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Dann Ronnielle B.

Tormis Street Barangay Sambag-1 Cebu city 6000 cell no. 0933- 3!-"" "

PERSONAL INFORMATION #ge Birthday )eight ,eight -ender Ci/il Status Citi0enshi& $ %0 $ Se&tember '( 1993 $ !*'+ $ 1'1 lbs. $ .ale $ Single $ 1ili&ino

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND 2ni/ersity o3 San Carlos 4. del 5osario Street( Cebu City Bachelor o3 Science in .anagement #ccountancy( th 6ear %010 to &resent Sibonga 7ational )ighschool 4oblacion( Sibonga( Cebu %006-%010 Award received: with high honor Sibonga Central 8lementary School 4oblacion( Sibonga( Cebu %000-%006 Award received: valedictorian

SKILLS AND ABILITIES 9 9 9 9 com&uter literate detail oriented systematic 3ast learner can :or; :ith minimal su&er/ision

ACHIEVEMENTS and AWARDS 1st &lace- .ath <rals Challenge Southeast Cebu .ath 8=&o San 1ernando( Cebu >anuary %010 1st &lace- .ath ,ritten ?ndi/idual Challenge Southeast Cebu .ath 8=&o San 1ernando( Cebu >anuary %010 Cham&ion .8T5<B#7@ .T#4 .ath Challenge San 1ernando( Cebu 1ebruary %00' Cham&ion- .ath <rals Challenge Cebu .ath 8=&o Balamban( Cebu 7o/ember %00'

AFFILIATIONS Chairman Sanguniang @abataan Bato( Sibonga( Cebu %010 to &resent .ember >unior 4hili&&ine ?nstitute o3 #ccountants-2SC %010 to &resent .ember >4?# 8/ents Ser/ice Team >une %013 to &resent Standing Committee-4resident 5eginal 1ederation->unior 4hili&&ine ?nstitute o3 #ccountants >une %013 to &resent


Aelegate 7ational 6outh Commission- youth agenda seminar -uadalu&e( Cebu city 1ebruary %013 Aelegate ?S@<B#5-B<S leadershi& seminar Cebu city .ay %01% Aelegate @ool #d/enture Cam& 5amon #boiti0 1oundation ?nc. Se&tember %009 Aelegate Southeast Cebu-SS- leadershi& training #rgao( Cebu 1ebruary %00'

REFERENCES Cirila M. Montera Barangay Chairman Bato, Sibonga, Cebu Faye Micabalo Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants a!"iser #ni"ersity of San Carlos $estor %ogronio Math Challenge Coach Sibonga $ational &ighschool

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