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Top 5 Freeware

Introduction..................................................................5 Copyright & Disclaimer.................................................... 6 Audio and Video So tware................................................ !

". Audacity............................................................................. ! #. CamStudio........................................................................... ! $. %&'C................................................................................. ! (. De)ut Video Capture.............................................................. * 5. A+idemu, Video -ditor........................................................... * 6. VirtualDu)........................................................................... . !. /ero 0wi1 'edia................................................................... . *. &lender.............................................................................. . .. Freema1e Video Con+erter.................................................... "2 "2. Aimp............................................................................... "2 "". V3C 'edia 4layer............................................................... "2 "#. 'usic&rain5 4icard............................................................. ""

Image -ditor and Viewer................................................."#

"$. "(. "5. "6. "!. "*. ".. #2. #". ##. #$. #(. #5. 6ing................................................................................ "# FastStone......................................................................... "# Fly Free.......................................................................... "$ Ir anView......................................................................... "$ 4os 4hoto -ditor................................................................ "$ 7/8 7imp........................................................................ "( 4hotoscape...................................................................... "( 4aint./-T........................................................................ "( 4hoto4lus Starter -dition..................................................... "5 7oogle 4icasa.................................................................... "5 %nView........................................................................... "5 nCon+ert......................................................................... "6 Image 9esi5er................................................................... "6

Security So tware........................................................."*
#6. :one Alarm Free Firewall #2"$.............................................. "* #!. A+ast; ! Free Anti+irus........................................................ "* 2

Top 5 Freeware

#*. AV7 Anti<Virus Free #2"$..................................................... "* #.. 'alware)ytes Anti<'alware.................................................. ". $2. A+ira Free Anti+irus............................................................ ". $". 'icroso t Security -ssentials................................................. #2 $#. 'oon Secure Anti+irus......................................................... #2 $$. =nline Armor.................................................................... #2 $(. 4anda Cloud Anti+irus......................................................... #" $5. Comodo Free Firewall......................................................... #" $6. Ad<Aware Free Anti+irus...................................................... #" $!. FortiClient 3ite.................................................................. ## $*. Clearsight Anti+irus 3ite...................................................... ## $.. Spyware &laster................................................................. #$ (2. Spy)ot Search And Destroy................................................... #$

&ac1up and Dis1 8tilities................................................ #(

(". 7FI &ac1up....................................................................... #( (#. Co)ian &ac1up.................................................................. #( ($. F<&ac1up......................................................................... #( ((. >inDirStat ? Dis1 Space 8sage Analy5er................................... #5 (5. SpaceSni er..................................................................... #5 (6. Auslogics Dis1 De rag.......................................................... #5 (!. Dis1 Space Fan ( Free......................................................... #6 (*. 'yDe rag......................................................................... #6 (.. Auslogics Duplicate File Finder.............................................. #! 52. &ul1 9ename 8tility............................................................ #!

System 8tilities............................................................#.
5". 5#. 5$. 5(. 55. 56. 5!. 5*. 5.. 7lary 8tilities................................................................... #. Comodo System Cleaner...................................................... #. CCleaner......................................................................... $2 SlimCleaner...................................................................... $2 Free9A' %4 4ro................................................................ $2 4C >i5ard........................................................................ $" 9egAly5er........................................................................ $" 9egistrar 9egistry 'anager................................................... $" >hoCrashed..................................................................... $# 3

Top 5 Freeware

62. Ad+anced SystemCare Free.................................................. $# 6". >in9A9........................................................................... $# 6#. Dri+er'a,........................................................................ $$ 6$. Free 9egistry De rag........................................................... $$ 6(. De+'anView De+ice 'anager................................................ $( 65. &lueScreenView................................................................ $( 66. &atteryIn oView................................................................ $( 6!. System -,plorer................................................................ $5 6*. >in3aunch....................................................................... $5

Internet..................................................................... $6
6.. Chrome........................................................................... $6 !2. Find Fa+orites................................................................... $6 !". 7oogle Tool)ar.................................................................. $6 !#. 4egasus 'ail..................................................................... $! !$. Thunder)ird -mail Client..................................................... $! !(. 0ompo5er........................................................................ $! !5. S1ype............................................................................. $* !6. Instant)ird....................................................................... $* !!. File5illa........................................................................... $* !*. uTorrent.......................................................................... $.

= ice Suites@ Document 8tilities......................................(2

!.. 4rimo4DF........................................................................ (2 *2. 4DF#( Creator.................................................................. (2 *". 3i)re= ice....................................................................... (2 *#. SSuite 4ersonal = ice......................................................... (" *$. 3otus Symphony................................................................ (" *(. 0ingso t = ice.................................................................. (" *5. =pen= ice....................................................................... (# *6. ==o(0ids......................................................................... (# *!. =,ygen= ice.................................................................... ($ **. Ado)e 9eader................................................................... ($ *.. = ice Viewers.................................................................. ($ .2. =pen >or1)ench............................................................... (( .". =pen4roA......................................................................... (( 4

Top 5 Freeware

'isc 8tilities................................................................(5
.#. TeamViewer..................................................................... (5 .$. Free'ind......................................................................... (5 .(. 8ni+ersal Viewer............................................................... (5 .5. InstantStorm..................................................................... (6 .6. 9e4ro iler........................................................................ (6 .!. >i5'ouse........................................................................ (! .*. 'ute on 3oc1.................................................................... (! ... Truecrypt......................................................................... (! "22. 4assword Dragon.............................................................. (*

Bour Feed)ac1.............................................................(.

Top 5 Freeware

We have compiled 100 freeware in various categories for Windows OS that we think will e helpful for !ou. "his list is not comprehensive or authoritative ! an! means. #owever this list has enough freeware for !ou to pla! around and pick the one that is suita le !our specific usage scenario. $lease remem er when downloading freeware% or an! other program% pa! attention during installation. Some programs or download sites tr! to install additional software that is not needed% such as a rowser tool ar% a search appliance% or their favorite anti&virus or anti&sp!ware application. 'e sure to look carefull! and check(uncheck the necessar! o)es so that !ou onl! get the software !ou are actuall! looking for. *f !ou think we+ve forgotten to include !our favorite freeware% or if !ou think an! of the freeware mentioned here should not e in the list for some reason% leave !our comment on the 100 'est ,reeware for Windows page. -on+t forget. "his list is the initial draft version% and we+ll e updating it fre/uentl! ased on !our feed ack. $lease ookmark the 100 'est ,reeware for Windows page to review the latest list.

Top 5 Freeware

Copyright & Disclaimer

1op!right 2 2013 3 4ll rights reserved. 5o part of this e'ook ma! e reproduced% translated% posted or shared in an! form% ! an! means.

"he information in this ook is provided 6as is6 with no implied warranties or guarantees.

"he cop!rights and trademarks of the products mentioned in this ook elong to the respective companies 7or authors8 who created the products.

VersionC Version 1.0 1.1 Date 02&9ar&2013 21&Sep&2013 9e+isions ,irst -raft Second -raft

Top 5 Freeware

Audio and Video So tware

". Audacity
4udacit! is an open source freeware application for audio recording and editing. *t is among the est free sound editing and recording programs. With this audio editor% !ou can easil! record live audio% change the pitch of recording% cut% cop!% and mi) sounds% etc. ;ou can even convert tapes and records into digital recordings and 1-s. 4udacit! supports Ogg <or is% 9$3% W4< or 4*,, sound files. *t is eas! to use and supports multiple languages% and works on various operating s!stems. -ownload 4udacit! =ead 4udacit! =eview

#. CamStudio
1amStudio can record the video and audio activit! on !our computer. "he application has a user friendl! interface and !ou can record 4<* or SW, video from !our computer screen. ;ou can also convert 4<* files to SW, files which are lean and andwidth&friendl! streaming flash videos. "he application doesn>t include a help guide% so it ma! e a it complicated for eginners to use the software. With 1amstudio% !ou can easil! create demonstration videos for an! software program or video tutorials. -ownload 1amStudio =ead 1amStudio =eview

$. %&'C
?'91 9edia 1enter is an open source application. *t is availa le for various operating s!stems like Windows% 9ac% @inu) etc. ?'91 can pla! almost all audio and video formats% even files inside A*$ and =4= archives. Once installed% it can B

Top 5 Freeware

transform !our computer into a multimedia Cuke o). *t is ased on network pla! ack% meaning that !ou can stream !our multimedia from an!where at !our place or from the internet. ?'91 can also pla! 1-s and -<-s directl! from the disk or image file. -ownload ?'91 =ead ?'91 =eview

(. De)ut Video Capture

-e ut <ideo 1apture is a program that lets !ou capture video files directl! on !our computer using a we cam or e)ternal devices. *t can also record screen activit! or streaming video. *t can also capture a snapshot from a video recording and save it as D$EF file. *n normal operation% it saves !our video files on !our computer hard drive in man! formats like 4<*% W9<% ,@<% 9O<% 9$4 etc. -ownload -e ut <ideo 1apture =ead -e ut <ideo 1apture =eview

5. A+idemu, Video -ditor

4videmu) is an open source video editor that will make cutting% filtering% and encoding a reeGe. *t is compati le with various video formats including 4<*% 9$EF% -<- among others% as well as supporting audio formats including 9$3% 441% W4<% and man! others. "his is a /uick% no&nonsense wa! of editing video files. -ownload 4videmu) <ideo Editor =ead 4videmu) <ideo Editor =eview

Top 5 Freeware

6. VirtualDu)
<irtual-u is a free video editing software which can accomplish Cust a out an! task for trimming and cleaning up videos. *t also includes atch&processing functionalit! for processing a large num er of files. <irtual-u has a variet! of features including a choice of compression codecs% splitting% and addition of audio tracks. "he whole source code is availa le which is a plus. -ownload <irtual-u =ead <irtual-u =eview

!. /ero 0wi1 'edia

5ero Iwik 9edia is a freeware application ! 5ero which can urn and cop! all !our music% videos or data to a 1-% -<- or lu&ra! disc. *t is /uick% eas! and customiGa le. *t can find videos and photos on !our $1% mo ile devices or other e)ternal hard drives% and then s!nchroniGe them into a smart and eas! to use media li rar!% so that !ou can easil! pla! the music or movies of !our choice or watch !our photographs. So all in all% 5ero Iwik 9edia is a free and light media manager which manages i.e organiGes% edits and shares% !our media files and data. -ownload 5ero Iwik 9edia =ead 5ero Iwik 9edia =eview

*. &lender
'lender is a free% open&source 3- rendering program that features a great list of animation essentials% including interface% modeling% rigging% rendering% animation% J< unwrapping% shading% real time 3-(Fame creation% and man! others. *t has a feature&packed interface loaded with useful and intrinsic tools. -ownload 'lender =ead 'lender =eview 10

Top 5 Freeware

.. Freema1e Video Con+erter

,reemake <ideo 1onverter is a freeware program for converting videos to pla! with an! format% 9$EF% 4<*% ,@<% $S$% i$od% 9$3% 4ndroid% i$hone% i"ouch% and man! more. "his fantastic program is ver! eas! to install and use. "he application includes rilliant onus features% like converting online videos directl! from more than 50 we sites including ver! popular we sites like ;outu e% ,ace ook etc. "here are more than 200 input formats supported ! ,reemake <ideo 1onverter% and its video conversion is the fastest ecause of integrated 1J-4 and -?<4 technolog!. *t can convert videos to urn lu ra! format videoK su title support is includedK it can urn -<-s up to 40 hours in lengthK and much more. -ownload ,reemake <ideo 1onverter =ead ,reemake <ideo 1onverter =eview

"2. Aimp
4*9$ has all the features that !ou will look for in an! good /ualit! music pla!er% with support for more than twent! formats. *t has a simple and intuitive user interface with eas! navigation. "he pla!er is full! customiGa le and e)tenda le. 4imp includes an 1B and graphics e/ualiGer with e)tra uilt&in sound effects% and audio is processed in 32& it for cr!stal clear sound. *t is a light&weight and eas! to use program with the a ilit! to work with multiple pla!lists at once. 4imp has an integrated audio li rar!% sound recorder% tag editor% audio converter% and much more. -ownload 4imp =ead 4imp =eview

"". V3C 'edia 4layer

<@1 9edia $la!er is a favorite multimedia pla!er which is porta le and open source. "his powerful software supports multiple audio and video formats regardless of their nature. *ts framework also pla!s -<-s% <1-s% and 4udio 1-s% as well as man! other streaming protocols. *t works on different operating 11

Top 5 Freeware

s!stems like Windows% 9ac% @inu)% etc. and is completel! free of adware or sp!ware. <@1 is simple to install and use with its in uilt media converter and streamer. -ownload <@1 9edia $la!er =ead <@1 9edia $la!er =eview

"#. 'usic&rain5 4icard

9usic'rainG $icard is a cross platform application that has een written in $!thon. *t is the official 9usic'rainG tagger software. $icard supports the maCorit! of audio file formats% and is capa le of using audio fingerprints 74coust*-s8% performing 1- lookups% and has e)cellent Jnicode support. ,urthermore% there are several downloada le plugins that e)tend the features of this app. $icard uses an al um&oriented approach to tag files% allowing it to utiliGe 9usic'rainG data effectivel!. $icard was named after 1aptain Dean&@uc $icard from Star "rek. -ownload 9usic'rainG $icard =ead 9usic'rainG $icard =eview

Leave Your Feedback If your favorite freeware is missing from this list, or if you think any of the freeware mentioned here should not be in the list for some reason, leave your comment on this 100 Best Freeware for Windows page.


Top 5 Freeware

Image -ditor and Viewer

"$. 6ing
Ding is a freeware application for image(screen capturing and photo editing. *t+s a product of "echsmith 1ompan! which is known for their e)cellent screen capture applications. Ding makes capturing videos and images on !our screen a simple% one click action% and allows !ou to share them online with !our friends. *t is a feature rich program which can e used to capture a screenshot or record a screencast 7!ou will need a microphone to include audio8. ;ou can edit photos or videos with this program to enhance them. "o initialiGe Ding% !ou need to create an account with "echsmith. -ownload Ding =ead Ding =eview

"(. FastStone
,astStone *mage <iewer is a convenient program for viewing% editing and converting images. *t supports man! popular image formats such as $5F% D$EF% F*,% '9$% etc.% and can also save images as $-, files. *ts interface is ased on e)plorer% so navigation is never a pro lem. Once !ou find the images folder% its content will open as thum nails. ;ou can select an image ! dou le clicking it and it will automaticall! open in full screen% now !ou can perform !our actions on the image% e.g. renaming% resiGing% cropping% rotating% etc. "hese actions can also e performed on several images at once in a atch mode. -ownload ,astStone =ead ,astStone =eview


Top 5 Freeware

"5. Fly Free

,l! ,ree is a photo viewer and editor that makes it relativel! eas! to view and edit pictures. ;ou can resiGe several pictures at once% upload pictures directl! to several social media sites% convert a we page to an image% and perform all the other standard image editing functions that !ou can e)pect from a free software. -ownload ,l! ,ree =ead ,l! ,ree =eview

"6. Ir anView
*rfan<iew can view% edit% pla! video as well audio files% convert image files% optimiGe% create slideshows etc. *ts interface is simple and clean and it has e)tensive atch processing support. *rfanview is e)panda le with plug&ins and is light on s!stem resources. *t is fast and supports multiple file formats. ;ou can also create images% take screenshots% and paint with this software. "his small powerful program is eas! to use and one of the most popular image editors out there. -ownload *rfan<iew =ead *rfan<iew =eview

"!. 4os 4hoto -ditor

$os ,ree $hoto Editor is eas! to use and intuitive. ;ou can perform various photo editing functions including crop% resiGe% contrast% rotate% remove red e!e% increase(decrease contrast% sharpness% etc. -ownload $os $hoto Editor =ead $os $hoto =eview


Top 5 Freeware

"*. 7/8 7imp

F5J F*9$ is an open source photo editing or image manipulation program which allows !ou to view% edit% and enhance !our photos. *t is a feature rich software which can perform a num er of tasks. "he F*9$ can perform an!thing from asic to comple) photo manipulation tasks. *ts user interface is not user friendl!% and eginners ma! take some time to get used to the program. -espite its comple) operation% the F+*9$ is ver! popular ecause it has almost all tools that are re/uired in photo editing software. -ownload F5J Fimp =ead F5J Fimp =eview

".. 4hotoscape
$hotoscape is an image editing application which is packed with all the asic features for photo editing and enhancing. "he software has an intuitive and attractive user interface which makes it eas! and fun to use even for eginners. *t includes powerful features which can not onl! edit pictures ut also create slideshows or animated F*,s% capture screenshots% and much more. -ownload $hotoscape =ead $hotoscape =eview

#2. 4aint./-T
$aint.5E" is a photo editing and image manipulation program which allows !ou to view% edit and enhance !our photos. Jnlike $hotoshop% $aint.5E" is not for professional photo editors% rather it+s good for those who want to do asic photo enhancement. "his is a feature rich application which can perform multiple photo manipulation tasks and is therefore e)cellent for home use. $aint.5E" has a simple and clean interface which makes it eas! to use even for eginners. *t has almost all the tools that are re/uired in a asic photo editor software. -uring installation% !ou need to have latest version of .5E" framework installed in !our computer or it will do that for !ou along with the installation. 15

Top 5 Freeware

-ownload $aint.5E" =ead $aint.5E" =eview

#". 4hoto4lus Starter -dition

$hoto$lus is a good image editing software which has oth free and pro versions. "he free version is called 6$hoto$lus Starter Edition6% and it includes all the t!pical photo editing features. ;ou can also remove red e!e% smooth the skin% righten the teeth% etc% on the photos. -ownload $hoto$lus Starter Edition =ead $hoto$lus Starter Edition =eview

##. 7oogle 4icasa

Foogle $icasa is a photo organiGer and editor. *ts interface is /uite intuitive and eas! to use. Once installed% it will locate all the pictures in !our s!stem and start organiGing them% representing them as thum nails making it easier for !ou to manage. $icasa can e used without *nternet e)cept for some of the online features. 'esides powerful photo management% picasa lets !ou edit the photos% using various options like re&siGing% cropping% adding effects% etc. to enhance the /ualit! of !our photographs. -ownload Foogle $icasa =ead Foogle $icasa =eview

#$. %nView
?n<iew is an image viewer% ut it does a lot more than that. ;ou can convert !our image files to different formats and perform asic image editing functions like resiGe% crop% rotate% etc. ?n<iew can perform atch convert and rename% screen capture% and comparison of images side ! side. 4ll in all% this is an eas! 10

Top 5 Freeware

to use image viewer with additional functionalit! that !ou might need for !our image manipulation. -ownload ?n<iew =ead ?n<iew =eview

#(. nCon+ert
51onvert can convert !our image files to different formats% supporting over 400 of them. "he est thing a out 51overt is that !ou can change the format of several image files using the atch mode% or perform other image manipulation functions like adCusting rightness and contrast% appl!ing filters and effects% etc. -ownload 51onvert =ead 51onvert =eview

#5. Image 9esi5er

*mage =esiGer lets !ou resiGe an image directl! ! right&clicking on the image file from !our Windows E)plorer. Jsing this utilit! !ou can also select multiple files and resiGe them at the same time. *t is an e)tremel! simple% eas! to use% and efficient utilit!. -ownload *mage =esiGer =ead *mage =esiGer =eview

Leave Your Feedback


Top 5 Freeware

If your favorite freeware is missing from this list, or if you think any of the freeware mentioned here should not be in the list for some reason, leave your comment on this 100 Best Freeware for Windows page.


Top 5 Freeware

Security So tware
#6. :one Alarm Free Firewall #2"$
Aone 4larm ,ree ,irewall is a complete $1 protection solution that gives !ou protection against sp!ware% malware% virus% troCans% hackers% etc. Aone 4larm ,ree ,irewall has a two wa! firewall% which makes !our $1 invisi le to hackers and stops sp!ware from sending !our data out to the internet. *ts Aone4larm Securit! "ool ar gives securit! information a out sites !ou visit and much more. -ownload Aone 4larm ,ree ,irewall 2013 =ead Aone 4larm ,ree ,irewall 2012 =eview

#!. A+ast; ! Free Anti+irus

4vast. : ,ree 4ntivirus is one of the est antivirus solutions availa le in the market 3 and it+s ,=EE. "his relia le utilit! gives !ou effective protection against sp!ware and viruses. *t has a friendl! user interface with all features displa!ed on the main window% making it ver! eas! to use. "he scanning process has good speed and the +shields+ are oth effective and highl! configura le. 4vast. : has a full complement of features as !ou can see under main headings on the left side of the screen shot elow. "hese features will e e)plained elow in detail. ,or regular or average user% it will definitel! and significantl! reduce the risk of the computer eing infected. -ownload 4vast. : ,ree 4ntivirus =ead 4vast. : ,ree 4ntivirus =eview

#*. AV7 Anti<Virus Free #2"$

4<F 4nti&<irus is an effective freeware which protects !our $1 against sp!ware% virus% rootkits% spam etc. *t sits /uietl! in the s!stem tra! and works in the ackground without othering !ou. *ts data ase is fre/uentl! updated 1H

Top 5 Freeware

automaticall! to protect !ou from freshl! discovered threats. With email protection and we rowsing filter% it ecomes a perfect anti&virus tool for regular ut not so avid computer users. While installing this application% it will tr! to install the 4<F securit! tool ar which is not re/uired and offers to change default search engine. ;ou Cust need to pa! attention to this. -ownload 4<F 4nti&<irus ,ree 2013 =ead 4<F 4nti&<irus ,ree 2012 =eview

#.. 'alware)ytes Anti<'alware

9alware !tes 4nti&9alware detects viruses% troCans% sp!ware% worms% rootkits% dialers and other malware. "his antimalware is light&weight and eas! to useK the technolog! it uses is ver! effective and provides one of the most powerful securit! tools. 9alware !tes 4nti&9alware is fast% efficient and impressive with ma)imum detection rate. 5ote that unlike 4vast or 4<F% the free version doesn>t provide real&time protectionK the user needs to launch a scan which then generates a report listing the affected areas so that !ou can clear off the malware as per !our re/uirement. -ownload 9alware !tes 4nti&9alware =ead 9alware !tes 4nti&9alware =eview

$2. A+ira Free Anti+irus

4vira is one of the oldest free anti&virus solutions in the market. *t gives !our $1 asic protection against malware like viruses% worms% troCans% rootkits% adware and sp!ware. *t scans !our s!stem at a fine speed% and if infections are it repairs the s!stem automaticall!. "his is an ad supported application and offers to install non re/uired software during installation. 'e careful to deselect those. -ownload 4vira ,ree 4ntivirus =ead 4vira ,ree 4ntivirus =eview 20

Top 5 Freeware

$". 'icroso t Security -ssentials

9icrosoft Securit! Essentials is a free antivirus program from 9icrosoft to protect !our computer against troCans% virus% worms and sp!ware. *ts installation and interface is so simple that !ou can ver! easil! learn to use it. ;ou ma! compare it with an! good free antivirus in the market% ut it can actuall! e compared to its paid competitors as well. *ts scanning process is /uite fast and updates are delivered /uickl! too. "his program runs /uietl! in the ackground without distur ing !ou% generating alerts and updates onl! when re/uired. -ownload 9icrosoft Securit! Essentials =ead 9icrosoft Securit! Essentials =eview

$#. 'oon Secure Anti+irus

9oon Secure 4ntivirus is an open source antivirus solution for Windows. *t+s licensed under F$@. 4nd offers multiple scan engines% net shield% firewall% e)ec scanner% rootkit prevention% etc. -ownload 9oon Secure 4ntivirus =ead 9oon Secure 4ntivirus =eview

$$. =nline Armor

Online 4rmor protects !our $1 from unwanted intruders like hackers% malicious programs% etc. "his program is /uite eas! to install and useK once !ou are done with installation% !ou need to restart !our computer in order to put its learning or e)ploration process to an end. "he application doesn>t slow down !our computer and is light on s!stem resources. *ts interface is clean and intuitive with all options nicel! displa!ed on the right side of the main window. 4nother good thing is that it doesn>t anno! !ou with too man! pop&ups. 4ll in all it is powerful securit! software ut some features are missing in the free version. -ownload Online 4rmor


Top 5 Freeware

=ead Online 4rmor =eview

$(. 4anda Cloud Anti+irus

$anda 1loud 4ntivirus detects viruses% troCans% sp!ware% worms% hacking tools% dialers% and other malware. $anda is a light&weight and eas! to use program which uses minimal s!stem resources. "he technolog! is cloud& ased and draws from $anda>s collective intelligence. *ts interface is intuitive and installation is eas!K however% users need to pa! attention while installing since $anda is an ad& supported application which will tr! to change !our homepage for we rowsers% add a tool ar% etc. "his antivirus is fast% efficient% and impressive with ma)imum detection rate. -ownload $anda 1loud 4ntivirus =ead $anda 1loud 4ntivirus =eview

$5. Comodo Free Firewall

1omodo free firewall uses default den! protection rather than letting malware enter !our s!stem% then detecting it and removing it. 1omodo doesn>t let an! suspicious file get e)ecuted in !our s!stem. Whenever an! t!pe of malware or virus tries to enter !our computer% 1omodo will raise an alert which notifies !ou. *t has a clean and user friendl! interface which makes it eas! to navigate. -ownload 1omodo ,ree ,irewall =ead 1omodo ,ree ,irewall =eview

$6. Ad<Aware Free Anti+irus

4d&4ware ,ree 4ntivirus is relia le utilit! gives !ou an effective protection against troCans% virus% worms and sp!ware. *t gives !ou two wa! protection i.e protection with antivirus and anti&sp!ware engines. 4d&4ware has a friendl! user interface with all its features displa!ed nicel!K this software solution is full of 22

Top 5 Freeware

features ut to activate it% !ou need to register first. 4n activation ke! will e sent ! email and !ou have to paste it in when asked. -ownload 4d&4ware ,ree 4ntivirus =ead 4d&4ware ,ree 4ntivirus =eview

$!. FortiClient 3ite

,orti1lient @ite is not Cust an antivirus ut a complete end point protection suite which includes virus and other malware detection% <$5% parental we control and rootkit removal. "his award winning protection suite is the in&house product of ,ortinet and uses definitions from ,ortinet>s ,ortiFuard @a s. *t is an eas!&to& use program with a user friendl! interface and is light on s!stem resources. ,orti1lient @ite offers three t!pe of scansL Muick scan will scan !our $1 /uickl! against the intruders% ,ull scan will slowl! scan !our $1 with in&depth anal!sis% and 1ustom scan can e customiGed according to !our needs. -ownload ,orti1lient @ite =ead ,orti1lient @ite =eview

$*. Clearsight Anti+irus 3ite

1learsight 4ntivirus @ite offers realtime resident protection from malware. "he scanning engine is fast and scans for viruses% worms% troCans% ackdoors% macro viruses% etc. 1learsight also has a ver! small memor! footprint% and uses incremental virus data ase update to reduce the download time. -ownload 1learsight 4ntivirus @ite =ead 1learsight 4ntivirus @ite =eview


Top 5 Freeware

$.. Spyware &laster

Sp!ware 'laster is a powerful freeware protection program which was initiall! designed to lock the installation of 4ctive?& ased attackers and it worked effectivel! for that purpose. Since then% there was no looking ack% and the software has een e)panded to protect !our computer against sp!ware% adware% dialers% and other malicious programs which act as threats on the internet and anno! users. "his efficient antivirus solution is designed with a ver! friendl! and appealing user interface which makes it ver! eas! to use. -ownload Sp!ware 'laster =ead Sp!ware 'laster =eview

(2. Spy)ot Search And Destroy

Sp! ot Search 4nd -estro! is a free sp!ware% malware% and adware remover. "he program comes with a plain and clear interface which is /uite eas! to use. Scanning speed ma! e less than some others ut is decent considering the depth of protection. Sp! ot SN- scans for and removes malware and rootkits% and !ou can also immuniGe !our rowser and host file. -ownload Sp! ot Search and -estro! =ead Sp! ot Search 4nd -estro! =eview Leave Your Feedback If your favorite freeware is missing from this list, or if you think any of the freeware mentioned here should not be in the list for some reason, leave your comment on this 100 Best Freeware for Windows page.


Top 5 Freeware

&ac1up and Dis1 8tilities

(". 7FI &ac1up
F,* is used professionall! due to its uilt&in support for 9icrosoft+s <SS model. 'acking up is faster and simpler with volume shadow cop!ing. ;ou can also auto notif! !ourself after the ackup% which can e directed to ,"$% network drive% or e)ternal drive. F,* can take compressed and encr!pted ackups% and has the capacit! to make true incremental ackups. -ownload F,* 'ackup =ead F,* 'ackup =eview

(#. Co)ian &ac1up

1o ian is among the favorite Windows ackup programs ecause of its tool selection and efficienc!. ;ou can perform scheduled ackupK Cust like man! other programs% !ou can ackup to ,"$% network drive and e)ternal drive. "he ackup siGe is unlimited. 1o ian offers compressed and encr!pted ackup. -ownload 1o ian 'ackup =ead 1o ian 'ackup =eview

($. F<&ac1up
,'ackup is a solutel! free and can e used for personal and commercial ackup. *t acks up automaticall! to !our JS' or ,irewire device in either a local or network location. ;ou ma! opt to compress files in Gip format or cop! them as is. ,&'ackup can automaticall! ack up files% and it is ver! eas! to use. -ownload ,&'ackup


Top 5 Freeware

=ead ,&'ackup =eview

((. >inDirStat ? Dis1 Space 8sage Analy5er

Win-irStat is a disk anal!sis and cleanup application. "his program performs disk check or scan operations on !our computer and colorfull! displa!s the space occupied ! files and folders on the hard drive. Once installed% Win-irStat it ma! take a few minutes to scan !our selected folder or drive% ut then it will give !ou a color&coded displa! of the filesL lue for those taking up the ma)imum space% red for the second highest space% green for third highest% and gra! for the rest. ;ou can clean up !our disk and save space which is eing eaten up ! unwanted files. Win-irStat is loaded with features and has a simple interface% so it can e a wonderful free tool for thorough cleaning of !our computer. -ownload Win-irStat =ead Win-irStat =eview

(5. SpaceSni er
SpaceSniffer anal!Ges !our disks and finds an! lost space. While the user interface is simple and clean% it has powerful features in the ack% which is not visi le to users. SpaceSniffer has a smart cached scanning engine% multiple views% single scan% !ou can navigate even during the scan. 5o installation is re/uired% it+s Cust one single e)ecuta le% which !ou can easil! carr! along with !ou in !our thum drive. -ownload SpaceSnifer =ead SpaceSnifer =eview

(6. Auslogics Dis1 De rag

-efragmentation is a process which reduces the amount of fragmentation for files on !our hard disk. ,ragments are the parts of data which have een stored non se/uentiall! for various reasons. 4uslogics -isk -efrag is a utilit! with 20

Top 5 Freeware

advanced features which will help !ou to reduce the time taken ! !our s!stem to open a file. *t also optimiGes !our $1 for etter speed. -ownload 4uslogics -isk -efrag =ead 4uslogics -isk -efrag =eview

(!. Dis1 Space Fan ( Free

"here are oth pro and free versions of -isk Space ,an 4 ,ree% so some features are not availa le in the free version. *t still has all the asic features that !ou would e)pect from disk scanning softwareL it scans !our s!stem to identif! large files% including network pathsK it displa!s disk space usage in a fine rings chart from which !ou can navigate to the folders and make room on the disk ! eliminating useless files. -ownload -isk Space ,an 4 ,ree =ead -isk Space ,an 4 ,ree =eview

(*. 'yDe rag

9!-efrag is a solid disk defragmenter and optimiGer which makes !our hard disk etter and faster. *t is a ver! light application% installs in seconds% and is free of advertisements. 'efore running 9!-efrag% !ou need to specif! options like anal!Ge onl!% consolidate free space% etc. from the selection of availa le scripts. *t is a powerful utilit! that gives !ou complete details of !our hard disk and then optimiGes it for longer life and etter speed. -ownload 9!-efrag =ead 9!-efrag =eview


Top 5 Freeware

(.. Auslogics Duplicate File Finder

"he 4uslogics -uplicate ,ile ,inder software claims to increase 50O disk space% ! removing worthless duplicate files% identical pictures% documents and an! other files. "he files are compared not onl! ! names ut also ! their content. 9edia collections can also e easil! organiGed ! using this software to remove e)tra files. #ard drive defragmentation time also reduces when duplicate files are removed. "he 4uslogics -uplicate ,ile ,inder makes use of the 9-5 search engine which ena le one to search for files ! content% not considering other match criteria. -ownload 4uslogics -uplicate ,ile ,inder =ead 4uslogics -uplicate ,ile ,inder =eview

52. &ul1 9ename 8tility

'ulk =ename Jtilit! is a freeware for Windows which allows !ou to rename multiple files /uickl! according to certain fle)i le criteria. One can also add% replace or insert te)t into filenames% and accomplish things like changing case% adding num ers etc. $hotos can also e renamed using E?*, metadata. 9$3 files are renamed using *-3 tags and file creation and modification time stamps can e changed. 'ulk =ename Jtilit! also uses a small memor! footprint so it can e left running without consuming all !our memor!. -ownload 'ulk =ename Jtilit! =ead 'ulk =ename Jtilit! =eview

Leave Your Feedback If your favorite freeware is missing from this list, or if you think any of the freeware mentioned here should not be in the list for some reason, leave your comment on this 100 Best Freeware for Windows page.


Top 5 Freeware


Top 5 Freeware

System 8tilities
5". 7lary 8tilities
Flar! Jtilities is a powerful software package that consists of various utilities to increase !our $1 performance and maintain !our s!stem. *t has powerful tools which manage !our s!stem% with a nicel! done user friendl! interface that clearl! shows all its capa ilities. ;ou Cust need to select the features !ou need% and the program will perform a /uick scan for !ou. Flar! will detect pro lems and highlight what it found under each particular feature. 4fter that !ou can repair the pro lems ! Cust clicking the repair uttonK there is no cost to perform the repairs. Flar! Jtilities is among the est free software of its kind. -ownload Flar! Jtilities =ead Flar! Jtilities =eview

5#. Comodo System Cleaner

1omodo S!stem 1leaner Jtilit! is a powerful program which cleans up !our computer with complete safet!. -a! to da! work on !our computer causes unwanted Cunk to uild up in !our s!stemK these unwanted files are hard to find and delete. 4s this Cunk increases% it causes s!stem slowdown or other pro lems. 1omodo S!stem 1leaner easil! finds the Cunk and removes it without deleting or damaging an! important functionalit! of !our s!stem. *t has a friendl! user interface and a help file is also included. "his program scans at a faster speed% and efore it starts the cleanup process% it makes a ackup so that no important data gets lost accidentall!. -ownload 1omodo S!stem 1leaner =ead 1omodo S!stem 1leaner =eview


Top 5 Freeware

5$. CCleaner
11leaner is a tool for s!stem cleaning and optimiGation. *t is /uick and scans !our $1 at ver! high speed% plus it is ver! eas! to use. *t cleans unused files from !our s!stem and removes traces of !our online activities like !our *nternet histor!. "his utilit! also includes a registr! cleaning tool which removes the unwanted registr! items from !our s!stem and makes !our windows run faster. *t cleans up ,irefo)% *nternet E)plorer% Opera% Foogle 1hrome% Safari% =ec!cle 'in% =ecent -ocuments% "emporar! and @og files% =egistr!% etc. and is completel! free of adware or sp!ware. *nstallation of this software is /uick and eas!. *ts simple interface is small and self e)planator!. -ownload 11leaner =ead 11leaner =eview

5(. SlimCleaner
Slim1leaner cleans and optimiGe !our s!stem ! using user aggregated cloud data% i.e. it uses the crowd&source approach. 'ased on this information% it recommends optimal settings for !our s!stem. -ownload Slim1leaner =ead Slim1leaner =eview

55. Free9A' %4 4ro

Even though it has 6$ro6 in its name% it is free. ,ree=49 ?$ $ro will free up and optimiGe the =49 ! means of ver! detailed =49 releasing and optimiGing features such as threaded memor! freeing and autofree options. ,ree=49 uses =49&freeing windows shortcuts% and includes advanced windows tra! support% as well as several performance monitoring and diagnostic reports. -ownload ,ree=49 ?$ $ro =ead ,ree=49 ?$ $ro =eview 31

Top 5 Freeware

56. 4C >i5ard
$1 WiGard is s!stem information software which gives !ou detailed information a out computer components and s!stem configuration. "his freeware utilit! is one of the most advanced s!stem information programs availa leK it can not onl! detect !our hardware ut also anal!Ge and enchmark !our s!stem. ,or e)ample it can anal!Ge and enchmark cache performance% hard disk performance% 1$J performance etc. *ts interface is clean and intuitive. $a! attention while installing this application as it ma! tr! to include third part! software which is not re/uired% ut all in all $1 WiGard is one of the est programs of its kind% a must for those who are want to learn more a out their s!stem. -ownload $1 WiGard =ead $1 WiGard =eview

5!. 9egAly5er
=eg4l!Ger is a tool for easil! rowsing and modif!ing the registr!. *t has a clean interface with all the re/uired features% and it is eas! to install and use. =eg4l!Ger will automaticall! read the registr! and displa! the list of registr! entries. *t will give !ou the detailed information like securit! data% info data ase% and change logs. "his application includes a help manual to guide !ou through the program features. *ts main window looks like the original regedit registr! anal!Ger with a num er of additions for ease of use. -ownload =eg4l!Ger =ead =eg4l!Ger =eview

5*. 9egistrar 9egistry 'anager

=egistrar =egistr! 9anager can manage !our local registr! as well as the registries of other windows s!stems in !our network. "his utilit! can ack up !our registries% restore from ackup% find and replace% and has ookmark capa ilit!. =egistrar also has a registr! defragmenter% and a registr! monitor which monitors and logs all registr! access. 32

Top 5 Freeware

-ownload =egistrar =egistr! 9anager =ead =egistrar =egistr! 9anager =eview

5.. >hoCrashed
Who1rashed identifies drivers that are responsi le for crashing the s!stem. "his is ver! helpful when !ou encounter the lue screen of death% where the s!stem Cust crashes ! giving a lue screen and then automaticall! re oots. Who1rashed will show !ou the offending drivers which caused the crash. 'asicall! it does a crashdump anal!sis and displa!s the output in a meaningful wa! so that !ou can understand and identif! the drivers that caused the crash. -ownload Who1rashed =ead Who1rashed =eview

62. Ad+anced SystemCare Free

4dvanced S!stem1are is designed to repair% protect and optimiGe !our computer 3 all in one comprehensive program. 4dvanced s!stem care includes a registr! cleaner that will give !ou plent! of tools% and incorporates man! other powerful features in a one package. "he /uick care option will allow !ou to clean !our registr!% e)ecute a asic malware scan% repair and erase roken shortcuts% erase Cunk files% and also remove online rowsing histor!. 4dvanced S!stem1are has a user&friendl! interface% and in addition to taking care of $1 performance% it also does asic performance monitoring. -ownload 4dvanced S!stem1are ,ree =ead 4dvanced S!stem1are ,ree =eview

6". >in9A9
1. Win=4= is a file archiving utilit! which can compress and decompress most archive formats% including =4=% A*$% :&Aip% 'A*$2% FAip% "4=% 41E% 33

Top 5 Freeware

@A#% 14'% *SO% and 4=D. *ts installation is eas!% as it is a fle)i le and lightweight program. "he interface is simple and intuitiveK !ou Cust need to drag and drop the files to create an archive% or !ou can rowse through the options ! right clicking the file. 4ll the functions are nicel! displa!ed at the top of the interface in a colorful manner. 'oth compression and decompression can e done at ver! fast speed with Win=4=. ;ou can also scan the archives against virus efore decompression. -ownload Win=4= =ead Win=4= =eview

6#. Dri+er'a,
-river9a) scans all the drivers on !our s!stem and identifies which ones need to e updated. Once !ou identif! an outdated driver% !ou can download it directl!. $lease keep in mind that !ou should create an account on their we site for this to work properl!. -ownload -river9a) =ead -river9a) =eview

6$. Free 9egistry De rag

Over time% !our windows registr! data ecomes scattered within the registr! file ecause of constant updates. "his creates fragmented registr! data. ,ree =egistr! -efrag compacts !our registr! ! removing the gaps and wasted space% which will speed up registr! related actions. -ownload ,ree =egistr! -efrag =ead ,ree =egistr! -efrag =eview


Top 5 Freeware

6(. De+'anView De+ice 'anager

-ev9an<iew acts as an alternative to the Windows standard -evice 9anager. *t displa!s devices and their properties in a flat ta le view rather than in the tree view% and can also displa! the devices of an! networked computer on which !ou have administrator access rights. -ev9an<iew is a porta le program which is also ver! small in siGe. *t+s more useful than the uilt&in device manager as it comes with more options for viewing and trou leshooting !our s!stem>s devicesK !ou can do much more than Cust disa ling% ena ling and removing devices. -ownload -ev9an<iew =ead -ev9an<iew =eview

65. &lueScreenView
When !our Windows s!stem crashes with a lue screen of death% it creates a dump file. 'lueScreen<iew can help !ou understand what happened as it scans all the minidump files which are created during 'SO- crashes and displa!s the crash information in a ta le view. "his program displa!s a minidump filename for each crash along with the date and time of crash% plus all the asic crash information in the lue screen% there ! helping !ou in anal!Ging the cause of crash. 1rash information columns are displa!ed in the upper pane% driver information columns in the lower pane. "he interface is ver! eas! to understand and installation is not re/uired. -ownload 'lueScreen<iew =ead 'lueScreen<iew =eview

66. &atteryIn oView

"his simple utilit! displa!s the current status and additional information a out !our atter!% including manufacturer name% serial num er% current atter! capacit!% charge(discharge rate% etc. -ownload 'atter!*nfo<iew 35

Top 5 Freeware

=ead 'atter!*nfo<iew =eview

6!. System -,plorer

S!stem E)plorer is favored ! man! users ecause it is e)tremel! user friendl!. Some of its ver! useful features include the a ilit! to take and compare file and registr! snapshots% to upload files to <irustotal% and to look up files or processes straight from the FJ* online. "he interface of this application is ver! organiGed and eas! to work with% allowing !ou to view services% processes% *E add&ons% protocol filters and handlers for E)plorer. -ownload S!stem E)plorer =ead S!stem E)plorer =eview

6*. >in3aunch
Win@aunch gives Widows users a 9ac&st!le interface to use% as most people agree that although Windows is ahead in functionalit! and power% 9acs are still the kings of usa ilit!. *t perfects the 9ac look and feel seamlessl!% it comes with the option for touchscreen support and even supports Windows B. ;ou can have instant access to all of !our most commonl! used applications and files at the click of a utton% from an! location. With a variet! of customisa le options and simple usa ilit! features% this awesome @auncher comes with oth looks and functionalit!. -ownload Win@aunch =ead Win@aunch =eview Leave Your Feedback If your favorite freeware is missing from this list, or if you think any of the freeware mentioned here should not be in the list for some reason, leave your comment on this 100 Best Freeware for Windows page. 30

Top 5 Freeware

6.. Chrome
"he popular rowser from Foogle is significantl! faster than most other rowsers% and prett! much has all the features and add&ons that !ou might need for !our rowsing e)perience. -ownload 1hrome =ead 1hrome =eview

!2. Find Fa+orites

,ind ,avorites allows !ou to search !our *nternet E)plorer ookmarks. "his is especiall! helpful when !ou have a lot of ookmarks and folders that !ou+ve created in !our *E ookmarks. Dust t!pe a ke!word% and this program will find the matching links. -ownload ,ind ,avorites =ead ,ind ,avorites =eview

!". 7oogle Tool)ar

Foogle "ool ar for !our *E rowser lets !ou can directl! search Foogle% share !our favorite we sites on FoogleP% and add custom uttons. *f !ou are not using the chrome rowser% Foogle "ool ar is a must for !our *nternet E)plorer. -ownload Foogle "ool ar =ead Foogle "ool ar =eview


Top 5 Freeware

!#. 4egasus 'ail

$egasus 9ail is one of the most powerful% feature rich and secure email clients availa le for Windows. "his small% fast program notifies !ou whenever new mail arrives% and it can support multiple users on a single computer. *t is a complete internal mail s!stem which can send and receive e&mails on its own. $egasus uses standard protocols like S9"$% *94$ and $O$3. "his freeware utilit! is /uite eas! to use and has wonderful features to make it one of the est email clients. -ownload $egasus 9ail =ead $egasus 9ail =eview

!$. Thunder)ird -mail Client

"hunder ird is a freeware email application which is includes Cust a out all the features which are re/uired in a popular email client. "his application comes from 9oGilla% the same people that created ,irefo)% Seamonke!% and other open source software. "hunder ird not onl! manages !our email ut also newsgroup% newsfeed% and chat accounts. *nstallation is eas!K after that% !ou Cust need to set up !our email account and then it+s read! to go. "hunder ird is highl! customiGa le via add&ons% Cust like ,irefo). "he interface is clean and friendl! and the appearance of the main window can e customiGed. 5ormall! "hunder ird uses minimum s!stem resources ut it ma! slow down !our s!stem if !ou add too man! themes and add&ons. -ownload "hunder ird Email 1lient =ead "hunder ird Email 1lient =eview

!(. 0ompo5er
IompoGer is a freeware application that can e used to design and edit we pages. *t is one of the est software applications availa le in its categor!% ecause it com ines we file management and eas!&to&use W;S*W;F we page editing. *t is perfect for non&technical users or novice(amateur users% ecause !ou can use this software to create a professional and attractive we site% and are not re/uired to have in depth knowledge of #"9@ or we coding. 3B

Top 5 Freeware

-ownload IompoGer =ead IompoGer =eview

!5. S1ype
Sk!pe is a freeware communication application ased on <O*$ 7voice over internet protocol8 service. Jsing sk!pe% !ou can communicate with an!one in the world ! voice% instant messaging% and video. *n addition to eing a le to call an!one else that uses sk!pe% !ou can also call traditional phones. Sk!pe to sk!pe calling is totall! free where as call to telephone costs !ou a ver! little amount. ;ou can easil! install this application ut efore !ou start calling !ou need to create a 7free8 Sk!pe account. -ownload Sk!pe =ead Sk!pe =eview

!6. Instant)ird
*nstant ird is an *nstant messaging application which can connect nearl! all !our different *9 accounts% including ,ace ook 1hat% Foogle "alk% "witter% ;ahoo% and other such protocols. "his free% open source software is simple to use and has a clean interface. 9oreover% it an ad free application% so !ou will enCo! !our chat without eing anno!ed ! unwanted pop ups. *t works with various operating s!stems and can e e)tended with add&ons. With *nstant ird% !ou have various st!les% themes and much more to make !our chat more interesting. -ownload *nstant ird =ead *nstant ird =eview

!!. File5illa
,ileAilla is one of the est cross&platform ,"$ client applications availa le on the internet toda!. 4 server is also availa le. "his freeware is eas! to use% supports 3H

Top 5 Freeware

,"$% ,"$ over SS@("@S 7,"$S8 and SS# ,ile "ransfer $rotocol and is availa le in multiple languages. "his application supports the transfer of files that are over 4F'% and has a resume function and remote file search as well. Other support is availa le through the forum% wiki% etc% making it a popular choice among users. -ownload ,ileGilla =ead ,ileGilla =eview

!*. uTorrent
u"orrent is an application for sharing files over the internet. *t has a simple and efficient interface. -uring installation% take e)tra care not to install e)tra or third part! software such as a Qspecial search tool arR. Jtorrent has a powerful uilt&in search function which ena les !ou to /uickl! find new download content% and !ou can associate it with torrent protocol so that it starts automaticall! when !ou download a torrent from !our rowser. ;ou can /uickl! and easil! access u"orrent main functions as ever!thing is directl! accessi le from its main screen. Jtorrent does not slow down !our s!stem% as whenever user activit! is detected% downloads are paused automaticall! and restarted onl! when the user is awa!. -ownload u"orrent =ead u"orrent =eview

Leave Your Feedback If your favorite freeware is missing from this list, or if you think any of the freeware mentioned here should not be in the list for some reason, leave your comment on this 100 Best Freeware for Windows page.


Top 5 Freeware

= ice Suites@ Document 8tilities

!.. 4rimo4DF
"his is the est free $-, creator out there. ;ou can convert an! e)isting file into $-, with a single click. ;ou can convert e)isting files into $-, using two optionsL use the t!pical print utton while viewing an! document or we page% selecting $rimo$-, as the printer% or use drag and drop to to kick off the conversion. $rimo$-, can also perform atch conversion. -ownload $rimo$-, =ead $rimo$-, =eview

*2. 4DF#( Creator

"his is another $-, creation tool which converts an! of !our e)isting documents into a $-, file. 4part from the $-, creation% !ou can also merge multiple $-, files into a single file% split an e)isting $-, file% e)tract specific pages from a $-, file% etc. -ownload $-,24 1reator =ead $-,24 1reator =eview

*". 3i)re= ice

@i reOffice is a comprehensive and professional /ualit! office suite like 9icrosoft office. *t is a freeware office suite which is also open source% ased on the code ase. @i reOffice includes different applications like 'ase 7similar to 9icrosoft 4ccess8% Writer 7like 9icrosoft Word8% *mpress 7similar to 9icrosoft $ower $oint8% 1alc 7a spreadsheet program like 9icrosoft E)cel8% and much more. *t supports multiple operating s!stems and has man! features% almost ever!thing !ou might want in a complete office productivit! suite. *f !ou 41

Top 5 Freeware

have used 9icrosoft office% then !ou will find @i reOffice ver! eas! as it is /uite similar. -ownload @i reOffice =ead @i reOffice =eview

*#. SSuite 4ersonal = ice

"his free office suite% which has word processor% spreadsheet% email client% $-, creator% etc.% is not as good as @i reOffice. *f for some reason% !ou don+t like @i reOffice% !ou can tr! this or Iingsoft Office. -ownload SSuite $ersonal Office =ead SSuite $ersonal Office =eview

*$. 3otus Symphony

*'9 @otus S!mphon! is a free office suite from *'9 that is an alternative for the 9icrosoft office suite. "his contains a word processor% spreadsheet% and presentation. "his is ased on the open source code ase and supports the O-, standard. Since this is from *'9% there are lot of free online tutorials and documents from the *'9 site% which are ver! helpful to get started and use the tools efficientl!. -ownload @otus S!mphon! =ead @otus S!mphon! =eview

*(. 0ingso t = ice

"his is !et another free office suite% this one from 1hina. *t has a word processor% spreadsheet% and presentation program% and it consumes fewer s!stem resources than suites ased on Iingsoft software is almost identical to its 42

Top 5 Freeware

9icrosoft e/uivalents% and the documents !ou create using this are compati le with 9S Word% E)cel and $owerpoint. -ownload Iingsoft Office =ead Iingsoft Office =eview

*5. =pen= ice

OpenOffice is an open source office productivit! suite which works with multiple operating s!stems. *t is a full! featured office suite which comes as an eas! replacement for 9icrosoft Office% and its code was used as the ase for @i reOffic among others. *ts various applications include Writer% 1alc% *mpress% -raw% -ata ase and ,ormula. *t has a simple !et powerful interface which is /uite user friendl! and eas! to use. *f !ou have used 9icrosoft office% then !ou will find it ver! eas! as it is /uite similar to that. -ownload OpenOffice =ead OpenOffice =eview

*6. ==o(0ids
OOo4kids is a simpler and easier version of the popular open source OpenOffice suite. *t includes essential features of OpenOffice ut is stripped down to make it easier for !ounger kids. *ts interface is clean and eas! to understand for the age group of : to 12. *t includes Writer% -raw% $resentation WiGard and 1alc. *t is a customiGa le application with a larger cursor and clearl! designed icons. 4lso% righter colors are used% making it more interesting for kids. -ownload OOo4Iids =ead OOo4Iids =eview


Top 5 Freeware

*!. =,ygen= ice

O)!genOffice is an enhanced version of the office. *t has additional templates% cliparts% samples% and fonts which are not availa le with the suite. O)!genOffice also has <'4 support. -ownload O)!genOffice =ead O)!genOffice =eview

**. Ado)e 9eader

Jsing 4do e =eader% !ou can view and print $-, files. Jsing this viewer !ou can also view% fill&out% save and print interactive $-, contents that has forms. Jsing the $-, annotator that is part of the reader% !ou can create stick! notes% use t!pewriter tool to write comments% highlight te)t% place stamps% etc. ;ou can also sign $-, files using the e&signature feature. -ownload 4do e =eader =ead 4do e =eader =eview

*.. = ice Viewers

*f !ou don+t want to install an! word processing software on !our s!stem 7including 9icrosoft Office Suite% etc8% ut want to view and print office files that !ou receive from others% use these free document viewers for office files. ;ou can open and print .doc% .doc)% .)ls% .)ls)% etc% files created ! 9S&Word% and 9S&E)cel. "his is reall! two programsL "e)t9aker <iewer is for word documents% and $lan9aker <iewer is for spreadsheet documents. -ownload Office <iewers =ead Office <iewers =eview


Top 5 Freeware

.2. =pen >or1)ench

Open Work ench is superior proCect management software that does not come out as half& aked or amateurish even though it is free. One of its est features is the a ilit! to read 9icrosoft proCect files% not a common feature even for paid proCect management programs. Open Work ench is ideal for large scale proCects due to its ro ust functionalit!% including proCect planning% resource management% proCect scheduling% and proCect review. -ownload Open Work ench =ead Open Work ench =eview

.". =pen4roA
OpenProj is another great free alternative to Microsoft Project for Windowsbased desktop project management. OpenProj is equipped with an efficient scheduling engine in addition to supporting all major project management features such as resource management, task handling, project scheduling, and work bench approach. Its interface is similar to Microsoft project.
-ownload Open$roC =ead Open$roC =eview

Leave Your Feedback If your favorite freeware is missing from this list, or if you think any of the freeware mentioned here should not be in the list for some reason, leave your comment on this 100 Best Freeware for Windows page.


Top 5 Freeware

'isc 8tilities
.#. TeamViewer
"eam<iewer is free 7for personal use8 software to remotel! control !our Windows% 9ac% and @inu) s!stems when !ou are not ph!sicall! in front of the computer. "eam<iewer also has support for Online 9eetings and screen sharing. "his is a great program for remote desktop support% and there are "eamviewer apps availa le for i$hone% i$ad% 4ndroid% and Windows =" devices. -ownload "eam<iewer =ead "eam<iewer =eview

.$. Free'ind
,ree9ind is mind&mapping software% with all the features that !ou would e)pect from a t!pical mind mapping software. ,ree9ind also has fast one&click navigation% which can either fold(unfold or follow a link in a node% and smart cop!(paste support several formats including =",. ;ou can e)port maps to an e)panda le #"9@ page. "here is also a file mode that shows files on !our s!stem as a mind map structure. -ownload ,ree9ind =ead ,ree9ind =eview

.(. 8ni+ersal Viewer

Jniversal <iewer is an advanced file viewer which supports a lot of file t!pes. ,or e)ample if !ou want to have an image view of the file% !ou Cust click on image and it will displa! the image view or if !ou want to see the te)t view% !ou click on te)t and it will displa! the same. *ts interface is user friendl! and a help file is included as well. Jniversal <iewer is customiGa le and comes with plugin support so that !ou can alwa!s add new features according to !our re/uirements. 40

Top 5 Freeware

"here are free and paid versions% ut most features are included in the free version. $a! attention while installing this application as it is ad supported and ma! offer to change the homepage% default search engine% and tr! to add additional new software. -ownload Jniversal <iewer =ead Jniversal <iewer =eview

.5. InstantStorm
*nstantStorm is a freeware program which can create professional screensavers in no time. "his powerful flash screensaver creator can change SW, files into professional screensavers. "his eas! to use program has customiGa le installer% settings dialog% screensaver ehavior panel% and more. *t doesn>t have nag screens or an! other anno!ing stuff. "he screensaver ma! e redistri uted freel!% id free% even for commercial use. *nstantStorm creates the screensaver as a standalone S1= file and has support for additional e)ternal files like SW,% "?"% ?9@ etc. -ownload *nstantStorm =ead *nstantStorm =eview

.6. 9e4ro iler

;ou can attach or detach Windows accounts with their corresponding user profiles. "his is helpful when a user account on !our Windows s!stem gets accidentall! detached from the associated profile. -ownload =e$rofiler =ead =e$rofiler =eview


Top 5 Freeware

.!. >i5'ouse
Jsing WiG9ouse software !ou can scroll through documents and windows even when the! are not currentl! focused. Dust move the mouse to the window where !ou want to scroll and use !our mouse+s scroll wheel to scroll without having to click on the window. -ownload WiG9ouse =ead WiG9ouse =eview

.*. 'ute on 3oc1

"his simple and helpful utilit! will turn off !our speakers when !ou lock !our Windows s!stem. When !ou are not in front of !our s!stem% !ou don+t want an! unnecessar! sounds coming from it. 4 porta le version of this utilit! is availa le. -ownload 9ute on @ock =ead 9ute on @ock =eview

... Truecrypt
"ruecr!pt is open source disk encr!ption software which protects !our data ! creating a virtual encr!pted disk within a file ut mounting it as a real disk. "his is a powerful encr!ption application has 11 algorithms for !our file encr!ption in a password&protected volume. *n "ruecr!pt% !ou can use either files or partitions for encr!pted data storage. "he application is packed with features to offer !ou powerful data protection% like recommending comple) passwords% erasing the signs of the encr!ption process like ke!strokes% and much more. "he user interface is not ver! intuitive ut there is a guide for eginners when !ou run this program. *nstallation is eas! ut it ma! take !ou some time to completel! understand the functionalit!. "ruecr!pt works on the ?"S mode of operation and encr!ption algorithms used are 4ES&250% Serpent and "wofish. -ownload "ruecr!pt


Top 5 Freeware

=ead "ruecr!pt =eview

"22. 4assword Dragon

@ast% ut not least% $assword -ragon is a password manager utilit! developed ! us. "he great advantage of this program is that it works on Windows% 9ac% and Jni)% ecause it is written in Dava. *t can also e launched directl! from a JS' thum drive. "he software has lot more to offer% check out the full list of features of $assword -ragon. -ownload $assword -ragon =ead $assword -ragon =eview

Leave Your Feedback If your favorite freeware is missing from this list, or if you think any of the freeware mentioned here should not be in the list for some reason, leave your comment on this 100 Best Freeware for Windows page.


Top 5 Freeware

Bour Feed)ac1
* hope this list gave !ou enough freeware to pla! around and pick the right one for !our needs. *f !ou think we+ve forgot to include !our favorite freeware% or if !ou think an! of the freeware mentioned here should not e in the list for some reason% leave !our comment here on this 100 'est ,reeware for Windows page We+ll e updating this list fre/uentl! ased on !our feed ack. $lease ookmark this httpL(( est&windows&freeware page to review the latest list.


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