CHE211F - Problem Set 5: Ans. H 0 H 0.252 FT

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CHE211F -Problem Set 5

Q1 Water flows steadily through a 2-in-inside-diameter i e at the rate of 2!! gal"min# $he 2 in# i e bran%hes into two 1-in#-inside diameter i es# &f the a'erage 'elo%ity in one of the 1-in# i es is (! ft"s) what is the a'erage 'elo%ity in the other 1-in# i e* Ans 51.7 ft/s Q2 -s shown in Fig 1) at the entran%e to a (-ft-wide %hannel the 'elo%ity distribution is uniform with a 'elo%ity 1# Further downstream the 'elo%ity rofile is gi'en by u2+y2y2) where u is in ft"s and y is in ft# 3etermine the 'alue of 1# Ans. 1.78 Q( $wo Pitot tubes and two stati% ressure ta s are la%e in the i e %ontra%tion shown in Fig# 2# $he flowing fluid is water) and the 'is%ous effe%ts are negligible# 3etermine the two manometer readings) h and H# Ans. h=0; H=0.252 ft

Some animals ha'e learned to ta.e ad'antage of the :ernoulli effe%t without ha'ing read a fluid me%hani%s boo.# For e9am le) a ty i%al rairie dog burrow %ontains two entran%es - a flat front door) and a mounded ba%. door as shown in Fig (# When the wind blows with 'elo%ity 1! a%ross the front door the a'erage 'elo%ity a%ross the ba%. door is greater than 1! be%ause of the mound# -ssuming the air 'elo%ity a%ross the ba%. door is 1#!;1!# For a wind 'elo%ity of , m"s) what ressure differen%es) 1 - 2) is generated to ro'ide a fresh air flow within the burrow*Ans.3.2Pa

Q5 4il 5S62!#78 flows downward through a 'erti%al i e %ontra%tion as shown in Fig +# &f the mer%ury manometer reading) h) is 1!! mm) determine the 'olume flowrate for fri%tionless flow# &s the a%tual flowrate more or less than the fri%tionless 'alue* E9 lain# Ans. 0.042 cubic m/s

Q, - storage tan.) 2m in diameter) is filled with water to a height of +m abo'e a dis%harge no//le) 5 %m in diameter# $he tan. is o en at the to and the ressure is atmos heri% also at the dis%harges# -ssuming that an ideal) %ontoured no//le is used) i# What is the initial rate of dis%harge) in m ("s* ii# What is the dis%harge rate when one half of the water has been dis%harged* iii# How long does it ta.e to redu%e the water le'el from +#! to 2#! m abo'e the no//le* Ans. i) 0.0174 cubic m/s ii) 0.015 cubic m/s iii) 416 s 0se the seudo-steady state assum tion#

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