Crusader Kings 2 ALL CHEATS

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All the following cheats are to be put in the game console:' 'Press or Alt + 2 1 or ` to open the console and

d then type the commands listed. Contents [show] Common cheatsEdit This is a collection of all common non-event cheats. Every cheat with Character ID or Province ID defaults to your character or capital province. Character cheatsEdit --Character Info-charinfo 1 = Show detailed Character info on mouseover including Character ID, f ertility, employer, etc. '--Edit Characters'-age <Character ID> (-)(#) = Add or subtract character age. add_diplomacy <Character ID> (-)(#) = Add or subtract character diplomacy. add_martial <Character ID> (-)(#) = Add or subtract character martial. add_intrigue <Character ID> (-)(#) = Add or subtract character intrigue. add_stewardship <Character ID> (-)(#) = Add or subtract character stewardship. add_learning <Character ID> (-)(#) = Add or subtract character learning. add_trait <Trait Name> = Gives player character any trait. cash (-)(#) = Add/subtract player gold, gives 5000 default. piety (-)(#) = Add/subtract player piety, gives 5000 default. prestige (-)(#) = Add/subtract player prestige, gives 5000 default. culture <Character ID> <Culture> = Change character culture (for example, "cultu re italian"). religion <Character ID> <Religion> = Change character religion (for example, "re ligion catholic"). nickname <Nickname> <Character ID> = Change character nickname (nicknames on bot tom of page). --Hurting people-banish <Character ID> = Banish character. imprison <Character ID> = Imprison character. kill <Character ID> = Kill character. murder <Character ID>(Murderer) <Character ID>(Victim) = Forces attempt at murde r, doesn't promise success. --Pregnancy-cuckoo <Character ID>(Mother) <Character ID>(Father) = Impregnates female by mal e (Husband thinks it's his). pollinate <Character ID>(Mother) <Character ID>(Father) = Impregnates female by male. --Titles-Title IDs are predictable, in the format of e_empire k_kingdom, d_duchy, c_count y, b_barony. Titles with spaces are c_county_name. Titles stay the same, so bewa re for renamed provinces either in Old Gods or by players. claim <Title ID> <Character ID> = Gives a claim to a character. give_title <Title ID> <Character ID> = Gives title to character including vassal s and everything beneath. titleowner <Title ID> <Character ID> = Gives title to character. Debug cheatsEdit clear = Clears console charinfo 1 = Shows debug information about characters including Character ID

hello <Character ID> = Shows character's page nextsong = Changes music observe = Allows you to *observe* the game without playing. Must reload to undo. (May crash your game.) play <Character ID> = Makes player change character. Other cheatsEdit allow_laws = Toggle changing laws freely. discover_plots = Toggle plot omniscience. fow on = Toggles fog of war. marry_anyone = Toggle ability to marry anyone. neg_diplo = Toggles sending of diplomatic proposals that will be refused. plots_known = Toggle plot visibility revolt <Province ID> = Causes revolt in province. succ <Succession Type> = Changes succession laws. WARNING: Entering non-existing law will set it to none. techpoints = Adds 1000 tech points of each kind to player. Event cheatsEdit TraitsEdit event 1000 = lustful/chaste event 1001 = gluttonous/temperate event 1003 = charitable/greedy event 1004 = slothful/diligent event 1005 = kind/envious (female) event 1006 = kind/envious (male) event 1007 = wroth/patient event 1008 = proud/humble event 1009 = deceitful/honest event 1010 = craven/brave event 1011 = shy/gregarious event 1012 = ambitious/content event 1013 = arbitrary/just event 1014 = cynical/zealous event 1015 = lustful/chaste (female) event 1016 = paranoid/trusting event 1017 = cruel/kind event 1018 = lustful/chaste (homosexual female) event 1019 = lustful/chaste (homosexual male) event ToG.3000 = berserker event ToG.3105 = varangian event ToG.3320 = viking event event event event event event event event event event event event event event event event event event event 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = lose lose lose lose lose lose lose lose lose lose lose lose lose lose lose lose lose lose lose lustful chaste temperate (also event 1511) gluttonous charitable (also event 1531) greedy (also event 6208) diligent (also event 1551) slothful (also event 1541) kind (also event 1571) envious (also event 1561) patient (also event 1590) wroth (also event 1581) humble (also event 1611) proud lustful (also event 1601, 6204) honest (also event 1641) deceitful (also event 1620) brave (also event 1661) craven (also event 1651)

event event event event event event event event event event event event

1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1057 1058 1501 1641

= = = = = = = = = = = =

lose lose lose lose lose lose lose lose lose lose lose lose

gregarious (also event 1681) shy (also event 1671) content (also event 1701) ambitious (also event 1691) just (also event 1721) arbitrary (also event 1711) zealous (also event 1631) cynical (also event 1731) paranoid trusting gluttonous (also event 6206) honest

event 1985 = lose homosexual (male) event 1995 = lose homosexual (female) event event event event event event event event event event event event event event event event event event 5000 5002 5003 5020 5024 5025 5030 5032 5033 5036 5037 5040 5041 5042 5045 5046 5050 5066 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = scholar/mystic paths scholar mystic gardener/impaler paths impaler gardener duelist/poet paths aspiring poet aspiring duelist duelist poet hunter/falconer paths aspiring falconer aspiring hunter hunter falconer poet/falconer paths (female) hedonist

event 8300 = gain crusader event 24501= lustful/celibate+stressed Child Child event event event event event event event event event event event event event event event event event event event TraitsEdit Gain TraitsEdit 1500 = gain gluttonous 1510 = gain temperate (also event 6207) 1520 = gain greedy 1530 = gain charitable (also event 6209) 1540 = gain slothful 1550 = gain diligent 1560 = gain envious 1570 = gain kind 1580 = gain wroth (also event 272) 1590 = gain patient (also event 273) 1600 = gain proud 1610 = gain humble 1620 = gain deceitful 1630 = gain zealous 1640 = gain honest 1650 = gain craven (also event 271) 1660 = gain brave (also event 270) 1670 = gave shy 1680 = gain gregarious

event event event event event event Child

1690 1700 1710 1720 1730 6205 Lose

= gain = gain = gain = gain = gain = gain Traits

ambitious content arbitrary just (also event 4000) cynical chaste

Edit event 1501 = lose gluttonous event 1511 = lose temperate 1521 = lost greedy 1531 = lose charitable 1541 = lose slothful 1551 = lose diligent 1561 = lose envious 1571 = lose kind 1581 = lose wroth 1591 = lose patient 1601 = lose proud 1611 = lose humble 1621 = lose deceitful 1631 = lose zealous 1641 = lose honest 1651 = lose craven 1661 = lose brave 1671 = lose shy 1681 = lose gregarious 1691 = lose ambitious 1701 = lose content 1711 = lose arbitrary 1721 = lose just 1731 = lose cynical 6227 = lose chaste SicknessesEdit event 6000 = gain syphilis trait event 6001 = lose syphilis trait event 6010 = gain leper trait event 6011 = lose leper trait for 25 gold. event 6020 = gain lunatic event, but lose stressed and depressed traits event 6021 = lose lunatic trait event 6030 = gain possessed trait (non-Muslim) event 6031 = lose possessed trait (non-Muslim) event 6032 = gain possessed trait (Muslim) event 6033 = lose possessed trait (Muslim) event 6040 = gain stressed trait event 6041 = lose stressed trait event 6050 = gain depressed trait event 6051 = lose depressed trait event 6060 = gain ill trait event 6061 = lose ill trait event 6070 = gain pneunomic trait event 6071 = lose pneunomic trait event 6080 = gain wounded trait (also event 243) event 6081 = lose wounded trait, gain scarred trait event 6100 = gain infirm trait event 6110 = lose infirm, gain incapable event 6111 = lose consumption trait event 6112 = lose slow fever trait event 6113 = lose camp fever trait event 6114 = lose plague trait

event event event event

6115 = lose measles trait 6116 = lose smallpox trait 244 = gain maimed trait 245 = gain incapable trait

event 61160 = lose incapable trait MiscellaneousEdit event 913 = Fabricate claim (Chancellor). event 923 = Master builder event (Steward). event 926 = Great philosopher event (Court Chaplain). event 927 = Makes you heretic. event 20320 = Successful steal technology mission in the province where your lea der is stationed. event 20392 = Random military tech improves 10%. event 20260 = Increase culture advances. event 55000 <Province ID> = Turns province into province holders culture. (Witho ut <Province ID> only capital province changes into province holders culture) event 55001 = Bring in some settlers event 55010 = A ruler is assimulated by the local culture event 75085 = Steward improves economy. event 20000 = Increases pope's opinion event event event event 20048 20200 20410 20230 = = = = Choice between gold & piety Collects special tithe Gives levy reinforcement Master builder (5%)

event 39211 removes kinslayer Love and pregnancy event 400 = Gives you the Pregnant trait, your husband is the "father"; however, it doesn't make you pregnant. event 401 = Gives you the Pregnant trait, your husband is not the "father"; it d oesn't make you pregnant. event 402 = Normally fires when you are unmarried and pregnant; it gives you the Pregnancy trait and you lose 50 piety, although it doesn't actually make you pr egnant. event 403 = Gives your wife Pregnant trait, you are the "father"; however, it do esn't make her pregnant. event 404 = Gives your wife the Pregnant trait, you are not the "father"; howeve r, it doesn't make her pregnant. event 450 <Character ID> = You begin affair with selected character, only works on your subjects. event 24504 = Gives wife the Pregnant trait and the Stressed trait, but doesn't make her pregnant. event 24505 = Imprison random courtier (useful for getting +10 relationship bonu s for releasing a prisoner) event 24506 = Imprisons random court/vassal individual event 64025 = Fall in love with your spouse. event 64055 <Character ID>(Child) <Character ID>(Courtier) = Child has teenage i

nfatuation wth courtier. Other event 36005 = Suicide, (also event 26004, event 242) event 200 = your character calls a crusade event 300 = "I am a bastard" event, triggers other events. event 301 = choice be tween legitimizing yourself, declaring yourself a bastard,event . event 500 = "royal dues" event, choice between money and prestige event event 4000 = "Stolen Pigs" event, gives choice between permament and temporairy "just" trait. event 4005 = "thief" event event 4010= "Band of Robbers" event, gives choice between -5 prestige and +20 op inion bonus to two councilors. event 4015= "unfaithful wife" event, gives choice between ignoreing it, and havi ng liege deal with problem. event 4020= "poachers" event, gives chioce between temporary trait giving presti ge and random other event to punish the poachers. event 4035 = "cattle rustlers" event, gives choice between piety, prestige, intr igue temporary traits, or lump piety bonus. event 4040 = "blasphemy" event, gives small piety temporary trait event 4045 = "kidnap" event, gives choice between permanent just, cruet or conte nt traits. event 4050 = "spy" event, gives lump piety, or priestige or martial temporary tr aits. event 4055 = "dragon" event, choice between permament martial bonus, +15 relatio nship bonus from vassals, temp prestige bonus,and a bad option. event 4060 = "falconry" event, choice between a relationship bonuses, and a bad choice, and small prestige lump sum. event 4085= "wolves" event, gives choice between various relationship modifiers, and a temporary "bloodlust" trait. event 6200 = "voice of jesus" event, lose 30 church opinion, gain temporary mont hly prestige bonus. event 6223 = "voice of satan" event lose 30 church opinion, lose monthly piety event 6300 = give realm a new law, sets off chain of events event 6201 = convert 50 gold into 100 piety. event 6202 = convert 50 prestige into 100 piety. event 6203 = "holy comet" event. event 246 = improves characters martial skill: misguided warrior > tough soldier > skilled tactician > brilliant strategist event 247 = gain 1 martial skill? event 248 = gain 5% bonus military technology growth rate for 1 year event 250 = capture yourself, do not do with out saving beforehand, as it's impo ssible to release yourself from prison.(Alternativly you can use the "play" comm and and imprison your character from earlier and release yourself then) event 255 = "unnecesary violence" event, lose prestige and valor.

event 260 = gain 5 prestige event 261 = soldier courtier appears in your court event 600 = causes rebels to appear in your capital event 620 = crusade wins event 621 = crusade loses event 900 = converts any province where your leader is stationed to your religio n , note that you can convert any province by appointing your leader general of an army and then moving that army to the province you want to convert event 901 = courtier in your court converts to your religion event 10000 = "Merry men" event event 10101 = "Gate to Hell" event event 8342 = Find Holy Grail event, get 200 prestige event 8340 = find Holy Spear event, get 100 prestige event 8500 = starts crusader order, establishes castile barony under your contro l. event 20131 = gives you a strong claim on a county when you have your character leading an army there. event 20133 gives you a strong claim on the duchy instead. (When leading an army there) event 100115 = friendship with self or +10% fertility event 9004 = fraction ending event 65021 = torture random prisoner you may have -To increase your demesne size you can open the file located in common folder na med "defines.lua" and edit in notepad the line "DEMESNE_BASE_MAX_SIZE = 1.0" but this will also affect the AI. Best method however is to just add very large amo unts of stewardship to your character with the add_stewardship command described above. Nickname IDsEdit nick_the_lawgiver nick_the_usurper nick_the_hammer nick_the_conqueror nick_the_holy nick_the_victorious nick_the_crusader nick_the_holy nick_the_avenger nick_the_brave nick_the_fearless nick_the_martyr nick_the_unlucky nick_the_lucky nick_the_restorer

nick_the_effeminate nick_the_clueless nick_the_ill_tempered nick_the_affable nick_the_heathen nick_the_liberator nick_haardraade nick_the_lisp_and_lame nick_the_able nick_the_kind nick_the_good nick_the_troubadour nick_the_strong nick_the_magnanimous nick_the_simple nick_the_merry nick_the_noble nick_the_blind nick_the_gentle nick_the_proud nick_the_silent nick_the_bastard nick_the_gouty nick_half_hand nick_the_chaste nick_the_hunter nick_the_fowler nick_the_just nick_the_lame nick_the_handsome nick_the_fair nick_the_fat nick_the_drunkard nick_the_cruel nick_the_wise nick_the_accursed nick_the_wicked nick_the_bewitched nick_priest_hater nick_the_pious nick_the_apostle nick_the_blessed nick_the_confessor nick_the_monk nick_the_lion nick_the_lionheart nick_the_bold nick_the_unready nick_the_ill_ruler nick_the_terrible nick_the_magnificent nick_the_quarreller nick_the_devil nick_the_dragon nick_the_careless nick_the_young nick_the_old nick_the_great nick_the_half_hand Other cheatsEdit

Besides console cheats there are others as well: Free Troops (the old god) = event 62320 Free troops + Hero (the old god) = event 62321 decadence -25 = Make Your Decadence to 0% event 8500 - create event chain which allow you to estabilish (or not) knights_h ospitaler event 8600 - same as previous , but for templars event 8700 - same, but for tetuonics Trainers (Links to CK2) has a lot of trainers and cheat for many games. WARNING: most CH trainers require you to pay for them. Cheat tables Cheat Engine (Links to CK2) tables are another very powerful way of editing game s while they are running. You will need the program to start with, it can be found here:http://www.cheaten

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