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Step 2: Inquiry-Based Lesson Design in Mathematics & Science

Title of Lesson: Let's Get SCIENTIFIC with Numbers! UFTeach Students Names: Laura Ross, Thomas Colontonio, and Claude David Teaching Date and Time: November 15, 2012 at 2:35pm Length of Lesson: 50 minutes Grade / Topic: 8th grade Pre- Algebra Source of the Lesson: Combined effort of Mrs. McTureous, Thomas Colontonio, Laura Ross, and Claude David. Concepts: Scientific notation is a tool that is useful for extremely large or extremely small numbers. The numbers written in scientific notation are of the form: a 10m, where 1 a < 10 and m is an integer. Any number can be converted from standard notation to scientific notation by either one of two methods. 1: If the number is found to be a whole number or a whole number and a decimal, the decimal point is shifted enough number of places to the left and then placed immediately on the right side of the first non-zero digit. Then you must add the number of decimal shifts to the power of ten. 2: If the number is found to be a decimal, with digits only to the right hand side of the decimal point, then the decimal point is shifted enough number of places to the right to place it immediately on the right of the first non-zero digit. Then you must add the number of decimal shifts to the power of ten. The exponent in the power of ten tells us the number of places and the direction to move the decimal point from one in order to express the number in decimal notation. Based on whether the exponent is positive or negative, the movement is either to the right or to the left respectively. One way to add numbers in scientific notation is to change the numbers out of scientific notation (back to standard notation) and work the problem normally. The other way is to directly add the numbers in scientific notation by making sure that the powers of 10 have the same exponents. To subtract numbers written in scientific notation, it is necessary to express both to the same power of 10. After performing the operation, it may be necessary to shift the answer so it is of the correct form. Another way to subtract numbers in scientific notation is simply to change the numbers to standard notation and simplify, then convert back to scientific notation. In further lessons, students will learn to multiply and divide numbers written in scientific notation. It is important to have an understanding of these concepts for future reference. Three steps are necessary in order to multiply numbers in scientific notation. Step 1: Multiply the decimal parts. Step 2: Add the exponents while retaining the base 10. Step 3: Adjust the answer to see that it is still in the scientific notation. If the decimal part is 10 or greater than 10 then we move the decimal point to the left and if the decimal part is less than 1, then move the decimal point to the right so that the decimal part is a number greater than or equal to one and less than 10. If the exponent is negative, the same procedure can be applied but with the following caveats. If the decimal point must be moved to the right, increase the exponent by the number of decimal places. If the decimal point must be moved to the left, decrease the exponent by the number of decimal places. Scientific notation is important not just in mathematics, but in the sciences as well. Source: By Florida State Standards (NGSSS) with Cognitive Complexity: Benchmark Number Benchmark Description MA.8.A.6.4 Perform operations on real numbers (including integer exponents, radicals, percents, scientific notation, absolute value, rational numbers, and irrational

Cognitive Complexity Level 3

Step 2: Inquiry-Based Lesson Design in Mathematics & Science

numbers) using multi-step and real world problems. Performance Objectives: Students will be able to add and subtract numbers in scientific notation. Materials List and Student Handouts 25 Pre-assessments 25 Post-assessments 25 Notecards with operations 25 Notecards with students names Advance Preparations Make notecards with each students name on it to use for randomly calling students names. Make 25 notecards with the whole number operations on it. Make 25 copies of each the pre- and post-assessments. Make PowerPoint to match the lesson. Safety Make sure rows are cleared when students get up to go to the board to prevent tripping and falling.

Step 2: Inquiry-Based Lesson Design in Mathematics & Science

5E Lesson: Engagement Time: 5 minutes What the Teacher Will Do Teacher Directions and Probing Questions Student Responses/Possible Misconceptions Reintroduce ourselves Hi everyone! Hopefully, after us being here three times you remember us by now! Im Ms. Ross, Im Mr. Colontonio, and Mr. David. Do a short role play to Thomas: Alright Ms. Ross, so I know that remind the students what the distance between the Earth and the scientific notation is and Sun is about 150 billion meters. How do I what it should look like. write that? Laura: (starts to write it on the board) Mr. Colontonio, this is so looooong. Do I really need to write out ALL these zeros? Claude: (looking quizzically at Laura) Well, why dont you just write it in scientific notation? Thomas/Laura: (simultaneously) Huh??? Claude: Here, let me show you! (1.5 x 10^11) See, its simple. We are going to learn about it more today! I can even show you how to add and subtract. Exploration Time: 20 minutes What the Teacher Will Do Teacher Directions and Probing Questions Student Responses/Possible Misconceptions Give each individual In a minute we are going to come around student a card with an and pass out a different notecard to each operation in whole student. The operations on the notecard numbers (i.e. 2,000,000 + are going to be in the whole number form, 3,000,000,000). On the (i.e. 2,000,000 + 3,000,000,000). After board, we will have the passing them out, we will give you a answer to those minute to think about how to convert the operations in the operation from whole number into scientific notation form. scientific notation form, (i.e. 2 x 10^6 + 3 x In a number bank we will 10^9). You may want to write this down have the same operations because afterwards we are going to as earlier set up on a slide randomly call on you to come up to the but in scientific notation board to do a little matching. When you

Step 2: Inquiry-Based Lesson Design in Mathematics & Science

(i.e. 2 x 10^6 + 3 x 10^9). After passing out the cards and explaining the directions, we will call on students randomly to match their notecard with the proper operation on the slide. Once they find the correct operation conversion, we will have them drag the operation to the correct answer on the PowerPoint slide. Have a couple extra operations and extra answers so that the students cannot rule out If the student incorrectly matches the operation to the answer, try to figure out their reasoning and then later return to that problem.

come to the board, you are going to match your whole number operation (on your notecard) to the same operation in the number bank that is in the form of scientific notation. Once you have correctly matched them, you will drag the operation that is in scientific notation to the answer that correctly matches that operation. The answer will also be in scientific notation. As we call your names, make sure to bring your card up with you. We are now going to come around and pass out the cards.

Can you tell me how you came to this answer?

[I dont really know, I just guessed. Well, I did this]

Well, I want you to think about what you did and see if it works for the rest of the problems. If you just guessed, I want you to try looking for a pattern throughout the rest of this activity. Lets look at the number 6.12 x 10^3. Who can tell me what the meaning of the 10^3? [The 10^3 means 10*10*10, which is 1,000. This means that you multiply the 6.12 by 1,000.] [Because the definition of scientific notation says that the coefficient should be greater than or equal to one and less than, but not equal to ten.]

Is 61.2 x 10^2 in proper (or in an acceptable) form?

Explanation Time: 15 minutes What the Teacher Will Do Teacher Directions and Probing Questions Student Responses/Possible Misconceptions

Step 2: Inquiry-Based Lesson Design in Mathematics & Science

Based on the student responses, the level of depth for the explanation may vary.

So earlier we looked at some smaller numbers, but also some larger numbers that are in the scientific notation form. We worked on adding and subtracting those numbers. We noticed that a lot of you expanded those smaller numbers and added or subtracted them while they were in the standard form. Now we are going to describe a way to add and subtract these, and larger numbers, without expanding them and while keeping them in their scientific notation form. Also, Mr. David showed us earlier how to write the distance from the Earth to the Sun in an easy way. Its 1.5 x 10^11 meters. I know that the distance from the Earth to Neptune is 4.4 x 10^12 meters. If we want to find the distance from the Sun to Neptune, how would we do that? [Just add them together.]

Write 1.5 x 10^11 plus 4.4 x 10^12 on the board.

Alright, lets add! What do I do first?

Well, cant you just add 1.5 and 4.4? [No, because the values of the exponent are different. I can add numbers of different values; I do it all the time. However, I make sure I line up my place values. Without having the same power of ten, these numbers cannot be added because the place values are not lined up.] You can add the coefficients, then add the powers of ten. You can add the coefficients, then just keep the bigger power of ten.

So even though they have different exponents, we can just add them? As you answer, I want you to explain your reasoning.

Step 2: Inquiry-Based Lesson Design in Mathematics & Science

So then how can we add it and avoid that problem?

[Change the exponents of one of the numbers to match the other.] Convert the numbers to standard notation, then add.

Exactly! Does it matter which number I should change? Well lets try changing both and see what happens. (Do examples of addition and subtraction. Show an example where after you finish the addition or subtraction your number is not in scientific notation and how to change it. Students can use whichever method they find easier.) By doing this, we found out that in order to add or subtract numbers in scientific notation, each of their exponents have to be the same. Sometimes that means changing one of the numbers to match the exponent of the other. Remember that your answer should always be in scientific notation as well, and if the coefficient is greater than 10 or less than 1, you have to change the answer into the correct form.

[No, it doesnt. Why would it?]

Elaboration Time: 5 minutes What the Teacher Will Do Teacher Directions and Probing Questions Student Responses/Possible Misconceptions Teacher will explain how So earlier we worked with numbers that to add and subtract had positive integers for exponents. You numbers in scientific can also add and subtract numbers that notation with negative have negative exponents. You have to be exponents. careful with negative exponents. You have to make sure to match the exponents like If there is enough time for we did before. However, it is exactly the the elaboration, have same process. Once the exponents of the students come up to the numbers are the same, simply add or board to work out subtract as usual. Again, make sure your

Step 2: Inquiry-Based Lesson Design in Mathematics & Science


answer is in the correct form.

Evaluation Time: 5 minutes What the Teacher Will Do Teacher Directions and Probing Questions Student Responses/Possible Misconceptions Pass out the prepared We are now going to come around and post-evaluation. Walk pass out a post-evaluation to each person. around the room and You need to complete these on your own, assess the work, but be no help from any of us or anyone at your sure not to help. table. Raise your hands when you are Remember, this is a test done and one of us will come by to collect to assess their knowledge your paper. Answer all questions. Here, a and to see how we have guess is better than a blank! done in our teaching. Helping them would not help us

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