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Year 10 Science and Civics and Citizenship Interdisciplinary Unit.

Unit overview and rationale

This area of study will bring together year 10 science and civic and citizenship. This interdisciplinary unit will use an inquiry approach to understanding the future of energy in Australia and the world. The problem that this unit will be cantered around is "What is the future of energy " !n the science domain students will focus on the following area of studies" What #nergy is and where electricity fit in$ how electricity is generated and alternatives$ and% the impacts that electricity generation has on environment. The science classes will focus on global systems% including the carbon cycle% rely on interactions involving the biosphere% lithosphere% hydrosphere and atmosphere The civic and citizenship domain will e&plore the issues associated with energy production from a societal point of view. 'tudent will understand the worlds view that recognise the how living things on are dependent on a healthy ecosystems% and value diversity and social (ustice are essential for achieving sustainability. They will e&plore the sustainability of ecological% social and economic systems is achieved through informed individual and community action that values local and global equity and fairness across generations into the future. 'tudents will broaden their understanding and action for sustainability requirements. They will e&plore an evaluation of past practices to get a better understanding of the issues. The lin) to the science domain come from the assessment of scientific and technological developments and how this may be employed to develop a more sustainable society Throughout this unit students will also be introduced to sustainability% gain an understanding of Aboriginal and Torres 'trait !slander and their respectively cultures as well as Australia*s engagement with Asia. !n con(unction with student*s bringing their own )nowledge and e&periences to their learning through the intercultural understanding strands within this unit.

Use and integration of ICT

'tudents will also be e&pected to use !+T concurly within their inquiry based learning throughout the unit. 'tudents are e&pected to have their netboo)s at all lessons. Science !n the science domain student will be as)ed to use the internet to search for images and information that are related to the production of electricity.This included new and alternative way to produce electricity. 'tudents will also be as)ed to search for

images and information that relate to climate change ,one of the effects of electricity app that will be used is /oogle #arth. !n this app% student are able to view images ta)en from satellite of earth .r history pin. 0sing these images they can compare them to images from the past. This will allow the students to see the impacts that we humans ma)e on our planet. 1uring these web search class% students will be as)ed to assess the information that they find using the principles of scientific reasoning. Civics and Citizenship http"22practicalaction.org2floatinggardenchallenge

3earning and how it connects to Aus4#3'

Science: 5lan% select and use appropriate investigation methods% including fieldwor) and laboratory e&perimentation% to collect reliable data$ assess ris) and address ethical issues associated with these methods ,A+'!'166- ,'cience as a 7uman #ndeavor- ,A''#''8#9T TA': 0se )nowledge of scientific concepts to draw conclusions that are consistent with evidence ,A+'!';0<- ,'cience !nquiry ')ills /lobal systems% including the carbon cycle% rely on interactions involving the biosphere% lithosphere% hydrosphere and atmosphere ,A+''01=6- ,'cience understanding #nergy conservation in a system can be e&plained by describing energy transfers and transformations ,A+''0160,'cience understandingCivics and Citizenship 0nderstand worldviews that recognise the dependence of living things on healthy ecosystems% and value diversity and social (ustice are essential for achieving sustainability. The sustainability of ecological% social and economic systems is achieved through informed individual and community action that values local and global equity and fairness across generations into the future. 1esigning action for sustainability requires an evaluation of past practices% the assessment of scientific and technological developments% and balanced (udgments based on pro(ected future economic% social and environmental impacts.

Area of investigation that will be covered 'cience" #nergy ,electricity 7ow electricity generated !mpacts on the environment Alternative ways of generating +ivics" 7ow is energy used in our society !mpacts to environment 7ow energy is related to economics +limate change in society This overview is based on having > classes per wee) of the unit. W) 1 'cience !ntroduction to energy ? 7and out of pro(ects ,due wee) A#lectricity as a form of energy ,3esson plan ;+ivics !ntroduction to sustainability !+T 8ulti?literacies ? 4isual representation via 5ower5oint ? Te&ts and photograph ? 4isual representation via 5ower5oint ? Te&ts and photograph Assessments 'ummative ? reflection boo) @esources ? 'cience te&t boo) ? '.'# te&t boo) ? 9etboo)s ? 5ro(ector 2 5+ ? 'cience te&t boo) ? '.'# te&t boo) ? 9etboo)s ? 5ro(ector 2 5+

!ntroduction of consumer

'ummative ? reflection boo)


!mpacts of producing electricity on environment


4isual representation via 5ower5oint ? Te&ts and photograph !+T 3ess on plan ? youtu be 'ee !+T lesso n plan ? earth engin e 9il ? assessments 4isual representation via 5ower5oint ? Te&ts and photograph

'ummative ? reflection boo)


Beedbac) affects on the climate system and lin)s to the production of electricity !mpacts of climate chnage on the earth ,!+T lesson-

+onsumerism on culture and climate

'ummative ? reflection boo)


'ummative ? reflection boo)

? 'cience te&t boo) ? '.'# te&t boo) ? 9etboo)s ? 5ro(ector 2 5+ ? 'cience te&t boo) ? '.'# te&t boo) ? 9etboo)s ? 5ro(ector 2 5+ ? 'cience te&t boo) ? '.'# te&t boo) ? 9etboo)s ? 5ro(ector 2 5+

5ro(ect presentation

'ustainability debate

'ummative ? reflection boo)

1uring this unit students will be e&pected to demonstrate their )nowledge and understanding through two assessment tas)s. 'tudents are as)ed to demonstrate their )nowledge of alternative energies and it*s impacts on society. Burthermore% students are to demonstrate their understanding of what Australia and other countries are doing to reduce the impacts of climate changes. Science Assessment Task:

'tudents to conduct a debate on the topic of what Australia and other countries are doing to reduce the impacts of climate changes. 'tudents will demonstrate an understanding of the challenges that face countries and individuals. +ategory @espect for other team < All statements% body language% and responses were respectful and were in appropriate language. > 'tatements and responses were respectful and used appropriate language% but once or twice body language was not. 8ost information presented in the debate was clear% accurate and thorough. ; 8ost statements and responses were respectful and in appropriate language% but there was one sarcastic remar). 8ost information presented in the debate was clear and accurate% but was not usually thorough. 1 'tatements% responses and2or body language were consistently not respectful.


All information presented in the debate was clear% accurate and thorough.

!nformation had several inaccuracies .@ was usually not clear.

0se of Bacts 2 'tatistics

#very ma(or point was well supported with several relevant facts% statistics and2or e&amples.

#very ma(or point was adequately supported with relevant facts% statistics and2or e&amples.

#very ma(or #very point was point was not supported. supported with facts% statistics and2or e&amples% but the relevance of some was questionable. The team did not show an

0nderstanding of Topic

The team clearly The team clearly The team understood the understood the seemed to

topic in?depth and presented their information forcefully and convincingly. 5resentation 'tyle Team consistently used gestures% eye contact% tone of voice and a level of enthusiasm in a way that )ept the attention of the audience. All arguments were clearly tied to an idea ,premise- and organised in a tight% logical fashion. All counter? arguments were accurate% relevant and strong.

topic in?depth and presented their information with ease. Team usually used gestures% eye contact% tone of voice and a level of enthusiasm in a way that )ept the attention of the audience. 8ost arguments were clearly tied to an idea ,premise- and organised in a tight% logical fashion. 8ost counter? arguments were accurate% relevant% and strong.

understand the adequate main points of understanding of the topic and the topic. presented those with ease. Team sometimes used gestures% eye contact% tone of voice and a level of enthusiasm in a way that )ept the attention of the audience. All arguments were clearly tied to an idea ,premise- but the organisation was sometimes not clear or logical. 8ost counter? arguments were accurate and relevant% but several were wea). .ne or more members of the team had a presentation style that did not )eep the attention of the audience.


Arguments were not clearly tied to an idea ,premise-.


+ounter? arguments were not accurate and2or relevant

Civics and Citizenship Assessment Task: 'tudents will research alternative ways to generate electricity. 'tudents will demonstrate an understanding of the science behind the technology and itDs impacts on the environment and commerce. +ategory 5itch < 5itch was often used and it conveyed emotions appropriately. > 5itch was often used but the emotion it conveyed sometimes did not fit the content. 'tudent is able to accurately answer most questions posed by classmates about the topic. ; 1 5itch was rarely 5itch was not used .@ the used to convey emotion it emotion. conveyed often did not fit the content. 'tudent is able to accurately answer a few questions posed by classmates about the topic. 'tudent is unable to accurately answer questions posed by classmates about the topic.

+omprehension 'tudent is able to accurately answer almost all questions posed by classmates about the topic. 'tays on Topic

'tays on topic all 'tays on topic ,100E- of the most ,66?60Etime. of the time.

'tays on topic !t was hard to tell some ,=6E? what the topic FCE- of the time. was. 1oes not seem to understand the topic very well.


'hows a full 'hows a good 'hows a good understanding of understanding of understanding of the topic. the topic. parts of the topic. 5resentation is C?A minutes

Time 3imit

5resentation is < 5resentation is > 5resentation is minutes long. minutes long. less than >


minutes .@ more than A minutes. 'tudent seems pretty prepared but might have needed a couple more rehearsals. 0sually listens to% shares with% and supports the efforts of others in the group. 1oes not cause "waves" in the group. 'pea)s clearly and distinctly all ,100?6CE- the time% but mispronounces one word. 4olume is loud enough to be heard by all audience members at least 60E of the The student is somewhat prepared% but it is clear that rehearsal was lac)ing. .ften listens to% shares with% and supports the efforts of others in the group but sometimes is not a good team member. 'pea)s clearly and distinctly most , 6<?=CEof the time. 8ispronounces no more than one word. 4olume is loud enough to be heard by all audience members at least =0E of the 'tudent does not seem at all prepared to present.


'tudent is completely prepared and has obviously rehearsed. Almost always listens to% shares with% and supports the efforts of others in the group. Tries to )eep people wor)ing well together. 'pea)s clearly and distinctly all ,100?6CE- the time% and mispronounces no words. 4olume is loud enough to be heard by all audience members throughout the

+ollaboration with peers

@arely listens to% shares with% and supports the efforts of others in the group. .ften is not a good team member. .ften mumbles or can not be understood .@ mispronounces more than one word. 4olume often too soft to be heard by all audience members.

'pea)s +learly





"esson #lans
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