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FORMAL LAB REPORT TEMPLATE Fill in information where there are brackets [ ] Yo ma! se the st!le of b llets !o "refer# Make s re to n mber the "roce$ re ste"s Answer all the % estions& se com"lete sentences an$ n mber them#

[Title of Lab ]

['ame] Lab Partners ['ames] (nknown ' mber [ ] [)ate*s+ lab work $one] [Class,teacher-s last name,"erio$]


Purpose and Background:

The " r"ose of this lab is [ ] This lab relates to the followin. to"ics st $ie$ in class/ [ ] 0m"ortant $efinitions an$ other information are/ [ ]

The theor! ill strate$ b! this laborator! e1"eriment is/[ 2o 0 can make the followin. h!"othesis for this lab/ 0f [ ]& then [ ] ]

Materials used in this laboratory experiment.

[ ]

Safety items for this laboratory experiment

[ ]

[ ]

Data able
[ ]


[Proce$ re] [)ata] [Res lts] [Errors]

Appendix ": Draft procedure used in lab Appendix #: Draft Data table $ritten during lab
Appendix %: Draft &esults able

P r"ose an$ n$ information/ Form/ The " r"ose of the is e1"eriment is ########### 0n a formal lab this is more than one sentence# 0ncl $e * n$+/ Those theories or i$eas from class or !o r te1t that are se$ in the laborator!# )efinitions of im"ortant terms that will be se$ in the lab# Materials/ Form/ A B llete$ or n mbere$ lis of the materials that were act all! se$ in the e1"eriment# 0MPORTA'T/ This ma! not be e1actl! the same list as in the book or the ori.inal lab re"ort# 2afet!/ Form/ a B llete$ or n mbere$ list of safet! "reca tions for T302 e1"eriment# 0ncl $e at least three "reca tions# Proce$ re/ Form/ ' mbere$ ste"s for how this e1"eriment was act all! "erforme$# Yo r "roce$ re ma! $iffer from the ori.inal "roce$ re# Make s re !o r "roce$ re is what !o act all! $i$& an$ is acc rate eno .h that someone else co l$ se !o r lab re"ort to re"eat the lab an$ .et the same res lts !o $i$# )ata table*s+/ Form/ )ata tables or col mns *tables are easier to se in wor$ "rocessors+# Each table M(2T ha4e a title# Each row an$ col mn m st ha4e a title# 0ncl $e all the information that !o .athere$ in !o r obser4ations# 5ra"hs/ Form/ Each .ra"h m st ha4e a main title& the 6 an$ Y a1es m st ha4e titles an$ nits# Make s re the $ata is "lotte$ correctl!# Most .ra"hs will be coor$inate "lots& bar .ra"hs will sel$om be se$# 7hen !o are makin. a .ra"h& make s re !o know what kin$ of .ra"h !o sho l$ be sin.# A28# Yo will be tol$ if the .ra"h m st be han$9$rawn or if !o ma! se a .ra"hin. "ro.ram *or both+# : estions/ Form/ ' mber the % estions an$ answer them com"letel! in "ara.ra"h form# 0f a % estion has more than one "art answer all the "arts#

Answer ALL the % estions nless !o are s"ecificall! instr cte$ not to $o so# (se com"lete sentences or com"lete mathematical statements# Answerin. the % estions will hel" !o write the concl sion# Think of them as hints# )isc ssion,Concl sion/ Form/ (se com"lete sentences an$ "ara.ra"h form# The concl sion will ha4e fo r short "ara.ra"hs/ Proce$ re/ 2 mmari;e the "roce$ re in two or three sentences Res lts/ 5i4e the res lts in $etail# (se at least two sentences incl $e n mbers as a""ro"riate#

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