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Carrot Cake

Ingredients: Carrots (grated) Sugar Sugar(to caramelize) Eggs Vanilla essence Oil !"eat #lour($tta) &a'ing soda &a'ing po(der )utmeg po(der 3 cups 1 cups cup 4 nos. tsp. 1 cups % cups tsp. 1 tsps. tsp.

Direction: Sie*e all t"e dr+ ingredients toget"er and 'eep aside. ,rind sugar and eggs (it" *anilla essence in a mi-er (grinding .ar). /our into a mi-ing 0o(l and add in t"e oil. &eat (ell. 1"en add t"e grated carrots. 2old in t"e dr+ ingredients a little at a time. 3astl+ add in t"e caramelized sugar. Com0ine (ell. /re"eat t"e o*en. /our t"e 0atter into a greased 0a'ing pan and t"en 0a'e at 145 degrees C #or 65-66 mins. or until a toot"pic' inserted near t"e centre comes out clean.

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