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1. A composite wall is made up of two slabs with outermost surface temperatures maintained at (T1) 1300C and (T3) 115C. The first slab has a thickness of 500 mm (L1) and thermal conductivity (K1) of 1.4W/m K and the thickness and the thermal conductivity (K2) of the second slab are 161 mm (L2) and 0.35 W/m K, respectively. Calculate the conduction heat transfer through this composite wall per square meter and the temperature of the surfaces in contact. 2. A furnace wall slab is constructed with fire clay of thickness 90 mm (L1) inside and red brick of thickness 450 mm (L2) outside. The temperatures inside and outside the furnace wall are 1100C (T1) and 30C (T3), respectively. The thermal conductivity of the red brick (K2) is 0.8W/m K and that of the fire clay (K1),is 0.3(1 + 0.001T) W/m K where T is the temperature of the clay in degrees Celsius. Assuming unit surface area, find the conductive heat loss through the furnace wall and the temperature at the interface of the fire clay and red brick. 3. A heat sink with the fin array shown must dissipate 4.0 W from a base at 70 C by convection to air at 30 C. Each fin is made of aluminum, is 1.5 cm long and is 0.5 cm in diameter. How many fins are needed?

4. Consider a sphere of diameter 5 cm, a cube of side length 5 cm, and a rectangular prism of dimension 4 cm_ 5 cm_ 6 cm, all initially at 0C and all made of silver (k _ 429 W/m C, r _ 10,500 kg/m3, cp _ 0.235 kJ/kg C). Now all three of these geometries are exposed to ambient air at 33C on all of their surfaces with a heat transfer coefficient of 12 W/m2 C. Determine how long it will take for the temperature of each geometry to rise to 25C. 5. Sebuah batangan baja berpenampang bujur sangkar 2,5 cm dan panjang 7,5 cm mula-mula berada pada temperatur 250oC. Baja ini dimasukkan ke dalam tangki berisi minyak yang temperaturnya tetap 30 oC. Koefisien perpindahan panas konveksi adalah 570 W/m2K. Hitung temperatur di pusat batangan itu sesudah 2 menit. 6. Sebuah silinder pendek terbuat dari beton, ukuran diameter 15 cm dan panjang 30 cm berada pada temperatur awal 25oC. Silinder itu dibiarkan mendingin di udara terbuka yang temperaturnya 0oC. Hitunglah waktu yang diperlukan untuk temperatur pusat menjadi 6oC jika koefisien perpindahan panas 17 W/m2K.


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