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Establish three personal goals

Develop plans for our fall lessons

August 2013 - Class in Recess September 2013

Use the 5Ws and 1H for interviews Discuss the decisions Adam & Eve made Brainstorm ways to make better decisions & think before we act on impulse Apply James 1:19 to our daily lives

October 2013 We discussed our Questions for Reflection from Genesis:

1. God's Time -- Genesis, Chapters 1 and 2: Q: God created everything in six days. How long do you think each of those days were? 2. God Rested -- Genesis, Chapter 2:1 "By the seventh day God had nished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work." Q: Does God need to rest? 3. Fruit: Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil -Genesis, Chapter 2:8 - 3:13-Q: What type of forbidden fruit did Adam & Eve eat?

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