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Spectra from Retina Nebula:

Green = hydrogen Blue = oxygen Red = nitrogen

Tarantula Nebula in the Large Magellanic Cloud

Stellar formation in apillon Nebula in Large Magellanic Cloud

Lagoon Nebula

!rion Nebula
from "ubble

1 ,5 0 0 l i g h t y e a r s from eart h




Nex t phot o is

Betelgeu$e $tar

Spiral Galaxy

in%heel Galaxy: M&'&

(hirlpool Galaxy: M)&

* +orming Galaxy

Galaxy ,)-.

Bubble Nebula from "ubble

Carina Galaxy

/$#imo Nebula

"ourgla$$ Nebula

Stingray Nebula

Cre$cent Nebula 01222

Birthplace of ma$$i3e $tar$: 4' 5oradu$ Nebula

Magnified 3ie% of 4' 5oradu$ Nebula

6i$ible light

7nfrared light

Ben 8ale%$#i 9an: ;''-

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