English Test Paper

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Formarea continua a cadrelor didactice pentru utilizarea resurselor informatice moderne in predarea eficienta a limbii engleze si evaluarea la nivel

european a competentelor lingvistice

TESTE PAPER ( Nicolaescu Maria)

1. Fill in the blanks with the following words: unable, idea, noticing, optimistic, recent years, lack, victims, Romanians, means, democracy, own, should, patient One cannot help .... that in the .... more and more .... have been trapped in poverty and misery. A lot of people seem to be or are ... to escape from bad housing, uneployment and hopelessness. Many of them have become the .... of alcohol or even drugs; particularly those who've abandoned the .... of hard work, self- confidence and the observance of the laws. Some of them are in a hurry to get rich by any .... Should the Romanians be .... and .... ? Of course they .... They must learn from their .... mistakes, mistakes made due to their .... of experience now, under the new conditions of .... 2. Put the words in the following sentences into the right order: a. His/ is/ armchair/ in/ Granddad/ asleep. b. Roses/ sent/ Jim/ her/ of/ a/ bunch. c. To/ like/ spend/ he/ mountains/ holidays/ in/ his/ the. d. Exercise/ your/ have/ done/ you/ e. Difficult/ beginning/ is/ any. 3. Make up words from the following letter: rood kobo throber nnyuf kolo tersis gib 4. Use the correct tense of the verbs between brackets in the following sentences: a. I (to see) my friend going to his office yesterday. b. I (cannot) give you the money two hours ago because you (to be, not) to be found. c. The people who (to make) movies (to see) their great potential. d. Both gold and silver (to be) precious metals. e. Tomorrow we (to go) on our long- expected trip to Egypt to see the pyramids. Barem: BAREM: 1. 2 points each correct answer - 26 2. 4 points each correct answer - 20 3. 2 points each correct answer - 14 4. 6 points each correct answer - 30 10 points for granted Scriere B2

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