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Trafigura: Not the Whole Truth 2 Small /2011/12/traf igura-not-whole-truth-2.html

The second post first here - in the series of, hopefully, short posts in which I highlight areas where Trafigura, or those whose writing is supportive of them, does not tell the whole truth. There will be truth, possibly a lot of truth, in the statements I look at but all is not as it seems. [UPDATE: added 21.30 on 3 Dec 2011: I dont allege that the Not the Whole Truths are deliberate.] In the first post I looked at the second sent ence in Trafiguras 38 page document, Trafigura and the Probo Koala on page 4 after the index and I stay with that sentence here. That sentence states:

The vessel carried out a procedure for caustic washing on several cargoes of one such product, coker naphtha, and needed to discharge a relatively small [Calums emphasis] amount of residual waste (often referred to as slops).

Small is a word with magical properties; is wonderfully non- specific; has no units; its meaning in the eye of the beholder. Each of us will form a view as to what is a relatively small [Calums emphasis] amount of residual waste . What might s mall mean?

litre, gallon, bucketful, barrel, tonne, few tonnes?

In Amsterdam, Trafigura asked to discharge up to 350 cubic meters (cbm) - approx. 350 tonnes, 350,000kg. [Updat ed at 09.30 on Dec 2 2011 t o show volume discharged was 350cbm and not 250 as init ially st at ed. Traf iguras request f or a quot e shows 250cbm as t he maximum but on t heir websit e t hey st at e t hat 350cbm was act ually discharged] 350cbm? Small? Seems a lot to me. Eye of the beholder, you see! The Probo Koalas waste tanks could hold 948cbm of waste and so 350cbm is 37% of its waste capacity. Not really small. Certainly, in terms of the volume of gasoline the Probo Koala could transport approx 50,000cbm the volume of waste discharged is small but 350 tonnes is not what I would term s mall.

But let us not forget that the volume of waste discharged in Abidjan was 508cbm.

Small ? Not t he whole t rut h !

and remember from the 1st post the key missing information was smell [t hese 12 words added at 09.35 Dec 2 2011]

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