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White-Tailed Deer

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The White-Tailed Deer is a long-legged, fast-moving mammal. The genus and species of the White-Tailed Deer are Odocoileus virginianus. This deer is found over most of North and Central America and northern parts of South America. It lives in deciduous forests, conifer forests, rainforests, grasslands, farm land, marshes, and even deserts. It has a life span of about to !" #ears. Anatomy$ White-Tailed Deer are about % to % !&" feet '(. to ! m) tall at shoulder. Bucks 'males) *eight up to +(( pounds '!,( -g), does 'females) *eigh up to "(( pounds ' ( -g). Fa ns 'babies) are usuall# born in .a# or /une. 0nl# buc-s have antlers, *hich are branched1 the antlers are shed each #ear, and later regro*. Beha!ior$ Deer are sh# herbi!ores 'plant-eaters) *ho spend most of the da# eating leaves, grass, bar-, acorns, and other plant material. Does often travel in small herds *ith their fa*ns.

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