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Wiccan Spells Pagan Spell Black Magic White Magic

Owner: Sasha Fierce

I. I. ASTRAL PROJECTION 4 4 " " " " " ) * * * * 2 2 2 2 34 34 Sin s7c%earin& can'%e Can'%e s$e%% to &et a 5o1 A%% $ r$ose can'%e anointin& oi% Co%or corres$on'ences 0or can'%e #a&ic (ressin& a can'%e 0or rit a% Can'%e #a&ic 6 Creatin& a can'%e #a&ic Can'%e s$e%% a&ainst $s.chic attacA'oration can'%e #a&ic Can'%e 1in'in& Can'%e s$e%% 0or 5 stice or he%$ in %e&a% #atters :ea%th s$e%% To #a-e a can'%e :ea%in& 0ire can'%e s$e%% ; ic- can'%e hea%in& s$e%% :ea%in& can'%e s$e%% Can'%e 5 stice s$e%% Re+ersin& crosse' con'itions with 33 33 33 33 33 36 a 1%ac- can'%e Presse' 0%ower can'%es Co%ors 0or can'%es Can'%es 0or $assionate %o+e s$e%% Pros$erit. s$e%% Lo+e s$e%% 6 3) 3) 3) 3) 3) 3* 39 3" 3" 3" 3" 3" 3" 36 36 36 38 38 38 34 39 39 39

Monroe techniq e II. BLESSIN!S

Co#$ ter B%essin& !o' an' !o''ess B%essin& A Ni&ht#are B%essin& III. CAN(LE MA!IC

Can'%e Rit a%s Frien'shi$ can'%e s$e%% Lo+e s$e%% Cast a witch,s % c-. can'%e s$e%% Can'%e s$e%% to to$ harass#ent /hite can'%e s$e%% 0or 1%essin& A can'%e 1in'in& to re+erse s$e%%s cast with can'%e #a&ic Basic can'%e s$e%% Can'%e Ma&ic Can'%e corres$on'ences S$e%% to chan&e a sit ation 0ro# 1a' to &oo' /itch,s hea%in& can'%e s$e%% Re+ersin& a can'%e s$e%% S$e%% to chan&e 0ate New 5o1 can'%e 1 rnin& #a&ic New e#$%o.#ent 5o1 s$e%%

Creatin& can'%e #a&ic Can'%e co%or corres$on'ences Can'%e s%ee$ s$e%% Roo# can'%e c%eanse

3* 32 32 64

Ma-in& a r ne set


I@. CRASTALS /ire wra$$in& cr.sta%s @. (E(ICATION>INITIATION

86 86 86 86 88 89 8" 8" 8) 8) 8) 46 46 48 48 44 49 49 4" 4" 4" 4) 4)



64 64 63 63 63 63 66 66 66

Se%0 1%essin& Co+en Initiation Se%0 'e'ication rite @I. (REAMS L ci' 'rea#in& (rea# $ro1%e# so%+in& @II. EART: MA!IC Nat re s$irit #a&ic Preser+ation o0 the rain 0orests s$e%% Resin Sa$$in&

The ca %'rons an' its ses <. C:ANTS Be%tane an' #a.'a. chants Power o0 tote# ani#a% chant Protection <I. CIRCLES E%ectric circ%e cere#on. 0or so%itaries Castin& o0 the circ%e Sea%in& o0 the circ%e sea% with water>sa%t #i?t re Settin& the watchtowers In+ocation o0 the e%e#ents Circ%e castin& 0or &ro $s Rit a% o0 castin& a sacre' circ%e Circ%e castin& 'ra&on st.%e <II. CONSECRATION Consecratin& /iccan too%s Too% consecration Presentation 0or cha%ice Presentation 0or atha#e O%' #a&ic e?orcis# <III. CREATION Ma-in& cere#onia% ash T rnin& $ow'ers into se%0 1 rnin& incense Ma-in& Oi%s

66 66 68 68 64 69 6) 6) 62 62 62 84 84 84 84 83

@III. ELEMENTS Fo r $orta%s rit a% E%e#enta% ca %'rons @I<. :OME AN( BO(A Rit a% 1ath Roo# 1%essin& :o#e 1%essin& Fo r wee- 0ast @<. INCANTAION AN( SPELLS Co ra&eB wis'o#B an' $ower s$e%% A s$e%% to 1rea- the $owers o0 a s$e%% C(e0ensi+e s$e%%D S$e%% to ease a 1ro-en heart To &et a 5o1 s$e%% :o#e Protection #irror s$e%% O15ect $rotection s$e%%

4* 4* 4* 42 42

!ettin& a &oo' $ar-in& s$ace s$e%% A $artin& s$e%% Pros$erit. s$e%% 6 Pr.in& e.es s$e%% Sa0e tra+e%s s$e%% @<I. IN<OCATION The char&e o0 the !o''ess The char&e o0 the !o' In+ocation to Ba%'r In+ocation to Bri&it In+ocation to Fre.5a In+ocation to Fre.r In+ocation to Fri&& In+ocation to :erne In+ocation to Thorr @<II. ME(ITATION Tris-e%ion rite o0 tea B%essin& o0 her1s :o#e 1%essin& #e'itation Basic Me'itation techniq es 3 Basic Me'itation techniq es 6 Basic Me'itation techniq es 8 Ri+er o0 Li0e Me'itation @<III. MISC The 0i+e 0o%' -iss @I@. MOON RITES (rawin& 'own the #oon (rawin& 'own the #oon 6 So%itar. #oon rit a% @@. RECIPES: INCENSE A%tar incense

94 94 94 93 93 96 96 96 96 96 98 98 98 98 98 94 94 94 94 99 9" 9* 9* 92 92 "4 "4 "3 "8 "4 "4

Circ%e incense Fa%% sa11at incense F %% #oon rit a% S$rin& sa11at incense @@I. RECIPES: FOO( Crescent ca-es Be%tane #ari&o%' c star' So0t #ea' @@II. RECIPES: OILS A%tar oi% Es1at oi% 3 an' 6 !o''ess oi% :orne' !o' oi% Sa11at oi% 3 an' 6 @@III. Sa11ath Rit a% Be%tane an' #a.'a. chants Be%tane co+en rit a% Be%tane rit a% 6 B%essin& the 0oo' E#1o%ic so%itar. rit a% A Sa#hain rit a% @@I<. SM=(!IN! S# '&in& BLACE MA!ICS Bin'in& so#eone to 1a' thin&s To set a 1 i%'in& on 0ire To s#ash so#eone,s %e&s L st0 % E#otions Rot in the &ro n' I 'etest .o Cr she' 1. hate

"4 "4 "9 "9 "9 "9 "9 "9 "9 "9 "" "" "" "" "" "" ") )4 )9 )9 )) )) )) )2 )2 )2 )2 *4 *4 *4 *4

Enot s$e%% Banishin& chant Ma-in& so#eone 'rea# o0 'eath To o+erco#e an ene#. Boi%in& so#eone in hate To #a-e C1anishD an ene#. #o+e awa. Ma-in& so#eone see an' 'rea# o0 their 0ears /a? 1in'in& To -i%% a 0rien'shi$ A0ter#ath c rse B rn In C rse Rotten s-in B%ac- #a&ic #one. s$e%% Erectia% c rsin& <a#$ire trans0or#ation B%ac- #a&ic s$e%%s to re+erse a c rse Ani#a% attri1 tes rit a% S$e%% to c rse so#eone Re+en&e s$e%% S$e%% to #a-e so#eone,s teeth 0a%% 'own S$e%% to #a-e so#eone,s hair 0a%% 'own Ni&ht#ares

*3 *3 *3 *3 *3 *6 *6 *6 *6 *8 *8 *4 *4 *4 *4 *9 *9 *9 *" *" *" *) *)

S$e%% to $ ri0. .o r so % 0ro# e+i% s$irits Cast a he? on .o r worst ene#. Two BM s$e%%s C rse to ca se a hea'ache (rea# #a&ic To re+erse a s$e%% cast with can'%e #a&ic S$e%% to s ##on a s$irit The 1oo#eran& s$e%% For 'ri+in& awa. e+i% Re+en&e s$e%% 6 !ra+e.ar' ' st Lo+er,s 'issension s$e%% Bones o0 an&er he? The %e#on c rse C rse s$e%% S$ee' $ ti#e Three ni&hts o0 he%% can'%e s$e%% Sen' it 1acRe+erse a&ainst the one who 5in?e' .o (estr ction rit a% The rit a% o0 the 1%ac- 0%a#e

*) ** ** *2 *2 24 23 23 23 23 23 26 26 28 28 28 28 24 24 24 29

IN T:E /A@IN! A%% s$e%%s o0 a constr cti+e nat re sho %' 1e $er0or#e' when the #oon is 1ri&htB that isB wa?in& to 0 %%. These wo %' inc% 'e hea%in&B sorcer. 'esi&ne' to 1rin& % c- or s ccessB 0erti%it. rites an' char#sB $rotectionB co nter #a&ic-B an' 'i+ination.

IN T:E /ANIN! A%% s$e%%s o0 a 'estr cti+e or 1anishin& nat re sho %' 1e $er0or#e' when the #oon is 'ar-B that is wanin& to new. These wo %' inc% 'e 1anish#ent o0 ne&ati+it.B 1in'in&B certain wor-s o0 necro#anc.B an' a&ric %t a% #a&ic 'esi&ne' to war' o00 $ests an' 'isease.

Love Spells

/e%co#e to the /or%' o0 S$e%%s. :ere to .o wi%% 0in' Ma&ic S$e%%s s$ecia%%. %o+e s$e%%s that are eas. an' $ower0 %. S$e%%s Castin& ser+ices an' Lo+e Potions a+ai%a1%e. :ea%in& is $ossi1%e with the he%$ o0 S$irit a% wor-. :ea% .o rse%0 now with $ower0 % s$e%%s in the 0ie%' o0 Lo+eB Mone. an' S ccess. Ta%is#ans an' char#s $%a. an i#$ortant ro%e in Ps.chic :ea%in&. I a# a S$irit a%ist :ea%er 0ro# In'ia into s$irit a% hea%in&B s$irit a% &rowthB s$irit a% c%eansin& ha+in& a%% the -now%e'&e an' in0or#ation in the S$irit a% /or%'. Mo'ern scienti0ic research is 0ast re'isco+erin& ancient #a&ica% tr ths. It was once a so rce o0 won'er that #a&icians co %' create #irac%es thro &h chantin&B that witches co %' cast s$e%%sB that #en co %' c rse ani#ate an' inani#ate o15ectsB an' that so#e $eo$%e co %' $ra.ers that wor-e'. Now we 0in' #o'ern instances o0 the sa#e ancient $rinci$%es in new ter#s: #e'itationB $ra.in& o+er $%antsB Orienta% chantin&B #o'ern witchesB co+ens an' Satanist c %tsB ESP e?$eri#entsB $s.chic $heno#enaB an' so on. An' it a%% $oints to one start%in& re+e%ation: the h #an 1ein& so#ehow contains within hi#se%0 a so rce o0 ener&. whose na#e chan&es o0ten 1 t whose $ower ne+er 'i#inishes. Ao Fre Innate B t Latent Power. For #ost $eo$%eB the i'ea o0 s$e%%sB $ra.ersB c rses an' chants is a%% #i?e' $ with co#$%icate' rit a%sB e?ercises an' cere#onies. The %atterB howe+erB as science contin es to 'e#onstrateB are not rea%%. necessar.. In the $ast s ch rit a%s were $er0or#e' 0or +ario s reasons: to con0 se the o tsi'erB to 0ri&hten the ninitiate'B to concea% s $ernat ra% tr thB to 'e% 'e the 1%as$he#er. To'a. era -now that the secret too #an. so ca%%e' #a&ica% acts %ies not in cere#on. an' cost #eB 1 t in the nta$$e' recesses o0 the h #an #in'. Acti+atin& Ao r Latent Power. Ao can acti+ate .o r own hi''en so rce o0 Ma&ica% Power in the sa#e wa. that occ %tists an' #.stics ha+e 1een 'oin& 0or a&es: 1. sin& s$e%%sB $ra.ersB c rses an' chants. An'B 5 st as the. ha+e 'oneB .o can rea%iGe .o r hi''en $otentia%B trans0or# .o r +er. %i0eB o1tain hea%th an' riches an' 0a#e. /here+er I &o these 'a.sB whether to Los An&e%esB Mia#iB New Aor-B :o stonB In'ia an' e+en to s#a%% co ntr. townsB #en an' wo#en te%% #e o0 the wa.s the. are sin& +ario s s$e%%sB $ra.ersB c rses an' chants to $ro' ce 'esire' res %ts. One .o n& #an in Boston e?c%ai#e'B H(onFt -now how it wor-s. I chant #. #antra an' o1stac%es +anish. Mone. S$e%%sB Lo+e S$e%%sB S$e%% Castin& Ma&ic S$e%%s 0or %o+e s$e%%sB /hite Ma&icB #one. s$e%%sB $rotection 0ro# 1%ac- #a&ic s$e%%s. M. &oa% is to $ro+i'e .o with an eas. wa. o0 &ettin& what .o want o t o0 %i0e. I ha+e ta-en a%% the secrec. o t o0 Orienta% #e'itationB a%% the hoc s7$oc s o t o0 B%ac- Ma&ic rit a%sB a%% the # #1ao 5 #1o o t o0 witchcra0ts s$e%%s. The en' res %t o0 #. %a1ors is this we1siteB a si#$%eB $ractica% wa. 0or .o to reach an. &oa%. Attain an. hei&htB en5o. an. $%eas re wa. 0or .o to reach an. &oa%B attain an. hei&htB an' en5o. an. $%eas re. The re+e%ator. -now%e'&e in this we1site is hei&htB en5o. an. $%eas re. The re+e%ator. -now%e'&e in this we1 $a&e is 0or .o . Ao can #aster it an' there1. #aster the secret o0 a%% s$e%%sB $ra.ersB c rses an' chants. An' there is what s ch #aster. wi%% 'o 0or .o I .o wi%% %earn how to 'ea% e00ecti+e%. with the rec rrent an' see#in&%. en'%ess $ro1%e#s o0 e+er.'a. %i+in& in o r tro 1%e' wor%'. Re#e#1er (ar- S$e%%s sho %' 1e a+oi'e'. Pa&anis#: Pa&an is a wor' se' to re0er to +ario s re%i&ions an' re%i&io s 1e%ie0s 0ro# across the wor%'.

:ere are so#e o0 the MA!IC SPELLS 1 t I wi%% not & arantee on an. o0 these s$e%%s as the. are $ic-e' 0ro# the internetB 1 t i0 .o #a. ha+e an. q estions or i0 .o req ire an. in0or#ation on an. t.$e o0 s$e%% then .o can e#ai% #e .o r na#eB 1irth 'ate an' nationa%it. an' I wi%% re$%.in& to a%% .o r q eries. As one #ore thin& I wi%% sa. that there is no & arantee that these s$e%%s wor-B as to cast s$e%%s $ro$er cere#onies an' rit a%s are 'one /iccan S$e%%s. /iccan s$e%% can 1e se' 0or #an. reasons s ch as: /iccan s$e%%s 0or %o+e re%ation as wiccan %o+e s$e%%. /iccan s$e%%s 0or #one. as /iccan #one. s$e%%. /iccan s$e%%s 0or $rotection 0ro# 1%ac- #a&icB c rseB he? etc as wiccan $rotection s$e%%. /iccan s$e%%s 0or hea%in& as /iccan hea%in& s$e%% an' #ore. I wi%% cast $ower0 % /iccan s$e%%s 0or .o . I wi%% see that a%% .o r $ro1%e#s are o+er an' 1. $ro$er s$e%%s castin& .o r nee's are achie+e'. So ha+e an. t.$e o0 witchcra0t or /icca $ro1%e#s. $ower0 % wiccan s$e%%s can he%$ .o . I0 .o ha+e an. q eries e#ai% #e .o r na#eB 1irth'ates an' nationa%it. with a%% .o r q estions or req ire#ents an' I wi%% &et 1ac- to .o . I wi%% see that 1. castin& s$e%%s. Ao r $ro1%e#s are so%+e'

or %ost %o+e S$e%%s. Lo+e S$e%%s 0or 1in'in& %o+ers. Lo+e S$e%%s 0or a%% $ r$ose an' Ma&ic S$e%% Castin& is a+ai%a1%e. So#e o0 the co##on Ma&ic Lo+e S$e%%s are. 3D LO<E SPELLS TO BRIN! AO=R LO<ER BACE TO AO=. 6D LO<E SPELLS FOR ATTRACTIN! OPPOSITE SE@. 8D Lo+e S$e%%s 0or Lost Lo+e. Or Brin& Bac- .o r Lost Lo+e S$e%%. 4D S$e%%s to 0in' Lost Lo+e. BY THE POWER OF LOVE SPELLS ATTRACT ANY ONE OR GET ANY ONE IN YOUR LIFE. Lo+e s$e%%s are a%wa.s enq ire' 1. #. 'e+otes an' are a%wa.s i#$ortantB as. Lo+e S$e%%s are $er0or#e' 0or a n #1er o0 %o+e $ro1%e#s an' so#e o0 the reasons where Lo+e S$e%%s $%a. a +er. i#$ortant ro%e are &i+en 1e%ow. Ma&ic s$e%%s %i-e #a&ic %o+e s$e%%s or #a&ic %o+e s$e%%s can 'o won'ers. Ma&ic Lo+e S$e%%s 0or New Lo+e or #a&ic Lo+e S$e%%s to Attract new Lo+e are +er. co##on s$e%%s. Loo-in& 0or Ma&ic S$e%%s to attract new %o+er or s$e%%s to attract new %o+e. Co#e here where # ch $ower0 % %o+e s$e%%s 0or %o+e is a+ai%a1%e Lo+e S$e%%s to so%+e $ro1%e#s in .o r %o+e re%ation. Lo+e S$e%%s to 0in' .o r so % #ate. Ma&ic Lo+e S$e%%s to 1rin& .o r %o+er 1ac- into .o r %i0e. Lo+e S$e%%s to attract so#e one an' &et hi# or her into .o r %i0e. Power0 % Lo+e S$e%%s to 1rin& .o r %o+e 1ac- that is with so#eone e%seJ Ma&ic Protection Lo+e S$e%%s to $re+ent .o r %o+e to %ea+e .o or to &o to so#eone e%se. Ma&ic Lo+e s$e%%s to 0orce o$$osite se? to co#e to .o 1. #a&ic $owers. Power0 % !a. Lo+e S$e%%s an' Anti %o+e s$e%%s. Protection Lo+e S$e%% 0or so#eone has caste' a %o+e s$e%% on .o r %o+eJ So#e i#$ortant q estions that .o #a. ha+e in .o r #in'. (o .o want that .o r %o+e sho %' co#e to .o 0ore+er an' witho t an. con'itionJ Are .o tr.in& to attract so#e oneJ Or are .o tr.in& to &et ri' o0 so#e oneJ (o .o nee' a Lo+e S$e%% to hea% a Bro-en :eartJ Are .o in nee' o0 a s$e%% to re nite %o+ersJ Or 'o .o nee' a %o+e s$e%% to re nite %o+ersJ (o .o nee' a $ower0 % Attraction Lo+e S$e%%sJ Or L st S$e%%sJ Or Se? S$e%%sJ Now 0or a%% this $ r$ose s$ecia% Lo+e S$e%%s can 1e caste' or $er0or#e'. Ao #a. e#ai% #e .o r Na#eB Birth 'ateB Nationa%it. a%on& with .o r $ro1%e#s an' .o r q estions in 'etai%s so that I #a. &o thro &h .o r stars an' then I

RET=RN TO ME SPELLB RET=RN MA LO<E SPELLB LO<E COME BACE TO ME SPELLS. RETRIE<E A LO<ER SPELL CRETRIE<E LOST LO<E SPELLSD. RET=RN OF LOST LO<E SPELL C!ET BACE LOST LO<E SPELLSD. LOST LO<E SPELL. !ET ME MA LO<E BACE SPELLC SPELLS TO BRIN! AO=R LO<ER BACED BROEEN :EART SPELL. LO<ER COME BACE TO ME SPELL.C SPELLS FOR AO=R LO<ER TO BE BACE TO AO=D I0 .o ha+e an. q eries e#ai% #e .o r na#eB 1irth 'ate an' nationa%it. with a%% .o r q estions or req ire#ents an' I wi%% &et 1ac- to .o . I wi%% see that 1. castin& s$e%%s. Ao r $ro1%e#s are so%+e'

Lo+e S$e%%s an' S$e%% Castin& Lo+e S$e%%s: here .o wi%% 0in' %o+e s$e%% 0or attractionB %o+e s$e%%s 0or %ost %o+eB %o+e s$e%%s 0or 1in'in& %o+ersB %o+e s$e%%s 0or a%% $ r$ose an' Ma&ic S$e%% Castin& is a+ai%a1%e. Lo+e S$e%%s an' S$e%% Castin& Lo+e S$e%%s.: here .o wi%% 0in' Lo+e S$e%% 0or attraction. Lo+e S$e%%s 0or %ost %o+e

wi%% 1e a1%e to & i'e .o an' a'+ise .o in a 1etter wa.. So#e Co##on Lo+e S$e%%s a%wa.s enq ire' are 3D Ma-e Ao Lo+e Me Lo+e S$e%% or S$e%%s Eit. CLo+e S$e%%s to #a-e so#eone s$ecia% %o+e .o . or I /ant M. Lo+e Now s$e%% -it. 6D !et #arrie' now or #arr. #e %o+e s$e%% or s$e%%s -it. CLo+e S$e%%s to &et #arrie' or %o+e s$e%% 0or .o r %o+e to #arr. .o now. 8D Lo+e #e A&ain %o+e s$e%% or s$e%%s -it. Or Lo+e S$e%%s to Lo+e #e as 1e0ore. CRe&ain a %ost %o+e or Retrie+e a %ost %o+e s$e%% or s$e%%D. Or Re&ain M. %o+er who is with so#eone e%se %o+e s$e%% or %o+e s$e%%s -it. 4D Attract Lo+e to #e Lo+e S$e%% or s$e%%s -it. I want M. Lost Lo+e Bac- s$e%% or s$e%%s -it. CLo+e s$e%%s to attract .o r %o+e towar's .o D. 9D Lea+e M. Man A%one %o+e s$e%% or s$e%%s -it.C Lo+e S$e%%s to 0ree .o #an 0ro# other wo#en so with %o+e s$e%% .o r #an wi%% 1e with .o D "D Lea+e M. /o#an A%one %o+e s$e%% or s$e%%s -it.C Lo+e S$e%%s to 0ree .o wo#an 0ro# other #en so with %o+e s$e%% .o r wo#an wi%% 1e with .o D )D !o awa. wo#an s$e%% or %o+e s$e%%s -it. CLo+e s$e%% to &et ri' or 1e 0ree 0ro# so#eone who has 'ist r1e' .o *D No one 1 t #e %o+e s$e%% or s$e%%s -it or Lo+e on%. #e %o+e s$e%% or %o+e s$e%%s -it. CLo+e s$e%%s 0or .o r %o+e to 1e 0aith0 % to .o D 2D Co#e Bac- M. Lo+e S$e%% or %o+e s$e%%s -it or Co#e Bac- #. Lo+e s$e%% -it. CM. Lo+e Bac- s$e%%s 0or 1oth #an an' wo#enD. Nee' $ower0 % s$e%%s. I wi%% cast $ower0 % s$e%%s accor'in& to .o r nee'.

three .ears %aterB none ha+e co#$%aine' o0 an. new%. arisin& $ro1%e#s. Once .o are aware that .o cannot 1e har#e' 1. $ro5ectin&B .o sho %' 1e&in Monroe,s techniq esB ste$ 1. ste$. Ste$ one: Re%a? the 1o'.. Accor'in& to MonroeB Lthe a1i%it. to re%a? is the 0irst $rereq isiteB $erha$s e+en the 0irst ste$ itse%0L to ha+in& an OBE. Co t o0 1o'. e?$erienceD This inc% 'es 1oth $h.sica% an' #enta% re%a?ation. Monroe 'oes not s &&est a #etho' o0 attainin& this re%a?ationB a%tho &h Pro&ressi+e M sc%e re%a?ationB co $%e' with 'ee$ 1reathin& e?ercises Cinha%e 3B e?ha%e 6B inha%e 8.... nti% 94 or 344D are -nown to wor- we%%. Ste$ two: Enter the state 1or'erin& s%ee$. This is -nown as the h.$na&o&ic state. Once a&ainB Monroe 'oesn,t reco##en' an. #etho' o0 'oin& this. One wa. is to ho%' .o r 0orear# $B whi%e -ee$in& .o r $$er ar# on the 1e'B or &ro n'. As .o start to 0a%% as%ee$B .o r ar# wi%% 0a%%B an' .o wi%% awa-en a&ain. /ith $racticeB .o can %earn to contro% the :.$na&o&ic state witho t sin& .o r ar#. Another #etho' is to concentrate on an o15ect. /hen other i#a&es start to enter .o r tho &htsB .o ha+e entere' the :.$na&o&ic state. Passi+e%. watch these i#a&es. This wi%% a%so he%$ .o #aintain this state o0 near7s%ee$. Monroe ca%%s this Con'ition A. Ste$ three: (ee$en this state. Be&in to c%ear .o r #in'. o1ser+e .o r 0ie%' o0 +ision thro &h .o r c%ose' e.es. (o nothin& #ore 0or a whi%e. Si#$%. %oo- thro &h .o r c%ose' e.e%i's at the 1%ac-ness in 0ront o0 .o . A0ter a whi%eB .o #a. notice %i&ht $atterns. These are si#$%. ne ra% 'ischar&es. The. ha+e no s$eci0ic e00ect. I&nore the#. /hen the. ceaseB one has entere' what Monroe ca%%s Con'ition B. Fro# hereB one # st enter an e+en 'ee$er state o0 re%a?ation which Monroe ca%%s Con'ition C77 a state o0 s ch re%a?ation that .o %ose a%% awareness o0 the 1o'. an' sensor. sti# %ation. Ao are a%#ost in a +oi' in which .o r on%. so rce o0 sti# %ation wi%% 1e .o r own tho &hts. The i'ea% state 0or %ea+in& .o r 1o'. is Con'ition (. This is Con'ition C when it is +o% ntari%. in' ce' 0ro# a reste' an' re0reshe' con'ition an' is not the e00ect o0 nor#a% 0ati& e. To achie+e Con'ition (B Monroe s &&ests that .o $ractice enterin& it in the #ornin& or a0ter a short na$. Ste$ Fo r: Enter a state o0 <i1ration. This is the #ost i#$ortant $art o0 the techniq eB an' a%so the +a& est. Man. $ro5ectors ha+e note' these +i1rations at the onset o0 $ro5ection. The. can 1e e?$erience' as a #i%' tin&%in&B or as is e%ectricit. is 1ein& shot thro &h the 1o'.. >their ca se is a #.ster.. It #a. act a%%. 1e the astra% 1o'. tr.in& to %ea+e the $h.sica% one.



MONROE TEC:NI;=E Note: A0ter ha+in& st 'ie' #an. #etho's o0 Astra% Pro5ectionB I ha+e 0o n' that this is the easiest to 'o. Monroe teaches these techniq es in a wee-B 1 t the. can 1e easi%. 'one in a 'a.B with $ro$er 'e+otion. I 0ee% that this techniq e is s $erior to others 1eca se it 'oes not req ire intense +is a%iGationB which #an. $eo$%e cannot 'o. en5o.K CTa-en 0ro# Lea+in& The Bo'.: A Co#$%ete ! i'e to Astra% Pro5ectionB (. Scott Ro&oB Prentice :a%% PressD One o0 the chie0 1arriers $eo$%e %earnin& to $ro5ect 0ace is 0ear. Man. are a0rai' that the. #a. 'ieB or 1e har#e' in so#e wa. as a res %t o0 their $ro5ection. Nothin& co %' 1e 0arther 0ro# the tr th. The Canter1 r. Instit teB renowne' 0or its occ %t st 'iesB e?ec te' an e?$eri#ent in $ro5ection in+o%+in& o+er 6B444 $eo$%e. None o0 the# were h rt in an. wa. 1. thisB an' nowB

For enterin& into the +i1rationa% stateB he o00ers the 0o%%owin& 'irections: 3. Re#o+e a%% 5ewe%r. or other ite#s that #i&ht 1e to chin& .o r s-in. 6. (ar-en the roo# so that no %i&ht can 1e seen thro &h .o r e.e%i'sB 1 t 'o not sh t o t a%% %i&ht. 8. Lie 'own with .o r 1o'. a%on& a north7so th a?isB with .o r hea' $ointe' towar' #a&netic north. 4. Loosen a%% c%othin&B 1 t -ee$ co+ere' so that .o are s%i&ht%. war#er than #i&ht nor#a%%. 1e co#0orta1%e. 9. Be s re .o are in a %ocation whereB an' at a ti#e whenB there wi%% 1e a1so% te%. no noise to 'ist r1 .o . ". Enter a state o0 re%a?ation ). !i+e .o rse%0 the #enta% s &&estion that .o wi%% re#e#1er a%% that occ rs ' rin& the $co#in& session that wi%% 1e 1ene0icia% to .o r we%%71ein&. Re$eat this 0i+e ti#es. *. Procee' to 1reathe thro &h .o r ha%07o$en #o th. 2. As .o 1reatheB concentrate on the +oi' in 0ront o0 .o . 34. Se%ect a $oint a 0oot awa. 0ro# .o r 0orehea'B an' then chan&e .o r $oint o0 #enta% re0erence to si? 0eet. 33. T rn the $oint 24 'e&rees $war' 1. 'rawin& an i#a&inar. %ine $ara%%e% to .o r 1o'. a?is $ an' a1o+e .o r hea'. Foc s there an' reach o t 0or the +i1rations at that $oint an' 1rin& the# 1ac- into .o r 1o'.. E+en i0 .o 'on,t -now what these +i1rations areB .o wi%% -now when .o ha+e achie+e' contact with the#. Ste$ 0i+e: Learn to contro% the +i1rationa% state. Practice contro%%in& the# 1. #enta%%. $ shin& the# into .o r hea'B 'own to .o r toesB #a-in& the# s r&e thro &ho t .o r entire 1o'.B an' $ro' cin& +i1rationa% wa+es 0ro# hea' to 0oot. To $ro' ce this wa+e e00ectB concentrate o0 the +i1rations an' #enta%%. $ sh a wa+e o t o0 .o r hea' an' & i'e it 'own .o r 1o'.. Practice this nti% .o can in' ce these wa+es on co##an'. Once .o ha+e contro% o0 the +i1rationa% stateB .o are rea'. to %ea+e the 1o'.. Ste$ si?: Be&in with a $artia% se$aration. The -e. here is tho &ht contro%. Eee$ .o r #in' 0ir#%. 0oc se' on the i'ea o0 %ea+in& the 1o'.. (o not %et it wan'er. Stra. tho &ht #i&ht ca se .o to %ose contro% o0 the state. NowB ha+in& entere' the +i1rationa% stateB 1e&in e?$%orin& the OBE 1. re%easin& a han' or a 0oot o0 the Lsecon' 1o'.L. Monroe s &&ests that .o e?ten' a %i#1 nti% it co#es in contact with a 0a#i%iar o15ectB s ch as a wa%% near .o r 1e'. Then $ sh it thro &h the o15ect. Ret rn the %i#1 1. $%acin& it 1ac- into coinci'ence with the $h.sica% oneB 'ecrease the +i1rationa% rateB an' then ter#inate the e?$eri#ent. Lie q iet%. nti% .o ha+e 0 %%. ret rne' to nor#a%. This e?ercise wi%% $re$are .o 0or 0 %% se$aration. Ste$ se+en: (issociate .o rse%0 0ro# the 1o'.. Monroe s &&ests two #etho's 0or this:

One #etho' is to %i0t o t o0 the 1o'.. To 'o thisB thin- a1o t &ettin& %i&hter an' %i&hter a0ter enterin& this +i1rationa% state. Thin- a1o t how nice it wo %' 1e to 0%oat $war'. Eee$ this tho &ht in #in' at a%% costs an' %et no e?traneo s tho &hts interr $t it. An OBE wi%% occ r nat ra%%. at this $oint. Another #etho' is the LRotation #etho'L or Lro%%7o tL techniq e. /hen .o ha+e achie+e' the +i1rationa% stateB tr. to ro%% o+er as i0 .o were t rnin& o+er in 1e'. (o not atte#$t to ro%% o+er $h.sica%%.. Tr. to twist .o r 1o'. 0ro# the to$ an' +irt a%%. ro%% o+er into .o r secon' 1o'. ri&ht o t o0 .o r $h.sica% se%0. At this $ointB .o wi%% 1e o t o0 the 1o'. 1 t ne?t to it. Thin- o0 0%oatin& $war'B an' .o sho %' 0in' .o rse%0 0%oatin& a1o+e the 1o'.. Monroe s &&ests .o 1e&in with the %i0t7o t #etho'B 1 t ar& es that 1oth are eq a%%. e00icacio s.



COMP=TER BLESSIN! CIt,s OE to %a &hD B%essin&s on this 0ine #achineB Ma. its 'ata a%% 1e c%ean. Let the 0i%es sta. where the.,re $ tB Awa. 0ro# 'is- 'ri+es -ee$ a%% soot. Fro# its screen sha%% co#e no whinesB Let in no s$i-es on $ower %ines. As oa-s were sacre' to the (r i'sB Let not the -e.1oar' s 00er 0% i's. (is- F %% sha%% 1e no #ore than rarit.B The #e#or. sha%% not #iss its $arit.. Fro# the #o'e# sha%% co#e won'ersB /itho t %ine noise #a-in& 1% n'ers. Ma. it ne+er catch a +ir sB An' a%% its so0tware sta. 'esiro s. Oh %et the $rinter ne+er 5a#B An' t rn #. o t$ t into s$a#. I as- o0 ErisB no1%e q eenB Eee$ M r$h. 0ar 0ro# this #achine. !O( AN( !O(ESS BLESSIN! L!o' an' !o''ess o0 the s-iesB $%ease a%%ow #e to 0o%%ow #. 'a. to 'a. action. Ta-e action $on #. criesB :ear #e to'a. an' %o+e #e a%wa.s. :e%$ #e thro &h %i0e,s str &&%es an' &rant #e stren&th 0or a%% I 'o.

! i'e #e into %i0e with an o$en #in' an' a 0resh s%ate. So Mote it BeKL A NI!:TMARE BLESIIN! As the 'a. co#es to an en'B o r &reat &o'B the s n 'escen's. !o''ess enters into ni&ht s-.B twin-%in& stars an' #oon so hi&hB I now %a. #e 'own to restB with #. so % in her han's &oo'ni&ht to a%%B an' &o''ess 1%essK

this has occ rre' the #o %' is re#o+e'B %ea+in& a $er0ect%. 0or#e' can'%e. S$ecia% oi%7so% 1%e '.es an' $er0 #es can 1e a''e' to the wa? 1e0ore the coo%in& $rocess is co#$%ete to $ro+i'e s ita1%e co%ors an' scents 0or a $artic %ar #a&ica% rit a%. Cra0t sho$s which se%% can'%e #a-in& s $$%ies can a%so $ro+i'e 'o7it7.o rse%0 1oo-s e?$%ainin& the technica%ities o0 the art to the 1e&inner. ). Once .o ha+e $ rchase' or #a'e .o r rit a% can'%e it has to 1e oi%e' or ,'resse', 1e0ore 1 rnin&. The $ r$ose o0 'ressin& the can'%e is to esta1%ish a $s.chic %in1etween it an' the #a&ician thro &h a $ri#a% sensor. e?$erience. B. $h.sica%%. to chin& the can'%e ' rin& the 'ressin& $roce' reB .o are char&in& it with o r own $ersona% +i1rations an' a%so concentratin& the 'esire o0 .o r #a&ica% act into the wa?. The can'%e is 1eco#in& an e?tension o0 the #a&ician,s #enta% $ower an' %i0e ener&.. *. /hen .o 'ress a can'%e 0or #a&ica% seB i#a&ine that it is a $s.chic #a&net with a North an' a So th $o%e. R 1 the oi% into the can'%e 1e&innin& at the to$ or North en' an' wor- 'ownwar's to the ha%07wa. $oint. A%wa.s 1r sh in the sa#e 'irection 'ownwar's. This $rocess is then re$eate' 1. 1e&innin& at the 1otto# or so th en' an' wor-in& $ to the #i''%e. 2. The 1est t.$e o0 oi%s to se 0or 'ressin& can'%es are nat ra% ones which can 1e o1taine' q ite easi%.. So#e occ %t s $$%iers wi%% $ro+i'e can'%e #a&ic oi%s with e?otic na#es. I0 the #a&ician 'oes not want to se theseB he can se%ect s ita1%e oi%s or $er0 #es 0ro# his own so rces. The oi%s so% 1%e $er0 #es so%' 1. cra0t sho$s 0or inc% sion in can'%es can 1e reco##en'e'. 34. The can'%es .o se can 1e co%ore' in accor'ance with the 0o%%owin& #a&ica% ses: /hite7 s$irit a%it. an' $eace. Re'7 hea%thB ener&.B stren&thB co ra&eB se? a% $otenc.. Pin-7 %o+e a00ection an' ro#ance. Ae%%ow7 inte%%ect a%is#B i#a&inationB #e#or. an' creati+it. !reen7 0erti%it.B a1 n'anceB &oo' % c- an' har#on. B% e7 ins$irationB occ %t wis'o#B $rotection an' 'e+otion P r$%e7 #ateria% wea%thB hi&her $s.chic a1i%it.B s$irit a% $ower an' i'ea%is# Si%+er7 c%air+o.anceB ins$irationB astra% ener&. an' int ition Oran&e7 a#1ition. Career #atters an' the %aw. 33. I0 .o wante' to se can'%e #a&ic 0or hea%in&B .o wo %' se%ect a re' can'%e to 1 rn. To $ass an e?a#B 1 rn a .e%%ow can'%eB to &ain esoteric -now%e'&e 1 rn a 1% e can'%e or 0or #ateria% &ainB 1 rn a $ r$%e one. It is o1+io s these co%ors re%ate to the si&ns o0 the Go'iac an' the $%anetar. 0orces. 36. The si#$%est 0or# o0 can'%e #a&ic is to write 'own the o15ecti+e o0 .o r rit a% on a +ir&in $iece o0 $a$er. Ao can se co%or $a$er which #atches the can'%e. /rite .o r $etition on the $a$er sin& a #a&ica% a%$ha1etB s ch as The1anB enochianB #a%achainBetc. As .o write 'own what .o want to acco#$%ish thro &h can'%e #a&ic77 a



3. One o0 the si#$%est o0 #a&ica% arts which co#es n'er the hea'in& o0 nat ra% #a&ic is can'%e 1 rnin&. It is si#$%e 1eca se it e#$%o.s %itt%e rit a% an' 0ew cere#onia% arti0acts. The theatrica% $ro$s o0 can'%e #a&ic can 1e $ rchase' at an. 'e$art#ent store an' its rit a%s can 1e $ractice' in an. sittin& roo# or 1e'roo#. 6. Most o0 s ha+e $er0or#e' o r 0irst act o0 can'%e #a&ic 1. the ti#e we are two .ears o%'. B%owin& o t the tin. can'%es on o r 0irst 1irth'a. ca-e an' #a-in& a wish is $ re #a&ic. This chi%'hoo' c sto# is 1ase' on the three #a&ica% $rinci$a%s o0 concentrationB wi%% $ower an' +is a%iGation. In si#$%e ter#sB the chi%' who wants his wish to co#e tr e has to concentrate C1%ow o t the can'%esDB +is a%iGe the en' res %t C#a-e a wishD an' ho$e that it wi%% co#e tr e Cwi%% $owerD. 8. The siGe an' sha$e o0 the can'%es .o se is ni#$ortantB a%tho &h hi&h%. 'ecorati+eB e?tra %ar&eB or n s a%%. sha$e' can'%es wi%% not 1e s ita1%e as these #a. create 'istractions when the #a&ician wants to concentrate on the i#$ortant wor- in han'. Most #a&icians $re0er to se can'%es o0 stan'ar' or ni0or# siGe i0 $ossi1%e. Those which are so%' in 'i00erent co%ors 0or 'o#estic se are i'ea%. 4. The can'%es .o se 0or an. t.$e o0 #a&ica% se sho %' 1e +ir&inB that is n se'. =n'er no circ #stances se a can'%e which has a%rea'. a'orne' a 'inner ta1%e or 1een se' as a 1e'roo# can'%e or ni&ht7%i&ht. There is a +er. &oo' occ %t reason 0or not sin& an.thin& 1 t +ir&in #ateria%s in #a&ic. <i1rations $ic-e' $ 1. secon'han' #ateria%s or eq i$#ent #a. 'ist r1 .o r wor-in&s an' ne&ate their e00ecti+eness. 9. So#e #a&icians who are artistica%%. inc%ine' $re0er to #a-e their own can'%es 0or rit a% an' #a&ica% se. This is a +er. $ractica% e?ercise 1eca se not on%. 'oes it i#$re&nate the can'%e with .o r own $ersona% +i1rationsB 1 t the #ere act o0 #a-in& .o r own can'%e is #a&ica%%. $otent. S$ecia%ist sho$s se%% can'%e wa? an' #o%'s to&ether with wic-sB $er0 #esB an' other eq i$#ent. ". The hot wa? is heate' nti% %iq i' an' then $o re' into the #o %' thro &h which a s ita1%. siGe' wic- has a%rea'. 1een threa'e'. The wa? is then %e0t to coo% an' once is

new 5o1B hea%in& 0or a 0rien'B a chan&e o0 resi'enceB a new %o+e a00airB etc.77 +is a%iGe .o r 'rea# co#in& tr e. <is a%iGe the circ #stances n'er which .o #i&ht 1e o00ere' a new 5o1B i#a&ine .o r e#$%o.er te%%in& .o that .o r sa%ar. has 1een increase' or con5 re $ a +ision o0 .o r $er0ect %o+e $artner. 38. /hen .o ha+e co#$%ete' writin& 'own .o r $etitionB care0 %%. 0o%' $ the $a$er in a 'e%i1erate%. s%ow 0ashion. P%ace the en' o0 the 0o%'e' $a$er in the can'%e 0%a#e an' set %i&ht to it. As .o 'oes this concentrate once #ore on what .o want 0ro# %i0e. 34. /hen .o ha+e co#$%ete' .o r rit a%B a%%ow the can'%e to ha+e co#$%ete%. 1 rne' awa.. Ao 'o not nee' to sta. with the can'%e a0ter the rit a%B 1 t #a-e s re that is sa0e an' that re'7hot wa? wi%% not ca se 'a#a&e or 0ire. Ne+er re7 se a can'%e which has 1een %it in an. #a&ica% rit a%. It sho %' on%. 1e se' in that rit a% an' then a%%owe' to 1 rn awa. or 1e 'is$ose' o0 a0terwar's. 39. I0 .o are con' ctin& a #a&ica% rit a% which in+o%+es two $eo$%e Ce.&. an a1sent hea%in& 0or a $erson so#e 'istance awa.D then the secon' $erson can 1e s.#1o%ica%%. re$resente' ' rin& the rit a% 1. another can'%e. A%% .o nee' to 'o is 0in' o t the s 15ect,s 1irth 'ate an' 1 rn the a$$ro$riate can'%e 0or that Go'iaca% si&n. These are as 0o%%ows7 ARIES re' TA=R=S &reen !EMINI .e%%ow CANCER si%+er LEO oran&e <IR!O .e%%ow LIBRA $inSCORPIO re' SA!ITARI=S $ r$%e CAPRICORN C1%ac-D A;=ARI=S Ca%% co%orsD PISCES #a +e CAN(LE RIT=ALS Can'%e rit a%s ha+e 1een aro n' 0or cent ries. Ao %i&ht the can'%esB #a.1e c%ose .o r e.es whi%e re$eatin& a s$e%% or that which .o /ish 0or an' +is a%iGin& it co#in& tr e. It is a co#1ination o0 the nee' or 'esireB an' the a1i%it. to +is a%iGe the o tco#e. Can'%e 1 rnin& s$e%%s an' rit a%s are +er. eas. to 'o an' to ha+e s ccess with i0 the. are (one correct%. an' .o tr %. 1e%ie+e. The 'i00erent co%ors o0 can'%es each ha+e their own s.#1o%is#. :ere is a ta1%e o0 the co%ors an' their #eanin&s.

/hite: tr thB $ rit. Re': %o+eB hea%thB se?B stren&th !reen: #one.B % c-B 0erti%it. B%ac-: 'iscor'B e+i%B ne&ati+it.B con0 sion Brown: ne tra%it.B ncertaint.B hesitation Pin-: %o+eB #ora%it.B honor P r$%e: $owerB 1 siness $ro&ressB a#1ition Oran&e: attractionB sti# %ation !reenish Ae%%ow: 5ea%o s.B an&erB 'iscor' !ra.: ne tra%it.B sta%e#ateB ne&ati+it. Li&ht B% e: tranq i%it.B $atienceB hea%th (ar- B% e: 'e$ressionB chan&ea1i%it.

Can'%e s$e%%s can 1e +er. eas. or co#$%icate'. It a%% 'e$en's on how # ch ti#e .o want to $ t into a rit a%. It can 1e as si#$%e as %i&htin& a &reen can'%e an' chantin&... #one.B #one. co#e to #e. It can a%so 1e +er. %on& an' co#$%icate' %astin& se+era% 'a.s with the re$ositionin& o0 The can'%es each 'a.. The choice is a%wa.s .o rs. The 0irst thin& .o want to 'o is &et the a$$ro$riate co%or can'%es 0or .o r $artic %ar 'esire. Then .o nee' to anoint the can'%e with oi%. O%i+e oi% wi%% 'o 0ine. Ao nee' to r 1 the can'%e with the oi% 0ro# the #i''%e o twar' to the en's. As .o are 'oin& this .o nee' to 1e thin-in& o0 .o r 'esire' &oa%. Then sit an' #e'itate on .o r 'esire a0ter %i&htin& the can'%esB then rea' .o r s$e%% Or chant .o r a$$ro$riate #antra. Ao 'on,t nee' so#e e%a1orate s$e%% with a 1 nch o0 1i& wor's or wor's .o 'on,t E+en -now how to $rono nce. Ao can #a-e .o r own s$e%%s or rit a%s. Thin- o0 .o r 'esire then #a-e a si#$%e %itt%e rh.#e that te%%s a1o t .o r 'esire in it. It 'oesn,t e+en ha+e to rh.#e. This is a%% a1o t wi%% $owerB the $ower o0 $ositi+e thin-in&B An' creati+e +is a%iGation. I0 .o can 'o these thin&s then .o wi%% sen' those +i1rations o t Into the ni+erse an' e+ent a%%. the. wi%% #ateria%iGe FRIEN(S:IP CAN(LE SPELLS Pin- Can'%e !oo' L c->Frien'shi$ Oi% Pin- si%- Ri11on /hite Si%- Ri11on Cast the Circ%eB Arran&e a%tarB In+o-e !o''ess an' !o' Ao wi%% want to anoint the $in- with !oo' L c- oi% a%% the whi%e thin-in& o0 the 0rien's .o want to #a-e. I#a&ine .o rse%0 %a &hin& with the#B &oin& o t with the#. Rea%%. see .o rse%0 with the#. A0ter .o r can'%e has 1een anointe'B .o #a. %i&ht it. At this $oint .o #a. ca%% o t the thin&s that Are i#$ortant to .o in a 0rien': honest.B tr stB o$en #in'e'nessB h #orB whate+er.

As .o %i&ht the can'%eB see the 0%a#e as 1ein& the ener&. that 1 rns 1etween an. two c%ose 0rien's. /hen this is co#$%ete'B ta-e .o r two $ieces o0 si%ri11on an' wea+e the# to&ether. Si#$%. win'in& the# aro n' each other wi%% 'o. /hi%e .o 'o thisB thin- o0 1rin&in& that 0rien' c%oser to .o . This 1in'in& $rocess is re#iniscent o0 $a&an han' 0astin& rit a%s. Ao are 1in'in& that 0rien' to .o B #a-in& the# %o.a% to .o B a wa. an. &oo' 0rien' sho %' 1e. Ao 'o not want to 1in' a s$eci0ic $erson to .o B as that -in' o0 #a&ic is har#0 % since is :ar#s the other $erson,s 0ree wi%%. On%. 1in' the i'ea o0 the $er0ect 0rien' to .o . Once .o ha+e 'one thisB tie the ri11on to the 1ase o0 .o r can'%e as 1est as .o can. The can'%e,s %i&ht is a 1eacon to 1rin& 0rien'shi$ to .o an' another $erson. /hen this is 'oneB .o #a. wish to sit an' #e'itate on the s$e%% that .o ha+e 5 st castB Sen'in& .o r ener&ies o t to 1rin& that $er0ect 0rien' to .o . /hen .o 0ee% that .o r s$e%% has Been co#$%ete'B then it has. Let .o r can'%e 1 rn a%% the wa. o t an' re%ease .o r circ%eB Than-in& the !o''ess an' the !o'. LO<E SPELL Li&ht a can'%e CI ten' to se a 1%esse' white tea can'%eD an' $%ace it 1. the win'ow si%% at ni&ht. This is .o ca%%in& o t to .o r %o+e. CAST A /ITC:,S L=CEA CAN(LE SPELL Ta-e an oran&e can'%e anointe' with cinna#on oi%B c%o+eB or %ot s oi%. Li&ht the can'%e an' sa. 8 ti#es: L1ri#stoneB #oonB an' witch,s 0ireB can'%e%i&hts 1ri&ht s$e%%B !oo' % c- sha%% I now acq ireB /or- th. #a&ic we%%. Mi'ni&ht twe%+eB the witchin& ho rB Brin& the % c- I see-. B. wa? an' wic- now wor- th. $ower As these wor's I s$ea-. :ar#in& noneB this s$e%% is 'one. B. %aw o0 threeB so #ote it 1eKL (o this s$e%% at #i'ni&ht. CAN(LE SPELL TO STOP :ARASSMENT Ti#in&: ( rin& the wanin& #oon. =se a 1rown can'%e Can i#a&e can'%eB i0 .o canD To re$resent the $erson who is harassin& .o . /rite the $erson,s na#e on the 0ront an' 1ac- o0 the can'%e. On a s#a%% $iece o0 $arch#ent $a$erB write: ,Fro# now onB Cna#eD wi%% sa. nothin& 1 t sweet wor's a1o t #e an' to #e. B. the $ower o0 Ara'iaB so #ote it 1eK,

P t a 'ro$ o0 hone. in the #i''%e o0 the $a$er an' ro%% it into a 1a%%. :eat a -ni0eB $in or .o r atha#eB #a-es a &ash in the can'%e Cin its #o thB i0 it,s an i#a&e can'%eD an' st 00 the $a$er 1a%% into it. Let the can'%e 1 rn a %itt%e whi%e e+er. ni&ht 0or an o'' n #1er o0 ni&htsB to a #a?i# # o0 nine ni&hts. Throw the re#nants into 0%owin& waterB 1 t sa+e so#e can'%e 'ri$$in&s or ash to s$rin-%e in the $ath o0 .o r o$$ressor. /:ITE CAN(LE SPELL FOR BLESSIN! !et a white can'%e 77 either a $%ain one Co00ertor.B $i%%arB or ta$erD or a 0i& ra% one in the !en'er o0 the $erson .o want to 1%ess. Car+e the $erson,s 0 %% na#e on the can'%eB Then 'ress it with B%essin& Oi% or :o%. Oi%. For #ore $owerB .o #a. $%ace a na#e7$a$er O0 the $ersonB or a $hotoB or so#e $ersona% ite# o0 theirs Cs ch as a 1it o0 hair or a sni$$et O0 c%othin&D either n'er the can'%e or ne?t to it. One eas. wa. to 'o this is to $%ace the Pa$er or $ersona% concerns n'er an o+ert rne' sa cer an' $ t the can'%e on to$ o0 the sa cer. B rn a $ortion o0 the can'%e e+er. 'a. 0or se+en 'a.sB $inchin& it o t 1etween 1 rnin&s. As .o %i&ht it each 'a.B sa. this MNa#eNB Ma. .o 1e 1%esse' Ma. a%% &oo' thin&s co#e to .o Ma. nothin& whatsoe+er har# .o Ma. .o r heart 1e %i&ht Ma. .o r tra+e%s 1e sa0e Ma. .o r hea%th 1e &oo' Ma. .o r #in' 1e so n' Ma. .o r 0rien'shi$s s stain .o Ma. .o 1e 1%esse' in e+er. wa. I0 .o ha+e a s$ecia% req est 0or this $erson Cs ch as that the. 0in' a %o+erB &et a !oo' 5o1B co#e ho#e sa0e%. 0ro# a warB or whate+erDB 5 st a'' it to the %ist. So#e $eo$%e se a %ar&e $i%%ar7t.$e can'%e an' -ee$ it &oin& 0or %on&er than se+en 'a.s. The. #a. #a-e a ha1it o0 1 rnin& s ch a can'%e e+er. 'a. 77 or once a wee-B on S n'a.s 77 0or as %on& as their 0rien' or re%ati+e nee's he%$B e+en 'oin& so 0or #onths at a ti#e. I0 the can'%e is %ar&e an' it is to 1e 1 rne' in this wa.B it sho %' 1e re7'resse' with B%essin& Oi% or :o%. Oi% once a wee-: a0ter the initia% 'ressin&B .o can 'ro$ a tin. 1it o0 oi% into the Lwe%%L or ho%e in s ch a %ar&e can'%e 5 st 1e0ore %i&htin& it each ti#e. A CAN(LE BIN(IN! !et a %ar&e white can'%eB the -in' that 'ri$s wa?B an' set it $ on a tra.. A00i? to it a $hoto&ra$h or other i#a&e o0 the $erson .o wish to 1in'.

Ma-e a rin& o0 sea sa%t aro n' it. Ma-e a secon' rin& with $rotecti+e her1s. So#e 'rie' rose#ar. 0ro# the -itchen wi%% not 1rea.o r 1an-. Or se sa&e i0 .o %i-e. Fi%% the rest o0 the tra. with i#a&es that re$resent what .o are 1in'in& the $erson 0ro#: $ict res O0 .o r 0a#i%.B -e.s to .o r ho seB %e&a% 'oc #entsB whate+er. I0 the $ro1%e# is too co#$%e? 0or i#a&esB write what the $erson is 1o n' 0ro# on s%i$s o0 Pa$er an' $%ace the# aro n' the can'%e. Ma.1e the. are &ossi$in& an' #a-in& .o r %i0e a #iser.. /rite it 'own an' e?$%ain what .o want sto$$e'. Pa$.r sB or &oo' thic- $a$er #a'e 0ro# cotton or %inen wor- 1est 0or this. I ha+e $inche' the 0irst 1%an- $a&e o0 o%' 1oo-s at sa%esK =se re' in- i0 .o are an&r.B $ r$%e in- i0 .o are sa'. /ra$ the can'%e an' the i#a&e with 1%ac- threa' C se cotton trea' or %inen or e+en woo%B i0 $ossi1%eD. In+o-e Isis an' LLin'a the Bin'er /ith Linen Threa'.L Sa. o t %o ' what .o are 1in'in& the $erson 0ro#. Li&ht the can'%e an' %ea+e it 1 rn nti% the wa? 1e&ins to 'ri$ o+er the threa' an' i#a&e. B rn it e+er. 'a. 0or a wee-B nti% the i#a&e is thic- with wa?. =se this as a #e'itation 'e+ice to 'irect .o r wi%% to 1in'in& the $erson. Ao wi%% ha+e 'irect res %ts i0 .o ha+e a 5 st reason 0or this s$e%%. Ao can a%so Bin' a $erson 0ro# har#in& the#se%+es. TO RE<ERSE SPELLS CAST /IT: CAN(LE MA!ICE Li&ht two 1%ac- can'%es an' chant: In the na#e o0 the !o's an' a%% .e S$irits In the na#e o0 Eern nnos an' the %i&ht an' the 'arAn' the !o's o0 the Netherwor%' An' whosoe+er sha%% 1e castin& a c rse a&ainst #e Let the# s 00er their own c rse Let these can'%es 1e their can'%es This 1 rnin& 1e their 1 rnin& This c rse 1e their c rse Let the $ain the. ha+e ca se' #e an' #ine Fa%% $on the#se%+es (o this s$e%% 0or 0i+e consec ti+e ni&hts Cas c%ose to #i'ni&ht as $ossi1%eD an' each ni&ht Chant the s$e%% nti% the can'%es are s$ent. BASIC CAN(LE SPELL This t.$e o0 can'%e #a&ic is +er. 1asicB .et q ite e00ecti+e. This is a &oo' ti#e to iterate how c%ose%. Ear#a an' ethics are intertwine'. Ao choose .o r own co%or o0 #a&icB not onceB 1 t each ti#e .o $ractice. So#e tra'itions 1e%ie+e in Ear#a as L/hat .o 'o co#es 1ac- to .o L.

Eee$ in #in' that 0or an. #a&ic it is 1est Ctho &h not necessar.D to 'o ca%%in& #a&ic-B s ch as #one.B %o+eB hea%thB % c- or an.thin& that 1rin&s So#ethin& to .o B ' rin& the wa?in& #oon C0irst q arterD to the 0 %% #oon. Banishin& #a&icB S ch as 1in'in&sB q ittin& 1a' ha1itsB c rses or an.thin& $ shin& ener&. awa. sho %' 1e (one ' rin& the wanin& #oon C%ast q arterD to the new #oon. These are o$ti#a% ti#esB B t .o cannot a%wa.s 1ase .o r #a&ic- aro n' the #oon. Basic can'%e #a&ic 'ea%s On%. with two co%orsB white an' 1%ac- Corres$on'ence ta1%es at &oo' /iccan sites. En+ision the white can'%e as the wa?in& to 0 %% #oon an' the 1%ac- can'%e as the /anin& to new #oon. For an. ca%%in& $ r$osesB se the white can'%e. For an. 1anishin& $ r$osesB se the 1%ac- can'%e. CNote: A%wa.s se can'%es that are one so%i' co%or thro &ho t. Scratch so#e wa? o00 to test this i0 .o are not certain.D Ao /i%% Nee': One white or 1%ac- can'%e Can'%e ho%'er Matches or %i&hter O%i+e oi% Basic Can'%e Ma&ic S$e%% Per0or# STEP ONEB Me'itation. For white can'%e: R 1 oi% 0ro# the ti$ o0 the can'%e towar's the 1aseB whi%e h ##in& an' +is a%iGin& .o r reason 0or 'oin& this s$e%%. Contin e h ##in& an' +is a%iGin& 0or a1o t 0i+e #in tes. For 1%ac- can'%e: R 1 oi% 0ro# the 1ase o0 the can'%e towar's the ti$B whi%e h ##in& an' +is a%iGin& .o r reason 0or 'oin& this s$e%%. Contin e h ##in& an' +is a%iGin& 0or a1o t 0i+e #in tes. Contin e 0or either can'%e. P%ace the can'%e into the ho%'er an' %i&ht it. Chant .o r chant 0or as %on& as .o can whi%e +is a%iGin& .o r $ r$ose. To chantB se a #onotone h ##in& +oice.CAo sho %' create a s$eci0ic chant 0or .o r $ r$ose.D It can 1e as si#$%e as one wor' or as co#$%e? as .o wish.D CE?a#$%es: LMone.B #one.B co#e to #eLB L1rin& %o+eLB or LProtection s rro n' #eB co#$%ete serenit.L.D /hen .o cannot chant an' +is a%iGe an. %on&erB $ t the can'%e o t an' re$eat the s$e%% the 0o%%owin& ni&ht Cor 'a.D. A0ter .o see the 0irst &%i#$se o0 the res %ts o0 .o r s$e%%B %et the can'%e 1 rn a%% the wa. o t. Re#e#1erB a0ter the co#$%etion o0 an. s$e%% or rit a%B sa.: LSo #ote it 1e.L


(e$en'in& on .o r &oa%B .o wi%% nee' to choose the can'%e co%or that is a$$ro$riate 0or .o r tas-. (i00erent co%ors re$resent 'i00erent thin&sB 0or e?a#$%eB i0 .o want to se this s$e%% to &ain #one.B Ao choose a &reen can'%eB 1eca se &reen re$resents #one. Cas we%% as other thin&sD. I0 .o wante' %o+eB .o wo %' se a $in- can'%e Cor re' i0 it,s act a%%. % st .o wantD. Ta-e the can'%e an' en&ra+e it 0ro# to$ to 1otto# with what it is .o r nee'B sin& the Bac- si'e o0 the 1%a'e o0 a ' %% -ni0e. CAesB .o can se .o r atha#eB 1 t a co##on 1 tter Eni0e wor-s i0 .o 'on,t ha+e oneD. En&ra+e the 0irst an' %ast initia%s o0 the $erson .o want to cast the s$e%% on C.o r own initia%s i0 it,s 0or .o rse%0D on the 1otto# o0 the can'%e in the sa#e #anner. A0ter .o ha+e en&ra+e' .o r can'%eB r 1 incense ashes a%% o+er the can'%e. This #eans 1otto#B 1aseB #i''%eB ti$B an' wic-. I0 .o wishB the ashes o0 the incense #a. a%so corres$on' with .o r &oa%. P%ace the can'%e in a st r'. can'%e ho%'er C$re0era1%. #eta%B &%ass #a. shatterD an' %i&ht it. Lea+e the can'%e to 1 rn in a sa0e $%ace. In or'er 0or this to wor-B the can'%e # st 1e %e0t to 1 rn a%% the wa. 'own. CO$tiona%D I0 .o thin- it wo %' he%$B sit in 0ront o0 the can'%e 0or a 0ew #in tes an' Concentrate on .o r &oa%. Me'itate on it. Be0ore .o %ea+e .o r can'%e to 0inish 1 rnin&B Re$eat a 0ew ti#es what it is .o r wish 0or the s$e%% to acco#$%ish. A0ter the can'%e ha' 1 rne' o tB c%ean the e?cess wa? awa. 0ro# the can'%e ho%'erB an' throw it awa.. It sho %' ta-e a1o t 64 ho rs to start wor-in&B 'e$en'in& on the &oa%.

!REEN: :ea%in&B &ar'enin&B tree #a&icB &rowthB &oo' har+estB $ros$erit.B #one.B an' &oo' % c-. BL=E: Create con0i'enceB 'isco+er tr thB e?$an' #enta% horiGonsB s ccessB an' $rotection. P=RPLE: Me'itationB $ast7%i0e wor-B 'i+inationB astra% tra+e%B $s.chic $rotectionB $re+ention o0 ni&ht#aresB an' re#e#1rance 0or $arte' %o+e' ones. PINE: Lo+eB ro#anceB 0rien'shi$B a00ectionB q iet s%ee$B re-in'%in& tr stB an' attractin& new 0rien's or %o+ers. BRO/N: Locatin& %ost o15ectsB ho#e $rotectionB $et $rotectionB #one.B i'easB an' 1a%ance. !RAA: Reachin& co#$ro#isesB in+isi1i%it.B an' sett%in& ne&ati+e e#otions. BLACE: 1anishin&B %ea+in& a re%ationshi$B ac-now%e'&in& &rie0B an' 0or&i+eness. SPELL TO C:AN!E A SIT=ATION FROM BA( TO !OO( B rn ) white can'%es at )$# on a Fri'a. e+enin&. P%ace another shorter can'%e into a $ot o0 soi%. A0ter 34 #in tesB 1%ow o t the white can'%es in t rn an' a%%ow the shorter can'%e to e?tin& ish itse%0 in the soi%. /ITC:,S :EALIN! CAN(LE SPELL To he%$ s$ee' a reco+er. 0ro# i%%nessB write the sic$erson,s na#e $on a white h #an7sha$e' can'%e o0 the a$$ro$riate &en'er. As .o anoint it with three 'ro$s o0 #.rrh or #int oi%B +is a%iGe hea%in& ener&. in the 0or# o0 white %i&ht 0%owin& 0ro# .o r han's into the can'%e an' sa.: In the 'i+ine na#e o0 the !o''ess /ho 1reathes %i0e into s a%% I consecrate an' char&e this can'%e As a #a&ica% too% 0or hea%in&. P%ace the can'%e on to$ o0 a $hoto&ra$h o0 the sic$erson an' then %i&ht the wic-. As the can'%e 1 rns 'ownB concentrate $on the $erson in the $hoto&ra$hB wi%%in& hi# or her to 1e we%% a&ainB an' chant the 0o%%owin& incantation: Ma&ic- #en' an' can'%e 1 rnB Sic-ness en'I &oo' hea%th ret rn. RE<ERSIN! A CAN(LE SPELL (o this 9 ni&hts in a rowB at ' s- 7 as the s n 'ies an' 'ar-ness 'escen's. Li&ht 6 B%ac- can'%es an' as the. 1 rnB s$ea- this in+ocation: In the na#e o0 the !o's an' a%% .e s$iritsB In the na#e o0 Eern nnosB an' the %i&ht an' the 'aran' the !o's o0 the Netherwor%'B Re#o+e th. c rse an' stin& 0ro# #. heart an' #ine. An' whosoe+er sha%% 1e castin& a c rse a&ainst #eB Let he or she s 00er their own c rse. Let these can'%es 1e their can'%esB This 1 rnin& 1e their 1 rnin&B

CAN(LE CORRESPON(ENCES /:ITE: ProtectionB c%eansin&B 'i+inationB hea%in&B contactin& the &o'sB an' c%ear +ision. !OL(: /or%'%. achie+e#entB wea%thB reco&nitionB an' %on& %i0e. SIL<ER: (i+inationB awa-enin& 'i00erent $s.chic $owers Cc%air+o.anceB te%e$ath.B etc...DB astra% $ro5ectionB in+o-in& the &o''essB int itionB an' re$ressin& nwante' $s.chic $owers or +isions. RE(: Co ra&eB increase %i0e 0orceB 'eter#inationB astionB se? a% $assion an' $otenc.B s r+i+a%B $h.sica% hea%thB stren&thB $%eas reB an' wi%%$ower. ORAN!E: Ferti%it.B creati+e &rowthB se%07estee#B con0i'enceB a1 n'ance o0 a%% thin&sB an' ener&.. AELLO/: Menta% e?cersiGeB &ainin& so#eone,s a$$ro+a%B i#$ro+e #e#or.B increase concentrationB an' shar$en %o&ic.

This c rse 1e their c rse. Let the $ain the. ha+e ca se' #e an' #ine Fa%% $on the#se%+es. The two can'%es are co#$%ete%. 1 rne' each ni&ht. SPELL TO C:AN!E FATE Cthe wishin& can'%e s$e%%D Be 0orewarne'B chan&in& #a. #a-e so#e $arts o0 .o r %i0e stron&erB .et other $arts wea-er. Materia%s: 7 A s$ecia% can'%e chosen es$ecia%%. 0or the s$e%% 7 A $entac%e with corres$on'in& s.#1o%s %i-e Sat rn an' s.#1o%s o0 what .o wish to chan&e written on it. 7 4 1%ac- can'%es s#a%%er than the s$ecia% can'%e Cwishin& can'%eD Pre$arations: Set $ a%tar with the 0o r can'%es in each cornerB an' in the center $ t the $entac%e an' the wishin& can'%e o+er it. /ait to 'o the s$e%% nti% the 0 %% #oonB an' then #a-e s re .o 'o it at ni&ht an' where the stars are in 0 %% +iew. Proce' re: On the new #oonB %oo- nto the s-. 0or the ) 1ri&htest stars. :o%' $ a %i&hter an' sa.>chant: LI wish I #a.B I wish I #i&htB ha+e the wish I wish this ni&ht. For chan&e o0 OOOOOO this ni&ht I as-B an' 1. the 0%a#eB I as- it %ast. Se+en 1ri&htest stars in the s-.B %i&ht the 0%a#e I ho%' hi&h.L /ith this %i&ht .o r %i&hterB %i&ht the wishin& can'%eB an' %i&ht the %itt%e can'%es in it,s 0%a#e. Now &o a1o t 1 siness as s a%. NE/ JOB CAN(LE B=RNIN! MA!ICE !o''ess Can'%e !o' Can'%e Incense !reen Can'%e !oo' L c- Oi% B%ac- Can'%e Banishin& Oi% Petitioner Can'%e B i%' .o r a%tar. P%ace the Petitioner can'%e 1eneath the !o''ess can'%e an' $%ace the &reen an' 1%ac- can'%es 1eneath the !o' can'%e. Li&ht the incense. Anoint the 1%ac- can'%e with 1anishin& oi% an' sa.B L e#$ower this can'%e to a1sor1 a%% ne&ati+e 0orces actin& $on #e. As this can'%e 1 rnsB %et it,s $owers en& %0 a%% o1stac%es in #. wa.B %ea+in& #. $ath c%ear 0or s ccess.L Li&ht the 1%ac- can'%e. Anoint &reen can'%e with &oo' % c- oi% an' sa.B LI e#$ower this can'%e to 1rin& #e &oo' % c-B $ros$erit. an' s ccess in acq irin& a new an' 1etter 5o1. As this can'%e 1 rnsB so #i&ht it 1e a 1eacon 0or &oo' 0ort ne an' $ros$erit..L Li&ht the &reen can'%e.

Ao nee' not anoint the $etitioner can'%eB 1 t 0oc s stron&%. on this $erson Ci0 it is .o rse%0B see .o rse%0 in .o r new 5o1D as .o %i&ht itB sa.in&B LAs this can'%e re$resents Pna#eQB %et it 1e a 1eacon 0or $ositi+e 0orces an' ener&ies. As this can'%e 1 rns 1ri&htB so 'oes the %i&ht o0 Pna#esQ,s heart 1 rn 1ri&ht with a#1ition an' 'esire 0or a newB 1etter 5o1.L Concentrate 0ir#%.B 'irectin& .o r $ower to the $etitioner can'%eB which is recei+in& the ener&. 0ro# the &reen can'%e that is 1 rnin&. A0ter ten #in tes or so o0 concentrationB e?tin& ish the can'%es in the re+erse or'er in which .o %it the#. Each 'a.B re$eat the s$e%%B #o+in& the &reen can'%e two inches c%oser to the $etitioner. Ao r s$e%% is co#$%ete when the two can'%es to ch. NE/ EMPLOAMENT JOB SPELL Materia%s: !o''ess Can'%e !o' Can'%e Incense !reen Can'%e !oo' L c- Oi% B%ac- Can'%e Banishin& Oi% Petitioner Can'%e Csee astra% chartD P%ace the Petitioner can'%e 1eneath the !o''ess can'%e an' $%ace the &reen an' 1%accan'%es 1eneath the !o' can'%e on the a%tar. Li&ht the incense. Anoint the 1%ac- can'%e with 1anishin& oi% an' sa.B LI e#$ower this can'%e to a1sor1 a%% ne&ati+e 0orces actin& $on #e. As this can'%e 1 rnsB %et it,s $owers en& %0 a%% o1stac%es in #. wa.B %ea+in& #. $ath c%ear 0or s ccess.L Li&ht the 1%ac- can'%e. Anoint &reen can'%e with &oo' % c- oi% an' sa.B LI e#$ower this can'%e to 1rin& #e &oo' % c-B $ros$erit. an' s ccess in acq irin& a new an' 1etter 5o1. As this can'%e 1 rnsB so #i&ht it 1e a 1eacon 0or &oo' 0ort ne an' $ros$erit..L Li&ht the &reen can'%e. Ao nee' not anoint the $etitioner can'%eB 1 t 0oc s stron&%. on this $erson Ci0 it is .o rse%0B see .o rse%0 in .o r new 5o1D as .o %i&ht itB sa.in&B LAs this can'%e re$resents Pna#eQB %et it 1e a 1eacon 0or $ositi+e 0orces an' ener&ies. As this can'%e 1 rns 1ri&htB so 'oes the %i&ht o0 Pna#esQ,s heart 1 rn 1ri&ht with a#1ition an' 'esire 0or a newB 1etter 5o1.L Concentrate 0ir#%.B 'irectin& .o r $ower to the $etitioner can'%eB which is recei+in& the ener&. 0ro# the &reen can'%e that is 1 rnin&. A0ter ten #in tes or so o0 concentrationB e?tin& ish the can'%es in the re+erse or'er in which .o %it the#.

Each 'a.B re$eat the s$e%%B #o+in& the &reen can'%e two inches c%oser to the $etitioner. Ao r s$e%% is co#$%ete when the two can'%es to ch. CAN(LE SPELL TO !ET A JOB This s$e%% sho %' 1e se' on%. a0ter .o ha+e s 1#itte' .o r res #e or a$$%ication. /ith a $in or shar$ -ni0eB write the na#e o0 the co#$an.CsD .o want to wor- 0or on the si'e o0 a %ar&e &reen can'%e. On a re' can'%eB .o nee' to car+e the +ictor. r ne CTiwaGB it %oo-s %i-e an arrowB $ointin& $D an' .o r 0 %% na#e. B rn 1oth can'%es 0or 84 #in tes on Th rs'a. a0ter the s n setsB whi%e +is a%iGin& .o rse%0 &ettin& the -in' o0 5o1 .o want. At the en' o0 the 84 #in tesB sn 00 the can'%es C'o not 1%ow the# o tD. B rn the# each Th rs'a. a0ter that 0or 39 #in tes nti% the. 1 rn o tB or nti% .o &et the 5o1. (is$ose o0 the can'%es an' %ea+e a s#a%% 1ow% o0 #i%o tsi'e o+erni&ht as an o00erin&. SIN=S7CLEARIN! CAN(LE This is a can'%e .o can #a-e easi%. with ho seho%' ite#s. It,s &oo' 0or c%earin& sin sesB an' I,+e seen the a%oe $ortion c re co%'s. This is an e00ecti+e 0or# o0 aro#athera$.. Ta-e a s#a%% +oti+e can'%e ho%'erB eno &h &reen can'%es to #e%t into the ho%'erB a %ar&e a#o nt o0 0resh &ar%icB a s$i-e 0ro# an a%oe $%antB Cas- $er#ission 0irstBD an' a han'0 % o0 c%o+es. Me%t a%% these into the can'%e care0 %%.. Lea+e o+erni&ht 0or the wa? to 'r.. ThenB 1 rn. ALL P=RPOSE CAN(LE ANOINTIN! OIL 773 c $ rose $eta%s 3 c $ +io%ets 3 c $ water 3 c $ o%i+e oi% 3 t1s$ c%o+e oi% 776 teas$oons $ow'ere' cinna#on 3 ta1%es$oon $ow'ere' #.rrh 3>4 c $ wi%' 0enne% see's !ather rose $eta%s an' +io%ets at s nrise. P%ace the# in a c%ean cera#ic croc-. Co+er with water C0resh rain waterB $re0era1%.D an' %et croc- sit in a s nn. %ocation 0or three 'a.s nti% an oi%. 0i%# Cthe essentia% oi% o0 the 0%owersD is seen 0%oatin& on to$ o0 the water. Re#o+e oi% 0ro# water 1. care0 %%. a1sor1in& it into a s#a%% cotton 1a%%. Sq eeGe o t oi% into a c%eanB %on&7nec-e' &%ass 1ott%e. A'' o%i+e an' c%o+e oi%sB an' swir% &ent%. in a c%oc-wise 'irection to s%ow%. a&itate oi%s. Ne?tB a'' cinna#onB #.rrhB an' 0enne% see's. Sea% 1ott%e ti&ht%. an' store it in a 'ar-B coo% $%ace. A0ter 0o r wee-sB strain thro &h cheesec%oth an' se to anoint can'%es.

COLOR CORRESPON(ENCES FOR CAN(LE MA!ICE Li&htB %i-e a%% thin&sB +i1rates. E+er. co%or +i1rates at a 'i00erent s$ee'. The 'i00erent +i1rations o0 +ario s co%ors can 1e se' 1. o r 1rains in the rit a%s we $er0or# 0or hea%in&B #e'itationsB #a&icB or an. thin& we wish. This is ca%%e' $ractica% #a&ic 1eca se we are sin& an E%e#entB this ti#e Li&ht. Each co%or re$resents a $rinci$%e or +a% e. Re' 7 Ener&.B Stren&thB PassionB Co ra&eB E%e#ent o0 FireB Career !oa%sB Fast ActionB L stB B%oo' o0 the MoonB <i1ranc.B (ri+in& ForceB Lo+eB S r+i+a% Oran&e 7 B siness !oa%sB Pro$ert. (ea%sB A#1itionB Career !oa%sB !enera% S ccessB J sticeB Le&a% MattersB Se%%in&B Action Co$$er 7 PassionB Mone. !oa%sB Pro0essiona% !rowthB Ferti%it. in B sinessB Career Mane +ers !o%' 7 /ea%th B The !o'B Pro#ote /innin&B Sa0et. an' Power o0 the Ma%eB :a$$inessB P%a.0 % : #or Ae%%ow 7 The S nB Inte%%i&enceB Acce%erate' Learnin&B Me#or.B Lo&ica% I#a&inationB Brea-in& Menta% B%oc-sB Se%%in& Ao rse%0 Pin- 7 Ro#antic Lo+eB P%anetar. !oo' /i%%B :ea%in& o0 E#otionsB PeaceB A00ectionB Ro#anceB Partnershi$s o0 E#otiona% Mat rit.B Carin&B N rt rin& !reen 7 Earth MotherB Ph.sica% :ea%in&B Monetar. S ccessB A1 n'anceB Ferti%it.B Tree an' P%ant Ma&icB !rowthB E%e#ent o0 EarthB Persona% !oa%s B% e 7 !oo' Fort neB O$enin& B%oc-e' Co## nicationB /is'o#B ProtectionB S$irit a% Ins$irationB Ca%#B Reass ranceB !ent%. Mo+in&B E%e#ent o0 /aterB Creati+it. P r$%e 7 In0% encin& Peo$%e in :i&h P%acesB Thir' E.eB Ps.chic A1i%it.B S$irit a% PowerB Se%0 Ass ranceB :i''en Enow%e'&e Si%+er 7 Te%e$ath.B C%air+o.anceB C%aira 'ienceB Ps.cho#etr.B Int itionB (rea#sB Astra% Ener&iesB Fe#a%e PowerB Co## nicationB The !o''ess Brown 7 In0% ence Frien'shi$sB S$ecia% Fa+ors B%ac- 7 Protection Re$e%%in& Ne&ati+it.B Bin'in&B Sha$eshi0tin& /hite 7 S$irit a%it.B The !o''essB PeaceB :i&her Se%0B P rit.B <ir&init. Cwhich #eans that the wo#an,s #in' is her ownB an' not contro%%e' 1. a #anD white #a. a%so 1e s 1stit te' 0or an. other co%or. (RESSIN! A CAN(LE FOR RIT=AL Chose t.$e an' co%or o0 can'%e a$$ro$riate 0or rit a%. C%eanse the can'%e $rior ener&ies: .o #a. se waterB sa%tB $ re soa$B or 1a1. oi% Ca%% $re+io s%. 1%esse' an' consecrate'D. B%ess an' consecrate oi% to 1e se'B a$$ro$riate to rit a%. State an' en&ra+e Ci0 .o wishD what the can'%e is to re$resent. Anoint the can'%e with oi% an' 0oc s on 'esire C$ r$ose o0 rit a%D.

For rit a% o0 achie+e#ent: anoint oi% 0ro# the to$ o0 the can'%e to the #i''%e in a 'ownwar' #otionB then 0ro# the 1otto# o0 the can'%e to the #i''%e in an $war' #otion. For rit a% o0 1anish#ent: anoint oi% 0ro# the #i''%e o0 the can'%e to the to$ in an 1otto# o0 the can'%e in a 'ownwar' #otion. B%ess an' consecrate the can'%e. Me'itate on 'esire' o tco#e. So#e 'o not se #atches to %i&ht can'%esB the s %0 r is consi'ere' nc%ean. I0 .o 0ee% thisB se an incense starter or stic- to %i&ht .o r can'%es. To e?tin& ish a can'%eB sn 00 it o t or wa+e .o r han' o+er it har' eno &h to #a-e a 1reeGe to $ t it o t. (o not 1%ow or $inch it o t. B%owin& a can'%e o t 1%ows 'esires awa.B an' $inchin& a 0%a#e $inches o t 'esires. CAN(LE MA!ICE Can'%e #a&ic is se' with +is a%iGation an' intent towar' whiche+er &oa% or nee' .o ha+e. Can'%es are an e00ecti+e too% 0or concentration. A%soB 'i00erent co%ors or scents wi%% $ro+i'e +ar.in& ener&ies to he%$ .o with .o r &oa%. Co%ors are $ower0 % s.#1o%s. Man. 'i00erent 1e%ie0 s.ste#s incor$orate co%or into rit a%sB an' can'%e #a&ic is one wa. to 'o so... re'...s.#1o%iGin& the e%e#ent Fire an' the 'irection o0 the So thB re' is se' 0or stren&thB $h.sica% ener&.B co ra&eB se?B an' $assion. $in-...a can'%e 0or %o+e s$e%%s Cre#e#1er that these sho %' ne+er 1e $er0or#e' a&ainst another,s wi%%...D a%so 0rien'shi$ an' co#$assion. Pin- is 0or e#otiona% nee's. .e%%ow...s.#1o%ic o0 the e%e#ent Air an' the 'irection o0 the EastB .e%%ow $ro+i'es ener&. 0or #atters o0 inte%%ectB 'i+inationB tra+e%B an' e%oq ence. &reen...s.#1o%iGin& the e%e#ent Earth an' the 'irection o0 the NorthB se &reen 0or $ros$erit.B 0erti%it.B e#$%o.#entB &rowth an' hea%in&. 1% e... s.#1o%iGin& the e%e#ent /ater an' the 'irection o0 the /estB 1% e can'%es are se' 0or hea%in&B $eaceB ha$$iness an' $s.chic &rowth. $ r$%e... se this co%or 0or #atters o0 s$irit a%it.B $owerB #e'itation. white...associate' with the MoonB white is se' 0or $rotectionB $ ri0icationB 'i+ination an' is an a%% $ r$ose can'%e. 1%ac-... se 1%ac- 0or 1anishin& ne&ati+it.B or a1sor1in& it when .o 0ee% the nee' 0or this. A%soB 1 rn .o r can'%es on the 'a.s o0 the wee- that corres$on' with .o r wish. This he%$s to 1rin& $%anetar. ener&ies to .o r &oa%. S n'a. is r %e' 1. the S n an' .e%%ow can'%es are se' on this 'a.. Mon'a. is r %e' 1. the Moon... se white can'%es T es'a. is r %e' 1. Mars... se re' can'%es /e'nes'a. is r %e' 1. Merc r.... se $ r$%e can'%es

Th rs'a. is r %e' 1. J $iter... se 1% e can'%es Fri'a. is r %e' 1. <en s... se &reen can'%es Sat r'a. is r %e' 1. Sat rn... se 1%ac- can'%es I0 .o wish to a'' #ore $ower to .o r can'%e #a&icB anoint .o r can'%es with an a$$ro$riate oi% 1e0ore 1 rnin& the#. As .o are 'oin& thisB +is a%iGe .o r nee' an' 0oc s .o r ener&. towar's that. %o+e...roseB a$$%e 1%osso#B &ar'eniaB 5as#ineB .%an&7.%an& se?...cinna#onB $atcho %iB %a+en'erB c%o+eB # s-B +ani%%aB t 1erose % c-...1asi%B 1a.1err.B +er+ain $rotection...1er&a#otB cinna#onB cinq e0oi%B san'a%woo' $ros$erit....#intB 1asi%B +er+ainB h.sso$B 1er&a#ot $ ri0ication...0ran-incenseB 1enGoinB san'a%woo'B #.rrh 'i+ination...n t#e&B %e#on &rassB acaciaB %i%acB %ot sB narciss s 1anishin&...carnationB r e CREATIN! CAN(LE MA!ICE The 1est t.$e o0 s$e%% is one .o ha+e create' .o rse%0. Re#e#1erB as # ch ener&. as .o $ t in .o r #a&ic-B is as # ch ener&. as .o ,%% &et o t. Ao #a. a%so wish to enhance the e00ect with an a$$ro$riate scent an'>or an a$$ro$riate !e# or Stone an' e+en an :er1. There is a%so a corres$on'in& co%orB 'a.B e%e#ent an' #oon $haseB a%% in whichB not rea%%. necessar.B 1 t wi%% &i+e a''e' enhance#ent an' $ower to the #a&ic 'esire. A%% o0 these e%e#ents to&ether wi%% #ani0est to one hec- o0 a wish 1ein& $ t o t there $on the e%e#ents. Now a $er0ect #oon or 'a. is not a #an'ator. con'itionB neither are a%% the rest o0 the enhance#ents. So#eti#esB 5 st the si#$%e act o0 %i&htin& o0 a can'%e wi%% 'o. For e?a#$%eB the in7%aws are on their wa. o+er. In or'er 0or the ni&ht to &o we%% an' no tensions or worries 0or the ni&htB %i&ht a scente' can'%eB $erha$s with Jas#ine or La+en'er an' a $in- or B% e co%or too. This not on%. %oo-s +er. war# an' in+itin&B 1 t the can'%e is sen'in& o t .o r wishes 0or a stress 0ree ni&ht an' the scent is wor-in& to ca%# an' ease the tensions in the roo# at the sa#e ti#eK Ao r #other7in7%aw 5 st #a. thin- .o are o-a. a0ter a%% whi%e the who%e ti#e .o were $er0or#in& #a&icKKKK In .o r #a&ic 5o rna% or on $arch#ent $a$er %ist .o r &oa%B the inten'e' res %tB an' a chantB $ra.er or $oe# 0or .o r s$e%%. For e?a#$%e i0 .o r &oa% is tr e %o+e an' a #arria&e $ro$osa%B .o r #a&ica% 5o rna% Cor $arch#ent $a$erD #a. %oo- %i-e this: !OAL: TR=E LO<E INTEN(E( RES=LT: :a$$inessB Marria&e C:ANT: TR=E LO<EB FIN( ME NO/B BRIN! /IT: AO=B :APPINESS AN( MARRIA!E <O/ The who%e ti#e .o are sa.in& thisB .o wi%% 1e concentratin& on the o tco#e o0 the wish

as .o ha+e en+isione' it a%on& with the wa. in which it wi%% 1e 0 %0i%%e'. Pict re .o rse%0 with .o r 'esire' res %tsB ha$$.B in %o+eB #arrie'B ho#eB etc. Ta-e a 0ew #o#ents to 'o this #a-e it a co#$%ete $ict re in .o r #in'. Then ta-e .o r can'%e C0or this e?a#$%e a $in- oneD $%ace in an area so it wi%% 1e n'ist r1e'. CP%ease se a%% $reca tionar. actions in this too. Re#e#1er sa0et. o0 .o rse%0 an' others.D (eter#ine the 'a. o0 the wee- CFri'a. 0or #ani0estin& new %o+eD an' 'eter#ine the MOON Cin this e?a#$%eB .o wi%% nee' a /A@IN! MOONB to 1rin&L.D !ather a%% .o r ener&.B tho &htsB concentration an' $ict re .o r 'esire' res %ts as .o %i&ht .o r can'%e. At this $oint .o ha+e now a%% the e%e#ents o0 the #a&ic wor-in& 0or .o . There is the AirB /aterB EarthB FireB S$irit an' /i%% that .o ha+e 5 st re%ease' an' sent o t. Sta. thin-in& a1o t this 0or a 0ew #in tes #ore o0 ninterr $te' tho &hts. At this ti#eB .o can see whether .o r wish has or is ha+in& an e00ect 1. the wa. in which the 0%a#e is 1eha+in&. St '. its #o+e#ents an' the s$ea-in& it is 'oin&. Re#e#1er to re%ate it to the sit ation. I0 .o r can'%e &oes o tB it #a. 1e te%%in& .o to tr. a&ain on another ni&ht when .o can concentrate a %itt%e #ore. Ne+er re%i&ht the sa#e can'%e. The sa#e is tr e i0 the can'%e 1rea-s or is 1ro-en. (o not se it a&ain. It is 1est to 5 st se the one .o trie' with 0or other non7#a&ica% $ r$oses an' &et a new one to tr. a&ain. Let the can'%e 1 rn n'ist r1e' nti% e?tin& ishe'. At this ti#e tooB ta-e a %oo- an' see i0 the #e%te' wa? 0ro# the can'%e %e0t .o a #essa&e. See i0 .o can 'iscern an.thin& 0ro# the i#a&e the #e%te' wa? %e0t 0or .o . P%easeB 'on,t 1e 'isa$$ointe' i0 .o 'o not see an.thin& re#ar-a1%e or e+en 0air%. reco&niGa1%e. A 0 rther #essa&e is not a%wa.s necessar. an' wi%% not a%wa.s 1e there. B t when one isB wowKB rea%%. neat an' 0 n tooK /hen .o are thro &hB .o can throw the re#ains awa. or 1 r. the# o tsi'e in the &ro n' i0 .o are so inc%ine'. I0 .o ha+e se' a L$etition car'L Cthe wish written on a $iece o0 $a$er or act a% car's inten'e' 0or this reason an' 1 rne' ' rin& the wish #a-in&DB 1%ow the ashes to the win' in the a$$ro$riate 'irection o0 .o r wish whi%e at the sa#e ti#eB than-in& the e%e#ents 0or ta-in& $ .o r wish an' 0 %0i%%in& what .o 'esire #ost. Ao r tho &hts a&ainB at this ti#e are hi&h%. t ne' an' .o # st 1e care0 % in where the. are &oin& to 0%.. Tr. to &ro n' .o rse%0 an' .o r ener&ies a0ter .o ha+e co#$%ete' the tas- so that the ener&ies .o $ro' ce' can 1e re%ease' to the e%e#ents

in ho$es o0 0 %0i%%#ent. Ao wi%% 0in' Can'%e Ma&ic- is a won'ro s an' $ower0 % too%. The a1o+e is an e?a#$%e on%.B a&ain the 1est one is one .o #a-e .o rse%0. =se this as a & i'e%ine an' re#e#1er the intention an' the sincere wish is what is i#$ortant. CAN(LE SPELL A!AINST PSAC:IC ATTACE 77white can'%e re' can'%e 1%ac- can'%e I#a&ine a 1% e 1a%% o0 ener&. insi'e the can'%es. Caress the can'%es as .o chant: !o''ess o0 ThreeB I ca%% $on theeB To $rotect 0ro# those who wish to har# #e Eee$ the# 0ro# sin& the &i0t 0ro# thee Eee$ the# 0ro# sin& th. &i0t to har# #e /hen .o 0inish chantin&B i#a&ine the 1% e 1a%% e?$%o'in& into %ines o0 1% e. I#a&ine the %ines s rro n'in& .o an' wra$$in& .o in war# 1% e ener&.. See the 1% e %i&ht as a shie%'. Enow that it is n1rea-a1%e. Thin- a1o t how it is the !o''ess, Li&ht $rotectin& .o . Then $ t the can'%es so#e$%ace where the. can 1 rn n'ist r1e' an' %et the# 1 rn the#se%+es o tB sen'in& a%% the ener&. into .o r shie%'. This s$e%% is 1est $er0or#e' ' rin& the 0 %% #oon. For %on&er e00ects .o can #a-e it a se+en7'a. s$e%%. A(ORATION CAN(LE MA!ICE On .o r a%tarB $%ace two re' can'%es at either en'. Be0ore 'oin& thisB r 1 the two can'%es with rose essentia% oi%. A&ainB on Fri'a.B the 'a. o0 the wee- 'e+ote' to the !o''ess A$hro'iteB $er0or# this tas- to attract .o r 1e%o+e'. /rite .o r na#e on one can'%eB an' .o r 1e%o+e',s on the other. I0 .o 'o not -now his or her na#eB si#$%. write L#. 1e%o+e'L or L#. tr e %o+eL. A&ain tr. to se %an& a&e that wi%% ens re $ositi+e #a&ic. I0 .o si#$%. write Lhan'so#eL .o #a. we%% en' $ with so#eone &or&eo sB 1 t who is har#0 % 0or .o in so#e other wa.. Each e+enin& at se+enB %i&ht the can'%es an' #o+e the# s%i&ht%. c%oser to&ether. Car+e into .o r can'%e a wor' o0 s$ecia% si&ni0icance to .o B $erha$s ta-en 0ro# .o r insi&hts when .o $er0or#e' the wish0 % thin-in& tas-. Perha$s the wor' L'e+ote'L sho %' 1e car+e' into .o r 1e%o+e',s can'%e. On .o r ownB write the sa#e. Me'itate on this q a%it. 0or se+era% #in tesB then sn 00 o t the can'%es. Re$eat this 0or se+en ni&htsB sin& a 'i00erent q a%it. each ti#eB nti% on the se+enthB the 0o%%owin& Fri'a.B 1oth can'%es are 0ina%%. stan'in& as c%ose to&ether as $ossi1%e. Li&ht the# an' %et the# 1 rn 'own an' o t. I0 an. wa? re#ainsB scatter it 1e0ore .o as .o wa%- thro &h a 1ea ti0 % $%aceB wishin& it to 1rin& &oo' 0ort ne to others ho$in& 0or %o+e.

CAN(LE BIN(IN! !et a %ar&e white can'%eB the -in' that 'ri$s wa?B an' set it $ on a tra.. A00i? to it a $hoto&ra$h or other i#a&e o0 the $erson .o wish to 1in'. Ma-e a rin& o0 sea sa%t aro n' it. Ma-e a secon' rin& with $rotecti+e her1s. Fi%% the rest o0 the tra. with i#a&es that re$resent what .o are 1in'in& the $erson 0ro#: $ict res o0 .o r 0a#i%.B -e.s to .o r ho seB %e&a% 'oc #entsB whate+er. I0 the $ro1%e# is too co#$%e? 0or i#a&esB write what the $erson is 1o n' 0ro# on s%i$s o0 $a$er an' $%ace the# aro n' the can'%e. Pa$.r sB or $a$er #a'e 0ro# cotton or %inen wor- 1est 0or this. =se re' in- i0 .o are an&r.B $ r$%e in- i0 .o are sa'. /ra$ the can'%e an' the i#a&e with 1%ac- threa' C%inenB i0 $ossi1%eD. In+o-e Isis an' Lin'aB the Bin'er /ith Linen Threa'. Sa. o t %o ' what .o are 1in'in& the $erson 0ro#. Li&ht the can'%e an' %ea+e it 1 rn nti% the wa? 1e&ins to 'ri$ o+er the threa' an' i#a&e. B rn it e+er. 'a. 0or a wee-B nti% the i#a&e is thic- with wa?. =se this as a #e'itation 'e+ice to 'irect .o r wi%% to 1in'in& the $erson. CAN(LE SPELL FOR J=STICE OR :ELP IN LE!AL MATTERS It 'oes not req ire a swor' on%. Tarot an' can'%es. Ao #i&ht want to 1 rn so#e her1s or incense associate' with 5 stice whi%e 'oin& this s$e%%. A%so a si#$%e .et incre'i1%. $ower0 % $rotection s$e%% is 'one with a s#a%% or #e'i # siGe' #irror .o can ho%' in .o r han's. /hi%e ho%'in& the #irror 0acin& o twar's in other wor's not showin& .o r re0%ection 1 t t rne' to re0%ect o tB t rn in a co nter c%oc-wise circ%e to 1anish whi%e sa.in&: Circ%e o0 re0%ectionB Circ%e o0 $rotectionB Ma. the sen'er o0 a%% har#B Fee% the $ower o0 this char#. This 'oes not sen' an. ne&ati+e ener&. at the sen'er hence e%i#inatin& the ca se an' e00ect $ortion o0 ne&ati+it. a''in& to ne&ati+it. 1 t it re0%ects 1ac- an.thin& 1ein& 'irecte' at .o . So it 1o nces o00 .o instea' o0 a00ectin& .o . Circ%e three ti#es 0 %% ro n' chantin& this or nti% .o 0ee% it is co#$%eteB then #a-e a c%osin& state#ent s ch as: So Be It

:EALT: SPELL (escri$tion: This is act a%%. an e?a#$%e o0 can'%e #a&ic-. !rin' so#e n t#e& an' #i? it into the wa? as .o $re$are the can'%e. A'' so#e +ani%%a e?tract to the wa? 0or s#e%%. Li&ht the can'%e an' %et the 0 #es 0i%% .o r ho se. This wor-s we%% a&ainst the 0% an' the 'rea'e' co%'. I0 .o co#1ine this with so#e 5ewe% thera$. re#e#1er that sa$$hire is a &enera% enchanter an' that a&ate is sai' to re' ce 0e+er. TO MAEE A CAN(LE: First .o wi%% nee' to 1 . a sheet o0 wa? 0ro# a cra0t or ho11. store. C t it into se+era% ch n-s an' 0i%% a co00ee can ro &h%. ha%0 0 %% with it. P%ace the can in a $ot that has water in it. The water %e+e% sho %' not 1e hi&her than the can 1eca se so#eti#es water wi%% s$i%% or 1oi% o+er. :eat the $ot o0 water an' when the wa? has t rne' into a 0air%. c%ear %iq i'B se a $air o0 ton&s to $o r it into a 0ra#e. So#e $eo$%e #a-e their own 0ra#es o t o0 sheet #eta%. Eee$ the 0ra#e $si'e 'own an' s s$en' a wic- with an e?ten'e' ro'B %ettin& the wichan& 'own with a %itt%e e?tra at the en' to %i&ht. It,s o-a. to se e#$t. t na 0ish cans to create +oti+es an' 0ee% 0ree to e?$eri#ent with other 'esi&ns. :EALIN! FIRE CAN(LE SPELL Ao wi%% nee': 77 Three P r$%e Can'%es Three B% e Can'%es Photo&ra$h o0 .o rse%0 . P%ace the can'%es in a circ%e aro n' the $hoto&ra$h. Char&e each can'%e in'i+i' a%%.: LI char&e .o 1. the $owers o0 0ire EastB So thB /estB an' NorthI I char&e .o 1. the $owers o0 The EarthB AirB Fire an' /ater. I char&e .o 1. the $owers o0 The S nB the MoonB an' the Stars: To hea% #e o0 this 'isease Cor ai%#entD Its ca ses an' its #ani0estations. So #ote it 1eKL NowB a0ter .o %i&ht each can'%eB sa.: LB rn the sic-ness in .o r 0%a#e B rn the sic-ness that wo %' #ai#. B rn the i%%ness 1. .o r #i&ht B rn the i%%ness in .o r %i&ht. :ea% #e o0 i%%ness an' $ain :ea% #e o0 a%% that is 1ane. :ea% #e an' set #e 0ree /ith #. wi%% so # st it 1eKL (o this s$e%% as #an. ni&hts in a row that .o nee' to. ;=ICE CAN(LE :EALIN! SPELL On a 1% e can'%eB se a $in to inscri1e7#o+in& 0ro# the 1ase to the ti$7the na#e o0 the $erson who is i%%. Pierce the can'%e with the $in an' %ea+e it there. Let the can'%e 1 rn 'own an' e?tin& ish itse%0.

:EALIN! CAN(LE SPELL Ao wi%% nee' ) can'%es. One white 0or the La'.B one .e%%ow 0or the Lor'. One oran&e 0or enco ra&e#ent an' attractionB one 0or .o rse%0 accor'in& to .o r astra% co%orB an' three re' can'%es 0or stren&th an' hea%th. Ao can 1 rn so#e t.$e o0 %i&ht incense i0 .o %i-e. Li&ht the Lor' an' La'. can'%es 0irst then %i&ht the incense. Sit 0or a 0ew #o#ents an' thin- o0 &oo'ness an' hea%th co#in& into .o . Li&ht the $etitioner,s can'%e an' $ict re the $erson an' sa.: :ere is OOOOOOOO in e?ce%%ent hea%th. B%essin&s 0ro# the Lor' R La'. 1e $on hi#. Li&ht the oran&e can'%e an' sa.: This 0%a#e 'raws a%% that is &oo' to OOOOOOOOO. It 'raws hea%th an' stren&th an' a%% he 'esires. Li&ht re' can'%es sa.in&: :ere is hea%th an' stren&th three 0o%'. Ta-e into OOOOOOOOO to ser+e an' 1 i%' hi# as the Lor' an' La'. wo %' wish. Sit an' #e'itate on .o r &oo' hea%th .o 'esire. E?tin& ish the can'%es. Re$eat this e+er. Fri'a. 0or ) 'a.sB each ti#e #o+in& the re' can'%es c%oser to the $etitioner can'%e. On the )th Fri'a. the. sho %' to ch the $etitioner,s can'%e. CAN(LE J=STICE SPELL FirstB .o # st recite the o$enin& chant: L I #o+e o tsi'e the %i#its o0 ti#e to wor- #. s$e%% The 'ra&ons he%$ #e wea+e the ni+ersa% ener&. The thin&s that now e?ist 1eco#e what I 'esire The ti'es o0 Ma&ic- answer nto #eL ThenB .o nee' a tarot 'ec-. Car's nee'e': J sticeB The /or%'B an' nine o0 c $s Can'%es nee'e': &ra.B oran&eB in'i&oB $ r$%eB 1%ac-B an' &o%'. Arran&e the car's IN OR(ERB %e0t to ri&ht: J sticeB The /or%'B an' then 2 o0 c $s. Arran&e the can'%es 1e%ow the car's IN T:IS OR(ER: &ra.B oran&eB in'i&oB $ r$%eB 1%ac-B an' &o%'. Li&ht the can'%es an' a0ter c%earin& .o r #in'B sa.: L!ra. #ists to hi'e what I # st 'o. Oran&e %i&ht to chan&e #. % c- an' &i+e #e $ower. In'i&o stren&th to sto$ &ossi$ an' %ies. P r$%e $ower to 1rea- 1a' % c- an' 'ri+e awa. e+i%. !reat 1%ac- wa%%s to $rotect #e 0ro# #. ene#ies. S n7&o%' 1ea#s to &i+e #e 0ort ne an' s ccess. I stan' s rro n'e' 1. these $ower0 % %i&hts. I as- the 'ra&on,s he%$ to s ccee' in #. case.L Concentrate a 0ew #o#ents on the car's an' .o r o15ecti+e. A0ter this .o # st sa. the c%osin& chant:

LM. than-s to the 'ra&onsB &reat an' s#a%%B who ca#e to answer #. ca%%B /e wo+e the Ma&ic-B wi%' an' 0reeB An' as I wi%%B so sha%% it 1e.L P%ace the can'%es in a sa0e $%ace so the. wi%% not catch an.thin& on 0ireB s ch as a sin- or e+en in the 1ath t 1B an' a%%ow the# to 1 rn the#se%+es o t. RE<ERSIN! CROSSE( CON(ITIONS /IT: A BLACE CAN(LE I0 .o -now who has $ t a crosse' con'ition on .o an' .o want to re+erse the 5in? onto the#B 1 rn a 1%ac- can'%e on their na#e C$ ttin& their na#e on a $a$er 1eneath an o+ert rne' sa cer n'er the can'%eD or car+e their na#e on the can'%e. I0 .o 'on,t -now the na#e o0 the $erson who 'i' this tric- to .o B car+e the wor's LM. Ene#.L on the can'%e. An. 1%ac- can'%e wi%% 'oB 1 t i0 .o se a 1%ac- can'%e in the 0i& re o0 the (e+i%B car+e their na#e on itB an' 'ress it with Cast O00 E+i% Oi%B thin&s wi%% &o har'er with the#. B rn the 1%ac- can'%e on the toi%et tan-B a %itt%e 1it each ni&htB $inchin& it o t 1etween 1 rnin&s. B rn it whi%e the #oon is &rowin& s#a%%er 77 thenB on the 'ar- o0 the #oonB the 'ar-est ni&ht o0 the #onthB t rn the 1 rnin& 1%ac- can'%e $si'e 'own an' e?tin& ish it in the toi%et 1ow%B sa.in& LTh s wi%% .o B Mna#e o0 ene#.NB #eet .o r 0ateKL Throw the re#ainin& 1%ac- can'%e st 1 an' wa? into a crossroa's 77 or into the .ar' o0 the $erson who ha' $ t the roots on .o or 5in?e' .o .

PRESSE( FLO/ER CAN(LES These can'%es are a &reat 1athroo# accent. Pansies #a-e so#e o0 the 1est can'%es. Ao can a%so se &reener. s ch as 0ern or %ea+esB those $ r$%e %ea+es are &reat. Ao 'is$%a. the 0%owers an' &reener. on the can'%e 1eneath a thin %a.er o0 wa?. Ao wi%% nee': Pi%%ar can'%es Presse' 0%owers C.o r choiceD Presse' &reens C.o r choiceD ra00iaB Co$tiona%D cra0t &% e or hot &% e $ara00in wa? sa ce $an #eta% 1ow% ton&s news $a$erB an o%' towe%B or se wa? $a$er. To #a-e these %o+e%. can'%es: <er. care0 %%.B or with tweeGersB $ic- $ 0%owers an' &reener.. Arran&e on can'%e. A%so +er. care0 %%. a'' a to ch o0 &% e to the 1ac-s o0 the 0%owers an' &reener. .o can se a tooth $ic- or ;7Ti$ to #a-e it easier. Let it sit 0or a1o t 39 #in tes to a%%ow &% e to 'r. co#$%ete%.. Fi%% sa ce $an with water an' war# o+er #e'i # %ow heat. Ba%ance #eta% 1ow% on ri#s so it sits a1o+e the waters s r0ace. Me%t wa? this wa..

:o%' can'%e 1. the wic-B either with .o r 0in&ers C%on& wic-D or 0or sa0et. with $iers or ton&s. (i$ can'%e into the wa? entire%.. Re#o+e s%ow%.. P%ace can'%e on wa? $a$er an' a%%ow to 'r. +er. we%%. Most 0%owers are &reat with this i'eaB an' 0ernB ce'ar an' oa- %ea+es are +er. nice. Ao can a%so s$%ash thin&s $ a 1it 1. a''in& co%ore' %ea+es aro n' the can'%e 1e0ore 'i$$in& 0or a st nnin& e00ect. Ao can a%so a'orn with wheat or cat tai%s. COLORS FOR CAN(LES /hite7 A%% $ r$ose Re'7 Lo+eB $assionB creati+it.. B% e7 PeaceB wis'o#B hea%in&B inte&rit.. Oran&e7 /or-B careerB e' cation. Brown7 Frien'shi$ !reen7 :ea%in&B #one.B nat re. <io%et7 S$irit a%it. B%ac-7 Banishin& Ne&ati+it. Si%+er7 Ps.chis#B co%or o0 !o''ess !o%'7 Co%or o0 !o' CAN(LES FOR A PASSIONATE LO<E SPELL To 'raw a $assionate %o+e .o r wa.B ' rin& a wa?in& Moon &ather two ta$er can'%esB one $in- an' one re'B an' so#e re' threa' an' 5as#ine oi%. Anoint the can'%es with 5as#ine oi% sin& .o r 0in&erti$sB then %i&ht the# whi%e +is a%iGin& the 0%a#es o0 $assion &rowin& 1etween .o rse%0 an' newB 1 t .et n-nownB %o+e. Lin- the can'%es to&ether 1. #a-in& a 0i& re ei&ht 1etween the# with the threa' whi%e re$eatin&: LF%a#es o0 $assion an' see's o0 ro#ance &rowI I o$en #. heart to %o+e. Now the one who see-s #e sha%% co#e.L For 1est res %tsB enact the s$e%% on three consec ti+e ni&hts. PROSPERITA SPELL Thin&s .o wi%% nee': 3 &o%' can'%e " &reen can'%es 2 white can'%es Pine oi% C0or anointin& the can'%esD sa%t The s$e%% is to 1e&in at one #in te $ast #i'ni&ht s n ti#e on the ni&ht o0 A$ri% 84 CMa. 3DB J %. 83 CA & 3DB Oct 83 CNo+. 3D an' Jan 83 CFe1 3D In other wor'sB on the 0irst #in te o0 the cross q arter 'a.. S$e%%: A%% can'%es # st 1e 'resse' with $ine oi% an' then arran&e' as 0o%%ows: !o%' can'%e in the center. !reen can'%es in a circ%e aro n' &o%' can'%e. /hite can'%es in a circ%e aro n' &reen can'%es. At one #in te $ast #i'ni&ht on the a$$ointe' 'a.B trace a sa%t circ%e aro n' the o ter#ost circ%e o0 can'%esB %i&ht the &o%' can'%e 0irstB then the &reen can'%esB

#o+in& 'eosi% Cc%oc- wiseDB then the white can'%esB #o+in& 'eosi%. Circ%e the a%tar three ti#esB chantin&: LOr1itin& J $iter trine the s nB 1rin& #one. on the r n.L (o the chant 8 ti#es. Sit q iet%. 0or a 0ew #in tes an' +is a%iGe .o r #onetar. nee's. Then sn 00 C'o not 1%ow or $inchD the can'%es in re+erse or'er. LO<E SPELL Materia%s: 3 $in- can'%e 3 1ott%e o0 344S <ir&in O%i+e oi% Process: Ta-e the can'%e an' $%ace it on a ta1%e or .o r a%tar. Now ta-e the o%i+e oi% an' r 1 on to the can'%e startin& in the #i''%e an' &oin& $B then startin& in the #i''%e &oin& 'own. /hi%e $ ri0.in& the can'%e with the oi% .o want to rechar&e the can'%e with %o+e an' 'esireB so +is a%iGe %o+e an' channe% a%% .o r e#otion into the can'%e. A0ter the oi% is 0inishe'B ta-e a -ni0e an' car+e what it is .o want into the can'%e. CREATIN! CAN(LE MA!ICE One o0 the si#$%est o0 #a&ica% arts which co#es n'er the hea'in& o0 nat ra% #a&ic- is can'%e 1 rnin&. It is si#$%e 1eca se it e#$%o.s %itt%e rit a% an' 0ew cere#onia% arti0acts. The theatrica% $ro$s o0 can'%e #a&ic- can 1e $ rchase' at an. 'e$art#ent store an' its rit a%s can 1e $ractice' in an. sittin& roo# or 1e'roo#. Most o0 s ha+e $er0or#e' o r 0irst act o0 can'%e #a&ic1. the ti#e we are two .ears o%'. B%owin& o t the tin. can'%es on o r 0irst 1irth'a. ca-e an' #a-in& a wish is $ re #a&ic. This chi%'hoo' c sto# is 1ase' on the three #a&ic-a% $rinci$a%s o0 concentrationB wi%% $ower an' +is a%iGation. In si#$%e ter#sB the chi%' who wants his wish to co#e tr e has to concentrate C1%ow o t the can'%esDB +is a%iGe the en' res %t C#a-e a wishD an' ho$e that it wi%% co#e tr e Cwi%% $owerD. The siGe an' sha$e o0 the can'%es .o se is ni#$ortantB a%tho &h hi&h%. 'ecorati+eB e?tra %ar&eB or n s a%%. sha$e' can'%es wi%% not 1e s ita1%e as these #a. create 'istractions when the #a&ician wants to concentrate on the i#$ortant wor- in han'. Most #a&icians $re0er to se can'%es o0 stan'ar' or ni0or# siGe i0 $ossi1%e. Those which are so%' in 'i00erent co%ors 0or 'o#estic se are i'ea%. The can'%es .o se 0or an. t.$e o0 #a&ica% se sho %' 1e +ir&inB that is n se'. =n'er no circ #stances se a can'%e which has a%rea'. a'orne' a 'inner ta1%e or 1een se' as a 1e'roo# can'%e or ni&ht7%i&ht. There is a +er. &oo' occ %t reason 0or not sin& an.thin& 1 t

+ir&in #ateria%s in #a&ic. <i1rations $ic-e' $ 1. secon'han' #ateria%s or eq i$#ent #a. 'ist r1 .o r wor-in&s an' ne&ate their e00ecti+eness. So#e #a&icians who are artistica%%. inc%ine' $re0er to #a-e their own can'%es 0or rit a% an' #a&ica% se. This is a +er. $ractica% e?ercise 1eca se not on%. 'oes it i#$re&nate the can'%e with .o r own $ersona% +i1rationsB 1 t the #ere act o0 #a-in& .o r own can'%e is #a&ica%%. $otent. S$ecia%ist sho$s se%% can'%e wa? an' #o%'s to&ether with wic-sB $er0 #esB an' other eq i$#ent. The hot wa? is heate' nti% %iq i' an' then $o re' into the #o %' thro &h which a s ita1%. siGe' wic- has a%rea'. 1een threa'e'. The wa? is then %e0t to coo% an' once is this has occ rre' the #o %' is re#o+e' B %ea+in& a $er0ect%. 0or#e' can'%e. S$ecia% oi%7so% 1%e '.es an' $er0 #es can 1e a''e' to the wa? 1e0ore the coo%in& $rocess is co#$%ete to $ro+i'e s ita1%e co%ors an' scents 0or a $artic %ar #a&ica% rit a%. Cra0t sho$s which se%% can'%e#a-in& s $$%ies can a%so $ro+i'e 'o7it7.o rse%0 1oo-s e?$%ainin& the technica%ities o0 the art to the 1e&inner Once .o ha+e $ rchase' or #a'e .o r rit a% can'%e it has to 1e oi%e' or ,'resse', 1e0ore 1 rnin&. The $ r$ose o0 'ressin& the can'%e is to esta1%ish a $s.chic %in- 1etween it an' the #a&ician thro &h a $ri#a% sensor. e?$erience. B. $h.sica%%. to chin& the can'%e ' rin& the 'ressin& $roce' reB .o are char&in& it with o r own $ersona% +i1rations an' a%so concentratin& the 'esire o0 .o r #a&ica% act into the wa?. The can'%e is 1eco#in& an e?tension o0 the #a&ician,s #enta% $ower an' %i0e ener&.. /hen .o 'ress a can'%e 0or #a&ica% seB i#a&ine that it is a $s.chic #a&net with a North an' a So th $o%e. R 1 the oi% into the can'%e 1e&innin& at the to$ or North en' an' wor- 'ownwar's to the ha%07wa. $oint. A%wa.s 1r sh in the sa#e 'irection 'ownwar's. This $rocess is then re$eate' 1. 1e&innin& at the 1otto# or so th en' an' wor-in& $ to the #i''%e. The 1est t.$e o0 oi%s to se 0or 'ressin& can'%es are nat ra% ones which can 1e o1taine' q ite easi%.. So#e occ %t s $$%iers wi%% $ro+i'e can'%e #a&ic oi%s with e?otic na#es. I0 the #a&ician 'oes not want to se theseB he can se%ect s ita1%e oi%s or $er0 #es 0ro# his own so rces. The oi%s so% 1%e $er0 #es so%' 1. cra0t sho$s 0or inc% sion in can'%es can 1e reco##en'e'. the can'%es .o se can 1e co%ore' in accor'ance with the 0o%%owin& #a&ica% ses: white7 s$irit a%it. an' $eace. re'7 hea%thB ener&.B stren&thB co ra&eB se? a% $otenc.. $in-7 %o+e a00ection an' ro#ance. .e%%ow7 inte%%ect a%is#B i#a&inationB #e#or. an' creati+it. &reen7 0erti%it.B a1 n'anceB &oo' % c- an' har#on. 1% e7 ins$irationB occ %t wis'o#B $rotection

an' 'e+otion $ r$%e Materia% wea%thB hi&her $s.chic a1i%it.B s$irit a% $ower an' i'ea%is# si%+er7 c%air+o.anceB ins$irationB astra% ener&. an' int ition oran&e7 a#1ition. career #atters an' the %aw. I0 .o wante' to se can'%e #a&ic 0or hea%in&B .o wo %' se%ect a re' can'%e to 1 rn. To $ass an e?a#B 1 rn a .e%%ow can'%eB to &ain esoteric -now%e'&e 1 rn a 1% e can'%e or 0or #ateria% &ainB 1 rn a $ r$%e one. It is o1+io s these co%ors re%ate to the si&ns o0 the Go'iac an' the $%anetar. 0orces. The si#$%es 0or# o0 can'%e #a&ic is to write 'oesn,t the o15ecti+e o0 .o r rit a% on a +ir&in $iece o0 $a$er. Ao can se co%or $a$er which #atches the can'%e. /rite .o r $etition on the $a$er sin& a #a&ica% a%$ha1etB s ch as the1anB EnochianB #a%achainB etc. As .o write 'own what .o want to acco#$%ish thro &h can'%e #a&ic77 a new 5o1B hea%in& 0or a 0rien'B a chan&e o0 resi'enceB a new %o+e a00airB etc.77 +is a%iGe .o r 'rea# co#in& tr e. <is a%iGe the circ #stances n'er which .o #i&ht 1e o00ere' a new 5o1B i#a&ine .o r e#$%o.er te%%in& .o that .o r sa%ar. has 1een increase' or con5 re $ a +ision o0 .o r $er0ect %o+e $artner. /hen .o ha+e co#$%ete' writin& 'own .o r $etitioB care0 %%. 0o%' $ the $a$er in a 'e%i1erate%. s%ow 0ashion. P%ace the en' o0 the 0o%'e' $a$er in the can'%e 0%a#e an' set %i&ht to it. As .o 'o this concentrate once #ore on what .o want 0ro# %i0e. /hen .o ha+e co#$%ete' .o r rit a%B a%%ow the can'%e to ha+e co#$%ete%. 1 rne' awa.. Ao 'o not nee' to sta. with the can'%e a0ter the rit a%B 1 t #a-e s re that is sa0e an' that re'7hot wa? wi%% not ca se 'a#a&e or 0ire. Ne+er re7 se a can'%e which has 1een %it in an. #a&ica% rit a%. IT sho %' on%. 1e se' in that rit a% an' then a%%owe' to 1 rn awa. or 1e 'is$ose' o0 a0terwar's. I0 .o are con' ctin& a #a&ica% rit a% which in+o%+es two $eo$%e Ce.&. an a1sent hea%in& 0or a $erson so#e 'istance awa.D then the secon' $erson can 1e s.#1o%ica%%. re$resente' ' rin& the rit a% 1. another can'%e. >a%% .o nee' to 'o is 0in' o t the s 15ect,s 1irth 'ate an' 1 rn the a$$ro$riate can'%e 0or that Go'iaca% si&n. These are as 0o%%ows. ARIES re' TA=R=S &reen !EMINI .e%%ow CANCER si%+er LEO oran&e <IR!O .e%%ow LIBRA $inSCORPIO re' SA!ITARI=S $ r$%e CAPRICORN 1%ac-

A;=ARI=S a%% co%ors PISCES #a +e CAN(LE COLOR CORRESPON(ENCES The co%or o0 a can'%e is +er. i#$ortant when wor-in& Ma&ic- or rit a%. Be%ow is a %ist o0 can'%e co%ors an' what the. #ean. B%ac- Me'itation rit a%sB =ncrossin& rit a%sB an' S$e%%s to 1anish e+i% an' ne&ati+e ener&.. B% e :onorB Lo.a%t.B PeaceB Tranq i%%it.B Tr thB /is'o#B Protection ' rin& s%ee$B Astra% $ro5ectionB (rea#sB /ater. Brown Location o0 a %ost o15ectB ConcentrationB Te%e$ath.B Protection o0 0a#i%iarsB Earth. !o%' Cos#ic in0% encesB So%ar 'eitiesB The !o' !ra. Ne tra%iGes ne&ati+e ener&ies !reen Ferti%it.B S ccessB L c-B Pros$erit.B Mone.B Ao thB A#1itionB !ree' an' Jea%o s.B EarthB The !o''ess. Oran&e Ener&.. Pin- Lo+eB Frien'shi$B Fe#ininit.. P r$%e Ps.chic #ani0estationsB :ea%in&B PowersB S ccessB In'e$en'enceB Protection. Re' Ferti%it.B Lo+eB :ea%thB Ph.sica% stren&thB Re+en&eB An&erB /i%%$owerB Co ra&eB Ma&netis#B FireB The !o'. Si%+er Re#o+e Ne&ati+it.B Sta1i%it.B In0% enceB The !o''ess. /hite ConsecrationB Me'itationB (i+inationB E?orcis#B :ea%in&B C%air+o.anceB Tr thB PeaceB S$irit a% stren&thB The #oon an' L nar ener&.B Can 1e se' to re$%ace an. other can'%e. Ae%%ow Con0i'enceB AttractionB Char#B an' Pers asionB AirB The s n. CAN(LE SLEEP SPELL Ta-e a white ho sho%' can'%e an' %i&ht it witho t a wor'. /a%- co nterc%oc-wise aro n' .o r 1e'roo# three ti#es. As .o 'o thisB $ro5ect si#$%e $rotecti+e $hrases into the wa%%sB 0%oorsB an' win'ows s ch as: L-ee$ #e sa0eL etc. Ne?tB wa%- c%oc-wise three ti#es in si%enceB #e'itatin& on $ositi+eB rest0 % $hrases. Fina%%.B 1%ow o t the can'%eB whis$er the wor' Ls%ee$L an' t rn in 0or the ni&ht. Note that this s$e%% 'oes not nee' to 1e re$eate' to contin e wor-in&. Instea'B si#$%. %i&ht the can'%e 0or a 0ew #in tes each ni&htB then whis$er Ls%ee$L a&ain 1e0ore &ettin& into 1e'. /hen the can'%e is co#$%ete%. s$entB re$eat the ori&ina% s$e%% with a new white can'%e.

ROOM CAN(LE CLEANSE Ao nee': /hite can'%e an' ho%'er Sa%t P%ace the can'%e in the #i''%e o0 the roo#. S$rin-%e the sa%t in a circ%e 'eosi% aro n' the can'%e. Li&ht an' sa.: Creat re o0 wa? Creat re o0 0ire Listen to #e :ear #. 'esire C%eanse this roo# B. the $ower o0 three An' 1%ast awa. a%% ne&ati+it. /ith har# to none So sha%% it 1e Lea+e to 1 rn 0or at %east 3 ho r



T:E CA=L(RONS AN( ITS =SES =sin& a ca %'ronB s.#1o% o0 ins$iration an' re1irthB has 1ro &ht new 'i#ensions to 1oth &ro $ an' so%itar. wor-. A ca %'ron 'ecorates the center o0 the Circ%e ' rin& Lesser Sa11ats. An air ca %'ron at a s$rin& rite creates a #ist.B #a&ica% q a%it. 0or the cere#on.. In s ##erB the ca %'ron wi%% 0%ash an' s$ar-. A 1% e 0%a#e 1 rns #.sterio s%. within the /ater ca %'ron ' rin& the a t #n 0esti+a%. Thro &ho t A %eB the Earth ca %'ron 1 rns stea'0ast an' constant. ( rin& #oon ritesB when #a&ic- is 'oneB we write the $ r$ose o0 o r wor-in& on 0%ash $a$ers an' toss the# into the 1 rnin& ca %'ron whi%e chantin&. A wor-in& ca %'ron sho %' 1e o0 cast ironB with a ti&ht70ittin& %i'B three st r'. %e&sB an' a stron& han'%e. Season .o r ca %'ron 1e0ore sin& it 0or the 0irst ti#e. Po r in &enero s he%$in& o0 sa%t an' %i&hter 0% i'B s%osh it $ to the ri# an' wi$e 'r.. For in'oor se it M=ST ha+e a 0ire$roo0 1ase or .o r wor-in&s wi%% s ##on $ .e%%ow7 coate' sa%a#an'er s$irits 0ro# the 0ire 'e$art#ent. EART: Ca %'ron La.er sa%tB wa? sha+in&sB three $ow'ere' or &ro n' her1sB %i&hter 0% i' an' i+. %ea+es in the ca %'ron whi%e 0oc s an' chantin&. =se a can'%e to %i&ht it. /hen the s#o-e starts to ro%%B e?tin& ish the ca %'ron 1. $ ttin& the %i' on. AIR Ca %'ron =sin& ton&sB $ t a ch n- o0 'r. ice is a s#a%% &%ass or cera#ic 1ow% an' $%ace the 1ow% on a c%oth in the 1otto# o0 the ca %'ron. A%%ow the ca %'ron to s#o-e as %on& as the ice %asts. The #ists create e?ce%%ent i#a&es 0or scr.in&. FIRE Ca %'ron Co+er the insi'e 1otto# with 'irt or san' to 'issi$ate heat. Li&ht incense charcoa% an' a'' either sa%t7$eter 0or 0%a#e an' s$ar- or 0%ash $ow'er 0or a 'i00erent 1 t s$ectac %ar e00ect. To assist in re%easin& or 0irin& o00 $ea- ener&.B tr. sin& 0%ash L1o#1sL. Ma-e a s#a%% $oc-et in a $iece o0 0%ash $a$erB 0i%% with 0%ash $ow'er an' tie with threa'. The L1o#1L sho %' 1e a1o t the siGe o0 .o r s#a%%est 0in&ernai%. The res %ts are s$ectac %ar%. 1ri&htB

so se the $ow'er s$arin&%.. (on,t %oo- 'irect%. at the 0%ash as .o 'ro$ the L1o#1L in the ca %'ron. /ATER Ca %'ron At %east se+en 'a.s 1e0ore the rit a%B $%ace eq a% q antities o0 three a$$ro$riate her1s in a $int &%ass 5ar. Fi%% the rest o0 the 5ar with E+erc%ear C644 $roo0 a%coho%DB ca$ ti&ht%.B an' sha-e &ent%. whi%e concentratin& on the $ r$ose o0 the rit a%. A'' a chant i0 its 0ee%s ri&ht. Let the 5ar rest in a 'ar-B war# s$ot an' sha-e twice 'ai%.B char&in& with $ r$ose. Be0ore the rit a%B $%ace a 0ire$roo0 cera#ic or &%ass 1ow% in the ca %'ron. Po r in the her1 #i?t reB 1ein& care0 % none s$i%%s into the ca %'ron. Li&ht with a can'%e to $ro' ce a 1ea ti0 % 1% e 0%a#e. The ca %'ronB as the 0i0th e%e#enta% s$iritB s.#1o%iGes ins$irationB re1irthB i%% #ination an' re5 +enation. =se a Fire ca %'ron with sa%t7$eter to cast a Circ%e. =se the #ists o0 an Air ca %'ron 0or an initiation. B rn awa. hateB $re5 'ice an' ne&ati+e se%07i#a&esB with a /ater ca %'ron. The Earth ca %'ron is i'ea% 0or in'oor Be%tane rites. Re#e#1er to $%ace a 1 rnin& ca %'ron on a 0ire$roo0 s r0ace. Practice sa0et. when sin& an. +o%ati%e #ateria%s an' .o wi%% en5o. .o r ca %'ron 0or #an. rites.

FarrarB Janet an' StewartI LEi&ht Sa11ats For /itchesLI Ro1ert :a%e 32*8 STA! CALL a%so MAAC:ANT T:REE The #en &ather aro n' the 0ireB ne?t to their $artnersB an' the. sa. in nison: LI a# the sta& o0 se+en tinesI I a# a wi'e 0%oo' on the $%ainI I a# a win' on the 'ee$ watersI I a# a shinin& tear o0 the s nI I a# a haw- on a c%i00I I a# 0air a#on& 0%owersI I a# a &o' who sets the hea' a0ire with s#o-e.L

PO/ER OF TOTEM ANIMAL C:ANT Co#e to s: Ea&%eB /o%0B Bear an' Co &ar. (ance we now The Power 'ances. Ea&%e soarin& a1o+e the $ea-sB Share with s 0ree'o#B #a5est. an' 0i&htin& s-i%%s. Teach s %essons we nee' to %earn. (ance with s The Power 'ances. /o%0B c nnin& trac-erB 1. 'a. or ni&ht. Share with s en' ranceB co ra&e an' a'a$ta1i%it.. Teach s %essons we nee' to %earn. (ance with s The Power 'ances. BearB tra#$%in& a%on& earthen $athsB Share with s Mi&ht. stren&th an' sense o0 s#e%%. Teach s %essons we nee' to %earn. (ance with s The Power 'ances. Co &arB %one%. trac-er o0 terrainsB Share with s A&i%it.B sta#ina an' en'%ess c riosit.. Teach s %essons we nee' to %earn. (ance with s The Power 'ances. Mo+e#ents s%ow Mo+e#ents ra$i'. FrenGie' swa.in& =$war'B 'ownwar'. (i$$in&B t rnin& Ro n' an' ro n'. (ance we now The Power 'ances. (ancin& $artnersB Ao an' I. /ith #eB in #e I a# .o B .o are #e. To&ether as oneB Aet se$arateB too. (ance we now The Power 'ances. Awa-en now A%% S$irit Bein&sB To 'ance the 'ances /ith .o r h #an -in. (ance the C.c%es O0 Li0e an' (eathB :o$e an' FearB !oo' an' E+i%.



BELTANE AN( MAA(AA C:ANTS BELTANE C:ANT ONE :ere we co#e a $i$in&B In S$rin&ti#e an' in Ma.I !reen 0r it ari$enin&B An' /inter 0%e' awa.. The ; een she sits $on the stran'B Fair as %i%.B white as wan'I Se+en 1i%%ows on the seaB :orses ri'in& 0ast an' 0reeB An' 1e%%s 1e.on' the san'. <a%ienteB (oreenI L/itchcra0t 0or To#orrowLI Phoeni? P 1%ishin& 32*9 BELTANE C:ANT T/O The :i&h Priestess an' :i&h Priest %ea' a rin& 'ance aro n' the 1on0ire. Start o t with LA Tree Son&L 0ro# R '.ar' Ei$%in&,s L/e%an',s Swor'L stor. in LP c- o0 Poo-,s :i%%L. LOhB 'o not te%% the Priest o0 o r ArtB Or he wo %' ca%% it sinI B t we sha%% 1e o t in the woo's a%% ni&htB A con5 rin& s ##er inK An' we 1rin& .o news 1. wor' o0 #o th For wo#enB catt%e an' corn Now is the ' n co#e $ 0ro# the So th /ith Oa-B an' Ash an' ThornKL

(ance the C.c%esB Now an' A&ain. Lowerwor%'B =$$erwor%'B Jo rne.in& now an' 0ore+er#ore. O0 Ti#e an' S$ace A%% is OnceB There is none. (ance the 'ances A&ain an' a&ain.

#eritI I #i? the# with wor's o0 $owerB (e'icate' to e+er. Tower. B. the $ower o0 #oon an' s nB B. the $ower o0 S$iritBearth an' seaB !o' an' !o''ess are $art o0 OneB As I /i%%B so #ote it 1eK CASTIN! OF T:E CIRCLE I con5 re theeB O circ%e o0 $owerB As tho encirc%e e+er. Tower. That tho 1eest a $%ace o0 Tr thB Jo. an' %o+eB Encirc%in& F%i&ht o0 Ea&%eB :aw- an' (o+e. Mi&ht. Ae&is o0 the La'. an' Lor'B Ra#$art o0 tho &htB action an' wor'. To /or- in PeaceB Power0 % an' FreeB /ho wa%- 1etween two wor%'s con5 re theeI A 1o n'ar. to ProtectB Concentrate an' ContainB That Power raise' here 1e not in +ain. /here0ore 'o I 1%ess thee an' consecrate theeB in the na#es o0 Cern nnos an' Ara'ia. SEALIN! OF T:E CIRCLE Csea% with water>sa%t #i?t reD /ith $otion o0 earth an' waterB I sea% the sacre' circ%eB Lin-in& air an' 0ireK /ith $otion o0 earth an' airB I sea% the sacre' circ%eB Lin-in& 0ire with waterK /ith $otion o0 earthBairBan' 0ireB I sea% the sacre' circ%eB Lin-in& water with the EarthK As the 0o r 'irections are 1ro &ht to #er&eB Let in0% ence o0 the #i&ht. ones con+er&eK CSea% with CenserD /ith Incense an' air o0 Min'B East to So thBI 'o Bin'K /ith Incense an' air o0 #in'B So th to /estB I 'o Bin'K /ith Incense an' air o0 Min'B /est to NorthB I 'o Bin'K /ith Incense an' air o0 Min'B North to East Co#$%etion Fin'K CSea% with Can'%eD /ith the Fire o0 e#otion an' wi%% East to So thB o r 'e'ication 0 %0i%%K /ith the Fire o0 +eneration an' /i%%B So th to /estB o r a%%e&iance 0 %0i%%K /ith the Fire o0 (e+otion an' /i%%B /est to NorthB o r consecration 0 %0i%%K /ith the Fire o0 Co##it#ent an' wi%%B Fro# North to EastB This inscri$tion 0 %0i%%K /ithin the circ%e A%% wi%%s 1e 0reeB The circ%e is sea%e'B So Mote it BeK SETTIN! T:E /ATC:TO/ERS Ae Lor's o0 the Eastern TowerB Air. Lor's o0 S$iritI Let .o r in0% ence o0 PowerB

PROTECTION <is a%iGe a tri$%e circ%e o0 $ r$%ish %i&ht aro n' .o r 1o'. whi%e chantin&: I a# $rotecte' 1. .o r #i&htB O &racio s !o''essB 'a. an' ni&ht. Another o0 the sa#e t.$e: +is a%iGe a tri$%e circ%e an' chant: Thrice aro n' the circ%e,s 1o n'B E+i% sin- into the &ro n'.




/ATER: B%essin&s $on theeB O creat re o0 waterB I cast o t 0ro# thee a%% i#$ rities an' nc%eanness o0 the s$irits o0 $hantas#B con0 sionB or an. other in0% ence not 0or the 0ree wi%% o0 a%%. SALT: B%essin&s 1e $on this creat re o0 sa%tI %et a%% #a%i&nit. an' hin'rance 1e cast 0orth thence0ro#B an' %et a%% &oo' enter therein. /here0ore I 1%ess thee an' in+o-e theeB that tho #a.est ai' #e. MI@IN!: I ta-e this sa%t o0 the EarthB B%esse' with the wi%% o0 FireI I ta-e this water o0 s$iritBE?orcise' with #in' o0

Ai' o r #in's with #eritK I 'o s ##onB stir an' ca%% .o an' to & ar' the circ%e. Ae Lor's o0 So thern Power Fier. Lor's o0 /i%%. Pra. 'o &race .o r TowerB Ao r Powers to 0 %0i%%K I 'o s ##onB stir an' ca%% .o an' to & ar' the circ%e.

$B to witness these rites

$B to witness these rites

Ae Lor's o0 the /atchtowers o0 the /estB /ater. Lor's o0 (eath an' InitiationI I 'o s ##onB stir an' ca%% .o $B to witness these rites an' to & ar' the Circ%e. Ae Northern Lor's o0 the EarthB Tho &h we 1e .et 1 t Morta%sI B%ess o r wor- with worthB BoreasB & ar'ian o0 Northern $orta%s. I 'o s ##onB stir an' ca%% .o $B to witness these rites an' to & ar' the Circ%e. !o''ess an' !o'B I wo %' -nowB As ,tis a1o+eB so ,tis 1e%ow B%essin&s on this wor-B $%ease 1estowK This 1e #. wi%%B tr e an' 0reeB I 'o so wi%%B so #ote it 1e IN<OCATION OF T:E ELEMENTS AirB FireB /aterB EarthB E%e#ents o0 astra% 1irthB I ca%% .o nowI atten' to #eK In the Circ%eB ri&ht%. castB Sa0e 0ro# c rse or 1%astB I ca%% .o nowB atten' to #eK Fro# ca+e an' 'esertBsea an' hi%%B B. wan'B 1%a'eBan' $entac%eB I ca%% .o nowB atten' to #eK This Is #. wi%%B so #ote it 1eK CIRCLE CASTIN! FOR !RO=PS SET7=P: P%ace a can'%e in each o0 the 0o r car'ina% 'irections.La. the rest o0 the too%s on the a%tar c%oth or near it. The a%tar can 1e on the &ro n'B a ta1%eB a roc- or a st #$. The a%tar sho %' 1e in the center or 5 st north o0 center o0 the Circ%e. Li&ht the si? can'%es an' the incenseB start the # sic an' 1e&in the rit a%. T:E RIT=AL Facin& NorthB the :i&h Priest an' Priestess -nee% in 0ront o0 the a%tar with hi# to her ri&ht. She $ ts the 1ow% o0 water on the a%tarB $%aces the $oint o0 her atha#e in it an' sa.s: LI e?orcise theeB O Creat re o0 /aterB that tho cast o t 0ro# thee a%% i#$ rities an' nc%ean%iness o0 the wor%' o0 $hantas#I in the na#es o0 Cern nnos an' Ara'iaL

She then $ ts 'own her atha#e an' ho%'s $ the 1ow% o0 water in 1oth han's. The :i&h Priest $ ts the 1ow% o0 sa%t on the a%tarB $ ts his atha#e in the sa%t an' sa.s: LB%essin&s 1e $on this Creat re o0 Sa%tI %et a%% #a%i&nit. an' hin'rance 1e cast 0orth henceB an' %et a%% &oo' enter hereinI where 0ore so I 1%ess theeB that tho #a.est ai' #eB in the na#es o0 Cern nnos an' Ara'ia.L :e then $ ts 'own his atha#e an' $o rs the sa%t into the 1ow% o0 water the :i&h Priestess is ho%'in&. The :i&h Priest then stan's with the rest o0 the Co+en o tsi'e the Circ%e. The :i&h Priestess then 'raws the Circ%e with the swor'B %ea+in& a &a$ in the Northeast section. /hi%e 'rawin& the Circ%eB she sho %' +is a%iGe the $ower 0%owin& into the Circ%e 0ro# o00 the en' o0 the swor'. She 'raws the Circ%e in a East to North or 'eosi% or c%oc-wise 'irection. She sa.s: LI con5 re theeB O Circ%e o0 PowerB that tho 1eest a #eetin& $%ace o0 %o+e an' 5o. an' tr thI a shie%' a&ainst a%% wic-e'ness an' e+i%I a 1o n'ar. 1etween #en an' the rea%#s o0 the Mi&ht. OnesI a ra#$art an' $rotection that sha%% $reser+e an' contain the $ower that we sha%% raise within thee. /here0ore 'o I 1%ess thee an' consecrate theeB in the na#es o0 Cern nnos an' Ara'ia.L The :i&h Priestess %a.s 'own the swor' an' a'#its the :i&h Priest with a -iss whi%e s$innin& hi# 'eosi% an' whis$ers LB%ess BeL. :e then a'#its a wo#en the sa#e wa.. A%ternate #a%e 0e#a%e #a%e. Then the :i&h Priestess 0inishes c%osin& the Circ%e with the swor'. She then na#es three witches to he%$ stren&then the Circ%e. The 0irst witch carries the 1ow% o0 consecrate' water 0ro# East to East &oin& 'eosi%B s$rin-%in& the $eri#eter as she>he &oes. The. then s$rin-%e each #e#1er in t rn. I0 the witch is #a%eB he s$rin-%es the :i&h Priestess %ast who then s$rin-%es hi#. I0 0e#a%e she s$rin-%es the :i&h Priest %astB who then s$rin-%es her. The 1ow% is re$%ace' on the a%tar. The secon' witch ta-es the incense 1 rner aro n' the $eri#eter an' the thir' ta-es one o0 the a%tar can'%es. /hi%e &oin& aro n' the $eri#eterB each $erson sa.s: LB%ac- s$irits an' whiteB Re' s$irits an' &re.B :ar-en to the r ne I sa.. Fo r $oints o0 the Circ%eB wea+e the s$e%%B EastB So thB /estB NorthB .o r ta%e te%%. East is 0or 1rea- o0 'a.B So th is white 0or the noonti'e ho rB In the /est is twi%i&ht &re.B An' North is 1%ac-B 0or the $%ace o0 $ower. Three ti#es ro n' the Circ%e,s cast. !reat onesB s$irits 0ro# the $astB /itness it an' & ar' it 0ast.L

A%% the Co+en $ic- $ their atha#es an' 0ace the East with the :i&h Priest an' Priestess in 0rontB hi# on her ri&ht. The :i&h Priestess sa.s: LAe Lor's o0 the /atchtowers o0 the EastB .e Lor's o0 AirI I 'o s ##onB stirB an' ca%% .o $ to witness o r rites an' to & ar' the Circ%e.L As she s$ea-s she 'raws the In+o-in& Penta&ra# o0 Earth in the air with her atha#e. The :i&h Priest an' the rest o0 the Co+en co$. her #o+e#ents with their atha#es. The :i&h Priestess t rns an' 0aces the So th an' re$eats the s ##onin&: LAe Lor's o0 the /atchtowers o0 the So thB .e Lor's o0 FireI I 'o s ##onB stir an' ca%% .o $B to witness o r rites an' to & ar' the Circ%e.L She 'oes the sa#e $enta&ra# an' then 0aces /est an' sa.s: LAe Lor's o0 the /atchtowers o0 the /estB .e Lor's o0 /aterB .e Lor's o0 (eath an' InitiationI I 'o s ##onB stirB an' ca%% .o $B to witness o r rites an' to & ar' the Circ%e.L She 0aces North with rest o0 the Co+en an' sa.s: LAe Lor's o0 the /atchtowers o0 the NorthB .e Lor's o0 EarthI BoreasB tho &ent%e & ar'ian o0 the Northern Porta%sI tho $ower0 % !o' an' &ent%e !o''essI we 'o s ##onB stir an' ca%% .o $B to witness o r rites an' to & ar' the Circ%e.L The Circ%e is co#$%ete' an' sea%e'. I0 an.one nee's to %ea+eB a &ate # st 1e #a'e. =sin& the swor'B 'raw o t $art o0 the Circ%e with a wi''ershins or co nterc%oc-wise stro-e. I##e'iate%. resea% it an' then re$eat the o$enin& an' c%osin& when the $erson ret rns. RIT=AL OF CASTIN! A SACRE( CIRCLE Man. ti#es we are as-e' Lhow 'o .o cast a circ%e JL There are so #an. 'i00erent was that this can 1e 'one. (i00ers 0ro# each Tra'ition to the ne?t. E+en within o r own A+a%oian Tra'ition we #a-e i#$ro+isions on this. The #ain 0actor is to cast a sacre' s$ace. A s$ace that se$arates this wor%' 0ro# the other. A s$ace that we o rse%+es #a-e ho%.. An' that is what is i#$ortant. A s$ace that .o set asi'e 0ro# a%% e%seB to &%ori0. an' e?a%t. For .o are the one castin&B c%eansin&B $ ri0.in&B an' settin& it asi'e 0ro# a%% e%se. Be0ore .o castB one sho %' #a-e s re o0 the intent o0 castin&. As- .o rse%0 wh. .o are 'oin& it. Once .o ha+e this the &atherin& is #a'e easier. I0 .o are 'oin& this with a &ro $ o0 $eo$%e One # st 1e chosen to 1e the Lor' or La'.. The Lor' or La'. s a%%. has one $erson who waits the#. This is not to sa. the Lor' or La'. is hi&her than the.B 1 t the 0act that the. sha%% 1e the

!o'>'ess incarnate. Ao #a. a%so 'o this so%itar.. (e$en'in& on the a#o nt ten'in&. The Lor'>La'. has the swor' 1ro &ht to the#. A%% e%se are stan'in& o tsi'e where the circ%e is to 1e cast. The Lor'>La'. ta-es the swor' an' wa%- 'eosi% Cc%oc-wiseD aro n' the s$ace to 1e cast. The wait has a s#a%% 1e%% with the#. Be&innin& at the EastB the swor'B in a non7 threatenin& #annerB is raise'. The wait rin&s the 1e%%. A%% 0i%% 0a%% si%ent. Mo+in& c%oc-wise the Lor'>La'. sa% te each 'irection. I0 there are 0o r no+ices $resent each wi%% stan' to the 'irections as the Lor'>La'. $asses. Lor'>La'.: Let a%% those that wish to $arta-e enter .e now K Cthe 1e%% is r n&D E+er.one enters 1. ste$$in& 0orwar' Cno act a% circ%e has 1een cast .etD /ait: M. Lor'>La'. a%% those that wish to $arta-e in this Ma&ic-a% Rite are now $resent. I $ra. .o B cast the Sacre' Circ%e. Lor'>La'.: /hat tho 'oth sees #a-es here this ni&htB sha%% 1e 0ore+er within this circ%e. So Mote It Be K C/hen an.one s$ea-s the So Mote It Be or B%esse' BeB a%% sha%% re$eat itD A&ain at the EastB the Lor'>La'. ta-es the swor' an' 'raws within the &ro n' or $on the 0%oor the circ%e sa.in& as the $ass... LI 'raw this #a&ic- circ%e %et no e+i% or i%% wi%% cross its #ar-.L Once the Lor'>La'. has reache' the East a&ainB The. ta-e the swor' an' $%ace it $on the sho %'ers o0 the no+iceB an' sa.s... L1e tho the & ar'ian o0 this &ate... I ca%% I s ##on I stir oh .e s$irits o0 AirB co#e 0orth now I $ra. thee an' witness o r Rite. So Mote It Be KL The ! ar'ian answers: I a# he>she the & ar'ianB no e+i% or i%% wi%% sha%% $ass 1. #eB M. Lor'>La'.. The 1e%% is r n& The Lor'>La'. &oes to each q arter an' $er0or# the sa#eB on each & ar'ian. The /ait wi%% rin& the 1e%% as each & ar'ian answers. Once the q arters are ca%%e' the Lor'>La'. &oes to the center o0 the circ%e as the /ait $re0or#s the c%eansin& o0 the circ%e with sa%t an' water. Incense can 1e se' instea' o0 sa%t an' water #i?t re. The Lor'>La'. s ##ons the s$irit o0 the !reat La'. an' the !reat Lor' 1. sa.in&.... L!reat La'. witness now .o r chi%'ren who stan' 1e0ore .o in Per0ect Lo+e an' Per0ect Tr st. L Stan'in& EastB with the censer the Lor'>La'. sa.s.... L!reat Mai'en Co#e To =s..... L A%% re$eat....

Stan'in& So thB with the torch or can'%e the Lor'>La'. sa.s.... L!reat Mother Co#e To =s.... L A%% re$eat... Stan'in& /estB with cha%ice o0 wine or waterB the Lor'>La'. sa.s... LAncient ; een o0 /is'o# Co#e To =s.... L A%% re$eat... Stan'in& NorthB with the sa%tB the Lor'>La'. sa.s.... LBrother Co#e To =s... L A%% Re$eat... (r ##in&B ratt%esB an. 0or# o0 # sic #a-in& can 1e a''e' to this. As .o can ta-e note there rea%%. isn,t an. $artic %ar !o' or !o''ess ca%%e'B this is the A+a%oian Tra'ition. A%% !o's are one !o'B a%% !o''esses are one !o''ess. So there is the +er. 1asic 1e&innin&s o0 Ma&ica% /or-in&s... .o can ta-e it 0ro# here..... (o /hat Tho /i%tB Sa+e :ar# NoneB Sha%% Be the /ho%e. Bri&htest B%essin&sK CIRCLE CASTIN! (RA!ON STALE I 5 st tho &ht I,' 'ro$ a note on the tra'itiona% (ra&on Tra'ition Circ%e castin&. The circ%e is cast with the B%a'eB the C $ an' the Censor. The Priest starts with the B%a'e in the north an' 'raws the 1o n'r. o0 the circ%e. As he 'oes he recites LI trea' this Path 0or the E%e#entsB that which co#$rises a%% that we see.L The :PS ta-es to s$rin-%in& the 1o n'ries with the C $ 0i%%e' with sa%te' water. She recites LI trea' this Path 0or Se%0B a re0%ection o0 the (i+ine.L The :P then ta-es the censor an' carries the s#o-eto the 1o n'ries o0 the circ%e in a 'eosi% 'irection. :e recites LI trea' this Path 0or S$iritB that which nites a%% thin&s.L The :P or :PS then state the char&e o0 o r Circ%e. It is as 0o%%ows: LO r Circ%e is a $%ace where hearts an' #in's can #eet an' share in the won'er an' e#$ower#ent o0 a %i+in& an' %o+in& !o''ess. /e are a co+en o0 0rien'sB 1 t a1o+e a%% thin&s we are Fa#i%.. O r Lo+e an' o r Ma&ic- 1in's s to&ether an' o r Circ%e -ee$s s an' n rt res s. /e are 1%esse'. B%esse' BeKL The (ra&on ! ar'ians are then in+o-e'. EAST Mi&ht. (ra&onB ! ar'ian o0 the rea%#s o0 the East. Ao r ton& e is a shar$ swor'B c ttin& with the -now%e'&e o0 the arcane. Ao r s$irit 0%ows as &race0 % as a swi0t in 0%i&ht. P ri0. s with tr th. B%esse' Be.

SO=T: Mi&ht. (ra&onB ! ar'ian o0 the rea%#s o0 the So thB .o r 1reath is a 0%a#e with the 0ires o0 ins$iration an' $assion. Ao r s$irit is searin& an' 0er+ent. P ri0. s with Lo+e. B%esse' Be. /EST Mi&ht. (ra&onB ! ar'ian o0 the rea%#s o0 the /estB .o r coi%s are the c%eansin& hea%in& wa+es that n rt re the so %. Ao r s$irit % n&esB %ea$s an' s$%ashes %i-e a Ta%1ot at $%a.. P ri0. s with $ %sin& ti'es. B%esse' Be. NORT: Mi&ht. (ra&onB ! ar'ian o0 the rea%#s o0 the NorthB .o r ta%ons r n %i-e roots into the earthB &i+in& .o in0inite stren&th. Ao r s$irit is s 1stantia%B har' an' $ re %i-e a c%ear cr.sta%. P ri0. s with $ersistant wis'o#. B%esse' Be. Each o0 these (ra&ons has a secret na#e that the. are a%so in+o-e' with. A s &&estion is that an.one sin& these in+ocations #e'itate to 0in' an a$$ro$riate na#e 0or each ! ar'ian an' se it a%on& with or instea' o0 the wor's LMi&ht. (ra&onL. I 0in' that the Circ%e char&e sets the #oo' 0or the Circ%e an' I chan&e it to s it the sit ation. I0 an.one has i'eas 0or a Circ%e char&eB I,' %i-e to hear the#. I ha+e a n #1er o0 Circ%e char&es that I se 1 t 0resh ones a%wa.s are nice. OPENIN! T:E CIRCLE CEN(IN!D The :i&h Priestess &oes to each o0 the 0o r 'irections in t rnB an' 'raws a Banishin& Pentac%eB sa.in&B ! ar'ians o0 the East CSo thB /estB NorthDB Powers o0 Air CFireB /aterB EarthDB we than- .o For 5oinin& in o r circ%e An' we as- 0or .o r 1%essin& As .o 'e$art Ma. there 1e $eace 1etween s Now an' 0ore+er. B%esse' 1e. She raises her atha#e to the s-. an' to ches it to the earthB then o$ens her ar#s an' sa.sB The circ%e is o$enB 1 t n1ro-enB Ma. the $eace o0 the !o''ess !o in .o r heartsB Merr. #eetB an' #err. $art. An' #err. #eet a&ain. B%esse' 1e. B%essin&B ConsecrationB an' Procession o0 the E%e#ents CFo r #e#1ers o0 the co+en who ha+e 1een chosen 1e0orehan' now a$$roach the Priestess. Each ho%'s one o0 the 0o%%owin&: an incense 1 rnerB a can'%eB a +esse% o0 waterB an' a +esse% o0 sa%t. Each in t rn a$$roaches the PriestessB recites their $ieceB recei+es her 1%essin&B an'

then $rocesses 'eosi% aro n' the $eri#eter o0 the circ%e whi%e sto$$in& to 1ow at each o0 the q arters.D CCe%e1rant with the incense 1 rner s.#1o%iGin& the e%e#ent o0 airD : LI a# e+er.where. I 0i%% the 0%esh. $o ches o0 .o r % n&sB I stir a%% thin&s 0ro# the s#a%%est 1%a'e o0 &rass to the ta%%est tree. I coo% .o with #. 1reeGes an' 'estro. .o with #. stor#s. /itho t #e .o wo %' 'ie. A# I not ho%. an' worth. o0 $raiseJ L CCe%e1rant with the can'%e s.#1o%iGin& the e%e#ent o0 0ireD: LI %i+e in the & ar'e' e#1ers o0 ca#$0ires an' the $i%ot %i&hts o0 sto+esB I s$rin& 0ro# the %i&htnin& an' the han's o0 #enB I war# .o an' I 'estro. .o . /itho t #e .o wo %' 'ie. A# I not ho%. an' worth. o0 $raiseJ L CCe%e1rant with the water +esse% s.#1o%iGin& the e%e#ent o0 waterD: LI rise 0ro# the #oist cre+ices o0 the EarthB I 1eat on the shores o0 :er 1o'.B I 0a%% 0ro# the s-ies in si%+er sheets. /itho t #e .o wo %' 'ie. A# I not ho%. an' worth. o0 $raiseJ L CCe%e1rant as$er&es the circ%e with waterD CCe%e1rant with the sa%t +esse% s.#1o%iGin& the e%e#ent o0 earthD: LI a# .o r Mother. Fro# #e co#e the 0r it an' &rain an' ani#a%s which 0ee' .o . I a# .o r s $$ortB an' #. $ %% on .o r 1o'ies -ee$s .o he%' 0ir#%. to #e. /itho t #e .o wo %' 'ie. A# I not ho%. an' worth. o0 $raiseJ L In+ocation o0 the !o''ess C:i&h PriestD LCo#e to s Moist Mother Earth. Co#e to s an' ta-e .o r ease. Ao ha+e %a1ore' %on& an' har' to 1rin& 0orth .o r 1o nt.B so that we .o r chi%'ren #a. s r+i+e. Co#e an' re%a?B 0or we%% ha+e .o earne' .o r rest. Eat an' 'rin- .o r 0i%%B sin&B 'anceB an' 1e #err.B 0or .o ha+e 'one we%%B an' there is $%ent. 0or a%%. An'B i0 it $%eases .o to as- 0or the 0a+ors o0 one o0 s as we%%B #a. .o 0in' satis0action there too. /e sho t .o r $raisesB 0or .o are the essence o0 0 %0i%%#entB %o+eB an' 5o.. Ao are the #ost 1ea ti0 %B an' 1e.on' #eas re is .o r &ran'e r an' &reatness. Ma. we ne+er 0or&et that we are a $art o0 .o r Sacre' Bo'.B an' #a. we wor- to $reser+e it in a%% o0 its #.ria' 0or#s. A%% hai% the !reat MotherKL Res$onsoria%: A%% hai% the !reat MotherK In+ocation o0 the !o' C:i&h PriestessD LCo#e to s Lor' o0 the : ntB Sacre' :er's#anB an' (i+ine S#ith. P t 1. .o r hornB %a. asi'e .o r croo-B stow .o r ha##erB an' q it .o r 0or&e 0or now. /i$e .o r 1rowB an' co#e 0in' .o r %eis re in the #i'st o0 o r &oo' co#$an.. :a+e a seatB $ t $ .o r 0eetB an' $o r .o rse%0

a co%' 'ra &ht. B. the +irt e o0 .o r wor- ha+e .o earne' a restB 0or we%% ha+e .o r care' 0or the wi%' 1easts an' 'o#esticate' 0%oc-s. An' #an. a ti#e has .o r 0or&e 1 rne' %on& into the ni&ht with .o har' at wor- creatin& %i&htnin& 1o%ts o0 s ch e?q isite 1ea t. an' terri1%e $ower as we ha+e e+er 1ehe%'. Join s !reat Lor'B an' in' %&e .o rse%0 to the 0 %%est. Ma. .o -now no want in o r $resenceB 0or than-s to .o an' the !o''essB we -now no want. /e raise o r &%asses hi&h an' toast .o r &reatness. A%% hai% the !o' o0 the /i%' Ma&ic-s.L Res$onsoria%: A%% hai% the !o' o0 the /i%' Ma&ic-s. ! i'e' Me'itation 1. Priest CMe'itation wi%% 1e a1o t o r own s$irit a% har+est. This wi%% conc% 'e with a $ersona% e#$ower#ent chantD E#$ower#ent Chant C:o%'in& han'sB the co+en #e#1ers re$eat the 0o%%owin& chant nti% the hi&h $riestess 'eci'es that eno &h ener&. has 1een raise'B an' $on her si&na% e+er.one wi%% 'irect a $ortion o0 the ener&. into the#se%+es to he%$ the# to 'e+e%o$ the inner stren&th to attain $ersona% s$irit a% &oa%s.D Ri$en 0r itB ri$en see' :ar-en to #. inner nee' Co## nion CFr it an' /ineB son&sB an' a &oo' ti#e. A%soB each #e#1er o0 the co+en wi%% 1e as-e' to 'escri1e so#ethin& that the. ha+e 'one in the %ast %it r&ica% .ear that has L1orne 0r it.LD ; arter Banishin&s C:i&h PriestD Facin& East: L! ar'ians o0 the watchtower o0 the eastB ret rn now to the 1ris- A t #n 1reeGes which are 1ri##in& with the e?cite#ent o0 the .ear,s c%i#a?. Ta-e with .o o r 1%essin&s an' than-s. :ai% an' 0arewe%%K Res$onsoria%: :ai% an' 0arewe%%K Facin& So th: L! ar'ians o0 the watchtower o0 the so thB ret rn now to the '.in& 0ires o0 A t #n,s heat soon to &i+e wa. to /inter,s chi%%. Ta-e with .o o r 1%essin&s an' than-s. :ai% an' 0arewe%%K Res$onsoria%: :ai% an' 0arewe%% Facin& /est: L! ar'ians o0 the watchtower o0 the westB ret rn now to the A t #n rains which coo% the Earth,s 0e+ere' 1row 1a-e' in the heat o0 S ##er a0ternoons. Ta-e with .o o r 1%essin&s an' than-s. :ai% an' 0arewe%%K Res$onsoria%: :ai% an' 0arewe%%K Facin& North: L! ar'ians o0 the watchtowers o0 the northB ret rn now

to the Earth where wor#s 1 rrow 'ee$er an' see's nest%e awaitin& the %on& s%ee$ o0 /inter. Ta-e with .o o r 1%essin&s an' than-s. :ai% an' 0arewe%%K Res$onsoria%: :ai% an' 0arewe%%K Circ%e Banishin& C:i&h PriestessD Eq a% ni&ht an' eq a% 'a. Soon the %i&ht wi%% 0a'e awa. Eq a% 'a. an' eq a% ni&ht This circ%e 0a'es as 'oes the %i&ht Th s the #a&ic- we in+o-e Fa'es anon %i-e wis$s o0 s#o-e =nti% we ne?t 'eci'e to $%a. SO MOTE IT BEK

No s$e%% nor a'+erse $ r$ose %ast Not in co#$%ete accor' with #e. As #. wor'B so #ote it 1eKL This is now .o r char&e' sa%t an' water with .o wi%% se to #a-e .o r wor-in& too%s. Si#i%iar%.B castin& a 0ew &rains o0 ch rch q ai%it. incense CFran-incense tears or M.rrhD onto a &%owin& charcoa% 1%oc- containe' in a # & or ashtra. 0i%%e' with san'B chant as .o ho%' .o r han' o tstretche' o+er it: LCreat re o0 0ire this char&e I %a.B no $hanto# in th. $resence sta.. :ere #. wi%% a''resse' to theeI an' as #. wor'B so #ote it 1eKL A&ain B stron&%. +is a%iGe the coa%s ra'iatin& that stran&e 1% e %i&ht as .o s$ea-. /ith this char&e' 0ireB .o co#$%ete consecration o0 raw #ateria%s an' #o+e onto the wor-in& too%s:



CONSECRATIN! /ICCAN TOOLS Pa&an too%s are nothin& i0 not consecrate' $ro$er%.. Consecration CE?orcis#DB $ ri0ies 1. #eans o0 sa%tB water an' incense. The sa%tB waterB an' incense stan' 0or the 0o r e%e#ents o0 the /ise 7 earthB waterB an' 0ireB to&ether with air 7 s.#1o%ica%%. constit tin& the 1asis 0or the #ateria% ni+erseB in the %an& a&e o0 a%che#. an' /itchcra0t. B. consecratin& an.thin&B .o are in e00ect sin& these 0o r 1asic constit ents to LwashL the artic%e o0 a%% e?traneo s +i1rationsB $rior to rechar&in& it with .o r own wi%% an' concentrate' $ower. Consecration # st ta-e $%ace 1e0ore a circ%e is castB as o0 co rse the too%s are se' in #a&ic-a% rites. FORM=LA Basica%%.B an. 0or# o0 wor's can 1e se' to consecrate so#ethin&B ran&in& 0ro# a %on& ecc%esiastica%7 so n'in& Latin in+ocation to a si#$%e 5in&%e. /itches &enera%%. $re0er the %atter. The chants can 1e 0ree%. re$%ace' 1. .o r own wor's Cwhich are 1estD Be0ore a consecration is to ta-e $%aceB it is 1est to ta-e a nice her1a% or rit a% 1ath an' #e'itate. In'oors or o tB one # st 1e co#0orta1%eB a%one Cor at %east hi''en 0ro# &ran'#a,s e.esDB an' in a +er. $ositi+e state o0 #in'. RA/ MATERIALS in $re$aration CAn.ti#e new ite#s are to 1e consecrate' this # st 1e 'one 0irstD Ta-e a s#a%% han'0 % o0 new or sea sa%t an' castin& into a 1ow% o0 0resh waterB BREAT:E these wor's Cor .o rsD onto the water,s s r0aceB #enta%%. +is a%iGin& 7 AN( T:IS IS T:E IMPORTANT T:IN! 7 with a%% the 0aithB wi%%B an' i#a&ination .o can # sterB a 'i# 1% ish %i&ht 1e&innin& to ho+er o+er .o . L/ater an' earth /here .o are cast

T:E C=P AN( T:=RIBLE These too%sB on the who%eB # st 1e consecrate' 0irst 1e0ore the atha#e an' other too%sB as the. ta-e a $art in the %atter,s eras re. T:E C=P Once .o ha+e aq ire' a s ita1%e &o1%et an' the #oon is wa?in& towar' 0 %%B ta-e .o r char&e' water an' stee$ in it the 0o%%owin& $ow'ere' her1s: <er+ain Mint Basi% Rose#ar. :.sso$ La+en'er Sa&e <a%erian Fenne% C$ro$er s 1stiti tion #a. 1e se'D A re7char&e o0 the water # st now 1e 'one Cas e?$%aine' a1o+eD. :a+in& 'one thisB s$rin-%e the c $ with the water an' $ass it thro &h the incense s#o-eB chantin& wor's to this e00ectB an' +is a%iGin& the 1% e $ ri0.in& %i&ht 0%ic-erin& aro n' .o as .o 'o. LB. water an' 0ire I con5 re thee That there re#ain within th. 0ra#e no a'+erse tho &ht nor en#it.. :ear #. wi%%K Atten' to #eK As #. wor'B so #ote it 1eKL Cr ne inscri$tion 0o%%ows in so#e sectsD T:E T:=RIBLE A&ain a si#$%e $rocessB once a #eta% cha0in& 'ish or s ita1%e censer is aq ire'B 0i%% it with an inch or so o0 san'. Once a&ain when the #oon is wa?in&B consecrate .o r th ri1%e in the sa#e #anner with char&e' 0ire an'

waterB as .o 'i' .o r c $. An' a&ain r ne inscri$tion 0o%%ows. Now .o ha+e a wor-in& c $ an' th ri1%e in which to char&e .o r water an' 0ire 0or the 0o%%owin& three #ain consecrations: Can' a%% a0terD T:E AT:AME Once .o r 'o 1%e e'&e'B 1%ac- hi%te' -ni0e is aq ire'B when the #oon is wanin&B #a-e an in0 sion in 'isti%%e' water o0 an. o0 the 0o%%owin& her1s. Into this #i? a 'ro$ o0 .o r own 1%oo' Ctra'itiona%%. a 1%ac- cat 1 t we,re not &oin& thereD (ra&on,s B%oo' C+er. co##onD S %0 r Cnot in'oorsKD Asa0eti'a Ca&ain not in'oorsKD Consecrate .o r -ni0e with water 0ro# .o r c $ an' the incense a1o+e in .o r th ri1%eB then heat the 1%a'e on the coa%s o0 .o r th ri1%e nti% it &ets as hot as $ossi1%e. Ao wi%% ha+e to sto-e $ &oo' heat to 'o this. /hen the 1%a'e is re' hotB $% n&e it into .o r 1rewB chantin& these wor's Cor .o rsDB each i##ersionB an' once a&ainB +is a%iGeK LB%a'e o0 stee% I con5 re thee to 1an s ch thin&s as na#e' 1. #e. As #. wor'B so #ote it 1eKL This $rocess o0 te#$erin& sho %' 1e re$eate' three ti#es. :a+in& 'one thisB .o # st #a&netiGe the 1%a'e. :o%' .o r atha#e in .o r %e0t han'B the #a&net 1. one en' Cor a %o'estoneD in .o r ri&htB an' 1e&innin& at the han'%e en'B 'raw the ti$ o0 the #a&net 'own the who%e %en&th o0 the 1%a'e. Eee$ this $ 0or a 0ew #in tes a%wa.s stro-in& the sa#e 'irectionB chantin& these wor's as .o 'o: LB%a'e o0 stee%B I con5 re thee attract a%% thin&s as na#e' 1. #eK As #. wor'B so #ote it 1eKL Fina%%. $aint .o r r nes on the hi%t Co$tiona%DB an' 1 r. it $oint 'own 0or three 'a.s an' three ni&hts. C.o r 1ac-.ar' wi%% 'o 0ineD At the en' o0 this ti#e .o #a. 'i& $ .o r atha#e an' wra$$in& it in a $iece o0 consecrate' c%othB t c- it sa0e%. awa. rea'. 0or #a&ic-a% se. T:E COR( Most /itches #a-e their own cor's o t o0 re' ri11on or ri+er r shes. The %atter ta-es an artisan to #a-e $ro$er%.. O t o0 thisB #eas re o0 threeB si?70oot %en&ths. /hen the #oon is wa?in&B consecrate these with 0ire an' waterB an' -nottin& the en's to&etherB start 1rai'in& the#B chantin& the 0o%%owin& 5in&%e Cor .o r ownDB 1in'in& in the #a&ic-a% %i&ht with each twist: LMa'e to #eas re wro &ht to 1in'B B%esse' Be tho cor' entwine'.L

/hen 'oneB tie the en' o00 to $re+ent nra+e%in& an' re$eat .o r sea%in& wor's: LSo #ote it 1eKL Fina%%.B tie another -not three 0eet si?7inches 0ro# the 0irst -notB a 0 rther one at 0o r 0eetB another at 0o r 0eet si?B another at 0i+e 0eetB an' 0ina%%. another at 0i+e 0eet si? inches. These -nots are se' 0or circ%e %a.o t o0 +ario s siGe. T:E BOOE Ass #in& .o ha+e $ rchase'>#a'e a s ita1%e 1oo- o0 0ine $a$erB a&ain when the #oon is wa?in&B co+er the 1acan' 1in'in& o0 the 1oo- with the #ateria% o0 .o r choice Cnat ra% #ateria% is 1estD. Consecrate .o r new 1oo- in the sa#e #anner as the other too%s an' whi%e .o 'raw .o r r nes>'ia&ra#s on the co+erB chant: LBoo- o0 wor'sB 1oo- o0 'ee'sB B%esse' Be tho 1oo- o0 artKL Fina%%. write .o r witch na#e in the center o0 the co+er an' sea% once a&ain: LSo #ote it 1eKL This 1oo- B a%on& with .o r atha#e wi%% 1e .o r #ost treas re' #a&ic-a% $ossession an' sho %' not 1e 0%a nte' or shown n%ess it is to other witches or co+en #e#1ers. TOOL CONSECRATION Be0ore these asse#1%e' s$irits I 1rin& Cna#e t.$e o0 too%D to 1e 'e'icate' to the ser+ice o0 the La'. an' Lor'. CPass too% three ti#es thro &h s#o-e o0 the incense.D B. the $ower o0 airB 1e tho $ ri0ie'. Be tho 'e'icate' to $ rit. o0 tho &ht an' to har#%essness that a%% intentions 0or which tho art se' #a. har# none an' 1e 0or the &oo' o0 a%%. CPass too% three ti#es thro &h or o+er the 0%a#e o0 the 0ire can'%e.D B. the $ower o0 0ireB 1e tho $ ri0ie'. Be tho 'e'icate' to $ rit. o0 'esireB an' to har#%essness that a%% &oa%s which tho art 'oest he%$ achie+e #a. har# none an' 1e 0or the &oo' o0 a%%. CTa-e a 0ew 'ro$s o0 water an' s$rin-%e or 'a1 on instr #ent.D B. the $ower o0 waterB 1e tho $ ri0ie'. Be tho 'e'icate' to $ rit. o0 e#otionB an' to har#%essness that a%% that tho sha%t 1e se' in a s$irit o0 har#on.B har#in& none an' 0or the &oo' o0 a%%. CTo ch instr #ent to the stone or sa%t in north q arterD B. the $ower o0 earthB 1e tho $ ri0ie'. Be tho 'e'icate' to stea'0astness an' $ rit. o0 $ r$oseB that #. wi%% 1e achie+e' witho t wa+erin&B with har# to none an' 0or the &oo' o0 a%%. CI0 this is a cha%iceB $resent it 0irst to the La'.B then to the Lor'B i0 atha#eB re+erse

or'er. A%% other instr #ents se $ersona% $re0erenceB 1 t it is co rtes. to $resent the# to :er 0irst.D PRESENTATION FOR C:ALICE: La'. Fre.aB Eee$er o0 Fe#ininit.B 1%ess this cha%ice. Let it 1e as Th. ca %'ronB a +esse% o0 $ro' cti+it. that it #a. 1e worTh. to 'is$ense Th. 1o nt.. Let it 1e se' in Th. ser+ice an' in the ser+ice o0 h #anit.. Let it 1e so 1o n' that no har# #a. co#e o0 it to an. 1ein&B 1 t %et it rather 1e an instr #ent o0 &oo'7wi%% an' n'erstan'in&I o0 %o+in& har#on.. To Th. sacre' se%0 I 'e'icate this +esse%B Cna#e o0 +esse%DB that it an' I #a. %on& 1e o0 ser+ice to Thee. Lor' ThorB co#$anion to the La'.B cha#$ion o0 the !o'sB 1%ess this cha%ice an' -ee$ watch o+er it. ! ar' the wor-s which co#e 0orth 0ro# itB that the. e+er 1e in the ser+ice o0 Thee an' Th. La'.B that the. 1e o0 ser+ice to h #an-in'B an' that the. a1i'e 1. the %aws o0 har#on.. To Thee I +ow I sha%% se it 0or :er sacre' $ r$osesB an' 0or no other. So #ote it 1eK PRESENTATION FOR AT:AME: Lor' ThorB th n'erer R ha##er wie%'erB 1%ess this atha#e. Let it 1e as the s$rin& rains which 0a%% $on the earth to ca se :er to 1rin& 0orth :er 1o nt.. Let it q ic-en #. ho$es an' 'rea#sB .et -ee$ the# 0ro# ca sin& har#. Let it & i'e the# in the har#on. o0 the seasonsB 1rin&in& 0orth on%. &oo' 0or a%%. Lor' ThorB 1%ess this atha#eB Cna#e o0 atha#eDB that it 1e se' e+er in the worshi$ an' honor o0 the !o's. La'. Fre.aB co#$anion to the Th n'ererB %o+er o0 the !o'sB 1%ess this atha#e that it sha%% 1rin& 0orth 5o.B an' sha%% ca se no $ain nor 'ishar#on. to an.. I 'e'icate this atha#e Cna#e atha#eDB s.#1o% o0 the (e0en'er an' Rain Ma-erB to Th. ser+ice. Ma. it e+er 1rin& Thee 5o. an' $ri'e. So #ote it 1eK CThis rit a%B with s ita1%e chan&esB #a. 1e se' to 'e'icate other too%s as we%% as these.D OL( MA!IC E@ORCISM Power o0 win' ha+e I o+er thee. Power o0 wrath ha+e I o+er thee. Power o0 0ire ha+e I o+er thee. Power o0 th n'er ha+e I o+er thee. Power o0 %i&htnin& ha+e I o+er thee. Power o0 stor# ha+e I o+er thee. Power o0 #oon ha+e I o+er thee. Power o0 s n ha+e I o+er thee. Power o0 stars ha+e I o+er thee. Power o0 the hea+en,s an' the wor%'s ha+e I o+er thee. C%i0t swor' o+er hea' with 1oth han's an' cho$ 'own.D

EsonK EsonK E#arisK



MAEIN! CEREMONIAL AS: Phoeni? Ash This rit a% creates a cere#onia% ash that can 1e se' 0or a +ariet. o0 $ r$oses. It is a se0 % co#$onent 0or s$e%%s o0 e%e#enta% FireB hea%in& an' rit a% $ ri0ication. I,+e a%so se' this rit a% 0or a 0rien' who was '.in&B to #a-e his $assa&e easierB an' ens re a $ositi+e reincarnation. Cscatterin& the ashes a0terwar'D Ao wi%% nee': A sq are o0 $a$erB 'ecorate' on on%. one si'eB 1 t no 0oi% or $%astic. Ori&a#i $a$er is i'ea%B 1 t an. is s ita1%e $ro+i'e' it is 1%an- on one si'e. Pen an' inEssentia% oi% o0 0ran-incense or cinna#on Matches A heat$roo0 1ow% or ca %'ron An en+e%o$e to store the ashes Cast cere#onia% circ%e as a$$ro$riate 0or .o r #a&ic-a% s.ste#. On the 1%an- si'e o0 the $a$erB 'raw a si&i% 0or the intent o0 the s$e%%. I0 .o are 5 st #a-in& ash 0or &enera% seB the intent is 5 st L%en' $ower to #. /or-.L Fo%' the $a$erB 'ecorate' si'e o tB into an ori&a#i crane. Anoint with the oi% Ca 'ro$ or two is s 00icientD an' $%ace on the heat$roo0 1ow%. !ro n' an' centerB an' 0i? .o r intent. Li&ht the #atch an' 1 rn the $a$er to ash. /hen the ash is coo% eno &hB &ather into the en+e%o$e. S.#1o%is# an' Theor.: This rit a% recreates the 'eath an' re1irth o0 the Phoeni?. The crane is the Phoeni?B with a%% the s.#1o%is# an' $owers o0 the %e&en'ar. 1ir'. The cinna#on an' 0ran-incense co#$ose its 0 nerar. nest. T=RNIN! PO/(ERS INTO SELF B=RNIN! INCENSE

TTCA=TIONTT these #etho's sho %' on%. 1e atte#$te' 1. a -now%e'&a1%e ser. The Inner Sanct # is not res$onsi1%e 0or in5 r. res %tin& in these #etho's.

OIL BRE/ Mi? an' e#$ower her's. Mi? an' &rin' the# into a $ow'erB i0 .o ha+e not a%rea'. 'one this. P%ace $ow'er in a non70%a##a1%e container an' soawith charcoa% starter 0% i'. A0ter a1o t an ho rB $%ace in a SAFE $%ace an' %i&ht. Let it 1 rn nti% so#e o0 the her1s on to$ start 1%ac-enin&. I##e'iate%. $ t o t the 0ire 1. s#otherin& it with so#ethin& non70%a##a1%e. (O NOT se waterB san'B 0ire retar'ants or ANAT:IN! that wi%% #i? withB 'ist r1 or e+en to ch the her1sB se on%. s#otherin&. Once the container coo%sB re#o+e the her1s an' s$rea' the# o t in a 0%at sheet on a $iece Cor se+era% $iecesD o0 $a$er. Co+er with $a$er an' set hea+. 1oo-s on the# an' %et it co#$ress 0or a 'a. or #ore Cthe $a$er #a. &et sat rate' with %i&hter 0% i'B so 'is$ose o0 the# $ro$er%.D. Re#o+e the wei&ht an' $o r .o new $ow'ere' incense into whate+er container .o 'one. Once .o ha+e .o $ow'erB .o #a. #e%t so#e o0 the a$$ro$riate resin an' #i? it with the $ow'erB then ro%% it into a coneB stic-B or whate+er sha$e .o choose. This incense wi%% now wor- si#i%ar to a stic- or coneB %i&ht it an' wait nti% the 0%a#e 'iesB it wi%% now s#o%'er nti% it is se'. (on,t se too # ch at a ti#eB a %itt%e &oes a %on& wa.. STEAM (ISTILLATION This wi%% & arantee the $ rest oi% $ossi1%e. B tB this can 1e a ti#e an' #ateria% cons #in& #etho'. On a+era&e 6oG o0 her1s wi%% .ea%' 678#% o0 oi%B an' a1o t 678 c $s o0 h.'roso% Pa 1.$ro' ct o0 this $rocessB 1asica%%. water with a s#a%% a#o nt o0 oi% 'isso%+e' in it Q :ere are the instr ctions: Materia%s: 6 &%ass 1ott%es with %i's 3 $%astic 1ott%e A% #in # 0oi% Aq ari # or s r&ica% t 1in& se. Ao are BRE/ BOIL This wi%% $ro' ce a stron&er oi%B an' .o can #a-e it e?act%. as stron& or wea- as .o %i-e. Ao can e+en #a-e it $ re. B tB it can not #e #i?e' with a 1ase oi% to 'i% te it P n%ess .o #a-e it $ reQan' it can 1e ti#e an' her1 cons #in& P'e$en'in& on the %e+e% o0 $ rit. .o chooseQ 3. Mi? an' e#$ower 'r. her1s. 6. Mi? her1s with 1oi%in& water an' stir nti% a STRON! tea 0or#s. 8. Strain her1s o t o0 tea. 4. Boi% tea 'own nti% .o are %e0t with a s ita1%e stren&th oi%. 9. To 'i% te this oi% #i? with water instea' o0 1ase oi%B or the. wi%% not #i?. ". Store the oi% in a #e'icine 1ott%e or a 0i%# canister. This #etho' wi%% on%. #a-e oi% that wi%% s#e%% %i-e the her1sB it wi%% not $ro' ce an. sea1%e q antities o0 act a% $%ant oi%. For thatB se the ne?t two #etho's. These oi%s are &enera%%. wea-er than nor#a%B so 1e aware o0 that 1e0ore .o 1e&in. 3. Choose 1ase oi%B cano%aB o%i+eB an' +e&eta1%e oi% worwe%%B 1 t a%#ost an.thin& wi%% wor- so %on& as its s#e%% is not too stron&. 6. Mi? an' e#$ower 'r. her1s to 1e se' in the oi%. 8. :eat 1ase oi% nti% hot. 4. Mi? in her1s in a1o t a 3:3 ratio with the oi%. 9. Let sit 0or a1o t 64 #in tesB a'5 stin& the heat to #aintain a constant te#$erat reB stir e+er. #in te. ". Strain an' store in a #e'icine 1ott%e or 0i%# canister.

MAEIN! OILS his e?$%ains three si#$%e wa.s to #a-e oi%s. TTCA=TIONTT these #etho's sho %' on%. 1e atte#$te' 1. a -now%e'&ea1%e ser. The Inner Sanct # is not res$onsi1%e 0or in5 r. res %tin& in these #etho's.

Mi?e'B e#$owere' her1s /ater A sto+e P nchin& too%s 3. Fi%% a &%ass 1ott%e with waterB $ nch a ho%e in the %i'B a s#a%% ho%e 0or &as $ress re re%easeB r n t 1in& thro &h the %ar&e ho%e 6. P%ace other en' o0 t 1in& in the secon' 1ott%eB thro &h a ho%e in the %i' an' r n the t 1in& to the 1otto# o0 the 1ott%e. P t another t 1e in the %i'. 8. R n the other en' o0 T:AT t 1e in a s$ira% PIt sho %' %oo- %i-e a s$rin&Q an' connect it to the 1otto# o0 the $%astic 1ott%e. 4. Mo nt the $%astic 1ott%e $si'e7'own o+er a &%ass. 9. Fi%% the secon' 1ott%e Pthe one with two t 1esQwith the her1s ". P%ace the 0irst 1ott%e on the sto+e an' %et it 1oi% nti% there is no water %e0t ). B. this ti#e there sho %' the co%%ection &%ass sho %' ha+e water with oi% 0%oatin& on to$B se an e.e 'ro$$er to re#o+e the oi% an' throw awa. the water PAct a%%.B it is h.'rosi%B 1 t it is worth%ess 5 st the sa#eQ *. P%ace the oi% in a #e'icane 1ott%e or a 0i%# canister.

Saw the 1ranch into 64769 C'e$en'in& on weather .o se the 1%an- r neD 3>3"L73>*L 0%at 'is-s sin& a :AN( SA/ Cthe #ore e00ort .o $ t into #a-in& the r nesB the 1etter the. wor-D Car+e the r nic s.#1o%s into each 'is-B so .o ha+e a co#$%ete r ne set. B rn or #ar- with a $er#anent #ar-er or $aint C'oesn,t #atter whichD the car+in&s so the. can 1e seen 1etter. Sea% the r nes with the nat ra% oi% o0 .o r choiceB as %on& as it is nat ra%. Ao #a. a%so se a NAT=RAL woo' stain is .o wishB it wi%% not a00ect an.thin& 1 t the a$$earance i0 .o 'o. C%eanseB concencrate an' e#$ower the r nes 0or .o r $ r$oseB 'e$en'in& on .o r own c sto# o0 how .o 'o it. Ao r r ne set is now co#$%ete'. Se%ect an a$$ro$riate siGe' 'rawstrin& 1a& #a'e o0 %eatherB si%-B e#1roi'ere' so0t7%inenB etc. This is a #atter o0 $ersona% taste 1 t &et a nice one 1eca se .o wi%% se these r nes 0or the rest o0 .o r %i0eB as the. &row stron&er with a&e an' se. Ao #a. wish


to se%ect a 1a& with #a&ica% s.#1o%s Csi&i%sD i0 .o wish CI 'i'D .o are now co#$%ete'.

Se%ect woo' 0ro# a 0r it 1earin& treeB o0 a 1ranch that has 0a%%en nat ra%%. Cnot c t 'ownD the host tree # st sti%% 1e a%i+e CI se' $% # tree woo' 0ro# #. 1ac-.ar' a0ter a %ar&e snowstor#B % c-. #eD. Pica 1ranch o0 the 'ia#eter that .o want .o r r nes to 1e C s a%%. 1etween 4.9L an' 3LD. !ather se+era% $iecesB as so#e wi%% crac- ' rin& the 'r.in& $rocess or 1e 'a#a&e' 1. 1 &s. Let the woo' 'r. 0or AT LEAST " #onths. 2 #onths or a .ear is 1etter. Ao M=ST %et the woo' 'r. O=TSI(EB co+ere' 1. a %oose tar$ or so#ethin& to -ee$ rain o00 o0 it. Ao #a. a%so want to se a $estici'e ARO=N(B not on the woo' to $re+ent 1 & 'a#a&e. Once 'r.B ens re .o r r newoo' has not crac-e' or 1een 'a#a&e' 1. 1 &s. Stri$ the 1ar- o00 1. han'B sin& a -ni0e. A%so s#ooth the 1ranch 1. c ttin& o00 1 #$s an' the %i-e. Ao #a. san' it s#ooth or notB 'e$en'in& on $ersona% $re0erence CI 'on,t %i-e $er0ect%. s#ooth r nesD




(o .o ha+e a s$ecia% cr.sta% that .o want to 1e #ore 0oc se'J :ere is a si#$%e #etho' to wire wra$ it an' he%$ 0oc s the cr.sta%s ener&ies:

Choose .o r wire 1ase' on a co%or co#$are' to what .o are 0oc sin& the cr.sta% towar's PCo$$er 0or %o+eB etc.Q Once .o ha+e se%ecte' .o r wireB $%ace a1o t 3>*L o0 the wire strai&ht 'own the si'e o0 the cr.sta%. Ben' the wire o+er the to$ o0 the cr.sta% an' wra$ ti&ht%. an' c%ose%. 'own nti% the wire &oin& 'own the si'e cannot 1e seen. /ith 1roa'er wra$s &o a%% o0 the wa. 'own the cr.sta% with no #ore than a 0ew wra$s.

!o $ with the sa#e st.%e o0 wra$ #a-in& a criss7 cross $attern. /hen .o reach the to$ wra$ ti&ht%. an' c%ose%. a 0ew ti#es. Coat to$ o0 cr.sta% with #e%te' resin to sea% it. Once resin has 'rie'B 1 rn awa. the o ter %a.er with a can'%eB %ea+in& on%. the resin insi'e it wireB sea%in& it.

B%esse' 1e #. e.esB that I #a. see .o r $ath. Annoint the noseB B%esse' 1e #. noseB that I #a. 1reathe .o r essence. Annoint the #o thB B%esse' 1e #. #o thB that I #a. s$ea- o0 .o . Annoint the 1reastsB B%esse' 1e #. 1reastB that I #a. 1e 0aith0 % in #. wor-. Annoint the %oinsB B%esse' 1e #. %oinsB which 1rin& 0orth the %i0e o0 #en an' wo#en as .o ha+e 1ro &ht 0orth a%% creation. Annoint the 0eetB B%esse' 1e #. 0eetB that I #a. wa%- in .o r wa.s. Re#ain...an' #e'iate 0or a whi%e



SELF BLESSIN! This rit a% sho %' 1e $er0or#e' ' rin& the New Moon Cat %east when the #oon is wa?in&D B 1 t it is not %i#ite' to that $hase. Nee'B not seasonB 'eter#ines the $er0or#ance. There is rea% $ower in the Se%0 B%essin&I it sho %' not 1e se' other than in ti#e o0 nee' an' sho %' not 1e 'one $ro#isc o s%.. The $ r$ose o0 the rit a% is to 1rin& the in'i+i' a% into c%oser contact with the !o'hea'. It can a%so 1e se' as a #inor 'e'icationB when a $erson who 'esires 'e'ication has no one who can 'e'icate hi#. This se%0 1%essin& rit a% #a. a%so 1e se' as a #inor e?orcis#B to 1anish an. ne&ati+e in0% ences which #a. ha+e 0or#e' aro n' the $erson. It #a. 1e $er0or#e' 1. an. $erson $on hi#se%0B an' at his 'esire. Per0or# this rit a% in a q iet $%aceB 0ree 0ro# 'istractionB an' n 'e. Ao wi%% nee' the 0o%%owin&: 3. 6. 8. 4. Sa%tB a1o t one q arter teas$on /ineB a1o t an o nce. /aterB a1 t one7ha%0 o nce. Can'%eB +oti+e or other.

Note: A%tho &h this is $ro1a1%. as 1asic as 'e'ication can &etB this ne+erthe%ess is +er. se0 % e+en i0 on%. se' 0or 1anish#ent o0 ne&ati+it.. CO<EN INITIATION Note: This is a strict e?a#$%e o0 a co+en initiation. Man. co+ens +ar. in initiation rites an' there are #an. 0or#s an' +ariations. This sho %' 1e consi'ere' an' e?a#$%e. Can'i'ates 0or initiation sho %' 1e in &oo' #enta% an' $h.sica% hea%th. The. sho %' a%so 1e o0 %e&a% a&e an' so &ht o t the Cra0t o0 their own 0ree wi%%. Be0ore 1ein& acce$te' into the Co+en CsDhe sho %' s$en' so#eti#e %earnin& a1o t the Cra0t an' #a&ic an' s ch. CSDhe sho %' -now a1o t $ractices that #ost $eo$%e &et $ti&ht a1o t. She sho %' 1e to%' that initiations are $er0ect%. sa0e an' +o% ntar.. A%soB i0 at an. ti#e $rior to ta-in& the oath she wants to 1ac- o tB she can 'o so with o t 0ear or other recri#inations. The can'i'ate # st chose a Cra0t na#e. This na#e sho %' not 1e a co##on A#erican na#e an' # st ha+e $ersona% #eanin& to the can'i'ate. Tra'itiona%%. the a$$renticeshi$ %aste' 0or a .ear an' a 'a.. This is a &oo' i'ea i0 it can 1e 'one. Be0ore CsDhe can 1e initiate'B the Co+en # st +ote. A sin&%e no is s 00icient to not a%%ow the can'i'ate to 1e initiate' into that $artic %ar Co+en. This rit a% is written 0or se in the woo's. There has to 1e a $ath %ea'in& 0ro# the sta&in& area to a c%earin& where a0ire can 1e %it. To sa+e ti#eB the 0ire sho %' 1e set $ 1 t not %i&hte'. The 1atht 1 sho %' 1e set $ a%on& the $ath an' 0i%%e' with war# water an' the other in&re'ients. The water wi%% a%so ha+e to 1e consecrate'. The can'i'ate sho %' 1e 1ro &ht to the sta&in& area 1. their s$onsor. She sho %' 1e wearin& c%othin& that can 1e c tawa. easi%. 1. a swor' witho t n'oin& 1 ttons or ste$$in& o t o0 $ants %e&s. The can'i'ate sho %' 1e %ea' 'own the $ath 1. the s$onsor.A0ter a %itt%e wa.s a #e#1er o0 the Co+enB the Cha%%en&erBsho %' ste$ onto the $ath. The. #i&ht want to wear a #as-. The. ta-e the swor' that the. carr. an' sa.:

The res %t o0 the rit a% is a 0ee%in& o0 $eace an' ca%#. It is 'esira1%e that the $artici$ant 1as- in the a0ter&%ow so that he #a. #e'itate an' n'erstan' that he has ca%%e' the attention o0 the !o'hea' to hi#se%0B as-in& to &row c%oser to the !o'hea' in 1oth &oa%s an' in wis'o#. /hen .o are rea'. to 1e&inB s$rin-%e the sa%t on the 0%oor an' stan' on itB %i&htin& the can'%e. Let the war#th o0 the can'%e 1e a1sor1e' into the 1o'.. Mis the water into the wineB #e'itatin& $on .o r reasons 0or $er0or#in& the se%0 1%essin&. Rea' the 0o%%owin& a%o ': B%ess #eB #otherB 0or I a# .o r chi%'. (i$ the 0in&ers o0 the ri&ht han' into the #i?e' water an' wine an' annoint the e.esB

L/ho co#es to the &ateJL The can'i'ateB coache' 1e0ore han'B answers: LIt is IB Cnew Cra0t na#eDB chi%' o0 earth an' starr. hea+en.L Cha%%en&er: L/ho s$ea-s 0or .o JL S$onsor: LIt is IB OOOOOOOO B who +o ches 0or her.L The Cha%%en&er ho%'s the $oint o0 the swor' $ to the can'i'ates heartB an' sa.s: LAo are a1o t to enter a +orte? o0 $owerB a $%ace 1e.on' i#a&inin&Bwhere 1irth an' 'eathB'ar- an' %i&htB 5o. an' $ainB #eet an' #a-e one. Ao are a1o t to ste$ 1etween the wor%'sB 1e.on' ti#eB o tsi'e the rea%# o0 .o r h #an %i0e. Ao who stan's on the thresho%' o0 the 'rea' Mi&ht. OnesB ha+e .o the co ra&e to #a-e the essa.J For -now it is 1etter to 0a%% on #. 1%a'e an' $erish than to #a-e the atte#$t with 0ear in th. heartKL The a$$rentice answers: LI trea' the $ath with $er0ect %o+e an' $er0ect tr st.L The Cha%%en&er re$%ies: LPre$are 0or 'eath an' re1irth.L An' the Cha%%en&er ta-es the swor' an' c ts o00 the a$$rentices c%othin& ti%% CsDhe is stan'in& na-e'. The Cha%%en&er &ro n's their swor' to the Earth. The Cha%%en&er sho %' then 1%in'0o%' the can'i'ate an' tie a cor' aro n' their wrists an' one an-%e whi%e sa.in&: LAn' CsDhe was 1o n' as a%% %i+in& thin&s # st 1eB who wo %' enter the Ein&'o# o0 (eath. An' :er 0eet were neither 1o n' nor 0ree.L The can'i'ate is %e' to the t 1 an' 1athe'B whi%e sti%% 1%in'0o%'e'B 1. the rest o0 the Co+en. /hi%e 1ein& 1athe'B CsDhe # st re#ain q iet. She is he%$e' 0ro# the t 1 an' 'rie' o00. The can'i'ate is then carrie' to the Circ%e. E+er.one in the Co+enB startin& with the :i&h Priest CPriestess in the case o0 a #anDB -isses her an' sa.s: LTh s are a%% 0irst 1ro &ht into the wor%'B an' th s are a%% 0irst 1ro &ht into the Co+en.L The :i&h Priest CPriestess in case o0 a #anD now %ea's the can'i'ate to each o0 the 0o r corners an' intro' ces her to the ! ar'iansB o0 co rse &oin& 'eosi%. L:ai% ! ar'ians o0 the /atchtowers o0 the East an' a%% the Mi&ht. Ones o0 the Cra0t. Beho%' OOOOOOOOOCnew na#eDB who wi%% now 1e #a'e Priestess an' /itch.L The can'i'ate is 1ro &ht 1ac- to the a%tar. The :i&h Priest -nee%s an' &i+es her the Fi+e Fo%' EissI that isB he -isses her on 1oth 0eetB 1oth -neesB wo#1B 1oth 1reastsB an' the %i$sBstartin& with the ri&ht o0 each $air. :e sa.sB as he 'oes this:

LB%esse' 1e th. 0eetB that ha+e 1ro &ht thee in these wa.s. B%esse' 1e th. -neesB that sha%% -nee% at the sacre' a%tar. B%esse' 1e th. wo#1B witho t which we wo %' not 1e. B%esse' 1e th. 1reastsB 0or#e' in 1ea t.. B%esse' 1e th. %i$sB that sha%% tter the Sacre' Na#es.L For the -iss on the %i$sB the. e#1raceB %en&th7to7%en&thB with their 0eet to chin& each others. /hen he reaches the wo#1B she s$rea's her ar#s wi'eB an' the sa#e a0ter the -iss on the %i$s.The can'i'ate is then #eas re' with the other $iece o0 cor'B 0ro# hea' to toe. The cor' is c t. She is then #eas re' aro n' the hea' an' chest an' -nots are tie' to #ar- these %en&ths.The :i&h Priestess ro%%s $ the cor'B an' as-s the can'i'ate: LAre .o wi%%in& to swear the oathJL The can'i'ate answers: LI a#.L The :i&h Priestess as-s: LAre .o wi%%in& to s 00er to %earnJL The can'i'ate answers: LAes.L The :i&h Priestess ta-es the a$$rentice,s han'B an' with a nee'%e $ro$er%. $ ri0ie' 1. 0ire an' waterB $ric-s her 0in&erB sq eeGin& a 0ew 'ro$s o t onto the #eas re. The can'i'ate then -nee%sB an' $%aces one han' on her hea' an' the other 1eneath her hee% an' she re$eats what is rea' to her. The :i&h Priest sa.s: LThis is the Char&e o0 the Co+en: That I wi%% -ee$ secret what I a# as-e' to -ee$ secretB an' ne+er 'i+ %&e the na#es or 'we%%in& $%aces o0 o r $eo$%e n%ess 1. their consent. That I wi%% %earn an' tr. to #aster the Art Ma&ica%I 1 t e+er re#e#1er the r ne: L/hat &oo' 1e the too%s witho t the inner %i&htJ /hat &oo' 1e #a&ic witho t wis'o# si&htJL That in ' e co rse I wi%% stri+e to 0in' a worth. $ $i% in #a&icB to who# in 0 t re .ears I can han' 'own the -now%e'&e I acq ire. That I wi%% ne+er se the Art Ma&ica% #ere%. to i#$ress 0oo%ish $ersonsB nor 0or an. wron&0 % en'. That I wi%% he%$ the Cra0t o0 the /iseB an' ho%' it,s honor as I wo %' #. own. That I consi'er these +ows ta-en 1e0ore the E%'er !o'sI an' that i0 I 1etra. this Char&e I acce$t as #. 5 st rewar' that retri1 tion o0 'estin. which o+erta-es those who 1ase%. 1etra. the tr st an' con0i'ence that others ha+e $%ace' in the#. Enow that none can esca$e the 0ateB 1e it c rse or 1%essin&B which the. #a-e 0or the#se%+esB either in this %i0e or in another %i0e. The :i&h Priestess sa.s: LRe$eat a0ter #e: ,IB OOOOOOOOB 'o o0 #. own 0ree wi%% #ost so%e#n%. swear to $rotectB he%$ an' 'e0en' #.

sisters an' 1rothers o0 the Art an' to -ee$ the Co+en,s Char&e. I a%wa.s -ee$ secret a%% that # st not 1e re+ea%e'. This 'o I swear on #. #other,s wo#1 an' #. ho$es o0 0 t re %i+esB #in'0 % that #. #eas re has 1een ta-enB an' in the $resence o0 the Mi&ht. Ones., A%% 1etween #. two han's 1e%on&s to the !o''ess.L The can'i'ate re$eats the oath. The Co+en sho ts: LSo #ote it 1eKL The :i&h Priest sa.s: LArise an' 1e anointe'L The :i&h Priest then #a-es an @ #ar- on the initiates 0orehea'B 1reast an' &enita%s whi%e sa.in&: LMa. .o r #in' 1e 0ree. Ma. .o r heart 1e 0ree. Ma. .o r 1o'. 1e 0ree. I &i+e .o the Cra0t na#e o0 OOOOOOL The rest o0 the Co+en #e#1ers &ra1 her s ''en%.B %i0t her i0 $ossi1%e an' carr. her three ti#es aro n' the Circ%eB %a &hin& an' shrie-in&. The. then %a. her 0ace 'own 1e0ore the a%tar an' $ress her into the &ro n'. !ra' a%%. the $ress re chan&es to stro-in&. The. chant her new na#eB raisin& a Cone o0 Power o+er her. The 1%in' 0o%' is re#o+e' an' CsDhe is to%': LEnow that the han's that ha+e to che' .o are the han's o0 %o+e. Th s are a%% 0irst 1ro &ht into the wor%'B an' th s are a%% 0irst 1ro &ht into the Co+en.L The Char&e o0 the !o''ess is s$o-en an' an. other #.thsB #.steriesB an' secrets are re+ea%e'. She is a%so to%' the Co+en na#es o0 a%% the #e#1ers. The :i&h Priestess ret rns the #eas reB sa.in&: LIn the B rnin& Ti#esB when each #e#1er o0 the Co+en he%' the %i+es o0 the others in their han'sB this wo %' ha+e 1een -e$t an' 1e se' a&ainst .o sho %' .o en'an&er the others. B t in these #ore 0ort nate ti#esB %o+e an' tr st $re+ai%B so ta-e thisB -ee$ it or 1 rn itB an' 1e 0ree to &o or to sta. as .o r heart %ea's .o .L The ser+ice &oes on as s a%B 1e it New or F %% Moon or Sa11ath. Be0ore the Circ%e is o$ene'B the new initiate is ta-en to the 0o r corners a&ain an' intro' ce' to the ! ar'ians a&ain.

conscio sness to hi&her %e+e%s o0 awareness. Breath 'ee$. C%eanse .o r #in' as we%% as .o r 1o'.. A0ter 1athin&B 'r. an' 'ress 0or the 5o rne.. !o to a $%ace in the wi%' where .o 0ee% sa0e. It sho %' 1e a co#0orta1%e s$ot where .o won,t 1e 'ist r1e' 1. othersB an area where the $owers o0 the Earth an' the E%e#ents are e+i'ent. It #a. 1e a #o ntain to$B a 'esert can.on or ca+eB $erha$s a 'ense 0orestB a roc-. o tcro$$in& o+er the seaB a q iet is%an' in the center o0 a %a-e. E+en a %one%. $art o0 a $ar- or &ar'en can 1e se'. (raw on .o r i#a&ination to 0in' the $%ace. Ao nee' ta-e nothin& with .o 1 t a +ia% o0 rich%. scente' oi%. San'a%woo'B 0ran-incenseB cinna#on or an. other scent is 0ine. /hen .o arri+e at the $%ace o0 'e'icationB re#o+e .o r shoes an' sit q iet%. 0or a 0ew #o#ents. Ca%# .o r heart i0 .o ,+e e?erte' .o rse%0 ' rin& .o r tra+e%. Breathe 'ee$%. to ret rn to nor#a%B an' -ee$ .o r #in' 0ree o0 c% ttere' tho &hts. O$en .o rse%0 to the nat ra% ener&ies aro n' .o . /hen .o ,re ca%#B rise an' $i+ot s%ow%. on one 0ootB s r+e.in& the %an' aro n' .o . Ao ,re see-in& the i'ea% s$ot. (on,t tr. to 0in' itI o$en .o r awareness to the $%ace. /hen .o ,+e 'isco+ere' it Can' .o ,%% -now whenDB sitB -nee% or %ie 0%at on .o r 1ac-. P%ace the oi% on the Earth 1esi'e .o B (on,t stan' 7 contact the Earth. Contin e 'ee$ 1reathin&. Fee% the ener&ies aro n' .o . Ca%% the !o''ess an' !o' in an. wor's .o %i-eB or se the 0o%%owin& in+ocation. Me#oriGe these wor's 1e0ore the rite so that the.,%% s$i%% e00ort%ess%. 0ro# .o B or i#$ro+ise: O Mother !o''essB O Father !o'B Answers to a%% #.steries an' .et #.steries nanswere'I In this $%ace o0 $ower I o$en #.se%0 to Ao r Essence. In this $%ace an' in this ti#e I a# chan&e'I Fro# hence 0orth I wa%- the Paths o0 the Cra0t. I 'e'icate #.se%0 to .o B Mother !o''ess an' Father !o'.

SELF (E(ICATION RITE Pre$are .o rse%0 1. 'oin& the Rit a% Bath an' Se%0 B%essin&. I0 .o are $er0or#in& this rit a% at the sea or a ri+erB 1athe there i0 .o so 'esire. As .o 1atheB $re$are 0or the co#in& rite. O$en .o r

Crest 0or a #o#entB si%entB sti%%. Then contin eI I 1reathe .o r ener&ies into #. 1o'.B co##in&%in&B 1%en'in&B #i?in& the# with #ineB that I #a. see the 'i+ine in nat reB

nat re in the 'i+ineB an' 'i+init. within #.se%0 an' a%% e%se. O !reat !o''essB O !reat !o'B Ma-e #e one with .o r essence Ma-e #e one with .o r essence Ma-e #e one with .o r essence. Ao #a. 0ee% 1 rstin& with $ower an' ener&.B or ca%# an' at $eace. Ao r #in' #i&ht 1e in a whir%. The Earth 1eneath .o #a. thro1 an' n' %ate with ener&.. /i%' ani#a%sB attracte' 1. the $s.chic occ rrenceB #i&ht &race .o with their $resence. /hate+er occ rsB -nowthat .o ha+e o$ene' .o rse%0 an' that the !o''ess an' !o' ha+e hear' .o . Ao sho %' 0ee% 'i00erent insi'eB at $eace or si#$%. $ower0 %. A0ter the in+ocationB wet a 0in&er with the oi% an' #arthe s.#1o%s o0 the !o''ess an' !o' so#ewhere on .o r 1o'.. It 'oesn,t #atter whereI .o can 'o this on .o r chestB 0orehea'B ar#sB %e&sB an.where. As .o anointB +is a%iGe these s.#1o%s sin-in& into .o r 0%eshB &%owin& as the. enter .o r 1o'. an' then 'is$ersin& into #i%%ions o0 tin. $oints o0 %i&ht. The 0or#a% se%07'e'ication is en'e'. Than- the !o''ess an' !o' 0or Their attention. Sit an' #e'itate 1e0ore %ea+in& the $%ace o0 'e'ication. Once ho#eB ce%e1rate in so#e s$ecia% wa..

At ni&ht $eo$%e s a%%. rea%iGe the. are 'rea#in& when the. e?$erience n s a% or 1iGarre occ rrences. For instanceB i0 .o 0in' .o rse%0 0%.in& witho t +isi1%e #eans o0 s $$ortB .o sho %' rea%iGe that this ha$$ens on%. in 'rea#s an' that .o # st there0ore 1e 'rea#in&. I0 .o awa-en 0ro# a 'rea# in the #i''%e o0 the ni&htB it is +er. he%$0 % to ret rn to the 'rea# i##e'iate%.B in .o r i#a&ination. Now en+ision .o rse%0 reco&niGin& the 'rea# as s ch. Te%% .o rse%0B LThe ne?t ti#e I a# 'rea#in&B I want to re#e#1er to reco&niGe that I a# 'rea#in&.L I0 .o r intention is stron& an' c%ear eno &hB .o #a. 0in' .o rse%0 in a % ci' 'rea# when .o ret rn to s%ee$. E+en i0 .o ,re a 0req ent % ci' 'rea#erB .o #a. not 1e a1%e to sto$ .o rse%0 0ro# wa-in& $ in #i'7'rea#. An' e+en i0 .o r 'rea#s 'o reach a satis0.in& en'B .o #a. not 1e a1%e to 0oc s the# e?act%. as .o $%ease. ( rin& o r .ears o0 researchB howe+erB we ha+e 0o n' that s$innin& .o r 'rea# 1o'. can s stain the $erio' o0 s%ee$ an' &i+e .o &reater 'rea# contro%. In 0actB #an. s 15ects at Stan0or' =ni+ersit. ha+e se' the s$innin& techniq e as an e00ecti+e #eans o0 sta.in& in a % ci' 'rea#. The tas- o t%ine' 1e%ow wi%% he%$ .o se s$innin& as a #eans o0 sta.in& as%ee$ an'B #ore e?citin&B as a #eans o0 tra+e%in& to whate+er 'rea# wor%' .o 'esire. Be0ore retirin&B 'eci'e on a $ersonB ti#eB an' $%ace .o wo %' %i-e to +isit in .o r % ci' 'rea#. The tar&et $erson an' $%ace can 1e either rea% or i#a&inar.B $astB $resentB or 0 t re. /rite 'own an' #e#oriGe .o r tar&et $erson an' $%aceB then +is a%iGe .o rse%0 +isitin& .o r tar&et an' 0ir#%. reso%+e to 'o so in a 'rea# that ni&ht. To &ain % ci'it.B re$eat the $hrase 'escri1in& .o r tar&et in .o r 'rea#B an' s$in .o r who%e 'rea# 1o'. in a stan'in& $osition with .o r ar#s o tstretche'. Ao can $iro ette or s$in %i-e a to$B as %on& as .o +i+i'%. 0ee% .o r 1o'. in #otion. The sa#e s$innin& techniq e wi%% he%$ whenB in the #i''%e o0 a % ci' 'rea#B .o 0ee% the 'rea# i#a&er. 1e&innin& to 0a'e. To a+oi' wa-in& $B s$in as .o re$eat .o r tar&et $hrase a&ain an' a&ain. /ith $racticeB .o ,%% ret rn to .o r tar&et $ersonB ti#eB an' $%ace. /hen s$innin&B tr. to notice whether .o ,re #o+in& in a c%oc-wise or co nter7c%oc-wise 'irection. (REAM PROBLEM SOL<IN! Ao r 'rea#s are LwrittenL in .o r own $ri+ate +oca1 %ar.I that,s wh. their #eanin& is o0ten nc%ear Can' wh. 'rea# 1oo-s .o 1 . at the corner newsstan' won,t e?$%ain .o r own +isionsD. Moreo+erB the %an& a&e o0 'rea#s is sensor. an' +is a%B whereas the %an& a&e o0 'ai%. %i0e is +er1a%. Ao nee' to trans%ate a 'rea# # ch as .o wo %' a 0orei&n %an& a&e. =n0ort nate%.B the sa#e 0orce s that #a-e s 'is& ise $ro1%e#s in o r 'rea#s are %i-e%. to hin'er o r

L=CI( (REAMIN! PO/ER TRIPS: CONTROLLIN! AO=R (REAMS A n #1er o0 techniq es 0aci%itate % ci' 'rea#in&. One o0 the si#$%est is as-in& .o rse%0 #an. ti#es ' rin& the 'a. whether .o are 'rea#in&. Each ti#e .o as- the q estionB .o sho %' %oo- 0or e+i'ence $ro+in& .o are not 'rea#in&. The #ost re%ia1%e test: Rea' so#ethin&B %ooawa. 0or a #o#entB an' then rea' it a&ain. I0 it rea's the sa#e wa. twiceB it is n%i-e%. that .o are 'rea#in&. A0ter .o ha+e $ro+e' to .o rse%0 that .o are not $resent%. 'rea#in&B +is a%iGe .o rse%0 'oin& what it is .o ,' %i-e. A%soB te%% .o rse%0 that .o want to reco&niGe a ni&htti#e 'rea# the ne?t ti#e it occ rs. The #echanis# at wor- here is si#$%eI it,s # ch the sa#e as $ic-in& $ #i%- at the &rocer. store a0ter re#in'in& .o rse%0 to 'o so an ho r 1e0ore.

reco&niGin& the# when we,re awa-e. E+en Fre ' ha' tro 1%e with se%07ana%.sis. So an i#$artia% %istener 7 attaine' thera$ist 7 can he%$. LIt,s a co%%a1orati+e $rocessBL sa.s New Aor- $s.choana%.st /a%ter Boni#eB a thor o0 the c%assic te?tB T:E CLINICAL =SE OF (REAMS C(a Ca$o PressB U62.94D B t that 'oesn,t #ean .o sho %'n,t e?$%ore .o r 'rea#s a%one or with a $artner. Peo$%e who -ee$ 'rea# 5o rna%s sa. that o+er ti#eB $atterns o0ten e#er&e. To $ t .o r 'rea#s to wor- so%+in& $ro1%e#sB tr. this ro tine: o Pro&ra# .o rse%0 to wa-e $ a0ter e+er. REM $erio'. I 'i' it whi%e writin& this artic%e si#$%. 1. te%%in& #.se%0I wante' to at 1e'ti#e. B t 'on,t #a-e it a re& %ar ha1it. LThe a1i%it. to #aintain conscio sness ' rin& s%ee$ can 1ac-0ireBL sa.s (r. Nei% Ea+e.B 'irector o0 the Co% #1ia7 Pres1.terian s%ee$ %a1. LI0 .o can,t sh t it o00B .o #a. ha+e tro 1%e re#ainin& as%ee$B or .o #a. s%ee$ so $oor%. that .o 0ee% .o 'i'n,t s%ee$ at a%%.L o P t a note1oo- an' $en or ta$e recor'er at .o r 1e'si'e. o At 1e'ti#eB se%ect a $ro1%e# an' s # it $ with a q estionB s ch as LSho %' I ta-e this new 5o1JL /rite it 'own an' %ist $ossi1%e so% tions. o T rn o00 the %i&hts an' re0%ect on these so% tions. Sticwith it nti% .o 'ri0t o00 to s%ee$. o /hen .o wa-e $ 7 ' rin& the ni&ht or in the #ornin& 7 %ie sti%%. To 5o& .o r #e#or.B $reten' .o ,re a 'etecti+e inter+iewin& an e.ewitness. /hat,s the %ast thin& .o re#e#1erJ Be0ore thatJ !oin& 1ac-war' can he%$ .o #ore easi%. reconstr ct a 'rea#. o /rite 'own or ta$e recor' a%% that .o re#e#1er. (o it 1e0ore .o shower an' ha+e 1rea-0ast. o I0 .o ha+e tro 1%e catchin& 'rea#sB tr. s%ee$in& %ate on wee-en's The %on&est 'rea#s occ r in the %ast $art o0 s%ee$ an' #an. o0 s c t s%ee$ short on wee- ni&hts. Once .o ,+e recor'e' .o r 'rea#B how 'o .o 'eco'e itJ Te%% it to .o rse%0 in the thir' $ersonB s &&est $s.cho%o&ist Li%%ie /eiss in (REAM ANALASIS IN PSAC:OT:ERAPA CPer&a#on PressB U33.29D. This #a. &i+e .o so#e 'istance 0ro# the 'rea# an' he%$ .o see the actions #ore c%ear%.. Then %oo- at the $art o0 the 'rea# that is the #ost #.sterio s. LFreq ent%. the #ost incon&r o s $art $ro+i'es the 'rea# #essa&eBL /eiss sa.s. In her 'rea#7thera$. st '.B Cartwri&ht as-s $artici$ants to e?a#ine an' tr. to chan&e re$etiti+eB tro 1%eso#e 'rea#s a%on& se+en 'i#ensions: o Ti#e orientation. (o a%% .o r 'rea#s ta-e $%ace in the $astJ Tr. $ositionin& the# in the $resent or 0 t re. o Co#$etence to a00ect the o tco#e. Tr.0in'in& a $ositi+e wa. to reso%+e a 'rea#.

o Se%071%a#e. In .o r 'rea#sB 'o .o ho%' .o rse%0 res$onsi1%e when thin&s &o wron&J M st .o J o Re%ation to 0or#er ro%e: I0 .o r 'i+orce'B 'o .o sti%% 'rea# o0 .o rse%0 as #arrie'J I0 .o ha+e %ost .o r 5o1B 'o .o sti%% see .o rse%0 at wor-J Consi'er a%ternati+es. o Moti+ation. (o .o 'rea# o0 1ein& n rt re'J Can .o thin- o0 a wa. to ta-e care o0 .o rse%0J o Moo'. /hat wo %' #a-e a 'rea# #ore $%easantJ o (rea# ro%es: (o .o %i-e the $art .o $%a. in .o r 'rea#sJ /hat ro%e wo %' .o $re0erJ


NAT=RE SPIRIT MA!IC INTRO(=CTION: Each $%antB ani#a%B roc-B an' other entit. has a s$irit Cconscio sness resonance #atri?D. These s$irits can 5oin to&etherB in a hi+e7#in'B as a s$irit o0 an area. Nat re s$irits inc% 'e rea% 1io%o&ica% inte%%i&encesB are $s.chica%%. $ower0 %B an' are # ch %ess a1stract an' contro%%a1%e than the E%e#enta%s that #an. #a&ica% $eo$%e who $er0or# a%% o0 their rit a%s in'oors are 0a#i%iar with. The. can 1e e?tre#e%. $ower0 % a%%ies. It is $ossi1%e to sense nat re s$iritsB to 'eter#ine i0 the. are rece$ti+e to a rit a% $%anne'B an' to ha+e the# acti+e%. $artici$ate in #a&ica% wor-in&s i0 the. are. SOME EFFECTS OF /OREIN! /IT: NAT=RE SPIRITS: S$ectac %ar $h.sica% #ani0estations can ha$$en when wor-in& with nat re s$irits in the wi%'. I ha+e $ersona%%. seen act a% 0o?0ire #ar- the 1o n'aries o0 a #a&ic circ%e at a %ocation that was i'enti0ie' as a rece$ti+e $ower s$ot an' att ne' to a $%anne' rit a% the 'a. 1e0ore. I ha+e seen #ore than one site att ne' 0or rit a% 1e 'r. an' co#0orta1%eB with a ro n' ho%e in the c%o 's o+erhea'B on 'a.s that were co%' an' rain. at other near1. %ocations. Bir's ha+e 5oine' in rit a%sB 0%.in& aro n' the circ%e when ener&. was 1ein& raise'I an' insectsB 1ir's an' ani#a%s ha+e 5oine' in chants. In a''itionB the win' o0ten res$on's to in+ocations. !enera%%.B these s$ectac %ar #ani0estations ha$$en ne?$ecte'%.. /ith or witho t s ch #ani0estationsB nat re s$irits o0ten wi%% channe% tre#en'o s a#o nts o0 $ower into the #a&ic 1ein& $er0or#e'. It is s &&este' that .o 'o not conscio s%. tr. 0or s$eci0ic #ani0estations. Let Nat re channe% her $ower into the #a&ic in her own wa.. I0 a$$roache' with res$ectB nat re #a. &i+e .o #an. $%easant s r$rises. S$ectac %ar $h.sica% #ani0estations are not a necessar. si&n o0 s ccess. I0 .o nee' a s$ectac %ar #ani0estation an' nat re s$irits -now thisB .o wi%% &et it. The 1est s ccess in #a&ic is on the inner $%anes an' #ore s 1t%e than s ch #ani0estations. This s ccess in+o%+es 1ene0icia% chan&es in conscio sness that %ast an' he%$0 % chains o0 s.nchronicit.. In a''itionB wor-in& with Nat re

S$irits can a%so 1rin& a 'ee$ sense o0 $artnershi$ with Nat reB an' 1rin& new %e+e%s o0 att ne#ent. To &et the 1est res %tsB $er0or# nat re s$irit att ne#ent se+era% ho rs to se+era% 'a.s 1e0ore the #ain rit a%. The $ r$oses o0 s ch att ne#ent are to 0in' s ita1%e $ower s$ots an' to &et the he%$ o0 0rien'%. nat re s$irits. This ti#in& &i+es Nat re ti#e to &ather her chi%'ren an' to $re$are to acti+e%. $artici$ate in the #ain rit a%. /:AT TO NOT (O: I0 nat re s$irits are a$$roache' with 'isres$ect 1. atte#$tin& to co##an' the# rather than %istenin& to the# an' in+itin& the# to wor- with .o B nat re s$irits #a. 0%eeB re1e%B or attac-. I once atten'e' a rit a% 1. so#e $se 'o7Crow%e.ites who atte#$te' to $er0or# the LRit a% o0 the Bar1aro s Na#esL at a $ower s$ot in a 0orest an' then to e?ten' the circ%e se+era% h n're' .ar's in a%% 'irections. /hi%e the 0orest in &enera% ha' %o ' insect an' 0ro& noisesB the area at which the rit a% too- $%ace &ot q iet i##e'iate%. when the #ain rit a%ist 'ec%are' that a%% s$irits were s 15ect nto hi#. The +i1es 0ro# nat re co %' 1est 1e characteriGe' as LOh .eaB Mother...KL One $artici$ant was q ic-%. $ossesse' 1. an an&r. s$irit an' -e$t re$eatin& LAo -i%%e' #. chi%'renB .o r chi%'ren wi%% ne+er %i+e in $eace.L /hen the $riestess ste$$e' o t o0 the 1o n'aries o0 the ori&ina% circ%eB she was attac-e' 1. 1eesI an' 1ees co+ere' the Boo- o0 the Law. Ma&icians sho %' -now 1etter than to atte#$t to co##an' s$irits whose tr e na#es the. 'o not -nowK CALLIN! NAT=RE SPIRITS: To #a-e the #ost o t o0 wor-in& #a&ica% rit a% in the wi%'B one sho %' 0in' $ower s$ots where nat re s$irits are rece$ti+e to the rit a% $%anne' an' a$$roach the s$irits with res$ectB as eq a%s. In #. e?$erienceB the #ost e00ecti+e $ower s$ots 0or wor-in& with the %i+in& inte%%i&ences o0 nat re are %ocate' in wi%' areas with 'i+erseB acti+e eco%o&ies. /hen enterin& a wi%' area to 0in' a site 0or a rit a%B 0in' a $%ace that 0ee%s &oo'. Then 'o the 0o%%owin&B either in'i+i' a%%. orB i0 in a &ro $B as a & i'e' #e'itation: o Re%a?B whi%e stan'in& $ri&htB an' 0oc s on .o r 1reathin&. Breathe 'ee$ 1reaths 0ro# the 'ia$hra&#. Breathe to&ether i0 in a &ro $. 7 Fee% the win'B an' %et it re%a? .o an' awa-en .o r s$irit withinB as .o r 'ee$ 1reathin& ta-es .o into non7 or'inar. rea%it.. 7 Pict reB in .o r #in',s e.eB a %i&ht insi'e .o . As .o 1reatheB 0ee% the %i&ht e?$an'B $ ri0. an' ener&iGe .o as it e?$an's to 0i%% .o r a ra. 7 Fee% .o rse%0 &%owin&B 1a%ance'B $ ri0ie'B an' 0 %% o0 $ower.

7 Connect with .o r inner se%0 C.o r hi&her se%0DB an' 0ee% .o r int iti+e se%0 o$eratin&.

o Fee% .o rse%0 as: 7 The win'B 0 %% o0 %i0e an' inte%%i&enceB co## nicatin& with a%% ro n'. 7 The S n%i&htB war#B a%i+eB channe%in& the $ower to co## nicate with nat re an' ener&iGin& a%% aro n'. 7 /aterB e#otiona%B int iti+eB re0reshin&B an' connecte' with nat re. 7 The EarthB an' note how .o r $h.sica% 1o'. is a1%e to wan'er whi%e re#ainin& $art o0 Mother Earth.

o Foc s on .o r s$irit a% se%0B an': 7 Note the %i&ht within an' 0ee% it as %o+eB 7 E?$an' the %i&ht an' %o+e 1e.on' the i##e'iate a ra o0 .o r 1o'. to the s rro n'in& area 7 where .o wi%% &o to 0in' a $ower s$ot an' contact nat re s$irits.

o Te%e$athica%%. C1. thin-in& whi%e channe%in& the %o+e an' %i&ht ener&.D sen' o t si&na%s to nat re s$irits to e#er&e an' 1e aware o0 .o r $resence. 7 Sa. wh. .o ha+e co#eB an' in+ite the# to 5oin in sharin&B # t a% ce%e1rationB an' the wor- .o inten'. 7 <is a%iGe the %i&ht an' %o+e ener&. .o are channe%in& e?ten'in& o t an' #er&in& with the %i&ht 0ro# 'istant $%aces. 7 Fee% the $ower o0 the Earth 0%owin& $ thro &h .o r 1o'. an' 0eet. 7 Fee% the $ower 0ro# the s-.B an' channe% this $ower a%so to 0 rther ener&iGe the carrier si&na% o0 %i&ht an' %o+e 0or co## nicatin& with nat re. 7 <is a%iGe the %i&ht e?$an'in& an' #er&in&. 7 Contin e to sen' o t te%e$athic si&na%s.

o Now &o 'ee$er:

7 C%ose .o r e.esB sit on the EarthB an' 0ee% .o r connection whi%e .o channe% #ore %i&ht an' %o+e. 7 Contin e #o' %atin& the %i&ht an' %o+e with .o r tho &hts

7 in+itin& rece$ti+e s$irits to 5oin with .o an' to #a-e the#se%+es -nown. 7 I0 in a &ro $B so#eone sho %' start $%a.in& a 'r # at a rate o0 a1o t one 1eat $er secon'I an' .o sho %' %isten to the 'r # an' %et the 'r # ta-e .o 'ee$er. 7 A00ir# that .o are a nat re #a&icianB a #e'icine $ersonB who -nows an' co## nicates with nat re. Let this $art o0 .o rse%0 e#er&e to 0 %% conscio sness. Let the 'r # an' the connection to .o r inner se%0 awa-en that $art o0 .o rse%0 that nat ra%%. co## nicates with other %i0e 0or#s. Let it awa-en .o r te%e$athic senses. 7 Contin e sen'in& te%e$athic si&na%s to nat re. 7 /hen .o 0ee% rea'. an' an inner r&e to 1e&inB o$en .o r e.es a cracan' %oo- aro n'B whi%e contin in& to channe% %o+e an' %i&ht an' te%e$athica%%. ca%%in& 0or a res$onse. 7 Ao #a. see %i&ht co#in& 0ro# certain areas that are rece$ti+e. Ao #a. &et other si&na%sB s ch as a 0ee%in& o0 $ower or %o+e ret rnin& in a certain 'irection. Perha$s the t.$e o0 res$onse to this wor- wi%% 1e ne?$ecte'I 0o%%ow .o r int ition in inter$retin& it. 7 Ao #a. test .o r connection 1. co## nicatin& C#enta%%.D instr ctions 0or si&na%s 0or .es>no res$onses Cs ch as %i&ht &ettin& 1ri&hter 0or %ess an' 'ar-er 0or noD an' then #enta%%. asq estions an' o1ser+e the res$onses.

an' 0ee'1ac- 0ro# the s$irits to & i'e .o r actions. I0 it 0ee%s ri&htB sen' o t a si&na% that .o wo %' %i-e to to ch the sin& %arit. Cor the &ro n'D 0or 1etter co## nication. I0 the res$onse is &oo'B a$$roach 1ea#in& %o+e ener&.B an' then to ch or h & the sin& %arit. Cor the &ro n'D. Treat the s$irits as .o wo %' other Pa&ans .o #eet 0or the 0irst ti#e 7 1e sensiti+eB o$enB an' %isten.

(EEPENIN! COMM=NICATION /IT: NAT=RE SPIRITS: o Now that .o ha+e #a'e contact with s$irits that see# rece$ti+eB 'ee$en the co## nication: 7 Breathe 'ee$ 1reaths 0ro# the 'ia$hra&#B an' with each 1reathB 0ee% #ore re0reshe'. 7 Now i#a&ine that .o r s$ine is the tr n- o0 a treeI an'B 0ro# its 1aseB roots e?ten' 'ee$ into the Earth. (ee$ into the rich #oist Earth. 7 /ith e+er. 1reathB 0ee% the roots e?ten'in& 'ee$er 7 Fee% the ener&. 'ee$ within the Earth an' within the waters o0 the Earth. Fee% .o r roots a1sor1in& no rish#ent 0ro# the Earth an' 0ro# its waters. 7 Fee% the #oistB war# ener&. risin&. 7 Fee% it 1 rstin& $ 0ro# the Earth an' risin& $ .o r s$ineB %i-e sa$ rises in a tree. 7 Fee% the ener&. rise to .o r crown cha-ra Cat the to$ o0 .o r hea'D. 7 Now i#a&ine that .o ha+e 1ranchesB 1ranches that swee$ $ an' then 1en' 'own towar's the EarthB %i-e the %i#1s o0 a wi%%ow. 7 Fee% the 1ranches e?ten'in& an' interwea+in& with .o r s rro n'in&s. 7 Fee% the war#B #oist ener&. o0 the Earth 0%owin& thro &h .o r 1ranches. As it 0%owsB 0ee% .o rse%0 1ein& $ ri0ie'B centere'B an' connecte' to the Earth. 7 Fee% the $ower 0ro# the Earth 0%owin& thro &h .o r 1ranches an' then 'own 1ac- to the EarthB %i-e a 0o ntain.

o /hen .o ha+e 0o n' an areas that see#s to 1e res$onsi+e an' rece$ti+eB 1e&in wa%-in& to the areaB whi%e 1ea#in& %o+e ener&.. E?ten' .o r a ra to the area an' sense the ener&.. ENTERIN! A PO/ER SPOT: Be0ore enterin& a $ower s$otB as- $er#ission to enter. I0 the res$onse is &oo'B enterI i0 notB %ocate another #ore rece$ti+e area. /hen enterin& the $ower s$otB %oo- aro n'. Perha$s the res$onsi+e ener&. wi%% 1e concentrate' aro n' so#e sin& %arit. Ca 1 shB a treeB a s$eci0ic 1ranchB a #oss co+ere' roc-B or other entit. that stan's o tD. Perha$s the ener&. wi%% 1e #ore &enera%. =se .o r int ition

7 Note how .o r 1ranches a1sor1 ener&. 0ro# the air. A%soB 0ee% the# recei+in& %i&ht C0ireD 0ro# the s-.. 7 Fee% the ener&. 0ro# a1o+e $enetratin& 'ee$ thro &h .o r 1o'. into the Earth. 7 Fee% the war#th o0 the Earth risin& a%so. 7 Fee% the ener&. circ %atin&.

7 Ao #a. a%so as- what the 1est $%aces 0or other as$ects o0 the $%anne' wor- are C$icnic-in&B in'i+i' a% +ision q estsB etc.D. 7 I0 $re$aration o0 the site is nee'e' Cre#o+in& 1riarsB $re$arin& a 0ire circ%eB etc.D as- $er#ission o0 the s$irits 1e0ore $rocee'in& with s ch action. 7 Be0ore .o %ea+e the $ower s$otB te%% the s$irits .o ha+e contacte' when .o $%an to ret rn to 'o the rit a% C+is a%iGin& the associate' % nar an' so%ar as$ects can he%$ with this co## nicationD. 7 In+ite the# to 5oin in the rit a% when .o ret rn an' to 1rin& their 0rien's. 7 As- i0 it wo %' 1e 1est to ret rn si%ent%.B with 'r #sB with chantin&B or with so#e other 0or# o0 a$$roach. 7 Ao can a%so as- the s$irits to $ro+i'e & i'ance 0or wor-in& in 1a%ance an' to $ro+i'e a teacher to $ro+i'e 0 rther & i'ance.

o Notice how .o r 1ranches intertwine with the 1ranches o0 ener&. s rro n'in& .o . 7 Fee% the ener&. 'ancin& a#on& .o r 1ranches an' the 1ranches aro n' .o . 7 Notice how .o r roots a%so intertwine with n'er&ro n' ener&. channe%s. 7 Fee% the ener&. 'ancin& 1etween .o r roots an' the s rro n'in& ener&. $atterns. 7 Notice how .o an' the %i0e aro n' .o are roote' in the sa#e EarthB 1reathin& the sa#e airB recei+in& the sa#e 0ireB 'rin-in& the sa#e waterB sharin& the sa#e n'er%.in& essence. Ao are one with the #a&ica% &ro+e.

o Te%e$athica%%. #ention the ti#e in the $ast when nat re s$irits an' $eo$%e co## nicate' re& %ar%. an' the nee' to esta1%ish s ch co## nication now. o Test .o r connection 1. as-in& q estions an' o1ser+in& the res$onses. /OREIN! /IT: NAT=RE SPIRITS: o E?$%ain to the s$irits the $ r$ose o0 .o r co#in& to the# an' the nat re o0 the rit a% .o $%an. o I0 the s$irits .o contacte' are rece$ti+e: 7 E?$%ain to the# the 'etai%s o0 the rit a% an' in+ite the# to $ro+i'e i'eas. 7 ListenB .o #a. recei+e s &&estions on how to i#$ro+e the rit a%. S ch s &&estions #a. co#e in the 0or# o0 h nchesB +isionsB answers to .es>no q estions sin& $re7arran&e' si&na%sB or in other wa.s. 7 E?$%ain what t.$e o0 s$ace is nee'e' an' as- what the 1est $%ace to $er0or# the rit a% is. 7 Ao #a. see %i&ht or &et other $s.chic si&na%s %ea'in& .o to other sitesB or .o #a. 1e at one o0 the#.

o Be0ore .o %ea+e the $ower s$ot: 7 Than- the s$iritsB 7 Channe% %o+e ener&.B 7 Tri&&er .o r #e#or. o0 the e?$erienceB an' 7 I0 it 0ee%s ri&htB %ea+e an o00erin& o0 to1accoB or 1eer an' hone. $o re' on the &ro n' Cor other s ita1%e #ateria%D.

o Lea+e in $eace an' %o+e. o Procee' to other sites that were in'icate' 1. the s$iritsB 'oin& si#i%ar #e'itations at each site. o I0 .o nee' so#ethin&B %i-e a sta00B a Ma.$o%eB or a wan'B .o can a%so as- where .o can 0in' it an' 0o%%ow the & i'ance .o recei+e Cnot s%a+ish%.B 1 t as .o wo %' & i'ance 0ro# another Pa&anD. o Be0ore %ea+in& the &enera% area in which .o 0o n' $ower s$ots an' contacte' nat re s$irits: 7 Channe% %o+e ener&. towar's the rece$ti+e sites .o 0o n'B 7 Than- the s$irits o0 the %an'B 7 P %% 1ac- .o r roots an' 1ranchesB 7 !ro n' an. e?cess ener&. into the Earth C$%acin& .o r han's on the EarthB 1reathe in an. e?cess ener&.B an' channe% the ener&. 'own .o r

ar#sB whi%e +is a%iGin& an' 0ee%in& the ener&. &oin& into the EarthDB an' 7 Lea+e in $eace an' %o+e.

o Nat ra%%.B .o sho %' %ea+e the area at %east as c%eanB an' $re0era1%. c%eanerB than .o 0o n' it. o I0 .o wor- with techniq es o0 /icca or Cere#onia% Ma&icB .o #a. 0in' that 1. castin& a circ%eB ca%%in& the E%e#entsB the !o''essB the !o'sB an' the %oca% nat re s$irits whi%e .o are at rece$ti+e sitesB .o #a. 1e a1%e to &reat%. increase co## nication. o Thro &h the se o0 'r #s an' other $ower raisin& techniq esB it is e+en $ossi1%e to ener&iGe rece$ti+e nat re s$irits. The res %ts can 1e +er. interestin&. I0 with a co+enB s ch circ%es can 1e 'one as $art o0 a &ro $ att ne#ent to a $ower s$ot .o ha+e %ocate'. o I0 .o 'o not &et &oo' 0ee%in&s in res$onse to .o r e?$%anation o0 the rit a% an' are na1%e to co#e $ with a rit a% that &i+es &oo' res$onsesB 'o not tr. to 0orce a &oo' res$onse. Ao wo %' on%. 1e 0oo%in& .o rse%0. 7 Than- the s$irits 0or their attention. 7 As- the# wh. the. are not rece$ti+e Ci0 it 0ee%s ri&ht an' the. are co## nicati+eD. 7 Tri&&er .o r #e#or.. 7 P %% 1ac- .o r Lroots an' 1ranchesBL ret rn an. e?cess ener&. .o 0ee% into the Earth. 7 I0 it 0ee%s a$$ro$riateB %ea+e an o00erin& o0 to1acco or other a$$ro$riate #ateria%B o t o0 res$ect 0or the s$irits. 7 Mo+e to a #ore rece$ti+e site.

Then a$$roach the #ain rit a% site sin& the $re+io s%. arran&e' techniq e. Ao sho %' ha+e the 'etai%s wor-e' o t with the s$irits o0 the %an'. An e?ce$tiona%%. $ower0 % techniq e in+o%+es 'oin& a $rocession thro &h or $ast rece$ti+e $ower s$otsB in+itin& nat re s$irits to 5oin as .o $ass each $ower s$otB an' then #o+in& to the centra% $ower s$ot 0or the #ain rit a%. I0 $artici$ants are at in'i+i' a% $ower s$otsB the. can 5oin the $rocession as it $asses near1.. /hen consecratin& s$ace in the wi%'B or castin& a circ%eB 'o not set $ the $eri#eter as a 1arrier to a%% o tsi'e 0orcesI it sho %' 1e a 1eacon to attract 0rien'%. nat re s$iritsB a container 0or ho%'in& #a&ica% $owerB an' a 1arrier to s$irits who it isn,t ri&ht to 1e with. One thin& that is 0 n an' worthwhi%e in nat re is to 1rin& instr #entsB s ch as a ratt%eB a 0% te an'>or a 'r #B to t ne in to nat re,s so n'sB an' to #a-e # sic in ti#e to nat re,s so n's. Ao #a. 1e a1%e to &et so#e +er. interestin& 1ac- an' 0orth e?chan&es o0 # sic &oin& with se%ecte' creat res o0 the wi%'B an' &et into an a#aGin& 5a# session. A0ter the wor- is co#$%eteB 1e s re to than- the s$irits 0or their $artici$ation. Li1ations an' other o00erin&s #a. a%so 1e %e0t 0or the s$irits ' rin& an'>or a0ter the rit a%.

PRESER<ATION OF T:E RAIN FORESTS SPELL Cast a circ%e In+o-e e%e#ents 1. ca%%in& $on the# in $rotecti+e as$ects C0or e?a#$%eB .o #i&ht in+o-e /atch0ires or Beacons in the So thD. Chant the na#es o0 the Earth !o''essB 1e&innin& with .o r $ersona% 0a+oritesB then na#in& as #an. as .o can thin- o0. Ta-e a $iece o0 &reen strin&. Be&in to tie -nots in itB whi%e chantin&: LT.in& the Cor'B Renewin& the EarthI /e are :er Chi%'renB 1rin&in& Re1irth.L CThe -nots #a. 1e si#$%e or e%a1orateB 1 t %ea+e eno &h strin& to tie to&ether at the en'.D As .o chantB see the wor%' as a networ- o0 connecte' s.ste#s. Breathe the air that co#es 0ro# the 5 n&%es o0 So th A#erica. Fee% the %i+in& 0ire o0 an oce%ot,s $ower. Taste the rain on the %ea+es at the to$s o0 the trees. Fee% the 'e%icate str ct re o0 the soi% at the 0orest 0%oor.D Tie the cor' to&ether in a %oo$I ho%' it $B str n& aro n' .o r two han'sB an' 1e&in chantin&: L/e are the F%ow an' we are the E11I /e are the /ea+ersB we are the /e1.L

o I0 it is har' to 0in' a site that is rea%%. rece$ti+eB .o sho %': 7 Consi'er an. i#$ressions .o &ot o0 wh. the nat re s$irits weren,t rece$ti+e in the area .o were inB an' re7thin- .o r $%ans 0or a rit a%B as necessar. an' a$$ro$riate. 7 It #a. a%so 1e a$$ro$riate to %oo- 0or another &enera% area in which to 0in' a s ita1%e $ower site that is rece$ti+e to the wor- $%anne'. /:AT TO (O /:EN RET=RNIN!: It can 1e +er. $ower0 % to $ ri0. an' center .o rse%0 an' to att ne to the s$irits o0 the %an' sin& the techniq es $re+io s%. 'escri1e' 0or ca%%in& nat re s$irits i##e'iate%. $on ret rnin& to the site. O0tenB in'i+i' a%s #a. ha+e 0o n' s#a%% s$eci0ic $ower s$ots to which the. ha+e a s$ecia% att ne#entB where the s$irits are intereste' in $artici$atin&I 1 t where the site is too s#a%%B has too # ch +e&etationB or is otherwise ns ita1%e 0or the #ain rit a%. In'i+i' a% att ne#ent to the s$irits in s ch areas an' in+itin& the# to $artici$ate in the #ain rit a% can 1e worthwhi%e.

As .o chantB see .o rse%0 stan'in& & ar' o+er the 1or'ers o0 the rain0orest. See .o rse%0 with othersB $rotectin& rain0orest as .o wo %' $rotect .o rse%0B 1eca se that,s what .o ,re 'oin&. B r. the cor' in a container o0 earth. Earth the $owerI than- the (eities an' e%e#entsI o$en the circ%e. Later 1 r. the cor' in the 0orest i0 $ossi1%e. CI0 circ #stances #a-e the a1o+e i#$ossi1%eD: Sit q iet%. an' see: the networ- o0 ecos.ste#s that #a-e $ the wor%'I the rain0orests thri+in&I $%ants an' ani#a%s 1ree'in&I the EarthB &reen an' 0i%%e' with %i0eI .o rse%0B stan'in& & ar'. BreatheB an' -now that the air co#es 0ro# the sea an' the 5 n&%es o0 BraGi%. (rin- an' -now that the water has 1een aro n' the wor%'B an' circ %ates thro &h .o as it 'oes thro &h the airB %an'B an' sea. Stan' $ an' stretchI the stren&th o0 .o r 1o'. is the Earth,s stren&th.

9. Ret rn each wee- nti% the sa$ co+erin& the wo n' has 'rie'B or .o can co%%ect it whi%e wetB an' %et it 'r.. Ao r choice. ". Once .o ha+e co%%ecte' eno &h 'r. sa$ .o ha+e 6 choices: 3: &rin' the sa$ into a $ow'er on the s$ot Csee ste$ 2 0or 'etai%sD or ho#o&eniGe C#a-e a%% o0 the sa$ one consistenc.B co%orB etc.D i0 .o 5 st &rin' it &o to ste$ 2. I0 .o 'eci'e to ho#o&eniGeB contin e. Ao # st ho#o&eniGe to #a-e 1ar resin. ). P%ace a%% 'r. sa$ in a &%ass 1ott%e Cwith a%% %a1e%in& re#o+e'D. P%ace the 1ott%e 'irect%. on the sto+e an' set it to a %ow heat. :eat nti% a%% sa$ has #i?e' an' is ni0or# in co%or an' has no #a5or ch n-s Cs#a%% ones are s a%%. o-D. The sa$ sho %' ha+e 1een 1oi%in& 0or a whi%e now. I0 #a-in& 1ar sa$B $o r into a #o%'>onto wa? $a$er an' %et 'r.B .o are 'one. For $ow'ere' resinB contin e. *. Po r resin onto a $%astic 1a& or wa? $a$er an' a%%ow to 'r.. To ens re the resin is 'r.B co+er with COL( ice water 0or a whi%e an' 'r. COMPLETLEA. 2. To &rin' .o wi%% nee' a #ortar an' $est%e. Ens re resin is COMPLETLEA (RA. C%ean .o #ortar an' $est%e i##e'iate%. $rior to &rin'in&. Ens re it is 1one 'r.. S#ash the sa$ %o1es>1ars>$%ates in to s#a%%er $ieces then &rin' as s a%. A %itt%e wi%% stic- to the si'esB 5 st scra$e it o00 with a s$oon. C1e s re to c%ean .o r #ortar an' $est%e a0terwar'sD Ao are 'one.

RESIN SAPPIN! E+er r n into a sit ation where .o nee' the resin 0ro# a certain tree an' cant 0in' itJ I ha+e. I a%so &o thro &h a %ot 1eca se I se it as a 1in'er in #. incenses an' I %i-e to se the a$$ro$riate resin so as not to 'isa%i&n #. ener&ies. This is how I 'o it: P(on,t 0or&et to as- the tree .o sa$ $er#ission to 'o soKQ 3. Ens re the tree .o se%ect wi%% sa$ we%%. Loo- at where 1ranches ha+e 0a%%enI are the wo n's co+ere' with 'r. sa$J Is there sa$ at see#in&%. ran'o# $oints on the treeJ Ao ha+e a sa$$in& tree. I0 .o are ns reB $o-e a s#a%% ho%e in the tree an' co#e 1ac- in a wee-B i0 there is sa$ thereB .o ha+e a winnerB i0 notB 0in' a 'i00erent t.$e o0 tree. Ao #a. en' $ ha+in& to 1ite the 1 %%et an' 1 .in& so#e. 6. Once .o ha+e a sa$$in& tree wait nti% the con'itions are ri&ht. Per0ect con'itions are %ate Fe1r ar. to ear%. #arch. The te#$it re sho %' ha+e 1een aro n' the 44,s 0or se+era% 'a.s $rior. Most o0 s #a. not %i+e in a $%ace where this wi%% ha$$enB or nee' it at another ti#e o0 the .ear. I reco##en' waitin& 0or the co%'est co $%e o0 'a.sB an' 1e&in the sa$$in& ear%. in the #ornin&B at 0irst %i&ht or ear%ier. 8. Loo- 0or 'r. sa$ on the tree that .o can co%%ect. I0 there is noneB or not eno &hB 0o%%ow ste$s 479B i0 there is eno &h Lnat ra% sa$L 'o not 0o%%ow ste$s 4R9. 4. L/o n'L the tree B 1e s re to than- the treeB ens re the c t &oes to the 1e&innin& o0 the heartwoo' so .o -now .o ha+e $enetrate' the sa$woo'. #a-e S=RE that the wo n' is no %ar&er than 3L

FO=R PORTALS RIT=AL A rit a% honorin& the 0o r Porta%s. I se this as a wee-%. &est re to honor the 0o r e%e#enta% Ein&sB E%e#entsB Porta%sB or (irections an' can 1e a'a$te' to s it. It is a rit a% o0 ac-now%e'&#ent o0 the e%e#enta%s he%$ we recei+e each 'a. in or'er to %i+eB the he%$ the. &i+e s in or'er to wor- o r s$e%%s an' the har' wor- the. 'o to -ee$ a%% %i+in& 1ein&s an' the $%anet a%i+e. It is a s.#1o%ic &i+in& o0 a %itt%e so#ethin& an' to as- nothin& in ret rn 7 a -in' o0 than-s7&i+in& as it were. Pre0era1%. at 'awn or ' s- when the +ei% 1etween the wor%'s is at its thinnestB $%ace 0o r can'%esB stones etc that re$resent the e%e#entsB $%ace a white can'%e in the center an' cast .o r circ%e Ccirc%e castin& is o$tiona%D. :a+e $re$are' on .o r a%tar &rains Crice or wheatD to re$resent EarthB s#a%% 1%osso#s C I se scente' white Jas#inD 0or AirB wine 0or /ater an' incense Cstic-D 0or Fire.

Ao #a. 1e&in with Air or FireB .o r choice. For Fire: I start with Fire 7 ta-e $ the incense stic- or cone Cin a rece$tac%eD an' sa.: LFro# the 'e$ths o0 #. 1ein& an' the center o0 this #icrocos# Cto ch incense stic- on centra% stone or centra% white can'%eD I ta-e this o00erin& to the %i#its o0 the #acrocos# to the Porta% o0 Fire Cwa%- in the 'irection o0 Fire an' ha%t 0acin& o twar' towar' the 'irection o0 FireD O ! ar'ian o0 the Porta% o0 FireB I co#e to .o with this h #1%e o00erin& as a to-en o0 o r a%%iance. Since I ha+e 0ire within #. 1o'.B in or'er to %i+e I a# .o r -in as .o are #ineB O so+erei&n JinnB O #i&ht. Fire (ra&onB e%e#enta%s o0 FireI Sa%a#an'ers an' Fire (ra-esB $%ease acce$t this s#a%% &i0t with #. 1%essin&s 7 #a. there 1e hea%in& an' 1%essin&s within .o r rea%# C$%ace incense 'ownDB I honor thee O Fire.L CRetreat to center o0 circ%eD. For Earth: Ta-e $ rece$tac%e o0 &rains an' sa.: LFro# the 'e$ths o0 #. 1ein& an' the center o0 this #icrocos# Cto ch 'ish on centra% stone or centra% white can'%eD I ta-e this o00erin& to the %i#its o0 the #acrocos# to the Porta% o0 Earth Cwa%- in the 'irection o0 Earth an' ha%t 0acin& o twar' towar' the 'irection o0 EarthD O ! ar'ian o0 the Porta% o0 EarthB I co#e to .o with this h #1%e o00erin& as a to-en o0 o r a%%iance. Since I ha+e 0%esh an' 1ones within #. 1o'. an' eat o0 Mother earthVs &rains in or'er to %i+e I a# .o r -in as .o are #ineB O so+erei&n !ho1B O #i&ht. Earth (ra&onB e%e#enta%s o0 EarthI !no#es an' (war0sB $%ease acce$t this s#a%% &i0t with #. 1%essin&s 7 #a. there 1e hea%in& an' 1%essin&s within .o r rea%# C$%ace &rains 'ownDB I honor thee O Earth.L CRetreat to center o0 circ%eD. For /ater: Ta-e $ &o1%et o0 wine an' sa.: LFro# the 'e$ths o0 #. 1ein& an' the center o0 this #icrocos# Cto ch &o1%et on centra% stone or centra% white can'%eD I ta-e this o00erin& to the %i#its o0 the #acrocos# to the Porta% o0 water Cwa%- in the 'irection o0 /ater an' ha%t 0acin& o twar' towar' the 'irection o0

/aterD O ! ar'ian o0 the Porta% o0 /aterB I co#e to .o with this h #1%e o00erin& as a to-en o0 o r a%%iance. Since I ha+e 0% i's in #. 1o'. an' e#otions in #. heart an' an' cannot %i+e witho t water I a# .o r -in as .o are #ineB O so+eri&n Ni?aB O #i&ht. /ater (ra&onB e%e#enta%s o0 /aterI =n'inesB Mer#ai'sB Tritons an' /ater S$ritesB $%ease acce$t this s#a%% &i0t with #. 1%essin&s 7 #a. there 1e hea%in& an' 1%essin&s within .o r rea%# C$o r wine %i1ationDB I honor thee O /ater.L CRetreat to center o0 circ%eD. For Air: Ta-e $ rece$tac%e o0 0%owers an' sa.: LFro# the 'e$ths o0 #. 1ein& an' the center o0 this #icrocos# Cto ch 'ish on centra% stone or centra% white can'%eD I ta-e this o00erin& to the %i#its o0 the #acrocos# to the Porta% o0 Air Cwa%- in the 'irection o0 Air an' ha%t 0acin& o twar' towar' the 'irection o0 AirD O ! ar'ian o0 the Porta% o0 AirB I co#e to .o with this h #1%e o00erin& as a to-en o0 o r a%%iance. Since I ha+e 1reath in #. 1reast an' tho &hts in #. #in'B witho t air I cannot %i+eB I a# .o r -in as .o are #ineB O so+erei&n Para%'aB O #i&ht. Air (ra&onB e%e#enta%s o0 AirI S.%$hs an' E%+esB $%ease acce$t this s#a%% &i0t with #. 1%essin&s 7 #a. there 1e hea%in& an' 1%essin&s within .o r rea%# C$%ace 0%owers 'ownDB I honor thee O Fire.L CRetreat to center o0 circ%eD. Sit 'own in q iet #e'itation in the center o0 .o r circ%e. Me'itate on each e%e#entB e%e#enta% 1ein& or ani#a% o0 that e%e#ent. O$en circ%e at en' o0 rit a%. ELEMENTAL CA=L(RONS =sin& a ca %'ronB s.#1o% o0 ins$iration an' re1irthB has 1ro &ht new 'i#ensions to 1oth &ro $ an' so%itar. wor-. A ca %'ron 'ecorates the center o0 the Circ%e ' rin& Lesser Sa11ats. An air ca %'ron at a s$rin& rite creates a #ist.B #a&ica% q a%it. 0or the cere#on.. In s ##erB the ca %'ron wi%% 0%ash an' s$ar-. A 1% e 0%a#e 1 rns #.sterio s%. within the /ater ca %'ron ' rin& the a t #n 0esti+a%. Thro &ho t A %eB the Earth ca %'ron 1 rns stea'0ast an' constant. ( rin& #oon ritesB when #a&ic- is 'oneB we write the $ r$ose o0 o r wor-in& on 0%ash $a$ers an' toss the# into the 1 rnin& ca %'ron whi%e chantin&. A wor-in& ca %'ron sho %' 1e o0 cast ironB with a ti&ht7 0ittin& %i'B three st r'. %e&sB an' a stron& han'%e. Season

.o r ca %'ron 1e0ore sin& it 0or the 0irst ti#e. Po r in &enero s he%$in& o0 sa%t an' %i&hter 0% i'B s%osh it $ to the ri# an' wi$e 'r.. For in'oor se it M=ST ha+e a 0ire$roo0 1ase or .o r wor-in&s wi%% s ##on $ .e%%ow7 coate' sa%a#an'er s$irits 0ro# the 0ire 'e$art#ent. EART: Ca %'ron La.er sa%tB wa? sha+in&sB three $owere' or &ro n' her1sB 0i&hter 0% i' an' i+. %ea+es in the ca %'ron whi%e 0oc s an' chantin&. =se a can'%e to %i&ht it. /hen the s#o-e starts to ro%%B e?tin& ish the ca %'ron 1. $ ttin& the %i' on. AIR Ca %'ron =sin& ton&sB $ t a ch n- o0 'r. ice is a s#a%% &%ass or cera#ic 1ow% an' $%ace the 1ow% on a c%oth in the 1otto# o0 the ca %'ron. A%%ow the ca %'ron to s#o-e as %on& as the ice %asts. The #ists create e?ce%%ent i#a&es 0or scr.in&. FIRE Ca %'ron Co+er theinsi'e 1otto# with 'irtor san' to 'issi$ateheat. Li&ht incense charcoa% an' a'' either sa%t $etter 0or 0%a#e an' s$ar- or 0%ash $ow'er 0or a 'i00erent 1 t s$ectac %ar e00ect. To assist in re%easin& or 0irin& o00 $ea- ener&.B tr. sin& 0%ash L1o#1sL. Ma-e a s#a%% $oc-et in a $iece o0 0%ash $a$erB 0i%% with 0%ash $ow'er an' tie with threa'. The L1o#1L sho %' 1e a1o t the siGe o0 .o r s#a%%est 0in&ernai%. The res %ts are s$ectac %ar%. 1ri&htB so se the $ow'er s$arin&%.. (on,t %oo- 'irect%. at the 0%ash as .o 'ro$ the L1o#1L in the ca %'ron. /ATER Ca %'ron At %east se+en 'a.s 1e0ore the rit a%B $%ace eq a% q antities o0 three a$$ro$riate her1s in a $int &%ass 5ar. Fi%% the rest o0 the 5ar with E+erc%ear C644 $roo0 a%coho%DB ca$ ti&ht%.B an' sha-e &ent%. whi%e concentratin& on the $ r$ose o0 the rit a%. A'' a chant i0 its 0ee%s ri&ht. Let the 5ar rest in a 'ar-B war# s$ot an' sha-e twice 'ai%.B char&in& with $ r$ose. Be0ore the rit a%B $%ace a 0ire$roo0 cera#ic or &%ass 1ow% in the ca %'ron. Po r in the her1 #i?t reB 1ein& care0 % none s$i%%s into the ca %'ron. Li&ht with a can'%e to $ro' ce a 1ea ti0 % 1% e 0%a#e. The ca %'ronB as the 0i0th e%e#enta% s$iritB s.#1o%iGes ins$irationB re1irthB i%% #ination an' re5 +enation. =se a Fire ca %'ron with sa%t $etter to cast a Circ%e. =se the #ists o0 an Air ca %'ron 0or an initiation. B rn awa. hateB $re5 'ice an' ne&ati+e se%07i#a&esB with a /ater ca %'ron. The Earth ca %'ron is i'ea% 0or in'oor Be%tane rites. Re#e#1er to $%ace a 1 rnin& ca %'ron on a 0ire$roo0 s r0ace. Practice sa0et. when sin& an. +o%ati%e #ateria%s an' .o wi%% en5o. .o r ca %'ron 0or #an. rites.

The $ r$ose o0 a rit a% 1ath is to c%eanse Ao rse%0B 0ro# the insi'e an' o tB o0 ne&ati+e ener&ies an' $re$are .o r Ph.sica%B Menta% an' S$irit a% Se%0 0or Circ%e. A rit a% 1ath is a rite in an' o0 itse%0. The rite is i'ea%%. 'one 5 st $rior to Circ%eB 1 t this is not a%wa.s the case. MAn e?a#$%e o0 s ch is i0 .o ha+e to tra+e% to the #eetin& $%ace.N A0ter the rite is co#$%ete' an' .o # st tra+e% to another $%ace 0or Circ%eB tr. to -ee$ .o r #in' in a S$irit a% 0ra#e as this wi%% ai' .o in Circ%e. The 1ath water sho %' 1e in0 se' with sa%tsB her1s oi%s an' co%ors that are har#onio s with the wor- to 1e 'one in Circ%e. To $re$are 0or the 1ath: Se%ect the :er1sB Mit is 1est to ha+e .o r her1s in a satche% 0or easier c%ean7 $N oi%s an' sa%ts Mo0 the sa#e co%or as the can'%eN that .o wi%% 1e sin&. :a+e a censer an' charcoa% 1%ocrea'. to 1 rn a corres$on'in& incense on. Anoint a can'%e o0 a$$ro$riate co%or MPossi1%. sin& the sa#e oi% as .o are sin& in the 1ath water.N I0 .o ha+e a shrine set $ in .o r 1athroo#B there sho %' 1e a !o''ess an' !o' can'%e $resent. :a+e so#e Rite /ater rea'.. MRite /ater is #a'e 0ro#: 3>8 sea7water Pri+er7water with sea7sa%t a''e' wi%% 'o i0 sea7water is na+ai%a1%eQI 3>8 ri+er7waterI 3>8 s$rin&7water Pstore 1o &ht is OEQ.N :a+e a ta$e recor'er with #e'itation # sic in the 1athroo# with .o B as its ai' to +is a%iGation an' #e'itation is in+a% a1%e. MBe ca tio s to ha+e the ta$e recor'er 0ar awa. 0ro# an. water an' (O NOT TO=C: IT /:ILE AO= ARE STILL /ET.N A &%ass o0 wine is a%so nee'e' 0or cons #$tion $on co#$%etion o0 the rite. An' .o r %i1ation 'ish 0or the %i1ation to the !o' an' !o''ess.

@I<. :OME AN( BO(A


TO BE!INB t rn o t the %i&hts an' %i&ht the can'%eCsD an' incenseB t rn on ta$eB 0i%% the t 1 with war# water an' a'' her1sB oi%sB sa%ts an' a c $ or so o0 Rite /ater. /ith .o r Atha#e 'raw an' +is %iGe a /ater or Banishin& Penta&ra# o+er the 1ath water. A%% o0 these too%s re$resent the 0o r E%e#entsI Air>the incense an' the scents 0ro# the 1athB Fire>the heat o0 the 1athB /ater>the 1ath an' Rite /ater an'B Earth>the her1s an' oi%s.

Lower .o rse%0 into the water an' +is a%iGe it c%eansin& .o o0 a%% ne&ati+it.. Enow that these ener&ies are 0%owin& 0ro# .o r Ph.sica%B Menta% an' S$irit a% Se%0 into the water. Re%a? an' en5o. the war#th o0 the waterB the scents in the air an' the 0ee%in& o0 1ein& c%eanse' o0 a%% ne&ati+it.B %et .o rse%0 'ri0t. Now concentrate an' +is a%iGe on the $ r$ose o0 the co#in& rit a% an' -now that .o are tr %. $re$are'. /hen .o 0ee% .o are rea'.B $ %% the $% & an' sta. in the t 1 nti% a%% the water has 'raine'. As the water is 'rainin& +is a%iGe an' -now that the ne&ati+e ener&ies that are now in the water are &oin& into the Earth an' are &ro n'e'. Rise $ o t o0 the t 1 an' 'o a Se%0 B%essin& %i-e the 0o%%owin&: Anoint each area whi%e sa.in& a%o ': B%esse' 1e #. Min'B that %earns o0 Ao r wa.s Manointin& .o r 0orehea'N B%esse' 1e #. e.esB that ha+e seen this 'a.. B%esse' 1e #. %i$sB That tter Ao r na#es an' -ee$ Ao r secrets. B%esse' 1e #. 1reastCsDB 0or#e' in stren&th CBea t.D. B%esse' 1e the $ha%% s C/o#1DB For witho t which I wo %' not 1e. B%esse' 1e #. -neesB that sha%% -nee% at th. Sacre' A%tar. B%esse' 1e #. 0eetB that ha+e 1ro &ht #e in these wa.s. Po r a %i1ation to the !o's an' 'rin- the wine. /hen 'rie'B ro1eB c%ean7 $ the 1athroo# an' ta-e the %i1ation o tsi'e to ret rn it to the Earth. The rite is en'e'. SO MOTE IT BEK

A0ter each in+ocationB sha$e the ener&. into co% #ns o0 %i&ht 1. swee$in& ones ar#s to&ether nti% the. are $ara%%e% an' swee$in& the# $ an' 'own whi%e channe%in& an' sha$in& the ener&.B /hen the ener&. is $ro$er%. sha$e'B sa.: So #ote it 1eK

A0ter .o ha+e 'one a%% 0o r q artersB channe% in s$irit ener&..

To ret rn the ener&. to a #ore #e%%ow state whi%e ener&iGin& .o rse%0B $ t .o r han's o t an' ta-e in a 1it o0 the ener&. into .o rse%0 0ro# each 'irectionB &oin& wi''ershinsB ho%' han's to .o r heart an' ta-e in the ener&. Ctechniq es a%so e?ist 0or 1rin&in& it into a stone an' retrie+in& it when nee'e'D. :OME BLESSIN! /hen I c%eanse a 'we%%in& $%aceB 0irst I 1 rn a &oo' c%eansin& incenseB %i-e 0ran-incense or san'a%woo' in the ho#e whi%e I $re$are 0or the rest o0 the rit a%. Ao sho %' ha+e in a''ition to the incenseB a can'%eB a 1ow% o0 sa%t water an' a 1ow% o0 her1s. I $artic %ar%. %i-e to se rose 1 's 0or %o+eB %a+en'er 0or $reser+ationB rose#ar. 0or $rotectionB an' an. other sweet s#e%%in& ones that a$$ea% to .o $ersona%%.. I0 .o can &et the# ho#e &rownB so # ch the 1etter. Ao sho %' $rocee' aro n' the ho seB wi''ershinsCco nter c%oc-wiseD an' c%eanse the area with the sa%t water. Be s re to &et each cornerB win'owB 'oorB 'rainB etc. Si#$%. s$rin-%e a %itt%e sa%t water on each an' as- that an. e+i% or 'isr $ti+e in0% ences %ea+e the $%ace. /hen this is 0inishe'B $rocee' aro n' the ho se 'eosi%Cc%oc-wiseD s$rin-%in& the 1%essin& her1s an' in+o-e whate+er 'eities or $ro$erties .o wish on the ho#eB s ch as $eace $ros$erit.B tranq i%it.B etc. In the $astB I ha+e se' 8 can'%es on the centra% a%tar. B% eB s.#1o%iGin& tranq i%it.B &reen 0or hea%in& an' $ros$erit.B an' $ r$%e 0or $rotection. Others #i&ht 1e $in- 0or %o+eB or 1rown 0or hearth an' ho#e. Ao an' an.one who is to share the ho#e with .o sho %' share 0oo' an' 'rin-B an' 'on,t 0or&et to %ea+e a %itt%e o0 the 0oo' an' 'rin- to ta-e o tsi'e an' ret rn to the Earth that which has 1een &i+en.

ROOM BLESSIN! A roo# 1%essin& in+o%+in& e%e#enta% q arter in+ocations: Face each 'irection Cwith ar#s o t in a$$ro$riate e%e#enta% in+o-in& &est reDB an' sa.B whi%e channe%in& an' +is a%iGin& e%e#enta% $ower: Powers o0 Csa. 'irectionDB Powers o0 Csa. corres$on'in& e%e#entDB /e &reat .o B we honor .o B we we%co#e .o hereK /atch o+er an' 1%ess an' $rotect this $%ace.

FO=R /EEE FAST /arnin&: The Inner Sanct # is not he%$ res$onsi1%e 0or #is7 se o0 this in0or#ation. /e a'+ise a 'octor,s $er#ission 1e0ore atte#$tin& an. 0astin&. FIRST /EEE

I0 .o nor#a%%. eat #eatB 1e&in to e%i#inate it 0ro# .o r 'iet ' rin& this 0irst wee-. I0 .o 0ee% .o # st eat itB eat a s#a%% a#o nt an' no #ore than 8 ti#es ' rin& the wee-. E%i#inate a%% a%coho%ic 1e+era&esB car1onate' 1e+era&es Ce?ce$t 0or 1ott%e' waters s ch as ArtesiaB etc.DB an' 'iet 'rin-s. S 1stit te 0r it 5 ices or 0r it 'rin-s. Re0rain 0ro# s#o-in& Can.thin&DB or sin& an. other into?icants. C t wa. 1ac- on an. other sti# %antsB s ch as co00ee or tea or cocoa. No #ore than three c $s a 'a. i0 .o are a hea+. co00ee or tea 'rin-er. =se as %itt%e sa%t as $ossi1%e an' no other s$ices. Re0rain 0ro# sweets 7 ca-esB $iesB can'.. (rin- %ar&e a#o nts o0 0% i'sB es$ecia%%. water. SECON( /EEE E%i#inate #eat entire%.. S 1stit te 'air. $ro' cts 7 IN MO(ERATION. Contin e to %i#it inta-e o0 sti# %ants Cco00eeB teaB cocoaDB c ttin& 1ac- to no #ore than two c $s a 'a.. Contin e to a+oi' to1accoB a%coho%B other into?icantsB s$icesB an' so0t 'rin-sB an' se as %itt%e sa%t as $ossi1%e. Contin e to 'rin- %ar&e a#o nts o0 water. Ao r 'iet sho %' consist %ar&e%. o0 +e&eta1%es an' &rainsB with %ar&e a#o nts o0 %iq i's. T:IR( /EEE Li#it inta-e o0 sti# %ants Cco00eeB teaB cocoaD to one c $ a 'a.. Contin e to a+oi' to1accoB a%coho%B other into?icantsB #eatB s$icesB an' so0t 'rin-sB an' se as %itt%e sa%t as $ossi1%e. (o not se #eat in seasonin& +e&eta1%es. Ao r 'iet sho %' consist o0 +e&eta1%es an' 0r its on%.. Raw +e&eta1%es an' 0r its are 1est Cn ts can 1e inc% 'e'D. (rin- %ar&e a#o nts o0 water an' s 1stit te 0r it or +e&eta1%e 5 ices 0or #ea%s as o0ten as $ossi1%e. FO=RT: /EEE C0irst 0o r 'a.sD F% i's on%.. Fr it an' +e&eta1%e 5 ices in 'esire' q antit.B c ttin& 1ac- each 'a.. (rin- %ar&e a#o nts o0 water. I0 .o 0ee% .o # st ha+e co00eeB %i#it it to a c $ a 'a. Ca ha%0 c $ i0 $ossi1%eD. I0 .o 0ee% .o # st ha+e so#ethin& the 0irst 'a. or so o0 this wee-B a s#a%% han'0 % o0 raisins or other 'rie' 0r it #a. 1e ta-en. Ni11%e s%ow%.. As the wee$ro&ressesB contin e to c t 1ac- on ni11%es an' the a#o nt o0 5 ice ta-en. A s$oon0 % o0 hone. a''e' to hot water he%$s satis0. the cra+in& 0or hot 1e+era&es an' &i+es .o an ener&. 1oost.

T:E FAST Cne?t three 'a.sD The 0ast sho %' %ast 0or three 'a.s. It is 1est to 'o this on a wee-en' an' i0 $ossi1%eB a%one an' in the woo's. C!o ca#$in&KD (rin- %ots o0 water an' i0 .o 0ee% the nee' 0or an ener&. sti# %antB a s#a%% a#o nt o0 hone. #a. 1e a''e' to hot water. S$en' as # ch ti#e as $ossi1%e in #e'itation. This $erio' sho %' sooth .o r s$irit as we%% as c%eanse .o r 1o'.. RELA@K Ao wi%% $ro1a1%. want to s%ee$ a %ot. (o so. A%%ow .o rse%0 to 'ri0t with .o r tho &hts. (o not atte#$t to so%+e .o r $ro1%e#s ' rin& this ti#e. The. wi%% so%+e the#se%+es %aterB 0or .o r #in' wi%% 1e c%earer a0ter the 0ast is o+er. Most $eo$%e 0ee% &reat the 0irst 'a.B a %itt%e wea-ness the secon' 'a.B an' &reat a&ain on the thir' 'a.. AFTER T:E FAST Eat %i&ht%. 0or .o r 0irst #ea% a0ter the 0ast. It is 1est to 1e&in 1. ret rnin& to 0r it an' +e&eta1%e 5 ices an' wor-in& .o r s%ow%. into so%i' 0oo's o+er a 0ew 'a.s. T:E MOST IMPORTANT T:IN! TO REMEMBER IS TO (RINE LAR!E AMO=NTS OF /ATER ALL T:E /AA T:RO=!:K This 0% shes o t to?ins the 1o'. is re%easin&.



/hen: F %% Moon Nee': 3? Re' Can'%e 3? P r$%e Can'%e 3? /hite Can'%e 3? Si%- Ro$e Can. %en&th an' thic-nessD Proce' re: Cast .o r circ%e Li&ht the can'%es an' %a. the ro$e on .o r a%tar Chant as .o tie a -not in the ro$e: L/ith this ro$e I 1in' thine $owerB to 1e #ine 0or secon' or ho r. To #a-e #e stron& when I a# wee-. To &i+e #e wis'o# that I see-. To &i+e #e co ra&e as not to 0%ee.

Thine wi%% 1e 'oneB so #ot it 1e.L Eee$ the ro$e with or near .o to recei+e the $ower an' co ra&e .o req este'B 1 t on%. se these &i0ts 0or se%0%ess reasons an' re#e#1er the Three0o%' Law. A SPELL TO BREAE T:E PO/ERS OF A SPELL C(EFENSI<E SPELLD

a 1ow% #a'e o0 china or cr.sta% that is s$ecia% to .o 3 teas$oon 'rie' 5as#ine 3 teas$oon orris7root $ow'er 3 ts$. straw1err. %ea+es 3 teas$oon .arrow 34 $% s 'ro$s a$$%e71%osso# oi% or $each oi% 34 $% s 'ro$s straw1err. oi%

I0 .o 1e%ie+e that a s$e%% has 1een cast a&ainst .o B $%ace a %ar&e 1%ac- can'%e in a ca %'ron Cor a %ar&e 1%ac1ow%D. The can'%e # st 1e ta%% eno &h to e?ten' a 0ew inche' a1o+e the ca %'ron,s ri#. A00i? the can'%e to the 1otto# o0 the ca %'ron with war#e' 1eeswa? or the 'ri$$in&s o0 another 1%ac- can'%e so that it wi%% not ti$ o+er. Fi%% the ca %'ron to the ri# with 0resh waterBwitho t wettin& the can'%e,s wic-. An inch or two o0 the can'%e sho %' re#ain a1o+e the water. (ee$ 1reatheB #e'itateB c%ear .o r #in'B an' %i&ht the can'%e. <is a%iGe the s s$ecte' s$e%%,s $ower as resi'in& within the can'%e,s 0%a#e. Sit in q iet conte#$%ation o0 the can'%e an' +is a%iGe the $ower 0%owin& an' &rowin& with the can'%e,s 0%a#e C.es the $ower a&ainst .o D. As the can'%e 1 rns 'ownB its 0%a#e wi%% e+ent a%%. s$ tter an' &o o t as it contacts the water. As soon as the 0%a#e has 1een e?tin& ishe' 1. the waterB the s$e%% wi%% 1e 'is$erse'. Brea- .o r +is a%iGation o0 the s$e%%,s $owerI see it e?$%o'e into ' stB 1eco#in& i#$otent. Po r the water into a ho%e in the &ro n'B a %a-e or strea#. B r. the can'%e. It is 'one. SPELL TO EASE A BROEEN :EART Ao wi%% nee' the 0o%%owin& in&re'ients C1e s re to char&e the# a%% 1e0ore .o 1e&inD: straw1err. tea Cone 1a&D S#a%% wan' or stic- 0ro# a wi%%ow tree sea sa%t 6 $in- can'%es a #irror one $in- 'rawstrin& 1a& one q artG cr.sta% a co$$er $enn. On a Fri'a. #ornin& or e+enin& Cthe 'a. sacre' to <en sD ta-e a 1ath in sea sa%t in the %i&ht o0 a $in- can'%e. As .o 'r. o00 an' 'ressB si$ the straw1err. tea. =se a 'a1 o0 straw1err. oi% as $er0 #e or co%o&ne. A$$%. #a-e $ or &roo# .o rse%0 to %oo.o r 1est. Cast a circ%e with the wi%%ow wan' aro n' a ta1%e the the other in&re'ients. Li&ht the secon' $in- can'%e. Mi? a%% oi%s an' her1s in the 1ow%. /hi%e .o stir %oo- at .o rse%0 in the #irror an' sa. a%o ': LOhB !reat Mother !o''essB enc%ose #e in .o r %o+in& ar#s an' n rt re an' 1rin& 0orth the !o''ess within #e.L !aGe 'ee$%. into the #irror a0ter .o ha+e 0inishe' #i?in& the in&re'ients an' sa. a%o 'B LI re$resent the !reat !o''essB Mother o0 a%% thin&s. I shine in the %i&ht o0 the !o%'en /in&s o0 Isis. A%% that is &reat an' %o+in& on%. 1e%on&s to #e.L Then $ t ha%0 the #i?t re in the $in- 1a& an' a'' the $enn. an' cr.sta%. Carr. it with .o a%wa.s Mor nti% .o 0in' another %o+eN. Lea+e the other ha%0 o0 the $otion in the 1ow%B o t in a roo# where .o wi%% s#e%% the 0ra&rance. Re$eat this rit a% e+er. Fri'a. i0 necessar.. TO !ET A JOB SPELL S $$%ies nee'e': !reen Can'%e ; artG an' On.? stones Cinna#on La+en'er Oi% A%ter Oi% 4 Pennies.

Pre$eration: Car+e the na#e or t.$e o0 5o1 .o 'esire C0or #e it was the na#e o0 the store I ha' wor-e' at $re+io s%.B this s$e%% was to &et that 5o1 1ac-D consecrate .o r can'%e with a%ter oi% an' cinna#on. P%ace can'%e in can'%e ho%'er an' $%ace in the #i''%e o0 a 'ishB now s$rin-%e the cinna#on on an' aro n' the can'%eB $%ace the ; artG an' On.? stones aro n' 'ish a%soB $ennies are a%so $%ace' aro n' the 'ish. B rn La+en'er Oi%B now sa. this s$e%% whi%e +is a%isin& ha+in& .o r 5o1B an' rea%%. 0ee% that .o wi%% ha+e this 5o1B 'o not 'o 1t this s$e%%. %et the can'%e 1 rn a%% the wa. 'own. At this ti#e an' in this ho rB I ca%% $on the ancient $owersB o0 the Lor' an' La'. I %i&ht this can'%e an' sa. this s$e%% an' as- o0 theeB $%ease 1rin& #. o%' 5o1 1ac- to #eB with har# to none as .o wi%% it so #ote it 1eK :OME PROTECTION MIRROR SPELL Co#$ose an a%tar: $%ace a censer in the center 1e0ore an i#a&e o0 the !o''ess. :a+e a twe%+e7inch Cor soD ro n' #irror there as we%%. Rin& the a%tar with nine white can'%es. B rn a $rotecti+e incense Cs ch as san'a%woo'B 0ran-incenseB co$a% or rose#ar.D in the censer. Be&innin& with the can'%e #ost 'irect%. 1e0ore the !o''ess i#a&eB sa. these or si#i%ar wor's: L nar %i&ht $rotect #eK Re$eat as .o %i&ht each can'%e nti% a%% are &%owin&. NowB ho%'in& the #irrorB in+o-e the !o''ess in her % nar as$ect with these or si#i%ar wor's: !reat !o''ess o0 the L nar Li&ht an' Mistress o0 the SeasI !reat !o''ess o0 the M.stic Ni&ht an' o0 the M.steriesI /ithin this $%ace o0 can'%es 1ri&ht an' with Ao r #irror ni&hI Protect #e with Ao r aweso#e #i&ht whi%e i%% +i1rations 0%.K

Stan'in& 1e0ore the a%tarB ho%' the #irror 0acin& the can'%es so that it re0%ects their 0%a#es. Eee$in& the #irror towar' the can'%esB #o+e s%ow%.B c%oc-wiseB aro n' the a%tarB watchin& the re0%ecte' 0ire%i&ht 1o ncin& o00 .o r s rro n'in&s. !ra' a%%. increase .o r s$ee'B #enta%%. in+o-in& the !o''ess to $rotect .o . Mo+e 0aster an' 0asterI watch the %i&ht shatterin& the airB c%eansin& itB 1 rnin& awa. a%% ne&ati+it. an' a%% %ines a%on& witch the i%% ener&ies ha+e tra+e%e' into .o r ho#e. Char&e .o r ho#e with the $rotecti+e %i&ht o0 the !o''ess. Race aro n' the can'%es nti% .o ,+e 0e%t the at#os$here chan&eB nti% .o 0ee% that .o r ho#e has 1een c%eanse' an' & ar'e' 1. the !reat !o''ess. /hen 0inishe'B stan' once a&ain 1e0ore the i#a&e. Than- the !o''ess in an. wor's .o wish. Pinch o t the can'%es one 1. oneB 1in' the# to&ether with white cor' an' store the# in a sa0e $%ace nti% Can' i0D .o nee' to se the# a&ain 0or this sa#e $ r$ose.


/ith the 0irst an' #i''%e 0in&ers Cor .o r Atha#eB i0 .o ha+e it with .o DB trace a $enta&ra# o+er the o15ect to 1e $rotecte'. <is a%iGe e%ectric71% e or $ r$%e 0%a#e strea#in& 0ro# .o r 0in&ers CAtha#eD to 0or# the $enta&ra#. Sa. this as .o trace:

/ith this $enta&ra# I 'o %a. Protection here 1oth ni&ht an' 'a.. An' to the one who sho %' not to ch Let the 0in&ers 1 rn an' twitch. I now in+o-e the Law o0 Three: This is #. wi%%B so #ote it 1eK

This is #. wi%%B so #ote it 1e.L The other +ariation o0 this s$e%% is the sa#e wor's on%. each ni&ht 1e0ore I s%ee$ I %i&ht a &o%' an' si%+er can'%e !ETTIN! A !OO( PAREIN! SPACE SPELL The In+ocation o0 Sq at 77 to &et a &oo' $ar-in& s$ace I %earne' this s$e%% so#e .ears a&o at the Etheracon con0erence. I 0or&et who ta &ht itB it #i&ht ha+e 1een J '. :arrow 1 t I,# not 344S certain. Sq at is the (e+a o0 Par-in&. She ta-es the 0or# o0 a hea+.set 1%acwo#an in a #eter7#ai',s ni0or#. Par-in& #eters are her a%tars an' the $ar-in& 0ee co nts as the sacri0ice in the s$e%%. I0 no $ar-in& #eter is $resentB a co $%e o0 $ennies sho %' 1e 'ro$$e' in the street or si'ewa%- as the o00erin&. The rit a% &oes as 0o%%ows: I0 .o are ha+in& tro 1%e 0in'in& a &oo' $ar-in& s$aceB #a-e the si&n o0 Sq at: han' s$%a.e' with th #1 an' rin& 0in&er to chin& Csort o0 %i-e the OE si&n 1 t to the rin& 0in&erBD $ict re the (e+aB Sq atB 'escri1e' a1o+e an' chant: LSq atB Sq atB 0in' #e a s$otL =nti% a s$ace $resents itse%0. A0ter .o ha+e $ar-e'B &i+e the o00erin& an' than- the (e+a with the chant: Sq atB Sq atB than-s 0or the s$ot. /e thin- .o ,re rea% hot an' we %o+e .o a %otL (on,t %a &h. I,+e se' this s$e%% #an. ti#es an' it wor-s we%%. It is re$ te'%. in co##on sa&e a#on& New AorCit. $a&ans. A PARTIN! SPELL This is a s$e%% I ca#e $ withB +er. short. It is #eant 0or a $artin&B when so#eone is %ea+in& .o 0or an. %en&th o0 ti#e an' .o wish the# sa0e%. there an' 1ac-. I 'o this when #. 0a#i%. or 0rien's tra+e% %on& 'istances. /hi%e to chin& or thin-in& o0 the $erson s$ea- these wor's. LFro# this ho r nti% .o r ret rnB this can'%e o0 ho$e I wi%% %et 1 rn. M. %or' an' %a'.B watch o+er .o . Eee$ .o sa0eB 0ro# har#s +iew. Fro# now nti% .o ret rn to #e. At one #in te $ast #i'ni&ht on the a$$ointe' 'a.B trace a sa%t circ%e aro n' the o ter#ost circ%e o0 can'%esB %i&ht the &o%' can'%e 0irstB then the &reen can'%esB #o+in& 'eosi%B then the white can'%esB #o+in& 'eosi%. Circ%e the a%tar three ti#esB chantin& an' %et it 1 rn 0or three #in tes as I s$ea- the s$e%%. I s a%%. 'o this i0 those I a# 'oin& this 0or are &oin& to 1e &one 0or a %on& $erio' o0 ti#e. PROSPERITA SPELL The 0o%%owin& is a q arter%. $ros$erit. s$e%% &i+en to #e 1. An&e% an' !racieB #. 0irst two Fa#Tra' teachers. I ha+e no i'ea where the. &ot itB 1 t I can te%% .o that it (OES wor-. IL+e se' it 0or .ears an' it ne+er 0ai%s to 1rin& #e so#e n%oo-e' 0or #one.. I 0in' that I,+e o+er$ai' a 1i%%B or an o%' 'e1t which I ha' written o00 as nco%%ec7 ti1%e &ets re$ai'B I 0in' a U64 on the si'ewa%-B etc. Tr. itB it wor-sK The s$e%% is to 1e&in at one #in te $ast #i'ni&ht S=N TIME CI :ATE 'a.%i&ht sa+in&s ti#e when I 'o this. Means 3AMKD on the ni&ht o0 A$ri% 84 CMa. 3DB J %. 83 CA & 3DB Oct 83 CNo+. 3D an' Jan 83 CFe1 3D In other wor'sB on the 0irst #in te o0 the cross q arter 'a.. Ao wi%% nee' the 0o%%owin&: 3 &o%' can'%e " &reen can'%es 2 white can'%es Pine oi% 0or anointin& can'%es sa%t

A%% can'%es # st 1e 'resse' with $ine oi% an' then arran&e' as 0o%7 %ows: !o%' can'%e in the center !reen can'%es in a circ%e aro n' &o%' can'%e /hite can'%es in a circ%e aro n' &reen can'%es.

LOr1itin& J $iter trine the s nB 1rin& #one. on the r n.L (o the chant 8 ti#es a%so. Sit q iet%. 0or a 0ew #in tes an' +is a%iGe .o r #onetar. NEE(S. Cnee'sB not 'esiresD. Then SN=FF C'o not 1%ow or $inchD the can'%es in re+erse or'er. That,s it. That,s a%% there is to it an' it wor-s 1ea ti0 %%..

W W O Cwhite can'%eD O C$ r$%e can'%e W W C3D C4D W W W O Cwhite can'%eD O CincenseD W C6D C9D W W O CPersona%it. can'%eD C8D

W Photos or $ersona% o15ect W W


Ne?t ti#e .o %ose an e.e%ashB 'on,t 5 st 1r sh it awa.B sa+e it. Ao ,%% a%so nee' a %en&th o0 strin& o0 a nat ra% #ateria%. Si%- is the 1estB 1 t cotton or woo% wi%% a%so wor- 5 st 0ine. CAarn wi%% 'oB 1 t no acr.%ics.D C t the strin& to the %en&th o0 the s$an o0 .o r han'. Per0or# whate+er c%eansin& an' &ro n'in& rit a%s .o thin- are a$$ro$riate 1e0ore s$e%% wor-. P%ace the e.e%ash on the strin& an' tie a ti&ht -not aro n' the %ashB chantin&: LBin' the e.es o0 a%% that see. Secrets here 1 t no har# 1e.L /ra$ the strin& aro n' the 'oor-no1 o0 the roo# .o wish to $rotect an' sec re we%%. As %on& as .o 'on,t 'o an.thin& 1%atant%. an' o1+io s%. $a&anB an.one who #i&ht acci'enta%%. see .o r #a&ic &ear wi%% not rea%iGe its si&ni0icance. SAFE TRA<EL SPELL

W OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Li&ht white can'%es C3R 6D %i&ht $ersona%it. can'%e C8D %i&ht $ r$%e can'%e C4DB %i&ht incense C9D. Re$eat the 0o%%owin& in+ocation: L:ai% Mother o0 the /or%'K NannaB IsisB AstarteB Se%eneB :o%. Sin C$rono nce' SheenD. See #eB %oo- $on #e See #eB %oo- $on #e See #eB %oo- $on #e Protect #e an' #. $eo$%e toni&ht. Sen' .o r white %i&ht aro n' #e. Sen' .o r $rotecti+e %i&ht aro n' OOOOOOOOOOOOOO That the. #a. 1e $rotecte' As the. tra+e% an' as the. 'rea#. Sen' on%. &oo' an' % ci' ener&ies their wa.. Than- .o . Than- .o . Than- .o . Ao can either %et the can'%es 1 rn o t 1. the#se%+esB or sn 00 the# in re+erse or'er an' %et the# 1 rn a %itt%e each ni&ht i0 the $erson wi%% 1e on an e?ten'e' tri$. On the %ast ni&ht %et the# 1 rn 'own on their own. NE<ER 1%ow o r or $inch o t the can'%es. This 'estro.s the % c-.

Ao wi%% nee': T 6 white can'%es annointe' with san'a%woo' oi%. T 3 $ r$%e can'%e annointe' with san'a%woo' oi%. T Photo or $ersona% artic%es o0 the $erson the s$e%% is 0or T LPersona%it.L can'%eB a$$ro$riate to the reci$ient o0 the s$e%% T San'a%woo' incense A%tar sho %' 1e arran&e' as 1e%ow: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

T:E C:AR!E OF T:E !O((ESS /hene+er .e ha+e nee' o0 an. thin&B once in the #onthB an' 1etter it 1e when the #oon is 0 %%B then sha%% .e

asse#1%e in so#e secret $%ace an' a'ore the s$irit o0 SheB who is ; een o0 a%% witches. There sha%% .e asse#1%eB .e who are 0ain to %earn a%% sorcer.B .et ha+e not won its 'ee$est secretsI to these wi%% She teach thin&s that are .et n-nown. An' .e sha%% 1e 0ree 0ro# s%a+er.I an' as a si&n that .e 1e rea%%. 0reeB .e sha%% 1e na-e' in .o r ritesI an' .e sha%% 'anceB sin&B 0eastB #a-e # sic an' %o+eB a%% in :er $raise. For :ers is the ecstas. o0 the s$iritB an' :ers a%so is 5o. on earthI 0or :er %aw is %o+e nto a%% 1ein&s. Eee$ $ re .o r hi&hest i'ea%I stri+e e+er towar's itI %et na &ht sto$ .o or t rn .o asi'e. For :ers is the secret 'oor which o$ens $on the %an' o0 .o th an' :ers is the c $ o0 wine o0 %i0eB an' the ca %'ron o0 Cerri'wenB which is the :o%. !rai% o0 i##orta%it.. She is the &racio s &o''essB who &i+es the &i0t o0 5o. nto the heart o0 #an. =$on earthB She &a+e the -now%e'&e o0 the s$irit eterna%I an' 1e.on' 'eathB She &i+es $eace an' 0ree'o#B an' re nion with those who ha+e &one 1e0ore. Nor 'oes She 'e#an' sacri0iceB 0or 1eho%'B She is the #other o0 a%% %i+in&B an' :er %o+e is $o re' o t $on the earth. She who is the 1ea t. o0 the &reen earthB an' the white #oon a#on& the starsB an' the #.ster. o0 the watersB an' the 'esire o0 the heart o0 #anB ca%%s nto th. so %. AriseB an' co#e nto :er. For She is the so % o0 nat reB who &i+es %i0e to the ni+erse. 0ro# :er a%% thin&s $rocee'B an' nto :er a%% thin&s # st ret rnI an' 1e0ore :er 0aceB 1e%o+e' o0 &o's an' #enB %et thine inner#ost 'i+ine se%0 1e en0o%'e' in the ra$t re o0 the in0inite. Let :er worshi$ 1e within the heart that re5oicethI 0or 1eho%'B a%% acts o0 %o+e an' $%eas re are :er rit a%s. An' there0ore %et there 1e 1ea t. an' stren&thB $ower an' co#$assionB honor an' h #i%it.B #irth an' re+erence within .o . An' tho who thin-est to see- :erB -now th. see-in& an' .earnin& sha%% a+ai% thee not n%ess tho -nowest the #.ster.I that i0 that which tho see-est tho 0in'est not within theeB then tho wi%t ne+er 0in' it witho t thee. For 1eho%'B She has 1een with thee 0ro# the 1e&innin&I an' She is that which is attaine' at the en' o0 'esire. T:E C:AR!E OF T:E !O( Listen to the wor's o0 the :orne' !o'B the ! ar'ian o0 a%% thin&s wi%' an' 0reeB an' Eee$er o0 the !ates o0 (eathB whose Ca%% a%% # st answer: I a# the 0ire within .o r heart... The .earnin& o0 .o r So %. I a# the : nter o0 Enow%e'&e an' the See-er o0 the :o%. ; est I 7 who stan' in the 'ar-ness o0 %i&ht a# :e who# .o ha+e ca%%e' (eath. I 7 the Consort an' Mate o0 :er we a'oreB ca%% 0orth to thee. :ee' #. ca%% 1e%o+e' onesB co#e nto #e an' %earn the secrets o0 'eath an' $eace. I a# the corn at har+est an' the 0r it on the trees. I a# :e who %ea's .o ho#e. Sco r&e an' F%a#eB B%a'e an' B%oo' 7 these are #ine an' &i0ts to thee. Ca%% nto #e in the 0orest wi%' an' on hi%%to$ 1are an' see- #e in the (ar-ness Bri&ht. I 7 who ha+e 1een ca%%e'I

PanB :erneB Osiris B an' :a'esB s$ea- to thee in th. search. Co#e 'ance an' sin&I co#e %i+e an' s#i%eB 0or 1eho%': this is #. worshi$. Ao are #. chi%'ren an' I a# th. Father. On swi0t ni&ht win&s it is I who %a. .o at the Mother,s 0eet to 1e re1orn an' to ret rn a&ain. Tho who thin-s to see- #eB -now that I a# the nta#e' win'B the 0 r. o0 stor# an' $assion in .o r So %. See- #e with $ri'e an' h #i%it.B 1 t see- #e 1est with %o+e an' stren&th. For this is #. $athB an' I %o+e not the wea- an' 0ear0 %. :ear #. ca%% on %on& /inter ni&hts an' we sha%% stan' to&ether & ar'in& :er Earth as She s%ee$s. IN<OCATION TO BAL(R LBa%'rB Son o0 Fri&&B Join s. Ba%'rB Son o0 O'inB Join s. Ba%'rB : s1an' o0 NannaB Join s. Ba%'rB Brother o0 :o'rB Join s. Ba%'rB Brother o0 :er#o'B Join s. Ba%'rB Father o0 ForsettiB Join s. Ba%'rB S%ain 1. 1%in' :o'rB Join s. Ba%'rB Master o0 Brei'a1%i-B Join s. Ba%'rB /ho is # ch %o+e'B Join s. Ba%'rB /ho Tho-- a%one wo %' not #o rnB Join s. Ba%'rB The Fairest o0 the AesirB Join s. Ba%'rB /hose J '&#ents stan' na%tere'B Join s. Ba%'rB /hose J '&#ents stan' nhee'e'B Join s. Ba%'rB The /isest o0 the AesirB Join s. Ba%'rB The Shinin& OneB Join s. Ba%'rB Ao r ser+ant OOOOOOO ca%%s .o K Co#e to #e NO/KL IN<OCATION TO BRI!IT LBri&itB /ise OneB /eB .o r chi%'renB ca%% to .o . La'.B S#ith.B /eB .o r chi%'renB in+ite .o here. Tri$%e !o''essB /eB .o r chi%'renB as- .o r $resence. Bri&itB /ise OneB /eB .o r chi%'renB ca%% to .o . La'.B S#ith.B /eB .o r chi%'renB in+ite .o here. Tri$%e !o''essB /eB .o r chi%'renB as- .o r $resence. Bri&itB /ise OneB /eB .o r chi%'renB ca%% to .o . La'.B S#ith.B /eB .o r chi%'renB in+ite .o here. Tri$%e !o''essB /eB .o r chi%'renB as- .o r $resenceB NO/.L IN<OCATION TO FREAJA LFre.5aB O0 the #an. na#esB Join s. Fre.5aB O0 the &o%'en tearsB Join s. Fre.5aB (a &hter o0 N5or'B Join s. Fre.5aB /i0e o0 O'B Join s. Fre.5aB Sister o0 Fre.rB Join s.

Fre.5aB Mother o0 :nossB Join s. Fre.5aB C%ai#e' 1. Thr.#B Join s. Fre.5aB (ri+er o0 catsB Join s. Fre.5aB !o''ess o0 Ferti%it.B Join s. Fre.5aB /ho shares the s%ain with O'inB Join s. Fre.5aB /ho ta &ht the Aesir Ma&ic-B Join s. Fre.5aB Len'er o0 Fa%cons, F%i&htB Join s. Fre.5aB Mistress o0 Brisin&a#enB Join s. Fre.5aB Mistress o0 Fo%-+an&B Join s. Fre.5aB Mistress o0 nat reB Join s. Fre.5aB Ao r ser+ant OOOOOOO ca%%s .o K Co#e to #e NO/KL IN<OCATION TO FREAR

:erneB /inter Lor'B /eB .o r chi%'renB ca%% to .o . :orne' OneB : nterB /eB .o r chi%'renB in+ite .o here. /oo'%an' S$iritB /eB .o r chi%'renB as- .o r $resence. :erneB /inter Lor'B /eB .o r chi%'renB ca%% to .o . :orne' OneB : nterB /eB .o r chi%'renB in+ite .o here. /oo'%an' S$iritB /eB .o r chi%'renB as- .o r $resenceB NO/.L IN<OCATION TO T:ORR LThorrB Re'71ear'B Join s. ThorrB Son o0 Jor'B Join s. ThorrB Brother o0 Fri&&B Join s. ThorrB Father o0 M'iB Join s. ThorrB Father o0 Ma&niB Join s. ThorrB Father o0 Thr'rB Join s. ThorrB : s1an' o0 Si0B Join s. ThorrB Jt nn 1aneB Join s. ThorrB Foe o0 Ir# n&an'rB Join s. ThorrB /ho 1ears Marria&e :a%%owerB Join s. ThorrB /ho 1ears (eath :a%%owerB Join s. ThorrB /ho wie%'s M5%%nirB Join s. ThorrB (e0en'er o0 As&ar'B Join s. ThorrB Th n'ererB Join s. ThorrB Stor# Lor'B Join s. ThorrB Ao r ser+ant OOOOOOO ca%%s .o K Co#e to #e NO/KL

LFre.rB Son o0 N5r'B Join s. Fre.rB : s1an' o0 !er'rB Join s. Fre.rB Brother o0 Fre.5aB Join s. Fre.rB Father o0 -in&sB Join s. Fre.rB /hose swor' wo %' 0i&ht 0or itse%0B Join s. Fre.rB /ho &a+e his swor' 0or !er'rB Join s. Fre.rB Patron o0 #arrie' co $%esB Join s. Fre.rB Most 1ea ti0 % o0 !o'sB Join s. Fre.rB /hose tooth7&i0t was A%0hei#rB Join s. Fre.rB Master o0 ! %%in1 rstiB Join s. Fre.rB Owner o0 S-i'1%a'nirB Join s. Fre.rB S%a.er o0 Be%iB Join s. Fre.rB Master o0 Fro'i,s PeaceB Join s. Fre.rB /ho 'irects Man,s &oo' 0ort neB Join s. Fre.rB /ho 1rin&s 0r it0 % seasonsB Join s. Fre.rB Ao r ser+ant OOOOOOO ca%%s .o K Co#e to #e NO/KL IN<OCATION TO FRI!! LFri&&B (a &hter o0 Jor'B Join s. Fri&&B (a &hter o0 Fior&.nB Join s. Fri&&B /i0e o0 O'inB Join s. Fri&&B Sister o0 ThorrB Join s. Fri&&B Mother o0 Ba%'erB Join s. Fri&&B Mother o0 :o'rB Join s. Fri&&B Mother o0 :er#o'B Join s. Fri&&B Mother o0 the &o'sB Join s. Fri&&B /ise in a%% 0atesB Join s. Fri&&B /ho wi%% te%% no 0ort nesB Join s. Fri&&B First a#on& the As.n5 rB Join s. Fri&&B ; een o0 As&ar'B Join s. Fri&&B Mistress o0 ho#e an' hearthB Join s. Fri&&B Mistress o0 EireB Join s. Fri&&B Mistress o0 hea%in&B Join s. Fri&&B Ao r ser+ant OOOOOOO ca%%s .o K Co#e to #e NO/KL IN<OCATION TO :ERNE L:erneB /inter Lor'B /eB .o r chi%'renB ca%% to .o . :orne' OneB : nterB /eB .o r chi%'renB in+ite .o here. /oo'%an' S$iritB /eB .o r chi%'renB as- .o r $resence.

TRISEELION RITE OF TEA P=RPOSE: The $ r$ose o0 this wor-in& is to $a. ho#a&e to the !o's an' to re0%ect on Their 1%essin&s $on this .o r %i0e. Too%s: :er1CsD 0or tea Container 0or her1CsD C $CsD an' Tea Pot

(ecanter o0 P re S$rin& /ater Brewin& 'ish with can'%e Scr.in& Can'%e

Pre$are B.: P%acin& a s#a%% ta1%e or $%at0or# in the center o0 .o r wor-in& s$ace an' arran&in& the Brewin& 'ishB her1sB c $CsDB Tea Pot an' s$oon on the ta1%e. A%so $%ace the ca %'ron with scr.in& can'%e within 0or se ' rin& the #e'itation. C=se the 'ia&ra#B which 0o%%owsB as a & i'e 0or arran&in& o0 the too%s.D Prior to castin& the Circ%eB %i&ht can'%e an' 0i%% the Brewin& 'ish with S$rin& /ater 0ro# a 'ecanter. Eee$ the Brewin& (ish co+ere' ' rin& the Castin&B as I ha+e 0o n' this he%$s the water to heat 0aster an' hotter. BLESSIN! OF :ERBS /ith the ti$ o0 .o r Atha#e to chin& the :er1sB intone this 1%essin&: Tho has &rown 1. 0a+or o0 the S nB The MoonB an' o0 the 'ew. I #a-e this intercessionB .e her1: I 1eseech thee to 1e o0 1ene0it to #e an' #. riteB For th. +irt es are n0ai%in&. Tho art the (ew o0 a%% the !o'sB The E.e o0 the S nB The Li&ht o0 the MoonB The Bea t. an' !%or. o0 the S-.B The M.ster. o0 Terra. I $ ri0. thee so that /hate+er is wro &ht 1. #e with thee #a.B In a%% its $owersB :a+e a &oo' an' s$ee'. e00ect with &oo' s ccess. Be $ ri0ie' 1. #. $ra.er an' 1e $ower0 %K So #ote it 1eK /hen water is hot eno &hB $%ace the her1s in the Tea Pot an' a'' water 0ro# the 1rewin& 'ishB &i+e it a co $%e o0 stirs. /hi%e the tea is stee$in&B intone this Pra.er: Earth Mother !i+er o0 %i0e Stren&then #e ' rin& #. %i0e7%on& stri0e. Teach #e Ao r wa.s o0 $er0ect %o+eB PeaceB an' wis'o# tr e. S$awn 0ro# #. $ rest heart These wor's to Ao Ma. this $ra.er he%$ #e to 1etter M.se%0 in wor' an' 'ee'B To a hi&her $%ane I sha%% s ccee'. Bea ti0 % Li&ht o0 !oo'ness Fair Lore o0 o%' we 1oth 'o share A /itch,s 1rewB I 'rin- to Ao M. %o+e 0or Ao B 1. 'a.B 1. ni&ht In tho &ht an' in si&ht /i%% #. so % %earn The #eanin& o0 this %i0e a&ain. Po r o t a c $ 0or a%% $resentB inc% 'in& one 0or the !o'sB an' en5o.. Sit 1e0ore the ta1%e an' #e'itate on

the 1%essin&s that the !o's ha+e 1estowe' $on .o r %i0e. Ao #a. se the scr.in& can'%e here to 0oc s $on 0or .o r #e'itation. I0 the !o's so choose The. #a. &i+e .o a Messa&e or <ision thro &h the 1%essin&s o0 the Si&ht. Ao #a. re%a? now an' 0inish o00 the $ot. CNote: this rite is not to ta-e the $%ace o0 The FeastB 1 t is to 1e se' as a ti#e o0 1%essin& an' co## nin& with the !o''essD :OME BLESSIN! ME(ITATION A ho#e 1%essin& #e'itation 0or char&in& a roo#: Sit Strai&ht with $a%#s on %a$B ta-e 'ee$ 1reathsB re%a?B an' #o+e into a #enta% s$ace where .o acti+ate .o r int iti+e sensesB I#a&ine a cor' o0 ener&. 0ro# .o r s$ine connectin& .o to the EarthB an' channe% ener&. 0ro# the Earth thro &h itB Si%ent%. as- 0or 'i+ine $rotectionB & i'anceB an' 1%essin&B (irect .o r $s.chic sensin& o twar'B an' 0ee% %ines o0 0orce co#in& o t o0 .o r a raB Note where the stron&est ener&. is Cchec- o t the 0%oorBcei%in&B 'irectionsB etcDB Note s$ots that 0ee% e#$t. or 'ea'B note $%aces that 0ee% 0 %% a%i+eB 0oc s on where .o are sittin& an' how .o 0ee% at that $artic %ar s$otB I#a&ine a s$here o0 %i&ht an' %o+e ener&. at .o r heartB 0ee% it $ %sin& o twar' with e+er. 1reath. Fee% the ra'iance increase with e+er. 1reathB 0ee% .o r se%0 as a starB contin e to 1reathe 'ee$%. an' sen' o t the ener&.B %ettin& it $ %sate in the roo#B /hen rea'.B start #a-in& $ower so n's re$resentin& the %o+e an' %i&ht .o are channe%in&I se it to a#$%i0. the %i&ht .o are wea+in&I an' 0i%% the roo# with the ener&.B Then shi0t 0oc s to sen'in& a $ro1e o t into the roo#B an' note the 'i00erences in the q a%it. o0 ener&. an' how .o 0ee% a1o t itB Re$eat i0 necessar.B /hen 'oneB 0ee% the co#$%eteness o0 the wor-.


The co rse is 'i+i'e' into three sections. Section one 'ea%s with what #e'itation is an' how it $%a.s a $art in the %i+es o0 those who se it. Section two wi%% &o into the techniq es an' too%s o0 #e'itation. Section three &i+es s &&estions on how to se what .o ,+e %earne'B in

e+er.'a. %i0e. A %ist o0 1oo-s 0or 0 rther rea'in& on the s 15ectB wi%% 1e &i+en at the en' o0 section three. /e1ster 'e0ines #e'itation as LThe act o0 #e'itatin&I c%ose or con7 tin e' tho &htI the re+o%+in& o0 a s 15ect in the #in'.L To #e'itate is to 0oc s#enta%%. on one tho &htB i'eaB or conce$t. It #a. a%so #eanB to re+o%+e an i'ea in .o r #in' so as to chan&e the wa. in which .o thin- o0 that i'ea. Me'itation is there0oreB a too% with which .o #a. #ani$ %ate tho &ht in an or&aniGe' #anner. Man. $eo$%e +iew #e'itationas a +er. 'i00ic %t thin& to %earn. In rea%it. tho &hB we 'o it o0ten witho t e+en -nowin& it. /hen .o 'a.'rea# or 0in' .o r #in' 0i?e' on one tho &htB that is a 0or# o0 #e'itation. :a+e .o e+er watche' a 1ir' in 0%i&htB or stare' $ at the c%o 's in the s-.B or #a.1e e+en 0o n' .o rse%0 watchin& a strea# o0 water 0%ow 1.J I0 .o ha+e an' at that #o#ent the rest o0 the wor%' aro n' .o has see#e' re#o+e'B then .o were in a state o0 #e'itation. The rea% -e. to this $racticeB is to 1e a1%e to e?ercise contro% o+er .o r tho &hts an' awareness o0 the wor%' aro n' .o .

hectic wor%'B it can 1e a 'oorwa. to the tr th insi'e .o rse%0. It is a wa. o0 &ainin& wis'o#. Enow%e'&e has a%wa.s 1een 0air%. eas. to co#e 1.. /is'o# on the other han'B is a 1it har'er to &ras$ onto. In LThe Tas-L 1. /i%%ia# Cow$erB the 0o%%owin& %ine is 0o n'. LEnow%e'&e 'we%%s in hea's re$%ete with tho &hts o0 other #en: /is'o#B in #in's attenti+e to their own.L For #eB #e'itaion 1eco#es a wa. o0 L&ro n'in&L #.se%0B o0 reachin& a $%ace o0 $eace an' sta1i%it.B where I can 0in' how I 0it into the ni+erse. In #an. $hi%oso$hiesB #e'itaion is +iewe' as a necessar. s-i%%. A%% those who are st 'ents o0 these $hi%oso$hies # st %earn the wa.s o0 #e'itaion ear%. in their trainin&. A%tho &h the techniq es #a. +ar. 0ro# one &ro $ to anotherB the #ost 1asic conce$ts re#ain the sa#e. The a1i%it. to 1e a1%e to 0oc s on one tho &ht an' se%ecti+e%. 1%oc- o t a%% others is the 0o n'ation $on which #an. #ore a'+ance' s-i%%s wi%% 1e 1 i%t. These s-i%%s #a. ran&e 0ro# te%e$ath. to the a1i%it. to #o+e o15ects with on%. the #in'. It is we%% -nown that Ao&i a'e$ts can %ower their

There are #an. &ro $s o0 $eo$%e 0or who# #e'itation is an e+er.'a. rit a%. Others se it at s$ecia% ti#es as a #eans o0 re%a?ation an' L#enta% ho se c%eanin&.L It a%%ows the in'i+i' a% a 0ree'o# n%i-e no other 0ree'o#. The 0ree'o# to %oo- insi'e onese%0 an' %earn 5 st who .o are. So#e se it as a wa. o0 1ein& c%oser to nat re or !o''ess. No #atter how .o wish to se itB .o wi%% 0in' it a hea%th. an' +er. rewar'in& e?$erience. Most a%% re%i&ions $ractice #e'itation in one wa. or another. Eastern $hi%oso$hies s ch as Ao&aB an' B ''is# are not the on%. ones to +iew #e'itation as a wa. o0 %oo-in& 0or the Tr th 0o n' in one,s own conscio sness. E+en in Christianit. #e'itation 0in's a $%ace o0 +a% e. The Bi1%e itse%0 #entions the +a% e o0 #e'itation. In writin& to the Phi%%i$$iansB the A$ost%e Pa % te%%s the# this. LFina%%.B 1rethrenB whatsoe+er thin&s are tr eB whatsoe+er thin&s are honestB whatsoe+er thin&s are 5 stB whatsoe+er thin&s are $ reB whatsoe+er thin&s are %o+e%.B whatsoe+er thin&s are o0 &oo' re$ortI i0 there 1e an. +irt eB an' i0 there 1e an. $raiseB thin- on these thin&s.L So .o as-Bwhat can it 'o 0or #e. /e%%B 1e.on' 5 st 1ein& a &oo' wa. to rea%%. re%a?B which we can a%% se in this

1reathin& an' heart rates to near 'eath %e+e%s. This is so#ethin& .o sho %' not tr. as it ta-es .ears o0 $ractice to %earn an' can 1e q ite 'an&ero s. Sti%%B these .o&is are $roo0 o0 the t.$e o0 $ower the #in' can e?er7 cise o+er the 1o'. thro &h #e'itation. In so#e c %t resB the se o0 'r &s to achie+e a #e'itati+e state is enco ra&e'. The a#erican in'ians 0or e?a#$%eB se' 'r &s 'eri+e' 0ro# +ario s $%ants to $ t the#se%+es into an a%tere' state o0 concio s7 ness. This was s a%%. 'one as a re%i&io s $ractice an' as an e+ent #ar-in& the chan&e 0ro# one state o0 %i0e to another. A &oo' e?a#$%e wo %' 1e the cere#on. #ar-in& the co#in& into #anhoo' o0 a .o n& 1o.. To'a. there are sti%% #an.B who a'+ocate the se o0 'r &s to achie+e these a%tere' states. It is #. o$inion that s ch #eas res are neither necessar. nor &oo'. Ao can reach an a%tere' state o0 concio sness witho t the se o0 'r & in' ce' Lhi&hsL. It ta-es $racticeB 1 t it can 1e 'one. In New A&e $hi%oso$h.B the art o0 #e'itation is hi&h%. +a% e'. /e a%so 0in' another we%% 'e+e%o$e' s-i%% which is ca%%e' Lcreati+e +is a%iGationL. This is the i'ea o0 +is a%isin& what .o want to the $oint o0 it 1eco#in& rea%it.. A &oo' e?a#$%e wo %' 1e a sa%es#an +is a%iGin&

hi#se%0 as s ccess0 % an' $ros$ero s. The conce$t is si#$%eB i0 .o can +is a%iGe a $ersona% rea%it.B .o can chan&e or 1rin& that rea%it. into 1ein&. LPositi+e Thin-in&L is a +er. si#i%ar i'ea. The techniq e o0 creati+e +is a%iGation &oes 1e.on' $ositi+e thin-in& howe+er. It 'ea%s with the $re#ise that we a%% create o r own rea%it. an' there0ore ha+e the $ower to chan&e #an. as$ects o0 that rea%it.. The i'ea o0 L$ersona% rea%it.L is a %en&th. one an' we 'o not ha+e eno &h roo# to co+er it in this co rse.

nor#a%. Thin&s which are e?$erience' in a trance state are o0ten not easi%. e?$resse' in e+er.'a. %an& a&e. Ao wi%% at so#e %e+e%B e?$erience a hei&htene' state o0 awareness. Co%orsB s#e%%sB an' so n's #a. see# a#$%i0ie' 0ro# what the. nor#a%%. are. Peo$%e who can achei+e +er. 'ee$ states o0 trance o0ten %ea+e their 1o'ies in astra% $ro5ectionB or ha+e $s.chic e?$eriences. I hi&h%. reco##en'B that i0 .o wish to enter 'ee$

So 0ar we ha+e %oo-e' 1rie0%. at what #e'itation is an' how it is se'. B. no #eans ha+e we to che' on a%% the as$ects o0 this $ractice. There are #an. 1oo-s on the s 15ect which co+er it in # ch #ore 'etai%. M. $ r$ose is to &i+e .o an o+er+iew o0 the #an. 0acets o0 #e'itation in the ho$e that .o wi%% wish to %earn #ore. BASIC ME(ITATION TEC:NI;=ES 6: TOOLS R TEC:NI;=ES

states o0 #e'itationB .o 'o so n'er the & i'ance an' teachin& o0 so#eone who is we%% traine' in the $ractice o0 s ch techniq es. The -e. thin& to re#e#1er is that it,s not what %e+e% .o r wor-in& on as # ch as what .o are %earnin&. There is a%ot to 1e &aine' in wis'o# an' -now%e'&e at a%% %e+e%s o0 trance. Now %et,s %earn so#e si#$%e an' se0 %% re%a?ation e?ercises. Ao want to 1e s re that the ti#e .o $ic- to $ractice .o r #e'itation is a ti#e when .o are %east %i-e%. to 1e 'ist r1e'. Ao sho %' not 1e o+er%. tire' or ha+e 5 st 0inishe' eatin& as 1oth o0 those con'itions #a. ca se .o to 0a%% as%ee$. E+en tho &h .o wish to achei+e an a%tere' state o0 conscio snessB .o 'o want to re#ain conscio s to so#e 'e&ree. I0 .o 0a%% as%ee$ when .o are #e'itatin&B no har# is 'one an' .o wi%% awa-en q ite re0reshe' an' reste'. =n0ort nate%. tho &hB .o #a. not 1e a1%e to reca%% a%% the thin&s .o e?$erience' whi%e in trance. I0 .o are %.in& 'ownB 1e s re .o r 1ac- an' nec- are $ro$er%. s $$orte' so as not to 0ati& e the 1o'.. I0 .o are sittin&B 1e s re that 1oth 0eet are 0%at on the 0%oor an' that .o are sittin& as erect as $ossi1%e witho t 1ein& too sti00 or straine'. Ao sho %' ha+e .o r ar#s restin& co#0orta1%. in .o r %a$ with $a%#s $. In either caseB it is i#$ortant that .o r 1o'. not 1eco#e straine' or 0ati& e' 0or at %east thirt. #in tes. This is a &oo' %en&th o0 ti#e to 1e&in with as it sho %' $ t neither a $h.sica% or #enta% strain on .o r 1ein&. Ne?tB +is a%iGe a .o rse%0 in a cocoon o0 white%i&ht. Ao sho %' s rro n' .o rse%0 co#$%ete%.. See the %i&ht as 1ri&ht an' war#. Ao #a. $%a. with this s$here o0 %i&ht #a-in& it 1i&&er or s#a%%er nti% it L0ee%sL ri&ht 0or .o . Sa. to .o rse%0B LI a# $rotecte' 1. the $ re white %i&ht

In this secon' section o0 the LBasic Me'itation Techniq esL co rseB we wi%% 'isc ss +ario s re%a?ation $roce' res an' how the. wi%% ai' .o in enterin& a trance or #e'itati+e state. Ao wi%% a%so 1e &i+en so#e i'eas a1o t t.$es o0 # sic an' other Ltoo%sL which can he%$ .o achie+e these re%a?e' states o0 #in'. Let,s 1e&in. FirstB %et,s set the sta&e 0or o r #e'itation $ractice.Ao sho %' $ic- a $%ace which is as $ri+ate an' sa0e as $ossi1%e. An a%tere' state o0 #in'B as in #e'itationB %essens .o r awareness o0 the o tsi'e wor%'. For this reasonB it is not a'+isa1%e to $ractice these techniq es in a $ 1%ic $%ace where there is a chance o0 1ein& # &&e'B ro11e'B or #o%este'. I0 .o are at ho#eB with other 0a#i%. #e#1ers or 0rien's $resentB as- that .o not 1e 'ist r1e' an' that a%% other noise in the ho se 1e -e$t to a #ini# #. /hen .o ha+e 0o n' a $%ace s ita1%e 0or #e'itationB .o #a. 1e&in. LThe see-ers o0 new #in' states7the #in' contro% 'e+oteesB the enco nter &ro $ enth siastsB the 'r & ta-ersB the $s.chicsB the #e'itators 7 a%% are on a 5o rne. into the interior ni+erse tr.in& to 1 rst the %i#its o0 the socia%%. con'itione' #in'. /hether acce$ta1%e or nacce$ta1%eB #ora% or i##ora%B wise or 0oo%ishB the #in' o0 #an is stirrin& towar' a new e+o% tion.L As I sai' in section oneB trance or #e'itai+e statesB a%ter the wa. .o r #in' 'ea%s with the rea%ities it acce$ts as

o0 a%% that is &oo' an' tr th0 %%. I a# s rro n'e' 1. the $ re %i&ht which -ee$s o t a%% nwante' an' e+i% in0% ences.L This is a &oo' i'ea to 'o 0or se+era% reasons.There are thoseB an' I a# one o0 the#B who 1e%ie+e that each o0 &enerates an a ra which $rotects s 0ro# o tsi'e in0% ences when we are in trance. This a ra #a. 1e stren&thene' 1. +is a%iGin& the %i&ht as &rowin& 1ri&hter at o r co##an'. E+en i0 .o 'o not acce$t this i'eaB the $ractice %en's a 0ee%in& o0 sa0et. an' sec rit. to .o . Nothin& which is o tsi'e o0 .o #a. enter or to ch .o witho t .o r $er#ission. Learnin& to contro% an' $a. attention to .o r 1reathin& is the ne?t ste$. Ao sho %' start 1. ta-in& a 'ee$ 1reath in thro &h .o r noseB ho%' it 0or the #enta% co nt o0 4 an' then %et it a%% o t s%ow%. thro &h .o r #o th. Re$eat this nti% .o 1e&in to 0ee% at rest an' re%a?e'. A%%ow .o r 1reathin& to sett%e into a stea'.B r.th#ic rate. J st this si#$%e techniq e can re%a? an' re0resh .o at an. ti#e. /hen .o are on%. 'oin& the 1reathin& e?erciseB it is not necessar. to &o thro &h the white %i&ht s$here +is a%iGation. So#e $eo$%e se a # 00%e' #etrono#e or recor'in& o0 so#e other r.th#ic so n'B s ch as ocean wa+esB to ai' the# in settin& the $ace o0 their 1reathin&. A &oo' so rce o0 recor'e' so n's which can he%$ .o in #e'itation is a series o0 recor's an' ta$es which ha+e 1een $ro' ce' n'er the tit%e LEN<IRONMENTSL.

other tho &hts as the. atte#$t to enter .o r #in'B .o wi%% ha+e %earne' the sin&%e #ost i#$ortant techniq e o0 #e'itation. It is now ti#e to 1e&in co#in& 1ac- to nor#a% conscio sness. s%ow%. %et the tho &ht 0a'e 0ro# .o r #in' an' a&ain 1eco#e aware o0 the war# %i&ht o0 the s n. As .o 0e%% the %i&ht 1athin& .o in its, war#thB start to reconnect .o r #in' with the $h.sica% sensations o0 .o r 1o'.. Beco#e aware o0 .o r 1reathin& an' the roo# aro n' .o . (o this s%ow%. an' ca%#%.. /hen .o are 0 %%. aware o0 .o r s rro n'in&sB o$en .o r e.es s%ow%.. En5o. the sense o0 ca%# an' $eace. I0 .o s ccee'e' in 'oin& this e?erciseB .o sho %' 0ee% #ore re%a?e' an' ca%# than nor#a%. It is i#$ortant to re#e#1er that .o are co#$arin& it to nor#a% 0or .o B not to what .o thin- others wo %' or sho %' 0ee%. I0 .o 'o not 0ee% .o s ccee'e' tr. a&ain in a 'a. or two. Between #e'itation sessionsB $ractice .o r 'ee$ 1reathin& e?ercises. I0 .o -ee$ tr.in&B .o wi%% soon reach a ca%# an' #e'itati+e state. (o not atte#$t to #e'itate when .o are i%%B tire'B or h n&r.. Those 0ee%in&s on%. ser+e to #a-e .o r e00orts #ore 'i00ic %t. A +er. i#$ortant $art to re#e#1er is that .o can not 0orce .o rse%0 into a #e'itati+e state. Ao # st 0%ow into it an' s rren'er to it ca%#%.. So#e thin&s which are 0o n' to 1e he%$0 %% in #e'itation

NowB as .o are 1reathin&Bsee .o rse%0 %.in& in the war#%i&ht o0 the s n. The %i&ht is war# an' $%easant to 1e in. Startin& with the ti$s o0 .o r toesB 0ee% the %i&ht war#in& a%% o0 .o r 1o'.B s%ow%. #o+in& $ into .o r %e&sB .o r tr n-B an' then into .o r ar#s an' 0in&ers. As .o 0ee% this war#in& 1eco#e #ore an' #ore re%a?e'B &oin& 'ee$er an' 'ee$er into a ca%# an' q iet $%ace.

0o%%ow. Tr. concentratin& on the 0%a#e o0 a can'%e when 0oc sin&. Ao co %' a%so se a cr.sta% 1a%%. The %ater is rather e?s$ensi+e 1 t s#a%% cr.sta% win'ow orna#ents or $.ra#i's a%so wor- we%% an' cost # ch %ess. M sic is a%so an ai' to so#e. The # sic sho %' 1e q iet

/hen .o 0e%% tota%%. re%a?e' an' at $eaceB 1rin& a sin&%e tho &ht into .o r #in'. It sho %' 1e o0 a $%easant e?$erience or o0 an i'ea s ch as %o+eB 5o.B $eaceB or co#$assion. Foc s on this one tho &ht an' i0 so#e other tho &ht sho %' tr. to intr 'eB $ict re it as 1ein& written on a c%ear 1oar' 1etween .o an' .o r 0oca% tho &ht. Then $ict re it 1ein& erase' 0ro# that 1oar' as it #i&ht 1e 0ro# a $iece o0 $a$er. (ea% with an. tho &htB other than .o r 0oca% tho &htB q ic-%.. Tr. to #aintain concentration on .o r 0oca% tho &ht 0or at %east 0i+e #in tes. Pict re it as 1ein& rea% an' e?$erience it as i0 it were. /hen .o are a1%e to 'o this an' can e?c% 'e a%%

an' rh.th#ic. It sho %' 1rin& on 0ee%in&s o0 $eace an' co#0ort. S ch # sic #a. ran&e 0ro# New A&e recor'in&s to c%assica%. Another se0 %% 'e+ice is to 0oc s on a s.#1o% which ho%'s s$ecia% #eanin& 0or .o . It #a. 1e an we%% -nown s.#1o% or one .o 'esi&n .o rse%0. As %on& as it ho%'s a s$ecia% #eanin& or e?$resses a s$ecia% conce$tB it is a se0 %% 0oc sin& too%. This 1rin&s section two o0 this co rse to a c%ose. In the

ne?t $art I wi%% &i+e .o so#e $ractica% wa.s in which to se what .o ha+e %earne'.

There is # ch #ore to %earn than co %' 1e co+ere' in this short series an' It is #. ho$e that .o wi%% want to contin e .o r st 'ies into this 0ascinatin& an' se0 %% s-i%%.


RI<ER OF LIFE ME(ITATION The #ost o1+io s se o0 the techniq es .o ha+e %earne'B is re%a?ation. ( rin& the co rse o0 the 'a.B #an. o0 s ha+e #o#ents when the $ress re 1eco#es a%#ost to # ch. /hen this ha$$ensB we o0ten can,t 'ea% with other $eo$%e or $ro5ects the wa. we sho %'. The 1reathin& e?ercises .o %earne' in section two can he%$ at these ti#es. It 'oesn,t req ire a%ot o0 ti#e or a1so% te q iet as 'oes .o r #e'itation $ractice. A%% that is req ire' is a1o t 0i+e #in tes an' re%ati+e $ri+ac.. At these ti#esB 1e&in 'oin& .o r rh.th#ic 1reathin& an' +is a%iGe a $%ace which is ca%# an' re0reshin&. This si#$%e an' q ic- e?erciseB can wor- won'ers to he%$ .o re&ain contro% in a hectic sit ation. An' as .o re%a?B i#a&ine a 1ea ti0 % co%ore' #ist is Another wa. in which #e'itation is se' is in the 'e+e%o$#ent o0 $s.chic $owers. There are se+era% 1oo-s on the s 15ectB %iste' at the en' o0 this section. Most o0 those who teach a1o t the se an' 'e+e%o$#ent o0 these a1i%itiesB a&ree that #e'itation is necessar. to an. s ch st '.. A&ain the reason 0or this is that #e'itation a%%ows .o to reach an a%tere' state o0 concio sness. In this a%tere' state .o r #in' is #ore o$en to s ch $heno#enon as te%e$ath.. I0 .o sho %' 'eci'e to $ers e st 'ies in this 'irectionB $%ease see- the he%$ o0 so#eone traine' in these areas. One 0ina% se I wi%% s &&est is +is a%iGation. Me'itation can 1e se' as a too% 0or $ro1%e# so%+in&. /hi%e in a #e'itati+e state o0 #in'B .o ha+e the a1i%it. to ta-e an. sit ation an' #ani$ %ate it. B. that I #ean .o can #enta%%. $%a. the o t the sit ation sin& se+era% 'i00erent so% tions. ThenB .o can $ic- the one which see#s to 1est so%+e the $ro1%e#. /hi%e the se o0 #e'itation can he%$ .o 'ea% with $ro1%e# so%+in& #ore e00ecti+e%.B it is not in0a%%i1%e. A%% it can 'o is a%%ow .o to thin- #ore c%ear%. an' concise%. a1o t the $ro1%e# at han'. /e%% that conc% 'es this st '. on #e'itation. I ho$e .o ha+e &aine' so#ethin& se0 %% 0ro# this co rse. It has 1een 1. no #eansB a 0 %% e?$%anation o0 the s 15ect. Stan' $on this roc- nowB an' 0ee% the stren&th o0 it n'er .o r 0eet...an' as .o t rn aro n'B .o %oo- o t $on a &reat ri+er...0%owin& as 0ar as .o can see...see#in& to co#e 0ro# so#e in0inite $%ace...an' 'isa$$earin& into an in0inite $%aceBBBa 0%owin&Ben'%ess ri+er o0 ener&....this is the ri+er o0 a%% %i0e waters...a%% o0 %i0e 'raws $on the %i0e0orce that #o+es thro &h its stea#in& c rrents... %ooc%ose%. at the water...what co%or is itJ it #a. %oo- %i-e %iq i' %i&ht to .o ...%oo- 'ee$%. into itB an' sense the $ower an' 'e$th o0 the ri+er...what so n' 'oes it #a-e as it co rses thro &h its channe%sJ...as .o stan' sec re%. swir%in& $ aro n' .o B 1i%%owin& $ aro n' .o into a c shion.B so0tB c%o ' o0 ener&....an' .o are restin& co#$%ete%. $on this c%o '...an' .o are sa0e...as .o 1reathe in an' o tB %et .o r tho &hts 5 st co#e an' &o...re%a?in& #ore an' #ore...an' the c%o ' o0 ener&. now %i0ts .o $ into the air an' carries .o r 'own into .o r own inner wor%'...'own 1etween the 1o n'aries o0 ti#e an' s$ace...to a $%ace o0 ti#e%ess 1ea t. an' in0inite $ossi1i%ites...0%oatin& 'own nowB &oin& 'ee$er an' 'ee$erB%ea+in& the o ter wor%' an' its concerns 0ar 1ehin'B as .o 'ri0t an' 0%oat on this 1ea ti0 % c%o '....&oin& 0 rther an' 0 rther 'own 1e%ow .o is a roc-B a &iant roc-...an' the c%o ' &ent%. an' e00ort%ess%. %an's $on the roc- an' .o ste$ o00 itB as the c%o ' swir%s 1ac- into a #ist an' 'isa$$ears 0or now... Fin' a co#0orta1%e $%ace where .o can re%a? an' 1e co#$%ete%. q iet...re%a?...a%%ow .o r tho &ht snow to 5 st co#e an' &o...co#e an' &o...an' ta-e a 'ee$ 1reath in an' ho%' it...C$a seD...now &ather $ the tension in .o r 1o'.B an' re%ease it as .o e?ha%e...ta-e another 'ee$ 1reathB an' as .o e?ha%eB %et &o o0 an.1o'. e%se,s ener&. or tho &hts .o #a. 1e carr.in&....an' 1reathe in new ener&....1reathe in new $ossi1i%ities...an' a%%ow .o r 1o'. to 0i%% with %i&htness...0ee% it 1eco#in& %i&hter an' %i&hter as .o re%a? #ore an' #ore...re%a?in& 'ee$%....&oin& 'ee$er...0ee%in& +er. %i&ht now...so %i&ht .o co %' a%#ost 0%oat awa...........

$on .o r roc-B notice an' 0ra&rance ...an' 1en' 'own an' c $ .o r han's in the %i+in& waterBan' s$%ash so#e o0 it on .o r 0ace...0ee% the %i0e &i+in& 0orce on .o r s-in... ta-e a si$ o0 the water...a%%ow the ri+er o0 %i0e to no rish .o ....

co#$%ete%. 1ac- into this ti#e an' $%ace...ta-e a 'ee$ 1reath an' 1e&in to re7orient .o rse%0 to the o ter wor%'...an' when .o ,re rea'.B co nt to three...B an' on the co nt o0 three o$en .o r e.esBan' ret rn 0ee%in& re%a?e'Ba%ert an' at $eace.

Now re%a? a #o#ent $on the roc-...an' 1rin& into .o r #in' the #a&ica% intention that ne+er see#e' to &o an.where...what were .o tr.in& to acco#$%ishJ...what was the 1asic intention .o ha'J...what was the e#otion 1ehin' the intentionJ...0ee% the ener&. o0 that e#otion #o+in& onto the $a%#s o0 .o r han's now...0ee% the ener&. &%owin&...$ %satin&...1reathe an' a%%ow .o r intention that .o ,re sti%% c%in&in& to e?terna%iGe...the ener&. o0 it is now shi##erin&B &%owin&...swir%in& into a s$here...a%%ow a%% o0 .o r 'esire to 0%ow into this s$here...an' a%%ow this s$here to a$$ear to .o howe+er it a$$ears...an' 5 st o1ser+e what .o see....o #a. see $ict res or s.#1o%s e#er&in& within the s$here...whate+er .o see is 0ine... /hen .o r s$here is co#$%ete%. 0i%%e' with the %ast o0 .o r 'esireBe#otionBan' intentionB ho%' it a%o0t...0ee% the $ower o0 it in .o han'sBa &%o1e o0 $ower that .o can now re%ease...an' %oo- o t into the ri+er o0 %i0e...watch as its c rrents o0 $ossi1i%it. 0%ow 0or e+er an' e+erBas 0ar as .o can see...an' whene+er .o ,re rea'.Bwith as # ch an' as %itt%e 0orce as .o nee'B throw the $ %satin& s$here into the ri+er...an' &i+e this intention to the %i0e 0orce o0 this &reat ri+er...watch as the s$here to ches the water...an' &ra' a%%. 'isa$$ears into the c rrent... Ta-e a 'ee$ 1reath... as the s$here 'isa$$ears the %ast o0 .o r intention an' e#otion an' 'esire #er&es with the so rce o0 a%% %i0eB 0ro# which it orri&ina%%. ca#e...an' %ea+es .o ... Now co#$%ete an. 1 siness here that .o nee' to 0inish...ta-e a 0ew #o#ents to en5o. the 0%owin& ri+er o0 %i0eBan' -now that the $ossi1i%ities it no rishes can 1rin& #irac%es into .o %i0e too... Ta-e another 'ee$ 1reathB an' notice the co%ore' #ist is once a&ain swir%in& aro n' .o ...1i%%owin& $ n'erneath .o to 0or# a 1ea ti0 % c%o ' o0 c shion. ener&.B which is %i0te' $ into the airB with .o $on it...re%a?in& into the c%o ' .o are ret rnin& the wa. .o ca#e...%i0tin& $ $ thro &h ti#e an' s$aceB co#in& 1ac- 0ro# the inner wor%'...co#in& $... 0 rther an' 0 rther...0%oatin& an' 'ri0tin& 1ac-...co#in& 1ac-...1rin&in& .o a%% the wa. 1acinto .o r 1o'. nowB into this roo#...1rinin& .o r attention

As a%wa.sB chan&e an. o0 the wor'in& or i#a&es in this #e'itation i0 it s its .o r $ r$ose 1etter. The i#$ortant $art is 5 st to 0ina%%. an' co#$%ete%. %et &o o0 .o r intentionB so that the ener&. can 1e rec.c%e' in whate+er 0or# the creati+e 0orce an' .o r own conscio sness wi%% a%%ow. O t o0 this re%easeB new %i+esB new o$$ort nitiesB an' new #a&ica% o$$ort nities are 1ornK

T:E FI<E FOL( EISS FI<E FOL( EISS FEMALE The :i&h Priest -nee%s 1e0ore the :i&h Priestess an' &i+es her the Fi+e Fo%' EissI that isB he -isses her on 1oth 0eetB 1oth -neesB wo#1B 1oth 1reastsB an' the %i$sB startin& with the ri&ht o0 each $air. :e sa.sB as he 'oes this: LB%esse' 1e th. 0eetB that ha+e 1ro &ht thee in these wa.s. B%esse' 1e th. -neesB that sha%% -nee% at the sacre' a%tar. B%esse' 1e th. wo#1B witho t which we wo %' not 1e. B%esse' 1e th. 1reastsB 0or#e' in 1ea t.. B%esse' 1e th. %i$sB that sha%% tter the Sacre' Na#es.L For the -iss on the %i$sB the. e#1raceB %en&th7to7%en&thB with their 0eet to chin& each others. /hen he reaches the wo#1B she s$rea's her ar#s wi'eB an' the sa#e a0ter the -iss on the %i$s. FI<E FOL( EISS MALE The :i&h Priestess -nee%s 1e0ore the :i&h Priest an' &i+es hi# the Fi+e Fo%' EissI that isB she -isses hi# on 1oth 0eetB 1oth -neesB $ha%% sB 1oth 1reastsB an' the %i$sB startin& with the ri&ht o0 each $air. she sa.sB as she 'oes this: LB%esse' 1e th. 0eetB that ha+e 1ro &ht thee in these wa.s. B%esse' 1e th. -neesB that sha%% -nee% at the sacre' a%tar. B%esse' 1e th. $ha%% sB witho t which we wo %' not 1e. B%esse' 1e th. 1reastsB 0or#e' in stren&th. B%esse' 1e th. %i$sB that sha%% tter the Sacre' Na#es.L For the -iss on the %i$sB the. e#1raceB %en&th7to7%en&thB with their 0eet to chin& each others. /hen she reaches the $ha%% sB he s$rea's his ar#s wi'eB an' the sa#e a0ter the -iss on the %i$s.


(RA/IN! (O/N T:E MOON In this rit a% the !o''ess 1eco#es incarnate in the :i&h Priestess. A0ter the circ%e is castB The :i&h Priestess stan's in 0ront o0 the a%tar with her 1ac- to it. She ho%'s the wan' in her ri&ht han' an' the scro n&e in her %e0t. She crosses her wrists an' crosses the wan' an' scro n&e a1o+e the# whi%e ho%'in& the# c%ose to her 1reast. The :i&h Priest stan's in 0ront o0 her an' sa.s: L(ianaB q een o0 ni&ht In a%% .o r 1ea t. 1ri&htB Shine on s hereB An' with .o r si%+er 1ea# =n%oc- the &ates o0 'rea#I Rise 1ri&ht an' c%ear. On Earth an' s-. an' seaB Ao r #a&ic #.ster. Its s$e%% sha%% castB /here+er %ea0 #a. &rowB /here+er ti'e #a. 0%owB Ti%% a%% 1e $ast. O secret q een o0 $owerB At this enchante' ho r /e as- .o r 1oon. Ma. 0ort ne,s 0a+or 0a%% =$on tr e witches a%%B O La'. MoonKL The :i&h Priest -nee%s 1e0ore the :i&h Priestess an' &i+es her the Fi+e Fo%' EissI that isB he -isses her on 1oth 0eetB 1oth -neesB wo#1B 1oth 1eastsB an' the %i$sB startin& with the ri&ht o0 each $air. :e sa.sB as he 'oes this: LB%esse' 1e th. 0eetB that ha+e 1ro &ht thee in these wa.s. B%esse' 1e th. -neesB that sha%% -nee% at the sacre' a%tar. B%esse' 1e th. wo#1B witho t which we wo %' not 1e. B%esse' 1e th. 1reastsB 0or#e' in 1ea t.. B%esse' 1e th. %i$sB that sha%% tter the Sacre' Na#es.L For the -iss on the %i$sB the. e#1raceB %en&th to %en&thB with their 0eet to chin& each others. /hen he reaches the wo#1B she s$rea's her ar#s wi'eB an' the sa#e a0ter the -iss on the %i$s. The :i&h Priest -nee%s a&ain an' in+o-es: LI in+o-e thee an' ca%% $on theeB Mi&ht. Mother o0 s a%%B 1rin&er o0 a%% 0r it0 %nessI 1. see' an' rootB 1. 1 ' an' ste#B 1. %ea0 an' 0%ower an' 0r itB 1. %i0e an' %o+e 'o I in+o-e thee to 'escen' $on the 1o'. o0 thisB th. ser+ant an' $riestess.L ( rin& this in+ocation he to ches her with his ri&ht 0ore0in&er on her ri&ht 1reastB %e0t 1reastB an' wo#1B re$eats the set an' 0ina%%. the ri&ht 1reast. Sti%% -nee%in&B he s$rea's his ar#s o t an' 'ownB with the $a%#s 0orwar' an' sa.s: L:ai% Ara'iaK Fro# the A#a%thean :orn Po r 0orth th. store o0 %o+eI

I %ow%. 1en' Be0ore theeB I a'ore thee to the en'B /ith %o+in& sacri0ice th. shrine a'ore. Th. 0oot is to #. %i$ Che -isses her ri&ht 0ootD #. $ra.er $ 1orne =$on the risin& incense s#o-eI then s$en' Thine ancient %o+eB O Mi&ht. OneB 'escen' To ai' #eB who witho t thee a# 0or%orn.L The :i&h Priest stan's $ an' ste$s 1ac-war's. The :i&h Priestess 'raws the In+o-in& Penta&ra# o0 Earth in the air with the wan' an' sa.s: LO0 the Mother 'ar-so#e an' 'i+ine Mine the scro n&eB an' #ine the -issI The 0i+e $oint star o0 %o+e an' 1%iss :ere I char&e .o in this si&n.L The :i&h Priestess sho %' 1e in a trance now. This is a &oo' ti#e to 'o the Char&e or the /itches, Cree'. /hen the Char&e or Cree' is 0inishe'B the !o''ess # st 1e 'is#isse'. It is 1a' #a&ica% $ractice not to 'o so. The :i&h Priest 0aces the Priestess an' sa.s: L/e than- .o O r La'. 0or atten'in& o r rites. /e 1i' .o 0arewe%% ti%% ne?t we ca%% .o . B%esse' Be.L

(RA/IN! (O/N T:E MOON 6 The acc # %ation an' 'irection o0 the s 1t%e 0orces o0 the #oonB is one o0 the arts o0 /itchcra0t. Moon #a&ic is a $ersona% artB e+en tho &h there are 1asic & i'e%ines. In ancient ti#esB witches he%' the $osition o0 the Moon $riestesses>$riests. In coasta% re&ionsB an' $on is%an'sB witches were a%so Sea Priestesses>Priests. The se o0 water 0ro# the sea was an i#$ortant as$ect in Moon Ma&ic Csa%t 1ein& a cr.sta% 0or#D. The Lchar&in&L o0 waterB an' the re%ease o0 the Lchar7 &eL thro &h e+a$orationB was an i#$ortant as$ect. So too was the soa-in& o0 woo's an' her1s in sea waterB which were %ater 'rie'B an' 1 rne' as incenses an' o00erin&s. Two e?ce%%ent 1oo-s on this s 15ect are MOON MA!IC an' T:E SEA PRIESTESS 1. (ion Fort ne. The se o0 Porta%s to &ain access to the L nar Rea%#sB an' the 1 i%'in& o0 #a&ica% i#a&es thereB is a +er. i#$ortant as$ect o0 Moon Ma&ic. The act a% LessenceL o0 the $ower se' in Moon Ma&icB ori&inates o t a#on& the stars. The S n 'raws in the ste%%ar in0% ences an' trans#its the# into o r So%ar S.ste#. The P%anets within o r S.ste# a1sor1 this ener&. which then #er&es with their own +i1rations or ener&ies. The P%anetsB in t rnB then e#anate a co#$osite ener&. within o r So%ar S.ste#. Each P%anet,s ener&. or +i1rator. $attern is niq eB an' in0% ences other $%anetar. 1o'ies an' 0orcesB within each $%anet,s s$here o0 in0% ence. This is the 1asis o0 Astro%o&. an' P%anetar. corres$on'ences in Ma&ic

Cthis is how an' wh. it wor-sD. The Moon is the 0oca% $oint o0 $ower $on the Earth. The Moon a1sor1sB con'ensesB an' channe%s a%% o0 these 0orcesB which are then carrie' to o r P%anetB $on the L nar Li&ht S$ectr #. A&ri$$aB a 39th Cent r. #a&icianB n'erstoo' these $rinci$%es when he wrote L...1 t the MoonB the nearest to the hea+en%. in0% encesB 1. the swi0tness o0 her co rseB is 5oine' to the s nB an' the other $%anets an' starsB as a conce$tionB 1rin&in& the# 0orth to the in0erior wor%'B as 1ein& ne?t to itse%0B 0or a%% the stars ha+e in0% ence on itB 1ein& the %ast recei+erB which a0terwar's co## nicates the in0% ence o0 a%% s $eriors to these in0eriorsB an' $o rs the# 0orth $on the Earth...L Ara'iaB the :o%. Stre&aB to%' her 0o%%owers to seethe Moon a1o+e a%% othersB 0or the $ r$oses o0 Ma&ic. In the c%osin& $ra.er o0 the F %% Moon Rit a%B we 0in' these wor's which Ara'ia,s 0o%%owers were %ater to ha+e written : LO, !o''ess o0 the Moon... teach s .o r ancient #.steries... that the :o%. Stre&a s$o-e o0B 0or I 1e%ie+e the Stre&a,s stor.B when she to%' s to entreat TheeB to%' s when we see- 0or Enow%e'&eB to see- an' 0in' Thee a1o+e a%% othersL. A&ri$$a n'erstoo' this a%soB when he wroteB LThere0ore. her Cthe #oonD #otion is to 1e o1ser+e' 1e0ore the othersB as the $arent o0 a%% conce$tion......hence it isB that witho t the Moon inter#e'iatin&B we cannot at an. ti#e attract the $ower o0 the s $eriors...L /hat A&ri$$a s$o-e o0B is what witches ha+e -nown 0or A&es: The Moon is the 0oca% $oint o0 $ower $on the Earth. /itho t the Moon we cannot #a-e se o0 the =ni+ersa% Forces 1e.on' her. In Moon Ma&icB the rit a% a%tar is the 0oca% $oint 0or the L nar 0orces which are 'rawn $on. /o#en are the +esse%s 0or L nar Ener&.B recei+in& an' 'irectin& the #a&ica% 0orce. Men can a%so 1eco#e % nar +esse%sB 1 t wo#en are # ch 1etter s ite' Cas their 1io%o&. is #ore att ne' to the Moon,s C.c%esB than are #en,s 1io%o&.D. The Moon a%tar is $%ace' 0acin& the /est ; arter. The a%tar itse%0 sho %' 1e ro n'B 1 t a sq are or a rectan&%e is OE.

In the center o0 the a%tarB $%ace a 1ow% o0 sa%twater. A white sea she%% is then set into the center o0 the 1ow%. As this is 'oneB whis$er the na#e o0 the !o''ess who r %es the c rrent $hase o0 the MoonB n'er which .o are wor-in&. The new #oon 1e%on&s to (iana C(e7ah7nahDB the F %% Moon to Jana CJah7nahD an' the wanin& Moon to =#1rea. Aro n' the 1otto# o0 the 1ow%. set nine white she%%sB 0or#in& a crescent Chorns $war'B as in a s#i%eD. I0 the #a&ic is 0or the &ain o0 so#ethin&B $%ace the she%%s 0ro# ri&ht to %e0t. I0 the #a&ic is 0or the re#o+a%B or %oss o0 so#ethin&B then $%ace the she%%s 0ro# %e0t to ri&ht. As each she%% is $%ace'B chant the na#e o0 the !o''ess who $resi'es o+er the &oa% o0 the #a&ica% in0% ence .o 'esire. Matters concernin& L1e&innin&sL are n'er (iana. Matters in+o%+in& L0orcesLB ener&iesB or $owers are n'er the in0% ence o0 Jana. Matters o0 (eathB 'ec%ineB an' sta&nation are r %e' 1. =#1rea. Censers o0 Moon Incense are $%ace' aro n' the 1ow%B $on the a%tarB 0or#in& a trian&%e Cso .o ha+e 8 incense containers 0or#in& a trian&%eB with the Moon Bow% in its centerD. A re+erse' trian&%e C<D is 0or#e' 0or #ani0estations 'esire' $on the $h.sica% $%ane. =$ri&ht trian&%es CAD are 0or#e' 0or #ani0estation $on the astra% $%ane.

( rin& the #a&ica% wor-B the ener&. is 0oc se' into the a%tar 1ow% Cor #oon 1ow%B as it is o0ten ca%%e'D. This can 1e 'one in se+era% 'i00erent wa.s. In &ro $ rit a%sB #e#1ers #a. $oint their rit a% 1%a'es at the PriestessB who stan's 1e0ore the a%tar. The #e#1ers +is a%iGe their ener&. 0%owin& 0ro# their the#se%+esB thro &h their 1%a'esB an' into the a ra o0 the Priestess. The Priestess then +is a%iGes this co%%ecti+e ener&. 0%owin& 0ro# herse%0B thro &h her own 1%a'eB into the #oon 1ow%. Or she #a. si#$%. $%ace her $a%#s o+er the 1ow% an' 0oc s the ener&. o t thro &h her han's. ( rin& this techniq eB she #a. recite an incantationB statin& the $ r$ose o0 the Lchar&eLB or the &ro $ #a. chant the s$e%%,s intent. One o0 the wa.s in which ener&. can 1e raise' 0or this techniq eB is thro &h 'ee$ 1reathin&. Each $erson

'raws in air s%ow%. an' 'ee$%.B an' e?ha%es as the. +is a%iGe the ener&. 0%owin& o twar' thro &h their rit a% 1%a'esB or their han's. Eastern M.stics teach that the Ether o0 o r $%anet can 1e 'rawn in thro &h the 1reathB an' con'ense' as $ re ener&.. This the. ca%% LPranaL.

Another #etho' is to LenchantL the water. Be&in 1. $assin& .o r ri&ht han'B $a%# 'ownB o+er the 1ow% in a c%oc-wise #anner. Per0or# nine $assesB then 'o the sa#e with .o r %e0t han'. Ao wi%% nee' to create a Chant which wi%% ser+e to 'escri1e .o r intent. It can 1e a si#$%e rh.#eB or whate+er .o want. As .o chantB 1%ow &ent%. $on the water s%i&ht%. 'ist r1in& the s r0ace. For# %ate the incantation to 1e as 'escri$ti+e as .o canB a1o t what .o 'esire. Once .o ha+e s$o-en the incantation into the 1ow%B it is ti#e to re%ease the Lchar&eL. One techniq e 0or this is to 1oi% the waterB an' o1ser+e the stea# as it e+a$orates. Boi% it nti% a%% o0 the water is &one. As the stea# rises $B re$eat .o r incantationB an' watch the stea# as it #o+es $war'. It is carr.in& o00 .o r #a&icB so that it #a. ta-e e00ect. Thin- this as .o watch it Ctho &hts ARE thin&sD.

Recei+in& the Moon,s %i&ht: C0or #enD The Priest recei+in& the F %% MoonB 'oes not nee' an assistantB 1 t #a. choose one i0 he 'esires. Men cannot recei+e the Moon in the sa#e #anner as wo#enB nor sho %' the. +is a%iGe the !o''ess #er&in& with the#. The Priest wi%% stan'B or -nee%B 1e0ore the a%tar with his hea' s%i&ht%. 1owe'. =sin& a $o%ishe' 1rass 'is-B the Moon,s %i&ht is re0%ecte' $on his 0orehea'. At this $oint the Priest wi%% +is a%iGe hi#se%0 as the F %% Moon itse%0. Once the %i&ht is recei+e'B the Priest can channe% it into the 1ow%. Men 'o not Lho%'L Moon Li&ht +er. we%%B an' it is 1est to channe% it o00 1e0ore the se+en 'a. $erio'B which the Priestess en5o.s. Recei+in& the Moon,s %i&ht: C0or wo#en witho t assistanceD There are se+era% wa.s 0or a wo#an to recei+e the Moon,s Li&htB witho t an. assistant. The techniq e I &a+e in this s 15ect noteB is 5 st one o0 the #a&ica% techniq es. The Moon #a. a%so 1e recei+e' in a re%i&io s settin& Cno #a&ic inten'e'B 5 st a 1%essin& or a nion with (eit.D. In these #o'ern ti#esB .o can set $ a #irror 1ehin' .o B an' an&%e it so that it re0%ects 'own $on .o B i0 .o 'esire to tr. the #a&ica% techniq e. One o0 the o%' wa.s o0 non7#a&ica% nionB was 0or the wo#an to %a. n 'e 1eneath the F %% Moon in the F %% Moon !o''ess Post re. This $ost re is a%so re0erre' to as the Star !o''ess Post reB an' is an @ 0or#ationB ar#s an' %e&s s$rea' o t wi'e. The wo#an anoints herse%0 with an oi% o0 the MoonB 5 st 1e%ow her na+e% C0or#in& a crescent with the oi%D. As she %a.s $on the earthB she wi%% %oo- $ into the MoonB an' s%ow%. 'raw in the # sc%es o0 her a1'o#enB as she #enta%%. $ict res that she is 'rawin& 'own the %i&ht o0 the MoonB into herse%0. J st as #en 'raw $ower into the#se%+es thro &h the so%ar $%e? sB a wo#an 'raws $ower into herse%0 thro &h the na+e% re&ion CL$it o0 the sto#achL -in' o0 thin&. This is the center o0 a wo#anD. This is 5 st one #etho'B 1 t it can 1e a $ower0 % e?$erience. SOLITARA MOON RIT=AL This rite #a. 1e se' 0or either New or F %% Moon. The 'i00erence is in .o r #e'itation an' #enta% attit 'e in $re$aration. Re#e#1er that the New Moon is a ti#e o0 o twar' wor- an' tho &htB 1 i%'in& to the $ea- which is the F %% Moon. At the F %% MoonB .o sho %' 1e $re$arin& to %essen the o twar' 0%ow o0 ener&.B 1it 1. 1itB nti% the $erio' 1e0ore New MoonB ' rin& which .o are $assi+eB 1 i%'in& a $oo% o0 ener&. within .o B in $re$aration 0or the New Moon. The a%tar sho %' 1e $%ace' in the center o0 the rit a% area. On it sho %' 1e $%ace' a rose or stic- o0 incense on the eastern si'eB a re' +oti+e can'%e to the So thI a c $ o0 water on the /estB an' a 1ow% o0 sa%t or %i+in& $%ant on the North. Aro n' .o r rit a% areaB .o sho %' $%ace an n%i&hte' can'%e at the car'ina% $oint o0 each 'irection.

Another +er. o%' #etho' is to $o r o t the contents o0 the 1ow% into a strea#B or ri+er. As .o 'o thisB .o recite a si#$%e rh.#e s$e%%B s ch as :L/ater to waterB a witch,s s$e%%B I &i+e this strea#B to s$ee' it we%%L

Recei+in& the Moon,s Li&ht: C0or wo#enD The Priestess recei+in& the F %% MoonB wi%% nee' an assistant. The assistant wi%% req ire a si%+er 'is-B s#ooth an' hi&h%. $o%ishe'. I0 a1so% te%. necessar.B a s#a%% han' #irror #a. 1e se' in its $%ace. The Priestess wi%% stan' or -nee% 1e0ore the a%tarB with her hea' 1owe' 'own. The assistant wi%% $art her hair at the 1ase o0 the s- %%B sin& water or oi% to he%$ se$arate the hairB i0 it is short. /hi%e the $riestess +is a%iGes the 0or# o0 the !o''ess #er&in& 0ro# 1ehin'B into her own 0or#B the assistant wi%% re0%ect the Moon,s %i&ht $on the 1ase o0 the s- %%B sin& the si%+er 'is-. Ao wi%% 0in' that this is q ite 'i00ic %t in cit. %i&ht $o%% tionB an' wor-s 1est in a co ntr. settin&B or a 'esert. Once the Priestess recei+es the Moon she can channe% it into the Moon 1ow%B or she can LstoreL it within her Bein& 0or se+en 'a.s. This %i&ht is $ re L nar ener&.B an' can 1e Li#$re&nate'L with whate+er Ltho &ht0or#L the $riestess 'esires.

To 1e&in .o r riteB enter .o r 'ar-ene' te#$%eB carr.in& one 1 rnin& can'%eB white or %a+en'erB with .o . P%ace it on the center o0 .o r a%tarB sitB an' #e'itate on the #eanin& o0 the rite. /hen .o 0ee% the ti#e is ri&htB stan'B an' &o to the eastern $ointB carr.in& with .o B the 1 rnin& ta$er. Li&ht the +oti+e at the eastern $oint an' &o to the so thernB $ict rin&B as .o 'oB an arc o0 $ re stron& %i&ht c r+in& 0ro# one can'%e to the ne?t. Contin e to the /estB an' then to the NorthB %i&htin& the can'%es as .o &oB an' then wa%- to .o r eastern can'%e a&ainB ha+in& 0or#e' a circ%e o0 $rotecti+e %i&ht s rro n'in& the area in which .o worshi$. Ret rn to the center o0 the circ%eB re$%ace the can'%e on the a%tarB an' sa.: LM. La'. o0 the MoonB who is ca%%e' (ianaB Arte#isB Le+anahB Isis an' 1. an. other na#esB I co#e to .o to 1rin& .o #. %o+e an' #. 'e+otion. Ma. .o &rant #e the 5o. o0 .o r $resence.L Menta%%. 'i+i'e the roo# into 0o r q a'rants 1. +is a%iGin& a %ine o0 si%+er. #oon%i&ht 0ro# the so theast to the northwestB an' 0ro# the northeast to the so thwest. !o the EastB ta-in& with .o the rose or incense. Sa.: LSweet !o''essB the &ent%e 1reeGe is the to ch o0 .o r %o+in& han'B the win' o0 stor# a re#in'er o0 .o r stren&th. The so n' o0 the trees in the win' is .o r +oiceB an' the 0ra&rance o0 0%owers 1orne on the win' is .o r &i0t o0 1ea t..L P%ace the rose ne?t to the +oti+e can'%eB then stan' there as .o $ict re the q a'rant 0i%%in& with #oon%i&ht. See the #oon%i&ht strea#in& q iet%. an' &ent%. into the roo#B 0i%%in& the q a'rant 0ro# center $oint to the e'&e o0 .o r circ%e. /hen this is co#$%eteB ta-e the re' can'%e to the So th. P%ace the &i0t an' see the q a'rant 0i%% with #oon%i&ht. Sa.: LMost %o+e' La'.B the %i&ht o0 the can'%e is a & i'e a%on& o r $ath %ea'in& to .o I its war#th the reass rance o0 .o r $resence an' .o r %o+e. The %i&ht o0 the S n is the -now%e'&e .o i#$art to sB 'ri+in& o t i&norance an' those thin&s which can s r+i+e on%. in 'ar-ness.L At the /est: LLo+e%. OneB the q iet $oo% is the serenit. o0 .o r 1ein&. The +ast sea where %i0e 1e&an on this $%anet is the +ast sea o0 .o r 1ein& whence a%% %i0e ca#eI its wa+es are the e11 an' 0%ow o0 the ni+erse .o r %e.L At the North: L!o''ess o0 a%%B the 0erti%it. o0 the earth is a si&n o0 .o r 0erti%it.B whence a%% %i0e rose. The so%i'it. an' $er#anence are sti%% o0 it are sti%% %ess than .o rs. The Earth,s 0erti%it. 0ee's o r 1o'iesB an' .o r 0erti%it. 0ee's o r so %s.L

!o to the center o0 .o r te#$%eB which is now 0i%%e' with #oon%i&ht. E+er.thin& in the circ%e is to che' 1. itB 1%esse' 1. itB inc% 'in& .o . Sit 'own an' 0ee% this #oon%i&ht aro n' .o . Enow that it is the !o''ess. Rea%iGe that .o are in the center o0 a s$here o0 %i&ht that is ha%0 a1o+e an' ha%0 a1o+e an' ha%0 1e%ow where .o sit. Be&in to 1reathe s%ow%. an' e+en%.B 'ee$ 1reaths that $enetrate .o r who%e 1o'.. /hen this rh.th#ic 1reathin& 1eco#es nat ra%B i#a&ine that the #oon%i&ht 1. which .o are s rro n'e' enters .o B 0i%%s .o entire%.. /ith each e?ha%ation o0 .o r 1reathB so#e o0 the essence o0 .o rse%0 %ea+es .o r 1o'.B an' with each inha%ationB the %i&ht enters .o . Ao are 1ein& 0i%%e' e+er so &ent%. with this 1ea ti0 % %i&ht. This %i&htB which is the $resenceB the 1ein& o0 the !o''essB is within .o as we%% as witho t. /ith each 1reathB .o are %ess .o rse%0 an' #ore the !o''ess. /hen .o are 0i%%e' with %i&htB 0i%%e' with the !o''essB the she%% o0 .o r 1o'. 0a'es awa.. Ao ha+e no 1o'.I there is nothin& to se$arate .o 0ro# the entire 1ein& o0 the !o''ess. Nothin& e?ists 1 t the 1ein& o0 which .o are a$art. Ao ha+e cease' to 1e a se$arate entit.. Ao are nothin& an' e+er.thin&. A%% that wasB that isB an' a%% that wi%% 1eB .o are. En5o. this 0ee%in& as %on& as .o %i-e. /hen .o 0ee% it is ti#eB $ict re the o ter she%% o0 .o r $h.sica% 1o'. re0or#in&B 1eco#in& so%i' a&ain. It is 1ein& 1 i%t o t o0 the =ni+erse o0 which .o are a $art. NowB as .o contin e .o r s%ow 'ee$ 1reathin&B see the #oon%i&ht 0%owin& o t o0 .o r 1o'.B as &ent%. an' s%ow%. as it entere'. As it 0%ows o tB rea%iGe there is a 'i00erence. Beca se .o ha+e 1eco#e one with the !o''essB with the =ni+erseB .o r 1ein& has chan&e'. As the #oon%i&ht 0%ows o t o0 .o r 1o'.B it ta-es with it a $art o0 that which was .o rse%0B now $art o0 the !o''essB an' %ea+es 1ehin' a $art o0 the !o''essB 0ore+er now $art o0 .o . Ao 1eco#e .o rse%0 a&ainB so%i' as .o wereB 1 t chan&e'. Ao are s rro n'e' 1. the $resence o0 the !o''essB which now contains a $art o0 .o rse%0 . Mo+e a&ain to the East. As .o s$ea-B an' a0terB $ict re the #oon7 %i&ht in that q a'rant 0%owin& 1ac- to its so rceB %ea+in& that q a'rant as it was. (o this at each q a'rantB nti% a%% the #oon%i&ht has ret rne' to the Moon. At the East: LM. La'.B & i'e #. tho &hts. Let the# %ea' a%wa.s c%oser to .o .L At the So th: L!racio s !o''essB & i'e #. actions. Let the# a%wa.s he%$ an' ne+er har# others or #.se%0.L At the /est: LLo+e%. OneB & i'e #. e#otions: Let the# 1e hea%in& an' to che' a%wa.s 1. .o .L At the North: LSweet !o''essB %et #. #in' a%wa.s 1e 0erti%e an' stron&B that I #a. &row a%wa.s towar' .o .L Ret rn to the East to co#$%ete the circ%e an' sa.:

L; een o0 :ea+enB I than- .o 0or .o r $resenceB 1oth now an' a%wa.s. M. %o+e an' 'e+otion are .o rs. B%esse' 1eK A%% s$irits who ha+e 5oine' #e toni&ht #a. 'e$artB with #. %o+e. Ret rn to .o r $ro$er $%aces.L /a%- a&ain aro n' .o r circ%eB 1 t this ti#e co nterc%oc-wiseB e?tin& ishin& the q a'rant & ar's as .o &oB an' at the sa#e ti#eB #enta%%. erasin& the white %ine which s rro n'e' .o r circ%e. /hen the can'%es are o t an' the circ%e &oneB ra$ on .o r a%tar an' sa.: LSo #ote it 1eKL


6 $arts San'a%woo' 6 $arts Fran-incense 3>6 $art !ar'enia $eta%s 3>4 $art Rose $eta%s a 0ew 'ro$s A#1er&ris oi% B rn ' rin& Es1ats or si#$%. at the ti#e o0 the F %% Moon to att ne with the !o''ess. SPRIN! SABBAT INCENSE 8 $arts Fran-incense



6 $arts San'a%woo' 3 $art BenGoin 3 $art Cinna#on a 0ew 'ro$s Patcho %. oi% B rn ' rin& s$rin& an' s ##er Sa11at rit a%s.

8 $arts Fran-incense 6 $arts M.rrh 3 $art Cinna#on B rn as a &enera% incense on the a%tar to $ ri0. it an' to $ro#ote rit a% conscio sness ' rin& rit a%s. CIRCLE INCENSE 6 $arts M.rrh 6 $arts BenGoin 3 $art San'a%woo' 3>6 $art Cinna#on 3>6 $art Rose $eta%s 3>4 $art <er+ain 3>4 $art Rose#ar. 3>4 $art Ba. B rn in the circ%e 0or a%% t.$es o0 rit a%s an' s$e%%s.Fran-incenseB #.rrh an' 1enGoin sho %' 'e0inite%. constit te the 1 %- o0 the #i?t re. FALL SABBAT INCENSE 8 $arts Fran-incense 6 $arts M.rrh 3 $art Rose#ar. 3 $art Ce'ar 3 $art J ni$er



3 c $ 0ir#%. &ro n' a%#on's 3 3>4 c $s 0%o r 3>6 c $ con0ectioner,s s &ar 6 'ro$s a%#on' e?tract 3>6 c $ 1 tterB so0tene' 3 e&& .o%-

Co#1ine a%#on'sB 0%o rB s &ar an' e?tract nti% thoro &h%. #i?e' with the han'sB wor- in 1 tter an' e&& .o%- nti% we%%7 1%en'e'. Chi%% 'o &h. Preheat o+en to 869 'e&rees F. Pinch o00 $ieces o0 'o &h a1o t the siGe o0 wa%n ts an' sha$e into crescents. P%ace on &rease' sheets an' 1a-e 0or a1o t 64 #in tes. Ser+e ' rin& the Si#$%e FeastB es$ecia%%. at Es1ats.


B rn ' rin& 0a%% an' winter Sa11at rit a%s.

6 c $s #i%3 c $ ns$ra.e' #ari&o%' $eta%s

3>4 ts$. sa%t 8 t1s$. s &ar 3 to 67inch $iece +ani%%a 1ean 8 e&& .o%-sB s%i&ht%. 1eaten 3>* ts$. a%%s$ice 3>* ts$. n t#e& 3>6 ts$. rose water /hi$$e' crea# =sin& a c%ean #ortar an' $est%e reser+e' 0or coo-in& $ r$osesB $o n' #ari&o%' $eta%s. OrB cr sh with a s$oon. Mi? the sa%tB s &ar an' s$ices to&ether. Sca%' #i%- with the #ari&o%'s an' the +ani%%a 1ean. Re#o+e the +ani%%a 1ean an' a'' the s%i&ht%. 1eaten .o%-s an' 'r. in&re'ients. Coo- on %ow heat. /hen the #i?t re coats a s$oonB a'' rose water an' coo%. To$ with whi$$e' crea#B &arnish with 0resh #ari&o%' $eta%s. SOFT MEA(

Mi? in a s#a%% 1ott%e. Anoint the a%tar with this oi% at re& %ar inter+a%s to $ ri0. an' e#$ower it. ESBAT OIL X3

4 $arts !ar'enia 6 $arts Lot s 3 $art Jas#ine Mi? in a s#a%% 1ott%e. Anoint the 1o'. $rior to Es1ats to att ne with L nar ener&ies. ESBAT OIL X6

8 $arts San'a%woo' 6 $arts Le#on 3 $art Rose Mi? in a s#a%% 1ott%e.

3 q art waterB $re0era1%. s$rin& water 3 c $ hone. 3 s%ice' %e#on 3>6 ts$. n t#e& Boi% to&ether a%% in&re'ients in a non7#eta%%ic $ot. /hi%e 1oi%in&B scra$e o00 the risin& Lsc #L with a woo'en s$oon. /hen no #ore rises a'' the 0o%%owin&: $inch sa%t 5 ice o0 3>6 %e#on Strain an' coo%. (rin- in $%ace o0 a%coho%ic #ea' or wine ' rin& the Si#$%e Feast.

Anoint the 1o'. $rior to Es1ats to att ne with L nar ener&ies. !O((ESS OIL

8 $arts Rose 6 $arts !ar'enia 3 $art Le#on 3 $art Lot s 3 $art A#1er&ris Mi? in a s#a%% 1ott%e. /ear to honor the !o''ess ' rin& rit a%s.




4 $arts Fran-incense 8 $arts M.rrh 3 $art !a%an&a% 3 $art <er+ain 3 $art La+en'er

6 $arts Fran-incense 6 $arts Cinna#on 3 $art Ba. 3 $art rose#ar. 3 $art M sMi? in a s#a%% 1ott%e. /ear to honor the :orne' !o' ' rin& rit a%s.


Now is the ' n co#e $ 0ro# the So th /ith Oa-B an' Ash an' ThornKL FarrarB Janet an' StewartI LEi&ht Sa11ats For /itchesLI Ro1ert :a%e 32*8 STA! CALL a%so MAAC:ANT T:REE The #en &ather aro n' the 0ireB ne?t to their $artnersB an' the. sa. in nison: LI a# the sta& o0 se+en tinesI I a# a wi'e 0%oo' on the $%ainI I a# a win' on the 'ee$ watersI I a# a shinin& tear o0 the s nI I a# a haw- on a c%i00I I a# 0air a#on& 0%owersI I a# a &o' who sets the hea' a0ire with s#o-e.L BELTANE CO<EN RIT=AL

8 $arts Patcho %. 6 $arts M s3 $art Carnation Mi? in a s#a%% 1ott%e an' wear or se to anoint can'%es. /ear to the Sa11ats to $ro#ote co## nion with the 'eities. SABBAT OIL X6

6 $arts Fran-incense 3 $art M.rrh 3 $art Carnation 3 $art A%%s$ice Mi? in a s#a%% 1ott%e an' wear or se to anoint can'%es. /ear to the Sa11ats to $ro#ote co## nion with the 'eities.

Set $ a can'%e in each o0 the 0o r car'ina% 'irections. La. the rest o0 the too%s on the a%tar c%oth or near it. The a%tar can 1e on the &ro n'B a ta1%eB a roc- or a st #$. The a%tar sho %' 1e in the center or 5 st north o0 center o0 the Circ%e. Li&ht the si? can'%es an' the incenseB start the # sic an' 1e&in the rit a%. The Be%tane rit a% sho %' start 1e0ore s nrise or in the e+enin& o0 A$ri% 84th. This is to we%co#e the s n in an' to #a-e e00ecti+e se o0 the 1on0ire. The $art. or the rit a% sho %' 0inish so#e ti#e a0ter s nrise. T:E RIT=AL Facin& NorthB the :i&h Priest an' Priestess -nee% in 0ront o0 the a%tar with hi# to her ri&ht. She $ ts the 1ow% o0 water on the a%tarB $%aces the $oint o0 her atha#e in it an' sa.s: LI e?orcise theeB O Creat re o0 /aterB that tho cast o t 0ro# thee a%% i#$ rities an' nc%ean%iness o0 the wor%' o0 $hantas#I in the na#es o0 Cern nnos an' Ara'iaL She then $ ts 'own her atha#e an' ho%'s $ the 1ow% o0 water in 1oth han's. The :i&h Priest $ ts the 1ow% o0 sa%t on the a%tarB $ ts his atha#e in the sa%t an' sa.s: LB%essin&s 1e $on this Creat re o0 Sa%tI %et a%% #a%i&nit. an' hin'rance 1e cast 0orth hence0ro#B an' %et a%% &oo' enter hereinI where0ore so I 1%ess theeBthat tho #a.est ai' #eB in the na#es o0 Cern nnos an' Ara'ia.L :e then $ ts 'own his atha#e an' $o rs the sa%t into the 1ow% o0 water the :i&h Priestess is ho%'in&. The :i&h Priest then stan's with the rest o0 the Co+en o tsi'e the Circ%e. The :i&h Priestess then 'raws the Circ%e with the swor'B %ea+in& a &a$ in the Northeast section. /hi%e 'rawin& the Circ%eB she sho %' +is a%iGe the $ower 0%owin& into the Circ%e 0ro# o00 the en' o0 the swor'. She 'raws the Circ%e in a East to North or 'eosi% or c%oc-wise 'irection. She sa.s:


BELTANE AN( MAA(AA C:ANTS TBELTANE C:ANT ONE :ere we co#e a $i$in&B In S$rin&ti#e an' in Ma.I !reen 0r it ari$enin&B An' /inter 0%e' awa.. The ; een she sits $on the stran'B Fair as %i%.B white as wan'I Se+en 1i%%ows on the seaB :orses ri'in& 0ast an' 0reeB An' 1e%%s 1e.on' the san'. <a%ienteB (oreenI L/itchcra0t 0or To#orrowLI Phoeni? P 1%ishin& 32*9 BELTANE C:ANT T/O The :i&h Priestess an' :i&h Priest %ea' a rin& 'ance aro n' the 1on0ire. Start o t with LA Tree Son&L 0ro# R '.ar' Ei$%in&,s L/e%an',s Swor'L stor. in LP c- o0 Poo-,s :i%%L. LOhB 'o not te%% the Priest o0 o r ArtB Or he wo %' ca%% it sinI B t we sha%% 1e o t in the woo's a%% ni&htB A con5 rin& s ##er inK An' we 1rin& .o news 1. wor' o0 #o th For wo#enB catt%e an' corn

LI con5 re theeB O Circ%e o0 PowerB that tho 1eest a #eetin& $%ace o0 %o+e an' 5o. an' tr thI a shie%' a&ainst a%% wic-e'ness an' e+i%I a 1o n'ar. 1etween #en an' the rea%#s o0 the Mi&ht. OnesI a ra#$art an' $rotection that sha%% $reser+e an' contain the $ower that we sha%% raise within thee. /here0ore 'o I 1%ess thee an' consecrate theeB in the na#es o0 Cern nnos an' Ara'ia.L The :i&h Priestess %a.s 'own the swor' an' a'#its the :i&h Priest with a -iss whi%e s$innin& hi# 'eosi% an' whis$ers: LB%esse' BeL :e then a'#its a wo#an the sa#e wa.. A%ternate7#a%e7 0e#a%e7#a%e. Then the :i&h Priestess 0inishes c%osin& the Circ%e with the swor'. She then na#es three witches to he%$ stren&then the Circ%e. The 0irst witch carries the 1ow% o0 consecrate' water 0ro# East to East &oin& 'eosi%B s$rin-%in& the $eri#eter as she>he &oes. The. then s$rin-%e each #e#1er in t rn. I0 the witch is #a%eB he s$rin-%es the :i&h Priestess %ast who then s$rin-%es hi#. I0 0e#a%e she s$rin-%es the :i&h Priest %astB who then s$rin-%es her. The 1ow% is re$%ace' on the a%tar. The secon' witch ta-es the incense 1 rner aro n' the $eri#eter an' the thir' ta-es one o0 the a%tar can'%es. /hi%e &oin& aro n' the $eri#eterB each $erson sa.s: LB%ac- s$irits an' whiteB Re' s$irits an' &re.B :ar-en to the r ne I sa.. Fo r $oints o0 the Circ%eB wea+e the s$e%%B EastB So thB /estB NorthB .o r ta%e te%%. East is 0or 1rea- o0 'a.B So th is white 0or the noonti'e ho rB In the /est is twi%i&ht &re.B An' North is 1%ac-B 0or the $%ace o0 $ower. Three ti#es ro n' the Circ%e,s cast. !reat onesB s$irits 0ro# the $astB /itness it an' & ar' it 0ast.L A%% the Co+en $ic- $ their atha#es an' 0ace the East with the :i&h Priest an' Priestess in 0rontB hi# on her ri&ht. The :i&h Priestess sa.s: LAe Lor's o0 the /atchtowers o0 the EastB .e Lor's o0 AirI I 'o s ##onB stirB an' ca%% .o $ to witness o r rites an' to & ar' the Circ%e.L As she s$ea-s she 'raws the In+o-in& Penta&ra# o0 Earth in the air with her atha#e: 3B " 4 8

LAe Lor's o0 the /atchtowers o0 the So thB .e Lor's o0 FireI I 'o s ##onB stir an' ca%% .o $B to witness o r rites an' to & ar' the Circ%e.L She 'oes the sa#e $enta&ra# an' then 0aces /est an' sa.s: LAe Lor's o0 the /atchtowers o0 the /estB .e Lor's o0 /aterB .e Lor's o0 (eath an' InitiationI I 'o s ##onB stirB an' ca%% .o $ B to witness o r rites an' to & ar' the Circ%e.L She 0aces North with rest o0 the Co+en an' sa.s: LAe Lor's o0 the /atchtowers o0 the NorthB .e Lor's o0 EarthI BoreasB tho &ent%e & ar'ian o0 the Northern Porta%sI tho $ower0 % !o' an' &ent%e !o''essI we 'o s ##onB stir an' ca%% .o $B to witness o r rites an' to & ar' the Circ%e.L The Circ%e is co#$%ete' an' sea%e'. I0 an.one nee's to %ea+eB a &ate # st 1e #a'e. =sin& the swor'B 'raw o t $art o0 the Circ%e with a wi''ershins or co nter7 c%oc-wise stro-e. I##e'iate%. resea% it an' then re$eat the o$enin& an' c%osin& when the $erson ret rns. In this $art o0 the rit a% the !o''ess 1eco#es incarnate in the :i&h Priestess. The :i&h Priestess stan's in 0ront o0 the a%tar with her 1ac- to it. She ho%'s the wan' in her ri&ht han' an' the scro n&e in her %e0t. She crosses her wrists an' crosses the wan' an' scro n&e a1o+e the# whi%e ho%'in& the# c%ose to her 1reast. The :i&h Priest stan's in 0ront o0 her an' sa.s: L(ianaB q een o0 ni&ht In a%% .o r 1ea t. 1ri&htB Shine on s hereB An' with .o r si%+er 1ea# =n%oc- the &ates o0 'rea#I Rise 1ri&ht an' c%ear. On Earth an' s-. an' seaB Ao r #a&ic #.ster. Its s$e%% sha%% castB /here+er %ea0 #a. &rowB /here+er ti'e #a. 0%owB Ti%% a%% 1e $ast. O secret q een o0 $owerB At this enchante' ho r /e as- .o r 1oon. Ma. 0ort ne,s 0a+or 0a%% =$on tr e witches a%%B O La'. MoonK The :i&h Priest -nee%s 1e0ore the :i&h Priestess an' &i+es her the Fi+e Fo%' EissI that isB he -isses her on 1oth 0eetB 1oth -neesB wo#1B 1oth 1reastsB an' the %i$sB startin& with the ri&ht o0 each $air. :e sa.sB as he 'oes this: B%esse' 1e th. 0eetB that ha+e 1ro &ht thee in these wa.s. B%esse' 1e th. -neesB that sha%% -nee% at the sacre' a%tar.

6)9 The :i&h Priest an' the rest o0 the Co+en co$. her #o+e#ents with their atha#es. The :i&h Priestess t rns an' 0aces the So th an' re$eats the s ##onin&:

B%esse' 1e th. wo#1B witho t which we wo %' not 1e. B%esse' 1e th. 1reastsB 0or#e' in 1ea t.. B%esse' 1e th. %i$sB that sha%% tter the Sacre' Na#es.L For the -iss on the %i$sB the. e#1raceB %en&th to %en&thB with their 0eet to chin& each others. /hen he reaches the wo#1B she s$rea's her ar#s wi'eB an' the sa#e a0ter the -iss on the %i$s. The :i&h Priest -nee%s a&ain an' in+o-es: LI in+o-e thee an' ca%% $on theeB Mi&ht.Mother o0 s a%%B 1rin&er o0 a%% 0r it0 %nessI 1. see' an' rootB 1. 1 ' an' ste#B 1. %ea0 an' 0%ower an' 0r itB 1. %i0e an' %o+e 'o I in+o-e thee to 'escen' $on the 1o'. o0 this th. ser+ant an' $riestess.L ( rin& this in+ocation he to ches her with his ri&ht 0ore0in&er on her ri&ht 1reastB %e0t 1reastB an' wo#1B re$eats the set an' 0ina%%. the ri&ht 1reast. Sti%% -nee%in&B he s$rea's his ar#s o t an' 'ownB with the $a%#s 0orwar' an' sa.s: L:ai% Ara'iaK Fro# the A#a%thean :orn Po r 0orth th. store o0 %o+eI I %ow%. 1en' Be0ore theeB I a'ore thee to the en'B /ith %o+in& sacri0ice th. shrine a'ore. Th. 0oot is to #. %i$ Che -isses her ri&ht 0ootD #. $ra.er $ 1orne =$on the risin& incense s#o-eI then s$en' Thine ancient %o+eB O Mi&ht. OneB 'escen' To ai' #eB who witho t thee a# 0or%orn.L The :i&h Priest stan's $ an' ste$s 1ac-war's. The :i&h Priestess 'raws the In+o-in& Penta&ra# o0 Earth in the air with the wan' an' sa.s: LO0 the Mother 'ar-so#e an' 'i+ine Mine the scro n&eB an' #ine the -issI The 0i+e $oint star o0 %o+e an' 1%iss :ere I char&e .o in this si&n.L The :i&h Priest sa.s: LListen to the wor's o0 the !reat MotherI she who o0 o%' was a%so ca%%e' a#on& #an Arte#isB AstarteB AtheneB (ioneB Me% sineB A$hro'iteB Cerri'wenB (anaB Arianho'B Isis an' 1. #an. other na#es.L The :i&h PriestessB who sho %' 1e in a tranceB sa.s as the !o''ess: L/hene+er .o ha+e nee' o0 an.thin&B once in a #onthB an' 1etter it 1e when the Moon is 0 %%B then sha%% .e asse#1%e in so#e secret $%ace an' a'ore the s$irit o0 #eB who a# ; een o0 a%% witches. There sha%% .e asse#1%eB .e who are 0ain to %earn a%% sorcer.B .et ha+e not won its 'ee$est secretsI to these wi%% I teach thin&s that are .et n-nown. An' .e sha%% 1e 0ree 0ro# s%a+er.I an' as a si&n that .e 1e rea%%. 0reeB .e sha%% 1e na-e' in .o r ritesI 'anceB sin&B 0eastB #a-e # sic an' %o+eB a%% in #. $raise. For #ine is the ecstas. o0 the s$iritB an' #ine a%so is 5o. on earthI 0or #. %aw is %o+e nto a%% 1ein&s. Eee$ $ re .o r hi&hest i'ea%I stri+e e+er towar's itI %et na &ht sto$ .o or t rn .o asi'e. For #ine is the c $ o0 the wine o0 %i0eB an' the Ca %'ron o0 Cerri'wenB which is

the :o%. !rai% o0 I##orta%it.. I a# the &racio s !o''essB who &i+es the &i0t o0 5o. nto the heart o0 #an. =$on EarthB I &i+e the -now%e'&e o0 the s$irit eterna%I an' 1e.on' 'eathB I &i+e $eace an' 0ree'o#B an' re nion with those who ha+e &one 1e0ore. Nor 'o I 'e#an' sacri0iceI 0or 1eho%' I a# the Mother o0 a%% %i+in& thin&sB an' #. %o+e is $o re' o t $on the earth. I who a# the white Moon a#on& the starsB an' the #.ster. o0 the watersB an' the 'esire o0 the heart o0 #anB ca%% nto th. so %. AriseB an' co#e nto #e. For I a# the so % o0 nat reB who &i+es %i0e to the ni+erse. Fro# #e a%% thin&s $rocee'B an' nto #e a%% thin&s # st ret rnI an' 1e0ore #. 0aceB 1e%o+e' o0 !o's an' #enB %et thine inner#ost 'i+ine se%0 1e en0o%'e' in the ra$t re o0 the in0inite. Let #. worshi$ 1e within the heart that re5oicethI 0or 1eho%'B a%% acts o0 %o+e an' $%eas re are #. rit a%s. An' there0ore %et there 1e 1ea t. an' stren&thB $ower an' co#$assionB honor an' h #i%it.B #irth an' re+erence within .o . An' tho who see-est to see- 0or #eB -now th. see-in& an' .earnin& sha%% a+ai% thee not n%ess tho -nowest the #.ster.I an' i0 that which tho see-est tho 0in'est not within theeBtho wi%% ne+er 0in' it witho t thee. For 1eho%'B I ha+e 1een with thee 0ro# the 1e&innin&I an' I a# that which is attaine' at the en' o0 'esire.L This 'ec%a#ation can 1e sai' 1. the :i&h PriestessB the :i&h Priest or the Co+en as a who%e. L:ear now the wor's o0 the witchesB The secrets we hi' in the ni&htB /hen 'ar- was o r 'estin.,s $athwa.B That now we 1rin& 0orth into the %i&ht. M.sterio s /ater an' FireB The Earth an' the wi'e ran&in& AirB B. hi''en q intessence we -now the#B An' wi%% -ee$ si%ent an' 'are. The 1irth an' re1irth o0 a%% nat reB The $assin& o0 winter an' s$rin&B /e share with the %i0e ni+ersa%B Re5oice in the #a&ica% rin&. Fo r ti#es in the .ear the !reat Sa11at Ret rnsB an' the witches are seen At La##as an' Can'%e#as 'ancin&B On Ma. E+e an' o%' :a%%owe,en. /hen 'a. ti#e an' ni&ht ti#e are eq a%B /hen s n is at &reatest an' %eastB The 0o r %esser Sa11ats are s ##one'B A&ain witches &ather in 0east. Thirteen si%+er #oons in a .ear areB Thirteen is the Co+en,s arra.. Thirteen ti#es at Es1at #a-e #err.B For each &o%'en .ear an' a 'a.. The $ower was $asse' 'own the a&esB Each ti#e 1etween wo#an an' #anB Each cent r. nto the otherB Ere ti#e an' a&es 1e&an. /hen 'rawn is the #a&ica% circ%eB B. swor' or atha#e o0 $owerB

It,s co#$ass 1etween the two wor%'s %iesB In the %an' o0 sha'es that ho r. This wor%' has no ri&ht to -now itB An' the wor%' 1e.on' wi%% te%% na &ht. The o%'est o0 &o's are in+o-e' thereB The !reat /or- o0 Ma&ic is wro &ht. For two are the #.stica% $i%%arsB That stan' at the &ate o0 the shrineB An' two are the $owers o0 nat reB The 0or#s an' the 0orces o0 the 'i+ine. The 'ar- an' the %i&ht in s ccessionB The o$$osites each nto eachB Shown 0orth as a !o' an' a !o''ess: This 'i' o r ancestors teach. B. ni&ht he,s the wi%' win',s ri'erB The :orn,' OneB the Lor' o0 the Sha'es. B. 'a. he,s the Ein& o0 the /oo'%an'B The 'we%%er in &reen 0orest &%a'es. She is .o th0 % or o%' as she $%easesB She sai%s the torn c%o 's in her 1arq eB The 1ri&ht si%+er %a'. o0 #i'ni&htB The crone who wea+es s$e%%s in the 'ar-. The #aster an' #istress o0 #a&icB The. 'we%% in the 'ee$s o0 the #ainB I##orta% an' e+er renewin&B /ith $ower to 0ree or to 1in'. So 'rin- the &oo' wine to the O%' !o'sB An' 'ance an' #a-e %o+e in their $raiseB Ti%% E%$ha#es,s 0air %an' sha%% recei+e s In $eace at the en' o0 o r 'a.s. An' (o /hat Tho /i%t sha%% 1e the cha%%en&eB So 1e it in %o+e that har#s noneB For this is the on%. co##an'#entB B. #a&ic o0 o%'B 1e it 'oneK Ei&ht wor's the /itches Cree' 0 %0i%%: I0 It :ar#s NoneB (o /hat Tho /i%%K The :i&h Priest 0aces the Co+enB raises his ar#s wi'e an' sa.s: &a1i %acha 1acha1e La#ac cahi acha1a1e Eare%%.os La#ac %a#ac 1acha%.as Ca1aha& sa1a%.os Bar.o%os La&aG atha ca1.o%as Sa#ahac atha 0a#o%as : rrah.aKL :i&h Priestess an' the Co+en re$eat: L: rrah.aKL The :i&h Priest an' :i&h Priestess 0ace the a%tar. The :i&h Priest contin es: L!reat !o' Cern nnosB ret rn to Earth a&ainK Co#e to #. ca%% an' show th. se%0 to #en. She$her' o0 !oatsB $on the wi%' hi%%,s wa.B

Lea' th. %ost 0%oc-s 0ro# 'ar-ness nto 'a.. For&otten are the wa.s o0 s%ee$ an' ni&ht Men see- 0or the#B whose e.es ha+e %ost the %i&ht. O$en the 'oor o0 'rea#sB where1. #an co#e to thee. She$her' o0 !oatsB O answer nto #eKL The :i&h Priest an' the rest o0 the Co+en then sa.: LA-hera &oittia-hera 1eittiKL An' %ower their han's on the secon' $hrase. This is a rin& 'ance as s a%. This can 1e re$%ace' or others a''e' as 'esire'. E+er.one sho %' ta-e $art. =se what # sic .o 0ee% co#0orta1%e with: /a%$ r&is Ni&htB the ti#e is ri&htB The ancient $owers awa-e. So 'ance an' sin&B aro n' the rin&B An' Be%tane #a&ic #a-e. /a%$ r&is Ni&htB /a%$ r&is Ni&htB =$on the e+e o0 Ma.B /e,%% #err. #eetB an' s ##er &reetB Fore+er an' a 'a.. New %i0e we seeB in 0%ower an' in treeB An' s ##er co#es a&ain. Be 0ree an' 0airB %i-e earth an' airB The s nshine an' the rain. /a%$ r&is Ni&htB /a%$ r&is Ni&htB =$on the e+e o0 Ma.B /e,%% #err. #eetB an' s ##er &reetB Fore+er an' a 'a.. As #a&ic 0ire 1e o r 'esire To trea' the $a&an wa.B An' o r tr e wi%% 0in' an' 0 %0i%%B As 'awns a 1ri&hter 'a.. /a%$ r&is Ni&htB /a%$ r&is Ni&htB =$on the e+e o0 Ma.B /e,%% #err. #eetB an' s ##er &reetB Fore+er an' a 'a.. The $a&an $owers this ni&ht 1e o rsB Let a%% the wor%' 1e 0reeB An' sorrow cast into the $astB An' 0 t re 1%esse' 1eK /a%$ r&is Ni&htB /a%$ r&is Ni&htB =$on the e+e o0 Ma.B /e,%% #err. #eetB an' s ##er &reetB Fore+er an' a 'a.. The Co+en s$rea' the#se%+es o t aro n' the Circ%e. The. start a so0t rh.th#ic c%a$$in&. The :i&h Priestess sa.s: LNow it is ti#e 0or the Oa- Ein& to i#$re&nate O r La'.. No %on&er wi%% she 1e the <ir&in : ntress an' Mai'en. She is now to 1e :ecateB the ; een o0 E%$ha#e. B t 0irst she # st catch hi#.L This son& is 0ro# Ro1ert !ra+es L/hite !o''essL. It is an o%' Scottish Cra0t son&. In itB the :i&h Priest t rns into a +ariet. o0 ani#a%s an' the :i&h Priestess chases hi#. Startin& with the :i&h Priest an' PriestessB then 0o%%owe' 1. the other co $%es in the Co+enB the #en are

chase' 1. the wo#en. The %a'ies se a scar0 to si&ni0. the ca$t re at the en' o0 the son&. The 'ancers sho %' tr. to i#itate the ani#a%s the. are $%a.in&. The 'ance an' the t ne sho %' 1e s%ow. A0ter a%% the co $%es ha+e 'one soB the :i&h Priestess an' Priest re$eat it. :i&h Priest: LOB I sha%% &o into a hare /ith sorrow an' si&hin& an' #ic-%e careB An' I sha%% &o in the (e+i%,s na#e A.eB ti%% I 1e 0etche' ha#e.L :i&h Priestess: L:areB ta-e hee' o0 a 1itch &re.ho n' /i%% harr. thee a%% these 0e%%s aro n'B For here co#e I in O r La'.,s na#e A%% 1 t to 0etch thee ha#e.L Co+en: LC nnin& an' art he 'i' not %acB t a.e her whist%e wo %' 0etch hi# 1ac-.L :i&h Priest: LAet I sha%% &o into a tro t /ith sorrow an' si&hin& an' #ic-%e 'o 1tB An' show thee #an. a #err. &a#e Ere that I 1e 0etche' ha#e.L :i&h Priestess: LTro t ta-e hee' o0 an otter %an/i%% harr. thee c%ose 0ro# 1an- to 1an-B For here co#e I in O r La'.,s na#e A%% 1 t 0or to 0etch thee ha#e.L Co+en: LC nnin& an' art he 'i' not %acB t a.e her whist%e wo %' 0etch hi# 1ac-.L :i&h Priest: LAet I sha%% &o into a 1ee /ith #ic-%e horror an' 'rea' o0 theeB An' 0%it to hi+e in the (e+i%,s na#e Ere that I 1e 0etche' ha#e.L :i&h Priestess: LBeeB ta-e hee' o0 a swa%%ow hen /i%% harr. thee c%oseB 1oth 1 tt an' 1enB For here co#e I in O r La'.,s na#e A%% 1 t to 0etch thee ha#e.L Co+en: LC nnin& an' art he 'i' not %acB t a.e her whist%e wo %' 0etch hi# 1ac-.L :i&h Priest: LAet I sha%% &o into a #o se An' haste #e nto the #i%%er,s ho seB There in his corn to ha+e &oo' &a#e Ere that I 1e 0etche' ha#e.L :i&h Priestess: LMo se ta-e hee' o0 a white ti17cat That ne+er was 1a%-e' o0 a #o se or a ratB

For I,%% crac- th. 1ones in O r La'.,s na#e: Th s sha%% thee 1e 0etche' ha#e.L Co+en: LC nnin& an' art he 'i' not %acB t a.e her whist%e wo %' 0etch hi# 1ac-.L The :i&h Priestess 0ina%%. catches the :i&h Priest at the %ast re0rain. She 'ra$es a scar0 o+er his nec- to si&ni0. her catchin& hi#. The Mai'en an' the Co+en sa.: LThe; een o0 E%$ha#e has ca &ht herSon who is a%so her Consort. The. # st #ate so that the Earth #a. 1ear it,s 0r its an' that #an an' ani#a% #a. %i+e. L The :i&h Priest an' :i&h PriestessB an' the rest o0 the co $%es in the Co+enB -iss with +i&o r. The #en sho %' wi%t an' 0a'e 1ac- to the e'&e o0 the Circ%e. The wo#en &ather aro n' the n%it 1on0ire or the ca %'ron with the can'%e in it. The :i&h Priestess sa.s: LThe Oa- Ein& is 'ea'. :e has 'ie' o0 his %o+e 0or the La'. that the Earth #a. %i+e. So has it 1een 0or .ear a0ter .earB since ti#e 1e&an. B t the Oa- Ein&B the !o' o0 the /a?in& .earB # st %i+e so the cro$s in the Earth can co#e 0orth. L The Co+en sho ts: LEin'%e the Be%tane 0ire.Ma. the Oa- Ein& %i+e a&ain. Ma. the Earth 1rin& 0orth her 0r itsB #a. the ani#a%s 1ear their .o n& an' the %an' 1e 0r it0 % a&ain.L The :i&h Priestess %i&hts the 1on0ire sin& a ta$er %it 0ro# the a%tar can'%e. She then sa.s: LCo#e 1ac- to sB Oa- Ein&B that the %an' #a. 1e 0r it0 %.L The #en &ather aro n' the 0ireB ne?t to their $artnersB an' the sa. in nison: LI a# the sta& o0 se+en tinesI I a# a wi'e 0%oo' on the $%ainI I a# a win' on the 'ee$ watersI I a# a shinin& tear o0 the s nI I a# a haw- on a c%i00I I a# 0air a#on& 0%owersI I a# a &o' who sets the hea' a0ire with s#o-e.L The :i&h Priestess an' :i&h Priest %ea' a rin& 'ance aro n' the 1on0ire. Start o t with LA Tree Son&L 0ro# R '.ar' Ei$%in&,s L/e%an',s Swor'L stor. in LP c- o0 Poo-,s :i%%L. The 'ance sho %' 1e 5o.0 %. LOhB 'o not te%% the Priest o0 o r ArtB Or he wo %' ca%% it sinI B t we sha%% 1e o t in the woo's a%% ni&htB Acon5 rin& s ##er inK An' we 1rin& .o news 1. wor' o0 #o th For wo#enB catt%e an' corn Now is the s n co#e $ 0ro# the So th /ith Oa-B an' Ash an' ThornKL

Contin e the 'ance with this son& an'>or an. others that so n' a$$ro$riate. This chant &oes to the t ne o0 the o%' 0o%-son&B LThe Linco%nshire PoacherL: Co#e 5oin the 'anceB that 'oth entranceB An' trea' the circ%e ro n'. Be o0 &oo' cheerB that &ather hereB =$on this #err. &ro n'. !oo' % c- to we that 0aith0 % 1eB An' ho%' o r cra0t so 'earB For ,tis o r 'e%i&ht o0 a shin. ni&htB In the season o0 the .ear. OhB ,tis o r 'e%i&ht o0 a shin. ni&htB In the season o0 the .ear. /hi%e stars 'o shineB we $%e'&e the wine =nto the !o's o0 o%'B Nor sha%% there 0ai% the witch wassai%B Nor sha%% their 0ire &row co%'. !oo' % c- to we that 0aith0 % 1eB An' ho%' o r cra0t so 'earB For ,tis o r 'e%i&ht o0 a shin. ni&htB In the season o0 the .ear. OhB ,tis o r 'e%i&ht o0 a shin. ni&htB In the season o0 the .ear. Thro &ho tB a1o t an' ro n' a1o tB B. 0%a#e that 1 rneth 1ri&htB /e,%% 'ance an' sin&B aro n' the rin&B At witchin& ho r o0 ni&ht. !oo' % c- to we that 0aith0 % 1eB An' ho%' o r cra0t so 'earB For ,tis o r 'e%i&ht o0 a shin. ni&htB In the season o0 the .ear. OhB ,tis o r 'e%i&ht o0 a shin. ni&htB In the season o0 the .ear. Near the en' o0 the 'anceB the :i&h Priestess sho %' ca%% o t the na#e o0 either a $erson or a co $%e. The. sho %' then 5 #$ o+er the 0ire whi%e #a-in& a wish. The. sho %' then re5oin the rin& an' another co $%e or $erson 'o it. /hen rea'.B sto$ the 'ance an' sit 'own a1o t the 0ire. A0ter a 1rea-B $er0or# the !reat Rite. The Co+enB e?ce$t 0or the :i&h Priestess an' :i&h PriestBarran&e the#se%+es aro n' the $eri#eter o0 the circ%eB #an an' wo#an a%ternate%. as 0ar as $ossi1%eB 0acin& the center. The :i&h Priestess an' :i&h Priest stan' 0acin& each other in the center o0 the circ%eB she with her 1ac- to the a%tarB he with his 1ac- to the So th. The :i&h Priest -nee%s 1e0ore the :i&h Priestess an' &i+es her the Fi+e Fo%' EissI that isB he -isses her on 1oth 0eetB 1oth -neesB wo#1B 1oth 1reastsB an' the %i$sB startin& with the ri&ht o0 each $air. he sa.sB as he 'oes this: LB%esse' 1e th. 0eetB that ha+e 1ro &ht thee in these wa.s. B%esse' 1e th. -neesB that sha%% -nee% at the sacre' a%tar. B%esse' 1e th. wo#1B witho t which we wo %' not 1e.

B%esse' 1e th. 1reastsB 0or#e' in 1ea t.. B%esse' 1e th. %i$sB that sha%% tter the Sacre' Na#es. For the -iss on the %i$sB the. e#1raceB %en&th to %en&thB with their 0eet to chin& each others. /hen he reaches the wo#1B she s$rea's her ar#s wi'eB an' the sa#e a0ter the -iss on the %i$s. The :i&h Priestess then %a.s herse%0 'ownB 0ace $war'sB with her ar#s an' %e&s o tstretche' to 0or# the Penta&ra#. The :i&h Priest 0etches the +ei% an' s$rea's it o+er the :i&h Priestess,s 1o'.B co+erin& her 0ro# 1reasts to -nees. :e then -nee%s 0acin& herB with his -nees 1etween her 0eet. The :i&h Priest ca%%s a wo#an witch 1. na#eB to 1rin& his atha#e 0ro# the a%tar. The wo#an 'oes so an' stan's with the atha#e in her han'sB a1o t a .ar' to the /est o0 the :i&h Priestess,s hi$s an' 0acin& her. The :i&h Priest ca%%s a #a%e witch 1. na#eB to 1rin& the cha%ice o0 wine 0ro# the a%tar. :e 'oes so an' stan's with the cha%ice in his han'sB a1o t a .ar' to the East o0 the :i&h Priestess,s hi$s an' 0acin& her. The :i&h Priest 'e%i+ers the in+ocation: LAssist #e to erect the ancient a%tarB at which in 'a.s $ast a%% worshi$$e'I The a%tar o0 a%% thin&s. For in o%' ti#eB /o#an was the a%tar. Th s was the a%tar #a'e an' $%ace'B An' the sacre' $%ace was the $oint within the center o0 the Circ%e. As we ha+e o0 o%' 1een ta &ht that the $oint within the center is the ori&in o0 a%% thin&sB There0ore sho %' we a'ore itI There0ore who# we a'ore we a%so in+o-e. O Circ%e o0 StarsB /hereo0 o r 0ather is 1 t the .o n&er 1rotherB Mar+e% 1e.on' i#a&inationB so % o0 in0inite s$aceB Be0ore who# ti#e isasha#e'B the #in' 1ewi%'ere'B an' the n'erstan'in& 'ar-B Not nto thee #a. we attain n%ess thine i#a&e 1e %o+e. There0ore 1. see' an' ste#B root an' 1 'B An' %ea0 an' 0%ower an' 0r it 'o we in+o-e theeB O ; een o0 S$aceB O Jewe% o0 Li&htB Contin o s on o0 the hea+ensI Let it 1e e+er th s That #en s$ea- not o0 thee as OneB 1 t as NoneI An' %et the# not s$ea- o0 thee at a%%B since tho art contin o s. For tho art the $oint within the Circ%eB which we a'oreI The $oint o0 %i0eB witho t which we wo %' not 1e. An' in this wa. tr %. are erecte' the ho%. twin $i%%arsI In 1ea t. an' stren&th were the. erecte' To the won'er an' &%or. o0 a%% #en.L

The :i&h Priest re#o+es the +ei% 0ro# the :i&h Priestess,s 1o'.B an' han's it to the wo#an witchB 0ro# who# he ta-es his atha#e. The :i&h Priestess rises an' -nee%s 0acin& the :i&h PriestB an' ta-es the cha%ice 0ro# the #an witch. CNote that 1oth o0 these han'in&s o+er are 'one witho t the c sto#ar. rit a% -iss. The :i&h Priest contin es the in+ocation: LA%tar o0 #.steries #ani0o%'B The sacre' Circ%e,s secret $oint Th s 'o I si&n thee as o0 o%'B /ith -isses o0 #. %i$s anoint.L The :i&h Priest -isses the :i&h Priestess on the %i$sB an' contin es: LO$en 0or #e the secret wa.B The $athwa. o0 inte%%i&enceB Be.on' the &ates o0 ni&ht an' 'a.B Be.on' the 1o n's o0 ti#e an' sense. Beho%' the #.ster. ari&ht The 0i+e tr e $oints o0 0e%%owshi$....L The :i&h Priestess ho%'s $ the cha%iceB an' the :i&h Priest %owers the $oint o0 his atha#e into the wine. Both se 1oth o0 their han's 0or this. The :i&h Priest contin es: LA%% %i0e is .o r ownB A%% 0r its o0 the Earth Are 0r its o0 .o r wo#1B Ao r nionB .o r 'ance. La'. an' Lor'B /e than- .o 0or 1%essin&s an' a1 n'ance. Join with sB Feast with sB En5o. with sK B%esse' Be. ThenB 'raw the In+o-in& Pentac%e o0 Earth in the air a1o+e the $%ate with the atha#e. L:ere where Lance an' !rai% niteB An' 0eetB an' -neesB an' 1reastB an' %i$.L The :i&h Priest han's his atha#e to the wo#an witch an' then $%aces 1oth his han's ro n' those o0 the :i&h Priestess as she ho%'s the cha%ice. :e -isses herB an' she si$s the wineI she -isses hi#B an' he si$s the wine. Both o0 the# -ee$ their han's ro n' the cha%ice whi%e the. 'o this. The :i&h Priest then ta-es the cha%ice 0ro# the :i&h PriestessB an' the. 1oth rise to their 0eet. The :i&h Priest han's the cha%ice to a wo#an witch with a -issB an' she si$s. She &i+es it to a #an with a -iss. The cha%ice is $asse' aro n' the Co+enB #an to wo#anB with a -iss each ti#eB nti% the entire Co+en has si$$e' the wine. The cha%ice can 1e re0i%%e' an' an. one can 'rin- 0ro# it witho t re$eatin& the rit a% once the cha%ice has &one aro n' once. The wo#an %a.s 'own her atha#e an' $asses the ca-es to the #an with a -issBhe $asses the# 1ac- with a -iss an' the. are $asse' aro n' the Co+en the sa#e wa. the wine

was. Be s re to sa+e so#e o0 the wine an' so#e ca-e 0or an o00erin& to the Earth an' the Litt%e Fo%-. A0ter the #eetin&B%ea+e the o00erin& o tsi'e o0 the ho se i0 wor-in& in'oorsB or 1ehin' in the woo's or 0ie%'B when .o %ea+e i0 .o are wor-in& o t'oors. The :i&h Priestess 0aces EastBwith her atha#e in her han'. The :i&h Priest stan's to her ri&ht with the rest o0 the Co+en 1ehin' the#. I0 an. too%s ha+e 1een consecrate'B the. sho %' 1e he%' 1. the $erson 0 rthest to the 1ac-. The Mai'en stan's near to the 0ront to 1%ow o t each can'%e in t rn. The Priestess sa.s LAe Lor's o0 the /atchtowers o0 the EastB .e Lor's o0 AirI we 'o than- .o 0or atten'in& o r ritesI an' ere .e 'e$art t o . o r $%easant an' %o+e%. rea%#sB we 1i' .o hai% an' 0arewe%%....:ai% an' 0arewe%%.L As she s$ea-sB she 'raws the Banishin& Penta&ra# o0 Earth in the air in 0ront o0 her th sB each ti#e: 6B ) 4 9

"38 The rest o0 the Co+en co$. the Penta&ra# an' chor s in on the secon' hai% an' 0arewe%%. The Mai'en 1%ows o t the can'%e an' the Co+en 0aces the so th an' the :i&h Priestess sa.s: LAe Lor's o0 the /atchtowers o0 the So thB .e Lor's o0 FireI we 'o than- .o 0or atten'in& o r ritesI an' ere .e 'e$art to .o r $%easant an' %o+e%. rea%#sB we 1i' .o hai% an' 0arewe%%....:ai% an' 0arewe%%.L She t rns to the /est an' sa.s: LAe Lor's o0 the/atchtowers o0 the /estB.e Lor's o0/aterI .e Lor's o0 (eath an' InitiationI we 'o than- .o 0or atten'in& o r ritesI an' ere .e 'e$art to .o r $%easant an' %o+e%. rea%#sB we 1i' .o hai% an' 0arewe%% ....:ai% an' 0arewe%%.L She t rns to the North an' sa.s: LAe Lor's o0 the /atchtowers o0 the NorthB .e Lor's o0 EarthI BoreasB tho &ent%e & ar'ian o0 the Northern Porta%sI tho $ower0 % !o'B Tho &ent%e !o''essI we 'o than- .o 0or atten'in& o r ritesI an' ere .e 'e$art 0or .o r $%easant an' %o+e%. rea%#sB we 1i' .o hai% an' 0arewe%% ....:ai% an' 0arewe%%.L This en's the Circ%e. The $art. 0o%%owin& this sho %' 1e a %o+in& one. I0 there is a Ma. Po%e a+ai%a1%eB circ%e the Ma. Po%e. Be%tane is a%so a ti#e 0or 0or0eits. The :i&h Priestess $ic-s o t the $eo$%e an' their 0or0eitB e?ce$t the :i&h Priest $ic-s o t the %ast one to $%a. on the :i&h

Priestess. Be%tane is a%so a ti#e 0or L&reen woo' #arria&esL an' other n1ri'%e' se? a%it. an' s ch. BELTANE RIT=AL 6 Note: there is NO #eetin& 'ance 1e0ore the rit a% 1eca se the s$ira% 'ance occ rs insi'e it. Acti+es: BAR( PRIESTESS !O((ESS FIREMAEER PRIEST !O( BAR(:Char$ acco#$ani#entD This is the airB oh $eo$%eI these are the creat res: Far70%.in& !ooseI 0ar7seein& :aw-I Ow% who -nowsI Ra+en who ta%-sI Crane who 'ancesI Thr sh who sin&sI ; ai% the h #1%eI /ren the -in&I Lar- who re+e%sI Loon who wee$sI Ja. who scattersI B GGar' rea$s. This is the air I con5 reB an' this is the 1irth o0 the wor%'. This is the 0ireB oh $eo$%eI these are the creat res: (ra-e who hoar'sI Eirin who &i+esI An&e% hea%sI Chi#era rea+esI Coa% the s%owI %i&htnin& the q ic-I Sa%a#an'erB $ower,s wic-I So % who $raisesI !r.$hon scornsI Phoeni? 'ies an' is re1orn. This is the 0ire I con5 reB an' this is the 1irth o0 the wor%'. This is the seaB oh $eo$%eI these are the creat res: /ha%e who chantsI (o%$hin who s$ea-sI C%a# contentI Sa%#on who see-sI Pi-e who ra&esI Shar- who #o rnsI /a%r s stea'iesI Car$ trans0or#sI Sea% who &athersI Cra1 the %oneI Otter wa+e71orneI Ee% in stoneI This is the sea I con5 reB an' this is the 1irth o0 the wor%'. This is the earthB oh $eo$%eI these are the creat res: (eer who worriesI Boar who sche#esI Cat who con5 resI Shee$ who 'rea#sI :are the $%a.0 %I Broc- the sternI Mo se who teachesI :orse who %earnsI /o%0 who wan'ersI Bear who sta.sI Sta& who & ar'sI P #a who $re.s. This is the earth I con5 reB an' this is the 1irth o0 the wor%'. Now is the 'ar-ness. Now is the $ain. Now is the 0ear. Now is the 'an&er. Now is the hate. Now are the tears. Ca%% on o r #otherK She is the oneK :ers is the wa.K She wi%% 1rin& co#0ort. She wi%% 1rin& %i0e. She wi%% 1rin& 'a.. PRIEST:

Earth MotherB Birth MotherB Birch MotherB Sea MotherB Stone MotherB Star MotherK ; een o0 ni&ht an' 'eath an' 1irthB /o#1 o0 'ee$ an' 0erti%e earthB (a#e o0 hea+en,s si%+er whee%B La'. o0 the &reenin& 0ie%'B Eee$er o0 the a$$%e &ro+eB Mistress o0 the arts o0 %o+eB Shine o t in the 0earso#e 'ar- 77 Teach s how to stri-e the s$ar-. Peo$%eB we can 0ee% :er nearK She is co#in&K She is hereK !O((ESS:Ce#er&in& 0ro# hi'in& 77 sho %' 1e in &reenB with a#1er R co$$erD Now the +ei%s o0 wor%'s are thinI To #o+e o t .o # st #o+e in. Let the Ba%e0ires now 1e #a'eB Mine the s$ar- within the# %ai'. This M. &i0t: that $eo$%e #eet In $eace an' $%ent. #a'e co#$%ete. This I &i+e: the Sacre' /a.B The stren&thB the so %B the si&htB the sa.. Mo+e 1e.on' the 0ier. screen Between the seen an' the nseenI She' .o r an&er an' .o r 0earB Li+e anew in a new .earK FIREMAEER:Cat each tree na#eB ho%'s $ twi&B then 1in's a%% to&ether into a torchD The Nine I sin&B the Nine 1%esse' trees /hich were e#$owere' o0 o%': Oa-B tho 'r i',s 'oorB o$en the wa. 0or s. A$$%eB tho -now%e'&e7&i+erB 1rea- o r circ%e o0 1%in'ness. AshB tho wor%'7s $$orterB 'ri+e awa. i%% $owers. BirchB tho tree7#otherB he%$ in o r hea%in&. :awthornB tho 1ranch o0 Ma.B &i+e s %i&ht an' ho$e. /i%%owB tho so %7%ea'erB &rant s sa0e $assa&e. :o%%.B tho 0orest -in&B 1e o r sa0e re0 &e. :aGe%B tho wise7one,s 1ranchB &i+e s tr e +ision. A%'erB tho ri+er,s %o+eB %et s 0%ow o twar'. In $eace %et s 0%ow o twar'I in $ower %et s 0%ow o twar'I in 1ea t. %et s 0%ow o twar'. CThe !o''ess %i&hts the torchB the Fire#a-er %i&hts the two 0iresB which ha+e 1een sat rate' with so#e 0%a##a1%e #ateria%B ie charcoa% starter. /hite Sa&e an' Ce'ar chi$s #a. 1e thrown thereon.D FIRE7PASSIN! C:ANT:C'r #D (ar- to %i&htB ni&ht to 'a.B Thro &h the 0ires %ies the wa.I O%' to newB 'eath to 1irthB Between the wor%'s to o r re1irth. COnce a%% ha+e $asse' 1etween the 0iresD PRIESTESS:

S-.,s FatherB /ise FatherB /ine FatherB S n FatherB Sa$ FatherB Son& FatherK Lor' o0 0orestB 0ie%' an' 1eastB Lor' o0 har+estB h nt an' 0eastB Ein& o0 hea+en,s &o%'en 0ireB (ancer o0 the so %,s 'esireB Master o0 the 'r # an' 0% teB Eee$er o0 the +ine.ar',s 0r itB Shine on s an' war# o r so %s 77 Teach s how to #a-e s who%eK Peo$%eB we can 0ee% :i# nearK :e is co#in&K :e is hereK !O(:Ce#er&in& 0ro# hi'in&B 'resse' in &reenB with %ea+es R hornsD Let the %i&ht o0 %i+in& 1%aGeK (ance within the s$ira% #aGeI Cr. o0 $i$e an' th #$ o0 'r #I O t .o &o an' in .o co#eK Mine the %i+in& $o%e o0 Ma. 77 O tsi'e %o+in& starts to'a.K This M. &i0t: that %o+ers 5oin To chin& at the %i$ an' %oin. This I &i+e: the Jo.o s (anceB M sicB son&B the +ineB the chanceK Now 'o 0ear an' an&er cease: (ance the hea%in& an' re%easeK CA 0air%. si#$%e tri$%e s$ira% sho %' 1e trace' on the &ro n' in %i#e or 0%o rB to &i+e the $eo$%e & i'e%ines 0or 'ancin&. The 'ance sho %' &o on nti% satiation or nti% the circ%e 0or#s a&ainI there is no one h #an 0oca% $oint 77 the intent sho %' 1e 0or $eaceB n'erstan'in&B to%eranceB etc.D SPIRAL7(ANCIN! C:ANT:C'r #D Jo.B hea%th an' $eace 1e in the wor%' That s$ins into the Ma.7oB For s ##er is a7co#in, in An' winter,s &one awa.7o. BLESSIN! T:E FOO(: !o': Mine is the ri$enin& s n. !o''ess: Mine is the n rt rin& soi%. !o': Mine is the 0r it o0 the +ine. !o''ess: Mine is the cha%ice o0 %i0e. Both: /e are the 1%essin& o0 wineK An' the wine 1%esses s. !o': Mine is the $%ante' see'. !o''ess: Mine is the 0erti%e earth. !o': Mine is the #ower,s 1%a'e. !o''ess: Mine is the o+en o0 #a-in&. Both: /e are the 1%essin& o0 1rea'K An' the 1rea' 1%esses s. Feastin&B 'ancin&B sin&in&B $art.B etc. So#e -in' o0 &ro n'in& a0terwar's. EMBOLIC SOLITARA RIT=AL

On .o r a%tar sho %' 1e $%ace' a circ%e o0 38 stones an'B within the circ%e o0 stonesB a circ%e o0 38 can'%es. /ithin the circ%e o0 can'%es sho %' 1e s$rea' so#e #aiGe 7 i.e. corn #ea% 7 an' in that a wa?en 0e#a%e can'%e to s.#1o%iGe the !o''ess on .o r a%tar. On the eastern si'e o0 the a%tar sho %' 1e $%ace' a s#a%% shea0 o0 &rain with a can'%e inserte' insi'e it. Ao sho %' 'ress in .o r s a% cere#onia% &ar1 0or Ma&ic-a% rites or s-.c%a'B as .o $re0er. Retire to 1athe in sa%t7water C se sea sa%tD 1e0ore the rit a%. As .o 'o so $ict re the water c%eansin& the so % an' s$iritB 5 st as it c%eanses the 1o'.. /hen .o ha+e 'resse'B anoint .o rse%0 with a ho%. oi%. /hen .o ha+e $re$are' .o rse%0B sit in a 'i# q iet $%ace an' %i&ht a can'%e 7 ONE T:AT IS NOT BEIN! =SE( IN T:E RITES 7 an' #e'itate on how at this ti#e o0 .ear the !o''ess in her 0ier. as$ect AS LI!:T was we%co#e' 1ac- into the Te#$%es an' the :o#es o0 the %an'. Ta-e this can'%e an' wa%- s%ow%. to .o r a%tar. P%ace it in the circ%e o0 the 38 can'%es. Then %i&ht the two a%tar can'%esB which are se$arate 0ro# the circ%e o0 %i&hts a%soB an' the incense. CIncense sho %' 1e stic- or $ow'ere' incense on charcoa% in a swin&in& 1 rner.D Then %i&ht a%% the q arter can'%es in the 4 'irectionsB startin& in the east an' &oin& c%oc-wise. Cast .o r circ%e in the s a% #annerB 1 t In+o-e the !o''ess with the 0o%%owin&: LSacre' wo#1B &i+er o0 the secrets o0 Li0eB Mother o0 a%% that e?ists in the =ni+erseB I as- .o r & ar'ianshi$ o0 this &atherin& an' .o r assistance in #. wor-. I a# &athere' in ce%e1ration o0 .o r &i0ts an' #. wor- is #ost ho%.. SO MOTE IT BEL an' In+o-e the !o' in the 0o%%owin& #anner: LFire o0 the s-.B & ar'ian o0 a%% that e?ists in the =ni+erseB I as- .o r & ar'ianshi$ o0 this &atherin& an' .o r assistance in #. wor-. I a# &athere' in ce%e1ration o0 .o r &i0ts an' #. wor- is #ost ho%.. SO MOTE IT BEL Ccontin e with the circ%e castin& i0 it is not a%rea'. 0inishe'D Li&ht the 38 can'%es an' then the !o''ess can'%e in the center an' sa.: L/ar# an' q ic-enin& Li&ht awa-en an' 1rin& 0orth 1ea t. 0or tho art #. $%eas re an' #. 1o nt. LOR( an' LA(A OSiRIS AN( ISISL

Cor .o #a. s 1stit te whate+er na#es .o r circ%e ses 0or the !o' an' the !o''ess 7 or those .o $ersona%%. $re0erD Re0%ect a #o#ent on the co#in& o0 the %i&ht an' o00er $ the incense. sa.: LO ancient Ones Ti#e%ess !o''ess an' Sacre' Ein& who art the hera%'s o0 s$rin&ti#e an' it,s 1o nties 1e with #e now in ce%e1ration :ai% to Osiris an' Isis :ar+est &i+er an' 1%esse' La'. Let this 1e a ti#e an' a $%ace sacre' to .o r $ower an' .o r 1ea t. SO MOTE IT BEL Li&ht the can'%e in the shea0 o0 &rain an' ho%' it $ with the %oa0 o0 1rea' in the other han' an' sa.: Cor the ca-es 7 whate+er .o or .o r tra'ition ses 0or the ca-es an' wine>5 ice cere#on.D LM. Lor' an' La'.B as the see' 1eco#es the &rainB so the &rain 1eco#es the 1rea'B Mar- the e+er%astin& +a% e o0 o r seasons an' their chan&es.L Brea- a $iece o0 the 1rea' or ca-es o00 an' 1 rn it as an o00erin& in the centra% can'%e. Then sa.: LIn the 'ee$est Ic. /inter the see' o0 the Earth %ies 'ee$ within the wo#1 o0 the !reat Mother. The S$rin& 1rin&s the heat o0 the Father an' with their 5oinin& co#es new %i0e. The co#$%etion o0 the c.c%e 1rin&s 0oo' to the chi%'ren o0 the wor%'. As I taste the 0oo' I sha%% -now the wis'o# o0 the c.c%es an' 1e 1%esse' with the 0oo' o0 wis'o# thro &ho t #. %i0eL Consecrate ca-es an' wine>5 ice in the s a% #anner an' $arta-e o0 the#B 1 t 0irst raise .o r cha%ice or 'rin-in& horn an' sa.: L:ai% to thee ISIS :ai% to thee Osiris For tho art 1%esse'L A0ter this co## ne in #e'itation with the Lor' an' %a'. 0or a whi%eB then c%ose the circ%e in .o r s a% #anner.

( rin& Sa#hain it is in so#e tra'itions a$$ro$riate to ha+e a 0eastBan' to set a $%ace 0or their Ancestors at the ta1%e.S n'own on Oct.83 is the 1e&innin& o0 Sa#hain when the +ei%s 1etween the two wor%'s are the thinnest.:ere is an e?a#$%e o0 a chant that one co %' se 0or s ch an occasion. LAn' so it is Bwe &ather a&ainB The 0east o0 o r 'ea' to 1e&in. O r AncientsBO r Ancestors we in+iteB Co#eKKK An' 0o%%ow the settin& s n. /ho# 'o we ca%%J /e Ca%% the# 1. na#e CNa#e .o r Ancestors that .o wish or want to we%co#eD The ancients ha+e co#eK :ere with s stan' /here e+er the co ntr.Bwhere e+er the %an' The. %ea+e s notBto tra+e% a%oneI 0%esh o0 o r 0%eshB1one o0 o r 1oneK !ran'#othersB!ran'0athersB!reat to 1e their Power K Past ones an' $resent7at this +er. ho rK /e%co#e within are the 'ea' who are -inB Feast here with s an' rest here within O r hearth is .o r hearth an' we%co#e to theeI O%' ta%es to te%% an' new +isions to seeKL It is a%so c sto#ar. to %i&ht a new can'%e 0or the Lnew .earL.This rit a% har-ens 1ac- to the 'a.s o0 Sa#hain was one o0 on%. two 'a.s7the other 1ein& Be%taine7when it is consi'ere' correct to e?tin& ish the Lhearth


0ireLan' then to re%i&ht it.I0 .o r 0ire 0ai%e' at an. other ti#e o0 the .earBit was tho &ht to 1e +er. 1a' % cin'ee'.

L=$on the re-in'%in& o0 the 0ire in the #ornin&Bthis 1%essin& was o0ten sai': /e ca%% =$on the Sacre' ThreeI To Sa+e.....To Shie%'.....To S rro n' The hearth.....The :o se.....The :o seho%' This Ni&htBEach Ni&htBE+er. Ni&ht.KL

@@I<. SM=(!IN!
SM=(!IN! I ca#e across a +er. interestin& artic%e 0ro# LSha#an,s (r #L which was re$rinte' 0or <ision ; est Boo-store. I wi%% atte#$t to con+e. the &ist o0 itB a%on& with #. +iewsB as a st 'ent o0 the /a.s o0 the TenehB a1o t it. S# '&in& is a wa. o0 sin& the s#o-e 0ro# 1 rnin& her1s as a wa. to c%eanse the 1o'.B an o15ectB or a &i+en area o0 ne&ati+e in0% ences. I #.se%0 se s# '&in& to Lc%eanseL cr.sta%s 1e0ore sin& the# in 5ewe%r. $ro5ects I #a. 'oB an' 0or $rotectin& #. ho#e 0ro# so#e recent L1a' +i1eL7$ro' cin& e+ents. C%an'%or' tro 1%esKD I i#a&ine that the s-i%%0 % se o0 the $ro$er her1s co %' he%$ in war'in& an' 1anishin& cere#onies as we%%B i0 se' $ro$er%. an' with re+erence. The three #ost se' $%ant #ateria% 0or s# '&in& are sa&e o0 a%% t.$esB ce'arB an' sweet&rass. Sa&e YYYY There are two #a5or &enii an' se+era% +arieties o0 each &en s o0 Sa&e that are se' 0or s# '&in&. Sa%+iaB or the her1 sa&e se' 0or coo-in&B co#es in two #a5or +arieties: S. O00icina%isB co##on%. -nown as !ar'en Sa&eB an' S. A$ianaB co##on%. -nown as /hite Sa&e. Sa%+ia +arieties ha+e %on& 1een ac-now%e'&e' as hea%in& her1sB re0%ecte' in the 0act that its &en s na#e co#es 0ro# the Latin root wor' Tsa%+areTB which is the +er1 Lto hea%L or Lto sa+e.L Arte#isia is the &en s co##on%. consi'ere' LSa&e1r shLB an' is #ore co##on in the wi%'s o t here in Ca%i0ornia. There are two #a5or +arieties to the Arte#isia &en s: A. Ca%i0ornicaB or Co##on Sa&e1r shB an' A. < %&arisB or M &wort. There are #an. other +arieties o0 1oth Sa%+ia an' Arte#isiaB an' a%% are e00ecti+e in s# '&in&. Sa&e is 1 rne' in s# '&in& cere#onies to 'ri+e o t e+i% s$iritsB ne&ati+e tho &hts an' 0ee%in&sB an' to -ee$ !an,n Cne&ati+e entitiesD awa. 0ro# areas where cere#onia%s ta-e $%ace. In the P%ains Sweat%o'&eB the 0%oor o0 the str ct re is strewn with sa&e %ea+es 0or the $artici$ants to r 1 on their 1o'ies ' rin& the sweat. Sa&e is a%so se' in -ee$in& sacre' o15ects %i-e $i$es or Pe.ote wan's sa0e 0ro# ne&ati+e in0% ence. In the Sio ? nationB the Sacre' Pi$e is -e$t in a 1 n'%e with sa&e 1o &hs. I wo %' thin- s$ecia% cr.sta%s co %' 1e so $rotecte' this wa. as we%%.

Ce'ar YYYYY Tr e ce'ar is o0 the Th 5a an' Li1oce'r s &enii. So#e J ni$ers CJ ni$er s &en sD are a%so ca%%e' Lce'arLB th s co#$%icatin& thin&s so#e. So#e J ni$er +arieties ARE c%eansin& her1sB es$ecia%%. J. Monos$er#aB or (esert /hite Ce'ar. B t 0or s# '&in&B the 1est is /estern Re' Ce'ar CTh 5a occi'enta%isD an' Ca%i0ornia Incense Ce'ar CLi1oce'r s 'esc rrensD. Ce'ar is 1 rnt whi%e $ra.in& to the !reat S$irit C=sen,B the So rce77a%so -nown to P%ains nations as /a-an Tan-aD in #e'itationB an' a%so to 1%ess a ho se 1e0ore #o+in& in as is the tra'ition in the Northwest an' /estern Cana'a. It wor-s 1oth as a $ ri0ier an' as a wa. to attract !OO( ener&. in .o r 'irection. It is s a%%. a+ai%a1%e in her1 stores in chi$$e' 0or#B which # st 1e s$rin-%e' o+er a charcoa% in a 1raGier. I %i-e a $iece o0 charcoa%e' #esq ite 0or this $ r$oseB rather than the co##ercia% charcoa% ca-e. Sweet&rass YYYYYYYYYY <er. i#$ortant to the Sio ? an' Chero-ee nationsB its 1otanica% na#e is :ieroch%oe O'erata. In these tri1esB the sweet&rass is 1rai'e' %i-e hair 1rai's. It co %' 1e 1 rnt 1. %i&htin& the en' o0 itB or C#ore econo#ica%%.D 1. sha+in& %itt%e 1its o0 it onto charcoa% in a 1raGier. A&ainB se charcoa%e' Mesq ite CI 1e%ie+e it co#es $ac-a&e' 0or 1ar1ec e se n'er the 1ran' na#e LRe' ArrowLD to 1 rn itB not $resse' charcoa% ta1%ets. Sweet&rass is 1 rnt a0ter s# '&in& with sa&eB to we%co#e in &oo' in0% ences a0ter the 1a' ha' 1een 'ri+en o t. Sweet&rass is +er. rare to'a.B an' tra'itiona% P%ains $eo$%e ha+e 1een atte#$tin& to $rotect the %ast o0 it. M.se%0B I 1e%ie+e that Ce'arB which is not en'an&ere'B can sa0e%. 1e se' this wa.. A%so Pinon $ine nee'%es C se' #ore 0req ent%. 1. the So thwest TenehB %i-e the Na+a5o an' A$ache as we%% as the P e1%o $eo$%e an' the Z niD an' Co$a% C se' 1. the Aaq i an' in ancient ti#es 1. the AGteca an' the Ma.aD ha+e si#i%ar e00ect. The three #entione' here are rea'i%. a+ai%a1%e either thro &h &atherin& .o rse%0 orB in the case o0 co$a% resinB 0ro# an. &oo' her1 sho$. =sin& S# '&in& YYYYY YYYYYYYY B rn c%i$$in&s o0 the her1 in a 1raGier...not a she%% as so#e Lnew a&eL sha#anic circ%es 'o...it is an ins %t to /hite Painte' /o#an CThe !o''essD to 'o thisB es$ecia%%. with the a1a%one she%% which is es$ecia%%. sacre' to :er. I0 the her1 is 1 n'%e' in a Lwan'LB .o can a%so %i&ht the en' o0 the wan' that isn,t woo'. an' se that. I %i-e the %atter wa.. (irect the s#o-e with .o r han's or with a Pe.ote C0eatherD wan' o+er the $erson or thin& .o wish to s# '&e. I0 .o can see a rasB %oo- 0or 'isco%ore' $%aces in the a ra an' 'irect the hea%in& s#o-e towar's those $%aces on the $atient,s 1o'.. For c%eansin& a ho seB 0irst o00er ce'ar s#o-e to the 0o r 'irections o tsi'e the ho se. ThenB ta-e a sa&e 1o &h an' &o thro &ho t the insi'e o0 the ho seB #a-in& s re the s#o-e $enetrates e+er. noo- an' crann. o0 the ho se. It

#i&ht he%$ a%soB i0 .o ha+e a $ower ani#a%B to +is a%iGe .o r ani#a% 'oin& these thin&sB to a%so 'ance .o r ani#a%B an' i0 .o ha+e a $ower son&B to sin& that too. Then 0ina%%.B r n thro &h the ho se with a white can'%e that is we%% $rotecte'B to L%i&ht $L the ho se. Care0 % not to 1 rn it 'own when .o 'o itKKK Fina% Tho &hts YYYYY YYYYYYYY S# '&in& sho %' 1e 'one with careB with re+erenceB an' in an attit 'e o0 LO<E. Show .o r res$ect an' honor to the $%ants that =sen, has &i+en s 0or o r hea%in&B an' the. wi%% ret rn the 0a+or 1. -ee$in& s we%% an' 0ree 0ro# 'isease an' ne&ati+e ener&.. A%oe <era $%antsB tho &h not to 1e 1 rntB are &oo' 0or the c%eansin& an&%e as we%%. Eee$ one or #ore $otte' A%oe <eras in the ho se C#o'ern +arieties are too ten'er to $%ant in an.thin& 1 t 0 %% sha'e o tsi'eD in or&anic Cwoo' or cera#icB ne+er $%astic or #eta%D $ots. To honor the $%ant when .o trans$%ant itB s$rin-%e the roots with corn #ea% an' s# '&e it with ce'ar once it is trans$%ante'. The s$irit o0 A%oe <era is a &oo' $rotecti+e s$iritB an' i0 .o 1 rn .o rse%0B can a%so 1e se' to hea% .o r s-in. BE S=RE TO ASE T:E PLANT,S PERMISSION 1e0ore c ttin& $art o0 the %ea0 o00 0or the hea%in& 5 ice. I0 .o 'on,tB the $rotecti+e $ower o0 the $%ant wi%% ceaseB an' .o wi%% 1e %e0t with 1 t an inert ho se$%ant...an' $erha$s so#e 1a' -ar#a to 1oot. :i7'ichoB it is 0inishe'....ENJ=K

thatFs coo%B 1 t i0 .o F' %i-e to 1in' the# to 'i00erent thin&s at the sa#e ti#eB &et the ro$e an' na#e what it is .o want an' tie a -not an' -ee$ &oin&. Li-e H'eath\ tie a -notB Hacci'ents\ tie a -notB H Messe' $ re%ationshi$s\ tie a -not. A%ri&htB ta-e a 'ee$ 1reath. Li&ht the can'%e. I#a&ine the $erson in that Haccient\ see the# cr.in&B 1%ee'in& etc or i0 .o 'onFt wanna 'o a%% that 5 st see the# sa'B cr.in&B 'e$resse'B sa.in& H#. %i0e is he%%\ or so#ethin&. :a+e 0 n with it. :o%' that 0or a whi%e then 0ee% 5o. 0i%% .o r so %B ]ca se it a%rea'. ha$$ene'. !et the ro$e an' 1in' the $ict re>Na#e an' sa. H I Bin' .o OOOOOOB I 1in' .o to Cacci'entsB i%%nessesB 0inancia% $ro1%e#s\ a0ter .o r 'oneB IF' 1 rn the 1in'in& to ashes an' 1 r. the# 1 t i0 .o canFt 1 r. it[REAL (EEPK T .o co %' in+o-e s$irits i0 .o F' %i-e 1 t $ersona%%. I wo %'nFt ca se I wo %' want #.se%0 'estro.in& the# not #e an' a s$irit. T Ao co %' a%soB i0 it #a-es #ore sense to .o B &et a $iece o0 $a$er an' write the 1a' thin& .o want to 1in' the $erson too or &et a s.#1o% o0 that thin& an' 1in' the# to it. TO SET A B=IL(IN! ON FIRE Inscri1e the r ne 0or H'isr $tion ' e to o tsi'e 0orces\ or 'raw another s.#1o% 0or that or .o co %' 'raw the $%ace on 0ire an' s$irits s rro n'in& it. In 6 other $ieces o0 $a$er write the na#e o0 the $%ace>1 i%'in& .o want to set on 0ire. T Cast a $rotection s$e%% on .o rse%0B an' .o r ho#e[5 st in case. A%soB i0 .o cast circ%es an' in+ite the & ar'ians an' e%e#entsB 5 st as- the# to $rotect .o . BreatheB Me'itate on what it is .o F' %i-e. See the 1 i%'in& on 0ireB 0ee% the intense heatB see e+er.thin& on 0ireB see s#o-eB hear thin&s 1%owin&B 1 rnin&B an' $eo$%e screa#in&. (o that 0or 34739 #in tes. Another a%ternati+e to that is i#a&ine e+er.thin& I 5 st to%' .o 1 t i#a&ine s$irits i&nitin& the 0%a#es. I0 .o 0in' it har' to i#a&ine that 5 st tr. to sense it. A0ter that Chant in a co##an'in& +oice 0or %i-e 9 #in tes whi%e ho%'in& the $ict re o0 the 0ire: HS$irits that 'estro. 1. 0%a#esB I s ##on .o to 'o the sa#e\ A0ter thatB throw in the 0irst $a$er with the na#e o0 the $%ace. Recite 0or 9 #in tes whi%e ho%'in& the $ict re HS$irits that 'estro. 1. 0%a#esB I s ##on .o to 'o the sa#e\

BIN(IN! SOMEONE TO BA( T:IN!S I0 .o can 1in' so#eone to another $ersonB wh. canFt .o 1in' the# to 1a' thin&sB %i-e I%%nessesB acci'entsB #one. $ro1%e#s. SoB when the #oon is wanin& on a Sat r'a. or when the #oon is 0 %%>newB &ather the 0o%%owin&[ B%ac- Can'%e B%ac- cor'>ro$e C.o :A<E to ha+e thisD Pict re o0 the $erson> Na#e on $iece o0 $a$er I0 .o want to 1in' so#eone to 5 st on thin& %i-e i%%nesses

Throw in the secon' Re$eat the chant 0or 9 #in tes a&ain. Then throw in the $a$er with the $ict re o0 the 1 i%'in&B 1 t 1e0ore .o 'o -iss it. HEiss o0 'eath\ watch it 1 rn. Than- the s$irits i0 .o F' %i-e an' %et the 0%a#es 1e&in. I0 .o F' %i-e .o can re$eat this s$e%% 0or 8 ni&hts. I 'o 1t .o wi%%B its too- a %on& ti#e. TO SMAS: SOMEONEFS LE!S !et so#e roots 0ro# a treeB $re0era1%. a 1i& an' o%' tree. !et a $otB $ t a 1it o0 waterB it sho %'nFt e?cee' #e'i # hei&ht. T rn on the sto+e to hi&h. !et a c $ $o r so#e #i%-B an' $o r so#e +ine&ar an' sa%t. !et a%% the roots .o F+e co%%ecte' an' se$arate the# e+en%. an' 1in' the# with so#e -in' o0 cor' into 6 H%e&s\ Li&ht a 1%ac- can'%e. !et a ha##erB ho%' it in .o r $ower han' an' in+o-e the s$irit o0 0ire into it. Fire ^ (estr ction. Fee% the hate 0or the $ersonB 0or a1o t 9 #in tesB te%% .o r se%0 .o hate the# or 1etter .et .o 'etest the#. A %itt%e tric- that he%$s #e &et e?tra #a' is I i#a&ine #.se%0 1eatin& the# $B %i-e c ttin& the# $ or whate+er. a0ter a whi%e cr sh the H%e&s\ rea%%. we%%B 'o it %i-e .o #ean it ca se its their %e&s. A0ter .o F+e s#ashe' the# $ $rett. we%% 1%ow o t the can'%e an' 1rin& the %e&s to the sto+e. T rn the water 6 hi&hB wait 0or it to start 1oi%in& an' throw in the #i%-. A0ter thatB throw in the %e&s. Let it 1oi% 0or as %on& as .o 0ee% then throw the ]$otionF 'own the sin-. An' a%ternati+e to this s$e%% is a0ter its 'one 1oi%in& $ t it in a &%ass 5ar or so#e si#i%ar &%ass container an' 1 r. it. Ao -now how #i%- &oes when its war#. Or .o co %' s-i$ the 1oi%in& $art an' 5 st &o strai&ht to 5ar. T Mi%- 1 i%' stron& 1onesB so 1. $ ttin& +ine&ar an' sa%t .o in a weir' wa.B re+erse the e00ects o0 #i%-. I inc% 'e' 0ireB 1eca se it can 1e en%i&htenin& an' $ro+i'in&B 1 t its a%wa.s 1een 'estr ction an' wea-enin&. I 'eci'e' to 1oi% the #i%- 1eca se as the #i%- heats $ it re%eases stea# an' that to #e #eans the Ma&ic- %ea+in& %itt%e 1. %itt%e to 'o its 5o1. L=STF=L EMOTIONS The ori&ina% s$e%% req ire' a can'%eB 1 t water s.#1o%iGes e#otions as we%%. So 0i%% a $ot with water an' $ t so#e o0 .o r se? a% 0% i's in the water. /hat wo %' #a-e it #ore $otent i0 .o 0antasiGe .o an' that $erson 'oin& so#ethin& e?otic an' -in-. that t rns .o on an'

#ast r1ate to it. Ma-e a $o$$et o0 the $ersonB whi%e 'oin& this thin- o0 the# an' .o an' that $erson ha+in& re%ationsB etc. sa. HA%% that I 'o to this 0i& reB I 'o toOOOOOOOOOO\ 1reathe on it an' sa. Hso #ote it 1e\ a0ter that $ t the $ot on the sto+e an' %et the water 1oi%B 1e0ore .o $ t the $o$$et in the water to s.#1o%iGe the $erson 1oi%in& in % st thin- o0 that $erson 'oin& so#ethin& se? a% that t rns .o on or whate+er then throw in the $o$$et. Lea+e it on the sto+e 0or 6 ho rs an' ha+e 0aith. Tso#ethin& that a%so ca#e to #e now what i0 .o 'i' what I instr cte' 1 t a%so ha+e a re' cinna#on can'%e anointe' with .o r 0% i's as we%% an' ha+e it 1 rn with the $ot 0or 6 ho rs to&ether. ROT IN T:E !RO=N( This was ins$ire' when I was #a-in& 0oo' this #ornin&. I saw how the e&& hit the $an an' how it q ic-%. chan&e co%or n'er heatB it re#in'e' #e when e&&s went 1a' an' the s#e%%. I re#e#1ere' o0 this o%' s$e%% IF+e rea' a1o t in which 0or I thin- 2 ni&hts at the sa#e ho r .o r %i&ht a 1%ac- can'%e an' i#a&ine .o r ene#. in a 1 11%e an' 'arener&. aro n' the# in the 1 11%e. This ne&ati+e ener&. wi%% #a-e the# 1e sic- an' it wi%% a%so attract ne&ati+e $eo$%e towar's the#. M. +ersion is si#$%eB an' +er. e00ecti+e. Li&ht a 1%accan'%e. Fee% the hate 0or the $erson an' &et an e&&. P sh .o r hate into the e&&B the e&& s.#1o%iGes the +icti#. Ao can i#a&ine 'ar- ener&. 0ro# .o r han's &oin& into the e&& or 5 st $ sh the hate an' i#a&ine the $erson in a she%% an' the ener&. s rro n'in& the#B 0i%%in& the she%% an' &oin& into the# #a-in& their s-in wrin-%e their hair 0a%%in& an' 1a' $eo$%e s rro n'in& o tsi'e the she%%. A0ter .o 0ee% .o F+e e?ha ste' .o rse%0. !o o tsi'e 'i& a ho%e an' $ t the e&&B 0ee% 0ree to $ t in thin&s that are 1e' or s#e%% 1a' or cinna#on to char&e the hate. /hate+er. co+er the ho%e an' thatFs it. For the ne?t * 'a.sB &o to that s$ot 0or a q ic- #o#ent i#a&ine an' 0ee% the hate 0or the# an' sto#$ on the s$ot * ti#esB s.#1o%ica%%. sto#$in& o00 the hate. Then the ne?t 'a. )B an' then "B an' .o -now the rest. A0ter a whi%e tr st #e then e&& wi%% &o 1a'B rotB an' s$e%% rea%%. 1a'. Tr st #e. Ao F%% 0ee% 1a' 0or that $erson. Or notK I (ETEST AO= Ao # st 0ee% e?tre#e hate 0or the $erson. Constr ct a $o$$et whi%e 'oin& this 0ee% the hatre' 0or

the $ersonB s#i%e to .o rse%0 0ee% ha$$inessB 1eca se the. are &oin& to $a. in $ain an' s 00erin&. Ma-e a 0ire in so#e -in' o0 container or ca %'ron. P t $a$er or whate+er to #a-e the 0ire rea% e?tra+a&ant an' #ore $ower0 %. :a+e 6 1%ac->re' can'%es on 1oth si'es o0 the 0ire. :o%' the $o$$et in .o r ri&ht han' an' sa. Ha%% that I 'o to this 0i& reB I 'o to OOOOOO\ 1%ow on it. Throw the $o$$et in the 0ire an' c%ose .o r see the $erson on one o0 those a%tars where ani#a%s are sacri0ice' an' see their 1o'. on 0%a#es. Tr. .o r 1estB i#a&ine the# on 0ire an' 1o n' to the a%tar so a%% the. can 'o it s 00er. See their s-in 1 11%in& or #e%tin& o0B see their hair on 0ireB see the# cr.in&. (o this 0or at %east 34 #in tesB i0 .o rea%%. want this .o wonFt #in'. /hi%e .o Fre 'oin& this tr. to sa. H I 'etest .o \ a co $%e o0 ti#es. CR=S:E( BA :ATE !et an e&& an' 0ee% the hate .o ha+e 0or the $erson. Fee% it s r&e thro &h .o B &et #a'B $ nch so#ethin& i0 that he%$s .o intensi0.[it 'oes 0or #e. /hen .o 0ee% the hate so rea% cr sh the e&& in .o r han's. S.#1o%iGin& .o cr shin& the#.

MAEIN! SOMEONE (REAM OF (EAT: _ I hear' 0ro# a 0rien' that i0 so#eone 'ies in a 'rea# the. can 'ie in rea% %i0e 1eca se their #in' &oes into shoc- or so#ethin&B the. co %' 'ie or co %' &et st c- in a co#a Castra% rea%#D. Ao e+er ha' a 'rea# where .o r a1o t to 0a%% or so#ethin& %i-e that an' .o wa-e $J ThatFs what I #ean i0 .o were to act a%%. 0a%% .o co %' &et st c- in a co#a or $ossi1%. 'ie. I 'onFt -now that was tr eB 1 t I%% $%a. it sa0e. so when .o r rea'. to en' the s$e%% sa. H/ith no tr e (EAT: to the#\. Ao F%% nee' T A Pot with water. T Ce%er. SticT Eni0e or Atha#e T Jas#ine Tea 1a& Or Act a% Jas#ine F%ower T So#e hate an' .o r wi%%. Foc s on the hate 0or the $erson an' 'rain it in the water 1. $assin& .o r han' o+er or thro &h the water. P t the $ot on the sto+e to 1oi%B $ t the sto+e on :i&h :eat. /hen the water starts to 1oi%B throw in the Jas#ine an' $ t in the ce%er.. Ao co %' $ t the who%e thin&B so that it stic-s $ or 1rea- it into $ieces. Once that is co#$%ete'B %et the water 1oi% 0or a whi%e an' 0oc s on .o r hate 0or the $ersonB 0oc s on what .o want. I wo %' 0in' that har' to i#a&ine so I 5 st re$eat what I want to ha$$en to #.se%0 an' 5 st tr st an' -now. A0ter .o F+e 'one that 0or a whi%eB $ t in the -ni0e. Let the shar$ $art stic- in

ENOT SPELL Tie an' -not e+er. ti#e recitin& the c re an' $ ttin& a 1%ac- 0eather in the -notB For 1est res %ts $ t the -not n'er the +icti#s #attress. BANIS:IN! C:ANT Li&ht a 1%ac- can'%eB write on a $iece o0 $a$er who .o want to 1anish or what. I&nite it an' chant. I 1anish .o onceB I 1anish .o twice I 1anish thrice No #ore wi%% .o 'ar-en #. %i0e. then #a-e a rin& o0 sa%t aro n' the can'%e an' %ea+e it there 0or 8 ni&hts. re$eat the s$e%% 0or those 8 ni&hts. or 'o this in a 1ow%. %ea+in& the 1 rnt $a$er an' a''in& #ore sa%t.

the water an' the han'%e $art stic- o t o0 the $ot. Lea+e to 1oi% 0or as %on& as .o F' %i0e[.o co %' sa. an incantation to &o a%on&. J st #a-e s re .o sa. H/ith no tr e (eath to The#\. An' thatFs it. Ce%er. s.#1o%iGes 'rea#s an' Jas#ine too. Eni0e>Atha#e s.#1o%iGe ta-in& %i0e awa.. /ater s.#1o%iGes 'rea# wor%'. TO O<ERCOME AN ENEMA !et a $otB 0i%% it with water an' 0ee% the hate 0or the $erson an' $o t it into the water. See the water t rn 1%ac- or re'. !et so#ethin& o0 the $ersons or 5 st write their na#e on $a$er. P t the $ot on the sto+e an' %et the water 1oi%. Po r in a so#e #i%- so the water t rns white. Po r so#e +ine&arB sa%tB an' ashes. To &et the ashesB 5 st write on a $iece o0 $a$er the na#e o0 the $ersonB $o r so#e hate in the $a$er an' sit it on 0ire[o+er the $ot an' %et it 'ro$. /hen a%% that is 'one[throw in the $a$er with

the $ersonFs na#e on it an' .o can sa. an incantation with it or 5 st %et it 1oi% 0or ha%0 an ho r. BOILIN! SOMEONE IN :ATE !et a $otB 0i%% it $ with water[$ t .o r han's in there an' 0ee% the hate 0or the $erson[tr. to 'o this 0or 34 #in tes or #ore. Let the water s c- it o t o0 .o B i#a&ine the water t rnin& 1%ac- with hate. P t it on the sto+e on :i&h so the water 1oi%s. !et a $iece o0 $a$er or a $ict re an' write the $ersonFs na#e. (i$ it in Chic-en 1%oo'. An' throw it in the $ot. Lea+e to 1oi% 0or ha%0 an' ho r then throw it o t. Or 1. their ho seB 0or 'ra#atic e00ect. Ao co %' 5 st 'o that or 'o it with a s$e%% %i-e Boi% in #. hate TiFs .o r new 0ate Ma. the s-in 0a%% o0 .o 0ace Ma. .o r %i0e 1e 0i%%e' with 'is#a. Ma. e+er.thin& &o wron& Be creati+e.

Pee ` I 'i' that ca se I was in the GoneB 1 t It #a'e sense. B%ac- Can'%e ` Ca se its 1%ac- #a&ic- an' its 0or 1anishin&B 1in'in& an' 1rea-in& thro &h o1stac%es Fire ` (estr ction. B%esse' BeB MAEIN! SOMEONE SEE AN( (REAM OF T:EIR FEARS !et a $otB $ t so#e water 0ro# the sin- an' $ t it the sto+e 1 rner thin& on #e'i #. Po r so#e oi%B Sa%tB an' +ine&ar. I $ t a %itt%e 1a-in& so'a 1eca se when Ba-in& so'a an' +ine&ar #i? the #a-e that coo% 0oa#. Ao 'onFt ha+e to $ t the Ba-in& So'a. /hi%e the water starts to 1 11%e a %itt%eB &et a sheet o0 $a$er 'raw a stic- 0i& re an' write the +icti#s na#e on it. C t it o t an' .o can sa. HI na#e .o OOOOOO\ or 5 st se it. I 'i'nFt na#e itB I 5 st se' it. !et roachesB as # ch as .o can or want I &ot 4. !et so#e ant as we%%. A%ri&htB the water sho %' 1e 1 11%in& a %itt%e 1 t so $ t the 1 rner on :i&h. /hen the $ot is 1oi%in& %i-e craG.B throw in the roaches an' the ants. <is a%iGe .o r o15ecti+eB i#a&ine .o Fre the +icti# an' 0ee% the ants a&ainst .o r s-in. I#a&ine .o rse%0 in a corner an' %ots o0 roaches e+er.whereB 0ee% the 0earB etc. Throw in the $erson an' recite 8 ti#es

TO MAEE CBANIS:D AN ENEMA MO<E A/AA !et a Bott%eB %i-e Pe$si 1ott%e. =rinate in it. :a+e a sheet o0 $a$er with the $ersonFs na#e on it. !et a B%ac- can'%e an' i#a&ine the $erson #o+in& awa.B 0ee% the .o r hate #a-e it ha$$en. Po r the hate into the can'%e 1. ta$$in& the wic-. ThatFs how I anoint can'%es so#eti#es. An.wa.s. Start to i#a&ine the $erson #o+e awa.B see the# wa%- awa. with % &&a&eB see the# in a car 'ri+in& awa.. See the# $ac-in& $ their c%othes. See the# on a $%ane 0%.in& awa.. Re$eat to .o rse%0 H#o+e awa.B I 1anish .o awa.B #o+e awa.\ To ch the $a$er an' %et the 0ee%in& 0%ow into the $a$er. Li&ht the can'%e. In+o-e Sat rn. O$en the 1ott%eB set the $a$er on 0ire a %itt%e 1it an' throw it in the 1ott%e. Throw in so#e +ine&arB an' so#e sa%t. C%ose the 1ott%e an' 1e&in to i#a&ine the# %ea+in& a&ainB rea%%. want it. Re$eat HMo+e awa. OOOOOOOB Mo+e awa.. I 1anish .o B #o+e awa..\ Then thatFs it. <ine&ar ` So r their %i+es Sa%t ` Banishin& Mars ` Bin'in&B Banishin&B etc.

HRoaches are .o ca se o0 0earB Roaches I cast on .o #. 'ear. See the# craw%B see the# near .o . See the# a%%B see the# on .o . Fee% their %e&s a&ainst .o r s-inB (rown in roachesB 1oi% 0or .o sin. Powers o0 0ireB $owers o0 the so th. Set hi# on 0ireB with roaches r nnin& a1o t\ So #ote it 1e. Let the water contin e to 1oi% 0or 34 #ore #in tes. Then throw it o t. T I inc% 'e' the ants 1eca se the. s.#1o%iGe 5o. an' $eace. Boi%in& the# to 'eathB wo %' s.#1o%iGe 1oi%in& 5o. an' $eace to the $erson. /A@ BIN(IN! On A Sat r'a.B at 2 $#. Li&ht a 1%ac- can'%e. :a+e a $iece o0 $a$er with the $ersonFs %i$s on it. (raw itB or whate+er. !et the %i$s an' sa. H Ao are OOOOOFs Li$s\ Eiss the#

an' so #ote it 1e. !ather a%% the #e#ories o0 the# ta%-in& an' $issin& the he%% o t o0 .o . Or 5 st a 0ewB 0ee% the anno.ance. Li&ht the can'%e an' a%%ow 2 'ro$s o0 wa? to 0a%% on the %i$s an' sa. H/a?B wa? 'ro$s on .o r %i$s. Sea%in& ti&htB .o r +oice 'oesnFt e?ist. (onFt s$ea- n%ess .o r s$o-en toB (onFt anno. #eB (onFt 'ist r1 #e. As I wi%%B so sha%% it 1e\ Me'itate on .o r s$e%% an' so #ote it 1e. Tie the %i$s an' 1 rn the# or 1 r. the#. B t .o sho %' 1 rn the#B 1eca se 0ire is 'estr cti+e. TO EILL A FRIEN(S:IP TI0 two $eo$%e who are 0rien's are screwin& .o or .o 5 st canFt stan' the# 1ein& ha$$.>to&etherB 'o this s$e%%. On a Sat r'a. ni&ht when then #oon is in Mars or Sat rn &et a 1%ac- can'%eB Sa%tB <ine&arB So#e water in a 1ow%B Pict re o0 the# or their na#es C:a+e their B7'a.Fs or astro%o&ica% si&ns on the $a$er>Pict re as we%%DB Cor'B an' a Eni0e. Thin- o0 how # ch .o hate the#. Let the 0ee%in& 0%ow thro &h .o . !et the can'%eB sa. HI wish .o r 0rien'shi$ to wither an' 'ie\ 'a1 the can'%e wic- as i0 anointin& it an' i&nite the can'%e. !et the 1ow% an' throw in so#e sa%t an' +ine&ar an' stir it co nter7c%oc-wise with the -ni0e. Po r so#e o0 .o r hate into the cor' an' #a-e ) -nots with it. ) is the n #1er 0or ]co#$%etionF an' 8 s.#1o%iGes ]#in'B 1o'.B an' so %F the 'o 1%e 8Fs that eq a% " can 1e the 6 $eo$%e .o -now their #in'sB 1o'iesB an' so %s. ) #a-in& it ne+en to #e s.#1o%iGes se$aration. An.wa.s a0ter that &et the $a$er with their na#es on it an' the -ni0eB 0ee% the hate once #ore an' sa.

the 0rien'shi$ 1in' the $a$er>$ict re with the cor'. Throw it in the 1ow% with the +ine&ar an' sa%t. S$it in it as a 0or# o0 H I s$it at .o r 0rien'shi$\ %ea+e it in there o+er ni&ht then &o o tsi'e 'i& a 'ee$ eno &h who%e an' throw in the water with the %itt%e thin&.. P t 'irt o+er it an' sto#$ o+er it ) ti#es. That is it. AFTERMAT: C=RSE :a+e a $ot o0 water an' $ t .o r han's in it an' thin- o0 how # ch .o hate the $erson who 'i' .o wron&. Let the water t rn 1%ac- with hateB then $ t ) stic-s o0 cinna#onB who%e cinna#on[1 t i0 .o &ot $ow'ere' cinna#on thatFs coo%. IF' $ t a $ieces o0 %e#on 1eca se o0 the so rnessB a%so +ine&ar an' #i%- 0or co%or. Recite this whi%e 1 rnin& a $ict re or a $iece o0 $a$er with the +icti#s na#e on it. HThere has 1een n0airness 'one to #e I s ##on the e%e#ents I In+o-e the# I con5 re the# to 'o #. 1i''in& The 0o r watchtowers sha%% %a. their e.es an' #in's There sha%% 1e 0earB & i%tB an' 1a' 1%oo' There sha%% 1e s 1#ission an' no $it. I $oint the 8 0o%' %aw a&ainst thee A&ainst thee it sha%% 1e $ointe' 8 0o%'B a h n're' 0o%' is the cost 0or M. an&er an' $ain Thee sha%% 1e 1%in'e' B. the 0ear B%in'e' 1. #. $ain B%in'e' 1. #e B%in'e' 1. #e C=RSE( BA MEKKKK S.M.I.T T Persona%%. IF' in+o-e Car#anB !o' o0 C rsin&. A0ter thatB &et the ashes an' throw the# in the H$otion\.

HIn+o-in& Fire the e%e#ent o0 'estr ctionB I EILL AO=R FRIEN(S:IPK Ma. it wither 0ro# withinFB Ma. it 1 rn 0ro# withinFB #a. it 1e 'estro.e' 0ro# within. MAA IT (IE FROM /IT:INF MAA IT (IE FROM /IT:INF MAA IT (IE FROM /IT:INF MAA IT (IE FROM /IT:INF MAA IT (IE FROM /IT:INF MAA IT (IE FROM /IT:INF MAA IT (IE FROM /IT:INF\ Sta1 the $ict re>na#es. A0ter .o 0e%t the hate &o to

P t the $ot with the in&re'ients on the sto+e to 1oi% 0or a %itt%e whi%e. Ao &et to c rse the# an' then &i+e the# an Ha0tershoc-\ B=RN IN !et a re' or 1%ac- can'%e. :a+e a $iece o0 $a$er with the $ersons na#e on it. Li&ht the can'%eI re#e#1er wh. .o hate the# to so # ch an' etc. :a+e the $a$er 1. the 0ire an' sa.

s-in on the &ro n'B HB rn in :e%% B rn in #. hate B rn in $ain B rn in sa'ness B rn in tra&e'ies B rn in #is0ort nes B rn in i%%nesses B=RN IN ALL T:AT IS E<IL AN( (AREKKK B=RN IN :ELLKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK Let .o r e#otions o+er whe%# .o an' screa# this or cr. it o t. Tr. .o r 1est to %et the e#otions $osses .o . In the #i''%e o0 recitin& this 1 rn the $a$er %i-e aro n' %ines H B rn in tra5e'ies\. ThatFs it. A0ter recitin& itB 0oc s on .o r 'esire a&ain. B t this ti#e $ t .o in the $ersonFs 1o'. an' tries to 0ee% the wrin-%es as i0 .o Fre the# 0ee%in& itB an' &i+e it as # ch 'etai% as $ossi1%e. BLACE MA!IC MONEA SPELL TThis is so#e7what cere#onia% Ma&ic-B .o wi%% 1e con5 rin& 'ar-s s$irits. _ 8 /hite can'%esB 3 1%ac- can'%e. _ Piece o0 $a$er 8@8. This s$e%% sho %' 1e 'one on a Th rs'a. at 8 $# or Sat r'a.B an.ti#e when the s ns 'own. On the sheet o0 $a$erB write where it is that .o wo %' %i-e to wor-. :o%' it in .o r han's an' 0oc s on .o r 'esire. See .o rse%0 wearin& the ni0or#B or see .o stoc-in& $ro' cts or C=RSE In+o-e the $owers o0 the &o' that e#$owers c rsesI S %is. Li&ht a 1%ac- can'%eB i0 .o can ). Sit 0or 0i+e #in tes an' 0oc s on how # ch hate .o 0ee% 0or the tar&et. Con+ert a%% .o r insec ritiesB a%% .o r $ain 0ro# e+er.thin&B a%% the hate .o 0ee% 0or othersB .o r 5o.B .o r stressB con+ert it a%% to hate 0or that $erson. Circ %ate the hate 0or 0i+e #in tesB an' sa. HI c rse .o \ 6) ti#es. 6) is an n% c-. n #1er. (o that at the sa#e ti#e. A0ter thatB ha+e a c $ with #i%- in it. Po r so#e +ine&ar an' sq eeGe so#e %e#on>%i#e in there too. Stir the $otion co nter7c%oc-wise ) ti#es. ) is the n #1er o0 ]co#$%etionF Sa. what .o wish %i-e HI c rse .o To##.B #a. a%% .o r 0rien'shi$s cr #1%e an' 'ie\ then sa. HSo Mote It Be\ 'is$ose o0 the che#ica%s in the soi%B or water. No other wa.. ROTTEN SEIN (o this on Sat r'a.B when the s n is at its hottest. !et a 1anana an' eat itB 1 t sa+e the s-in. Foc s on .o r 'esireB See the tar&et an' see the in0%icte' 'a#a&e. Throw the wor-in& at the cash re&ister. Let the 0ee%in& o0 acco#$%ish#ent 0%ow into it. C%eanse .o rse%0B #e'itate or 'o what I 'i'B shower. Cast the Ma&ic- circ%eI in+o-e EarthB AirB FireB /aterB an' S$irit. :a+e the white can'%es $ositione' in a trian&%e s.#1o%iGe the cone o0 $owerB ener&. 1 i%'in&B etc. P t the 1%ac- can'%e in the #i''%e. SitB &et co#0orta1%eB ta-e a co $%e o0 1reaths &et e+er.thin& to&ether an' strai&ht. Li&ht the can'%esB an' 0oc s on .o r 'esire. Taste itB 0ee% itB hear itB see itB s#e%% it. Ma-e it rea%. Recite the incantation 4 ti#esB each ti#e with #ore $owerB 0oc sB %o+eB co##an'B an' 0 %% o0 e#otions. H!o's o0 'ar- Ma&ic-B !o's o0 hate. M.se%0 e#$%o.e' is #. 0ate. (ar- s$irits o0 nat reB this sorcerer con5 res thee. I con5 re theeB I con5 re theeB I con5 re thee. :ee' #. ca%% 'ar- essences that roa#B :ee' #. ca%% I as- with #. heart an' #. so %. Brin& 0orth a%% .o r $owerI 1rin& 0orth a%% .o r #i&ht. Stri$ o1stac%es to ashesB 'isinte&rate the# 0ro# si&ht. Let #. hearts 'esires an' wishes 1e #etB Let no in'i+i' a%s 1e $ t to 'eath.\ HLi-e this rottin& 1anana $ee%B ThatFs how I wish .o r s-in to 0ee% Let it rotB %et it wrin-%eB %et it wither Bea t. 0a'eB 1ea t. 'is0i& re.\ /here the s n can hit it an' recite 2 ti#es.

In&re'ients: Foc s on .o r 'esire a&ain. Set the $iece o0 $a$er on 0ireB an' 0oc s on .o r 'esire once #ore. So Mote It Be. Than- the e%e#entsB than- the &o's. An' c%ose the circ%e. <is a%iGe a 1i&B 'ar-B an' thic- #ist o0 ener&. with white 0i& res s rro n'in& it CS$iritsD see a%% o0 it &o $ thro &h .o r cei%in& $ to s$ace an' into the cos#os. An' FOR!ET ABO=T ITKK ERECTIAL C=RSIN! T ha+e a 1ananaB a St.ro0oa# c $ an' a nee'%e. Cchar&e the nee'%eD Li&ht a 1%ac- can'%eB an' char&e it with .o r intention. 0oc s on .o r tar&etB the o15ecti+eB co%%ect an' circ %ate .o r e#otionsB .o r hate. A%% that &oo' st 00. H!o's o0 C rsin& P%ease O1%i&eB This is we%% worth it. /ith .o r $ower in #. %e0t han'B Lets #a-e a 0oo% o r o0 this .o n& #an. I c rse this 1o. with a $ain0 % erectionB For one wee- who%e so he %earns his %esson. Let it acheB %et it h rtB /ith E#1arrass#ent he sha%% 1 rn. So that he -nows not to cross #eB Sta1 the c $ s.#1o%iGin& .o r #a&ic- actin&. Brea- the Banana s.#1o%iGin& his 1o'. %osin& contro% o+er the $enis. Lo% Tcac-%eT as I wi%%B So Sha%% It Be\ <AMPIRE TRANSFORMATION Chant this as .o #i? the 1%oo'B the waterB an' .o r stran' o0 hair to&ether in a 1ow%. Ma&icB Ma&icB enter nto #e. <a#$ire trans0or#ation is what it sha%% 1e. Brin& #e the $owersB 1rin& #e the 0ee%in&. Brin& #e what I 'esireB So #ote it 1eK Be0ore .o sa. LSo #ote it 1eKL $o r the water onto the can'%eB $ ttin& o t the 0%a#e one 'ro$ o0 .o r own 1%oo'. one stran' o0 .o r hair. One can'%e Mwhite wo %' 1e 1estN. 6 ta1%es$oons o0 water 0ro# an. strea#. BLACE MA!IC SPELLS TO RE<ERSE A C=RSE A woSi? /hite can'%es Si? $in- can'%es E&.$tian &o''ess Incense Cinna#on stic-s Fee% &oo' incense :air o0 a 'o& So#e #ornin& 'ew /ater Proce' re: Li&ht a woo'en 0%a#e an' $%ace the wo- on it to heat. Once it is hot eno &h $o r eno &h water in it that it 0i%%s the wo- to the 1ri#. Now %et it 1oi%. In the #eanwhi%e arran&e the si? $in- can'%es aro n' the wo- in a circ%e. Li&ht the# s%ow%. one at a ti#e. Now ta-e the white can'%es an' $%ace the# near the win'ows. Li&ht the# when the water 1oi%s 0er+io s%.. As the water 1e&ins to 1oi% 'ro$ in the cinna#on stic-s an' %et it 1oi% with the water. Now $o r so#e E&.$tian &o''ess incense an' so#e 0ee% &oo' incense in the wo- as it 1oi%s. Ta-e the hair o0 the 'o& an' tie it $ an' a'' it to the $otion. Brin& the who%e $otion to a 1oi% a 0ew ti#es an' to en' a'' the 'ro$%ets o0 #ornin& 'ew. Once the. ha+e a%% 1een 1oi%e' we%%B $o r into a &%ass an' ta-e a si$ an' chant the 0o%%owin& %ines. H Listen o s$irits o0 a1o+e %isten to this ho%. he? t rn aro n' the #a&ic 'is$ense' t rn aro n' the ho%. c rse\ ANIMAL ATTRIB=TES RIT=AL In&re'ients: 9 Lar&e Bow%s CMeta%D Essence o0 airBwaterB0ireBearth S$irit #i?t re Lar&e $entac%e " /iccan>Pa&ans o0 :i&h Enow%e'&e Set $ the %ar&e $entac%e in a $%ace .o wont 1e 'ist r1e' ' rin& the rit a%. Then $ t one o0 each e%e#ent Cinc% 'in& so %D into one o0 the %ar&e 1ow%s. Then one 1. one start with to$ ri&ht $oint an' set the 0ire #i?t reBair #i?t reBearth #i?t reB water #i?t re. whi%e $%acin& each one sa. LThese e%e#ents we &i+e to C"th $ersons na#eD an' Cani#a%DB

so that thier so %s wi% 1e entertwine' 0ore+erB The &i0t o0 Ce%e#ents TTD i &i+e the#L TT ^ Fire: Si&ht /ater: Taste Earth: S#e%% Air: To ch S$irit: :earin& Then the "th $erson sa.s whi%e sacri0icin& the ani#a% LI &i+e this ani#a%s 1%oo' to the &o's 1e%owB I &i+e this ani#a%s 1o'. to the &o's a1o+eB The s$irit i ta-e to Mi? with #. own.L The "th $erson sits in the #i''%e an' #e'itates whi%e en+isionin& the ani#a%s s$irit enterin& his own 1o'.. Let this $erson 1e a%one 0or as %on& as it ta-es hi# to &et se' to hte new s$irit insi'e o0 hi#. /hen e+er he 0e%%s rea'. to ta%- a1o t the new e?$erience he wi%%. So 'ont $ester hi#. Set $ an a%tar so#ewhere in .o r roo# an' $%ace the 1ow% on the a%tar. /ait 0or the %e#on to rot. /ith each $assin& 'a.B the c rse wi%% 1e&in to wor-. /hen .o are rea'. or .o 0ee% that the $erson has re0or#e'B .o #a. 'is$ose the %e#on 1. throwin& it in the sea or ri+er. RE<EN!E SPELL Materia%s Req ire': A sq are $iece o0 $arch#ent B%ac- $en>$enci% R 11er 1an' Metho': Ta-e a sq are 1it o0 $arch#ent an' c t it in s ch a wa. that it #eas res three inches on a%% si'es. /rite the na#e o0 the $erson who has o00en'e' .o B the one .o want to ta-e re+en&e on. As .o are 'oin& this +is a%iGe the 0ace o0 the $erson. :o%'in& the i#a&e o0 the $ersonFs 0ace in .o r #in's e.eB once a&ain &o o+er the wron& 'ee' he>she 'i' to .o . A0ter .o ha+e written the na#e o0 the $erson on the SPELL TO C=RSE SOMEONE Materia%s Req ire': Le#on ` 3 B%ac- can'%e Nai%s ` 2 C rsin& oi% B%ac- 1ow% Pict re o0 the $erson to 1e c rse' Metho': This c rse is $o$ %ar%. -nown as the %e#on c rse as it in+o%+es the se o0 a %e#on. :a+e the can'%e %it sin& #atches on%.. Once this is 'oneB s%it the %e#on 'own in the #i''%e so that it 0or#s two eq a% ha%+es. On the s r0ace o0 one o0 the %e#ons $%ace the $ict re o0 the one that .o wish to c rse. Then 0oc s on the 0%a#e o0 the can'%e an' 1 i%' $ .o r interna% ener&.. As .o r an&er at that $erson 1e&ins to riseB $o-e the nee'%es on to the s r0ace o0 the %e#on one 1. one. /hen .o ha+e reache' the %ast an' 0ina% nai%B $%ace the %e#on in the 1%acco%ore' 1ow% an' $o r the c rsin& oi% o+er the %e#on. Sq eeGe the re#ainin& ha%0 o0 the %e#on o+er the c rsin& oi% an' then $o-e the %ast nai% on the $ersonFs $ict re. $arch#entB cross it 1. 'rawin& a $entac%e on it. Encirc%e the $entac%e with a circ%e. Now 0o%' the $arch#ent $a$er thrice an' tie it with the r 11er 1an'. Once this is acco#$%ishe'B 1rin& the $a$er c%ose to .o r te#$%e an' chant this s$e%% thrice: This s$e%% I sha%% cast $on .o B So that I #a.1e $rotecte' 0ro# 0 rther har# that .o 'o /ith the wor's o0 this s$e%% I sha%% 1in' thee So that in the 0 t re .o wi%% %et #e 1e I wi%% now ha+e sea%e' this char# An' I wi%% 1e $rotecte' 0ro# .o r har#. P%ace the $iece o0 $arch#ent on the &ro n' an' sta#$ it thrice with the so%e o0 .o r ri&ht shoe. Ao can 1e ass re' that s$e%% has wor-e' an' the $erson %earns his %esson. SPELL TO MAEE SOMEONEFS TEET: FALL (O/N Materia%s Req ire': B%ac- can'%es ` 6 <oo'oo 'o%% o0 the $erson .o want to $er0or# the s$e%% on :air or nai% c%i$$in&s o0 that $erson

Nee'%es an' $ins Ma-e a circ%e in an. iso%ate' s$ot %i-e .o r 1ac-.ar' or Metho': Set $ an a%tar in a s$ace that .o 0ee% is #ost a$$ro$riate an' ha+e the two 1%ac- can'%es %it $ there. Now ta-in& the 'o%%B +is a%iGe that the 'o%% is act a%%. the $erson that .o are &oin& to $er0or# the s$e%% on. In or'er to #a-e the connection #ore $ower0 %B .o #a. attach the $ersonFs $hoto on the 'o%%s 0ace an' ha+e the hair or nai% 0o%%ic%es a%so on the 'o%%s $erson. Now wor- $ a%% the ne&ati+e ener&. insi'e .o . This #a. ta-e a whi%e as .o nee' to rea%%. 1rin& .o rse%0 into a state that .o r a ra a%so e? 'es ne&ati+it.. Once .o ha+e reache' this stateB ha+e the 'o%% s%a##e' on to the a%tar an' $ic- $ a $in an' sta1 it near the #o th. As .o 'o this .o # st wi%% .o rse%0 to thin- that .o are #a-in& the $ersonFs teeth 0a%% 'own. One nee'%e is a re$resentation o0 one tooth. There0oreB 'e$en'in& on the n #1er o0 teeth .o want to -noc- o00B $o-e in that #an. nee'%es or $ins. This s$e%% can 1e s%i&ht%. e?ha stin& as it req ires .o to 1 i%' $ .o r ne&ati+e ener&. e+er. ti#e. Once .o are 'one with the s$e%%B re#o+e the $ins an' ha+e the 'o%% 1 rnt. That is the on%. wa. that .o can co#$%ete the s$e%%. A%ternati+e%.B .o co %' a%so 1 r. the 'o%% in a $%ace that is iso%ate' or so#ewhere the 'o%% cannot 1e 0o n' easi%.. SPELL TO MAEE SOMEONEFS :AIR FALL O=T S$e%%s %i-e #a-in& so#eoneFs hair 0a%% o t #a. so n' h #oro s 1 t then these s$e%%s are act a%%. a sort o0 re+en&e s$e%%s. In 0actB in theor. re+en&e s$e%%s sho %' not 1e ta-en %i&ht%. an' are so#eti#es o0 0ierce nat re. :ere is one s ch s$e%%: what 'oes one nee' to 'o to #a-e so#eone e%seFs hair 0a%% o t. Materia%s Req ire' An i#a&e o0 the $erson who is 1ein& tar&ete'. This can 1e a $hoto&ra$h or .o can e+en se a 'o%% or to. B%ac- can'%es 8 Re' can'%es R e oi% or O%i+e oi% A 0ew stran's o0 the hair o0 the $erson CorD B%ac- threa' o0 #e'i # thic-ness. Metho': Let .o r 'rea#s t rn so r Nothin& 1 t 0ear an' $ain Ni&ht#ares an' horrors thro &ho t .o r #orta% 'a.s Let sweet 'rea#s t rn to ni&ht#ares o0 #e torterin& .o I# not the wron& oneB .o 'i' it too Let .o r 'rea#s t rn so r Let .o r 'rea#s t rn so r Let .o r 'rea#s t rn so r Ni&ht#ares an' $ain thro &ho t the ho rs nti% .o ha+e %earne' the %esson o0 tr th ni&ht#ares -ee$ co#in& onto .o T 1ecare0 % i0 .o r rewor'in& not to chan&e it so that it -i%%s the#. ca se i0 .o chan&e it so the. 'rea# o0 -i%%in& the#B the. can 'ie. Serio s%.. Fee% 0ree to chane the torterin& $artB %o%. I wrote that 0or #. 0ather. SPELL TO P=RIFA AO=R SO=L FROM E<IL SPIRITS In&re'ients: Rose $eta%s NI!:TMARES Pric- a 1%ac- can'%e s.#1o%iGin& the $ersons 'rea#s. se 'i00erent co%or 'e$en'in&: terrace. Ao #a. e+en $er0or# this s$e%% in .o r roo#. Ma-e s re that this s$e%% is $er0or#e' on%. on a 0 %% #oon ni&ht. Cast an i#a&inar. circ%e aro n' .o . P%ace the i#a&e C$hoto&ra$h or 'o%%D o0 the tar&et at the centre o0 the i#a&inar. circ%e. Then $%ace 0o r 1%ac- can'%es aro n' the circ%eB each one 0acin& one 'irection. Ao wi%% sit in a 'irection 0acin& so th. At this 'irection $%ace two re' can'%esB one on either si'e o0 the 1%ac- can'%e. At the northern en' $%ace the re#ainin& re' can'%e. Now ta-e the hair o0 .o r tar&et an' a00i? it on the 'o%% or the $hoto&ra$h. I0 .o 'onFt ha+e rea% hairB .o can se the 1%ac- threa's instea'. Once this is 'oneB $ic- $ the re' can'%e 1ehin' .o an' 1ow 'own once in each 'irection an' see- the $ar'on o0 the Lor's 0or the action .o are &oin& to $er0or#. Then sin& the sa#e can'%e 1 rn the 'o%% or the $hoto&ra$h startin& with the hair 0irst. Once it is co#$%ete%. 1 rntB e?ha st a%% the can'%es an' %ea+e the roo# 0or the ne?t twent. nine #in tes. The s$e%% wi%% wor- o+erni&ht.

I+or. scente' can'%es !rin'er !%ass 1o? !erani # oi% Proce' re: Ma-e a $i%e o0 rose $eta%s two 0eet hi&h. (r. the# nti% the. %ose their 0ra&rance. Li&ht i+or. scente' can'%es aro n' the $i%e. Eee$ the# 1 rnin& nti% the 'rie' rose $eta%s 1e&in to s#e%% o0 I+or.. Then chant the 0o%%owin& s$e%%B HB.&one 1e&onia .o c rse' wraithB The har1in&erB 1e%ie+er o0 heino s 0aith. E+i% s$irit with the e+i% e.eB Li-e $eta%s here shri+e% an' 'ie.\ The $eta%s t rn a &host%. i+or. white. Cr sh the# in a &rin'er. Co%%ect the &ro n' rose $eta%s in a &%ass 1o?. A'' a 0ew 'ro$s o0 &erani # oi%. Co+er ti&ht%. with a %i' an' toss it into the sea on a 0 %% #oon ni&ht. I0 in s$ite o0 $er0or#in& the a1o+e s$e%% the s$irits 'o not 'e$art then re$eat the s$e%% on the ne?t 0ortni&ht 1 t attach a $a$er to it. On this $a$er write .o r na#e an' concentrate a%% .o r ener&. on it whi%st .o 'o so. This wi%% he%$ $ro+e .o r rea% i'entit. to the s$irits an' once the i'entit. stren&thens the. wi%% 'e$art CAST A :E@ ON AO=R /ORST ENEMA In&re'ients: Tea tree oi% P r$%e scente' can'%e M &wort Oi% Fran-incense Oi% B% e Ni%e incense A $ict re o0 .o r worst ene#. or so#ethin& to che' or se' 1. the#. Proce' re: Li&ht the $ r$%e can'%e. O+er the 0%a#e $ass each o0 the other in&re'ients s#ooth%. #a-in& s re none catches 0ire. Then write .o r worst ene#.Fs na#e on the 1ac- o0 their $ict re or the o15ect that has 1een to che' or se' 1. the#. S$rin-%e so#e 'ro$s o0 # &wort an' 0ran-incense oi%s on it. Li&ht the 1% e Ni%e incense an' %et the s#e%% 0i%% the roo#. Now 1 rn the o15ect or $ict re in

the 0%a#e o0 the can'%e an' tter the na#e o0 .o r worst ene#. in .o r #in' #a-in& s re .o concentrate on the 0%a#eB sa. the 0o%%owin& %ines as we%%B HAs this 0%a#e cons #es this o15ectB Ma. #. hate 0or .o 1e e+er the sa#eB Ma. .o t rn in .o r 1e'B An' #a. with .o this he? 0ore+er re#ain.\ Ma-e s re .o are care0 % with this s$e%%. The #in' &a#es .o $%a. with others can 1e 'one on .o as we%%. So 1e +er. care0 %. Concentrate on%. on the s$e%% 0or the #in' wi%% then sh t o00 to an. ne&ati+it. 1ein& tar&ete' towar's .o T/O BM SPELLS Oh 'ar- Isis hear #e Oh :ecate hear #e Oh ErG %ie hear #e Oh 'ar-est &o''esses hear #e I con5 re thee Oh I ca%% to hea+en Oh I ca%% to he%% Oh now an. s$irits whoF' he%$ #e I con5 re thee as we%%K For I wo %' ha+e #. 'esires For I wo %' ha+e hi#>her For I wo %' 'e%+e the 'ee$est 'e$ths For ecstas. is #ine an' 5o. on earth Oh Innana &rant #. wish Oh Isis hear #. $ra.er Oh Ara'ia #a-e it tr e Oh :ecate #a-e it so Oh ErG %ie #a-e it ha$$en Oh &reat &o''esses I s ##on thee Oh ancient &o''esses an' q eens 1rin& now #. %o+er to 'esire ONLA #e ; een o0 :ea+ensB ; eens o0 :e%%B :orne' : nter o0 the Ni&htB Len' .o r $ower nto the S$e%%B /or- #. wi%% 1. Ma&ic Rite. Ens%a+e his>her heart to on%. #e Let hi#>her on%. see #e Ma. he>she 1en' on%. to #. wi%% Ma. he>she on%. want #e :e>she sha%% ne+er 1e 0ree Ma-e hi#>her co#e now to #e /ith %o+e in his>her e.es /ith 'esire in his>her #in' /ith ser+in& #e as his>her on%. a&en'a :is>her wi%% he>she now s rren'ers

:is>her heartB 1o'. an' so % now 1e%on& to #e So sa. I So sha%% it 1e Oh &reat &o''esses #a-e it 1e So #ote it 1e B%esse' art thee Let it 1e Ma-e hi#>her a s%a+e to #e Ma. he>she -now no rest 0ro# #e Ma. his>her 'esire 1 rn insi'e whene+er he>she is awa. 0ro# #e Ma. he>she 1e 0aith0 % to #e Ma. his>her $assion ne+er wane 0or #e Ma. he>she ne+er h rt #e Ma. he>she ha+e no choice 1 t to %o+e #e Let hi#>her on%. %o+e #e Let hi#>her on%. want #e Let hi#>her on%. 'esire #e Let hi#>her swear their %i0e to #e Let hi#>her swear his>her so % to #e Let hi#>her swear his>her 1o'. to #e Oh &reatest &o''esses MAEE IT BEK B%esse' art thee #. %a'ies B%esse' 1e now &o in $eace Let it 1e $%ease %et it 1e Ma-e it 1e now #a-e it 1e I con5 re thee I h #1%. ca%% to thee SO S:ALL IT BEK ............................................................................................................ .... A (ar-er Ferti%it. S$e%% Oh s$irit o0 'ar-nessB oh s$irit o0 % st Oh s$irit o0 $assionB we ca%% .o to sK Oh s$irit o0 0%a#e an' 0ire co#e Oh s$irit o0 s ch heatB en0%a#e o r 'esiresK Oh &o''ess o0 'ar-ness I &i+e #.se%0 to thee Oh Mistress :ecate &i+e .o r $owers to #eK Oh #i&ht. 'eit. stir % st within #e Oh q een o0 enchant#ent %oose .o rse%0 insi'e #eK Oh &o' o0 $otenc. #. %o+er e#1o'ies thee Oh a# nB %or' o0 0erti%it. wor- .o r char#s on #eK Oh #i&ht. one hear #. $%ea Oh a%#i&ht. a# n &row a chi%' in #e 0ro# #. %o+ers see'K C=RSE TO CA=SE A :EA(AC:E Sa.: This $erson OOOOO has #a'e #e an&r.K L ci0er 1rin& 0orth the $ain o0 #a'ness -nown $on his hea'K ar're%a#astroB #artarastarB 0roc ssK (REAM MA!IC (o .o e+er want to &et an i#$ortant #essa&e thro &h to so#eoneB 1 t .o 5 st 'on,t -now how to 'o itJ :ere is what .o 'o: 3. (eter#ine $recise%. what it is .o want the# to hearB or $erha$s 0ee%. /rite 'own .o r wish on a $iece o0 $a$er in si#$%e sentence 0or#. 6. Ma-e a 'rea# $i%%ow sin& a s#a%% sq are o0 0a1ric an' a %itt%e 1attin&. Throw in a $inch o0 %a+en'er an' rose#ar.. P t in the $iece o0 $a$er %astB then sew $ the en'. 8. P t the 'rea# $i%%ow on .o r a%tar. (o an a%tar 'e+otion to center .o rse%0B then create sacre' s$ace. Cast a circ%e an' ca%% the q arters i0 .o %i-eB 1 t is isn,t necessar.. 4. Center .o rse%0B then ho%' .o r han's o+er the 'rea# Oh s$irits an' $owers Oh -ee$ers o0 ho rs Oh Isis an' a# n Oh :ecate an' 1ast Oh &o's an' 'e#ons Oh sha'es an' &hosts B. the &o's a%#i&ht. an' the hea+en%. host :EAR ME an' &rant #. 'esire: /e /ant a Chi%' Concei+e' B. O r Passions FireB /e /ant a Ba1. Sa0e in O r Ar#s =$on This Chi%' /e /ant A%% o0 Ao r B%essin&s an' Char#s Let O r Precio s Ba1e Co#e To No :ar# SO BE ITB T:E SPELL IS (ONEK Oh ancients o0 &reat $ower I ca%% to .o in this ho r B. the #a&ic- o0 the $haraohs an' those o0 $ower Co#e to #e an' wor- this char# in this ho r

$i%%ow an' sa. the 0o%%owin&: :o%. MotherB !o''ess (i+ineB I stan' 1e0ore .o r sacre' shrine. This $erson won,t %isten or hear M. wor's tic-%e at 'ea0ene' ear. :o%. MotherB !o''ess (i+ineB Sen' a 'rea#B awa-en the #in'. Thro &h his>her +ision he>she #i&ht %i+e The ni&ht#are>$assion>%esson he>she so 0ree%. &i+e. :o%. MotherB !o''ess (i+ine Sen' the# .o r enchante' 'esi&n C%ear o t the co1we1sB tear 'own wa%%s Carr. #. #essa&e thro &h s$irit ca%%s.

A $ r$%e A#eth.st !reen Ja'e or A&ate 7 in center o0 a%tar T San'a%woo' R La+en'er Incense T San'a%woo' R /i%%ow Bar- Incense T S$irit Can'%e T /itches, Bow% 7 a 1ow% or tra. 38L or #ore in 'ia#eterB

Fee% 0ree to chan&e the incantation to s it .o r $ r$ose.

#ar-e' 0or 'i+ination. T Three castin& stones Cast a tri$%e circ%e. Con5 rin& o0 S$irits is a%wa.s 'one in ho rs o0 'ar-nessB not necessar. to 1e #i'ni&htB 1 t $re0erre'. A0ter .o ha+e $er0or#e' .o r $ri#ar. rit a%B

TO RE<ERSE A SPELL CAST /IT: CAN(LE MA!IC Li&ht two 1%ac- can'%es an' chant:

cast the incense into .o r 1 rnerB P%ace the S$irit Can'%e into the center o0 the a%tar an' sa.: Ct rn s%ow%. 'eosi% as .o s$ea-D

In the na#e o0 the !o's an' a%% .e S$irits In the na#e o0 Eern nnos an' the %i&ht an' the 'arAn' the !o's o0 the Netherwor%' An' whosoe+er sha%% 1e castin& a c rse a&ainst #e Let the# s 00er their own c rse Let these can'%es 1e their can'%es This 1 rnin& 1e their 1 rnin& This c rse 1e their c rse Let the $ain the. ha+e ca se' #e an' #ine Fa%% $on the#se%+es (o this s$e%% 0or 0i+e consec ti+e ni&hts Cas c%ose to #i'ni&ht as $ossi1%eD an' each ni&ht chant the s$e%% nti% the can'%es are s$ent. SPELL TO CONJ=RE SPIRITS T Two ta%% $ r$%e can'%es T Two ta%% &reen can'%es T

LS$irit o0 &oo' wi%%B I 1i' thee enter The O ter Circ%e. The Secon' Circ%e. The Inner Circ%e. I a# $rotecte' 1. this Pentac%e $on #. 1reast. /hich 1ears the na#e o0 C.o r S$irit ! i'eD I 1i' theeB S$iritB Re+ea% th. Earth%. na#eK Re$eat this con5 ration three ti#es. Per0or# a nine car' Tarot (i+ination 0or the S$irit,s na#eB n%ess the S$irit re$%ies in so#e other #anner. As-: :a+e .o a #essa&e 0or #eJ Per0or# a Tarot (i+ination or se the /itches, Bow% to as- q estions. S$iritB is it tr e that....J (ea% &ent%. with the 0rien'%. S$irits an' the. wi%% %ea' .o to the !reater M.steries. ( rin& .o r q estionin&B o1ser+e the S$irit Can'%e. I0 it wa+ers or rises an' 0a%%sB or 0%ic-ers ne+en%.B se the Tarot to see i0 the S$irit has a #essa&e. Ao #a. as- 8 q estionsB a0ter that .o # st as-: Ma. I see- 0 rther & i'anceJ As- on%. 8 #ore q estions. Bi' the S$irit 'e$artB sa.in&:

CNa#eDB !oo' S$iritB Tho hast 'i%i&ent%. answere' #. q estions an' I 'o than- thee. I here1. &i+e thee %icense to 'e$art. (e$artB thrice 7 1%esse' S$iritB an' 1e tho wi%%in& to ret rn when ne?t I con5 re thee. B. the so n' o0 this 1e%% C=se .o r /itch,s Be%%DB 'o I 1i' thee %ea+e. (e$artB (e$art. (e$artK

ashtra. or an. 0ire$roo0 'ish. In+o-e the $ower o0 0ire an' it,s e%e#enta% s$irits. Re$eat three ti#es: LFire'ra-es an' Sa%a#an'ersB Ai' #e in #. q estB Protect #e 0ro# a%% e+i% 0or#sB T rn 1ac- the ne&ati+it. 1ein& sent.L A0ter re$eatin& it three ti#esB sa.: LSo #ote it 1e.L FOR (RI<IN! A/AA E<IL (e#ons an' e+i% s$irits co %' 1e 0orce' to %ea+e a $erson a%one i0 the 0o%%owin& s$e%% was written on $arch#ent or $a$er which was to 1e -e$t c%ose at han' at a%% ti#es.

SPELL TO S=MMON A SPIRIT To create an incense $orta% 0or s ##onin& the ancestor s$irits 0ro# the otherwor%'B .o wi%% nee' an a%tar co#$%ete with $ict res an' ite#s to honor the#. In a stron&%. $rotecte' circ%eB $%ace %a+en'erB cinna#onB an' wor#woo' on the coa%s. Ca%% o t on%. to 1ene+o%ent an' %o+in& ancestor s$irits 1. sa.in&: LB%oo' o0 #. 1%oo'B .o s$irits o0 %o+eB Co#e 0ro# 1e%ow an' 0ro# a1o+eI Entities %o+in& who wish #e we%%B Co#e to this circ%e when I so n' the 1e%%. L Intone Crin&D a 1e%% three ti#es an' we%co#e the ancestorsF s$irits. A0terwar'sB rin& the 1e%% se+en ti#es to sen' the# 1ac- thro &h the $orta% so .o can c%ose .o r circ%e. T:E BOOMERAN! SPELL Re+erse an. ne&ati+it. or he? 1ein& sent .o r wa..



se the t#ost ca tion when $er0or#in& a

re+en&e s$e%%. Re#e#1erB i0 the $erson .o are castin& this s$e%% on 'oes not tr %. 'eser+e itB AO= co %' 1e the who &ets h rt. Thin- %on& an' care0 %%. 1e0ore 'oin& an. s$e%%s that #a. har# another h #an 1ein&. Ta-e a $iece o0 $a$er an' write the na#e o0 the $erson that is to 1e 1o n' on a 8L?8L $iece o0 $a$erB sin& a 1%ac- in- $en or a $enci%. /hi%e .o 'o this +is a%iGe the 0ace o0 the $erson on .o r #in'. /hen .o ha+e written the na#e cross it with an in+erte' $entac%e C9 $ointe' star within a circ%eD. Fo%' the $a$er twice an' ta-e a r 11er 1an' an' tie the

Annoint a $ r$%e can'%e with Rose#ar. oi%. On a $iece o0 white $a$er write the 0o%%owin& in 1%ac- in-... LA%% 1%oc-s are now re#o+e'.L Fo%' the $a$er three ti#es. Li&ht the can'%e an' 1 rn the $a$er in a 1ow%B

$a$er with it. Raise it to .o r te#$%e an' chant three ti#es the 0o%%owin&... LTo 1e $rotecte' 0ro# .o B This #a&ic char# i wi%% 'oB /ith this wor's i 1in' theeB

For .o to %et #e 1eB To 1e $rotecte' 0ro# .o r har#B I now sea% this char#L. Now $%ace the $a$er on .o r ri&ht shoe an' s%a# .o r 0oot on the &ro n' nine ti#es C'oesn,t ha+e to 1e so %o ' that e+er.one hears itD As .o s%a# it the ninth ti#e sa.... LSo #ote it 1eKL !RA<EAAR( (=ST To the e?$erience' $ractitioner o0 witchcra0tB this #a. #ean one o0 three thin&s: 3. Either $ re%. ' st or earth ta-en 0ro# a ch rch.ar'. 6. (rie'B $ow'ere' # %%ein her1 C<er1asc # tha$s s.D 8. Bone ash an' as$ha%t #B a%so -nown as # ##. ' stB ori&ina%%. o1taine' 1. &rin'in& $ E&.$tian # ##ies. This is a &reat rarit. nowa'a.s 0or o1+io s reasons. An. or a%% o0 these &ra+e.ar' ' sts #a. 1e se' sin&%. or in co#1ination in Sat rnian he? $ow'ers or sachetsB 'esi&ne' to 1rin& inertia or restriction o0 so#e sort. Si#i%ar%. the 0o%%owin& Lsi#$%esL #a. a%so 1e se': P %+eriGe' #.rrh woo' B%ac- $o$$. see's L:o%'aL 1erriesB %ea+esB an' 0%owers Ce%'er1err. or Sa#1 c s ni&raD R e CR ta &ra+eo%ensN 7 e'i1%e 1 t 1itter Bitter a%oes So r&rass Csorre%D 7 R #e? acetosa Ce'i1%e 1 t so rD :awthorn 1%osso#s CCratae& s o?.acanth sD Periwin-%e 1%osso#s C<inca #a5or or #inorD P %+eriGe' 5 ni$er woo' an' 1erries CJ ni$er s Co## nisD P %+eriGe' .ew woo' an' 1erries CTa? s 1accataD Fe%onwort C1ittersweet or woo'. ni&htsha'e 7 So%ari # ' %ca#ara 7 $oisono sD (wa%e C'ea'%. ni&htsha'eB 'e+i%,s her1 7 Atro$a 1e%%a'onna 7 $oisono sD Enchanter,s ni&htsha'e Ccircaea % tetiana 7 $oisono sD Twi%i&ht s%ee$ Chen1ane 7 :.osc.a# s ni&er 7 $oisono sD (e+i%,s a$$%e CJi#son wee'B Thorna$$%eB 'e+i%,s tr #$et 7 (at ra stra#oni # 7 $oisono sD Mar- o0 !ain C:e#%oc- 7 Coni # #ac %at # 7 $oisono sD The %ast se+en #a. 1e tra'itiona%%. #a&ica% her1sB 1 t the. a%so ha$$en to $arta-e o0 the nat re o0

$ower0 % +e&eta1%e 'r &s. A&ainB as in the instance o0 the Mars +ariet.B 1e care0 %. LO<ERFS (ISSENSION SPELL /hen the #oon is wanin&B cast .o r circ%eI in the a%tar trian&%e $%ace .o r cha%ice. /reathe the trian&%e as 0or .o r :ecate7Noctic %a s$e%%s. /ithin itB $%ace the 0o%%owin& ite#s: A $inch o0 &rate' oran&e $ee%B a $inch o0 sa%tB an' a 0ew &rains o0 $e$$erB c #in see'B an' $ow'ere' r e. On to$ o0 thisB $o r a s#a%% a#o ntB sa. a q arter c $B o0 1oi%in&B 'isti%%e' waterB which sho %' a%so 1e on han'. As .o $o r the water onto the #i?t reB chant the 0o%%owin& char#B an' +is a%iGe stron&%. those $ersons ca &ht in the hosti%e $re'ica#ent it is 'esi&ne' to e00ect. I Mwitch na#eN #a-e this $hi%ter. Ma. it 1ear #a%e'ictionB 'ee$ a00%ictionB here $on this #arrie' $airB M@N an' MAN Mtheir na#esN. Ma. the. ne+er 1e nite'B #a. the. q arre% e+er. 'a.B #a. their #arria&e71on' 1e 1%i&hte' ere a .ear has $asse' awa.K This sha%% 1e the %i0e 1etween the#B %et that %i0e 1e as it #a.K Sea% the s$e%% with LSo #ote it 1eKL an' three crosses #a'e with the %e0t han'. Fina%%.B intro' ce the $hi%ter as .o wo %' an. otherB in choco%atesB coo-iesB a 1ott%e o0 ho#e#a'e wine or in whate+er wa. .o can 1est acco#$%ish it. Ao #a. a%so wish to rein0orce the $otenc. o0 the $hi%ter 1. 1ac-in& it $ with this thir' $rocessB which #a. 1e $ t into o$eration on the sa#e e+enin&B within the sa#e circ%e. BONES OF AN!ER :E@ !ather 1ones o0 chic-ens an' 'r. the# in the s n 0or a 0ew 'a.s. Then when .o are rea'. to 'o this he? #a-e s re .o are wor-e' $ into a 0renG. o0 an&er an' hatre'. This wi%% a'' to the $otenc. o0 .o r he?K Be thin-in& o0 a%% this whi%e 'oin& this he? an' when it sa.s ,/ith these 1ones I now 'o cr shL ta-e a ha##er or se .o r 0eet to sto#$ an' cr sh these 1ones as i0 the. were .o r ene#. 1e0ore .o K /hen .o are 'one swee$ the# $ an' $%ace the# in a 1a&. Ao wi%% then want to s$rin-%e the ' st an' re#ains o0 the 1ones on .o r ene#ies $ro$ert. aro n' his ho se. I0 .o ha+e a 1e%% rin& it 8 ti#es an' sa.... I ca%% $on the Ancient Ones 0ro# the &reat a1.ss to 'o #. 1i''in& I

in+o-e C tha% B !o' o0 An&er an' the creat res o0 the n'erwor%' hear #e now... LBones o0 an&erB 1ones to ' st 0 %% o0 0 r.B re+en&e is 5 st I scatter these 1onesB these 1ones o0 ra&e ta-e thine ene#.B 1rin& hi# $ain I see thine ene#. 1e0ore #e now I 1in' hi#B cr sh hi#B 1rin& hi# 'own /ith these 1ones I now 'o cr sh Ma-e thine ene#. t rn to ' st tor#entB 0ireB o t o0 contro% /ith this he? I c rse .o r so %L So #ote it 1eK TTT/arnin&: This can 1e a (ea'%. :e?K I0 .o so choose to 'o itB 1e 0orewarne' that .o #a. in'ee' serio s%. har# this $erson an' .o are res$onsi1%e 0or the Ear#aK Ao #a. want to 'o one o0 the %ess 'a#a&in& he?es. The choice is .o rs.

wron&e' an' cannot co#e $ with a 0i?KK (o not c rse $eo$%e 0or the 0 n o0 it or the r %e o0 three wi%% ha nt .o KK C=RSE SPELL There has 1een n0airness 'one to #e I s ##on the e%e#ents I in+o-e the# I con5 re the# to 'o #. 1i''in& The 0o r watchtowers sha%% %a. their e.es an' #in's there sha%% 1e 0ear an' & i%t an' 1a' 1%oo' there sha%% 1e s 1#ission an' no $it. I $oint the three0o%' %aw a&ainst thee a&ainst thee it sha%% 1e $ointe' three0o%'B a h n're' 0o%' is the cost 0or #. an&er an' $ain Thee sha%% 1e 1%in'e' 1. the 0ear 1%in'e' 1. the $ain 1%in'e' 1. #e 1in'e' 1. #e C rse' 1. #e So #ote it 1eK This c rse sha%% 1e %ai' $on the +icti# whi%e 1 rnin& a# i#a&e o0 the +icti# Cwa? si&i%B $hoto&ra$hB 'rawin&B an.thin&D in the 0%a#e o0 a consecrate' 1%ac- can'%e. SPEE( =P TIME (raw a Pentac%e on .o r %e0t han' sin& a 1%esse' re' $en. <is a%iGe a san' c%oc- as .o 'raw. Now $ t .o r %e0t han' on .o r 0orehea'B or thir' e.eB an' sa.: SANDS OF TIME SHOW ME THY WAY TURN THE NIGHTS INTO DAYS ROSE PETALS SO LIGHT AND GRACE SPEED UP TIME NOW, IN THIS PLACE The s$e%% wi%% %ast 0or 64 ho rs or nti% the $entac%e is erase'B nat ra%%. or washe'B so 'on,t tr. to &et sweat. han's.

T:E LEMON C=RSE Ite#s nee'e': 3 %e#on 3 1%ac- can'%e 2 nai%s C rsin& Oi% Pict re o0 $erson Cto 1e c rse'D Atha#e B%ac- 1ow% Li&ht the can'%eK C t a s%it into the %e#on. P%ace the $ict re o0 the $erson insi'e the s%it. Ta-e one i0 the nai%s an' 0ee% .o r an&er rise. <is a%iGe .o r an&er. Pierce the nai% into the %e#on. (o the sa#e 0or the re#ainin& nai%s. /ith each nai% .o r an&er sho %' rise 0or this $erson &ettin& 1%ac-er an' 1%ac-er. /hen .o reach the %ast nai%B $%ace the %e#on in the 1ow%. Po r c rsin& oi% onto the %e#on 0i%%in& the 1ow% nti% the %e#on is ha%0 co+ere' Cwith oi%.D Let the %e#on rot in this 1ow% on .o r a%ter. As the %e#on rotsB so too wi%% the %i0e an' % c- o0 the $ersonKK Re#e#1erB c rses are on%. se' when .o ha+e 1een

T:REE NI!:TS OF :ELL CAN(LE SPELL This s$e%% wi%% in0%ict serio s $ain an' sores on thine ene#. 0or a $erio' o0 8 stran&e 'a.sB a0ter which the s$e%% is %i0te'B an' he is #a'e we%% a&ain.

Ta-e a 1%ac- can'%e an' $%ace a $ict re o0 thine ene#. in 0ront o0 thee an' ti%t the can'%e so the wa? 'ri$s $on the wo %'71e +icti# in the $ict re. <is a%iGe the wa? 1 rnin& sores into the 1o'. o0 thine ene#.. /hi%e 'oin& soB recite the 0o%%owin& 8 ti#es... As I 'o this can'%e s$e%% Brin& #ine ene#. 8 ni&hts o0 he%% Can'%e 1%ac-B 1%ac- as ni&ht Brin& hi# $ains o0 0%esh toni&htK Lesions on his s-in wi%% &row A00%ict hi# with a $ain0 % 1%ow Sores an' $ain a00%ict hi# now For 8 ni&hts he,%% won'er how ( -es o0 'ar-nessB Ein&s o0 he%% S#ite #ine ene#.B 1rin& hi# he%% /hen 8 ni&hts o0 $ain ha+e $asse' Ma-e hi# we%%B we%% at %ast A0ter sittin& an' thin-in& a1o t the sores that this wi%% in00%ict thine ene#. an' the $ain he wi%% s 00erB tho #a.estthen e?tin& ish the can'%e. /hen 8 ni&hts ha+e $asse'B tear $ the $hoto an' sa. the 0o%%owin&... /hen 8 ni&hts o0 $ain en' re' I %i0t this c rseB rest ass re' (ar-ness %ea+e hi#B &o awa.I The c rse is %i0te' nowB to'a.KL

/hen .o ha+e &athere' s 00icient ener&.B whis$er to it to &o to the ori&ina% sen'erB or o t har#%ess%. into the en+iron#ent. O$en .o r han'sB an' with $ower0 % intent an' 0oc sB re%ease the 1a%% into the airB Lwatchin&L it &o with .o r #in's e.e towar's .o r attac-erB or towar's the he?er. I0 .o -now the he?erB .o #a. te%% it to &o to that $ersonB or i0 .o want to sen' the ne&ati+it. at so#eone e%seB then te%% it to &o there. C%eansin&s an' &enera% $rotecti+e s$e%%s are reco##en'e' a0ter castin& this s$e%%. RE<EN!E A!AINST T:E ONE /:O JIN@E( AO= I0 .o want harsher re+en&e instea' o0 a #ere re+ersa% o0 the crossin& s$e%%B then .o can %a. a tric- or 0i? the#. B rn a 1%ac- can'%e on .o r ene#.,s na#e C$ t their na#e on a $a$er 1eneath an o+ert rne' sa cer n'er the can'%eD or car+e their na#e on the can'%e. I0 .o se a 1%ac- can'%e in the 0i& re o0 the (e+i% an'

car+e their na#e on itB then anoint it with an a$$ro$riate 'ressin& oi%. I0 .o 'on,t -now the na#e o0 the $erson who 'i' this tric- to .o B car+e the wor's LM. Ene#.L on the can'%e 1e0ore .o 'ress it. I0 .o se Cast O00 E+i% or R n (e+i% R n Oi%B thin&s wi%% &o 0air%. har' with the ene#.B 1 t 'ressin& the can'%e with so#ethin& stron&erB %i-e Crossin& Oi% or :ot Foot Oi% #a. e?$ress .o r 'esires #ore acc rate%.. That is 0or .o to 'eci'e. B rn the 1%ac- can'%e on the toi%et tan-B a %itt%e 1it each ni&htB $inchin& it o t 1etween 1 rnin&s. B rn it 'own whi%e the #oon is &rowin& s#a%%er 77 an' on the 'ar- o0 the #oonB the 'ar-est ni&ht o0 the #onthB t rn the 1 rnin& 1%ac- can'%e st 1 $si'e 'own an' e?tin& ish it in the toi%et 1ow%B sa.in& LTh s wi%% .o B Mna#e o0 ene#.NB #eet .o r 0ateKL A%ternati+e%.B .o can throw the re#ainin& 1%ac- can'%e st 1 an' wa? into a crossroa's 77 or into the .ar' o0 the $erson who ha' $ t the roots on .o or 5in?e' .o . CThis is an o%' s$e%%B an' it se' to 1e $er0or#e' in an o tho seB so the can'%e wo %' 0a%% into the $iss an' shit a%rea'. there an' co %' 5 st re#ain in that $%ace.D /hen .o are 0inishe'B wash 'own the roo# where .o 'i' this 5o1 with a #i?t re o0 =ncrossin& Cr.sta%s an' Chinese /ash in war# waterB to c%ean it o t. Ao #i&ht a%so want to ta-e the 38 :er1 Bath or =ncrossin& Bath as 'escri1e' a1o+eB recitin& the 93st Psa%# 0or $ ri0ication o0 .o r se%0.

SEN( IT BACE This s$e%% ses hea+. +is a%iGation an' ener&. #ani$ %ation s-i%%sB so 1e aware o0 this i0 .o r s-i%%s 'o not inc% 'e these. Ao #i&ht want to 'e+e%o$ these s-i%%s 0irst 1e0ore tr.in& this s$e%%. Reach a #e'itati+e>trance stateB an' 0ee% .o r own areaB an' .o r own s$ace. <is a%iGe the ne&ati+e ener&. aro n' .o B an' LseeL it with .o r #in',s e.e. S c- this ener&. into a 1a%% at .o r centerB seein& it as a 1a%% 1etween .o r han's...a 1%ac- swir%in& 1a%%>whate+er #ost he%$s .o to 'o the ener&. #ani$ %ation.

(ESTR=CTION RIT=AL /rite .o r own wishes 0or 'estr ction on .o r ene#..

Per0or# the entire Rit a% o0 Ba$ho#et Then sa.: LBeho%'K The earthB #. 'we%%in&B M. $%ace o0 $%eas re an' $ain. I a# here to ac-now%e'&e #. 1on' with it an' its wa.s...the carna% %aws o0 #an...tr thKL LI a# here this 'a. to $roc%ai# #. %i0e to the &i0t an' $ower o0 the BeastB the 1east within #e...the tr e Se%0KL Rin& 1e%% LI ca%% 0orth #. inner 1%ac- 0%a#e 0ro# the 0i+e an&%es o0 o r Si&nB o r Ancient !%.$hL Facin& the to$ ri&ht $oint o0 the $entac%e: LThe ! ar'ian o0 An&%e o0 the !ateB the So rce o0 #. #ateria% 1ein&B the $%ace o0 #. 'we%%in& an' o0 the earth. I ca%% 0orth Sa#ae%L Rin& 1e%%. Facin& the to$ %e0t $oint o0 the $entac%e: The ! ar'ian o0 the An&%e o0 The F%a#eB the S$ar- in the E.e o0 the !reat (ar-nessB the $%ace o0 #. heartB I ca%% 0orth AGaGe%KL Rin& 1e%%. Facin& %ower %e0t $oint o0 the $entac%e: LThe ! ar'ian o0 the An&%e o0 Li&ht an' o0 airB the 0orce o0 #. 1reathB the a1o'e o0 the en%i&htene' oneB I ca%% 0orth L ci0erL Rin& 1e%%. Facin& the %ower ri&ht $oint o0 $entac%e: LThe ! ar'ian o0 the An&%e o0 the nho%. 0ireB the inner 0%a#e o0 in' %&enceB the a1o'e o0 the 'ar- $rince. I ca%% 0orth SatanKL Rin& 1e%%. Facin& the %ower $oint o0 the $entac%e: LThe ! ar'ian o0 the an&%e o0 the 'ee$ sea...the r shin& ser$ent. The $%ace o0 #. creation an' the Root o0 #. Bein&. I ca%% 0orth Le+iathanL Rin& 1e%%. LAn' a1o+e #eB the #i&ht an' &%or. a1o+e a%% e%seB The Se%0K : #anit. in its &%or.B I a# a tr e #ani0estation o0 its &reatness. She#he#$horashK :ai% th.se%0K

Set $ with 1%ac- can'%e in centra% a%tar. /eather .o 'o this a%one or with $eo$%eB as .o chant this wa%- aro n' the a%tar with the can'%e on itB co nter c%oc-wise. Chant this an' then rea' o t .o r 'estr ction wishes.
Princi$a%it. o0 FireB I ca%% $on the F%a#e to s ##on .o . I ca%% on the stren&th o0 a%% the (ar- Creat res o0 Nat re to s ##on .o . Princi$a%it. o0 FireB hear #e as I ca%%. Rise 0ro# the coi%in& 0%a#esK I s ##on .o in the na#e o0 the Se+en P%a& es. AGaGe%B I s ##on .o in the na#e o0 the charre' an' 1%ac-ene' stars that rei&ne' at .o r 1e&innin&K CthonieB rise o t o0 the 'ar-ness o0 the earth. I ca%% .o 0orth 0ro# the s 1terranean ri+ers o0 1%oo'B 0ro# the s#o-e o0 the tor#ent which rises 0ore+er. In the na#e o0 e+er. (ar- S$irit that is o1e'ient to .o B I in+o-e .o : COME FORT:. Rea' 'estr ction wishes. Then 1 rn the# $ in the can'%e. Let the 0%a#e carr. 0orth #. 'esires. !ather $ the 1 rne' ashes in a sea%e' container. B r. it Let the earth carr. 0orth #. 'esires. Let it 1e 'one. E?$%anation: AGaGe%B or CthonieB an' a%% the other na#es 0or this sa#e a%$ha7'e0en'er is 1oth InnocenceB a 'e0en'er $rinci$%e o0 the ) 0o%' Li&ht an' is a%so the A1.ss 7 (ar-nessB a horri0ic 'estro.er. It is a%so the #ani0est7'e0en'er o0 the a%$ha inner $rinci$%e o0 J stice. It is a%so the 'estro.er o0 anti7ani#a as the $ shin& $rinci$%e on that a%$ha. It is a%so the L#ateL o0 the O$hion as it #er&es with this $rinci$%e. AGaGe% is ha%0 here an' NOT 1ehin' the L'o 1%e %oc-e' &ate.L T:E RIT=AL OF T:E BLACE FLAME Ao ,%% nee' a 1e%% an' a c $ o0 wine Cor waterD. /a%-in& aro n' in a circ%e &oin& co nter c%oc-wiseB rin& 1e%%.2 ti#es.

I a# here to rea%iGe an' 1%ess #.se%0 in the B%ac- F%a#e o0 tr th. I a# here to 'e%i+er #.se%0 0ro# 0a%se 1e%ie0 an' se%07'eceitB I a# here to o$en the $ath to #. carna% nat re.L LIB a 1east o0 the 0ie%'B a 1ein& o0 0%eshB $roc%ai# #.se%0 a SatanistL LI re5ect a%% 0a%se -now%e'&e an' se%07'eceitL LI %i+e %i0e 0or #.se%0 an' those I %o+eL (rin- 0ro# the C $ o0 /ater Cor /ineD: an' Sa. LI $arta-e o0 this 1%essin&B I a# #a'e stron& with this carna% #i?t reB in the na#e o0 the Fi+e whose An&%es the Pentac%e 'o #a-eB an' a%% the !o's o0 the O ter (ar-ness. I a# e#$owere' 1. the inner 1%ac- 0%a#e. I wa%- 0orth into the wor%' an' $arta-e o0 #. 'esires an' tr e nat re. She#he#$horashB hai% th.se%0KL Per0or# the Rit a% o0 Ba$ho#et a&ain LIt is 'oneL Rin& 1e%% 2 ti#es to c%ose.

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