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Square peg in a round hole - trying to combine two things that do not belong or fit together; someone who is uncomfortable or who does not belong in a particular situation 2. in the same boat - in the same situation; having the same problem 3. a scapegoat- a person who takes the blame for something they didnt do 4. bar is !orse than his bite- someone is not as tough or strong as they seem; Someone makes a lot of harsh-sounding threats but never carries them out ". thic and thin- good and bad times #. under one roo$- to share a dwelling with someone %. on all $ours- on hands and knees &. $eeling run-do!n- to feel tired; '. bad egg ( bad person 1). a cat on hot bric s- to feel nervous

Sentences: 1. I feel like a square peg in a round hole at my office. 2. Suddenly aul was in the same boat as any other worker who had lost a !ob. ". #he managing director was fired after the scandal. $e became the companys scapegoat.

%on&t get upset at anything my father says. $is bar is !orse than his bite.

'. #hey remained friends through thic and thin. (. She was )uite happy to li*e under one roo$ with him.

I got down on all $ours to look for her contact lens.

*. I worked all night so I am $eeling run do!n today.

+. ,mily is a real bad egg -- she&s always starting fights and causing trouble. 1-. $e&s always very uneasy li e a cat on hot bric s whenever he is waiting to hear the results of the e.aminations.

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