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Uniquely Indonesian Artists - Josephine

Criterion C: Style and Language Use Lev el 0 1-2 Descriptor The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors given below. The student s use of vocabulary is often inappropriate and li!ited. "ery fre#uent errors in spelling$ pronunciation$ punctuation and synta% persistently hinder co!!unication. Little atte!pt has been !ade to use a register suitable to the intention and audience. The student s use of vocabulary is so!eti!es inappropriate and so!ewhat varied. *egular errors in spelling$ pronunciation$ punctuation and synta% hinder co!!unication. The student atte!pts to use a register suitable to intention and audience. The student s use of vocabulary is usually appropriate and generally varied. .o!e errors in spelling$ pronunciation$ punctuation and synta% so!eti!es hinder co!!unication. The student often uses a register suitable to intention and audience. Indicators Presentation is not given Presentation is less than one !inute &pinion is not clearly stated or no supporting evidence is given 're#uent pronunciation errors "ocal #ualities are inappropriate to the !aterial Presentation is 1-2 !inutes in length &pinion is stated with supporting evidence given in rando! order *egular errors in pronunciation +tte!pts to use appropriate vocal #ualities for the !aterial


Presentation is 2-( !inutes in length &pinion is often clearly stated with supporting evidence given$ though not in logical order Pronunciation is usually clear$ with so!e errors "ocal #ualities are often appropriate to the !aterial The student s use of vocabulary is Presentation is (-) !inutes in length -8 appropriate and varied. &ccasional errors &pinion is stated with supporting in spelling$ pronunciation and synta% evidence in so!ewhat logical order rarely hinder co!!unication. The Pronunciation is clear$ with occasional student consistently uses a register errors suitable to intention and audience. "ocal #ualities are appropriate to the !aterial /The student s use of vocabulary is always Presentation is )-, !inutes in length 10 appropriate and greatly varied with very &pinion is clearly stated with infre#uent errors in spelling$ supporting evidence given in logical pronunciation$ punctuation and synta%. order The student has !astered the use of a Pronunciation is always clear register suitable to intention and "ocal #ualities are always appropriate audience. to the !aterial 0osephine 1 )2(, - 3hen you were giving bac4ground infor!ation$ you spent a little bit too !uch ti!e loo4ing at the powerpoint. +lso$ be careful about how often you say 5u!!6. 3hen you were reading 5+4u6$ there were !o!ents when you spo4e a bit too #uic4ly to be understood. I wasn t sure what your opinion was until the end$ though what you did say about hi! was positive. ,--

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