AP CH 1 Note List

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Roughly 30 Things You Should Know, Chapter One Asian Migrations Variety Mexico Technology Corn Pueblo North

American 3 Sister Farming Iroquois Li e o a Nati!e In"irect #isco!erers $uro%e into A rica& Portugal Prince 'enry = Portuguese prince who is crazy or all things na!al" #inances huge de!elop$ents in na!igation, shipwrights, starts colleges or captains and crew$en% &is goal is to rule the seas through trade and e'ploration Sla!ery Tra"e in A rica Plantation System #ias #e (ama In"ies S%ain rises Columbus = (anted to wor) or the Portuguese, they elt his plan and $ath was o *they were right+" See)ing shortcut to Cathay *China+ or the Spice ,sles" Spain, the )noc) o o the Portuguese, hire hi$ *no -ueens .ewels sold+" (orld was )nown to /e round since /e ore Ro$an 0$pire" &is diaries $ention short !oyage, surprised to hit land so soon, /ut realized it was a new continent during his rule as 1o!ernor o 2ew Spain" 3rutal ruler o &ispaniola *&aiti45R+ and Cu/a" 5ogs, rapes, hare$s, disease */oth ways+" 0'tracted gold ro$ nati!es% who lost li$/s or non6co$pliance" 0sti$ated that during his rule 3 $illion die" Plantations need wor)ers, so Colu$/us uses the Portuguese syste$ o /uying sla!es ro$ (estern 7 rica" &e introduces sla!ery to the 2ew (orld" So /rutal, that the crown ires hi$, dies li!ing as a lower $iddle class $an" #a$ily $e$/er to this day still carries the title8 7d$iral o the Open Sea Colombian $xchange Nati!e American %lants $uro%ean %lants Animal s%ecies #isease Conquista"ores Conquest o Mexico

S%anish )ccu%ation Positi!e an" Negati!e as%ects o S%anish Conquest French Portugal $nglish *N)+ T'$ C,)N)L)(-& %age ./ rom 0&111 2C on

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