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Prepared by : C"e#$ed by : Da&e :

Column Ta No! %ob No! Cl'en& Pro(e#&

: : : :

Inpu& Da&a Packing type Packing size = Pall metal rings = 25 mm

)a* / +apour Proper&'e* Gas / Vapour flow rate V = = Gas / Vap$ 0ensity = V L',u'd Proper&'e* (i)ui* flow rate ( (i)ui* 0ensity

!"#! kg/h 1$%6&5 kg/s !$'# kg/m!

= = =

2!1& kg/h %$6#!6 kg/s &6'$"& kg/m! +on,ersion %$22 +p = %$%%%221"% 2s/m2

(i)ui* Viscosity 1( Packing factor 3 p

= %$%%%221" 2s/m2 = 16% m41

Cal#ula&'on (i)$4Vap$ 3low factor 3 (V = 5( / V6 7 5 = %$%#!1


0esign for an initial pressure *rop of 2%mm 8 29 /m packing 3rom :# ,/s 3(V :# :# at floo*ing .rial / floo*ing = = = 5 = = %$&6 #$5% 5:# / :# at floo*ing6 #1$%'61 :# $

6 7 1%% 51/26

Gas mass flow rate V m


1!$1 3p 51( / = .rial column c/s area 5.rial ;s6 = = .rial column *ia$ 0 =


2$21'" kg/m2$s V / Vm %$#"%' m2 %$&"25 m 0 = 5#/pi6 7 .rial ;s

Sheet 1 of 6

<oun* off =0= to nearest stan*ar* size .herefore 0 = %$6%% m

+olumn +/S area ; s

%$2"2& m2

;s = 5pi/#6 7 02

/ floo*ing


/ floo*ing = .rial / floo*ing 7 5.rial ; s / ;s6

Con#lu*'on Generally packe* towers are *esigne* for 5%/ 44 "5/ floo*ing$ >f floo*ing is to ?e re*uce* 5i6 Select larger packing size an* repeat the a?o,e steps$ 9< 5ii6 >ncrease the column *iameter an* repeat the a?o,e steps$

Sheet 2 of 6

HETP PREDICTION Nor&on-* Correla&'on : ln HETP . n / 0!123 ln 4 0!516 ln 7 ;pplica?le when li)ui* phase surface tension @ # *yne/cm A B !6 *yne/cm li)ui* ,iscosity @ %$%" cP A B %$"! cP +on,ersion Inpu& Da&a %$%2 2/m = 1& *yne/cm (i)ui*4phase Surface .ension = 1& *yne/cm Nor&on-* Correla&'on Appl'#able (i)ui* Viscosity n = = %$22 cP 1$1!%"% Nor&on-* Correla&'on Appl'#able

Cal#ula&'on ln 8C.P 8C.P = = = %$2" 1$!2 ft %$# m

3or separations less than 15 theoritical stages a 2%/ *esign safety factor can ?e applie*$ Con*'der'n 508 *a9e&y 9a#&or: 8C.P =

%$#" m

3or separations re)uiring 15 to 25 theoritical stages a 15/ *esign safety factor can ?e applie*$ Con*'der'n 1;8 *a9e&y 9a#&or: 8C.P =

%$#6 m

Sheet ! of 6

Table <!5 Con*&an& 9or HETP Correla&'on

<ef$-- <an*om Packings an* Packe* .owers 4444 Strigle

<ef$ - - +hemical Cngineering Volume46

+9D(S92 A <>+8;<0S92=S

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