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Submitted to: Miss Fatima Aleem Submitted by: Tafoor Tariq Roll No.: 142 MBA- FINANCE Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement For the degree of Master of Business Administration At Department of Management Sciences University of Education Lower Mall Campus Lahore.



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D iss ertat ion Int ernsh ip pa r t ials re qu irement

e n titl ed Submit te d of of in t he MBA

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( F ina nc e) t o Un iv e rs ity of Educa t ion. It is my original work a nd tha t it has n ot been su bmit te d e ls ew he re f or t he awa rd of a ny ot he r d e gre e, d ipl oma or ot he r s imila r t it le or priz e.

Tafoor Tariq MBA 10-28 -2013 University of Education Division of Art & Social Sciences Lower Mall Campus, Lahore

All praises and thanks to Almighty Allah. The Lord and Creator of this universe by whose power and glory all good things are accomplished. He is also the most merciful, who best owed on me the potential, ability and an opportunity to work on this project.

I am grateful to my respected teacher Miss Fatima Aleem who has guided me in each and every step of this Report. Indeed, without her kind guidance, I may not be able to even start this Internship Report. May ALLAH give her the reward which she deserves? I am also grateful to all those members who are related to UBL Limited.

Despite of the most hectic schedule, Sir, Ali Kamran (Head- Human Resources Department) helped me so much. I'm really grateful to you Sir for clarifying my concepts and making me learn from your experience. Whatever I learnt from you will definitely help me in my upcoming study and the professional life ahead. Thank you so much for being so operative and so helpful every time. I hope Sir I have been up to your expectations. co-

In the end, I am thankful to all my teachers and have a lot of prayers for them who give me the knowledge and make me able to complete my masters degree. Here I have special thanks for Miss Fatima Aleem whose supervision guided me to complete my Internship Report.

Tafoor Tariq


I dedicate my projects efforts to my PARENTS and respected TEACHERS who taught and hold my hands on every step of my life.

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