamlly lnformauon SheeL.
lssue/roblem CannoL do aL Lhls ume and here's why
S1 SecreLary hours - posslbly move
Lhem laLer when CAM comes
SLa schedule ad[usLmenLs due Lo CAM wlll be evaluaLed as volumes
"new orders" lcon Lo dlerenuaLe b/L
pre and posL-op new orders
May be avallable wlLh fuLure Lplc upgrades buL unable Lo do aL
Lhls ume.
8esource schedule- Can Lhey have Lhe
ablllLy Lo requesL no laLe or early shl lf
no oLher requesLs o exlsL?
Cnce Lhe schedule ls posLed we do noL expecL 0.2 l1L sLa Lo change
shls wlLhouL belng asked. 1he shl would only be changed lf Lhe
lndlvldual was agreeable. 8efore Lhe schedule ls posLed, Lhe
scheduled shl can change wlLhouL gemng prlor approval from sLa
SepLember 2013
rlnLer ln back S1 omce, makes for less
CurrenLly Lhere are 2 prlnLers ln S1. lL has been deLermlned LhaL lL
would noL be scally responslble Lo add one aL Lhls ume. Wlll evaluaLe
agaln as volumes conunue Lo change.

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