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Bert & Ernie Bert: Ernie: Bert: Ernie: Bert: Ernie: Bert: Ernie: Bert: Ernie: Bert: Hi Ernie,

how are you? OK thanks. Im really happy. Oh. Yeah. How was your weekend? So-so. Mine was great. I went to a really cool party and I met this beautiful girl. Oh. Yeah, her names Susie and she agreed to go on a date with me tomorrow. Mmm. Yeah, were gonna go to a French restaurant. She said she loves French food. She even speaks French shes so smart, and so pretty. Oh. Shes got long black hair and beautiful eyes. I see. Hows your girlfriend Jenny? Shes fine thanks. Theres only one problem with Susie she already has a boyfriend. Oh. And hes a real tough guy. Hell kill me if he knows Im dating Susie. I see. I dont know what to do. Bye! Oh, well, its been nice talking to you Ernie. See you!

Ernie: Bert: Ernie: Bert: Ernie: Bert: Ernie: Bert: Ernie: Bert: Ernie: Bert:

Nina Clare and Macmillan Publishers Ltd 2004 Downloaded from the lesson share in

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