Book of Mighty Spells

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Made By: Jim HD

What is Wicca.................................................6
What Witchcraft is......................................................8
What Witchcraft is not................................................9
Movement of origin..................................................11
Two kinds Wiccan....................................................11
Both a god and a goddess.......................................12
Morality in wicca......................................................13
Fatal ideas ao!t reincarnation...............................13
What Wicca is not.........................................14
Questions about Witchcraft...........................15
"re Wicca and Witchcraft the same thing#..............1$
Who do Witches Worshi%#......................................1$
&ow do Witches view 'hristianity. "re Witches "nti(
'an * follow the %ath of Wicca or Witchcraft and e a
'hristian too#...........................................................1)
The Wiccan +ede says ,"n it harm none- do as ye
will., .oes that mean a Witch can do anything they
want and its /0 if they 1!stify the action to
themselves# ............................................................12
*f Wicca and Witchcraft are not evil- why do yo! wear
lack roes#............................................................18
/0- so if Wicca and Witchcraft are not evil- why do
yo! hold rit!als and ceremonies at night hidden in
the woods#..............................................................18
What form does the %ractice of Witchcraft take#.....18
&ow do yo! see the 3oddess and 3od#.................18
.o all Witches %ractice their religion the same way#
*s Witchcraft a c!lt#.................................................19
.o Witches have a ile#........................................19
*f Witches don4t have a ile- what do yo! !se#......19
The word Tradition is !sed 5!ite often. What is the
e6act meaning of this#.............................................27
.o Witches cast s%ells#...........................................27
.o Witches worshi% the devil#.................................27
"re Witches only women#.......................................27
&ow do Witches view 8e6#.....................................21
What is the %!r%ose of %erforming ceremonies
*s Witchcraft a religion#...........................................21
&ow do Witches view death#...................................21
&ow can someone find o!t more ao!t Witchcraft#22
Definitions of Wicca, Pagan & Witchcraft......23
What s Magick.............................................24
How to Become a Wiccan or Witch...............25
Warnings & Cautions For The New Wiccan. .28
The 8hadows are o!t there.....................................28
9o! ( yes- yo! can e a :am%ire.............................29
/o%s; .id * 1!st do that#.........................................29
<ower corr!%ts.........................................................37
Magickal Protection & Psychic Self-Defense 31
Divination & Scrying.....................................33
Elements & Magick.......................................34
9*? 9"?3................................................................3$
8*M<>= M"3*'0....................................................3)
The Concept Of Deity...................................36
The 8!%reme 'reative Force..................................3)
<olarities of The /ne...............................................3)
Witches Reed of Chivalry.............................37
Before Time Was..........................................39
The 'harge /f The 3oddess..................................@2
8ong of the 3oddess...............................................@@
The >egend of the descent of the 3oddess.............@$
The 'harge of the .ark 3oddess............................@)
'harge of the 'rone................................................@2
The 'harge /f The 3od..........................................$7
The 'harge of the 8!n 3od.....................................$2
The 'harge of the .ark 3od...................................$3
'harge of the &orned 3od......................................$@
Witch Living Rules and laws.........................55
13 3oals of the Witch..............................................$$
The >aw of +et!rn...................................................$2
The >aw /f <ower...................................................$8
The >aw ..................................................................$8
The 8acred Wood....................................................$9
3ive Thanks.............................................................$9
8how +es%ect..........................................................$9
Find alance............................................................)7
The 1)1 >aws..........................................................)1
The <ro%osed >aws.................................................27
Time of Magic...............................................72
Time of day .............................................................2@
Signs & Symbols..........................................75
Tools from Wicca..........................................78
The c!%....................................................................28
The diet....................................................................29
The %entagram........................................................29
The stick..................................................................29
The sword................................................................29
The Elements...............................................80
The Altar.......................................................83
mportant Wiccans and witches texts............84
The Witches4 'reed.................................................8@
The Wiccan +ede....................................................8$
The Wiccan 'redo...................................................8)
.rawing .own the Moon.........................................88
The 3reat +ite *nvocation........................................97
"ir Meditation...........................................................92
The %lace where yo! rela6.......................................93
The Magic Circle...........................................95
The <!r%oses of a 'ircle.........................................9$
A!estions ao!t /%ening the circle.........................9$
What is a Circle?...................................................95
Why do you need a Circle?...................................95
What do need to know to cast a circle?..............95
What is the purpose of your circle?.......................96
How big will your circle be?...................................96
How will you visualize your circle?........................96
Can you keep your focus for as long as it takes to
set up the circle?...................................................96
When do cast the circle?.....................................96
Casting A Circle - How do know if did it?..........97
Casting A Circle - What's this about cutting a door?
live in an apartment; will the people downstairs
walk into my circle and mess it up?......................97
When and how do take the circle down?............97
What's the best way to practice casting a circle?. 98
Bim &ds way of making the circle............................99
Opening the circle.................................................99
Closing the circle.................................................100
&ow To 'ast a 'ircle 1..........................................171
&ow to 'ast a 'ircle 2...........................................17$
&ow to 'ast a 'ircle 3...........................................178
/%ening the circle..................................................179
'alling the A!artersC'asting 9o!r 'ircle ..............112
'asting The 'ircle 1..............................................11$
'asting and 'losing a 'ircle..................................11)
How to Cast a Circle............................................116
How to Close a Circle..........................................117
'asting the circle 2................................................118
Taken from Scott Cunningham's Wicca:.............119
Spells & Witchcraft.....................................121
Book of 8hadows Blessings..................................121
8elf(Forgiveness <ray...........................................122
Bless yo!...............................................................123
" <erson Blessing.................................................12@
Blessing for the Body.............................................12$
+efresh yo!r 8elf...................................................12)
" Blessing for 8elf *mage......................................122
=lemental Blessing................................................122
?ine =lements Blessing........................................122
&o!se Blessing......................................................128
" <arting Blessing.................................................128
* am........................................................................129
.aily s!n................................................................137
.ream charm ........................................................137
8%irit <rotection Wreath ........................................131
Bea!ty ...................................................................131
Meditation .............................................................131
<rayer of holding ...................................................132
Dndo c!rse ...........................................................132
=vocation of the Witch...........................................133
=lements <oem.....................................................13@
Born of =lements...................................................13$
Witches4 'hant.......................................................13)
The Witches +!ne.................................................132
"stral %ro1ection.....................................................138
Blood of the Moon..................................................139
Book of 8hadows...................................................1@7
The B!rning Times................................................1@7
'onscio!s Mind.....................................................1@1
.ivine <ower..........................................................1@1
.rawing .own The Moon......................................1@1
=arth <ower...........................................................1@2
Magick 'ircle.........................................................1@@
Mighty /nes...........................................................1@$
/gham "l%haet....................................................1@$
/ld /nes................................................................1@$
<assing /ver.........................................................1@)
<ersonal <ower.....................................................1@)
<ro1ective &and.....................................................1@2
<sychic Mind..........................................................1@2
+ece%tive &and.....................................................1@2
+it!al 'onscio!sness............................................1@8
8im%le Feast..........................................................1@9
8%irits of the 8tones...............................................1@9
The 8!mmerland...................................................1@9
Threefold >aw........................................................1$7
Tri%le 3oddess.......................................................1$7
White(&andled 0nife..............................................1$7
Wiccan +ede.........................................................1$1
Finding a Teacher, Mentor or Guide............153
How others look at Wicca and Wiccans......155
Military :iews on Wicca ( D8 "rmy........................1$$
OTHER NAMES BY WHCH KNOWN................155
HSTORCAL ORGN.........................................156
BASC BELEFS..................................................156
ORGANZATONAL STRUCTURE.....................158
ROLE OF MNSTERS........................................159
MEDCAL TREATMENT......................................160
" 'hristian 8%eaks of Wicca and Witchcraft..........1)1
A Situation of Strife and Shame..........................161
The Bile4s view of %agans and witches................1)@
Translated By.............................................165
What is Wicca
Contrary to what those who choose to persecute or lie about us wish to
believe, Wicca is a very peaceful, harmonious and balanced way of life which
promotes oneness with the divine and all which exists.
Wicca (Old English word for "witch") is a pagan nature-based religion
characterized by the pre-Christian beliefs and practices in Europe.
Wicca is a deep appreciation and awe in watching the sunrise or sunset, the
forest in the light of a glowing moon, a meadow enchanted by the first light of
day. t is the morning dew on the petals of a beautiful flower, the gentle caress
of a warm summer breeze upon your skin, or the warmth of the summer sun
on your face. Wicca is the fall of colorful autumn leaves, and the softness of
winter snow. t is light, and shadow and all that lies in between. t is the song
of the birds and other creatures of the wild. t is being in the presence of
Mother Earths nature and being humbled in reverence. When we are in the
temple of the Lord and Lady, we are not prone to the arrogance of human
technology as they touch our souls. To be a Witch is to be a healer, a teacher,
a seeker, a giver, and a protector of all things. f this path is yours, may you
walk it with honor, light and integrity.
Wicca is a belief system and way of life based upon the reconstruction of pre-
Christian traditions originating in reland, Scotland, and Wales. While much of
the information of how our ancestors lived, worshiped and believed has been
lost due to the efforts of the medieval church to wipe our existence from
history, we try to reconstruct those beliefs to the best of our ability with the
information that is available.
Thanks to archaeological discoveries, we now have basis to believe that the
origins of our belief system can be traced even further back to the Paleolithic
peoples who worshipped a Hunter God and a Fertility Goddess. With the
discovery of these cave paintings, estimated to be around 30,000 years old,
depicting a man with the head of a stag, and a pregnant woman standing in a
circle with eleven other people, it can reasonably be assumed that Witchcraft
is one of the oldest belief systems known in the world toady. These
archetypes are clearly recognized by Wiccan as our view of the Goddess and
God aspect of the supreme creative force and predate Christianity by roughly
28,000 years making it a mere toddler in the spectrum of time as we know it.
What is Wicca Page | 5
Witchcraft in ancient history was known as "The Craft of the Wise" because
most who followed the path were in tune with the forces of nature, had a
knowledge of Herbs and medicines, gave council and were valuable parts of
the village and community as Shamanic healers and leaders. They
understood that mankind is not superior to nature, the earth and its creatures
but instead we are simply one of the many parts, both seen and unseen that
combine to make the whole. As Chief Seattle said; "We do not own the earth,
we are part of it." These wise people understood that what we take or use, we
must return in kind to maintain balance and equilibrium. Clearly, modern man
with all his applied learning and technology has forgotten this. Subsequently,
we currently face ecological disaster and eventual extinction because of our
hunger for power and a few pieces of gold.
For the past several hundred years, the image of the Witch has been
mistakenly associated with evil, heathenism, and unrighteousness. n my
humble opinion, these misconceptions have their origin in a couple of
different places.
To begin, the medieval church of the 15th through 18th centuries created
these myths to convert the followers of the old nature based religions to the
churches way of thinking. By making the Witch into a diabolical character and
turning the old religious deities into devils and demons, the missionaries were
able to attach fear to these beliefs which aided in the conversion process.
Secondly, as medical science began to surface, the men who were engaged
in these initial studies had a very poor understanding of female physiology,
especially in the area of a women's monthly cycles. The unknowns in this
area played very well with the early churches agenda lending credence to the
Witch Hunters claims and authority. The fledgling medical professions also
stood to benefit greatly from this because it took the power of the women
healers away giving it to the male physicians transferring the respect and
power to them.
Unfortunately these misinformed fears and superstitions have carried forward
through the centuries and remain to this day. This is why many who follow
these nature oriented beliefs have adopted the name of Wicca over its true
name of Witchcraft to escape the persecution, harassment and
misinformation associated with the name of Witchcraft and Witch not to
mention the bad publicity the press and Hollywood has given us simply to
generate a profit.
What is Wicca Page | 6
What Witchcraft is
Witchcraft is a spiritual system that fosters the free thought and will of the
individual, encourages learning and an understanding of the earth and nature
thereby affirming the divinity in all living things. Most importantly however, it
teaches responsibility. We accept responsibility for our actions and deeds as
clearly a result of the choices we make. We do not blame an exterior entity or
being for our shortcomings, weaknesses or mistakes. f we mess up or do
something that brings harm to another, we have no one but ourselves to
blame and we must face the consequences resulting from those actions. No
ifs, ands or buts and no whining...
We acknowledge the cycles of nature, the lunar phases and the seasons to
celebrate our spirituality and to worship the divine. t is a belief system that
allows the Witch to work with, not in supplication to deities with the intent of
living in harmony and achieving balance with all things.
The spells that we do involve healing, love, harmony, wisdom and creativity.
The potions that we stir might be a headache remedy, a cold tonic, or an
herbal flea bath for our pets. We strive to gain knowledge of and use the
natural remedies placed on this earth by the divine for our benefit instead of
using synthetic drugs unless absolutely necessary.
Wiccan believe that the spirit of the One, Goddess and God exist in all things.
n the trees, rain, flowers, the sea, in each other and all of natures creatures.
This means that we must treat "all things" of the Earth as aspects of the
divine. We attempt to honor and respect life in all its many manifestations
both seen and unseen.
Wiccan learn from and revere the gift of nature from divine creation by
celebrating the cycles of the sun, moon and seasons. We search within
ourselves for the cycles that correspond to those of the natural world and try
to live in harmony with the movement of this universal energy. Our teachers
are the trees, rivers, lakes, meadows, mountains and animals as well as
others who have walked this path before us. This belief creates a reverence
and respect for the environment, and all life upon the Earth.
We also revere the spirits of the elements of Earth, Air, Fire and Water which
combine to manifest all creation. From these four elements we obtain insight
to the rhythms of nature and understand they are also the rhythms of our own
What is Wicca Page | 7
Because Witches have been persecuted for so many centuries, we believe in
religious freedom first! We do not look at our path as the only way to achieve
spirituality, but as one path among many to the same end. We are not a
missionary religion out to convert new members to think the same as we do.
We are willing to share our experience and knowledge with those who seek
our wisdom and perspective however. We believe that anyone who is meant
for this path will find it through their own search as the Goddess speaks to
each of us in her time and way. Wiccan practice tolerance and acceptance
toward all other religions as long as those faiths do not persecute others or
violate the tenant of "Harm None."
What Witchcraft is not
Witchcraft or Wicca is not a cult. We do not proclaim ourselves to be
spokespersons for the divine or try to get others to follow us as their
We do not worship Satan or consort with Demons. Satan is a Christian
creation and they can keep him. We do not need a paranoid creation of
supreme evil and eternal damnation to scare us into doing the right
thing and helping others. We choose to do the right thing and love our
brothers and sisters because it S the right thing and it feels good to do
it. suppose it is a maturity thing.
We do not sacrifice animals or humans because that would violate our
basic tenant of "Harm None." Anyone who does and claims to be a
Wiccan or a Witch is lying.
We have no need to steal or control the life force of another to achieve
mystical or supernatural powers. We draw our energy from within, our
personal relationship with the divine and nature.
We do not use the forces of nature or the universe to hex or cast spells
on others. Again, "Harm None" is the whole of the law.
Witches have a very strict belief in the Law of Three which states that
whatever we send out into our world shall return to us three fold either good
or bane. With this in mind, a "True Witch" would hesitate in doing magick to
harm or manipulate another because that boomerang we throw will eventually
come back to us much larger and harder then when we threw it.
What is Wicca Page | 8
This is not to say that Witches are perfect, we are human too just like
everyone else and make mistakes and errors in judgment. Just as there are
parents who love and nurture their children, there are parents who abuse
their children. As there are many who devote their lives to giving and helping
mankind, likewise there are those who devote their lives to taking advantage
of and using people for their own gain. Unfortunately the same flaws in
human nature applies to witches too.
Most of us continually strive to consider all potential outcomes of our thoughts
and actions pausing to seriously consider the consequences before
undertaking a ritual, spell or rite that could go astray. t is when we follow the
path with the love of the Goddess in our hearts and adhere to the basic
tenant of the Reed that our works are beneficial and we achieve harmony and
balance with all things.
The heart of Wicca is not something summed up into a few short words and
can often take on different meaning to each since the Lord and Lady touch us
in different ways. To gain a fuller understanding of the Craft, urge you visit
the other pages on this site as well as following the links to a select group of
exceptional Wiccan and Witchcraft sites. Through the wisdom and words set
down through the ages, you will find that you are able to understand the basis
of our beliefs and how they may apply to you. Your inner voice will also
quickly let you know if the intent of what you are reading is for superficial
purposes to benefit self instead of working to benefit the whole. Remember to
read with your heart, for it is when you see life and the world with your heart
and spirit that you truly gain an understanding of what Wicca is.
What is Wicca Page | 9
Movement of origin
Wicca began in earnest in 1954 when Gerald Brosseau Gardner (1884-1964)
published his first book on witchcraft, Witchcraft Today (witchcraft today).
Gardner claimed that he had been initiated into a Coven (a collection of
witches) in 1939 by Dorothy Clutterbuck, a wealthy English woman who is
said to have been a leading figure in the "New Forest Coven." The Coven
was a collection of pagan witches, who is said to have met in the English
region of New Forest in the early twentieth century. About this Coven actually
existed, is still an issue today.
Two kinds Wiccan
There are essentially two main groups of practitioners within Wicca: eclectics
and those engaged in Covens.
Eclectic Wiccan is a collective name for the Wiccan who is not dedicated or
belonging to a particular tradition of Wicca, but practicing on their own.
Eclectics are primarily their knowledge from books, websites and through
personal experience, since they are subsumed into one group. Many are
forced to practice Wicca alone, because there exists a Coven nearby.
A Coven, or a mess as it is called in Danish, is a witch groups of maximum 13
persons. Traditionally, a Coven is led by a high priestess and high priest. A
Coven is formed when some Wiccan decides to regularly practice their faith
What is Wicca Page | 10
Both a god and a goddess
n Wicca worship a God and a Goddess as opposites, a religious idea which
is akin to the Taoist concept of yin and yang.

Traditionally called God "The Horned God" and is associated with nature,
wilderness, sexuality, and hunting. Goddess - "The Great Mother Goddess" -
is often seen as a triple goddess with aspects of 'Virgo', 'mother' and 'Old
Woman' and portrayed often as a lunar goddess.
Most Wiccans see the Goddess as the leader because she has everything.
God is just the spark of life and inspiration within the Goddess, at the same
time her lover and child simultaneously. Personalities from other religions, as
the Virgin Mary and the Hindu goddess Kali, often seen as manifestations of
the Great Mother Goddess.
Goddess and God can make themselves known through the body of the
priestesses and priests through the full moon ritual, "Drawing Down the
Moon" (To Draw Down the Moon).
Wiccan sees the spiritual and material world as overlapping. The gods are not
distant existences, but close to, and in total. Emphasis is much emphasis on
the personal experience of the divine, and that there is harmony with nature.
What is Wicca Page | 11
Morality in wicca
The moral of Wicca is largely based on "The Wiccan Nest", which states that
one must do as you like, as long as you take responsibility for his actions, and
do their utmost to avoid harming themselves or others. t reads "An Ye Harm
None, Do As Ye Will" (f it does no harm, Do What You Want).
Additionally weighted "The Rule of Three" (Act 3 time of return), which
prescribes that good or bad deeds will come back to a 3-fold.
Fatal ideas about reincarnation
Many Wiccans believe in reincarnation. The perception is that before this life
rests the soul of a moment in the "Other World" and "Summerland."
Therefore, many believe Wiccan that it is possible to contact the dead man's
soul through the media or Ouija-board, while others do not believe in this
practice. Though Wiccans have several ideas about the afterlife, it is the
present life, they focus on.
What is Wicca Page | 12
What Wicca is not
Wicca is not satanist or devil worship in any form. gods are double-sided they
have both dark and bright sides of it. This creates balance just as the
Goddess and God creates a balance between them. The worship of only the
feminine or masculine will create imbalance.
But back to what wicca is NOT. t is not no sect, who want to exploit innocent
or brainwash others. n that time have studied wicca, nature and the gods,
have had very little contact with others, since 've known so many. And now
we're at it, then want in on the topic called nudity during rituals. This is up to
the individual! t's about to follow him comfortable. Regarding sex, it's not
something wicca mixed in. t's not a sin, as we see it in Christianity, but it's not
something that occurs when you practice wicca in this country. have not
seen anyone who uses it, or heard or read about someone who uses it in
Denmark. Personally do not think it belongs in such places.
Wicca is not an association or organization that you join in. There are a
number of venues on the web where you can chat with like-minded, and more
places are organized tours, where you can meet with others.
Finally, would like to make the same challenge that met when first began
my own quest: Read and learn, but be skeptical! Find your own truth, for what
is true for me is not necessarily true for you. Do not compromise your
positions and follow your heart and your intuition - it can not go wrong.
Page | 13
Questions about Witchcraft
Are Wicca and Witchcraft the same thing?
Some say yes, and some say no. suppose the only way to navigate this
question safely is to point out what some may consider the main differences.
n general, Wiccans feel free to review different belief systems, such as
Celtic, Norse, Essene, Gnosis, or Shamanism, and then blend together any
points that "feel" right into their own personal path. Pure Witchcraft on the
other hand, may focus a little more tightly on using Magick and ritual to work
with the elemental and spiritual forces in nature. Regardless, feel the
differences are slight in that Wicca and Witchcraft both work to achieve
balance and harmony within nature and self.
Personally, follow a predominately Celtic Witch/Tantric path. As time passes,
find myself increasingly drawing upon the wisdom and beliefs of other
spiritual paths as my knowledge and understanding of them increases. So,
when asked 'll tell you 'm a Witch, also consider myself a Wiccan and
perhaps part Shaman because utilize and blend aspects of them all.
Who do Witches Worship?
There is a single power defined as the One or All, which is composed of
everything it has ever created. This supreme energy force does not rule over
the Universe, it S the Universe. Since most find it difficult to talk to or call
upon a faceless mass of Divine energy, this supreme power is personified
into male and female aspects as the Goddess and God. This simply makes
the concept easier for the human mind to comprehend and relate to. Some
take this concept a step further and use actual names, like Astarte, sis, Odin,
Pan, Dianna, Cernunnos, etc., when invoking the Goddess and God. n the
end, it is a personal preference and what a Witch uses depends on what
"feels" right for them individually.
Questions about Witchcraft Page | 14
How do Witches view hristianity! Are Witches Anti"hristian?
Not necessarily. Witchcraft, overall, is very tolerant of other religious views,
and does not engage itself in criticizing the beliefs of other people, providing
that their beliefs do not violate the basic tenant of "Harm None." Witches do
object to religions that attempt to suppress the religious beliefs of others, or
every human's right to seek spirituality in their own way. This is why there is a
slight rub between Wiccans, Pagans, Witches, and some Christians. Many of
them feel they have exclusive rights to the divine. We also have a strong
disdain for those who use religion as an excuse to commit mass genocide.
The "Burning Times" are a clear historical example of one religious group
attempting to exert its philosophies and beliefs upon others using extreme
Perhaps an over simplified way of describing our view is this: magine a
beautiful meadow in the forest, and their are many paths leading to this
meadow. t really does not matter which path you take to get there, the
important thing is that you get there without harming anyone or anything
along the way.
an # follow the path of Wicca or Witchcraft and be a hristian too?
Again, some say yes and others maintain that they are completely separate
religions. believe that if one looks closely at the true teachings of Jesus with
an open heart, you will find some stark commonalities. t is only when one
takes literally the sometimes frail misinterpretations of those who
misunderstood the intent or used the teachings to suit their own political
agendas that one see's wide differences.
As a solitary you are free to choose any path you desire, or any blend that
"feels" right to you. The important thing is to not allow a name or word to
become a stumbling block. t is the intent of your actions and spirituality that
matters in the end. realize it is a poor comparison; Peanut Butter and
Chocolate are two completely separate things. The fact remains, however,
that they work pretty well when mixed together. Ultimately you must do what
"feels" right to you...
Questions about Witchcraft Page | 15
The Wiccan $ede says %An it harm none& do as ye will!% 'oes that mean
a Witch can do anything they want and its () if they *ustify the
action to themselves?
An excellent question indeed! and the answer is no... The whole premise of
our belief system is based on living in harmony with all things that exist. This
includes, but is not limited to the earth, trees, rivers, lakes, oceans, air, and all
of earth's creatures, as well as other people without regard to race, color,
religion, or sexual orientation.
My interpretation of the Rede tells me that the creative force of the universe
has given me an inner voice, or "conscience," which tells me what is right or
wrong. t is also this consciousness that connects me to the creator. By
listening to this inner voice, (Perhaps should clarify here. No do not hear
voices, *smile* it is more like something feel) try to analyze my impulses
and feelings to ensure they are not driven by greed, lust, envy, prejudice or
anger. f they are, try to put them in perspective or discard them all together.
then use common sense and judgment in my actions and accept full
responsibility for them. This is not always easy to do, but try. By keeping
these ideals of right and wrong foremost in my mind, as well as seeking to
obtain harmony and balance with nature and all living things, am able to do
my best at following the Rede as go through my day.
This is not to say that Witches are perfect, never do anything wrong, or make
mistakes. We are still human. We are aware of, or try to be aware of the
karmic return of our actions, and are very careful not to send out negative
energy in thought or deed.
Yes, sometimes a Witch will focus an energy form toward someone who
needs a psychic zap. This is only done however when a person is
consistently doing something very wrong within society and causing a lot of
harm to others. f and when a Witch does zap someone, they do so with the
full knowledge that it will eventually return to them and there will be a price to
pay according to the Law of Three. There are times when we simply must
make a personal sacrifice for the good of the whole and shoulder this weight.
When confronted with this type of situation, prefer to bring this person to the
attention of the Goddess, asking her that justice be done according to her will.
n this way am not focusing negative energy towards the individual and
therefore am less likely to suffer karmic repercussions.
Questions about Witchcraft Page | 16
#f Wicca and Witchcraft are not evil& why do you wear black robes?
This is another baseless superstition and Witches wear clothing and robes of
every color. Black is the combination of all colors and all vibrational rates of
light on the material plane. t is known that black is a very good conductor of
energy, therefore wearing black simply helps Witches absorb natural energy
to increase the power of their thought forms. Personally, do my Magickal
work naked. Gawd, there's an ugly visualization for ya! LOL...
()& so if Wicca and Witchcraft are not evil& why do you hold rituals and
ceremonies at night hidden in the woods?
This practice has its history in a couple of different things, none of which have
anything to do with evil... n the old world, especially within the Celtic tribes,
the day followed an entirely different schedule than it does in modern times.
The new day for them actually began at sunset. This is also why most
observances of holidays were celebrated on the evening before the actual
calendar day. The second reason is that survival had an entirely different
meaning during those times. Almost without exception, everyone spent their
daylight hours tending the crops, their herds, or engaged in their trade. All
daylight hours were vitally important simply for survival reasons.
OK, so that takes care of why we observed our rites at night during ancient
times, and many of the reasons are the same in today's times. For one, most
of us are busy working all day earning a living, so the evening is the only time
we have to seek spiritual communion. Secondly, Wicca and Witchcraft are still
largely misunderstood religions and we are still persecuted for our beliefs.
Another reason which is important for me, and possibly for others as well is
that feel a special closeness to the Goddess and God at night. Yes can,
and do, enjoy the mountains and meadows during the daylight, or a sunrise
and sunset, but am truly more aware of the heavens and the great expanse
of the Universe at night, so it just makes sense for me.
What form does the practice of Witchcraft take?
The form and context vary from group to group, and between each ritual, and
may run the gamut from elaborate ceremony to spontaneous ritual to simple
How do you see the +oddess and +od?
Wiccans believe that there are female/male aspects to the One or All and
without the union and balance of these two aspects, nothing can exist. See
Before Time Was or read the answer to question number two above again for
more insight.
Questions about Witchcraft Page | 17
'o all Witches practice their religion the same way?
Yes and no. Wicca is a highly individualistic religion. Moreover, the number of
different sects within the Craft may give the impression that no two groups
practice the same way. Though practices may vary, most traditions have
many similarities, such as the working of magick and a respect for nature.
Most Witches find enough common ground for mutual support and productive
networking throughout the Craft community.
#s Witchcraft a cult?
No. Cults are groups that trade a sense of salvation and belonging for the
ability to think for oneself. They indulge in extravagant homage or adoration
(Webster's Dictionary), usually of an earthly leader of some sort. f you know
a real Witch, you'll quickly come to find the term "Cult" could not apply to us.
Most Wiccans, Witches and pagans come to the Craft individually through
reading and communing with nature. They often will remain solitary in their
beliefs but other will also find like-minded people to celebrate seasonal cycles
or monthly moons with. Witches are extremely individualistic, self sufficient
and defend the right of free will without hesitation.
'o Witches have a bible?
No. A bible is supposedly the word of a deity revealed through a prophet.
Witchcraft is a Pagan folk-religion of personal experience. Witchcraft in the
old times was much the same as the beliefs of the Essenes, Gnostics, Druids,
and many other religions. The teachings were passed along by spoken word
through long periods of one-on-one instruction with an Elder of the Craft. This
approach was taken because the power and knowledge could be misused in
the wrong hands. Therefore, by using only the spoken word, the old masters
could ensure those who wished to follow the path had a true understanding
and their hearts were in the right place as their knowledge of the mysteries
grew. Unfortunately, when the medieval church began its attempts to convert
and eliminate rival belief systems, the teachers were either killed outright or
went underground resulting in much of the ancient knowledge being lost.
#f Witches don,t have a bible& what do you use?
Most modern Witches keep a Book of Shadows, (BOS) or Grimoire, which is
more like an individuals workbook, journal, or diary, meaningful to the person
who keeps it. This book contains rituals, discoveries, spells, poetry, herb lore,
etc. Covens almost always keep a similar group book. am not exactly sure
how the name "Book of Shadows" came to be, but would assume that this
also ties into the Burning Times when the church set out to eliminate all texts
along with the followers of the old ways. The writings that existed were more
than likely were taken into the shadows and hidden with the survivors.
Questions about Witchcraft Page | 18
The word Tradition is used -uite often! What is the e.act meaning of
Here the word Tradition relates to the beliefs of a specific geographical region
such as Celtic, Germanic, Norse, etc., and is sometimes broken down into
further subsets. Essentially it is much the same as the variety of
denominations seen within Christianity, such as Methodist, Mormon or
'o Witches cast spells?
Some do and some don't. Spellwork should never be the focus of following
this path and those who seek our ways only for this purpose are very
misguided. A spell is a ritual formula, or series of steps, to direct psychic
energy to accomplish a desired end. This energy is drawn from the Earth with
the aid of elementals, concentrated and sent out into the world to achieve a
positive goal. Since Witchcraft teaches that whatever one sends out is
returned threefold, Witches are very careful to never send out harmful energy
carelessly. The Christian word for this is "Prayer". The only real difference is
that Witches also invoke the aid of spirit guides, familiars or other elemental
energies to add strength to the process as well as using ritual tools.
'o Witches worship the devil?
No. Satan, or the Devil, has absolutely no place in Wicca or Witchcraft. The
worship of Satan is the practice of profaning Christian symbolism and is thus
a Christian heresy, rather than a Pagan religion. The Goddess and God of the
Witches are in no way connected to Satanic practices. Satan, or the Devil, is
a Christian creation and they are more than welcome to keep him.
Are Witches only women?
No, although women do seem to predominate in the Craft overall. n fact,
some traditions have only women practitioners, just as others have only men.
A male Witch is simply called a Witch, never a warlock and it is considered an
insult to call a male Witch "Warlock". The word "Warlock" actually means
"oath breaker". Some traditions of Wicca separate between female/male. The
word "Wicce" pronounced (Wik-kay) designates a female Witch and "Wicca"
pronounced (Wik-kah) designates a male Witch.
Questions about Witchcraft Page | 19
How do Witches view /e.?
Sex is part of nature and sacred to the Deities and Witches. Just like
everyone else, we think it's wonderful. The Great Rite at Beltane is a symbolic
representation of the union between the Goddess and God resulting in the
creation of all that exists. Very few, if any, traditions engage in sex as a part of
group rites and there are no orgies during ritual. Many couples who have
chosen each other, and jointly follow the path, do use sex magick in their
private rites and rituals, however. t is a deeply intimate sharing of body, spirit
and soul which bonds them together closer than anything else can.
What is the purpose of performing ceremonies /kyclad?
The term skyclad means "Clad only by the sky". Not all Witches perform
rituals skyclad, but there are those who believe that the absence of clothing
allows energy to transfer to and from them more freely. Many simply feel
closer to the Goddess and God while in their natural form without the bindings
of human technology, insecurities or socially retarded inhibitions regarding the
human form. Many wear a robe or some other clothing made of natural
materials while participating in group activities and go skyclad only when
observing rites alone or with their mate. Regardless, going skyclad during
ritual is in no way a sexual act, it is a deeply spiritual one for those who
"choose" to do so.
#s Witchcraft a religion?
Yes, Witchcraft is a nature based religion and it has been recognized as such
in the United States and Canada. n the U.S., Wicca has full recognition as a
religion and is granted all rights as such under the Constitution. The American
Heritage Dictionary defines religion as "a belief in and reverence for a
supernatural power recognized as the creator and governor of the universe".
So yes, it does qualify as such. Our definition differs slightly in that to us, the
creator of the universe S the universe. Witchcraft, or Wicca, is not something
that can be followed once in a while or when it is convenient or we need or
want something. t is a dedication made to nature, the deities and yourself. t
is a way of life, and as such we are mindful of the balance between ourselves
and all things within the universe at all times.
How do Witches view death?
Many Witches believe in reincarnation and the Summerland. After passing
over, Summerland is where the spirit awaits to be returned into a new
physical form. We do not believe in an absolute Heaven or Hell where the
spirit spends eternity as reward or punishment for ones earthly actions.
Questions about Witchcraft Page | 20
How can someone find out more about Witchcraft?
Ours is not a missionary religion, and we never try to make converts. We feel
that if this path is right for you, you will find your way to it. We are, however,
becoming more visual and vocal in an attempt to educate and dispel myths
and superstitions about the Craft. You need not worry about a Witch knocking
on your door and wanting to come in and share passages from their BOS. For
those who are interested there are many excellent books in our suggested
reading list. Some Witches also teach classes or facilitate discussion groups.
n this way, people may make contact with a like minded Coven, form their
own groups or share thoughts and beliefs with others. There is also a growing
number of superb craft sites on the internet, periodicals, and national and
regional festivals through which a seeker can make contact with the larger
Craft community.
Questions about Witchcraft Page | 21
Definitions of Wicca, Pagan & Witchcraft
Wicca: A modern Pagan religion with spiritual roots in the earliest expressions
of reverence for nature. Some major identifying motifs are: reverence for both
the Goddess and God; acceptance of reincarnation and magick; ritual
observance of astronomical and agricultural phenomena; and the use of
magickal circles for ritual purposes.
Wicce: Synonymous with Wicca. n some circles, Wicce is used for women
and Wicca is used for men.
Witch: A practitioner of folk magick, particularly that kind relating to herbs,
stones, colors, wells, rivers, etc. t is used by some Wiccans to describe
themselves. This term has nothing to do with Satanism.
Witchcraft: The craft of the witch - magick, especially magick utilizing
personal power in conjunction with the energies within stones, herbs, colors,
and other natural objects. This belief system also has nothing to do with
Pagan/Neo-Pagan/Paganism: General term for followers of Wicca and other
magickal, shamanistic, and polytheistic Earth-based religions. Also used to
refer to pre-Christian religious and Spiritual belief systems.
Definitions of Wicca, Pagan Witchcraft Page | 22
What Is Magick
suppose could ramble on for quite some time about what Magick of Wicca,
Witches and Witchcraft is or is not. nstead, will offer this brief writing found
somewhere. Unfortunately cannot remember where came across it or who
the author was, but thought it was clear, concise and to the point. t very
simply dispels everything that some religions, old superstitions and of course
Hollywood have tried to make people believe magick is.
Magick is finding your connection to the Earth and all that is natural, alive and
moving in the universe! t binds all that exists together.
Magick is living in balance with the flow of life, and knowing that you are a
vital force within that flow. Magick is everywhere! n the trees, rain, stars, and
in the sea. t is the spark that quickens a seed to rise up from the soil.
Magick is laughter, joy, wonder and truth the of the world around us!
t is the subtle enchantment that reminds us not to waste a single moment of
this gift that we call life! Magick is not greed, or power, or pretense...t is real.
t exists. And it works.
Magick is the mystery that lies in the secret soul of the world. t is the essence
of creation. What we imagine, we have the power to create!
With it you can create your dreams, heal your world, love your life and find
the peace that lives in every human heart.
What !s "agic# Page | 23
How to Become a Wiccan or Witch
Being a Wiccan or Witch is generally not something you are born as or just
wake up one morning and decide to become. More often than not, you come
across it by accident unless you were raised that way. Many find the
philosophies of how Wicca and Witchcraft view nature are the same as the
one's they currently hold. They just didn't know there was a specific belief
system that shared the same views.
As Silver RavenWolf accurately stated in her book To Ride A Silver
Broomstick. "The Charge comes to each of us in a different manner. t is that
moment in our lives when we feel the Magick of the Universe for the very first
time coursing through us... and we know beyond all real and imagined
shadows that this calling to the mysteries is indeed there. That it is truly there,
and not a whimsical flight from reality."
f you are one who has seen striking similarities between what you believe
and have found here, there are generally accepted ways to increase your
awareness and find communion with others who feel the same. The following
are the steps would recommend to any one who wishes to learn more.
Read everything you can get your hands on that will tell you more about the
beliefs of Wicca and Witchcraft. Only by learning as much as you can about
the basic beliefs and tenets of this path can you decide if the old way's are
right for you.
While doing this, you will begin to form associations and hopefully find
correspondances within yourself. Note these feelings in a journal or diary.
Write down the reasons you think Witchcraft is your path. What does being a
Witch mean to you? What do you hope to achieve and learn? What do you
fear about following this path? How do you see the Goddess and God? What
does the Divine mean to you? Be absolutely honest with yourself here, this is
a private book and nobody else will ever read it. This notebook will help you
design your dedication/self-initiation ritual and eventually evolve into your
Book of Shadows.
There are no right or wrong answers and it is not a test. t is only a way to
help you define your understanding of this path.
$o% to &eco'e a Wiccan or Witch Page | 24
Most importantly, listen to your inner voice. t is usually very good council and
will not lead you astray. f something you read, hear or are told does not feel
right, then it usually isn't right for you. f everything still feels right and you are
sure Witchcraft is the path for you wish to follow after all this studying, now is
the time to perform a dedication ritual.
This ritual should be yours and yours alone. Design it however you want to
and in a way that will be most meaningful to you. A dedication ritual means
exactly what it sounds like. You are dedicating yourself to the Craft and
making the decision to live life in closer harmony and balance with the earth
and nature. You are making a commitment to yourself and the Divine.
Mine was on the shore of a remote high cascade mountain lake here in
Oregon. The dancing light of the campfire on the trees, a full moon reflecting
off the snow pack fed waters of the lake all combined with the energy of
surrounding nature. This setting was ideal for me but something completely
different might be right for you.
haven't mentioned anything about spells because you need to complete the
first two steps before you even think about working with spells.
Before you begin working with magick, you need to understand what it is,
where it comes from and the ethics involved. You will also need to learn and
understand the basic structure of rituals, Casting circles, calling quarters,
invoking the Goddess and God, raising and directing energy, grounding,
centering and closing the circle.
Magick is raising and channeling the energy found in yourself, nature and in
the Divine. A Witch combines this energy with their focused efforts. t takes
dedication, effort, energy and hard work to achieve a desired result. The main
ethical tenet to always remember is the point of the Witches Rede:
"An t Harm None."
Magick is not Hollywood hocus-pocus. t is not bending the natural order of
things to fit your needs or desires. f that is what you are looking for, you are
in the wrong place.
Witches have had enough bad press over the past few centuries and are
working hard to turn those misconceptions around. We do not need people
running around claiming to put spells and hexes on people because they
cannot face reality, are not willing to work for what they want or are looking for
an easy solution to their problems. Magick doesn't work that way...
$o% to &eco'e a Wiccan or Witch Page | 25
All your reading and study will help you prepare for this. The Suggested
Reading Section of our on-line catalog offer some excellent resources to help
you understand these basic concepts.
You will also find that meditation and visualization exercises will increase your
concentration. The ability to focus and visualize will greatly increase the
power of your magick. Breathing exercises will help you focus as well so
spend time on them.
f you are interested in joining a Coven, most will require the traditional year
and a day of study before initiating new members. This gives you time to
explore the religion and decide if it is the right path for you as well as giving
you and the Coven members time to get to know one another. Covens are
generally very selective and rightfully so. There are many out there who seek
this path for all the wrong reasons.
Written by: Herne
$o% to &eco'e a Wiccan or Witch Page | 26
Warnings & Cautions or !he "ew Wiccan
f you've looked at this site at all, you've seen the wonderful things that
happen when you begin following a Wiccan path. 've been asked to discuss
the not-so-nice things that can happen. 'm not trying to scare anyone off, just
give you enough information so you can make an informed decision.
The /hadows are out there
They exist, in the invisible world that parallels our own, living creatures.
Unlike creatures from our world, they lack physical form, and feed on energy
instead of matter. They are as varied as the animal life on our world. They
range in size (power) from the equivalent of insects and rodents to the
equivalent of magically trained humans, and beyond to the Great Old Ones.
(My land is inhabited by one of these-it gives the psychic impression of a
mountain with legs. t is not unfriendly, but an elephant is not unfriendly
toward ants either. stay out of our woods when it is about.) mentioned that
these creatures feed on energy. Most are content to graze on the random
energy fields that leak from humans and other creatures in our world. Others,
however, are a little more sinister. These, the ones you have to worry about,
call the Shadows.
Shadows come in three basic varieties. First are the little ones that feed off
the energy in negative emotions. f you are emitting strong negativity, they
will be drawn to you like flies to rotten meat. f you aren't magically protected,
they will happily latch onto your energy field (aura) and snack on it. They are
usually not much more troublesome than leeches or mosquitoes; however, a
thousand leeches could weaken a person severely.
Next come the more dangerous variety, more like rats or vultures than
mosquitoes. These are attracted both by negative emotions and the energy of
magical workings. They are stronger, and can push past weak or flawed
defenses to get to you. And they are much harder to peel loose once they
have their teeth into you.
Last are the intelligent variety. Their favorite meal is human life energy, the
'heart-fire' that burns in each of us. They are relatively rare even in their own
realm, but they exist. The terms 'mp' , 'Evil Spirit' and 'Demon' are fairly
accurate. They are very strong. The more intelligent ones are capable of
working their own Magic to breach your defenses. The most intelligent
variety , being as lazy as humans, prefer to talk you into dropping your
defenses and linking your energy field to theirs. ("Open yourself to me, and
will grant you power beyond your wildest dreams." Yeah, right.) They also are
capable (if someone is helpful enough to open a doorway for them) of
Warnings (autions )or *he +e% Wiccan Page | 27
entering our world. Once here, if they can get past all your defenses unless
you are very strong at warding. They can enter your body and feast at will,
even asserting a degree of control over you. Yes, this is exactly like the old
stories of Demon possession.
0ou " yes& you can be a 1ampire
There exist in this world evil creatures. They are highly intelligent, capable of
working magic, and extremely devious. They are capable of not only psychic
magical attacks, but physical ones as well. As a species, they tend to be
amoral, murderous animals. call them 'humans'. Humans are also capable
of 'feeding' off the energies of other humans- Herne (owner of this website)
calls them "Psychic Vampires". They do this to gain more magical power, to
control others, or to replace the energies they are losing by dealing with the
Shadows. Some humans can even do this while traveling astrally. So that
Evil Spirit that tried to get into your last circle may not have been from the
other side; it could have been your next-door neighbor.
(ops2 'id # *ust do that?
Magic is an art form. Despite the best efforts of Ritual Magicians and
Technopagans, it remains as unpredictable and powerful as the weather
unless you are highly skilled and focused. Scientists studying weather
prediction in the 1970's discovered something amazing. Weather, they found,
is so unstable as to be impossible to predict more than a day or two in
advance. n fact, computer models suggested something they called the
Butterfly Theory. t seems that the air disturbed by a butterfly taking off from a
cactus in Mexico, if it happened at the right time and place, could in theory
cause devastating storms and tornadoes in the U.S. Midwest. Magic is very
similar. Each action we take, magical or mundane, has consequences that
spread out from it like the ripples in a pond.
They spread out, touching everything- and reflect back to converge on the
source. Be very sure, then, before you work magic, exactly what the
consequences may be. Ask yourself, "f this spell backfires on me, and
affects me instead of the intended target, can live with the result?" Thus,
tend to use magic "only in direst need, and then must the cause be just"
(author unknown).
Some Wiccans counsel about how rain on your fields could cause drought
elsewhere. This might be true, if you are trying with your own personal power
to 'squeeze' the rain clouds as they pass over. But asking the Lady and Lord
for the blessing of rain for everybody's crops is a different thing entirely.
Selfish magic has negative consequences: Loving, giving magic only positive
ones. For Selfishness is the true root of all evil. " want it! Destroy the world,
Warnings (autions )or *he +e% Wiccan Page | 28
let Chaos take the universe, as long as get what want!" Be careful of what
you ask, you just may get it...
3ower corrupts
So, you've studied hard, learned all about Wiccan magic, and now you find
you can really do things. All the power of the Elements is yours to command.
Love, money, power, respect- all these are yours. You are special. You are
powerful. You are a God! Now, you must convince others to worship you, to
lend you their energy so that your power can grow. But that's OK, because
you are a loving God, and you want only what's best for your worshipers. And
you know what's best for them, for you know all, and see all. For you alone
are God of this world you have created.
Can't happen? Do the names Jim Jones, Sun Myung Moon or David Koresh
ring a bell? t is important to remember that the gift of magical power is just
that- a gift from the Lady and Lord. t must never be abused. And glorifying
yourself because of something lent to you is like showing up at your class
reunion in a borrowed suit and a rented Jaguar. This reason and this reason
alone is why you will not find the Council of this site posting or trading spells
and rituals. We don't hand out loaded guns here.
n my next article, will try to teach the basics of magical defense- how to
keep the Shadows at bay, how to shield yourself from negative energy, and
what to do if you suspect you are being attacked psychically. Until then,
Merry Part. And don't link your life force to anything with glowing red eyes
and a black aura.
Written by: Erik & Herne
Warnings (autions )or *he +e% Wiccan Page | 29
Magicka# Protection & Ps$chic %e#f&Defense
Magic works. This is the first thing you have to learn. f you don't believe
that magic gives you the power to reshape the universe, you're wasting your
time. Because if you believe a spell or ritual won't work, it won't. Period. And
if you do believe in the power of magic, then you need to realize that when
you use it you are putting your hands on the same forces that move the tides
and spawn tornadoes. And that by doing so, you have the potential to harm
yourself or others. have often compared working magic to rock climbing. t
takes years of study and practice before you're ready to try it. t is fairly safe,
if you know what you're doing and take appropriate safety precautions. At the
same time, a mistake can ruin your whole day or worse.
n this article, will outline a few basic techniques for protecting yourself and
your home. While these are essential while working magic, they are also
useful anytime. For example, there's no better night's sleep than in a room
that's been magically shielded to keep out psychic noise.
Let's start with Shielding. This is a technique for creating a magical 'force
field' around your person or a place, to keep out unwanted energy. This could
be psychic 'background noise', nasty astral critters, or magical energy
directed at you. Many people do this unconsciously all their lives. Others of
us have to learn how. The method use is to visualize a 'net' of energy
around the area to be shielded. Remember to 'see' it in 3D, a sphere rather
than a circle. (This is where those visualization exercises come into practical
use.) generally use my personal energy to power it. visualize negative
energy being absorbed by my shields and flowing into the earth. ("Ground
and Center" here.) visualize it as porous, though, so that energy send can
pass through. With practice, you will be able to shield yourself instantly,
without thinking.
have found that exhaustion or alcohol quickly erode my ability to shield, so
keep this in mind. Once you have shields, there is lots of nifty magic you can
do with them. 'll describe some of these in an article for an advanced class.
Warding is a similar technique. define a Ward as a Shield anchored to a
physical place. nstead of using your energy, though, you let Earth energy
flow upward to power it. With practice, you can create a stable, Earth-
powered shield. This leaves more energy for spell work, or allows you to
drop your own shields and recharge. Reinforce the visualization regularly,
and it can be permanent, to protect your Circle or home. tend to anchor
wards with physical objects-a stone, carved runes, etc. But it is the
visualization that really matters. f the mental image fails, the shield will fail,
"agic#a, Protection Ps-chic .e,f/Defense Page | 30
no matter how many runes you carve.
Occasionally, when going about my daily life, will feel a 'tickle' at my aura as
some kind of psychic energy contacts it. Other times, the hair stands up on
the back of my neck, and quickly raise my shields. And on rarer occasions,
feel a sudden energy drain as my shields (thank the Lady and Lord) go from
standby to maximum power before know what's happened. n these
situations there are a few shielding tricks use. First is the mirror. visualize
the outside of my shields as a perfect mirror, reflecting any energy back to it's
source. Next is making the inside of my shields a mirror. use this to contain
any psychic energy might be emitting, hopefully making myself psychically
'stealthy'. Last is the 'iron wall' or 'stone tower' visualization, changing the
thin energy shield into a massive fortress. This requires a lot of power, but
when huge waves of negativity are breaking over you, it really helps.
Now on to a few active techniques. f negative energy keeps coming at me,
don't sit back and continue to shield until exhausted. The ancient warriors
knew that any purely defensive battle is doomed, if it goes on long enough.
nvoking the Lady and Lord is probably the surest and simplest defense.
Malevolent entities (wether astral or earthly) tend to avoid the presence of the
Deity. n fact, the nastier they are, the faster they run. But like most kids,
don't like bothering Mom and Dad all the time with small problems 've been
taught to handle myself. The most basic technique is calling White Fire. This
is the Light energy of the universe, the silver-white of the Moon and the fire-
white of the Sun, the sum total of the magical Elements. Let it flow in from all
around you until you feel like a ball of lightning, then send a directed bolt of it
back in the direction the negative energy came from. While the mind alone is
all you need to do this, find my sword/athame is a perfect tool for this. ( feel
the Rede does not prohibit self-defense, but that's another article, too.) f this
doesn't work, you can still call on the Lady and Lord in their warrior/protector
aspects to help you.
Written by: Erik
"agic#a, Protection Ps-chic .e,f/Defense Page | 31
Di'ination & %cr$ing
As this section grows, we will discuss the many different forms Witches use
for Divination. f you are unfamiliar with the term, Divination is simply the use
of an object or objects to ascertain answers to questions or to see an event or
events which are not perceptible to the average person.
Divination takes many forms and while some of the Craft will use several
different techniques, everyone will end up with one favorite or more
successful way of obtaining answers to their questions. Just about anything
can be used as a divination tool and over the centuries just about everything
has. Some of the more popular and well known methods are: Crystal and or
Crystal Ball Gazing, Reading Tea Leaves, Gazing into a pool or bowl of water,
Tarot Cards, Feng Shui, Palmistry, Candle Gazing and the list goes on and
Witches and Pagans have always been credited with having special powers,
with being able to see the unseen. This is merely a result of our ability to work
with our "Spirit Guides or "Spirit Twins" to obtain answers to the questions we
seek. n the following sections, we will cover these methods and the various
tools employed to achieve these goals.
As time permits, either myself or one of the Councilors discuss these areas.
For now, one of our guests has provided the technique that she has achieved
good success with and would like to share it with you.
Di0ination .cr-ing Page | 32
(#ements & Magick
The Ancients divided the world into four basic principles or *elements* earth,
water, fire, and air. That viewpoint has mostly changed with advances of
science, but the four elements are still accepted in magick, for they are more
closely linked with emotions, the human psyche, and with nature than are
modern explanations of the world. These *magical elements* are also of
some importance in astrology. Many occultists think of the magical elements
as forces, or as *qualities* of energy; especially within the astral world. Each
element has a symbol and color. (Common symbols are -- fire: a triangle
pointing up; air: a triangle pointing up and with a horizontal line through the
middle of it; water: a triangle pointing down; earth: a triangle pointing down
and with a horizontal line through the middle of it.) Colors of the elements are
-- earth: brown and green; water: blue; fire: red; air: yellow... The Eastern
tattvic system uses different symbols and colors. (The tattvic symbols are
briefly described later on in this course.) The elements are often used in
magick ritual.
Magick sees relationships between things. These relationships are called
'correspondences'. Although magical correspondences are not literally equal
to one another, you can think of them that way (such as gold equals sun).
Tables of these relationships, called 'Correspondence Tables', are available
(an important one is Crowley's '777'). Thus one thing or symbol can be used
to suggest another. This is important in magick, for the magician may
surround himself with as many appropriate correspondences as he can to
vividly affect the senses; thus making his magical contact with the inner
planes more lucid.
The magical elements have correspondences with the tarot cards as the four
suits. The four quarters (directions of the universe as used in magick ritual)
and the Archangels also correspond with these same elements.
Element Suit Quarter Archangel
Astrological signs also correspond with the elements. Taurus, Virgo, and
Capricorn are earth signs. Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces are water signs.
Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are fire signs. Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius are air
1,e'ents "agic# Page | 33
The magical elements are said to be peopled by spirits and mythological
entities called elementals or nature spirits. These are grouped into four main
Earth Water Fire Air
Elementals are usually only visible to those with clairvoyant sight and are
more likely to be seen at night in the mountains or country away from cities --
especially if you are tired or sleepy. Although elementals exist naturally, it is
also possible to create one which will exist for a limited time -- no elemental
has immortality. A created elemental is called an 'artificial elemental'.
To the Ancients, elementals were the physical explanation of the universe.
However, some contemporary occultists see them only as symbols for forces
and otherwise not 'real' at all. Another word sometimes used for elemental is
'familiar' (usually in medieval witchcraft); the term is ambiguous, as it might
merely be an ordinary household pet such as a dog or cat.
0#6 0A6+
Chinese philosophy and acupuncture talk of yin yang. This is the idea of
polarity, or opposite pairs, as shown:
Yin Yang
1,e'ents "agic# Page | 34
The list could go on. n Chinese literature it is quite long. Some occultists
suggest everything can be similarly arranged into related opposite pairs.
/#M354 MA+#)
Here is a simple magical technique you may wish to try. t is a variation of
affirmation, which was discussed in an earlier lesson...To help you to achieve
your goal (magical or otherwise), find a word or short phase which sums up
what it is that you want to accomplish. Write the word (or phrase) down 10
times each day until you achieve success.
!he Conce)t *f Deit$
As mentioned in earlier documents, Wiccans, Pagans and Witches see the
divine as being manifest at all levels of humanities limited ability to
comprehend the universe world around us. The fact that some may call upon
or associate with the divine by different names does not necessarily mean
that we see a complete seperation of deities.
We accept that different aspects of the divine combine to make the whole. n
this view, we recognize and attune ourselves with nature and the creative
force in a way the individual or group is most comfortable with. The following
is an explanation of this concept which most agree upon.
The /upreme reative Force
The One is the all encompassing unity of all things which exist. This includes
that which is manifest to our limited awareness and understanding as well as
that which is not. The One is infinite to a point that the human mind simply
cannot comprehend its vastness.
3olarities of The (ne
The Goddess and God are seen as a manifestation of the feminine and
masculine forces of nature. Each having unique characteristics that when
combined result in the harmonious creation of life.
We see examples of this in everything around us as nothing can exist without
the interaction of feminine and masculine energy. This creative energy is
omnipresent. They are concepts that allow the human mind to comprehed the
creative force of the world around us.
*he (once2t 3f Deit- Page | 35
Giving name to the divine or feminine and masculine energies is in many
ways irrevalent and certainly cannot justify the wars and bloodshed history
has seen because of it. They are simply names humanity, a culture or specific
belief system has created over time for association purposes.
t really matters little whether we associate with the divine as the "Father, Son
and Holy Ghost" or "The One, Goddess and God." Ultimately, the concept is
the same.
Written by: Herne
Witches +eed of Chi'a#r$
nsofar as the Craft of the Wise is the most ancient and most honorable creed
of humankind, it behooves all who are Witches to act in ways that give
respect to the Old Gods, to their sisters and brothers of the Craft, and to
themselves. Therefore, be it noted that:
1. Chivalry is a high code of honour which is of most ancient Celtic Pagan
origin, and must be lived by all who follow the Old ways.
2. t must be kenned that thoughts and intent put forth on this Middle-Earth
will wax strong in other worlds beyond, and return... bringing into creation, on
this world, that which had been sent forth. Thus one should exercise
discipline, for "as ye sow, so shall ye reap."
3. t is only by preparing our minds to be as Gods that we can ultimately attain
4. "This above thine own self be true...."
5. A Witch's word must have the validity of a signed and witnessed oath.
Thus, give thy word sparingly, but adhere to it like iron.
6. Refrain from speaking ill of others, for not all truths of the matter may be
7. Pass not unverified words about another, for hearsay is, in large part, a
thing of falsehoods.
8. Be thou honest with others, and have them known that honesty is likewise
expected of them.
Witches 4ee5 of (hi0a,r- Page | 36
9. The fury of the moment plays folly with the truth; to keep one's head is a
10. Contemplate always the consequences of thine acts upon others. Strive
not to harm another.
11. Though there may be differences between those of the Old Ways, diverse
covens and circles may well have diverse views. These views, even if they
are different than yours, should always be given respect. When a coven,
circle, clan, or grove is visited or joined, one should discern quietly their
practices, and abide thereby.
12. Dignity, a gracious manner, and a good humour are much to be admired.
13. As a Witch, thou hast power, and thy powers wax strongly as wisdom
increases. Therefore exercise discretion in the use thereof.
14. Courage and honour endure forever. Their echoes remain when the
mountains have crumbled to dust.
15. Pledge friendship and fealty to those who so warrant. Strengthen others
of the Brethren and they shall strengthen thee.
16. Thou shalt not reveal the secrets of another Witch or another Coven.
Others have laboured long and hard for them, and cherish them as treasures.
17. Those who follow the mysteries should be above reproach in the eyes of
the world, and should always seek to make this so.
18. The laws of the land should be obeyed whenever possible and within
reason, for in the main they have been chosen with wisdom for the well-being
of all.
19. Have pride in thyself, and seek perfection in body and in mind. For the
Lady hath said, "How canst thou honour another unless thou give honour to
thyself firstly?"
20. Those who seek the Mysteries should consider themselves as select of
the Gods, for it is they who lead the race of humankind to the highest of
thrones and beyond to the very stars.
Witches 4ee5 of (hi0a,r- Page | 37
Before !ime Was
Before time was, there was The One;
The One was all, and all was The One.
And the vast expanse known as the universe was The One,
all wise, all pervading, all powerful, eternally changing.
And space moved. The One molded energy into twin forms,
equal but opposite, fashioning the Goddess and God
from The One and of The One.
The Goddess and God stretched and gave thanks to The One,
but darkness surrounded them.
They were alone, solitary save for The One.
So they formed energy into gases and gases into suns
and planets and moons; They sprinkled the universe with whirling
globes and so all was given shape by the hands of the Goddess and God.
Light arose and the sky was illuminated by a billion suns.
The Goddess and God, satisfied by their works,
rejoiced and loved, and were one.
From their union sprang the seeds of all life,
and the human race so that we might achieve incarnation upon the Earth.
The Goddess chose the Moon as her symbol,
and the God the Sun as his to remind the inhabitants of Earth of their
All are born, live, die and are reborn beneath the Moon and Sun;
All things come to pass thereunder, and all occurs
with the blessings of The One, the Goddess and God,
as has been the way of existence since before time was.
Written by: Scott Cunningham
&efore *i'e Was Page | 38
Goddess in Wicca is the Great Mother. She is the foundation of everything
existence: she is Mother of all things. She is the Creator, but also the
destroyer, she is double sided, which creates balance. She also represents
the balance - the balance of nature and the balance between life and death.
She is Earth Mother, Moon Goddess and Star Goddess at the same time, just
like she is queen of the Earth, Queen of Heaven and Queen of the
Her many faces we see in the many goddesses. She is the virgin Artemis and
Aphrodite seductress, she is sis, the woman over the power of words; She is
Cerridwen, Fortryllersken by its boiler; She is Hecate, Mistress of Magic and
the Dark Moon. She has all the goddesses, and all goddesses are part of her.
She is also the triple goddess, maiden, mother and the Old Wife (Maiden,
Mother, Crone). These concepts are derived from human experience, which
is subject to time and death; Goddess is eternal: always changing and always
self-renewing. She is so young and so old as she wants.
As a Virgo, she is the Creator, Star Goddess, Queen of Heaven, gives the
inspiration and the one who inaugurates. She is Artemis, the moon shape and
the Wild Thing. She is always virgin, and therefore no wife. Sunrise, spring,
new moon, Venus as Morning Star and Evening Star and the start of a new
growing season is her. She is enchanting, seductive, gentle, and thriving as
she reigns over growth times. Her sacred colors, white and blue and the title
"Queen of Heaven" was borrowed by the Catholic church to the Virgin Mary
and the Catholic Church had thus Statue live on through the Virgin Mary. n
the year cycle and the goddess, she follows the Old Woman, after the winter,
death and darkness. She represents hope, light, life and rebirth of spring, life
back to nature, animal babies are born and growths appear. She is forever
young part of us that takes delight in life's wonders and possibilities lengths.
She is raw and untamed material that we can shape, and the young potential.
n her aspect as mother protector of life, the woman of growth and fertility, the
bride and the Goddess of Sovereignty. She rules over the flocks and herds,
the country's fertility across the field and love, and full moon, summer, dinner
is her. She is the queen of the earth, and through the sacred marriage with
her that God has allowed to ascend the throne. Her sacred color is red or
6o55ess Page | 39
n the year and goddess circuit, she follows the Virgin, after spring. She is the
lush nature through the summer and harvest. She brings food and shelter for
her children. As a wife she also protects married women, just as she watches
over mothers and children.
The Old Woman is the last aspect of the Goddess. She destroyer, Woman of
Lower, weakness and death, goddess of the night and the underworld
goddess. She tells us that everything that is born must also grow old, decay
and die, so it can nurture new life. For life always gives birth to new life. She
watches over caves and tombs, and she is born again Goddess. Wisdom is
hers, and she knows that patience brings all the answers. She knows the
mysteries, and waning moon, the dark night, shadows silence, midnight's
crossroads, winter and widow's wail her. She is the wise woman, who
touched in his big black kettle, and she is the old woman who lives in the
woods and can learn many secrets from him. The power of solitude and
silence her, and she knows how to use it. n the year and goddess circuit
follows her mother, as winter follows fall. She is growing dark, but she also
represents peace in the darkness of night and death. t is time for learning,
and one must also accept his dark part. She also reigns over our
subconscious and dreams of empire, and she can help us to complete a
cycle. Her sacred color is black.
This is the description of the Goddess in outline. But to understand who she
is and what she stands for, come all by itself, as one reads more and more
and even looking for her. There are some texts that feel gives a glimpse of
her, too, and although did not know where they originally come from, would
still share them here.
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The harge (f The +oddess
Whenever ye have need of anything,
once in the month and better it be when the moon is full,
then shall ye assemble in some secret place,
and adore the spirit of me,
who am Queen of all witches.

There shall ye assemble,
ye who are fain to learn all sorcery,
yet have not won its deepest secrets;
to these will teach all things that are as yet unknown.

And ye shall be free from slavery;
and as a sign that ye be truly free,
you shall be naked in your rites;
and ye shall dance, sing, feast, make music and love,
all in my praise.
For mine is the ecstasy of the spirit,
and mine also is joy on earth;
for my law is love unto all beings.

Keep pure your highest ideals;
strive ever towards them,
let nothing stop you or turn you aside.
For mine is the secret door which
opens upon the Land of Youth,
and mine is the cup of the wine of life,
and the Cauldron of Cerridwen,
which is the Holy Vessel of mmortality.
am the gracious Goddess,
who gives the gift of joy unto the heart of man.

Upon earth,
give the knowledge of the spirit eternal;
and beyond death,
give peace, and freedom,
and reunion with those who have gone before.

Nor do demand sacrifice;
for behold, am the Mother of all living,
and my love is poured out upon the Earth.

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am the beauty of the green earth,
and the white moon among the stars,
and the mystery of the waters,
and the desire of the heart of man.

Call unto thy soul, arise, and come unto me.
For am the soul of Nature,
who gives life to the Universe.
From me all things proceed,
and unto me all things must return;
and before my face, beloved of gods and of men,
let thine innermost divine self be enfolded,
in the rapture of the infinite.

Let my worship be within the heart that rejoicest,
for behold, all acts of love and pleasure are my rituals.
Therefore, let there be beauty and strength,
power and compassion, honor and humility,
mirth and reverence within you.

And thou who thinketh to seek for me,
know thy seeking and yearning shall avail thee not,
unless thou knoweth the mystery;
that if that which thou seekest thou findest not within thee,
thou wilt never find it without thee.

For behold, have been with thee from the beginning;
and am that which is attained at the end of desire.
6o55ess Page | 42
/ong of the +oddess
am the Great Mother, worshipped by all creation and existent prior to their
consciousness. am the primal female force, boundless and eternal.
am the chaste Goddess of the Moon, the Lady of all magic. The winds and
moving leaves sing my name. wear the crescent Moon upon my brow and
my feet rest among the starry heavens. am mysteries yet unsolved, a path
newly set upon. am a field untouched by the plow. Rejoice in me and know
the fullness of youth.
am the blessed Mother, the gracious Lady of the harvest. am clothed in the
deep, cool wonder of the Earth and the gold of the fields heavy with grain. By
me the tides of the Earth are ruled; all things come to fruition according to my
season. am refuge and healing. am the life giving Mother, wondrously
am the Crone, tender of the unbroken cycle of death and rebirth. am the
wheel, the shadow of the Moon. rule the tides of the oceans and of women
and men. give release and renewal to weary souls.
am the Goddess of the Moon, the Earth, the Seas. My names are many, yet
know that by all names am the same. pour forth insight, peace, wisdom
and understanding. am the eternal Maiden, Mother of all, and Crone of
reckoning, and send you blessings of limitless love.
6o55ess Page | 43
The 5egend of the descent of the +oddess
Now our Lady the Goddess had never loved, but She would solve all the
Mysteries, even the Mystery of Death; and so She journeyed to the
The Guardians of the Portals challenged her: "Strip off thy garments, lay
aside thy jewels; for naught mayest thou bring with the into this our land."
So She laid down her garments and her jewels, and was bound, as are all
who enter the Realms of Death, the Mighty One.
Such was her beauty, that Death himself knelt and kissed her feet, saying:
"Blessed be thy feet, that have brought thee in these ways. Abide with me;
but let me place my cold hand on thy heart."
She replied: " love thee not. Why dost thou cause all things that love and
take delight in to fade and die?"
"Lady," replied Death, "tis age and fate, against which am helpless. Age
causes all things to wither; but when men die at the end of time, give them
rest and peace, and strength so that they may return. But thou! Thou art
lovely. Return not; abide with me!"
But She answered: " love thee not."
Then said Death: "An thou receivest not my hand on thy heart, thou must
receive Death's scourge."
"t is fate - better so," She said. And She knelt, and Death scourged her
tenderly. And She cried, " feel the pangs of love."
And Death said, "Blessed Be!" and gave her the Fivefold Kiss, saying: "Thus
only mayest thou attain to joy and knowledge." And he taught her all the
For there are three great events in the life of man: Love, Death, and
Resurrection in the new body; and Magick controls them all. For to fulfill love
you must return again at the same time and place as the loved one, and you
must remember and love them again. But to be reborn you must die and be
ready for a new body; and to die you must be born; and without love you may
not be born; and this is all the Magicks.
6o55ess Page | 44
The harge of the 'ark +oddess
have chosen to include this "dark" version because want's to show her
duality, which consider very important.

Wisdom and empowerment are the gifts of the Dark Goddess of
Transformation. She is known to us as Kali, Hecate, Cerridwen, Lilith,
Persephone, Fata, Morgana, Ereshkigal, Arianhrod, Durga, nanna, Tiamat,
and by a million, million other names:
Hear me child, and know Me for who am. have been with you since you
were born, and will stay with you until you return to Me at the final dusk.
am the passionate and seductive lover who inspires the poet to dream. am
the One who calls to you at the end of your journey. After the day is done, My
children find their blessed rest in my embrace.
am the womb from which all things are born. am the shadowy, still tomb; all
things must come to Me and bare their breasts to die and be reborn to the
am the Sorceress that will not be ruled, the Weaver of Time, the Teacher of
Mysteries. snip the threads that bring my children home to me. slit the
throats of the cruel and drink the blood of the heartless. Swallow your fear
and come to me, and you will discover true beauty, strength, and courage.
am the fury, which rips the flesh from injustice. am the glowing forge that
transforms your inner demons into tools of power. Open yourself to my
embrace and overcome. am the glinting sword that protects you from harm.
am the crucible in which all the aspects of yourself merge together in a
rainbow of union.
am the velvet depths of the night sky, the swirling mists of midnight,
shrouded in mystery. am the chrysalis in which you will face that which
terrifies you and from which you will blossom forth, vibrant and renewed.
Seek me at the crossroads, and you shall be transformed, for once you look
upon my face, there is no return.
am the fire that kisses the shackles away. am the cauldron in which all
opposites grow to know each other in Truth. am the web which connects all
things. am the Healer of all wounds, the Warrior who rights all wrongs in
their Time. make the weak strong. make the arrogant humble. raise up the
oppressed and empower the disenfranchised. am Justice tempered with
6o55ess Page | 45
Most importantly, child, am you. am part of you, and am within you. Seek
me within and without, and you will be strong. Know me. Venture into the dark
so that you may awaken to Balance, llumination, and Wholeness. Take my
Love with you everywhere and find the Power within to be who you wish.
harge of the rone
Hear the words of the Dark Goddess who stands within the
crossroads, whose torch illuminates the Underworld:
am the Queen of Magic and the dark of the Moon, hidden in
the deepest night. am the mystery of the Otherworld and the fear
that coils about your heart in the time of your trials. am the soul
of nature that gives form to the universe; it is who await you at the
end of the spiral dance. Most ancient among gods and mortals, let my
worship be within the heart that has truly tasted life, for behold all acts
of magic and art are my pleasure and my greatest ritual is love itself.
Therefore let there be beauty in your strength, compassion in your
wrath, power in your humility, and discipline balanced through mirth
and reverence. You who seek to remove my veil and behold my true
face, know that all your questioning and efforts are for nothing, and all
your lust and desires shall avail you not at all. For unless you know my
mystery, look wherever you will, it will elude you, for it is within you and
nowhere else. For behold, have ever been with you, from the very
beginning, the comforting hand that nurtured you in the dawn of life,
and the loving embrace that awaits you at the end of each life, for am
that which is attained at the end of the dance, and am the womb of new
beginnings, as yet unimagined and unknown.
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Witches god is the ancient hunting and fertility, the Horned God. He is the lord
of the forest, flocks, meadows and woods, of course. This way through, he is
also the lord of life and the giver of life. But just as the Goddess, he is double-
folded. For he is also the one who takes life, and thus master over death and
resurrection. He is not only the hunter but the hunted. He is the hunted animal
soul, which filled the shaman. He is the sacrifice that must die, so the tribe
can survive. But his sacrifice will not be poisoned, it is a gift from nature.
But it's not just animals that must die for others to survive - including grain is
being sacrificed at harvest. Thus, he also harvest god, the spirit of vegetation
in the countryside and everything that grows in the wild. But death is not final.
Just as the seed goes into the earth and reborn the following spring, he finds
also the peace of the Great Mother, to be reborn to her.
This is also seen in the god's function as a sun god. At Yule fed him by the
goddess, and through the winter and spring growing his strength. At Litha is
his power at its peak, and he has brought much to the fertility goddess and
nature, but as autumn begins to approach, he loses his power. By Lugnasadh
takes god's dark side over and the sun loses its strength. At Samhain draws
the god of the underworld, where he waits to be reborn of the Goddess at the
next Yule. Thus, he is also master of light and darkness, the darkness of
night, darkness and dark shadows in the deep woods and in the underworld.
The Horned God as the god of fertility is found in many other mythologies.
Osiris is one example, and just as the Horned God described here, he was
both god of fertility and the underworld god. The god Pan, with its goat
hooves and human torso was also a horned god of the forest. And the Celtic
"Cernunnos" simply means "the Horned".
The Horned God is not "devil" from Christianity, even though the Christians
made him this. His wild and free aspect, which is found in life-forces, human
sexuality and ecstasy were the Christians regarded as a sin, and he was
therefore made to their symbol of evil. But would strongly emphasize that
God is NOT this evil figure. He's like the Statue double-sided, and he has
both bright and dark sides.
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Like the goddess, god has many faces and names. He is the wise Odin, lord
of the underworld Hades - he is all gods, all gods are a part of him. They are
his many faces and many aspects. But first and foremost, he is the hunter
and the hunted; Forest Lord and God of the underworld.
This is the description of God in outline. But to understand who he is and
what he stands for, come all by itself, as one reads more and more and even
looking for him. There are some texts that feel gives a glimpse of him too,
and although am not aware of where they originally come from, would still
share them here.
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The harge (f The +od
Listen to the Words of the Horned God,
Who was of old called among men:
Adonis, Tammuz, Dianus, Herne,
Bran, Beli, Lugh, Gwyn,
Dionysus, Osiris, Cernunnos, Pan,
And by many other Names.

O Secret of Secrets,
That art hidden in the being of all that lives,
Not Thee do we adore,
For That which adoreth is also Thou.
Thou art That, and That am .

am the Flame that burns in the heart of every being,
And in the core of every Star.
am Life, and the Giver of Life,
Yet therefore is the Knowledge of Me
The Knowledge of Death and Resurrection.

am alone, the Lord within ourselves,
Whose Name is Mystery of Mysteries.
am the Horned God.

am the Lord of the Universe,
The Father of all living,
The All-Devourer and the All-Begetter.

am He Whose Seed lies strewn
As glittering Gems across velvet darkness
Within the Womb of the Mother.

am the Lord of the Shadows
n the darkness of the Underworld,
For am the Midnight Sun.

am the Light of the Stars,
And the Spark of the Spirit Eternal,
For am the God Within.

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am the Horned Leader of the Hosts of Air,
The Leader of the Wild Hunt,
The Judge of Gods and of Men.

am the Hidden God,
Who ever yet remains,
For dwell within the secret seed.

am the seed of grain,
am the seed of flesh,
am the Seed of the Stars.

am the Lord of the Heights,
am the Lord of the Depths,
God of forest, of flock, and of field.

am the Hunter and Hunted,
am the wolf and the Shepherd,
am the vine and the grain.

am a Guiding Star above you,
am a bright Flame before you,
am a smooth Path beneath you.

am the Light of Life.
am the Flame of Love.
am the Horned God!
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The harge of the /un +od
am the Sun God
At the height of my power
The noon of my majesty
No shadow cast
My light at full zenith
Darkness is overcome
Rejoice in the light
Born of the dark was
n the cold midnight
Sun of that hunting God
Deep in the greenwood
come forth and put to flight the darkness
Lord of Life, Lord of Light
Golden One and King of Glory
Rejoice in my orb
Now in its splendour
My warmth has restored the earth to its life
About me the planets revolve.
6o5 Page | 51
The harge of the 'ark +od
have chosen to include this "dark" version because want's to show his
duality, which consider very important.
Listen to the words of the Dark God, who was of old called Lakchos, Donn,
Anubis, Hades, Setesh, Hoder, and by many other names:
am the shadow in the bright day, am the reminder of mortality at the height
of living. am the never ending veil of Night where the Star Goddess dances.
am the Death that must be so that Life may continue, for behold, Life is
immortal because the living must die.
am the strength that protects, that limits; am the power that says No, and
NO further, and That s Enough. am the things that cannot be spoken of,
and am the laughter at the edge of Death.
Come with me into the warm enfolding dark; feel my caresses in the hands, in
the mouth, in the body of one you love, and be transformed. Gather in the
moonless night and speak in unknown tongues; the Dark Mother and will
listen. Sing to us and cry out, and the Power will be yours to wield. Blow me a
kiss when the sky is dark, and will smile, but no kiss return, for my kiss is the
final one for all mortal flesh.
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harge of the Horned +od
By the flame that burneth bright,
O'Horned One!
We call thy name into the night,
O'Horned One!
Thee we invoke, by the moon-led sea,
By the standing stone and the twisted tree.
Thee we invoke where gather thine own,
By the nameless shrine forgotten and lone.
Come where the round of the dance is trod,
Horn and hoof of the goatfoot God!
By moonlit meadow, on dusky hill,
When the haunted wood is hushed and still.
Come to the charm of the chanted prayer,
As the moon bewitches the midnight air.
Evoke thy powers, that potent bide
n shining stream and the secret tide.
n fiery flame by starlight pale,
n shadowy host that rides the gale,
And by the fern-brakes fairy-haunted
Of forests wild and woods enchanted.
Come! Come!
To the heart-beats drum!
Come to us who gather below
When the broad white moon is climbing slow
Through the stars to the heaven's height
We hear thy hoofs on the wind of night!
As black tree-branches shake and sigh,
By joy and terror we know thee nigh.
We speak the spell thy power unlocks
At Solstice, Sabbat and equinox
6o5 Page | 53
Witch -i'ing +u#es and #aws
"And harm it none, do as you will" - as simple as that. This is The Wiccan
Rede the eight words, which constitutes the main guideline in wicca. There is
not some "10 Commandments" or other definite rules of wicca. f you follow
the principles of Wiccans that the Divine exists in nature and its creatures,
this falls quite naturally.
78 +oals of the Witch
1. Know Yourself:
Take time to learn about yourself. Keep daily journals as well as sleep
journals. Record your thoughts, experiences during meditation, your goals
and anything else you think that is important. Use your dream journal to build
a base line so that you can interpret your dreams because dreams are the
way our shadow self talks to us. Endeavor to heal your shadow self. Use your
daily journals to understand your thoughts and motivations. n other words,
step back and examine yourself, your life, your goals and what you want and
who you really are.
2. Know Your Craft:
Study and practice the Craft. Through exploring the different aspects and
theories of the Craft you will become more adept and begin to form your own
theories and practices that work best for you. Take classes offered in your
area such as tarot, meditation among other things that interest you. Attend
public rituals to gain insight into how others practice. Talk to other Wiccans
and exchange ideas and experiences.
3. Learn:
The learning never ends when you are a witch. Read and study everything
that you can and never dismiss any knowledge out of hand. You never know
where a revelation may be hiding.
4. Apply Knowledge With Wisdom:
Use the wisdom you have gained to temper your actions. Wisdom is a gift
given to the wise and the wise use their wisdom
to make the best decisions available. To apply knowledge without wisdom is
reckless and can be dangerous in certain
situations. The truly wise never claim to know everything or claim the status
as an authority or guru, because no one
knows everything. Do not abuse the knowledge you have acquired.
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5. Achieve Balance:
Wicca is a religion of balance. We embrace the light and dark, the God and
Goddess; neither is more important than the other. Both have a purpose. We
are to achieve balance in our lives. Such as balance in the self, home,
personal relationships, what we take from the earth and what we give back
and so on. A balanced life is a good life.
6. Keep Your Thoughts in Good Order:
This goal goes hand and hand with goal 7. As a witch your thoughts manifest
reality in accordance with your will. Once you have reached a level of magical
development you can set events in motion without even realizing it. A
disciplined mine reduces that occurrences and aids in magical works. Your
thoughts manifest before words are even formed.
7. Keep Your Words in Good Order:
As thoughts manifest reality in conformity to your will, so do words. Words are
the verbalization of your thoughts and therefore carry power. To not mind your
words is the same as spreading chaos magically. Discipline in minding your
words adds meaning to what you speak and enhances their effectiveness in
magical workings as well as the mundane world.
8. Celebrate Life:
This one is somewhat self explanatory. Life your life to the fullest and make
every day a celebration of life. Life is a gift from the God and Goddess and
they wish us to have a good time while here. Essentially, don't be afraid to
enjoy your life.
9. Attune With the Cycles of the Earth:
This is one of the basic concepts of Wicca. Our holidays, Sabbats, are based
upon the Wheel of the Year, with the Wheel of the Year being based on the
cycles of the Earth. We are to experience nature and understand that we are
part of it and it is part of us and how it affects us. t is another mystery of
Wicca that one has to experience to truly understand.
10. Breathe and Eat Correctly:
This one is self explanatory as well. We are to eat the proper foods and
practice our breathing. t doesn't mean we can't enjoy the food we eat or
occasionally indulge. What it means is that we should eat a proper diet
because it will help to make our bodies healthy. A healthy body not only
makes us feel better and live longer, it aids us in our magical works and
makes the mundane tasks easier.Learning to breath correctly aids in the
raising of energy, focus, stress relief and meditation.
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11. Exercise the Body:
This is a difficult goal for many people but it is an important one. Our bodies
are wondrous things that the God and Goddess have blessed us with. We
should respect the bodies we have been given and keep them in shape. A
healthy body feels better both physically and emotionally. We also live longer
and are less encumbered during mundane activities and magical ones as
well. To exercise the body is to honor the God and Goddess.
12. Meditate:
Meditation is a key skill in the working of magic. t allows us to focus our
thoughts thereby focusing our will. t also helps us in our mundane life as
well. t reduces stress and helps us get through our mundane tasks by being
able to focus and think clearly.
13. Honor the Goddess and the God:
We should honor the God and Goddess in everything we do. They are a part
of us as we are a part of them. We are all connected. By honoring them we
honor ourselves and our fellow humans. We also honor our gods through
rituals and celebrations. We do this because we love them and we desire to
not because we fear them.
The 5aw of $eturn
The Law of Return, The Rule of Three or The Threefold Law.
s a Rule that say what you send out good or bad will get back to you three
times. That means if you send evil away then it comes three times as hard
back. And if you send good out then good will come back three times.
Written by: Jim HD 17/07/2011
1. Everything is connected to everything else
2. Everything must go somewhere
3. Nature knows best
4. There is no such thing as a free lunch
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The 5aw (f 3ower
The Power shall not be used to bring harm, to injure or control others. But if
the need rises, the Power shall be used to protect your life or the lives of
others. The Power is used only as need dictates. The Power can be used for
your own gain, as long as by doing so you harm none. t is unwise to accept
money for use of the Power, for it quickly controls its taker. Be not as those of
other religions. Use not the Power for prideful gain, for such cheapens the
mysteries of Wicca and magick. Ever remember that the Power is the sacred
gift of the Goddess and God, and should never be misused or abused. And
this is the law of the Power.
Written by: Scott Cunningham
The 5aw
We are of the Old Ways, among those who walk with the Goddess and God
and receive Their love. Keep the Sabbats and Esbats to the best of your
abilities, for to do otherwise is to lessen your connection with the Goddess
and God. Harm none. This, the oldest law, is not open to interpretation or
change. Shed not blood in ritual; the Goddess and God need not blood to be
duly worshipped. Those of our ways are kind to all creatures, for hurtful
thoughts are quite draining and aren't worth the loss of energy. Misery is self-
created; so, too, is joy, so create joy and disdain misery and unhappiness.
And this is within your power. So harm not. Teach only what you know, to the
best of your ability, to those students who you choose, but teach not to those
who would use your instructions for destruction or control. Also, teach not to
boost pride, forever remember: She who teaches out of love shall be enfolded
in the arms of the Goddess and God. Ever remember that if you would be of
our way, keep the law close to your heart, for it is the nature of the Wicca to
keep the Law. f ever the need arises, any law may be changed or discarded,
and new laws written to replace them, so long as the new laws don't break
the oldest law of all: Harm None.
Blessings of the Goddess and God on us all.
Written by: Scott Cunningham
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The /acred Wood
The Sacred Wood found in all types of natural religions. Doctrine, which
comes from the Holy Wood, contain certain basic ethical principles that all
people can live with in their everyday lives, if they want to find happiness and
wisdom. These principles are the guiding stars twinkling of experience, all of
nature people have and still practice everywhere.
+ive Thanks
Every morning when you wake up and every night before falling asleep, you
have to give thanks to Creator/Goddess, also in the day giving you the
opportunity to develop yourself. Think about the things you did and the
thoughts you had today and pray that you may be able to make them better, it
benefits everyone and not just you. Give thanks for life in you and the
opportunities available in the light in front of you.
/how $espect
To show respect is a basic law in life, always treat others with respect.
Live by the laws which are valid for the country you live in.
No man is under you, and you should not humiliate others. No man is
above you, and you must therefore do not accept to be humiliated.
Never talk about others in a negative way, whether they are there or
Show deep respect for others' beliefs and religion.
Do not touch anything belonging to others (especially sacred objects)
without permission.
Respect others' privacy and does not break into other people's quiet
moments or personal circle.
Never interrupt others' conversation.
Treat the Earth and everything that belongs to her with the same
respect that you give yourself and protect her, if others want to destroy
Listen politely to others speak, even if you feel that what they say is
Always listen to your heart.
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Find balance
The balance between what is good and evil is and has always been a very
difficult thing, but if you listen to mother nature and see the balance that
exists between all leving thinks, what place it has gotten in life, then it's easier
to keep your balance. Once you have learned to look carefully, is the side
where you are in the light and it makes it alot easier way to go.
Listen to the advice you get from your heart and feel its way.
Find the balance between good and evil, and go toward the light.
Expect to find guidance in many ways, in dreams, in quiet moments of
meditation and through the wise older people and true friends' words
and deeds.
Shop evil against another person acting hurts from all people, including
yourself, and do something good about someone do something good
for everyone, including yourself.
All nations and tribes in the universe is as different colored flowers on a
meadow, all are beautiful and as children of the Creator they must all be
respected, you, you have found the right path to light.
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The 797 5aws
1. The Law was made and ordained of old.
2. The Law was made for the Wicca, to advise and help in their troubles.
3. The Wicca should give due worship to the gods and obey their will, which
they ordain, for it was made for the good of Wicca as the worship of the
Wicca is good for the gods. For the gods love the brethren of Wicca.
4. As a man loveth a woman by mastering her,
5. So should the Wicca love the gods by being mastered by them.
6. And it is necessary that the Circle which is the temple of the gods, should
be truly cast and purified. And that it may be a fit place for the gods to enter.
7. And the Wicca shall be properly prepared and purified to enter into the
presence of the gods.
8. With love and worship in their hearts, they shall raise power from their
bodies to give power to the gods.
9. As has been taught of old.
10.For in this way only may men have communion with the gods, for the gods
cannot help man without the help of man.
11.And the High Priestess shall rule her coven as the representative of the
12.And the High Priest shall support her as the representative of the God.
13.And the High Priestess shall choose whom she will, be he of sufficient
rank, to be her High Priest.
14.For, as the God Himself kissed Her feet in the five-fold salute, laying His
power at the feet of the Goddess because of Her youth and beauty, Her
sweetness and kindness, Her wisdom and justice, Her humility and
15.So He resigned all His power to Her.
16.But the High Priestess should ever mind that the power comes from Him.
17.t is only lent, to be used wisely and justly.
18.And the greatest virtue of a High Priestess be that she recognize that
youth is necessary to the representative of the Goddess.
19.So she will gracefully retire in favour of a younger woman should the
Coven so decide in council.
20.For a true High Priestess realizes that gracefully surrendering pride of
place is one of the greatest virtues.
21.And that thereby she will return to that pride of place in another life, with
greater power and beauty.
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22.n the old days, when witchdom extended far, we were free and
worshipped in all the greater temples.
23.But in these unhappy times we must celebrate our sacred mysteries in
24.So be it ordained that none but the Wicca may see our mysteries, for our
enemies are many and torture loosens the tongue of man.
25.So be it ordained that no Coven shall know where the next Coven bide.
26.Or who its members be, save only the Priest and Priestess and
27.And there shall be no communication between them, save by the
messenger of the gods, or the summoner.
28.And only if it be safe may the Covens meet in some safe place for the
great festivals.
29.And while there, none shall say whence they came nor give their true
30.To this end, that if any be tortured, in their agony, they may not tell if they
do not know.
31.So be it ordained that no one shall tell anyone not of the craft who be of
the Wicca, nor give any names or where they bide, or in any way tell anything
which can betray any of us to our foes.
32.Nor may he tell where the Covendom be.
33.Or the Covenstead.
34.Or where the meetings be.
35.And if any break these Laws, even under torture, THE CURSE OF THE
GODDESS SHALL BE UPON THEM, so they may never be reborn on earth
and may remain where they belong, in the hell of the Christians.
36.Let each High Priestess govern her Coven with justice and love, with the
help and advice of the High Priest and the Elders, always heeding the advice
of the Messenger of the Gods if he cometh.
37.She will heed all complaints of all Brothers and strive to settle all
differences among them.
38.But it must be recognized that there will always be people who will ever
strive to force others to do as they will.
39.These are not necessarily evil.
40.And they oft have good ideas and such ideas should be talked over in
41.But if they will not agree with their Brothers, or if they say,
42." will not work under this High Priestess,"
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43.t hath ever been the Old Law to be convenient to the Brethren and to
avoid disputes.
44.Any of the third may claim to found a new Coven because they live over a
league away from the Covenstead or are about to do so.
45.Anyone living within the Covendom and wishing to form a new Coven,
shall tell the Elders of their intention, and on the instant avoid their dwelling
and remove to the new Covendom.
46.Members of the old Coven may join the new one when it is formed. But if
they do, they must utterly avoid the old Coven.
47.The Elders of the new and old Covens should meet in peace and brotherly
love to decide the new boundaries.
48.Those of the craft who dwell outside both Covendoms may join either but
not both.
49.Though all may, if the Elders agree, meet for the great festivals if it be truly
in peace and brotherly love,
50.But splitting the Coven often means strife, so for this reason these Laws
were made of old and may the CURSE OF THE GODDESS BE ON ANY
WHO DSREGARD THEM. So be it ordained.
51.f you would keep a book, let it be in your own hand of write. Let brothers
and sisters copy what they will, but never let the book out of your hands, and
never keep the writings of another.
52.For if it be found in their hand of write, they may be taken and arraigned.
53.Let each guard his own writings and destroy them whenever danger
54.Learn as much as you may by heart and, when danger is past, rewrite
your book, an it be safe.
55.For this reason, if any die, destroy their book an they have not been able
56.For, an it be found, 'tis clear proof against them.
57.And our oppressors know well "Ye may not be a witch alone".
58.So all their kin and friends be in danger of torture,
59.So destroy everything not necessary.
60.f your book be found on you, 'tis clear proof against you alone, you may
be arraigned.
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61.Keep all thoughts of the craft from your mind.
62.f the torture be too great to bear, say " will confess. cannot bear this
torture. What do you want me to say?"
63.f they try to make you speak of the Brotherhood, do not.
64.But if they try to make you speak of impossibilities such as flying through
the air, consorting with a Christian devil or sacrificing children, or eating men's
65.To obtain relief from torture say " had an evil dream, was beside myself,
was crazed."
66.Not all magistrates are bad, if there be an excuse, they may show mercy.
67.f you have confessed aught, deny it afterwards, say you babbled under
torture, say you knew not what you said.
68.f you are condemned, fear not.
69.The Brotherhood is powerful and will help you to escape if you stand
steadfast, but if you betray aught there is no hope for you in this life or in that
to come.
70.Be sure, if steadfast you go to the pyre, drugs will reach you, you will feel
naught. You go to death and what lies beyond, the ecstasy of the goddess.
71.To avoid discovery, let the working tools be as ordinary things that any
may have in their houses.
72.Let the pentacles be of wax so that they may be broken at once or melted.
73.Have no sword unless your rank allows it.
74.Have no names or signs on anything.
75.Write the names and signs on them in ink before consecrating them and
wash it off immediately afterwards.
76.Let the colours of the hilts tell which is which.
77.Do not engrave them lest they cause discovery.
78.Ever remember ye are the hidden children of the Goddess so never do
anything to disgrace them or Her.
79.Never boast, never threaten, never say you would wish ill of anyone.
80.f any person not in the Circle, speak of the craft, say, "Speak not to me of
such, it frightens me, 'tis evil luck to speak of it."
81.For this reason, the Christians have their spies everywhere. These speak
as if they were well affected to us, as if they would come to our meetings,
saying, "My mother used to worship the Old Ones. would could go myself."
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82.To such as these, ever deny all knowledge.
83.But to others, ever say, "'Tis foolish men talk of witches flying through the
air. To do so they must be as light as thistledown. And men say that witches
all be blear-eyed old crones, so what pleasure can there be at a witch
meeting such as folks talk on ?"
84.And say, "Many wise men now say there be no such creatures."
85.Ever make it jest) and in some future time perhaps, the persecution may
die and we may worship our gods in safety again.
86.Let us all pray for that happy day.
87.May the blessings of the Goddess and God be on all who keep these
Laws which are ordained.
88.f the craft hath any appanage, let all guard it and help to keep it clear and
good for the craft.
89.And let all justly guard all monies of the craft.
90.And if any Brother truly wrought it, 'tis right they have their pay, an it be
just. An this be not taking money for the art, but for good and honest work.
91.And even the Christians say, "The labourer is worthy of his hire," but if any
Brother work willingly for the good of the craft without pay, 'tis but to their
greater honour. So be it ordained.
92. f there be any dispute or quarrel among the Brethren, the High Priestess
shall straightly convene the Elders and inquire into the matter, and they shall
hear both sides, first alone and then together.
93. And they shall decide justly, not favouring one side or the other.
94. Ever recognising there be people who can never agree to work under
95. But at the same time, there be some people who cannot rule justly.
96. To those who must ever be chief, there is one answer.
97. "'Void the Coven or seek another one, or make a Coven of your own,
taking with you those who will go."
98. To those who cannot rule justly, the answer be, "Those who cannot bear
your rule will leave you."
99. For none may come to meetings with those with whom they are at
100. So, an either cannot agree, get hence, for the craft must ever survive.
So be it ordained.
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101.n the olden days when we had power, we could use the art against any
who ill-treated the Brotherhood. But in these evil days we must not do so. For
our enemies have devised a burning pit of everlasting fire into which they say
their god casteth all the people who worship him, except it be the very few
who are released by their priest's spells and masses. And this be chiefly by
giving monies and rich gifts to receive his favour for their great god is ever in
need of money.
102.But as our gods need our aid to make fertility for man and crops, so is the
god of the Christians ever in need of man's help to search out and destroy us.
Their priests ever tell them that any who get our help are damned to this hell
forever, so men be mad with the terror of it.
103.But they make men believe that they may escape this hell if they give
victims to the tormentors. So for this reason all be forever spying, thinking,
"An can catch but one of these Wicca, will escape from this fiery pit."
104.So for this reason we have our hidels, and men searching long and not
finding, say, "There be none, or if there be, they be in a far country."
105.But when one of our oppressors die, or even be sick, ever is the cry,
"This be witches' malice", and the hunt is up again. And though they slay ten
of their own to one of ours, still they care not. They have countless
106.While we are few indeed. So be it ordained.
107.That none shall use the art in any way to do ill to any.
108.However much they may injure us, harm none. And nowtimes many
believe we exist not.
109.That this Law shall ever continue to help us in our plight, no one,
however great an injury or injustice they receive, may use the art in any way
to do ill, or harm any. But they may, after great consultations with all, use the
art to restrain Christians from harming us Brothers, but only to constrain them
and never to punish.
110.To this end men will say, "Such a one is a mighty searcher out, and a
persecutor of old women whom they deemeth to be witches, and none hath
done him harm, so it be proof that they cannot or more truly there be
111.For all know full well that so many folk have died because someone had a
grudge against them, or were persecuted because they had money or goods
to sieze, or because they had none to bribe the searchers. And many have
died because they were scolding old women. So much that men now say that
only old women are witches.
112.And this be to our advantage and turns suspicion away from us.
113.n England and Scotland 'tis now many a year since a witch hath died the
death. But any misuse of the power might raise the persecution again.
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114.So never break this Law, however much you are tempted, and never
consent to its being broken in the least.
115.f you know it is being broken, you must work strongly against it.
116.And any High Priestess or High Priest who consents to its breach must
immediately be deposed for 'tis the blood of the Brethren they endanger.
117.Do good, an it be safe, and only if it be safe.
118.And keep strictly to the Old Law.
119.Never accept money for the use of the art, for money ever smeareth the
taker. 'Tis sorcerors and conjurers and the priests of the Christians who ever
accept money for the use of their arts. And they sell pardons to let men
escape from their sins.
120.Be not as these. f you accept no money, you will be free from temptation
to use the art for evil causes.
121.All may use the art for their own advantage or for the advantage of the
craft only if you are sure you harm none.
122. But ever let the Coven debate this at length. Only if all are satisfied that
none may be harmed, may the art be used.
123. f it is not possible to achieve your ends one way, perchance the aim
may be achieved by acting in a different way so as to harm none. MAY THE
be it ordained.
124.'Tis judged lawful if ever any of the craft need a house or land and none
will sell, to incline the owner's mind so as to be willing to sell, provided it
harmeth him not in any way and the full price is paid without haggling.
125.Never bargain or cheapen anything whilst you buy by the art. So be it
126. "Tis the Old Law and the most important of all laws, that no one may do
anything which will endanger any of the craft, or bring them into contact with
the law of the land or any persecutors.
127. n any dispute between Brethren, no one may invoke any laws but those
of the craft.
128. Or any tribunal but that of the Priestess, Priest and Elders.
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129.t is not forbidden to say as Christians do, "There be witchcraft in the
land," because our oppressors of old make it a heresy not to believe in
witchcraft and so a crime to deny it which thereby puts you under suspicion.
130.But ever say, " know not of it here, perchance there may be but afar off,
know not where."
131.But ever speak of them as old crones, consorting with the devil and riding
through the air.
132.And ever say, "But how may many ride the air if they be not as light as
133.But the curse of the Goddess be on any who cast suspicion on any of the
134.Or who speak of any real meeting-place or where they bide.
135.Let the craft keep books with the names of all herbs which are good, and
all cures so all may learn.
136.But keep another book with all the Bales and Apies and let only the
Elders and other trustworthy people have this knowledge. So be it ordained.
137.And may the blessings of the gods be on all who keep these Laws, and
the curses of both the God and the Goddess be on all who break them.
138.Remember the art is the secret of the gods and may only be used in
earnest and never for show or vainglory.
139.Magicians and Christians may taunt us saying, "You have no power,
show us your power. Do magic before our eyes, then only will we believe,"
seeking to cause us to betray the art before them.
140.Heed them not, for the art is holy and may only be used in need, and the
curse of the gods be on any who break this Law.
141.t ever be the way with women and with men also, that they ever seek
new love.
142.Nor should we reprove them for this.
143.But it may be found a disadvantage to the craft.
144.And so many a time it has happened that a High Priest or a High
Priestess, impelled by love, hath departed with their love. That is, they left the
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145.Now if the High Priestess wishes to resign, she may do so in full Coven.
146.And this resignation is valid.
147.But if they should run off without resigning, who may know if they may
not return in a few months?
148.So the Law is, if a High Priestess leaves her Coven, she be taken back
and all be as before.
149.Meanwhile, if she has a deputy, that deputy shall act as High Priestess
for as long as the High Priestess is away.
50.f she returns not at the end of a year and a day, then shall the Coven
elect a new High Priestess,
151.Unless there is a good reason to the contrary.
152.The person who has done the work should reap the benefit of the reward.
f somebody else is elected, the deputy is made maiden and deputy of the
High Priestess.
153.t has been found that practicing the art doth cause a fondness between
aspirant and tutor, and it is the cause of better results if this be so.
154.And if for any reason this be undesireable, it can easily be avoided by
both persons from the outset firmly resolving in their minds to be as brother
and sister or parent and child.
155.And it is for this reason that a man may be taught only by a woman and a
woman by a man, and women and women should not attempt these practices
together. So be it ordained.
156.Order and discipline must be kept.
157.A High Priestess or a High Priest may, and should, punish all faults.
158.To this end all the craft must receive correction willingly.
159.All properly prepared, the culprit kneeling should be told his fault and his
sentence pronounced.
160.Punishment should be followed by something amusing.
161.The culprit must acknowledge the justice of the punishment by kissing
the hand on receiving sentence and again thanking for punishment received.
So be it ordained.
Witch 7i0ing 4u,es an5 ,a%s Page | 68
The 3roposed 5aws
1. No member of the Craft will initiate any person unless that person has
been interviewed by at least two Elders and accepted as suitable.
2. No affairs of the Craft will be discussed by members in the presence of
uninitiated persons, or in places where conversation is likely to be overheard.
3. No copies of any papers relating to the Craft will be made or retained
without the Elders' permission. Such papers as are permissible will be kept in
a secure place.
4. As it is essential for the successful working of ritual by a group that there
should be unity of purpose and an harmonious psychic atmosphere,
members who create dissension and discord within the Craft will be asked to
resign. Should they fail or refuse to do so they will be informed in writing by
the Elders that they have been expelled.
5. No member of the Craft will give any information or interview about the
Craft to any journalist or writer, or cause any such information to be published
in any way, without the approval of the Elders, nor will any of the Elders do so
without the approval of the rest of the Elders.
6. f any member of the Craft feels that he or she has reason to complain of
the conduct of any other member in matters affecting the Craft, or of any
misdemeanour towards any member whilst on Craft premises, he or she will
bring the said complaint to the notice of the Elders as soon as possible. The
Elders, after considering all available evidence, will, if they find the complaint
justified, take appropriate action.
7. No member will be present at any meeting where the working is that of a
higher Grade than he or she has attained, except by invitation of the Elders.
These invitations will only be extended on very rare occasions where special
circumstances exist.
8. No member will disclose the name and address or telephone number of
any other member to any person whatsoever without the said other member's
previous permission.
Witch 7i0ing 4u,es an5 ,a%s Page | 69
9. Members will meet upon the traditional occasions, or as near to them as
possible, and such meetings will be arranged by the Elders, or such officers
as the Elders authorise to do so. f the Elders be not present at such
meetings, they will receive a report of them. Members may arrange other
meetings for their private working if they so desire, but if more than two
members be present at such a meeting, the Elders will receive a report of it.
This report will take the form of a short letter to the Elders giving place and
date of the meeting, names of members attending, and details of ceremonies
carried out. Where convenient, verbal reports will be accepted.
10. Members will endeavour to acquaint themselves with the traditions of the
Craft, and will not introduce innovations into the working without the Elders'
approval. Nor will the Elders give approval to any important innovation without
first asking the approval of the rest of the Craft.
11. n the event of any member resigning from the Craft, he or she will
honourably observe the Oath of Secrecy taken at initiation, and will also
return to the Elders any written matter relating to the Craft which may be in
his or her possession.
12. All members will receive a copy of these rules, and all new members will
be given a copy of these rules upon initiation. New members, prior to
initiation, will read these rules and declare upon their honour that they will
abide by them in letter and in spirit. This declaration will be made to the
Elders in writing, and signed.
13. t will be understood by all members that these rules are equally binding
upon all Grades of the Craft, including the Elders, and that serious and/or
persistent breach of these rules will be grounds for expulsion.
Witch 7i0ing 4u,es an5 ,a%s Page | 70
!ime of Magic
When you perform magic, consideration is much why and how, but it is not
often that time is involved. But time also come into play. Some days just
better suited to a type of magic, though of course you need not consider the
month, day, date, moon phase, etc. every time you perform magic. But if one
wants to give his magic a little extra strength, it might be a good idea to
consider when.
The seven days of the week, each associated with a planet in our solar
system, and each day has its strength lying at specific energies.
Sunday: The name comes from the Nordic sunnudagr or "sunny days" and
Sunday is therefore associated with the sun, the sun gods and the sun and
golden yellows. Solar energy brings life, which also affects the Sunday, just
as it is good time to promote health and prosperity.
Monday: This is the lunar day. The day is associated with body and health
and our psychological properties. More traditional goddess images
associated with the moon (Selene, Diana, Aradia, Hecate, etc.). Monday is a
day of healing and psychic development. Appropriate colors for the moon is
white and pearl-like purple (which shone in beads or a few white moonstone).
Tuesday: This day is associated with our Nordic god of war Tyr - Tyr's day it
is. n Roman mythology, this corresponds to the war god Mars. Often referred
to Mars as the red planet, making it also suitable colors in the magical effect.
Red is a color associated with the mind, fire, energy and physical strength.
Working with Mars can be excellent if you need to enhance their lives or
themselves, but it is important to be careful and remember that this energy
also has an ever-aspect in itself.
Wednesday: This is Odin's day. Odin ruled over mind (wisdom),
communication (with its animals, which flew out into the world) and
knowledge. t is especially good for Wednesday include divination and magic
that has communication and knowledge to do. His Roman counterpart is
Mercury, the messenger with the magic sandals and helmet as he let fly
through the air in an enormous speed - only mind can. The colors associated
with Mercury are strong and clear, energizing and used to stimulate the mind
rather than emotions. Examples are yellow or orange.
*i'e of "agic Page | 71
Thursday: The Norse god Thor day. t is also associated with the Roman god
Jupiter. His color is blue, since this reflects the sky, who would like considered
to be blue. Jupiter was king of the gods and represents the royal authority as
well as love of country and people. Another word for Jupiter is "Jove". The
word "Jovial" (meaning: "As belongs to the plant Jupiter "," lively "," cheerful ")
comes from this and the meaning of this word can give a good picture of what
kind of thoughts that are associated with Jupiter.
Friday: The day incorporates the name of the goddesses Frigg and Freya,
after the Latin dies Veneris "Venus's day '. The planet Venus is easy to see
the sky when it is full of stars, and are often (despite the fact that it is a
planet) called both "evening star" and "morning star" because the light from
the usually stronger and clearer than from some of the other stars in the sky.
Venus was the Roman goddess of beauty and love, and her color was green
and symbolized fertility and growth.
Saturday: From Nordic day are known as laugardagr or 'laundry', since this
was a normal day to swim at. n Danish, refers the name "Saturday" not for
some planets, but if you go into English with "Saturday" this refers directly to
the planet Saturn - Saturn's Day. Saturn is described as an old man who is
responsible for keeping track of time in the universe, and some of his
properties are precautionary, conservation and care. He is the opposite of
generosity. His colors are dark and earthly; brown and black. n traditional
astrology Saturn has a bad reputation because it is associated with
melancholy, but all the planets reflect both positive and negative things.
Weekday Plants Rulers Oil Colors Magic intent
Monday Sun Frankincense yellow, Gold Prosperity, Health
Tuesday Moon camphor White, Violet Psychological aspects,
Wednesday Mars ginger Red strength
Thursday Mercury lavender Yellow, orange Wisdom, learning, mind
Friday Jupiter Ceder Blue Held, abundance, humor
Saturday Venus Mandel Green Love, fertility
Sunday Saturn Earth smells brown Stability, Grounding, Sparring
*i'e of "agic Page | 72
Sabbaths also play their role in relation to magic. They mark the time of year
when specific energy reigns. Therefore, some type of magic more suited to
some of those days than others. (See below sabbaths for more)
Imbo#g. cleansing, healing, purity, lysmagi.
%)ring (/uinox 0 *stara. Frplanting, fertility magic, boot magic for new projects and the
mundane activities.
Be#tane. Sex magic, fertility magic.
Mid %ummer 0 -itha. Magic for men and earthy matters.
-ammas 0 -ughnasadh. Letting go, spiritual marriage, priesthood, divorce.
1utumn (/uinox 0 Mabon. Magic to increase the intellectual, mental and spiritual
abilities, weaving magic.
%amhain. Divination.
Winter %o#stice 0 2u#e. Celebrating, magic for children's health, conception.
Moon's influence, both us and the magic that we send out. Some times are
better suited than others. Moon is also widely used in wicca, and its light is
handy in the evening or night if you do outdoor rituals.
"ew moon. new projects, beginnings, initiations, growth potential.
u## moon. psychic abilities, self-insight, all kinds of magical work.
Waning moon. being free from something such as bad habits and the like, exorcism, etc.
Dark Moon. deep reflection, silence, wisdom. There should be no or very little magic
Time of day
The time of day has no great significance yet. Often it is something more
personal, where you have an easier time getting in the right mood at a
particular time of day. But there is still a little bit about what aspects
associated with the different parts of the day.
Morning and 1fternoon. New beginnings, inspiration and imagination.
Dinner and afternoon. strength, passion, courage, health and sexuality.
('ening. Love, intuition and emotional balance.
"ight. Expulsion, luck and wishes.
*i'e of "agic Page | 73
%igns & %$mbo#s
Pentagram this
.igns .-'bo,s Page | 74
.igns .-'bo,s Page | 75
.igns .-'bo,s Page | 76
!oo#s from Wicca
is a knife with a two-sided sheet. After which it is used to cut with, it is often
lethargic. t is used as a pointing device to direct magical energy so as to
draw the circle edge. t is a masculine symbol that symbolizes the element
fire. Unfortunately, a knife with a two-sided sheet is not always the easiest to
get, although there are melee weapons that would be great. These require
that familiar blank gun license and often costs a lot. You can use any knife as
long as it is treated as a magic tool. f you have no knife, the index and middle
finger are used, so you point to them. This kind of Athame is legal
everywhere, and though it may take a little training, it works fine.
is the white-handled knife, as opposed to Athamen used more practically. t is
with this knife you cut herbs and branches for use in rituals or magic, just as it
is also used.
are used to mark the beginning and end of a ritual, and chase
away evil. They symbolize the consecration of the elements of
movement. Bell swings represent the extremes of good and evil,
death and immortality. The use of bells varies widely. Personally
connect the sound of bells with the element air and breathe.
is a symbol of the element air, but can also be used to represent fire. ncense
also sharpens the senses and helps to achieve peace.
The cup
is used practically to have wine or other drink, which is used
during rituals. nterest symbolically represents the woman,
the feminine element of water. t is open, receptive and
passive. Cup shape can vary greatly - depending on what
seems true for the individual, and what can be obtained.
*oo,s fro' Wicca Page | 77
The diet
is probably the tool that you associate most with
witches. And witches use brooms indeed, but not
to fly the children fairy tales. The diet used for
cleaning - both physically from the place you want
to perform magic, but also at a cathartic way. So while one sweeps away dirt,
removes also negative energy.
The pentagram
is however probably the most used symbols in wicca. t is an Earth symbol,
which symbolizes the human body with outstretched arms, the complete
person. The five peaks representing spirit, water, fire, earth and air (starting
with the top and clockwise) and the Spirit of mastery over the elements.
Pentagram circle symbolizes eternity and perfection. t is used for cleansing
and "grounding". You can buy many beautiful pentagrams - glass plates,
pigeon, etc. But it is one of the things that can be easily done yourself, and
therefore it can be very personal.
or other symbols used on the altar like. t can be anything from various
statues to small symbols that have meaning for it. Statues function is to
create a personal relationship with God.
The stick
is similar in many ways Athamen. t is also used to direct energy and is also
masculine. t represents the element air, and the important thing to remember
is that the stick works by invitation - not command. t is used to summon and
channel. The stick is simply a stick, which of course can be decorated with
symbols, crystals, colored ribbons - whatever that just seems to make it just
The sword
is actually a larger version of Athamen. t has the same properties and the
same ritual use. Often it will be impractical large and more expensive and
harder to obtain.
*oo,s fro' Wicca Page | 78
!he (#ements
Earth is the element of form, binding, and manifestation. From an occult
perspective the element of Earth is the lowest in vibratory rate of the four
elements. Most modern Witchcraft/Wiccan Traditions consider Earth to be a
feminine element.Creatures known as Gnomes, a dwarf-like race, symbolize
the active magickal principle of the elemental Earth. n a metaphysical sense,
the color of Earth is yellow, symbolizing its vitality, activated by the sun, and it
is associated with the Northern quarter. Some Wiccan Traditions associate
Earth with other directional quarters and other colors. As a magickal agent the
element of Earth is symbolized by the ritual tool known as a pentacle. n
astrology the zodiac signs Capricorn, Virgo, and Taurus are associated with
the element of Earth.
Air is commonly associated with mental activity and is considered masculine
in nature. n modern Wicca/Witchcraft the magickal agent of the element of
Air is symbolized by a ritual tool. Some traditions assign the wand to Air
because it was once a branch moving in the wind. Other traditions assign the
element of Air to the ritual blade because of the sound a blade can make
when slicing the air. Creatures known as Sylphs, a fairy-like race, symbolize
the active magickal principle of elemental air. n a metaphysical sense, the
color of Air is blue and it is associated with the Eastern quarter. Some Wiccan
Traditions associate Air with other directional quarters and other colors. n
astrology, the zodiac signs Aquarius, Libra, and Gemini are associated with
the element of Air. n old occult lore it was believed that spirits and ghosts had
the power to wrap themselves inside the wind, giving them the ability to
become invisible. From this lore, we find other associations such as the
presence of a ghost indicated by areas of cold air. Howling winds were
believed to carry spirits of the night. Because of the association of air, sudden
gusts of wind were attributed to spirits and poltergeists.
*he 1,e'ents Page | 79
Fire is sometimes known as the living element. t is perhaps the most ancient
symbol of divinity. Fire is a living principle of duality, providing light and heat to
aid humankind, while at the same time being a force of death and destruction.
The eternal flame is a common theme in ancient Mystery Cults and typically
represents the eternal presence of Divinity. Among the ancient Greeks, Hestia
symbolized the divine living flame, as did Vesta among the Romans. The
ancients believed that fire could lie hidden in a piece of wood. By rubbing two
pieces together the fire could often be coaxed from the wood. Once fire was
produced the ancients often transported the flame on the end of a giant
fennel stick, a custom that later associated fennel with the forces of light. The
connection of fire as the living spirit latent in wood drew worshippers to
establish and maintain sanctuaries for their deities within the forests, long
after the creation of towns and cities. According to ancient legend, statues of
deities were encased in a bundle of branches and transported to a new
location when another sacred grove was to be established. n this manner the
"fire" of the deities' spirit was conveyed from grove to grove. n modern
Wicca, Fire is one of the four creative elements. t is traditionally linked to the
color red, although this does differ among the various traditions. As a
magickal agent the element of fire is symbolized by a ritual tool. Some
traditions assign elemental Fire to the ritual blade because the blade was
forged in Fire. Other traditions assign it to the wand because of the use of
wood as a torch. n astrology the zodiac sign Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are
associated with Fire.
Water is an element associated with the west quarter. t is a symbol of
regeneration, renovation, and dissolution. n occultism beings known as
Undines are creatures of this element. Traditionally, the element of Water is
associated with the color green - in many modern Wiccan/Witchcraft
Traditions the color is blue. n modern Wicca, Water is symbolized by the
ritual tool known as the chalice. The chalice contains either water or wine that
is used for ritual or magickal purposes. n astrology the zodiac signs Pisces,
Cancer, and Scorpio are associated with the element of Water.
*he 1,e'ents Page | 80
Many traditions are working with a fifth element that is perceived as either
"clean" energy, which is not bound by elementenergiens different shapes
and / or as a synthesis of element energy, that is the kind of energy that
occurs when you mix equal parts of they types element energy. t is also what
is often called "chi energy" Spirit of the direction of the center, it is however in
all directions. Spirit represents transcendence and transformation. t is
associated with ecstasy, enlightenment and balance. t has no negative
qualities in themselves, but can not deal with the item, you risk getting a
violent backlash or losing control over yourself and what you do when this
type of energy is stronger and more violent to work with than the other four .
The colors are white, gray, black and silver - but the Spirit can in principle be
any color. n the magical tradition is the spirit that binds everything together it
gives the possibility that the motion makes the magic is created. Magical
Spirit used to achieve transcendence, find your way in life, understand things
context and deeper meaning, to gain spiritual knowledge and insight.
*he 1,e'ents Page | 81
!he 1#tar
The altar is basically another form of tool which can be used in connection
with magic, celebration of a sabbatical or just for meditation. Depending on
what the purpose is, but the altar look very different. During a sabbatical, it
would be natural to decorate it with objects and colors that fit this Sabbath. n
magic, you will define the thing is that you must use for this purpose. This can
be tools. The altar can be indoors or outdoors, and it can consist of anything
from a fairly flat rock to a beautifully decorated table. t is basically up to the
self and what is just at hand. When the altar is used in connection with a
circle, it will be placed with the "back" to the north, often slightly north of
center, where you are located. At the altar, you would typically place objects
representing the Goddess and the God, and preferably also the elements.
These can be some of the following examples. Goddess (her stuff belongs on
the left side of the altar): Light dedicated to the goddess, goddess statue, bell,
broom, cup, pot. God (his stuff belongs on the right side of the altar): Light
dedicated to the god, statue of the god, athame, white handle knife. Soil: Soil,
salt, plants, rocks. Air: feathers, incense, anxiety. Water: Water, shells,
seaweed. Fire: Light, a dragon figure, matches. Things like cakes, wine, Book
of Shadows (or other notes), herbs, oils and candles can be placed anywhere
on the altar where there is equal space and they seem to fit. Some choose to
have a pentagram in the middle of the altar.
*he 8,tar Page | 82
Im)ortant Wiccans and witches texts
The Witches, reed
Hear now the words of the witches, The secrets we hid in the night, When
dark was our destiny's pathway, That now we bring forth into light, Mysterious
water and fire, The earth and the wide-ranging air; By hidden quintessence
we know them, And will and keep silent and dare. The birth and rebirth of all
nature, The passing of winter and spring, We share with the life universal,
Rejoice in magical ring. Four times in the year the Great Sabbat Returns, and
the witches are seen at Lammas and Candlemas dancing, n may Eve and
old Hallowe'en. When day-time and night-time are equal, When sun is
greatest and least, The four lesser Sabbats are summoned, And Withes
gather in feast. Thirteen silver moons in a year are, Thirteen is a coven's
array. Thirteen times make a Esbat make merry, For each golden year and a
day. The power that was passed down the age, Each time between a woman
and man, Each century unto the other, Ere time and the age began. When
drawn is the magical circle, By sword or athame of power, ts compass
between two world lies, n kand of the shades for that hour. This world has no
right the to know it, And the world of beyond will tell naught. The oldest of
Gods are invoked there, The Grat Work of magic is wrought. For the two are
mystical pillars, That stand at the gate of the shrine, And two ate the powers
of nature, The forms and the forces devine. The dark and the light in
siccession, The opposites each onto each, Shown forth as a God and a
Godess: Of this our ancestors teach. By night he's wild wind's rider, The
Horn'd One, the Lord of the Shades. By day he's the King of the Woodland,
The dweller in green forest glades. She is youthful or oldas she pleases, She
sails the torn clouds in her barque, The bright silver lady of midnight, The
crone who weaves spells in the dark. The master and mistress of magic, That
dwell in the deeps of the mind, mmortal and ever-renewing, With power to
free or to bind. So drink the good wine to the Old Gods, And Dance and make
love in their praise, Till Elphame's fair land shall recieve us n peace at the
end of our days. And Do What You Will be the challenge, So be it Love that
harms none, For this is the only commandment. By Magic of old, be it done!
!'2ortant Wiccans an5 %itches te9ts Page | 83
The Wiccan $ede
bide within the Law you must, in perfect Love and perfect Trust. Live you
must and let to live, fairly take and fairly give. For tread the Circle thrice about
to keep unwelcome spirits out. To bind the spell well every time, let the spell
be said in rhyme. Light of eye and soft of touch, speak you little, listen much.
Honor the Old Ones in deed and name, let love and light be our guides again.
Deosil go by the waxing moon, chanting out the joyful tune. Widdershins go
when the moon doth wane, and the werewolf howls by the dread wolfsbane.
When the Lady's moon is new, kiss the hand to Her times two. When the
moon rides at Her peak then your heart's desire seek. Heed the North winds
mighty gale, lock the door and trim the sail. When the Wind blows from the
East, expect the new and set the feast. When the wind comes from the
South, love will kiss you on the mouth. When the wind whispers from the
West, all hearts will find peace and rest. Nine woods in the Cauldron go, burn
them fast and burn them slow. Birch in the fire goes to represent what the
Lady knows. Oak in the forest towers with might, in the fire it brings the God's
insight. Rowan is a tree of power causing life and magick to flower. Willows at
the waterside stand ready to help us to the Summerland. Hawthorn is burned
to purify and to draw faerie to your eye. Hazel-the tree of wisdom and
learning adds its strength to the bright fire burning. White are the flowers of
Apple tree that brings us fruits of fertility. Grapes grow upon the vine giving us
both joy and wine. Fir does mark the evergreen to represent immortality seen.
Elder is the Lady's tree burn it not or cursed you'll be. Four times the Major
Sabbats mark in the light and in the dark. As the old year starts to wane the
new begins, it's now Samhain. When the time for mbolc shows watch for
flowers through the snows. When the wheel begins to turn soon the Beltane
fires will burn. As the wheel turns to Lamas night power is brought to magick
rite. Four times the Minor Sabbats fall use the Sun to mark them all. When
the wheel has turned to Yule light the log the Horned One rules. n the spring,
when night equals day time for Ostara to come our way. When the Sun has
reached it's height time for Oak and Holly to fight. Harvesting comes to one
and all when the Autumn Equinox does fall. Heed the flower, bush, and tree
by the Lady blessed you'll be. Where the rippling waters go cast a stone, the
truth you'll know. When you have and hold a need, harken not to others
greed. With a fool no season spend or be counted as his friend. Merry Meet
and Merry Part bright the cheeks and warm the heart. Mind the Three-fold
Laws you should three times bad and three times good. When misfortune is
enow wear the star upon your brow. Be true in love this you must do unless
your love is false to you.
31n 2e Harm "one, Do What 2e Wi##3
!'2ortant Wiccans an5 %itches te9ts Page | 84
The Wiccan redo
The Wiccan Credo was released in the 70s, of Lady Gwen Thompson, who is
said to have learned it from his grandmother. t is also called "The Rede of
Wiccae," which has let it be confused with The Wiccan Rede.
Bide the Wiccan Laws we must.
n Perfect Love and Perfect Trust.
Live and let live,
Fairly take and fairly give.
Cast the Circle thrice about
To keep the evil spirits out.
To bind the spell every time
Let the spell be spake in rhyme.
Soft of eye and light of touch,
Speak but little, listen much.
Deosil go by waxing moon,
Chanting out the Witches' Rune.
Widdershins go by waning moon,
Chanting out the baneful rune.
When the Lady's moon is new,
Kiss thy hand to Her, times two.
When the moon rides at her peak,
Then your heart's desire seek.
Heed the North wind's mighty gale,
Lock the door and drop the sail.
When the wind comes from the South,
Love will kiss thee on the mouth.
When the wind blows from the West,
Departed souls will have no rest.
When the wind blows from the East,
Expect the new and set the feast.
Nine woods in the cauldron go,
Burn them fast and burn them slow.
Elder be the Lady's tree,
Burn it not or cursed you'll be.
!'2ortant Wiccans an5 %itches te9ts Page | 85
When the Wheel begins to turn,
Let the Beltane fires burn.
When the Wheel has turned to Yule,
Light the log, the Horned One rules.
Heed ye Flower, Bush and Tree,
By the Lady, Blessed Be.
Where the rippling waters go,
Cast a stone and truth you'll know.
When ye have a true need,
Hearken not to others' greed.
With a fool no season spend,
Lest ye be counted as his friend.
Merry Meet and Merry Part,
Bright the cheeks and warm the heart.
Mind the Threefold Law you should,
Three times bad and three times good.
When misfortune is enow,
Wear the blue star on thy brow.
True in Love ever be,
Lest thy lover's false to thee.
Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill:
As Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Will.
!'2ortant Wiccans an5 %itches te9ts Page | 86
'rawing 'own the Moon
All ye assembled at mine shrine,
Mother Darksome and Divine.
Mine the Scourge and mine the Kiss,
Here charge you in this sign
All ye assembled in my sight,
Bow before my spirit bright,
Aphrodite, Arianrod,
Lover of the Horned God,
Mighty Queen of Witchery and night,
Morgan, Etione, Nisene,
Diana, Bridgid, Melusine,
Am named of old by men,
Artemis and Cerridwen,
Hell's dark mistress, Heaven's Queen.
Ye who ask of me a rune,
Or would ask of me a boon,
Meet me in some secret glade,
Dance my round in greenwood shade,
By the light of the Full Moon.
n a place, wild and lone,
Dance about mine altar stone;
work my holy mystery.
Ye who are feign to sorcery,
bring ye secrets yet unknown.
No more shall ye know slavery,
who give true worship unto me.
!'2ortant Wiccans an5 %itches te9ts Page | 87
Ye who tread my round on Sabbat night,
come ye naked to the rite,
in token that ye be really free.
teach ye the mystery of rebirth,
work ye my mysteries in mirth.
Heart joined to heart and lip to lip,
five are the points of fellowship,
that bring ye ecstacy on earth,
for am the cicle of rebirth.
ask no sacrifice, but do bow,
no other Law but love know,
by naught but love may be known.
All things living are mine own,
from me they come, to me they go.
invoke Thee and call upon Thee
Mighty Mother of us all.
Bringer of Fruitfulness by seed and by root.
invoke Thee by stem and bud.
invoke Thee by life and love
and call upon Thee to descend into the body
Of this Thy Priestess and Servant.
Hear with her ears, speak with her tongue,
touch with her hands, kiss with her lips,
that thy servants may be fulfilled.
!'2ortant Wiccans an5 %itches te9ts Page | 88
The +reat $ite #nvocation
Assist me to erect the ancient altar,
At which in days past all worshipped;
The great altar of all things.
For in times of old, woman was the altar.
Thus was the altar made and placed,
and the sacred place was the point
within the center of the circle.
As we have of old been taught that the point within the
center is the origin of all things.
Therefore should we adore it;
Therefore whom we adore we also invoke.
O Circle of Stars,
Whereof our Father is but the younger brother,
Marvel beyond imagination, soul of infinite space,
Before whom time is ashamed,
The mind bewildered, and the understanding dark,
Not unto thee may we attain unless thine image be love.
Therefore, by seed and root, and stem and bud,
And leaf and flower and fruit do we invoke thee.
O Queen of Space, O Jewel of Light,
Continuous One of the heavens;
Let it be ever thus
That men speak not of thee as One, but as None;
And let them not speak of thee at all,
Since thou art continuous.
For thou art the point within the Circle, which we adore;
The point of life, without which we would not be.
And in this way truly are erected the holy twin pillars,
n beauty and in strength were they erected
To the wonder and glory of all men.
!'2ortant Wiccans an5 %itches te9ts Page | 89
Altar of mysteries manifold,
the sacred circle's secret point
thus do sign thee as of old
with kisses of my lips anoint.
Open for me the secret way,
the pathway of intelligence,
beyond the gates of night and day,
beyond the bounds of time and sense.
behold the mystery aright,
the five true points of fellowship,
here where the Lance and Grail unite
and feet, and knees, and breast, and lip.
!'2ortant Wiccans an5 %itches te9ts Page | 90
Air Meditation
t is dawn. find myself in a forest filled with Aspen trees. raise my eyes and
look for the sky, but the boughs looming overhead hide it from my view. As
look up, feel the cool breeze of spring brush my face, and hear the sound of
the rustling leaves. Blowing, laughing from the east, Eurus brings thoughts of
renewal and life. follow the wind further into the soft shadows of the forest,
inhaling deeply the strong scent of the trees. smell, too, the wafting hints of
fragrant incense. follow where my senses lead me and come to a small
clearing circled by burning censers filled with sweet-smelling oils. Toward the
east end of the circle is a staff. walk over to the place and sit on the ground
before it. take the staff into my hands and close my eyes. First come swirling
colors of white then yellow then fading darker into lavender. Then, out of the
swirling fog of colors come dozens of small, lithe figures who swirl around as
if carried on the wind itself. They dance around my head and body, swirling
around as if caught in a dance to unheard music. Then, taking my attention
from the spirits of the air, look up to find further figures emerging from the
mist. First comes a woman with the beauty of the dawn. As she steps
forward, each of the four winds, in turn, hasten from around here and fly, one
to each of the four corners of the earth. As she fades, there comes another
whose form seems insubstantial, and seems to constitute both the image of a
woman and a cow at the same time. look closely the attempt to solidify one
form, but cannot. As this image fades, am presented with the forms of two
women who immediately remind me of the nighttime sky. One glows with the
pale light of the full moon, and her eyes hold the fullness of hidden
knowledge. The other, whom also seems to radiate cool starlight, seems to
embody the possibilities of many lifetimes. n due course, these figures too
fade and am left with only the mist of the elemental world of air. Suddenly,
three male figures issue from the mist. They seem to be three aspects of one
man, but each's attributes differ. The first glows with the light of the moon,
seeming to be its protector. The second and third appear almost identical,
except that one has a winged helmet and shoes. As sit and study the
sameness and difference of the three, they begin to fade, as does the fog.
When the mist clears, find myself sitting within the circle still clutching the
staff in my hands. place the staff once again on the ground and rise. thank
the element of air, and all it is associated with for sharing with me its wisdom,
and leave the circle.
Source: The nternet Book Of Shadows
.tories Page | 91
The place where you rela.
find myself on a beach. begin to walk down the beach. feel the rush of the
ocean hear the ocean roar. When suddenly encounters a beautiful stone
which picked up. When look at it, can see a pattern, but it is very interpret.
put the stone in my pocket and go on. When reach the end of the beach
there is a forest walk into the woods. When find myself in the middle of a
lot of trees see a body condition in a tree. With a reverse pattern. 'm taking
my rock and looks fit in the hole. When final take me along to put the stone
in the hole, see a litte pice of wood that fits in between my stone and wood
which put between. Whereupon there arises the nicest light with all the
beautiful colors. Whereupon feel engulfed by the light when can again see
a different light, see that am in a room in a house. Before me is a post with
the same sign that was in the tree. But now no longer my stone or piece of
wood which should be in between. But suddenly can hear someone walking.
And so opened the door and in came a young girl. By asking me what was
doing here in Hindes bedroom. And then say " know magic know many
things spirituale. But this portal does not make sense for where the stones
and the small piece of wood. " Whereupon the young girl says. t is my portal
created it to have a free place in nature and it took me. Therefore created
this portal. But the problem is that it works only once with a stone and a piece
of wood. So when you've used it once and you are forced to make a new
stick. And find a new stone. Whereupon she said "Here is a stone here is a
stick. Now you need to carve the pattern of the stick. " begin to slit, finally
finished. Now when 'm done saying the young girl that should write a Spell
to get home. when finish my spell. She says that 'm aware that have found
myself to Ratte with my ndian spirituality. Then she gives me a hug and says
am always welcome. ask if have to go home right away which she says
no you can just stay here. Whereupon put myself on the edge of beds
Hindes bed and we begin to sing. We sing and sing about all the good things
of life. And about all the difficult situations you may be exposed to and
whether you should live his life as best you can although it is sometimes very
hard. Since we can not find more to sing about. f it was night outside so we
go out and lie us, under the stars and talk about everything from good to evil.
We go up again and into Hindes bedroom. take the magic stone and the
piece of wood have sliced and ahead of me and make a circle of candles
and sit in the middle of the circle in which say "Tree of wood and stone of
stone help me comeback again let me see my light again and easily denne
vre permanent stone and a permanent picas of wood easy this portal be
permanent, and be blessed spirit " turn bright which give the girl a huge hug
and say, Blessed Be which she also says Blessed Be. take the stone and
wood and putter in the hole which in turn is the most beautiful light. And then
'm back in the woods where there again is getting bright. can hear the
animals walking around. And now take back home. Home where there is
.tories Page | 92
only me and all those love.
Written by: Jim HD - 2011
.tories Page | 93
!he Magic Circ#e
Circle casting is an important, and at times, difficult activity. t involves the use
of many skills, and for the beginner it can seem like a pointless, if not
impossible, routine. How do you do it properly? When should it be done? And
perhaps most importantly: how do you know if you've done it? (Keitha
mentally rolls up her sleeves and grins).
Written by: Keitha (FireWind)
The 3urposes of a ircle
A sacred circle has several purposes, the most significant of which is to
define an area where formal ritual work can be performed. A circle is a place
in which the rules and conditions are different to that of the everyday world. A
circle is not a barrier, but a doorway to another world. To contain any
magickal energy raised and to prevent its dissipation until it has been used up
is another purpose of the circle. The sacred circle does not need to be
physically represented (drawn or marked on the ground), it just needs to be
visualised. The circle is a spiritual entity.
:uestions about (pening the circle
What is a Circ#e4
A circle is a boundary of energy extending halfway above the ground and
halfway below. t marks the boundary between the worlds: inside the circle is
a cleansed space where the two worlds can interact. Outside is the mundane,
'regular' world. That's the basics; more on this later.
Wh$ do $ou need a Circ#e4
A circle is cast to create a clean space in which to do ritual and magickal
workings. t creates an area in which both worlds are present; in a very real
sense, it is between the worlds. To invite a Deity, or an Elemental, etc. without
a circle (into the mundane world) isn't always such a great idea. t's easier to
interact inside a circle. t also acts to keep magickal energy inside until it is
ready to be released, or to keep negative energy outside.
What do I need to know to cast a circ#e4
Well, you must have a lot of focus. You must be able to clearly visualize what
you are doing, and how you are doing it. You should be able to feel the
energy you are attempting to move, and have a clear idea of where you want
to put it. Here are a few things to keep in mind:
*he "agic (irc,e Page | 94
What is the )ur)ose of $our circ#e4
To protect from outside negativity; to contain magickal energy; to create a
space between the worlds; another purpose; a mixture? The nature of your
circle will depend on the ritual you are planning on doing.
How big wi## $our circ#e be4
f you are casting the circle for practise, then all you need is a circle the size
of your own body. For a larger group, no big surprise, a larger circle. n my
personal opinion, it should be large enough that you don't keep wandering to
the edges and sticking your head through it.
How wi## $ou 'isua#i5e $our circ#e4
f you are just learning, it might be best to stick with simple colours. Later on,
you can learn funky patterns and effects. Practice casting a circle in your
mind during meditation. You must learn how to visualize things clearly, hold
them in your mind, and focus while you rotate and move them. At the
beginning, stick to the basics: there's no substitute for them.
Can $ou kee) $our focus for as #ong as it takes to set u) the circ#e4
f you are constantly second-guessing yourself, you can't maintain your
concentration. Trust yourself. Treat it with respect. Constantly walking in,
through, and out of the circle without cutting a door, or otherwise ignoring its
boundaries doesn't really help you much. You can't really expect to cast
strong circles if you can't create and keep it in your mind first. The circle is
real because you make it real. You make it real by believing in it and acting on
When do I cast the circ#e4
've found that the best time is right after you have cleansed the space (by
blessing, sweeping, or making lots of noise), and before you invoke any
elements or Deities. f you have others with you for the ritual, save up jokes,
and try to make each other laugh really hard just before you create the circle.
This further gets rid of any negativity that might be present, and provides
enough positive energy to cast a good circle. My friend and have had some
fascinating rituals this way.
*he "agic (irc,e Page | 95
Casting 1 Circ#e & How do I know if I did it4
This is the fun part. Everybody has their own unique way of sensing circles.
Some people can see the circle; as a band of colour, or a thickening of the air.
Some people can feel it as a spark of electricity, or again as a thickening of
air. Some people can hear it as a low hum. Everybody is different. One thing
is certain, however: circles get really hot. n a strong circle you can feel the
cold air rushing in when you cut a door. When you take it down, you can
practically feel a breeze. n the beginning, you may not be sure whether or
not you've succeeded; don't let that bother you. When you really get the hang
of it, you'll know for sure.
Casting 1 Circ#e & What6s this about cutting a door4
Cutting a door basically means opening a hole in the circle so you can leave
it. t's best to stay in the circle the whole time it's up, but there are times when
you've forgotten something important in another room (like a lighter), or
there's something you have to deal with. My personal favourite way of cutting
a door is to hold your fingers and hand in a straight line, and move your hand
around a rectangular outline large enough for you to walk through. Visualize
the energy of the circle inside that rectangle being sucked into your forearm
where you can store it until you get back. When closing the door, do this in
reverse, and then smooth out the edges of where the door was. Visualize the
energy of the circle swirling around until the location of the door is lost. Still,
cutting too many doors in a circle can also weaken it eventually.
I #i'e in an a)artment7 wi## the )eo)#e downstairs wa#k into m$ circ#e and
mess it u)4
just added this question because 've wondered about it myself. Yes, the
circle does extend halfway below the floor, and yes, someone downstairs
could walk right through the bottom part of it. All can suggest is that you
either do your rituals after you're sure they're out or asleep, or just try not to
think about it. :)
When and how do I take the circ#e down4
At the very end of ritual. After the Deities are gone, the Element/als have
returned to their respective realms, etc. etc. etc. The only thing that generally
follows taking down the circle is eating, drinking, and chatting. Take the circle
down exactly the same way that you set it up, in reverse. Take as much time
to take it down as you took to set it up. Send the energy back into the Earth,
the Sky, or wherever you chose to get it from. f you used the energy from the
Earth and Sky, then it's a good idea to change it into healing energy for our
planet and our skies before you channel it back.
*he "agic (irc,e Page | 96
What6s the best wa$ to )ractice casting a circ#e4
Actually: alone. f you can do it alone, then you can do it in a group; it doesn't
always work in reverse. Working alone also lets you develop your own style,
and you don't need to worry about people staring at you. You can work on
your concentration more easily by yourself, and you don't feel like you're
boring people if you take a while. Write your own visualizations and keep
track of your results in a journal. But above all, learn to trust yourself and your
instincts; it's one of the most valuable gifts you can give yourself.
Written by: Keitha (FireWind)
*he "agic (irc,e Page | 97
;im Hds way of making the circle
*)ening the circ#e
Take your atheme or your stick or your finger and go round in the circle and
run atheme off the ground while saying these words.
Lad denne cirkel Blive bnet,
Lad dens Magi flyve,
Luk alle de onde nder ude,
Nu hvor jeg bnere denne magiske cirkel,
Og bner op for Gud og Gudinden.
Let this circle be opened,
Let the magic fly,
Close all the demons out,
Now when open this magic circle,
And open up to God and Goddess.
*he "agic (irc,e Page | 98
C#osing the circ#e
Do the same as above bullet just doing it from the top down and say that
marketing words instead (important to remember is that you must not leave
the circle until you have closed it).
Lade denne cirkel lukke,
lad denne skjulte cirkel g,
Til jeg eller en anden skal bruge den igen,
og jeg takker jer Gud og Gudinden,
for jeres hjlp,
Blessed Be.
Let this circle close,
let this hidden circle go,
Until or another will use it again,
and thanks God and Goddess,
for your help,
Blessed Be.
Written by: Jim HD - 2011
*he "agic (irc,e Page | 99
How To ast a ircle 7
n Wicca and Paganism, one of the facets common to nearly all traditions is
the use of a circle as a sacred space. While other religions rely on the use of
a building such as a church or temple to hold worship, Wiccans and Pagans
can cast a circle pretty much any place they choose. This is particularly
handy on those pleasant summer evenings when you decide to hold ritual out
in the back yard under a tree instead of in your living room!
Difficulty: Easy
Time Required: Varied
Start by determining how big your space needs to be. A ceremonial circle is a
place in which positive energy and power are kept in, and negative energy
kept out. The size of your circle will depend on how many people need to be
inside it, and what the circle's purpose is. f you're hosting a small coven
meeting for a few people, a nine-foot-diameter circle is sufficient. On the other
hand, if it's Beltane and you've got four dozen Pagans preparing to do a
Spiral Dance, you'll need a space significantly larger. A solitary practitioner
can work easily in a three- to five-foot circle.
Figure out where your Circle should be cast. n some traditions, a Circle is
physically marked on the ground, while in others it is merely visualized by
each member of the group. f you have an indoor ritual space, you can mark
the Circle on the carpet. Do whichever your tradition calls for. Once the Circle
is designated, it is usually navigated by the High Priest or High Priestess,
holding an athame, a candle, or a censer.
Which direction will your circle face? The circle is almost always oriented to
the four cardinal points, with a candle or other marker placed at the north,
east, south and west and the altar in the center with all the necessary tools
for the ritual. Before entering the circle, participants are purified as well.
How do you actually cast the circle? Methods of casting the circle vary from
one tradition to another. n some forms of Wicca, the God and Goddess are
called upon to share the ritual. n others, the Hight Priest (HP) or High
Priestess (HPs) will begin at the north and call upon the deities of the tradition
from each direction. Usually this invocation includes a mention of the aspects
associated with that direction emotion, intellect, strength, etc. A sample
ritual for casting a circle might take place like this:
*he "agic (irc,e Page | 100
Mark the circle upon the floor or the ground. Place a candle in each of the
four quarters green to the North to represent Earth, yellow in the East to
represent Air, red or orange symbolizing Fire in the South, and blue to the
West in association with Water. All necessary magical tools should already be
in place upon the altar in the center. Let's assume that the group, called
Three Circles Coven, is led by a High Priestess.
The HPs enters the circle from the east and announces, "Let it be known that
the circle is about to be cast. All who enter the Circle may do so in perfect
love and perfect trust. Other members of the group may wait outside the
circle until the casting is complete. The HPs moves clockwise around the
circle, carrying a lit candle (if it's more practical, use a lighter instead). At each
of the four cardinal points, she calls upon the Deities of her tradition (some
may refer to these as Watchtowers, or Guardians).
As she lights the candle in the East from the one she carries, the HPs says:
Guardians of the East, call upon you
to watch over the rites of Three Circles Coven.
Powers of knowledge and wisdom, guided by Air,
we ask that you keep watch over us
tonight within this circle.
Let all who enter the circle under your guidance
do so in perfect love and perfect trust.
The HPs moves to the South, and lights the red or orange candle, saying:
Guardians of the South, call upon you
to watch over the rites of Three Circles Coven.
Powers of energy and will, guided by Fire,
we ask that you keep watch over us
tonight within this circle.
Let all who enter the circle under your guidance
do so in perfect love and perfect trust.
Next, she circles around to the West, where she lights the blue candle and
*he "agic (irc,e Page | 101
Guardians of the West, call upon you
to watch over the rites of Three Circles Coven.
Powers of passion and emotion, guided by Water,
we ask that you keep watch over us
tonight within this circle.
Let all who enter the circle under your guidance
do so in perfect love and perfect trust.
Finally, the HPs goes to the last candle in the North. When lighting it, she
Guardians of the North, call upon you
to watch over the rites of Three Circles Coven.
Powers of endurance and strength, guided by Earth,
we ask that you keep watch over us
tonight within this circle.
Let all who enter the circle under your guidance
do so in perfect love and perfect trust.
At this point, the HPs will announce that the circle is cast, and other members
of the group can ritually enter the circle. Each person approaches the HPs,
who will ask:
How do you enter the circle?
Each individual will respond:
n perfect love and perfect trust or n the light and love of the Goddess or
whatever response is appropriate to your tradition.
Once all members are present within the circle, the circle is closed. At no time
during ritual should anyone exit the circle without performing a ceremonial
"cutting. To do this, hold your athame in your hand and make a cutting
motion across the line of the circle, first to your right and then to your left. You
are essentially creating a "door in the circle, which you may now walk
through. When you return to the circle, enter it in the same place you exited,
and "close the doorway by reconnecting the line of the circle with the
*he "agic (irc,e Page | 102
When the ceremony or rite has ended, the circle is usually cleared in the
same manner in which it was cast, only in this case the HPs will dismiss the
deities or Guardians and thank them for watching over the coven. n some
traditions, the temple is cleared simply by having all members raise their
athames in salute, thanking the God or Goddess, and kissing the blades of
the athame.
f the above method of casting a circle seems boring or dull to you, that's
okay. t's a basic framework for ritual, and you can make yours as elaborate
as you like. f you're a very poetic person who likes lots of ceremony, feel free
to use creative license call upon "the weavers of the wind, the breezes that
blow from the East, blessing us with wisdom and knowledge, so mote it be,
etc, etc. f your tradition associates various deities with the directions, call
upon those Gods or Goddesses in the ways that they expect you to do so.
Just make sure that you don't spend so much time casting the Circle that you
don't have any time left for the rest of your ceremony!
Have all your tools ready ahead of time -- this will save you from scrambling
around during the middle of the ritual looking for things!
f you forget what you mean to say when casting the circle, improvise. Talking
to your deities should come from the heart.
f you make a mistake, don't sweat it. The universe has a pretty good sense
of humor, and we mortals are fallible.
What You Need
Other tools of your tradition
Written by: Patti Wigington
*he "agic (irc,e Page | 103
How to ast a ircle <
Why bother, and how to do it? These questions probably cross your mind
from time to time. The "why" has a few answers: Some cast a circle for
protection, some to shift between the physical and etheric planes, some see
the circle as a container used to store energy until the right moment to
release that energy towards a certain goal.
Now, everyone casts a circle in his/her own manner. A circle casting can be
very very elaborate, or very simple. We'll start simply:
The idea behind every basic circle is like a child setting up a tea party.
Cleansing equals the set-up, calling in the deities/elementals/beings you wish
to have present is like inviting the other children (or stuffed animals!) over,
and the ritual is the actual party. The act of "casting the circle" part of casting
the circle (if that makes any sense) is like setting a boundary between the
attendees and the uninvited.
Setting up involves cleaning the area, physically, psychically, and
energetically. Clean your practice area so you can move as you see fit.
Cleansing with elements can be done by smudging with incense, carrying a
candle around, asperging with blessed water, setting out stones around the
boundary of where you plan to work...or a combination of any of the above.
My method? start in the northeast with my besom (broom) and walk counter-
clockwise (widdershins) to "sweep out" negative energy first. Then go back
to the altar, take my incense (fire and air combined), bless it, then walk with it
clockwise (deosil) to replenish the freshly-blessed air and fire energy. Back to
the altar, consecrate and bless water (and add in 3 pinches of salt to make
earth and water combined) so sprinkle that around clockwise to replenish the
freshly-blessed water and earth energy.
personally call in the elements before casting the circle, then cast, then
invite the deities.
Calling the elements (watchtowers, elementals, etc) can be really simple: "
welcome the Air to my circle" can say this in your head while visualizing
a breeze blowing or whatever makes you feel like "Air" is specifically present.
Traditionally, people go to the East side of the circle to call the Air first, then
South and Fire, then West and Water, then North and Earth. Some people do
it differently...that's where reading and research is necessary to find out
different methods and decide what works best for YOU. However, there's
nothing wrong with trying it different a few times until it feels right...something
might sound perfect when you read it, but how you feel when you actually do
it is the key.
*he "agic (irc,e Page | 104
Casting the can use a tool (wand, athame, sword, staff, etc.) or
just your finger. begin in the northeast again, point to the ground with a tool
or my finger, and visualize a beam of light flowing from the tip to the ground.
walk clockwise around the circle, say something simple like, " cast this circle
to create a boundary between the world of man and the realm of the divine"
while visualizing that beam of light trailing behind, forming a wall or shell that
the divine and energies allow can get through, but nothing that want to
block out can cross. When get to the starting point, sometimes will bend
down and tap the starting point like 'm connecting the two ends, and say
something to the effect of, "My circle is now cast and whole!"
Now that everything's all set up, invite my guests of honor: The God and
Goddess. Sometimes choose particular deities, but usually just work with
them as "God and Goddess." light a candle and welcome them in. Don't
demand that they join you (" SUMMON you to join me!")...and don't be meek
"Hi, um...if you can, can you please join me?'). Know they will come and greet
them like you're greeting an expected guest at the door. " welcome you to my
circle and thank you for providing your energies to my work/ritual/celebration."
Give them a vessel in which they can stay...a candle, a statue, a picture of
each one, a stone representing them, etc. usually welcome the Goddess
Now's time for your purpose of casting a it for meditation, a sabbat
or esbat ritual, a spell...
After the main working, hold a simple feast...some food and drink to
replenish myself. A slice of bread and a glass of juice works, and it's
suggested that you leave a small libation for the energies you were working
with. Bless your juice, pour some into a bowl, and then drink. Bless your
bread, break off a piece and put it into the bowl, and then eat. You can leave
it somewhere or bury it when you're cleaning up afterwards...the idea is to
visualize that those energies who are your guests are partaking of the food's
energy (though maybe not the physical matter) before you just toss it in the
When 'm done, thank the deities in the opposite order in which welcomed
them. Again, it's thanking them for coming...not saying "The party's over, so
GET OUT." When you feel they have left (though they are always present)
snuff the candles. So for example: "Thank you, Lord, for joining me in this
ritual. Merry Meet, merry part, and merry meet again. (Wait a moment, then
snuff God candle...then move on to Goddess candle.)
*he "agic (irc,e Page | 105
Then cut the circle and either "absorb" the light back into my tool or finger
(while walking counter-clockwise) or "erase" it. Again, when done, say
something that completes the action, "By my hand, this circle is now erased
and this area is returned to the realm of man."
Then, wave goodbye to the elements...go to the North and thank Earth for
coming, then West and Water, then South and Fire, then East and Air.
Finally, return to my altar and make some sort of statement that the ritual is
now complete. usually do some kind of action like ring a bell or snuff out the
last candle that marks the final a judge using his gavel and
saying "Case closed."
Oh...and don't forget to clean up your area when you're done.
You can make this even more simple by sitting in one spot, visualizing a shell
of energy growing up around you, and welcoming the elements and deities in
your mind. Or you can be more elaborate with dancing, a script of flowery
language and all statements in rhyme...whatever works for you.
Written by: Rhaevyn Sunrise
*he "agic (irc,e Page | 106
How to ast a ircle 8
Wiccans and other pagans and neo-pagans who practise Ritual Magick cast
magick circles, also called sacred circle, ritual circle or just circle. Whatever
the name, it is a circle inside which pagan rituals are performed. The circle
acts as a portal to the realm of the deities, as a protection from evil forces and
simply a psychological tool to put you in the right state of mind (or even
trance), that signifies that what you are doing is special.
1. Purify the place where you will cast your circle. Purify physically (clean up)
as well as spiritually (take your hands, or broom, athame or wand and direct
positive energy into the area, to push away negative energy). You could try
using witch hazel to cleanse the area - a couple of drops in each corner of the
room and round the perimeter of the circle should be sufficient.
2. Physically determine the bounds of your circle, if you want. Do this by
drawing a circle on the floor, sprinkling salt water in a circle, or by laying a
cord in a circle (make sure you tie it). Anyhow, the circle is usually as wide as
you are tall.
3. Place all the objects you will be using in your ritual inside the circle.
4. Represent the elements in the four quarters of your circle (called corners
by some, but a circle doesn't have any corners!). Place something that
represent Earth in the north, Air in the east, Fire south and Water west. Bless
(or ask for consecration of) these things. (See tips for things that represent
the elements.) Be sure to have some food and drink to share with the spirits,
to thank them and to replenish your energy.
5. Take your magick weapon, whether it be hands, a broom, athame or wand,
and walk round the spot where your circle will be thrice, clockwise: "Cast the
circle thrice about, to keep the evil spirits out." State the purpose of the circle.
6. nvoke the elements and spirits and deities you wish to work with. Call
them to the objects that represent them. Take each of the objects that
represent the elements around your circle, filling it with the power of each of
7. Meditate for a while now. Meditation or astral projection might be the main
act, or it serves just to shift your consciousness.
*he "agic (irc,e Page | 107
8. Do whatever it is you want to do in your circle. Remember: "An it harm
none, do what ye will." f you must leave the circle before you are done, cut a
doorway (quite literally, envision a doorway being cut from the edge of the
circle, up, to the side, then down again. Reclose the circle once you're back
9. Close the circle when you're done: pay respect to whatever deities you
invited, thank the elements before you remove their representative objects,
and finally undo the casting by casting in reverse.
(pening the circle
Circle is the magically prepared area where many Wiccans celebrate the
turning of the Wheel. What will discuss here is how see Circle ... simply my
viewpoint and in no way the final word. Remember that your own heart and
spirit will guide you in things. f something sounds uncomfortable to you, then
don't do it. Please! Don't let someone's supposed expertise/knowledge lead
you into doing something that you are not sure about. No one can tell you
how to worship or who to worship.
Ok...the Circle is the area where hold my rituals, where worship my Gods,
where cast my spells. The first thing do before Circle is to prepare myself
through a salt-bathing ritual. This involves cleaning myself with soap and
water...leaving the daily worries behind with my clothing worn that day. Then
join salt and water to charge myself, to cleanse myself. When am ready to
begin my Circle, either robe or not, that is a matter of personal choice to me.
Then move to where am doing my Circle...assuming that am not doing it
in my bathroom.
light the candles on my altar which always place in the East. Put your altar
wherever it feels the most right to you. These represent the Lady and her
Lord. set fire to my incense. center and ground myself. f am circling with
another, we hold hands and do three Oms to bring our energies into balance.
At this point am going to walk you through casting a Circle. This is NOT the
way do a Circle privately, but it is the way do it publicly. My way of doing it
is oathbound and may only reveal that to those who are properly prepared
and known to me.
*he "agic (irc,e Page | 108
First, call the Lady and the Lord to join you in your circle. Do this with
reverence and respect. They are your Deities and should be invited never
commanded! A simple nvocation to each follows:
Lady of the Night, Mistress of the Day
Please hear the call of your daughter/son (or simply your magical name)
Silvery Moon Woman watch as lay
This Circle of Power .
Great Hunter, Father, Son and Lover
Hear my call if you will
Laughing Man, Eternal Man watch over
This Circle of Power.
So, you have invited your Deities in. Take a moment to feel Their presence.
Smile at the Lady's warmth...the Lord's being. These are your Deities and are
indeed there for you. Once you know that They are attending your rite, you
begin to cast the Circle. You first will cast the Circle with fire and air, elements
of East and South. ncense is fire and air. Present the burning incense at the
altar and then walk your Circle deosil. Deosil is the direction of the sun as it
travels the Earth. When you return to the altar, replace the incense. NOTE:
Use a hotpad if you are in danger of burning yourself! have a small ceramic
cauldron made by a Pagan potter, but also use a large shell on occasion.
Once the air and fire have cast the Circle, then join salt and water together.
Again, with reverence! This is a religious ceremony you are doing so try to be
respectful. The Goddess says in Her charge "all things in reverence and
mirth" so if you giggle so be it....but do try to start with respect.
Take the earth and water (salt and water) and present it over the altar. Now,
traveling deosil, asperge your Circle with water and earth. Asperge is to lightly
flick water from the bowl with your fingers and cast to the edges of your
Circle. Return to the altar and replace the water bowl.
*he "agic (irc,e Page | 109
Now, with your finger, your athame, your wand....cast your Circle with Spirit.
That is you, your energy, your heart and spirit at work. You may say words as
you go if you wish. A simple Circle invocation could go something like this:
Be thou cast, Circle.
As walk thy boundaries
So do you hold my power.
Set me apart from the world of man
Make me apart form the realm of spirit.
Hold me between the worlds as work my magic.
You may see or feel energy coming from you as you walk the edge of your
Circle. Or you may not! Don't worry about it. When you return to the altar,
salute the East. Now, at this point you may call the Quarters if you wish. A
simple Quarter call could be:
Spirit and guardian of the (direction)
do call you to my Circle.
Do thou watch from the (direction) and keep me safe.
Witness my workings and lend me thy aid
Thou guardian of the (direction)
Do embellish on any of this as you see fit. This is just meant to help those of
you who have never done a Circle and are unsure as to the actual mechanics
of casting. Remember that you must follow your own path! Read! Ask
questions! Learn and grow!
Now then, have tried to show you throughout this writing what Circle is to
me. Hopefully you will be able to cast a Circle for yourself. What you do within
the boundaries of your Sacred Space is up to you. would hope that you
would be ever mindful of the Wiccan Rede and do things for good and not for
Opening the Circle is another matter and will address that on another page.
Just remember that what you put up you must take down.
Written by: Arwen Nightstar
*he "agic (irc,e Page | 110
alling the :uarters=asting 0our ircle
The quarters reside in the cardinal points, East, South, West, and North.
When you call the Quarters, you are doing more than simply circling the
compass, however; you are inviting the symbolic energies for each of them to
attend and guard over your working and to become part of your magick.
The act of calling the Quarters is an integral part of casting a circle. The circle
being the sacred space in which ritual and magick are performed. t is a safe
space in which to work and worship, a portable temple if you like.
When calling a Quarter, whether verbally, or in the case of those limited to
silent casting, through visualization, you will want to use as many senses as
possible to describe, qualify and thus call the essence of the Quarter to your
To call the Quarter, first face in the direction of the Quarter, holding your
athame as an extension of your arm. Visualize what the Quarter means and
draw that image to you. Draw an invoking pentagram. Recite (either aloud or
clearly in your mind) words that address and invite the Quarter. Breathe in
and feel yourself infused with the essence of the Quarter.
Let's look at each part of the above paragraph in a little more detail. Facing
the direction of the Quarter is easy, but what does the Quarter mean to you?
For East, the domain of the element Air, this could be a fresh breeze upon
your face, or it could be memory of a hurricane force wind. For Fire, a
crackling fireplace, or a blazing forest wildfire? There are varying degrees of
intensity, and none of them are more wrong or right to use than another. Use
what stirs your visualization and fills you with the sense of the Quarter being
called. personally use a mix of gentle and forceful, but not destructive
images as they strike a balance for me.
Draw your invoking pentagram with your athame in the air in the direction of
the Quarter. There is a specific invoking and banishing pentagram for each
quarter. f you wish to use them, please do so. n order to keep this from
sounding like a "you must do this or your circle won't work article, we are not
going to include them here. Rituals should first and foremost work for you,
and what works for someone else, may not be right for you.
A basic invoking pentagram starts at the bottom left hand point, moves to the
top point, down to the bottom right hand point, to the left-hand point, to the
right-hand point, and back to the bottom left hand point. A basic banishing
pentagram begins at the top point and moves down to the bottom left point to
the right point, to the left point, to the bottom right point, and back to the top.
*he "agic (irc,e Page | 111
What words should you use? There are many books on this topic. Your call
can be formal and start with "All Hail the Guardians of the Watchtowers of the
(direction), we seek your presence here tonight. Or, your call can be friendly
and something like, "Powers of (element), we invite you to be with us this
A complete call denotes the element, animal and quality of each individual
Quarter. For example:
Guardians of the East, Powers of Air; you who are thought and the wind upon
my face. Winged eagle of the skies who is the morning breeze and the wrath
of storms, call upon and invite your presence to witness this rite.

Guardians of the South, Powers of Fire, you who are passion and the hearth.
Great Snake who lives within the coals of the home fires as well as wild fires,
call upon and invite your presence to witness this rite.

Guardians of the West, Powers of Water, you who are emotions and pure
love. Gentle Dolphin of the waves who is the morning dew, and the torrential
rains, call upon and invite your presence to witness this rite.

Guardians of the North, Powers of Earth, you who are the stabilizer and
nurturer. Powerful Buffalo who paws the ground and stands solid as the
mountains, call upon and invite your presence to witness this rite.
After you have called the North, turn again to the East, and your circle has
been cast. You may now proceed with your ritual, or spell.
When you are ready to Dismiss the Quarters and Open the Circle, work
backwards while facing each Quarter. Begin with North, then West, South,
and East. Thank the Quarter and bid it farewell.
*he "agic (irc,e Page | 112
For Example:
Guardians of the North, of Earth, thank you for your solid presence here
tonight. Stay if you will, go if you must. Farewell and Blessed Be.

Guardians of the West, of Water, thank you for your soothing presence here
tonight. Stay if you will, go if you must. Farewell and Blessed Be.

Guardians of the South, of Fire, thank you for your energetic presence here
tonight. Stay if you will, go if you must. Farewell and Blessed Be.
Guardians of the East, of Air, thank you for your whispered presence here
tonight. Stay if you will, go if you must. Farewell and Blessed Be.
Your circle has been opened, your Quarters dismissed. J
Please have fun and get creative with your Quarter calls. Perhaps even
spend some time meditating on the different Quarters to really get in touch
with what they bring to your life and ritual. The above Quarter calls/dismissals
are my personal ones; please feel free to use them as written or change them
to suit you.
Written by: Rain Stormsong

*he "agic (irc,e Page | 113
asting The ircle 7
First, ground and center yourself. Stand with both feet firmly on the ground,
and relax your arms at the sides of your body. Simply feel and visualize the
energy of the Earth below you, and the Sky above you. Face one of the
directions, and physically reach down with your arm and gather the energy of
the Earth into your hand. Reach up to the Sky and gather the energy of the
Sky into your other hand. Now scoot down near the ground and face your
palms outward, sending that energy into a smooth wall of colour that will
spread itself into the shape of a circle. Rise up as you do this, shaping and
smoothing the wall at this corner. Repeat this at the other three directions,
constantly smoothing and shaping it with your hands. At each direction, the
circle gets stronger and thicker; there are no gaps because the energy of the
circle constantly swirls around evenly. See the energy as a thick, fluid stream
of colour. t also flows under the ground, to even itself out as a complete
sphere. You can shape it underground by visualizing it through the floor.
Solidify it by visualizing the energy of the circle as sticking together, like hot
glue or warm honey. When you feel the circle is 'set', all you have to do now
is keep it in mind, and perhaps make minor re-adjustments if you feel it is
necessary. Take as much time as you need, and don't rush. No-one's holding
a stopwatch. Don't be afraid to move around spontaneously; no-one's
marking you on grace or coolness. And most importantly, don't be afraid to
screw up; that's an important way to learn.
Written by: Keitha (FireWind)
*he "agic (irc,e Page | 114
asting and losing a ircle
How to Cast a Circ#e
A circle can be cast for all magickal acts. The size of a circle varies vastly it
should be able to comfortably fit those using it. Certain actions must be
performed and certain words said in a loud, clear voice. An altar should be
placed in the circle in a north, centre or east position.
1. Cleanse yourself and you chosen area. You should have a bath and clear
the area completely. Set up an altar with the following items: a flat pentagram
symbol, two black candles, an athame or sword, a small bell, a bowl of salt, a
bowl of water, a chalice and a saucer.
2. Light your altar candles. Holding blade, walk around your circle, and say:
"With this sacred blade cast the circle of my craft. May it be a doorway to a
sacred circle beyond time and space. Let it be a meeting place for all good,
and may it deter all wickedness.
3. Stand in front of your altar, pick up your bell, and say: "n the names of the
Goddess and the Horned God, cast this my working circle. Afterwards, ring
your bell.
4. Return to the North and raise your blade high before you. Call out: "Bear
witness, Spirits of the North, guardians of Wicca. Go to the East, South and
West and repeat at each.
5. At the altar, put your bowl of salt on the pentagram and lower your blade
into the bowl of salt, saying: " exorcise thee, so that it may be purified and
may aid me well.
6. Put your bowl of water on the pentagram and take a pinch of salt and
sprinkle it into the water. Lower the blade of your athame into the water,
saying: " cleanse and consecrate thee, Water of Life, and ask you to bless
this circle. n the names of the Goddess and the Horned God, so mote it be!
7. Pick up and hold the consecrated water and walk slowly around the circle
again (still clockwise), and sprinkle a few drops along the line of the Circle,
saying: " consecrate this sacred circle by the powers of Earth, Air, Fire, and
Water. May the Goddess bestow her love herein, and the Horned God his
honour. Pick up your chalice, pour a small amount in the saucer for the
Goddess and the Horned God, then take a sip yourself. After, place the
chalice back on your pentagram.
*he "agic (irc,e Page | 115
This completes the casting of your circle. Specific activity can now be
performed here, such as a Sabbat ritual, making a charm, or healing. t is
absolutely crucial you do not leave the circle until your activity is complete,
and without properly closing it. When your chosen focus is complete, move
on to closing the circle.
How to C#ose a Circ#e
Go to the North, hold up your blade, and say, "Guardians and spirits of the
North wind, my ritual is now complete. bid you hail and farewell. Hail and
farewell. Repeat counterclockwise from North to West, to South, to East, and
back to the North again.
Extinguish your altar candles and bow your head at the altar, saying, "
declare this scared circle closed. So mote it be. Ring a bell to complete the
closing and step out.
*he "agic (irc,e Page | 116
asting the circle <
The purpose of casting a circle is to create a sacred place in which to perform
spells and rituals.There are a variety of different ways to cast a circle.
Different Wiccans/Pagans use many tools while others use very few, or none
at at. n traditional Wicca, one calls upon the watchtowers while others call to
angels, dragons etc. Though there are some standard traditional rules, whom
you call upon, and how many tools you wish to use in your magickal workings
should be done according to what feels comfortable to YOU. Some prefer to
perform rituals skyclad (nude), some wear robes, and others just wear
regular, clean comfortable clothing. Below is a point form guide line of the
structure used by many Witches to cast a circle and perform a ritual.
Clean the area you will be working in
Some form of personal cleansing prior to ritual such as bathing. However a
shower or even washing your hands & face will do in a pinch.
Gathering and arranging items needed for your ritual
Calling the 4 elements or quarters : East, South, West & North
nvoking the diety/deities of your choice
State purpose of ritual
Building personal energy and visualizing the intent of the spell or ritual. This
can be done in many ways:
By starting to slowly dance and gradually picking up the pace
Drumming, chanting, or singinging the goal or intent (and as with dancing,
starting softly or slowly, and gradually picking up the pace).
When energy has come to a peak it is released, sending its power to the
Offering and ingesting a small portion of wine, juice etc., and cake, cookie or
other baked good.
Thanking the diety/deities for their presence and releasing them.
Thanking the Spirits of the elements for their presence and releasing them :
North, West, South & East
Grounding the energy
Opening the circle
Burying left over items (incense ash, charcoal block, water, wine, salt etc. in
the earth. (f you can not go out side for any reason, have a pot of earth at
hand that is used for this purpose and return it to the earth when possible).
*he "agic (irc,e Page | 117
The corresponding candle colours for the elements are :
East - yellow
South - red
West - blue
North - green
Casting a Circle
!aken from %cott Cunningham6s Wicca.
Things you'll need are:
4 stones (or candles) - brown - N, blue - E, red - S, green - W
and whatever altar/craft tools you use.
Set up alter facing east. Set down stones starting with North and moving
Light the candles. Set incense to smoking.
Touch atham to water. Visualize the banishment of negativity and say:
consecrate and cleanse this water
That it may be purified and fit to
Dwell within this sacred circle of stones
n the name of the mother goddess and father god
consecrate this water.
Touch atham to salt and say:
consecrate and cleanse this salt
That it may be purified and fit to
Dwell within this sacred circle of stones
n the name of the mother goddess and father god
consecrate this salt
Face north. Hold atham out at waist level. Walk deosil around the circle
perimiter charging it with your energy and words:
Here is the boundry of the circle of stones
Naught but love shall enter in and
Naught but love shall emerge from within
Charge this by your powers, old ones.
As you walk, stretch the energy into a sphere around area above and below
When you are once again north, place atham on alter and take up salt and
sprinkle it around circle. Next censer, the southern red candle, and finally
water. The circle is now sealed.
Call and visualize the brown North, blue East, crimson South, and green
O, Spirit of the [direction] Stone,
*he "agic (irc,e Page | 118
Ancient one of the [element]
call upon you to attend this circle
Charge this by your powers, old ones.
The circle is complete.
To release the quarters, walk widdershins around the circle, starting North
Farewell, Spirit of the [direction] Stone
give thee my thanks for your attendance here
Go in power.
The Circle is open, but unbroken.
*he "agic (irc,e Page | 119
%)e##s & Witchcraft
Spells must be used wisely and do not harm anyone.
Book of /hadows Blessings
Hearken as the witches' word
calls to All, a gulf to ford.
Bridge the vast realities,
An it harm none, do as ye please.
Elements protect and guard this book,
From wandering eyes and prying looks.
Fill it with thine ancient power,
n this right and ready hour.
Powers of North, the East below,
Help me to live, to learn, to grow.
Lend your strength and stability,
To practice the Craft and with love be free.
Powers of East, the Wind, the Sky,
Watch over these pages with thine eye.
Your wisdom and knowledge, for these do ask,
That this book be worthy of the Craft and its task.
Powers of South, Fire, and the Hearth,
Help these Shadows to prove their worth.
nfuse them with all your Healing and Passion,
So only good comes from the Work that is fashioned.
Powers of West, the Water and Sea,
Change and growth are granted by thee.
Bless these pages with all that you know,
That righteous readers may learn and grow.
And to the unschooled eye that see
Confusing words and sophistry,
Lead them from these sacred pages,
And bless their passage through the ages.
For free will of all,
And harm of none,
As have willed it,
t is now done.
So mote it be!
Written by: Silver Ravenwolf
.2e,,s Witchcraft Page | 120
/elf"Forgiveness 3ray
This spell to help you forgive and accept yourself, when you know you've
done something wrong, and can't stop worrying about it. Chant 3 times.
Conscious is this memory of mine,
always at the back of my mind.
nvoking guilt, invoking shame,
causing me such emotional pain.
Too long these thoughts have filled my head,
whilst acting as a spiritual debt.
What's in the past has come and gone,
now have learnt where went wrong.
Through forgiveness of the act.
Through acceptance of what's now known.
From the memories which haunt me, can finally be left alone.
Always in my conscience, the moral shall reside,
but from the act that taught it, the moral shall divide.
And as my mind begins to clear,
this memory shall disappear.
Let this spell not be reversed,
or placed upon me as any curse.
As is my will, this shall be done.
So mote it be! The spell is done!
Written by: Kitty
.2e,,s Witchcraft Page | 121
Bless you
Bless you for your Anger, for it is a sign of Rising Energy.
Direct it not at your family, waste not on your enemy.
Transform the energy into Versatility and it will bring you prosperity.
Bless you for the times you see evil.
Evil is energy mishandled and it feeds on your support.
Feed it not and it will self destruct. Shed light and it will cease to be.
Bless you for your jealousy for it is a sign of empathy.
Direct it not at your family. Direct it not at your friends.
Transform the energy to Admiration, and what you admire will become a
part of your life.
Count your blessings everyday for they are your protection which stands
between you and what you wish not.
Count your curses and they will be a wall which stands between you and
what you wish
.2e,,s Witchcraft Page | 122
A 3erson Blessing
Get a white candle-either a plain one (offertory, pillar, or taper) or a figural one
in the gender of the person you want to bless. Carve the person's full name
on the candle, then dress it with Blessing Oil or Holy Oil. For more power, you
may place a name-paper of the person, or a photo, or some personal item of
theirs (such as a bit of hair or a snippet of clothing) either under the candle or
next to it. One easy way to do this is to place the paper or personal concerns
under an overturned saucer and put the candle on top of the saucer.
Burn a portion of the candle every day for seven days, pinching it out
between burnings. As you light it each day, say this
[?ameF- may yo! e lessed
May all good things come to yo!G
May nothing whatsoever harm yo!
May yo!r heart e light
May yo!r travels e safe
May yo!r health e good
May yo!r mind e so!nd
May yo!r friendshi%s s!stain yo!
May yo! e lessed in every way
f you have a special request for this person (such as that they find a lover,
get a good job, come home safely from a war, or whatever), just add it to the
Some people use a large pillar-type candle and keep it going for longer than
seven days.
They may make a habit of burning such a candle every day-or once a week,
on Sundays -- for as long as their friend or relative needs help, even doing so
for months at a time.
f the candle is large and it is to be burned in this way, it should be re-dressed
with Blessing Oil or Holy Oil once a week: after the initial dressing, you can
drop a tiny bit of oil into the "well" or hole in such a large candle just before
lighting it each time.
.2e,,s Witchcraft Page | 123
Blessing for the Body
To convert the senses. This blessing gives the body more connection with the
spirit. t may also help with your readiness to channel. To be done at night in
the moon's view. Extravagance is not appreciated.
!he %)e##.
Light a large white candle.
Burn sandalwood and basalm and pine.
Prepare a bowl of water sprinkled with salt.
Put the bowl before you. Dip your finger in the water and touch it to each part
of your body.
Touch between your eyes and say:
Bless my eyes that might have clarity of vision.
Touch your mouth and say:
Bless my mouth that may speak the truth.
Touch your ears and say:
Bless my ears that may hear all that is spoken and all that is not.
Touch your heart and say:
Bless my heart that may be filled with love.
Touch your uterus and say:
Bless my womb that may be in touch with my creative energy that
stems from the universe.
To your feet, say:
Bless my feet that may find and walk my own true path
Visualize filling yourself with understanding and love.
Extinguish the candle when done (can be used for other purposes).
.2e,,s Witchcraft Page | 124
$efresh your /elf
Denne spell handler om at brande noget:
hver af vores liv kan der vre tider, hvor tingene gr p ting vi har gjort til
andre, eller mske noget, som nogen har gjort mod dig, at er i dit sind og
hjerte, at dybt problemer dig. Her er en lille velse hvis du vil at slippe af med
alle disse ting, uanset hvor lnge siden de skete. Nr du har gjort dette vil du
fle ny og frisk. Tag et stykke pergament og tegne en cirkel i midten. Nu uden
for kredsen, skriver i et mnster ned alle de negative ting, der vejer tungt p
dig. Tag din tid, som du gr dette, og gr det i et roligt sted, hvor du ikke
bliver forstyrret. Nr du er frdig, s skriver du ned alle de positive ting ned
inden i cirklen som du vil have i dit liv. Det kan vre fra lykke til tilgivelse eller
nsker nogen et godt helbred. Du kan skrive ned s mange af disse ting som
du nsker. Nr du er frdig med at tage din tid og reflektere over alle disse
ting godt og drlige. Fold pergament seks gange og forsegle det lukket med
stearin. Hold nu det foldet papir til dit hjerte og recitere.
What has happened
is now undone
give me peace
let me live in serenity
all that was
is no more
let me begin again
to refresh my life
with this new score
make my birds go away
when this paper will burn
Nr du er frdig brnde du pergament, imens det brnder vil rgen stige og
bre dine byrder og drmme p en mde.
Written by: Jim HD - 2011
.2e,,s Witchcraft Page | 125
A Blessing for /elf #mage
May you be grateful to your body
For the offense it forgives you.
May your body please you
May your mind accept its forms
And guide you among dangers and pleasures
May you love yourself as you are loved.
4lemental Blessing
May the East fling open your windows,
and fill your rooms with air;
May the South send you strong sunshine,
and give you the strength to dare;
May the West wash rivers into your heart,
and oceans into your soul;
May the North share the secrets and gifts of the earth,
to heal and make you whole.
6ine 4lements Blessing
May you go forth under the strength of heaven,
under the light of sun,
under the radiance of moon.
May you go forth with the splendor of fire,
with the speed of lightning,
with the swiftness of wind.
May you go forth supported by the depth of sea,
by the stability of earth,
by the firmness of rock.
May you be surrounded and encircled,
with the protection of the nine elements.
Try to make this spell during a full moon:
take a stone of pure moon light, and wrap it
up in blues and whites. Feathers make my
prayers loose and light. Placed inside a small
white box, n you a place,under a willows grace,
and hope till then my luck, my fate.
.2e,,s Witchcraft Page | 126
House Blessing
Bless this house
And all who live within her walls,
May you grow and prosper here,
Wise in the old ways.
May your spirits soar
And your bounty increase
May the larks of the sky
And the spirits of the deep
Enclose and protect you
From all evil
Bless this house.
A 3arting Blessing
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your fields.
Until we meet again,
May the Goddess hold you
in the hollow of her hands.
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# am
am the sun,
am the moon,
am the flowers on the grass,
am the water.
f wonts to be loved,
will be the sun,
f wonts to be see in the night,
will be the moon,
f wonts to be beauty,
will be the flowers,
f wonts to be fielded,
will be the water.
am the sun ...
And so will it be.
Written by: Jim HD - 2011
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'aily sun
Said daily at sunrise:
Here comes the sun,
Rise now with me,
Burn into my heart,
All energy.
Brighten what am,
Soak this into me.
Delight into my life,
All 'm meant to be.
Blue is my color tonight,
n two rows of four.
With two gold ribbons,
Hung high and low,
upon their ends,
there hangs a rose.
One red, one white.
n slow mournful bites,
drink their life,
to give me now,
their peaceful sight.
With each sorrowful bite,
it draws me near,
the blue has left me,
true and clear.
'ream charm
Take a stone clear as ice,
wrap me up,
not once, but twice,
n a scrap of soft blue fabric,
let me lay underneath thy blanket.
Hold me close, and hold me dear,
Forever tranquil,
in your dreams appear.
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/pirit 3rotection Wreath
n a pot boil yellow flowers,
Rosemary, lavender, Poppy,
Weave a wreath from willow branches,
let boil until thick.
Remove wreath, tie a strip of leather to hang.
Hang anywhere in your house.
With the remaining liquid,
boil until thick, add wax.
Pour ingredients into a candle glass,
add a wick.
Burn the candle to complete the protection spell.
Early in the morning,
gather flowers still fresh with morning due.
a basketful for my delight.
Gently placed into the water,
there they float with the calm.
twist a wreath,
of fresh morning cherry blossoms,
Upon my head wear the wreath,
to bring out the beauty within me,
and after this gently slip,
nto the fresh flowered water.
Six white candles set in a circle,
Whilst keeping me in the center.
All set upon a midnight taper,
For adjoining the forces of nature,
take with me my favorite smell,
and travel to, my peaceful cell.
My patience and time,
will fly away,
and take me to a brand new day.
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3rayer of holding
Let the moon reflected in a mirror or a puddle when you say the chant:
Fly like the wind into my sight,
hold thy clasp, and clasp my hand,
Watch from afar to see me near,
always in your heart you hold me dear.
With this last mist of life fade,
>ndo curse
Those who wish,
no evil harm on me,
let them live,
let them be,
All of those who hold me wrong,
let me break there evil song.
For am spring,
and am rain,
let the light wash me pure,
let the dark not find t's place.
Those who do me wrong,
let them hear this song,
and wash them far,
far away from me.
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4vocation of the Witch
am one with the universe.
am no-thing and am everything.
am the stars and the moon
the seas and the storms,
the breath of life,
the alchemical change,
the living and the dead.
am the power and the joy.
am the spirit that dances.
am the magick and the priest,
the witch and the sorceress
the angels and the elements
am the past, the present, and the future.
am the void
And am the manifestation of my desire.
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4lements 3oem
Fire on Fire
Light and Power,
Warmth and Energy
They did generate.
Earth joined them then
To Life She gave Birth
And solid Foundations built.
Along came Water
Some Channels to carve
Through which all Energies flow.
Around them All
The Air did blow
Winds of Thought and Deed
Power raised, Power spread
Thus t Was
So Mote t Be.
Written by: Alernon
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Born of 4lements
Born of Air
Learning, Wisdom
Blowing, Drifting
We are.
Born of Fire
Warming, Devouring
Sizzling, Crackling
We are.
Born of Water
Healing, Cleansing
Gushing, Flowing
We are.
Born of Earth
Grounded Strongly
of the Mother
We are.
Written Of: Alernon
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Witches, hant
Darksome night and shining Moon,
Hearken to the witches' rune.
East then south, west then north,
Hear! Come! call Thee forth!
By all the powers of land and sea,
Be obedient unto me.
Wand and Pentacle and Swaord,
Hearken ye unto my word.
Cords and Censer, Scourge and Knife,
Waken all ye into life.
Powers of the witch's Blade,
Come ye as the charge is made.
Queen of Heaven, Queen of Hell,
Send your aid unto the spell.
Horned Hunter of the night,
Work my will by magic rite.
By all the powers of land and sea,
As do say, "so mote it be."
By all the might of moon and sun,
As do will, it shall be done.
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The Witches $une
Darksome night and shining moon,
Hearken to the witches' rune.
East, then south, west then north,
Here come to call thee forth.
Earth and water, air and fire,
Work ye unto my desire.
Wand and Pentacle and Sword
Hearken ye unto my word.
Cords and Censer, Scourge and Knife,
Waken all ye into life.
Power of the Witches Blade,
Come ye as the charm is made.
Queen of Heaven, Queen of Hell,
Lend your aid unto the spell.
Horned Hunter of the Night,
Work my will by magic rite.
By all the power of land and sea,
As do will, so mote it be.
By all the might of moon and sun,
Chant the spell and be it done.
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The fifth element, the omnipresent spiritual power that permeates the
universe. t is the energy out of which the Elements formed.
A magickally charged object which deflects specific, usually negative
energies. Generally, a protective object.
An Egyptian hieroglyphic that is widely used as a symbol for life, love, and
reincarnation. t is depicted as a cross with a looped top. When worn or
carried, the ankh brings good health, promotes fertility, and strengthens the
psychic powers. ( Ankh if you love sis! :)
A bundle of fresh herbs or a perforated object used to sprinkle water during or
preceding ritual, for purificatory purposes.
Astral pro*ection
The art of "leaving one's body" or "lucid dreaming" whereby someone in a
trance state visits other locations and realms. This is thought of as traveling
into the astral plane which is generally conceived as a parallel world unseen
in our own world of form.
The belief and study of the effects which the movements and placements of
planets and other heavenly bodies have on the lives and behavior of human
"ah-THAW-may". A Wiccan ritual knife. t usually has a double-edged blade
and a dark handle. The athame is used to direct personal power during ritual
A fire lit for magickal purposes, usually outdoors. Balefires are traditional on
Yule, Beltane and Midsummer. (Also great at Samhain!)
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That which destroys life, which is poisonous, destructive, evil, dangerous.
A Wiccan festival celebrated on April 30th or May 1st. Beltane is also known
as May Eve, Roodmas. Beltane celebrates the symbolic union, mating or
marriage of the Goddess and God, and links in with the approaching summer
"bay-shum" The witches' broomstick. European folklore tells of witches riding
their brooms through the sky which may be an uninformed explanation of
astral projection. As a tool the broom is used to sweep a sacred area, ground
a circle, or to brush away negative influences.
The white-handled knife, used in magick and Wiccan ritual for practical
purposes such as cutting herbs.
To magickally end something or exorcise unwanted entities. To rid the
presence of. B.C.E. Before Common Era. Synonymous with B.C. without
religious bias.
Often used as ritual tools. They can be used to invoke directional energies, to
ring in the sunrise on a Sabbat, or to frighten away faeries and baneful spirits.
Besom: A witch's broom. Bi-Location: A type of astral projection during which
you maintain awareness of your present surroundings.
To magickally restrain something or someone.
Blood of the Moon
A woman's menstrual cycle. Should this cycle occur over a Full Moon or New
Moon, she is far more powerful than during any other time of the month, as
long as she acknowledges this strength within herself.
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Book of /hadows
A Wiccan book of rituals, spells and magickal lore. Once hand copied upon
initiation, the BOS is now photocopied or typed in some covens. No one
"true" BOS exists; all are relevant to their respective users.
The Burning Times
Reference to a historical time from around 1000 C.E. through the 17th
century when it is said that up to nine million people were tortured and burned
by church and public officials on the assumption that they were the Christian
version of Witches. This turned into an extremely profitable venture, as all
land and property was seized from the accused individual and portions given
to the accuser (in reward fashion) and the remainder seized by the church
officials. Historians indicate that the majority of people tortured and murdered
were woman and children.
Linked to witchcraft in the popular mind, this is a primal Goddess image used
like a chalice or cup.
A heat-proof container in which incense is smouldered. An incense burner. t
symbolized the Element of Air.
nvoking Divine forces.
The chalice or cup as a ritual took represents water and the west, and it is
also representative of the feminine principle. Chalices are used, but a
cauldron is preferable.
The act of empowering herbs, stones, or other magickal objects with one's
own energies directed towards a magickal goal. Charging is synonymous with
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The sacred space wherein all magick is to be worked. The circle contains
raised energy and provides protection for the witch. t is created and banished
with his or her own energy. Many books on magick include in-depth
discussions on circle lore and practice, and it is recommended that students
of the craft study these carefully.
onscious Mind
The analytical, materially-based, rational half or our consciousness. The mind
at work when we compute our taxes, theorize or struggle with ideas.
A group of witches who worship and work together, usually initiatory and led
by one or two leaders.
An obsolete name for the area encompassed by an individual coven..
"jes-l" Clockwise, the direction of the Sun's apparent motion in the sky.
The magickal art of discovering the unknown by interpreting random patterns
or symbols through the use of tools such as clouds, tarot cards, flames,
smoke. Divination contacts the psychic mind by tricking or drowsing the
conscious mind through ritual and observation or of manipulation of tools.
Divination isn't necessary for those who can easily attain communication with
the psychic mind, though they may practice it.
'ivine 3ower
The unmanifested, pure energy that exists within the Goddess and God. The
life force, the ultimate source of all things.
'rawing 'own The Moon
Ancient Pagan ritual enacted at the esbats to draw the powers of the full
moon, in her aspect of Great Mother Goddess, into the body of a female
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The opposite of polarity. Duality separates two opposites such as good and
evil and places those characteristics into two separate god-forms.
4arth 3ower
That energy which exists within stones, herbs, flames, wind and other natural
objects. t is manifested divine power and can be utilized during magick to
create needed change.
The: Earth, Air, Fire, Water. These four essences are the building blocks of
the universe. Everything that exists (or that has potential to exist) contains
one or more of these energies. The elements hum within ourselves and are
also "at large" in the world. They can be utilized to cause change through
magick. The four elements formed from the primal essence of power- Akasha.
Archetypal spirit being associated with one of the four elements.
The time of the full moon which is celebrated monthly. The word is from the
French esbattre meaning to gambol or frolic.
Calling up spirits or other non-physical entities, either to visible appearence or
invisible attendance.
The masculine aspect of deity.
The feminine aspect of deity.
A magickal workbook containing ritual information, formulae, magickal
properties of natural objects and preparation of ritual equipment.
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Pagan marriage, traditionally contracted for a nine-year period, then renewed
if agreed upon by both parties.
The art of using herbs to facilitate human needs both magickally and
A Wiccan festival celebrated on February 2nd, also known as Candlemas,
Feast of Pan and many other names. mbolc celebrates the first stirrings of
spring and recovery of the Goddess from giving birth to the Sun (the God) at
Herbs, oils, or other aromatic item which are burned to scent the air during
acts of magick and ritual. ncense is associated with the element air.
A process whereby an individual is introduced or admitted into a group,
interest, skill or religion. nitiations may be ritual occasions but can also occur
An appeal or petition to a higher power (or powers), such as the Goddess and
God. A prayer. nvocation is actually a method of establishing conscious ties
with those aspects of the Goddess and God that dwell within us. n essence,
then, we seemingly cause them to appear or make themselves known by
becoming aware of them.
A Hindustani word which reflects the ancient belief that good and evil done
will return to be visited on a person either in this life or in a succeeding one.
A double-headed axe which symbolized the Goddess in ancient Crete, still
used by some Wiccans for this same purpose. The labrys may be placed on
or leaned against the left side of the altar.
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"Loo-nas-sah" A Wiccan festival celebrated on August 1st, also known as
August Eve, Lammas. Lughnasadh marks the first harvest, when the fruits of
the Earth are cut and stored for the dark winter months, when the God also
mysteriously weakens as the days grow shorter.
On or around September 21st, the autumn equinox, Wiccans celebrate the
second harvest. Nature is preparing for winter. Mabon is a vestige of ancient
harvest festivals which, in some form or another, were once nearly universal
among peoples of the Earth.
The movement of natural energies to create needed change. Energy exists
within all things- ourselves, plants, stones, colors, sounds, movements.
Magick is the process of rousing or building up this energy, giving it purpose,
and releasing it. Magick is a natural, not supernatural, practice, though it is
little understood.
Magick ircle
A sphere constructed of personal power in which Wiccan rituals are usually
enacted. The term refers ti the circle that marks the sphere's penetration of
the ground, for it extends both above and below it. t is created through
visualization and magick.
Reflection, contemplation, turning inward toward the self or outward toward
Deity or nature. A quiet time in which the practitioner may dwell upon
particular thoughts or symbols, or allow them to come unbidden.
A huge stone monument or structure. Stonehenge is perhaps the best-known
example of megalithic construction.
A standing stone probably lifted by early peoples for religious, spiritual or
magickal reasons.
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The summer solstice, usually on or near June 21st, one of the Wiccan
festivals and an excellent night for magick. Midsummer marks the point of the
year when the Sun is symbolically at the height of its powers, and so too the
God. The longest day of the year.
Mighty (nes
Being, deities or presences often invoked during Wiccan ceremony to witness
or guard the rituals. The Mighty Ones are thought to be either spiritually
evolved beings, once human, or spiritual entities created by or charged by the
Goddess and God to protect the Earth and to watch over the four directions.
They are sometimes linked with the Elements.
Literally, new-Pagan. A member, follower or sympathizer of one of the newly
formed Pagan religions now spreading throughout the world. All Wiccans are
Pagan, but not all Pagans are Wiccan.
(gham Alphabet
"oh-gom" Runic writing of the ancient Celts. Credit for the inception of this
phonetic writing system is given to the Druids.
(ld (nes
A Wiccan term often used to encompass all aspects of the Goddess and God.
Some Wiccans view it as an alternative of The Mighty Ones.
"O-star-ah" Occurring at the spring equinox, around March 21st, Ostara
marks the beginning of true, astronomical spring, when snow and ice make
way for green. As such, it is a fire and fertility festival, celebrating the return of
the Sun, and God and the fertility of the Earth (the Goddess).
From the Latin paganus, country-dweller. Today used as a general term for
followers of Wicca and other magickal, shamanistic and polytheistic religions.
Naturally, Christians have their own peculiar definition of this word. t can be
interchanged with Neo-Pagan.
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The belief in many deities who are really one because they are all merely
aspects of the single creative life source. Witchcraft is a pantheistic religion.
3assing (ver
A ritual observed when a loved one has died. This ceremony included
keening and candle lighting, then feasting and revelry.
A divinatory device consisting of a string attached to a heavy object, such as
a quartz crystal, root or ring. The free end of the string is held in the hand,
and the elbow steadied against a flat surface, and a question is asked. The
movement of the heavy object's swing determines the answer. A rotation
indicates yes or positive energy. A back and forth swing signals the opposite.
(There are many methods of deciphering the pendulum's movement; use
those that work best for you.) t is a tool which contacts the psychic mind.
A ritual object (usually a circular piece of wood, metal, clay, etc.) upon which
a five-pointed star (Pentagram) is inscribed, painted or engraved. t
represents the Element of Earth. The words "pentagram" and "pentacle" are
not interchangeable, though they understandable cause some confusion.
The five-pointed star which has come to symbolize The Craft. t is an ancient
symbol with multiple meanings. t is always used with an upward apex. Not a
"Devil symbol" as modern Christianity teaches, it represents the four
elements plus spirit, it represents a human being with arms and legs spread,
and it stands for spirit over matter. Satanist cults often take the pentagram
and invert it to signify matter over spirit.
3ersonal 3ower
That energy which sustains our bodies. t ultimately originates from the
Goddess and God (or, rather, the power behind Them). We first absorb it from
our biological mothers within the womb and, later, from food, water, the Moon
and Sun and other natural objects. We release personal power during stress,
exercise, sex, conception and childbirth. Magick is often a movement of
personal power for a specific goal.
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The concept of equal, opposite energies. The Eastern yin/yang is a perfect
example. Yin is cold; yang is hot. Other examples of polarity: Goddess/God,
night/day, Moon/Sun, birth/death, dark/light, psychic mind/conscious mind.
Universal balance.
The belief in the existence of many unrelated deities with their won dominion
and interests that have no spiritual relationship to one another.
3ro*ective Hand
The hand that is normally used for manual activities such as writing, peeling
apples and dialing telephones is symbolically thought to be the point at which
personal power is sent from the body. n ritual, personal power is visualized
as streaming out form the palm or fingers of the hand for various magickal
goals. This is also the hand in which tool such as the athame and wand are
held. Ambidextrous persons simply choose which hand to utilize for this
3sychic Mind
The subconscious or unconscious mind, in which we receive psychic
impulses. The psychic mind is at work when we sleep, dream and meditate. t
is our direct link with the Goddess and God and with the larger, non-physical
world around up. Other related terms: Divination is a ritual process which
utilizes the Conscious Mind to contact the psychic mind. ntuition is a term
used to describe psychic information which unexpectedly reaches the
conscious mind.
The act of being consciously psychic, in which the psychic mind and
conscious mind are linked and working in harmony. Ritual consciousness is a
form of psychism.
$eceptive Hand
The left hand in right-handed persons, the reverse for left-handed persons.
This is the hand through which energy is received into the body.
The belief that the souls of living things return to the earth plane in another
body after death. A basic tenet of Paganism.
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Ceremony. A specific form of movement, manipulation of objects or inner
processes designed to produce desired effects. n religion, ritual is geared
toward union with the divine. n magick it produces a specific state of
consciousness which allows the magician to move energy toward needed
goals. A spell is a magickal ritual.
$itual onsciousness
A specific, alternate state of awareness necessary to the successful practice
of magick. The magician achieves this through the use of visualization and
ritual. t denotes a state in which the conscious mind and psychic mind are
attuned, in which the magician sense energies, gives them purpose and
released them toward the magickal goal. t is a heightening of the senses, an
awareness-expansion of the seemingly non-physical world, a linking with
nature and with for forces behind all conceptions of Deity.
Stick-like figures, some of which are remnants of the old Teutonic alphabets.
Others are pictographs. These symbols are once again widely being used in
magick and divination.
A great festival of observance of the Pagan year (there are eight sabbats per
year). The word is from the Greek sabatu meaning "to rest."
"Sow-wen" A Wiccan festival celebrated on October 31st, also known as
November Eve, Hallowmas, Halloween, Feast of Souls. Samhain marks the
symbolic death of the Sun God and His passing into the "land of the young,"
where He awaits rebirth of the Mother Goddess at Yule. This Celtic word is
pronounced by Wiccan as: SOW-wen; SEW-wen; SAHM-hain; SAHM-ain;
SAV-een and other ways. The first seems to be the one preferred among
most Wiccans.
To gaze at or into an object (a quartz crystal sphere, pool of water, reflection,
a candle flame) to still the conscious mind and to contact the psychic mind.
This allows the scryer to become aware of possible events prior to their actual
occurrence, as well as of previous or distant, simultaneous events through
other than the normally accepted senses. A form of divination.
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A man or woman who has obtained knowledge of the subtler dimensions of
the Earth, usually through periods of alternate states of consciousness.
Various types of ritual allow the shaman to pierce the veil of the physical
world and to experience the realm of energies. This knowledge lends the
shaman the power to change her or his world through magick.
The practice of shamans, usually ritualistic or magickal in nature, sometimes
/imple Feast
A ritual meal shared with the Goddess and God.
Ritual nudity, a common pratice within the Gardnerian tradition of Wicca. n
the Old Religion of reland, going skyclad is ALWAYS a personal choice.
A Witch or other Pagan who works and worships alone without the aid of a
A magickal ritual, usually non-religious in nature and often accompanied by
spoken words.
/pirits of the /tones
The elemental emergies naturally inherent at the four directions of the magick
circle, personified within the standing stones tradition as the "Spirits of the
Stones." They are linked with the Elements
Ritual tool which corresponds to the wand in Wicca. (a cane.)
The /ummerland
The Wiccan land of the dead, where you go when you die to wait to be
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An object, such as an amethyst crystal, ritually charged with power to attract
a specific force or energy to its bearer.
Threefold 5aw
The karmic principle of The Craft. t states that any energy sent will return to
the sender three times over.
The branch of Paganism followed by any individual Witch or coven. The word
is synonymous with "path." Witta is one tradition of Paganism.
A stone arch made from two upright slabs with one lying atop these. Trilithons
are featured in Stonehenge as well as the circle visualization in The Standing
Stones Book of Shadows.
Triple +oddess
The one Goddess in all of her three aspects: maiden, mother, and crone. This
theme of triple feminine deity has been found in nearly every known culture.
The process of forming mental images. Magical visualization consists of
forming images of needed goals during ritual. Visualization is also used to
direct personal power and natural energies during magick for various
purposes, including charging and forming the magick circle. t is a function of
the conscious mind.
A ritual tool brought to The Craft through ceremonial magick. Made of usualy
of wood, the wand symbolizes the element of air and the direction or east.
White"Handled )nife
A normal cutting knife, with a sharp blade and white handle. t is used within
Wicca to cut herbs and fruits, to slice bread during the simple feast and for
other functions. Sometimes called the bolline.
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A tradition of Witchcraft. A contemporary Pagan religion with spiritual roots in
Shamanism and the earliest expressions of reverence of nature. Among its
major motifs are: reverence for the Goddess and God; reincarnation; magick;
ritual observances of the Full Moon, astronomical and agricultural
phenomena; spheroid temples, created with personal power, in which rituals
Wiccan $ede
This is the basic tenet of Witchcraft. "As ye harm none, do what thou will."
The rede prohibits Witches from harming any other living thing, or from
violating the free will of any living thing.
Anti-clockwise motion, usually used in the Northen Hemisphere for negative
magickal purposes or for dispersing negative energies or conditions such as
Anciently, a European practitioner of the remnants of pre-Christian folk
magick, particularly that relating to herbs, healing, wells, rivers and stones.
One who practiced Witchcraft. Later, this term's meaning was deliberately
altered to denote demented, dangerous, supernatural beings who practiced
destructive magick and who threatened Christianity. This change was a
political, monetary and sexist move on the part of organized religion, not a
change in the practices of Witches. This later, erroneous meaning is still
accepted by many non-Witches. t is also, somewhat surprisingly, used by
some members of Wicca to describe themselves.
The craft of the Witch-magick, especially magick utilizing personal power in
conjunction with the energies within stones, herbs, colors and other natural
objects. While this may have spiritual overtones, Witchcraft, using this
definition, isn't a religion. However, some followers of Wicca use this word to
denote their religion.
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A Wiccan festival celebrate on or about December 21st, marking the rebirth of
the Sun God from the Earth Goddess. A time of joy and celebration during the
miseries of winter. Yule occurs on the winter solstice.
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inding a !eacher, Mentor or ,uide
As have mentioned in a couple of other places on this site, there is and
always has been a great deal of concern regarding Cults throughout the
world. While Wicca, Paganism and Witchcraft are clearly Spiritual Belief
systems and a way of life instead of "Cults," there are some out there who do
seek power and desire to manipulate or control others for their own gain.
As is the case in all walks of life, there really isn't a way to block or keep
these types from infiltrating the Pagan, Wicca and Witchcraft community.
suppose that in some way's we are even more prone to it than other groups
because that type of person generally has a limited grasp on reality and
probably believes that following the Old Way's will offer them the ability to
master the outlandish and ridiculous skills and powers that Hollywood has led
some to believe Witches posess.
When your comfort level with the concepts of the Pagan path have grown to
the point where you are certain that this is the lifestyle you wish to follow, you
will undoubtedly wish to share that fellowship and comradery with others of
like mind and spirit. To avoid being drawn into a group where the intent is less
than honorable, there are a couple of things that may assist you in avoiding
contact with the nuts out there.
The first and most important thing is to listen to your Spirit Twin, Guide, Little
Voice, Gut Feeling or whatever you choose to call it. Most of us have found
that this inner voice is rarely wrong and you "WLL" know when something
simply does not feel right. f you get that uneasy feeling about someone or a
group, back or run away as quickly as possible.
When you initially make contact with someone, especially here on the
internet, you have a great advantage in that you can limit your contact to
relatively anonymous contact through e-mail. While this is not always fool
proof, and there are some great deceivers out there. This does offer you
some protection. Exchange mail withholding all personal information until you
are absolutely certain there are no safety risks. f someone keeps pressuring
you for personal information, break off all contact with them immediately. f
they persist in bothering you after you politely tell them you no longer wish
contact with them, contact your SP and lodge a formal complaint giving this
persons e-mail address and their host name. There are federal laws
regarding electronic stalking and harassment, something of this nature would
qualify for assistance from various federal agencies in getting that person to
leave you alone.
)in5ing a *eacher, "entor or 6ui5e Page | 152
Finally, ssac Bonewits developed a small questionnaire in 1979 (Advanced
Bonewits Cult Danger Evaluation Frame) that you can use which will help
your inner voice when determining if an individual or group poses above
average risk. That questionnaire is provided here with his permission as well
as a link to his web site for your further information and studies.
Written by: Herne
)in5ing a *eacher, "entor or 6ui5e Page | 153
How others #ook at Wicca and Wiccans
Military 1iews on Wicca " >/ Army
Excerpt from the U.S. Army's Religious Requirements and Practices of
Certain Selected Groups: A Handbook for Chaplains (pgs 231-236). Available
USAF Chaplain's Service nstitute
Resource Division
525 Chenault Circle
Maxwell AFB
Montgomery, AL 36112-6429
No central address. Wiccan worship groups, called covens, are essentially
autonomous. Many, but far from all, have affiliated with:
Covenant of the Goddess
P.O. Box 1226
Berkeley, CA 94704
*!H(+ "1M(% B2 WHICH 8"*W"
Witchcraft; Goddess worshippers; Neo-Paganism, Paganism, Norse (or any
other ethnic designation) Earth Religion, Old Religion, Druidism, Shamanism.
Note: All of these groups have some basic similarities and many surface
differences of expression with Wicca.
No central leadership. The Covenant of the Goddess annually elects a First
Officer and there is a constitutional limit of two consecutive terms, but in
practice officers have almost always served for one year only. n 1991, there
are two Co-First Officers, Phoenix Whitebirch and Brandy Williams.
Because of the complete autonomy of covens, this cannot be determined.
There are an estimated of 50,000 Wiccans in the United States.
(Hernes note: This number is now substantially higher and estimated at over
200,000. Wicca is currently the fastest growing spiritual path in the U.S.)
$o% others ,oo# at Wicca an5 Wiccans Page | 154
HI%!*+IC1- *+I,I"
Wicca is a reconstruction of the Nature worship of tribal Europe, strongly
influenced by the Living Nature worship traditions of tribal peoples in other
parts of the world.
The works of such early twentieth century writers as Margaret Murray, Robert
Graves and Gerald B. Gardner began the renewal of interest in the Old
Religion. After the repeal of the anti-Witchcraft laws in Britain in 1951,
Gardner publicly declared himself a Witch and began to gather a group of
students and worshipers.
n 1962, two of his students, Raymond and Rosemary Buckland (religious
names: Lady Rowen and Robat), emigrated to the United States and began
teaching Gardnerian Witchcraft here. At the same time, other groups of
people became interested through reading books by Gardner and others.
Many covens were spontaneously formed, using rituals created from a
combination of research and individual inspiration. These self-created covens
are today regarded as just as valid as those who can trace a "lineage" of
teaching back to England.
n 1975, a very diverse group of covens who wanted to secure the legal
protections and benefits of church status formed Covenant of the Goddess
(CoG), which is incorporated in the State of California and recognized by the
nternal Revenue Service. CoG does not represent all, or even a majority of
Wiccans. A coven or an individual need not be affiliated with CoG in order to
validly practice the religion. But CoG is the largest single public Wiccan
organization, and it is cross-Traditional (i.e. non-denominational).
B1%IC B(-I(%
Wiccans worship the sacred as immanent in Nature, often personified as
Mother Earth and Father Sky. As polytheists, they may use many other
names for Deity. ndividuals will often choose Goddesses or Gods from any of
the world's pantheons whose stories are particularly inspiring and use those
Deities as a focus for personal devotions.
Similarly, covens will use particular Deity names as a group focus, and these
are often held secret by the groups. t is very important to be aware that
Wiccans do not in any way worship or believe in "Satan," "the Devil," or any
similar entities. They point out that "Satan" is a symbol of rebellion against
and inversion of the Christian and Jewish traditions.
Wiccans do not revile the Bible. They simply regard it as one among many of
the world's mythic systems, less applicable than some to their core values,
$o% others ,oo# at Wicca an5 Wiccans Page | 155
but still deserving just as much respect as any of the others. Most Wiccan
groups also practice magic, by which they mean the direction and use of
"psychic energy," those natural but invisible forces which surround all living
things. Some members spell the word "magick," to distinguish it from sleight
of hand entertainments.
Wiccans employ such means as dance, chant, creative visualization and
hypnosis to focus and direct psychic energy for the purpose of healing,
protecting and aiding members in various endeavors. Such assistance is also
extended to non-members upon request.
Many, but not all, Wiccans believe in reincarnation. Some take this as a literal
description of what happens to people when they die. For others, it is a
symbolic model that helps them deal with the cycles and changes within this
life. Neither Reincarnation nor any other literal belief can be used as a test of
an individual's validity as a member of the Old Religion.
Most groups have a handwritten collection of rituals and lore, known as a
Book of Shadows. Part of the religious education of a new member will be to
hand copy this book for him or herself. Over they years, as inspiration
provides, new material will be added. Normally, access to these books is
limited to initiated members of the religion.
P+1C!IC(% 1"D B(H19I*+1- %!1"D1+D%
The core ethical statement of Wicca, called the "Wiccan Rede" states "an it
harm none, do what you will." The rede fulfills the same function as does the
"Golden Rule" for Jews and Christians; all other ethical teachings are
considered to be elaborations and applications of the Rede. t is a statement
of situational ethics, emphasizing at once the individual's responsibility to
avoid harm to others and the widest range of personal autonomy in
"victimless" activities. Wicca has been described as having a "high-choice"
Because of the basic Nature orientation of the religion, many Wiccans will
regard all living things as Sacred, and show a special concern for ecological
issues. For this reason, individual conscience will lead some to take a pacifist
position. Some are vegetarians. Others will feel that, as Nature's Way
includes self-defense, they should participate in wars that they
conscientiously consider to be just. The religion does not dictate either
position, but requires each member to thoughtfully and meditatively examine
her or his own conscience and to live by it. Social forces generally do not yet
allow Witches to publicly declare their religious faith without fear of reprisals
such as loss of job, child custody challenges, ridicule, etc. Prejudice against
$o% others ,oo# at Wicca an5 Wiccans Page | 156
Wiccans is the result of public confusion between Witchcraft and Satanism.
Wiccans in the military, especially those who may be posted in countries
perceived to be particularly intolerant, will often have their dog tags read "No
Religious Preference." Concealment is a traditional Wiccan defense against
persecution, so non-denominational dog tags should not contravene a
member's request for religious services.
Wiccans celebrate eight festivals, called "Sabbats," as a means of
attunement to the seasonal rhythms of Nature. These are January 31 (Called
Oimelc, Brigit, or February Eve), March 21 (Ostara or Spring Equinox), April
30 (Beltane or May Eve), June 22 (Midsummer, Litha or Summer Solstice),
July 31 (Lunasa or Lammas), September 21 (Harvest, Mabon or Autumn
Equinox), October 31 (Samhain, Sowyn or Hallows), and December 21 (Yule
or Winter Solstice.)
Some groups find meetings within a few days of those dates to be
acceptable, others require the precise date. n addition, most groups will meet
for worship at each Full Moon, and many will also meet on the New Moon.
Meetings for religious study will often be scheduled at any time convenient to
the members, and rituals can be scheduled whenever there is a need (i.e. for
a healing). Ritual jewelry is particularly important to many Wiccans. n
addition to being a symbol of religious dedication, these talismans are often
blessed by the coven back home and felt to carry the coven's protective and
healing energy.
*+,1"I:1!I*"1- %!+;C!;+(
Most Wiccans meet with a coven, a small group of people. Each coven is
autonomous. Most are headed by a High Priestess, often with the assistance
of a High Priest. Some are headed by a High Priestess or High Priest without
a partner, and some regard themselves as a gathering of equals. Covens can
be of mixed gender, or all female or male, depending on the preferences of
the members. Every initiate is considered to be a priestess or priest.
Most covens are small. Thirteen is the traditional maximum number of
members, although not an absolute limit. At that size covens form a close
bond, so Wiccans in the military are likely to maintain a strong affiliation with
their covens back home. There are many distinct "Traditions" of Wicca, just
as there are many denominations within Christianity.
The spectrum of Wiccan practice can be described as ranging from
"traditional" to "eclectic," with Traditions, covens and individuals fitting
anywhere within that range. A typical difference would be that more traditional
$o% others ,oo# at Wicca an5 Wiccans Page | 157
groups would tend to follow a set liturgy, whereas eclectic groups would
emphasize immediate inspiration in worship.
These distinctions are not particularly important to the military chaplain, since
it is unlikely that enough members of any one Tradition would be at the same
base. Worship circles at military facilities are likely to be ad-hoc cross-
Traditional groups, working out compromise styles of worship for themselves
and constantly adapting them to a changing membership.
Therefore, the lack of strict adherence to the patterns of any one Tradition is
not an indicator of invalidity. While many Wiccans meet in a coven, there are
also a number of solitairies. These are individuals who choose to practice
their faith alone. The may have been initiated in a coven or self initiated. They
will join with other Wiccans to celebrate the festivals or to attend the various
regional events organized by the larger community.
+*-( * MI"I%!(+%
Within a traditional coven, the High Priestess, usually assisted by her High
Priest, serves both as leader in the rituals and as teacher and counselor for
coven members and unaffiliated Pagans. Eclectic covens tend to share
leadership more equally.
Wiccans usually worship in groups. ndividuals who are currently not affiliated
with a coven, or are away from their home coven, may choose to worship
privately or may form ad-hoc groups to mark religious occasions. Non-
participating observers are not generally welcome at Wiccan rituals.
Some, but not all, Wiccan covens worship in the nude (skyclad) as a sign of
attunement with Nature.
Most, but not all, Wiccan covens bless and share a cup of wine as part of the
ritual. Almost all Wiccans use an individual ritual knife (an "athame") to focus
and direct personal energy. Covens often also have ritual swords to direct the
energy of the group. These tools, like all other ritual tools, are highly personal
and should never leave the possession of the owner.
Other commonly used ritual tools include a bowl of water, a bowl of salt, a
censer with incense, a disk with symbols engraved on it (a "pentacle"),
statues or artwork representing the Goddess and God, and candles. Most
groups will bless and share bread or cookies along with the wine. All of these
items are used in individual, private worship as well as in congregate rituals.
$o% others ,oo# at Wicca an5 Wiccans Page | 158
;"(+1- 1"D B;+I1- +(Q;I+(M("!%
None. Recognition of the death of a member takes place within the coven,
apart from the body of the deceased. Ritual tools, materials, or writings found
among the effects of the deceased should be returned to their home coven
(typically a member will designate a person to whom ritual materials should
be sent). t is desirable for a Wiccan priest or priestess to be present at the
time of death, but not strictly necessary. f not possible, the best assistance
would be to make the member as comfortable as possible, listen to whatever
they have to say, honor any possible requests, and otherwise leave them as
quiet and private as possible.
M(DIC1- !+(1!M("!
No medical restrictions. Wiccans generally believe in the efficacy of spiritual
or psychic healing when done in tandem with standard medical treatment.
Therefore, at the request of the patient, other Wiccan personnel should be
allowed visiting privileges as though they were immediate family, including
access to ntensive Care Units. Most Wiccans believe that healing energy can
be sent from great distances, so, if possible, in the case of any serious
medical condition, the member's home coven should be notified.
With respect to attitude toward military service, Wiccans range from career
military personnel to conscientious objectors. Wiccans do not proselytize and
generally resent those who do. They believe that no one Path to the Sacred is
right for all people, and see their own religious pattern as only one among
many that are equally worthy. Wiccans respect all religions that foster honor
and compassion in their adherents, and expect the same respect. Members
are encouraged to learn about all faiths, and are permitted to attend the
services of other religions, should they desire to do so.
$o% others ,oo# at Wicca an5 Wiccans Page | 159
A hristian /peaks of Wicca and Witchcraft
am a Christian and not a Wiccan. A Christian is one who has been baptized
in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and who has made a
personal, free-will decision to commit himself and all his or her life to our Lord
and God and Savior, Jesus Christ. Both of these things are true of me. am a
member of St. Mary's Eastern Orthodox Church, Calhan, Colorado. n this
paper, am not speaking as agent for any church, but am, entirely on my
own responsibility, speaking the truth in love, as we Christians are supposed
to do.
1 %ituation of %trife and %hame
There are many Christians today who believe that anyone who is not a
Christian is doomed to an eternity of suffering in hell. Any decent person,
believing this, would be compelled to try to save as many people from this
fate as possible. But is this belief correct? Jesus Christ, having noted the faith
and righteousness of a Roman centurion, a Pagan, proclaimed:
"Assuredly say to you, have not found such great faith, not even in srael!
And say to you that many will come from east and west, and sit down with
Abraham, saac, and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven. But the sons of the
kingdom will be cast out into outer darkness. There will be weeping and
gnashing of teeth." (Matthew 8:10-12)
f we accept these words as true, and surely we should, then it is clear that
heaven will contain many who are not Christians, and hell will contain many
who are! Clearly, throughout the Gospels, Jesus Christ sets forth the criteria
for entrance into the kingdom of heaven, and those criteria include love,
kindness, forgiveness, and a refusal to judge others:
"For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive
you. But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father
forgive your trespasses." (Matthew 6:14-15)
"For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the same
measure you use, it will be measured back to you." (Matthew 7:2)
"But go and learn what this means: ` desire mercy and not sacrifice.'"
(Matthew 9:13)
"Therefore be merciful, just as your Father also is merciful. Judge not, and
you shall not be judged. Condemn not, and you shall not be condemned.
Forgive, and you will be forgiven." (Luke 6:36-38)
s it not clear? Anyone who fails in these things, will calling himself a Christian
$o% others ,oo# at Wicca an5 Wiccans Page | 160
save him? Anyone who obeys God in these things, will being unbaptized
condemn him? Jesus said, "Not everyone who says to Me, `Lord, Lord,' shall
enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in
heaven." (Matthew 7:21)
Yet it is not by good works that we earn our way into heaven, because there
is no way we can earn the free gift of God's mercy and grace, which alone
can save us. But it is clear that it is not by faith, in the sense of sharing the
Christian faith, that we are saved, either. The faith which saves us is not faith
in the goodness of our works, nor faith that we have the right theology and/or
belong to the right church. Rather, it is faith in God, and in His mercy:
"So then it is not of him who wills, nor of him who runs, but of God who has
mercy." (Romans 9:16)
But the Wiccans, you will say, do not have faith in God. Yet by their own
theology, they certainly do. Those who call them Satan-worshippers are
entirely wrong. They do not worship Satan, or even believe that Satan exists.
nstead, they worship a Goddess and a God whom they understand as
manifestations of a higher and unknown Deity.
Now if you are a Christian, this will sound familiar to you, and it should. n the
Bible we find the following:
"Then Paul stood in the midst of the Areopagus and said, `Men of Athens,
perceive that in all things you are very religious; for as was passing through
and considering the objects of your worship, even found an altar with this
inscription: TO THE UNKNOWN GOD. Therefore, The One whom you
worship without knowing, Him proclaim to you" (Acts 17:22-23)
The Wiccans worship the Unknown God, as manifested to them in the form of
a Goddess and a God. Therefore, our Bible tells us they worship the same
God we do; and if they do not know this, we should know it!
For those of us who are unable to simply stand on God's Word, and must
prove to themselves the truth of what it proclaims the holy Apostle John has
given us the method for doing this. You have only to attend any public Wiccan
ceremony, and test the spirits which are there, to see "whether they are of
God" (1 John 4:1). You will find that, while the power manifested there may be
less than what you have experienced as a Christian, that power is clearly the
power of God.
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, these people of Wicca have been terribly
$o% others ,oo# at Wicca an5 Wiccans Page | 161
slandered by us. They have lost jobs, and homes, and places of business
because we have assured others that they worship Satan, which they do not.
We have persecuted them, and God will hold us accountable for this, you
may be sure, for He has said, "Assuredly say to you, inasmuch as you did it
to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me." (Matthew 25:40)
Let us, from this point onward, repent of our misdeeds and declare that
henceforth we shall obey Christ our God, and not judge others or condemn
them, so that He will not have to judge and condemn us for our sins.
Written by: James Clement Taylor
$o% others ,oo# at Wicca an5 Wiccans Page | 162
The Bible,s view of pagans and witches
The Bible's view of pagans and witches are very bad
.e!teronomy 12H1(2
These are the decrees and laws you must be careful to follow in the land that
the Lord, the God of your ancestors, has given you to possessas long as
you live in the land. 2 Destroy completely all the places on the high
mountains, on the hills and under every spreading tree, where the nations
you are dispossessing worship their gods. 3 Break down their altars, smash
their sacred stones and burn their Asherah poles in the fire; cut down the
idols of their gods and wipe out their names from those places. 4 You must
not worship the Lord your God in their way. 5 But you are to seek the place
the Lord your God will choose from among all your tribes to put his Name
there for his dwelling. To that place you must go; 6 there bring your burnt
offerings and sacrifices, your tithes and special gifts, what you have vowed to
give and your freewill offerings, and the firstborn of your herds and flocks. 7
There, in the presence of the Lord your God, you and your families shall eat
and shall rejoice in everything you have put your hand to, because the Lord
your God has blessed you.
1 'orinthians 17H27
No, but the sacrifices of pagans are offered to demons, not to God, and do
not want you to be participants with demons. 21 You cannot drink the cup of
the Lord and the cup of demons too; you cannot have a part in both the
Lord's table and the table of demons. 22 Are we trying to arouse the Lord's
jealousy? Are we stronger than he?
1 Thessalonians @H3
t is God's will that you should be sanctified: that you should avoid sexual
immorality; 4 that each of you should learn to control your own body[a] in a
way that is holy and honorable, 5 not in passionate lust like the pagans, who
do not know God; 6 and that in this matter no one should wrong or take
advantage of a brother or sister.[b] The Lord will punish all those who commit
such sins, as we told you and warned you before. 7 For God did not call us to
be impure, but to live a holy life. 8 Therefore, anyone who rejects this
instruction does not reject a human being but God, the very God who gives
you his Holy Spirit.
But what should they do to get us believe in Christianity. On that time they
could only scare people for the reason of them to convert.
Written by: Jim HD 2011/2012
Source: (New nternational Version)
$o% others ,oo# at Wicca an5 Wiccans Page | 163
!rans#ated B$
This document are translated from Danish to English by "Google translated
and the author Jim HD. f some of the translating are wrong then you can help
by Email the correct translating to "/eentu<su))ort=gmai#<com and it could
be nice if you remember to call it "some thing Wicca.
*rans,ate5 &- Page | 164

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