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Forming relative clauses

Combine the sentences using a relative clause. Use relative pronouns only where necessary. Note that you have to use commas in some of the sentences.

A holiday in Scotland
1. !. $. &. +. -. .. /. 1. 12. We spent our holiday in Scotland last year. Scotland is in the north of Great Britain. ast year we "eople live in Scotland. #hey are called Scots. #he people We first went to %dinburgh. %dinburgh is the capital of Scotland. We first 'rthur Conan (oyle was born in %dinburgh. )e wrote the Sherloc* )olmes stories. 'rthur Conan (oyle #hen we visited a la*e. ,t is in the )ighlands. #he la*e och Ness is $. *m long. "eople *now it for its friendly monster. och Ness #here we met an old man. )e told us that he had seen Nessie. 'n old man We then travelled to a mountain. #he mountain is near the town of 0ort William. We then #he mountain is the highest mountain in Great Britain. ,t is called Ben Nevis. #he mountain , sent you a postcard. ,t was written on the summit of Ben Nevis. #he postcard

Write relative clauses without using the relative pronoun. 1. !. $. &. +. , gave you a boo*. ,t had many pictures. 3 #he boo* , am reading a boo* at the moment. ,t is very interesting. 3 #he boo* 4ou live in a town. #he town is very old. 3 #he town #he sweets are delicious. , bought them yesterday. 3 #he sweets #he football match was very e5citing. 6y friend played in it. 3 #he football match

-. .. /. 1. 12.

#he letter hasn7t arrived yet. , posted it three days ago. 3 #he letter )e lives in a house. #he house is not very big. 3 #he house #hey are playing a song on the radio. (o you li*e it8 3 (o you li*e 9ane wore a beautiful shirt yesterday. (id you see it8 3 (id you see Sue is going out with a boy. , don7t li*e him. 3 , don7t li*e

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