Section I-Balance of Plant - Introduction & Coverage 1.0

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POWER PLANT INSTRUMENTATION PRACTICES Of Plant Chapter no name: XI Balance Section no: 1.

0 Introduction

Section IBalance of plant ---- Introduction & Coverage 1.0 Introduction: Balance of Plant for a power plant can be defined in many ways, for
example some defines t is as t e controls outside main power plant control, suc as controls pertinent to coal andling plant, as andling plant etc! In t is boo" all t ese auxiliary plants ave be clustered toget er under #ff Site Plant group and ave been covered in C apter II! In t is boo" entire control system as been put in t e following groups

Boiler Control System$ C apter %III&' Control systems directly related wit boiler controls suc as (SSS, Combustion control, Steam temperature controls , )P Bypass etc! *+ control system$ C apter I,&' * is includes control systems directly related to turbine controls, suc as -*.S, /P Bypass system, )0 seal oil controls, Condenser level control etc! Coordinated control System $ C apter ,&' Co ordination in control between various Balance of plant control System$ C apter ,I&' Balance control loop mainly related wit various e1uipment, and regenerative systems! In case of Co generation 2Combine cycle plants, all controls ot er t an +* proper etc are termed as Balance of Plant controls! (rom t e discussion above it is clear t at Balance of plant as suc may mean a number of t ings so, it is better to discuss t e coverage of controls under t is category! * e control loops discussed below s all be covered under t is category in t is c apter ,I! o o o B(P .ecirculation control C3P .ecirculation control +land steam control $ min (low control+land steam )eader pressure control covered in C apter I,& )eater %I temperature control 4eaerator Pressure control$ 4eaerator level control covered in C apter I,& )P & /P )eater /evel controls$ bot normal and emergency& *urbine -uxiliary Steam system$ e5ector control&

o o o o

1.1 Control Valve & Actuator ----General Control %alve is one of t e wea" lin" in t e w ole control loop, and it is very important to select proper selection of t e valves! * e most important aspects related to control valves are Control valve si6e *rim c aracteristic 7#C of various valve components Selection of correct actuator wit 2wit out positioner

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POWER PLANT INSTRUMENTATION PRACTICES Of Plant Chapter no name: XI Balance Section no: 1.0 Introduction

Proper accessories

-n improper selection of control valve type will result wrong gain for t e system, also improper characteristics will also result erroneous gain, degrading t e control loop performance! Properly selected actuator will result very little bac" las , dead band etc! and t en bac" las 8dead band8 ysteresis! #ften it as been found t at w en t e valve2 (C3 starts 2stops wit 5er"s! * is is due S*IC*I#9 w ic is t e resistance offered to start a motion! #n account of stiction, position of t e air cylinder overs oots 5er"ily and may move wit 5er"s! * is appens w en t e static friction exceeds dynamic friction! : en t ere is stiction t en t ere will be overs oot and oscillation may ta"e place! %alve fluctuation not only causes t e poor performance but may result degradation of plant performance and may be responsible for mec anical damage wear and tear of main mec anical e1uipment! -ll t ese result in loss for t e plant and return on investment is poor! : en a product is to be selected t en t e total system s all be suc t at it offers safe trouble free performance! (or a control valve, it refers to proper selection of sizing, materials, characteristics, ating etc. (or furt er details ; Control valve *ec nical specification< publis ed by IS- may be referred to! Basically all control valves si6ing ave been driven from IS- S=>!?@ Standard! I3C >AB-0-@ & >BA-0-0 are also very close to IS- standard! In t e following clauses brief discussions on control valve si6ing as been presented! 4etails about t e Control valve si6ing is available in t e aforesaid standard, Si6ing catalogs publis ed by 7anufacturers, and in most of t e text boo"s! (#. SP3CI(CI9+ C#9*.#/ %-/%3S IS- (#.7 S0?!>?$Control %alve 4ata S eet& 7-C B3 (I//34 I9! -/S# 43*-I/ I9S*.DC*I#9 (#. (I//I9+ DP S0?!>? IS -%-I/-B/3 (.#7 IS-! )owever before t at it is better to define a few terminology related to control valves and actuators as is given in t e table %I2@!@-@below' *able %I2@!@-@' Commonly used Control %alve *erminologies
!erminolog" #efinition
It is an e%ternall" po&ered device &hich supplies the motive force re'uired for control valve movement. It can (e )lectrical, *"draulic or +neumatic +art of the control valve &hich hold pac$ing (o%, stem seal and can guide the stem movement. ,onnet &ith greater dimension (et&een the (onnet flange and pac$ing (o%. -sed in *ot . cold service for (etter heat transfer ate of flo& through a valve under stated conditions !his include all the component mounted on the valve (od" re'uired for its operation. Valve (od" assem(l", Actuator, +ositioner, air set, /imit.!or'ue s&itches, position transducer etc form a part of it. !he range through &hich input can (e varied &ithout an" o(serva(le change in output signal. i.e the amount of controller out put &ithout o(serva(le change in process varia(le *igh and lo& pressure applied to the diaphragm to produce rated valve plug travel &ith atmospheric pressure in valve (od" often referred to as Bench set It is the sum of internal energ" and product of volume & associated pressure. In thermod"namic process it is the measure of energ" that cannot (e transformed in to mechanical &or$ elation (et&een the fluid flo& through the valve and the 0 of rate travel 1 2-12203 4lo& characteristic &hen constant #+ is maintained across the control valve An inherent flo& characteristics of the valve, &hich causes )50 change in flo& in the e%isting flo& for e'ual change in travel.


Actuator Bonnet Bonnet Extension Capacity Control Valve Assembly Dead Band Diaphragm Pressure Range Enthalpy Entropy Flow Characteristic Flow Characteristic nherent Flow Characteristics E! Percentage Flow Characteristics "inear


See Cl!@!A!@ See Cl!@!A!@

An inherent flo& characteristic &hich can (e represented ideall" (" a straight line in a rectangular plot of 4lo& V6 0 !ravel

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POWER PLANT INSTRUMENTATION PRACTICES Of Plant Chapter no name: XI Balance Section no: 1.0 Introduction

Flow Characteristics !uic# $pening %ysteresis nstalled Valve gain "ondon Pressure Process &ain 'aximum Flow Rate 'inimum Flow Rate

An inherent flo& characteristics in &hich there is ma%imum flo& for minimum 0 travel !he ma%imum difference in output, for an" single input, &hile input is, in increasing and in decreasing. In a cali(ration c"cle. !he ratio of change flo& through the valve t the change in 0 travel of the valve under actual process conditions. It is the amount of pressure re'uired to to position a pneumatic actuator !he ratio of the change in the controlled process varia(le to the corresponding changes in the controller output !his flo& condition shall (e consistent &ith plant or e'uipment operational ma%imum flo& condition. !he ma%imum flo& condition is generall" governing case for re'uired ma%imum Cv !his flo& rate shall (e consistent &ith plant turndo&n re'uirement or e'uipment turndo&n capa(ilit". !he minimum flo& condition generall" su(7ects control valve to the highest differential pressure condition. !he minimum flo& conditions are generall" the governing case for the re'uired trim performance. !his flo& condition generall" referred to as the design flo& or material (alance flo&. atio of ma%imum to minimum flo& &ithin &hich inherent flo& characteristics does not change the stated limit. Value of flo& capacit" at full open position !he area of contact (et&een the closure mem(er and the associated mating surface that &ould cause complete shut off of te valve. It is related &ith valve lea$age. 8et contact *orce determines the seat load. !ime parameter ,is defined as the time interval (et&een first detecta(le change and output reaches 9:0 of the final stead" state value due a step change in the input. A part of a valve trim that surrounds closure mem(er. !he &hole closure assem(l" often referred to Valve +lug !he orifice of the control valve &hich controls the flo& through it. 1there ma" (e difference in size (et&een (od" size and port size3 !he internal component of a valve that modulate the flo& of the controlled fluid. In a glo(e control valve this shall include, seat ring1 sitting surface for closure mem(er3, cage, stem along &ith Closure ;em(er.

See Cl!@!A!@

Cont %alve IS+uide PP BEFBE=

(ormal Flow Rate Range ability Rated Cv )eat

+ime constant Valve Cage Valve Plug Valve Port Valve +rim


@!0 Control %alve Si6ing ' (#. SP3CI(CI9+ C#9*.#/ %-/%3S IS- (#.7 S0?!>?$Control %alve 4ata S eet& 7-C B3 (I//34 I9! -/S# 43*-I/ I9S*.DC*I#9 (#. (I//I9+ DP S0?!>? IS -%-I/-B/3 (.#7 IS-! 4iscussions on control valve as been started wit si6ing so t at reader can come across various terms and t eir implication related to control valves! Si6ing & selection of control valve is incomplete wit out any discussion on control valve c aracteristics so same as been presented 5ust after t is!

*o Specify t e 4esired valve design say Pr! Class , *rim c aracteristic,, %alve type etc! *o Specify t e Process (luid ' +as, #il, Steam, :ater etc! Service conditions ' Dsed Symbols$Sym& and meanings are as per IS- +uide lines 7eaning
%alve (low Coefficient 9ominal valve si6e

Cv d

Gg +1

+as Specific gravity Dp Stream -bs static Pr!

; 8

7olecular wt 9umerical const! for unit conversions %ol! flow 'ma% $ c o"ed

Pipe I4


Dp Stream -bs static Pr!


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POWER PLANT INSTRUMENTATION PRACTICES Of Plant Chapter no name: XI Balance Section no: 1.0 Introduction flow at up stream pr 44 4$ 4/ /i1uid critical ratio factor .atio of Sp )eat (actors .ated (actor Pr! .ecovery +c +v =+ -bs Critical Pressure %ap Pr--bs Pressure drop $P@-P0& !1 & % *emperature in G 7ass flow rate .atio =+. +1


Combined Pr! .ecovery factor & +eometry factor wit fittings attac ed


7ax allowable Pr!4rop$/i1id& =+ma% /+ same but valve wit fittings Sp!wt at inlet condition .atio of Sp eat

%! . %!+

.ated pressure drop factor wit out attac ment!2 If t ere is attac ment t en it is ,*P 3xpansion factor Compressibility factor

4p Gf

Pipe geometry factor /i1uid Specific gravity

>1 $

? @

In t e following table various constants are defined wit Pressure base of @?@!A"Pa2@!?@Abar & all pressures in absolute $-bs& pressure! a few factors suc (/, x*, Cd $ defined in clause @!0!@!B& etc are available in manufacturerHs table for representative si6ing co efficient $ guide line available in IS- standard calculation &! @!0!@ Si6ing for /i'uid 6ervices$ above table may be referred to for symbols& 1. Si6ing formula for volume flow ' Cv8 1 . 9 (p$=+.Gf31.< : ere 98 ?!?EF> $w en 1 in mA2 r, p in GPa& I 9 8?!EF> w en 1 in mA2 r, p in bar& & 98 @ if all in (PS! 2. Si6ing formula mass flow Cv 8 w . 9 (p$=+A >31.< : ere 98 0!=A $w en w in Gg2 r, p in GPa & > in Gg2mA & I 98 0=!A $w en w in Gg2 r, p in bar & > in Gg2mA && 98 FA!A if all in (PS! 3. Based on t e above Cv %alve si6e is selected from manufacturerHs table against particular valve design selected for t e service! * en , (p is determined! to finally get accurate Cv value! (p can be calculated as per t e formula below' (p 8 J@ K LG29 $Cv2d0&0M@20 w ere 98 ?!??0@B w en d or 4 in mm, 98EN? w en d or 4 in inc LG8 G@KG0K GB@-GB0 w ere G@& G0 are resistance coefficient of up stream & down stream fittings! GB@& GB0 are inlet outlet BurnoullieHs co efficient for inlet and outlet! If inlet and outlet pipe si6e of t e control valve is same t en GB@2GB0 J GB8 @-$d24&BM will be e1ual ence may be omitted! (or inlet reducer B1 C2.DE1-1d<.#<3F< & (or outlet .educer B< CE1-1d<.#<3F< B! 9ow to c ec" t e c o"e flow condition! 7ax flow wit allowable drop is determined by 'ma% C 8A4/ACvAE1+1-44+v3.GfF1.< w ere 9 8?!EF> w en 1 in mA2 r, p in bar& & 98 @ if all in (PS & (( 8 ?!NF-?!0E$Pv2Pc&@20 If t ere are attac ed fittings t en (/ s all be replaced wit FLP/FP w ere FLP= [{(K1+KB1)/N}{Cv2/d4}+(1/FL)2 d or 4 in inc

w en 98 ?!??0@B w en d or 4 in mm, 98EN? w en

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POWER PLANT INSTRUMENTATION PRACTICES Of Plant Chapter no name: XI Balance Section no: 1.0 Introduction

N"te # $he %i&'id press're rec"very (act"r F L is a (')cti") "( rati" *et+ee) ,a%ve press're dr"p a)d press're di((ere)tia% *et+ee) i)%et a)d press're at ve)a c")tracta FL= [(-P)/(P1!Pvc) 1/2 ,a%'es "( di((ere)t FL ("r vari"'s va%ve desi.) are avai%a*%e i) /a)'(act'rer 0s ta*%e ("r the partic'%ar desi.) ( a%s" avai%a*%e 123 2ta)dard ("r ,a%ve si4i). ) 5e%ative ,a%ve capacity # Cd= Cv/d2 is 'se('% (act"r i) esta*%ishi). the e((ect "( .e"/etry "( di((ere)t va%ve desi.) +hich a((ects the press're %"ss ("r a .ive) (%"+6 $h's it i)dicates press're rec"very i) di((ere)t sty%e a)d desi.) "( va%ves6 (( 8 ?!NF-?!0E$Pv2Pc&@20 if =+ ma% O =+ t en t ere is c o"e flow condition. So Cv to be recalculated wit replacing PP wit PP max ! to avoid cavitation, as discussed in t e following clauses!
=+ ma% C4/<1+1-44A+v3


Cavitation1+< G +v3 : -pparently easy but not completely understood fluid dynamic p enomenon is related to BernoulliHs t eorem! It is related wit pressure recovery factor in a control valve meant for li1uid services!


: ile controlling t e flow, a control valve creates a pressure drop in t e fluid! -s t e pressure drops t e velocity ead increases due to restriction! In t e flow pat , at a point t e fluid reac es maximum velocity its pressure is minimum t is point is called %ena Contracta w ere Pressure is minimum wit ig est velocity! If t is minimum static pressure goes below /i1uid vapor pressure t en at t e given temperature t e li1uid bubbles will be formed! Past t e vena contracta t e fluid decelerates and pressure recovery ta"es place as s own in figure no! %I2@!0!0-@! -s t e static pressure recovers and goes above t e /i1uid %apor pressure e Bubbles will immediately bac" to li1uid! * is p OCCUR. enomenon is I& P ' P" t (!)*!+ ,a-or -re$$*re.collapse /en CA,ITATION MA0 # "nown " as C-%I*-*I#9! * e collapse of bubbles produce ig energy implosion! * is implosion ig impact force and metal fractures causing erosion!




P" P"# P12 In(e Pre$$*re P2 o* (e Pre$$*re P"# 2 Pre$$*re a "ena #on ra# a &!g ,I/1.2.2-1 Pre$$*re -rof!(e !n a #on ro( "a("e
*ypically in +lobe valve P@ - Pvc is about @0>Q of PP if Pvc R Pv vena contracta will not occur.

2. Major nega !"e effe# of #a"! a !on$ are %

.estriction of fluid flow +eneration of ig noise

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POWER PLANT INSTRUMENTATION PRACTICES Of Plant Chapter no name: XI Balance Section no: 1.0 Introduction

Cause %ibration2 ammering to cause damage Plug 2cage and guide! 3rosion of metal surface as stated above! 3. * e 3ffect of Cavitation is 1uite destructive and loo" wise also it is destructive! * e time
re1uired for suc destruction depends t e severity of cavitations as well as on t e material used! Since inlet pressure is proportional to energy available for cavitations, so ig er inlet pressure will cause more damage due to Cavitation! : en t e calculated, re1uired (/ is more t an t e rated (/ for t e valve t e Cavitation effect will more! Some of t e special design trim available in t e mar"et are meant to fig t cavitations! Some of t em are Self 4ragS , (las (loS etc!


-ll -nti trim design valves are designed and tested wit water as medium, but may not be t e same for different li1uids used in t e industry! Since :ater as defined vapor Pressure and collapse is instantaneously t e effect of Cavitation in water is more severe w en compared wit )ydrocarbons$ may not ave defined vapor pressure&)owever in case of power plant suc problems are mainly in water application! C o"ed (low' -s stated in clause @!0!A!0 in t is section, t at t e cavitations restricts t e flowT * e vapor bubbles formed at %ena contracta try to restrict flow increasingly until t e flow is completely c o"ed! 9ormally w en PP is increased, t en flow s all increase! : ereas in c o"ed flow condition li1uid flow will not increase even if PP is increased! *ill t e point of incipient of Cavitation, $C&@20 is proportional to flow, t en from t is point starts bending and at c o"ed flow condition it is completely ori6ontal! Since it is almost impossible to define point of damage so, Critical Pressure 4rop factor ( /$ (/P & is used to rate t e trim type!


F! Cavitation avoidance' - few suggestive met ods to eliminate Cavitation as been discussed below' a! b! Dse of ardened materials can avoid mild intermittent Cavitation! .evised process condition' i! *o reduce operating temperature $so t at %apor may not form& to eliminate Cavitation!

!!. *o install t e control valve wit c ance of Cavitation at t e lowest point

wit low PP! -lso Control valve s all be placed as close as possible to t e pump c! %alve Selection' In case of possibility of Cavitation, %alves may be selected suc a design to ave less pressure recovery factor!

+. Installation' a number of control valves in series may elp in eliminating t e

c ance of Cavitation!

e. 7aterials ' Some of t e materials li"e Stellite FB , Stellite F ave very ig

anticavitation resistance, as well as ave excellent corrosion resistance materials, but are rat er costly! : ereas Stainless steel B@?, Stainless steel type @=-B P) ave good anticavitation resistance wit excellent corrosion resistance at moderate cost! In power plant application are used extensively!

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POWER PLANT INSTRUMENTATION PRACTICES Of Plant Chapter no name: XI Balance Section no: 1.0 Introduction


(or C oc"ed flow reduced trim 4esign is recommended in IS- tec nical guide line!

@!0!A Si6ing for Compressi(le fluid Services$ above table may be referred to for symbols& @! Si6ing formula for v"%'/e (%"+ +ith speci(ic .ravity "( .as is specified$Compressible fluid& ' Cv 8 12C@U$x2+gU*@UV&@20 w ere C18 9U(pUP@UC ( (("r N"r/a% c")diti") "( $N=78C) = 96:4 (+ith & i) /9/hr P i) KPa) #. = 9:4 (+ith & i) /9/hr P i) *ar) +he) te/perat're i) K ( (("r 2$; c")diti") "( $2=1<6<8C) = 461= (+ith & i) /9/hr P i) KPa ) #. = 41= (+ith & i) /9/hr P i) *ar) +he) te/perat're i) K ( (("r 2$; c")diti") "( $N=>78F = 19>7 (+ith & i) sc(h P i) psia) te/perat're i) 5
* e 3xpansion factor C is important for compressible fluid valve si6ing calculation! C factor is affected by Pressure drop ratio x Internal geometry of t e valve .eynoldHs 9umber (actor " .atio of port area to body area! ---x* is responsible for t is as well as for valve geometry and pressure drop ratio!

? C 1-1%.:A4$A%!3 Hhere 4$ C$.1.I here %! is pressure drop ratio to produce critical flo& 1 &ith 4$C13 Condition of critical pressure drop occurs &hen %G 4$A%! 1or %!+ see s"m(ol ta(le3. At that condition: ?C 1-1.:C2.99J. It signifies that at constant +1 , flo& &ill not increase even if =+ is increased due to critical pressure condition. !his means it should (e such that ? G 2.99J

0! ! Si6ing formula for v"%'/e (%"+ +ith ?"%ec'%ar of gas is specified$Compressible fluid& Cv 8 12C<U$x27U*@UV&@20 w ere C<8 9U(pUP@UC ( (("r N"r/a% c")diti") "( $N=78C) = 2162 (+ith & i) /9/hr P i) KPa) #. = 2127 (+ith & i) /9/hr P i) *ar) +he) te/perat're i) K ( (("r 2$; c")diti") "( $2=1<6<8C) = 2264 (+ith & i) /9/hr P i) KPa ) #. = 2247 (+ith &i) /9/hr P i) *ar) +he) te/perat're i) K ( (("r 2$; c")diti") "( $N=>78F = =927 (+ith & i) sc(h P i) psia) te/perat're i) 5

C factor s all be same w at as been discussed above in @!0!0!@ A! Si6ing formula for /ass (%"+ +ith ?"%ec'%ar of gas is specified$Compressible fluid& Cv 8 w2C:U$xU72*@UV&@20 : ere C:8 9U(pUP@UC

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POWER PLANT INSTRUMENTATION PRACTICES Of Plant Chapter no name: XI Balance Section no: 1.0 Introduction

( = 76:4@ (+ith + i) K./hr P i) KPa) #. = :46@ (+ith + i) K./hr P i) *ar) +he) te/perat're i) K ( = 1:69 (+ith & i) %*/hr P i) psia) te/perat're i) 5 C factor s all be same w at as been discussed above in @!0!0!@ B! Si6ing formula for /ass (%"+ +ith 2peci(ied W@ of gas is specified$Compressible fluid& Cv 8 w2CIU$xUP@ UW@&@20 : ere CI8 9U(pUC : ere 98 0!=A $w en w in Gg2 r, p in GPa & > in Gg2mA & I 98 0=!A $w en w in Gg2 r, p in bar & > in Gg2mA && 98 FA!A if all in (PS! C factor s all be same w at as been discussed above in @!0!0!@ 4. 4etermination #f ,*P ' If control valve is wit attac ed fittings t en t is factor can be determined from ,*P8 ,*2(P0J@K$,*UG29&$Cv02dB&M-@ G8 G@KGB@ w ere 98 ?!??0B@ w en d or 4 in mm, 98@??? w en d or 4 in inc ! * is is determined to accurately calculate Cv @!0!B! (las ing /i1uid'$ +< K+v & : enever t e downstream pressure of t e control valves becomes e1ual or below t e vapor pressure of t e li1uid t en t e li1uid will flas i!e! goes in to vaporT +< K+v! * is is somew at similar to cavitations but not exactly same, as because ere down stream pressure will not recover and t e bubbles will not collapse as it appens in cavitations$ discussed later&! )owever t is p ase c ange may result in ig velocity to cause erosion of t e metal! : ile si6ing t e valve for flas ing application , it is necessary to si6e t e valve at c o"ed flow condition! 4own stream pipe s ould be large enoug to accommodate additional volume! It is necessary to calculate %apor fraction t e velocity of t is vapori6ed mixture$ ref ' IS- control valve si6ing standard&! Since due to erosion, t e t ic"ness of t e body will be reduced $ O acceptable code& so Body material s all be c osen suitably! C rome molybdenum $:CF& steel may be used also body may be angular!! Cage control trim2 multiple orifices may be used! In flas ing services wit PP O A!>Gg2cm0, ardened trims may suffice!! In power plants w ile si6ing steam drain valves & eater drain valves $ especially draining to condenser& due considerations s all be given on to t is approac ! .educed trim design could be a better option

I ISA recommendation for Cavitation, Choked Flow and Flashing : ISA S75.01 -ISA guide and Sellers valve Cavitation index data shall be used for determination of severity of Cavitation, choked flow or Flashing condition. Following techniques for Cavitation resistant valves may be followed (REF; p.191 ISA GUIDE) Reduce the pressure in multiple stage Direct flow away from valve body, pipe wall Break the flow in many small streams Force the flow through multiple turns or tortuous path

@!0!> -fter t e Cv calculation one need to find t e body si6e by matc ing t e calculated Cv wit t e C aracteristic curve of t e valve to see t at Calculated C v meet t e criterion set by IS- or better! -s per IS- *ec nical Specification trim capacity s all meet t e following '

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POWER PLANT INSTRUMENTATION PRACTICES Of Plant Chapter no name: XI Balance Section no: 1.0 Introduction

@! 0! A!

-n e1ual Q trim s all open maximum N>Q travel to meet t e maximum flow (or /inear 2Xuic" #pening s all open N?Q travel to meet t e maximum flow! In +eneral designs are done wit little conservative in t e sense so t at later date little capacity increase does not necessitate c ange of t e control valve but can accommodate t e flow!

@!0!F .educed *rim -pplications' Control valves wit reduced trim s all be considered for t e following application as per IS- guide line Pressure drop R >@=? GPa C o"ed flow (las ing flowR >Q :t of /i1uid 3rosive fluid +as flow wit outlet velocity ?!Amac $NN72S&

9oise RE>dB-$ measured @ 7eter away&

(uture capacity increase @!A Control %alve C aracteristics '


* e relations ip between control valve capacity and valve travel is "nown as (low C aracteristics of control %alve! Control valve c aracteristics , range ability , gain, turn down ratio all are interrelated! -s per B!+! /ipta" -ll t ese ;describe t e personality of valve!< * ese are important in t e sense t at all t ese parameters in con5unction wit different elements in a control loop decides t e performance of t e entire loop! #ne control loop consists of Sensor, controller actuator control valve & process as s own below

K -

Pro#e$$ 5P

Con . ,ar!a7(e

Loa +

,a("e 5"

A# *a or

Con ro(( er


(ig %I2@!A!@ -@ Control loop! /et t e component ave t eir own gain say Ga8-ctuator gain, Gc 8controller gain Gp 8 Process gain, Gs 8 Sensor gain Gv 8 %alve gain, so overall gain of t e loop is G8 GaUGcUGpUGsU Gv $ if 8 constant&! -s long as t e overall gain is constant it is stable! 9ow out of all t ese it is clear t at if controller gain is independent of load t en as long as GpU Gv is constant ,t e system is stable as t e overall gain is constant! 7eaning t at c anges in process as direct impact on control valve gain $ assuming controller is not c anging wit load c ange&! -ll t ese preambles were to establis t at control valve gain is again related to t e control valve c aracteristics! So before any discussion on control

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valve c aracteristics it is necessary to discuss control valve gain! : en t e control valve gain varies at a constant rate wit load $ flow& t en t e valve gain is called e1ual percentage! If t e control valve drops wit load 2 flow t en ,it is 1uic" opening type! If t ere is no variation of valve gain wit flow2 load$ i!e t e load and gain is related in constant gradient relations ip&, t en it is linear If t e valve gain s ows some ot er nonlinear c aracteristic wit load t en t ey may be named as s1uare root, parabolic, yperbolic etc! as s own in (ig no !' &!g No.

,I/1.3-2 ,a("e #/ara# er!$ !#$

&!g No. ,I/1.3.1-2 ,a("e #/ara# er!$ !#$

* e valve gain is t e slope of t e c racteristics of curve i!e PX 2 P *r ! %alve gain is influeneced by %alve si6e, Pressure drop, %alve C aracteristic, as well by flow! .efering to fig no! %I2@!A-A * e pump c aracteristics!

&!g No. ,I/1.3.1-3 P*8- #/ara# er!$ !#$9 S:$ e8 re$!$ an#e;

It is seen t at t e pump disc arge pressure drops wit t e increase in load or flow! 9ow as t e PP of valve increase wit flow so t e valve gain drops wit load! * is suggests t at after installation t e valve gain c anges! * is is Installed valve gain! So w en actual flow is plotted against corresponding valve opening , installed valve c aracteristics are obtained and t is is 1uite different from t e t eoritical one w ere constant PP as been considered in testing!

2. * umb rule for valve c aracteristic for various application!I * e aim of t ese discussion is to
find some t mb rule to select t e control valve c aracteristic for various application! -t t e time of tuning of controller it is done at nominal load of t e loop wit t e assumption t at t e loop gain $ except -daptive gain controller&will not c ange wit load! In practice it is not t e case, w ere t e loop gain c anges wit process load, so some t ing need to be done to compensate for t e deviation from t eoritical valueT i!e! t e control valve c aracteristics s all be c osen to matc t e process type! * ere may be a number of sc ool of t oug ts in selecting t e valve c aracteristics! )owever a table presented below is as recommeneded by standard supplier!

a. *able '%I2 @! A!0- @ (or /evel Application

PP Constant /oad Condition -ll /oad In erent c aracteristic /inear

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POWER PLANT INSTRUMENTATION PRACTICES Of Plant Chapter no name: XI Balance Section no: 1.0 Introduction

PP at 7ax load G0?Q of 7in load PP PP at 7ax load K0?Q of 7in load PP PP at 7ax load G0??Q of 7in load PP PP at 7ax load K0??Q of 7in load PP

PP decreasing increasing PP decreasing increasing PP Increasing increasing PP Increasing increasing

wit wit wit wit

load load load load

/inear 31ual percentage Xuic" #pening /inear

&!g ,I/1.3.2- 1 &(o< "a("e (o#a !on

7. *able '%I2 @! A!0- 0 (or 4lo& Application 1 /ocation of control valve &
flo& signal to the controller are important parameters3 (low signal to t e controller /ocation of Control!valve in relation to flow meter! $(ig 9o! %I2@!A!0-@& S3.I3S BCP-SS S3.I3S BCP-SS .ecommended In erent C aracteristic :ide set point range /inear /inear /inear 31ual percentage Small flow set point rangeU 31ual percentage 31ual percentage 31ual percentage 31ual percentage

Proportional to flow Proportional to flow Proportional to flow s1uare

Uwit large PP c ange wit increasing load

#. *able '%I2 @! A!0- 0 (or +ressure

Application 1 +rocess fluid & time constant is important 3 4ast : 2h"rt pipe %e).th ( Li&'id (%"+ i) pipe) 6lo& : Lar.e v"%'/e ( %"). distri*'ti") %i)eA$a)BA5eceiver ) Valve =+ Irrespective of =+ =+5 ma% K2.< =+5 min =+5 ma% G2.< =+5 min Irrespective of =+ ecommended Characteristic 31ual percentage 31ual percentage /inear 31ual percentage Inherent

4luid /I5-I# /I5-I# /I5-I# GA6

!ime constant 4ast 6lo& 6lo& 4ast

XI/ 1.0- 11 of 20

POWER PLANT INSTRUMENTATION PRACTICES Of Plant Chapter no name: XI Balance Section no: 1.0 Introduction


6lo& 6lo&

=+5 ma% K2.< =+5 min =+5 ma% G2.< =+5 min

31ual percentage /inear

+. (or !emperature Application: C&'a% perce)ta.e characteristics s" (ar is

&'ite .""d ("r te/eprat're app%icati") havi). hi.her ti/e c")sta)t6

e. 5uic$ Lpening Valves are 'sed /ai)%y ("r DN/DFF serviceA i) *atch "r f.
se/ic")ti)'"'s pr"cess +here there /ay *e re&'ire/e)t "( %ar.e (%"+6 .ange ability$ . & & *urn 4own .atio$*&' * ere are two terams 1uite close but are different t ese .angeabilty ' 8 $ 7ax controllable flow&2$7in controllable flow& *urn 4own ratio8 $9ormal 7aximum (low & 2$7in controllable flow& generally normal max flow is considered as ?!= 7ax controllable flow $ as in (low element calculation -verage flow is considered ?!= times max flow & So *8?!= .

3. 6mall and /arge Capacit" Valves - 6plit ranging: In Power plant t ere are a few
application w ere it is necessary to use low capacity as well as )ig capacity control valves in tandem! -uxiliary steam is an example of t e same! 4uring start up period, t e flow demand of auxiliary steam is muc more t an w en t e unit stabilises! 4uring start up time t e valve as to face comparatively low 4P wit ig er demand of flow! #n t e ot er and w en unit is running normal naturally t e demand for aux!steam is low but 4P may be ig er! (or t ese obvious reasons /ow and ig capacity valves are to be used! E"+ t" s+itch these va%vesY-s is clear from (ig no! @!A!A- @a t at during switc ing from large capacity to small capacity t ere is large flactuation in case t e switc ing over is abrupt! (or t is reasons some times t e loop is ta"en in to manual and slowly large capcity valve is opened up and t e ot er one is closed!* is can be done by split range as s own in (ig 9o! @!A!A-@b w en low capacity valve stats opening w en )ig capacity valve is near closing! Suitable overlap between t e two can also be done for better control! by using floating control met od for t e large capacity valve w ic w en is opened slig tly t e small capacity valve opens to meet t e demand! * e swic ing met od as been s own wit electronic circuitry w ic is easier to ac ieve , but can be ac ieved by pneumatic means also! -s S own in (ig no! %I2 @!A!A-@C t ere is anot er "ind of split range controls some times encountered in power plant! In t is type one valve is reverse acting type, and ot er direct acting type! Seat /ea"age Classification ' 1. * e 1uantity of fluid passing t roug a valve assembly w en t e valve is in fully closed position wit Pressure differential , $static pressure& and temperature as specified! -ccording to -9SI B@F!@?B control valves are classified! 3ven t e main function of control valves are designed for t rottling services yet t ey are expected to offer some type of s ut off !



* e s ut off c aracteristic depends on many factors suc as %alve *ype, seat material, guiding, actuator t rust, *ype of fluid $ low viscous fluid cause more lea"age& , pressure drop across t e valve, etc! -part from t ese factors t ere are a few more on w ic t e lea"age depends! - brand new control valve will conform to t e lea"age specification of t e supplier but after use for some time t e lea"age value may c ange to a great extent! * e temperature gradient between t e trim and body, strain in pipe , valve etc would cause more lea"age! -lso w en valve operate at a temperature below specified temperature would also cause lea"age!


%alve /ea"age Classification' Class I * roug %I ! #ut of t em Class I% & %I ave special names suc as a! Class I% ' 7etal to metal Z Gind of lea"age expected from metal plug and metal seat

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POWER PLANT INSTRUMENTATION PRACTICES Of Plant Chapter no name: XI Balance Section no: 1.0 Introduction

7. Class %I ' Soft Seat w ere eit er t e plug or seat or bot are made from soft
Class I II composition material suc as *eflon *able %I2@!B!A-@ (or /ea"age Class $ /ea"age as Q of .ated full Capacity& /ea"ageQ *est 7edium Service PP 2 *ypical Construction *emp! 9# S)#P *3S* Same as Class II,III,I% ?!> -ir B> to >?psid2A!B bar @&Balanced single port single F?psig in *emp range grap ite piston ring, metal seat >? to @0>[( low seat load w ic ever is 0&Balanced double port, metal lower seats, )ig seat load ?!@ Same as above @&Balanced double port, soft seats, low seat load 0& Balanced single port single grap ite piston ring, lapped metal seat medium seat load ?!?@ Same as above @&Balanced 2Dnbalanced single seat *eflon or 7ultiple grap ite piston ring lapped metal seat medium seat load @&Dnbalanced single port soft2lapped metal seat, ig seat load 0& Balanced single port, *eflon piston ring, soft seat ,low seat load Dnbalanced single port low seat lod



O >,@?ml 2min2inc orice dia per psi 4P See Bleow

:ater at @??psig or operating Pressure

Service 4P >? to @0>[(


-ir290 O >?psig or operating pressure at >? @0> [(

*able %I2@!B!A-0 Class %I /ea"age %alues Port 4iameter inc es @ @\ 0 0\ A mm 0> AE >@ FB =F Bubble per minute @ 0 A B F m/ per minute ?!@> ?!A ?!B> ?!F ?!N Port 4iameter inc es B F E @? @0 mm @?0 @>0 0?A 0>B A?> Bubble per minute @@ 0= B> FA E@ m/ per minute @!= B F!=> N @@!>

@!> -ctuator Si6ing ' Before going muc in to t e details , a few fundamental t ings s all be loo"ed into! 3ffort as been made to s ow )ow %alve orientation, and actuator orientation influence t e actuator si6ing!

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Basics of Si6ing -ctuator $ (ig no! %I2@!>-@& 'In a Spring diap ragm actuator any valve position is ac ieved by ma"ing t e total force on stem e1ual to Vero! In t e subse1uent clauses efforts will be made to find various forces! (or t e subse1uent discussions following letters ave been assigned to various variable suc as' ;-< 8 t e area of t e diap ragm, ;< 8 t e air pressure ;G< 8 t e spring constant, ;,< 8 t e spring displacement, ;PP< 8 valve process pressure drop at S ut of pressure --- general practice is to consider t e 7-,I7D7 DPS*.3-7 P.3SSD.3 -S PP unless ensured by a bac" pressure at down stream , ;-v<8 3ffective valve area$ #rifice&! 4uring t e discussion, forces towards downward is arbitrarily c osen as positive! a! .eferring to %I2@!>-@a it is found t at in t is case t e Process (low comes from t e *"tt"/ of t e plug, and goes to outlet from t"p, i!e t e process flow is assisti).! opening of valve! -gain air supply is from t"p, so air will p'sh t e plug to c%"se t e valve by compressing t e spring in t e actuator! )ere it is clear t at t e force of air acting is in positive directions $4irect acting& and it is "pp"sed by spring compression force, a)d force due to Process flow ' Pa U- - PPU -v - GU, 8 ? or Pa U- 8 PPU -v KGU, ]]$a&

So minimum (orce re1uired is to over come is t e s'/ of t e two opposing forces! 9ow if t e orientation is c anged , to examine w at appensY

7. .eferring to %I2@!>-@b it is found t at in t is case t e

Process (low comes from t e *"tt"/ of t e plug, and goes to outlet from t"p, i!e t e process flow is "pp"si). opening of valve! -gain air supply is from *"tt"/, so air will p'%% t e plug to open t e valve by compressing t e spring in t e actuator! )ere it is clear t at t e force of air acting is in negative directions$ .everse -cting& and it is opposed by spring compression force, and force due to Process flow so ' - Pa U- ^K PPU -v K GU, 8 ? or Pa U- 8 PPU -v KGU, ]]$b&

)ere also minimum (orce re1uired is to over come is t e s'/ "( the t+" opposing forces! * is is so because in t is case *"th process flow as well as actuator orientation as been c anged,

#. .eferring to %I2@!>-@c it is found t at in t is case t e

Process (low comes from t e *"tt"/ of t e plug, and goes to outlet from t"p, i!e t e process flow is assisti). opening of valve! -gain air supply is from *"tt"/, so air will p'%% t e plug to open t e valve by compressing t e spring in t e actuator! )ere it is clear t at t e force of air acting is in negative directions$ .everse -cting& and it is "pp"sed by spring compression force, but assisted by force due to Process flow so ' - Pa U- - PPU -v K GU, 8 ? or Pa U- 8 PPU -v - GU, ]]$c&

)ere minimum (orce re1uired is to over come is t e di((ere)ce forces for process flow and spring compression ence will be less t an cases in $a& & $b&!

+. .eferring to %I2@!>-@d it is found t at in t is case t e

Process (low comes from t e t"p of t e plug, and goes to outlet from *"tt"/, i!e t e process flow is "pp"si). opening of valve! -gain air supply is from top, so air will p'sh t e plug to c%"se t e valve by compressing t e spring in t e actuator! )ere it is clear t at t e force of air

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POWER PLANT INSTRUMENTATION PRACTICES Of Plant Chapter no name: XI Balance Section no: 1.0 Introduction

acting is in negative directions$ .everse -cting& and it is opposed by spring compression force, and force due to Process flow so ' Pa U- K PPU -v - GU, 8 ? or Pa U- 8 GU, - PPU -v ]]$d&

)ere minimum (orce re1uired is to over come is t e di((ere)ce of forces for spring compression and process flow, ence will be less t an t e same in e1uations $a& & $b&! Based on t is fundamentals, calculation of actuator Section B! Clause B!@ as been discussed in C apter %I

@!F 7aterials #f Construction and associated tables for Pressure & *emperature ratings' presented are mainly as per -S73 B@F!AB &



* ere are a number of control valves in main power plant as well as in off sites! -lso t ere are dampers, impeller metering pump etc! various (inal Control 3lements!$(C3&! In t e following discussions ma5or control valves in t e main power plants ave been considered! Based on t is guide lines it would be possible to select t e materials for control valves for ot er applications! - typical list of Control valves in main power plants is presented to enable t e reader to ave an idea on t e sub5ect! * e 7aterials s own are suggestive typical for ig er 7: plant drum type boiler! In case of #nce t roug boiler a few will not be applicable!! * e materials discussed are as per certain standards! In t e following clause basic $ not detailed& compositions of t ese materials ave been listed! -lso t e temperature limit against eac of t ese materials ave publis ed, designer to select t e material! Based on t e same designer is select t e material! *able %I2@!F!@- @ *ypical /ist of Control %alves wit suggested materials$XD-9*I*C #( %-/%3S I9 3-C) S3.%IC3 43P394S #9 SCS*37 43SI+9& Control Valve Body 7aterial! *rim 7aterial$SS& /o 2 )i range (eed Control valves$ also -S*7 - 0@=+. C> @=-B P) bypass valve& S) or .) or ot er spray control valve -S*7 - 0@=+. C> BB?C )P or /P eater normal level control valve -S*7 - 0@=+. :CF @=-B P) )P or /P eater )i23mergency level control -S*7 - 0@=+. C> @=-B P) valve B(P .ecirculation Control %alve -S*7 - 0@=+. C> BB?C C3P2+SC min (low Control %alve -S*7 - 0@=+. C> @=-B P) -ux Steam or C.) to 4eaerator valve -S*7 - 0@F+. :CB *ype A@F Stellite 9ormal or emergency 7a"e up to SS *ype A@F *ype A@F Condenser! valve Condensate flow to deaerator valve -S*7 - 0@F+. :CB *ype A@F Stellite 4eaerator drain to condenser valve -S*7 - 0@=+. C> @=-B P) 4rain cooler /evel control valve -S*7 - 0@=+. :CF @=-B P) Steam Pr valve for atomi6ing -S*7 - 0@F+. :CB *ype A@F Stellite Control valves in P.4S for -ux Steam -S*7 - 0@F+. :CB *ype A@F Stellite CB4 tan" level control valve -S*7 - 0@=+. C> *ype A@F Stellite Condenser spill valve -S*7 - 0@=+. :CF @=-B P) SC-P) steam Control valves -S*7 - 0@F+. :CB @=-B P) SC-P) drain valve -S*7 - 0@=+. C> @=-B P) +land sealing supply valve -S*7 - 0@=+. :CF @=-B P) (!# eating & Pressuri6ing valves -S*7 - 0@F+. :CB *ype A@F %alve Body & *rim 7aterials Composition wit temperature limit ' In t e table below a few materials, w ic are common in power plant applications, only ave been discussed! * ere


XI/ 1.0- 15 of 20

POWER PLANT INSTRUMENTATION PRACTICES Of Plant Chapter no name: XI Balance Section no: 1.0 Introduction

are many ot er materials available also for w ic Standard boo" on control valves may be consulted! *able %2@!F!0-@ %alve ,od" 7aterial Composition $a few 7aterials CD??DNLF Gsed ("r c")tr"% va%ves 1) p"+er p%a)t& $ in Q&& *emperature limit$in [C&
Casting 4orging Lther ;a7or Composition 103 /o !emp /imit 1MC3 *i !emp /imit 1MC3 emar$s ;oderate temp & corrosion non critical

-0@F +r :CB


-0@= +r C>

-@E0 (>

-0@= +r :CF

-@E0 (@@C/0

-0@= +r :CN

-@E0 (00C/A

C8?!0-?!0BI Cr8?!0I 7n8@!?-@!A> I7o8?!?F 9i8?!0ISi8?!@>-?!A C8?!@>$7&I Cr8B!?-F!?I 7n8?!A-?!F 7o8?BB-?!F> 9i8?!>$7&ISi8?!>$7& C8?!@-?!@>I Cr8@!?-@!>I 7n8?!A-?!E 7o8?BB?!F> C8?!@>$7& Cr80!?-0!>I 7n8?!A-?!F 7o8 ?!E=-@!@A Si8?!>





;oderate corrosion



7inimi6e grap iti6ation



3levated temp & strengt t an (@@

*able %2@!F!0-0 %alve !rim 7aterial Composition $ in Q&& *emperature limit$in [C&
!?+) Lther ;a7or Composition 103 /o !emp /imit 1MC3 *i !emp /imit 1MC3 emar$s *i temp & corrosion resistance

A@F SSCasting' -A>@C(E7 (#.+I9+' -@E0 (A@F

A@F/ SSCasting' -A>@C(A7 (#.+I9+' -@E0 (A@F/

*CP3 @=-BP) -S*7 ->FB +r FA?D9S S@=B??


C8?!?EI Cr8@E!?-0@!?I 7n8@!>$7& 7o80!?-A!? 9i8N!?-@0!? Si8@!> $7& C8?!?A>I Cr8@F!?-@E!?I 7n80!?$7& 7o80!?-A!? 9i8@?!?-@B!? Si8@!? $7& C8?!?=$7&I Cr8@>!?-@=!> 7n8@!? $7& 9i8A!?->!? Si8@!?$7& C8?!N>-@!0 Cr8@F!?-@E!? 7n8@!? 7o8?!=> Si8@!?$7&


E@> $ A@FMC as trim&




ABA$ B0=MC as cage&

/ess impact on loading


A@>$ B0=MC as cage&


Seat 7aterials' Some of t e common seat materials are as follows wit *emperature limits

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POWER PLANT INSTRUMENTATION PRACTICES Of Plant Chapter no name: XI Balance Section no: 1.0 Introduction

*able %I2@!F!A-@ Commonly used Seat 7aterials wit temperature /imits

;aterials /o&er /imit in MC -pper /imit in MC

)ig 4ensity Polyet ylene $)4P3& 9eoprene 9itrile .ubber 9ylon P*(3

$-& >B $-& B? $-& 0N $-&>@ $-&0FE

E> E0 NA NA 0A?


Valve . 4lange +ressure !emperature atings ' * e Pressure wit stand capability of eac of t e material of eac of t e materials discussed above needs to be de rated as per t e operating temperature! 9ow t is is done on t e basis of pressure class selected for t e valve as well as operating temperature! (or example t e wor"ing pressure for a valve$ @>?lb& of -S*7 -0@F:CB at 0??[($NA!AA[C& is 0F?psi$@E!0=NEGg2cm0&! : ereas valve of same rating w en used in temperature at vi6 F??[($A@>!>[C& t e maximum wor"ing pressure would be @B?lb$N!E Gg2cm0& ,hat does it mean - and where same can be *ound- * is means t at for 3-C) 7-*3.I-/ SP3CI(IC-*I#9 and for 3-C) P.3SSD.3 .-*I9+ C/-SS #( *)3 %-/%3 * ere would be a maximum pressure t at t e material can wit stand at a P-.*ICD/-. temperature$ range&! * ese can be found in -S73 B@F!AB *ables$ in t is case *able no 0-@!@&! It is t erefore recommended to refer -S73 B@F!AB$ or relevant standard o* the country for suc ratings& or to contact (lange2valve suppliers!

@!=! Special Considerations ' * ere s all be some special considerations to be given for @! (or )ig Pressure service' (or )ig Pressure services forged body s all be used and t ese s all offer greater strengt ! 3rosion .esistant materials s all be selected for t ese services! Special seal , ig er stem diameters are some of t e considerations! 0! )ig 4P'! #n account of )ig 4P ig force may develop across t e valve and internal parts to cause instability of t e valve! #n account of )ig 4P ig velocity droplets may develop to cause erosion! (or erosion, aberration, cavity, SS BB?C may be used to prevent erosion! -lso in globe valves t ere may be excessive stem t rust, and if it is (low to close type t en )ig 4P may damage t e seat! : en t ese are flow to open t ey may open against actuatorT In case of )ig 4P t ere may be s arp drop in out let temperature w ic may cause t e material brittle, so due considerations s all be given on to t is! A! )ig temperature services ' (or t ese services w ere *R 0A?[C , 7atrial temperature limitations discussed in @!F above must be ta"en in to considerations! -lso temperature limitation due to pac" ing needs to be considered! Pac"ing material limitation *eflon' 0A?[C 7etallic pac"ing ' BE?[C, grap ite Pac"ing' ANN[C @!E Control %alve 9oise' (rom Pollution noise is t e * ird greatest menace after air and water pollution! (rom )uman ealt condition people are 1uite concerned about t e same! -lso 9oise is a "ind of loss to t e system! %alve 9oise is expressed in terms of dB! %alve noise , more precisely aerodynamic noise is defined in terms of Sound Pressure /evel$SP/&! Sound Pressure /evel in dB as been defined as follows'! dB 8 0? log@?$ measuring sound pressure level 2 0,@?-B microbar &! 80? log@?$measuring sound pressure level 2 0,@?-> 9270& @!E!@ Sources of 9oise ' * ere t ree ma5or sources or types of 9oise encountered in control valve t ese are ' 1. 7ec anical %ibration' 7ec anical vibration is caused by t e response of valve internals components to t e turbulent t roug t e valve! *urbulent imp inc ing , vortex s edding cause suc vibration! * ese could also be on account of improper design alsoT * is "ind of vibration indicate tonal fre1uency vibrations! 9ow problem occurs w en t ese induced vibration fre1uency matc es wit t e natural fre1uency of trimT * ere would be resonance! * is can result easy trim failure due to fatigue! +enerally guided valves ave lesser c ances to ave t is, S ould it appen

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at all t ese can be c ec"ed by c anging t e valve design or reducing clearance between t e guide and plug!etc! 2. -erodynamic 9oise' -erodynamic noise arises as a result of direct conversion of mec anical energy of flow in to acoustic energy as t e turbulent flow passes t roug t e valve orifice! * is noise is muc more predominant w en compared to t e ot ers by mec anical vibration! * e point at w ic sonic speed is reac ed at vena contracta is function of valve design and ( / $ rated pressure recovery factor&! I3C standard I3C->AB-E-A is followed mostly to predict -erodynamic noise! * e basic process in suc noise prediction consists of t e following process a! Based on t e process condition to Calculate t e *rim outlet velocity and find t e noise source strengt ! Sound Power generated in t e fluid inside t e valve and pipe on account of t rottling pressure b! *o calculate t e portion of sound energy generated at t e valve is propagated to down stream piping c! *o Calculates ow Pipe wall attenuates t e noise as it passes from inside to outside *ransmission loss due to piping to determine & d! *o estimate t e weig ted sound pressure level at a distance of #93 73*3. from t e pipe! A! )ydrodynamic 9oise' * e ma5or Sources of )ydrodynamic noise come from a! *urbulent flow b! Cavitation c! (las ing d! 7ec anical %ibration on account of t e above! * e problem associated wit )ydrodynamic 9oise comes from 3rosion as well as corrosion! I3C ->AB-E-B standard may be used to measure t e same! B! Brief 4iscussions on 9oise predictions' -erodynamic 9oise' !. *o calculate t e total Stream Power at %ena Contracta :m' Dse Ginetic 3nergy e1uation Stream power due to mass flow ;m< is ,m . / 0 m12 w ere D is t e velocity at vena Contracta calculated using first law of t ermodynamic !!. * e acoustic efficiency is calculated 3 .'vc456 w ere 7vc8 7ac number at vena contracta and pea" (re1uency *p . 75218dvc w ere dvc is t e orifice diameter at vena contracta !!!. * ere are five defined flow regimes for a particular valve depending on inlet PressureP@, #utlet PressureP0, fluid p ysical parameter and (/ for t e valve! * ese f /ow regimes are Sub Sonic Sonic wit turbulent flow mixing 9o Compression but wit flow s ear S oc" cell *urbulent flow interaction Constant acoustical 3fficiency !". * us in eac regime efficiency is defined and calculated as s own above! * us t e sound power is calculated from t e total power wit t e elp of t e efficiency in eac regime! ". #nly a portion of t e sound power is propagated to t e down stream, and t is is designated by rw w ic is a function of valve style! *ypical values are as follows %-/%3 *CP3 +lobe2 .otary +lobe Butterfly2 Ball 3xpander rw ?!0> ?!> @

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POWER PLANT INSTRUMENTATION PRACTICES Of Plant Chapter no name: XI Balance Section no: 1.0 Introduction

9ow -im is to convert t e sound power to SP/ w ic is done by -verage SP/ across pipe cross section8 9452 0:7;,a<2c2= 89dp2= w ere :a8 Sound power, _0 8down stream vena contracta gas density c08 4own stream vena contracta sound speed dp 8 down stream pipe I4! 4own stream 9oise propagation is given by /g8 @Flog@?J@2$@-70&M w ere 70 is t e 7ac number at outlet "!!. * e net sound level at pipe wall is given by "pAe. >?"pi?+"?"g w ere /pi Pipe internal sound pressure level' */ is transmission loss w ic is dependent on flow pea" fre1uency! * ese transmission loss regimes are determined from */ vs Pea" fre1uency ! "!!!. 4inall" 8oise at L8) meter from pipe &all )P". "pAe @ :7log:7A9dp?2tp ?2=89 dp?2tp=B w ere tp8 pipe t ic"ness 7. )ydrodynamic 9oise Prediction! * e main factor for ydrodynamic noise is associated wit Cavitation! * ere are again two situation C o"ed flow and non-c o"ed flow condition! -gain for (las ing fluid t ere a variety of situation! So noise prediction is rat er complex! (or details standard I3C ->AB-E-B may be referred to >! 9oise control 7eans ' * e noise can be controlled by Source treatment & pat treatment a! Source treatment for 9oise control !. Dse of Small properly spaced 5et ' Si6e of fuid 5et affects t e noise generation! $@& By reducing t e si6e efficiency of conversion of mec anical energy to sound is minimi6ed!, also it s ifts t e energy to ig fre1uency and curtail t e transmission t roug pipe line $0& Small si6e & proper spacing reduce t e s oc" eddies ii! -diabatic (low wit friction' t e flow area of valve trim is gradually increased in down stream section to compensate for expansion and more or less constant velocity! * us s arp fall in ent alpy is arrested! !!!. 7ulti pat , multi stage and combination of t e two, are t e ma5or source *reatment! /# 4B, Cage style are source treatment towards t is!! !". (or ig 4P PP2P @ R?!E series restriction approac to split t e pressure drop between t e control valve and restrictor at down stream is effective! ". (or )ydrodynamic noise is mainly associated wit cavitation, ence if t e cavitation is predicted and eliminated t en noise is reduced drastically! b! Pat treatment ' t ere are a few met ods used in t is approac t ese are ' i! Silencer' t is is an effective way but t ere are a few problems associated wit it li"e low flow velocity ma"es t is ineffective in )ig capacity services! #perating condition may be too severe to use silencer ii! Pipe Sc edule increaseI meaning ig er wall t ic"ness! It is good but need to maintain t roug out t e downstream lengt as noise once generated does not dissipate 1uic"ly $and system may be costly alsoT&! !!!. Pipe Insulation' It is also effective but ave t e same limitation as discussed above! -lso ere t e insulation must be properly wrapped wit out any gap2%oid! @!N! 3nd Connection for Control %alve' In power plants all t e t ree types of end connection of Control valves are 1uite common! @! Screw *ype' Screw types are common in small valves and economical!!* e t reads are female t reads wit different standards suc 9P*, BS etc! +enerally t ese connections are restricted to low pressure application and up to a si6e of >?mm 9B! 7aintenance may not be easy! 0! (lange Connection $ ref (ig no! %I2@!@?-@&' In (lange connection %alve is connected wit pipe by mating flange set, wit gas"et in between and t e two flanges are bolted! * ese can be used for wide range of pressure and *emperature$ up to E??[C&! (rom maintenance point of view


XI/ 1.0- 19 of 20

POWER PLANT INSTRUMENTATION PRACTICES Of Plant Chapter no name: XI Balance Section no: 1.0 Introduction

t is connection is a natural c oice for easy removal of valve! * ere are international standards on t ese flanges so t at t ere is no difficulty in matc ing bot end dimensions as long as it follows a standard! 4I9, -9SI, BS, `IS etc are t e most popular flange standard! In t ese standards, corresponding to flange nominal si6e and pressure class for a particular material, t ere will be standard tables specifying all ot er re1uired details suc bolt diameter, pitc , t ic"ness etc all are specified! .eader needs to consult suc standard to get t e details! * ere are t ree "inds of flanges for connections t ese are a; (lat (ace$((& ' In t is type t ere will full face of contact of t e two matc ing flange wit gas"et in between t em! * is is used for low pressure applications! 7; .aised face$.(&' In t is type t ere will be a raised face w ic is in contact wit t e raised face of t e matc ing flange aving gas"et in between t em! * e inner diameter of t e raised face matc es t e valve opening wit outside diameter somew ere near but less t an bolt diameter! .aised face as concentric groove to accommodate t e gas"et and prevent gas"et blow out! Pressure range up to B??bar, and temperature up to E@>[C can be wit stood in t is type flange! )owever for eac material, and pressure class t e temperature Pressure table s all be consulted! #; .ing type 5oint$.*`& flange is more or less same as .( type ere t ere is one D s aped groove & metallic +as"et of elliptic2octagonal s ape is used to put t e ring type gas"et in t e groove w en t e bolts are tig tened as s own in (ig no! %I2@!@?-@ C! ere pressure sealing up to @??? bar is possible but rarely used for ig temperature! A :eld type $.ef (ig no! %I2@!@?-0&' :eldable valves are lea" tig t but difficult to remove! -lso care must be ta"en during welding t at due ig temperature trim etc are not damaged! * ere are two types of welding connection as s own in (ig no! %I2@!@?-0 a! Soc"et weld ends are prepared in eac side of t e valve by boring a soc"et type space w ere t e pipe slips in to t e soc"et and rests t ere and welded as s own in (ig no! %I2@!@?-0a! (or connection in pipe of si6e up to >?mm 9B utili6es t is type of connections! 7. I t e butt welding connections are used generally for line R F>mm 9B! butt :eld t ere will be end preparation at eac end of t e valve, i!e! beveled! Similarly pipe is also beveled and welding is done as s own in (ig no! %I2@!@?-0b! @!@? Control %alve (ace to (ace 4imension' IS- as developed standard IS- S =>!nn $ w ere nn stands various values e!g IS- S =>!?A, IS- S =>!?A,@0, IS- S =>!@>, IS- S =>!?A,@F,ISS=>!00 etc& to specify t e face to face dimensions for various "inds on based on t eir pressure class, Connection type etc! %i6I (aceato (ace 4imensions for (langed +lobe Style control valve for classes @0>,0>?, A??, & F?? etc! as per$4imensions in accordance wit IS- S=>!?A&! Hhat d"es it /ea)I It means t at from end to end dimension of t e valve ! t e basic purpose suc standard is to provide valve face-to-face dimensions for flanged and flangeless control valves wit out giving special consideration to t e e1uipment manufacturer to be used! * us instrument engineer can elp is2 er counter part in piping engineer! (or eac type of valve, eac valve si6e, and valve pressure class, end connection t ere will be uni1ue (ace to face dimension! 3!g -s per IS- S=>!?A for Flanged &lobe style valve of size <N9PS Pressure class 477wit R+C *lange connection, ; FACE +$ FACE D 'E() $() $( s all be 2D2mm9::5:2 inch=E It is t erefore re1uired t at .eader w ile specifying t eface to face dimension must consult IS- standard w ic is generally followed all over! * e manufacturer and boo" may be elpful also!

XI/ 1.0- 20 of 20

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