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Josephine 10.1 1. On your own words, please explain the difference between state and nation.

(max 100 words) According to my understanding, a nation is made up of states. A state is just an organization where members of it settle the laws. As quoted from Prof. Mr. Soenarko A state is a social organization in a certain territory with an absolutepower as its sovereignty. Whereas a nation, is a group of people that unites as one through solidarity, history and goals. 2. Why a state needs other states recognition? How does it affect that state directly? (max 150 words) The core relation of a state with other states recognition is how it gives advantage towards one another and sustains each other. The affect it has directly towards the state is support in many ways such as economically, educationally, politically and many more. 3. Explain the characteristics of nationalism (patriotic). (max 100 words) According to my opinion, the characteristics of nationalism includes perseverance, cooperation, confidence, and loyalty. To be patriotic, one must persevere through hardships for the good of their country. Alongside with perseverance, one must also cooperate amongst fellow citizens of the same homeland to conquer all problems on any situations. Confidence is also a virtue of nationalism, because being patriotic, is to be proud of their beloved homeland. The most important trait of nationalism is loyalty, because treachery is the biggest shame for anyone that claims themselves patriotic. 4. Explain the application of nationalism spirit in daily life. (minimum 100 words) Nationalism spirit can be applied in our daily life through numerous ways. One of them is when someone is away from their homeland. The spirit of nationalism increases this way because the feeling of longing is deeper as distance part them from homeland, and most probably family too. The spirit increases even more as they meet people of the same nationalism in the foreign country theyre currently living in. Togetherness and being joint no matter what part of the country theyre form defines the true meaning of nationalism spirit. Aside from that, this spirit can also be felt throughout sport games where the whole country joined as one. being one team, supporting the same thing as one another.

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