L & S Lesson Plan

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Day/Date Time/Duration Year Enrolment Topic &ontent 'tan ar 9.00-10.00 a.m./60 minutes Year 1 Arif 25 pupils Worl of !no"le #e/Eart$ Detecti%e 1.1 (y t$e en of t$e 6-year primary sc$oolin#) pupils "ill *e a*le to pronounce "or s an spea+ confi ently "it$ t$e correct stress) r$yt$m an intonation 1.2 (y t$e en of t$e 6-year primary sc$oolin#) pupils "ill *e a*le to respon appropriately in formal situations for a %ariety of purposes 1.1.- A*le to listen to) say alou an sin# son# ,earnin# 'tan ar /*0ecti%es 1.2.2 A*le to listen to an follo". ii. simple instructions in t$e classroom 1upils are a*le to. 1. ,isten to an sin# t$e son# 2You are my suns$ine3 in correct r$yt$m 2. ,isten to an follo" simple instructions correctly &&T' 'ee+in# information )musical )interpersonal )lin#uistic )+inest$etic mo%ement 4oral 5alues Teac$in# 6esource/Ai s 1rior !no"le #e 1upils $as +no"n *asic +no"le #e of t$e sun ,o%e for mot$er 1icture car s )"or car s )"or+s$eet) po"erpoint

Steps 7n uction 'et 81re-listenin#9 8 15 mins 9

Teaching Strategy 1. Teac$er s$o"s mo el of t$e sun

Language Contents 'u##este "or s. :ot Yello" (i#

Notes Teac$in# Ai s. 4o el 8 6efer to Appen i< 1 9

2. As+s t$e pupils to

escri*e t$e mo el. Encoura#es pupils to tal+ a*out t$e mo el.

Teac$er tal+ . -W$at is t$e colour of t$e sun ; - T$e sun is $ot or col ; - T$e sun is *i# or small;

'tep 1 8W$ile-listenin#9 8 10 min 9

1.Teac$er plays t$e son# 2You are my suns$ine3 2. 1upils listen to t$e son#. -.Teac$er rea s t$e lyrics an pupils rea after t$e teac$er. =.1upils rea alou an teac$er c$ec+ t$eir pronunciation. 5.1upils sin# t$e son# to#et$er.

'u##este lyrics. You are my suns$ine 4y only suns$ine You ma+e me $appy "$en s+ies are #rey You>ll ne%er +no" ear :o" muc$ 7 lo%e you 1lease on>t ta+e my suns$ine a"ay

Teac$in# Ai s. 1.po"er point 8 6efer to Appen i< 2 9 -You are my suns$ine son#s an lyrics

'tep 2 81ost listenin#9 8 ? min 9

1. Teac$er puts up t$e pictures of rain an sun on t$e *lac+*oar . 2. Teac$er #ets t$e pupils to tal+ a*out t$e acti%ities t$at can *e one in t$at +in of "eat$er. -. 1upils pic+e ran omly c$oose t$e correct "or car an matc$ it to t$e picture.

Teac$in# Ai s. 8 6efer to Appen i< - 9

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