Tech Planning

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Purchase by Ibu Lisa:

250 gr daging sapi, 3 sendok kecap manis, 1 sendok makan minyak goreng, 10 tusuk sate, 2 lembar daun pepaya, sdm Ketumbar, 1 sendok jinten, sdt garam , 2 butir bawang merah, 3 siung bawang putih, cm lengkuas

Step Purchase all things


Kitchen Utensils


Cooking time

250g Beef

tablespoon of Coriander

1 tablespoon of cumin / jinten

-Wrap the meat in papaya leaf for 30 minutes -Prepare the spices in a bowl Wrap beef with papaya leaves for 20 minutes Mix spices smoothly with soy sauce and oil Stir well and add the meat

1 hour


7 Minutes


7 Minutes


10 Minutes

Chopping Board

teaspoon of salt

2 pieces of red onions 3 pieces of garlic cm of lengkuas 3 tablespoon of sweet soy sauce 1 tablespoon of oil 10 skewers

Leave the meat in the pot for 10 minutes Skewer the meats Grill it until cooked

10 Minutes


5 Minutes


30 Minutes



2 pieces of papaya leaves

o Was the plan was detailed enough and why? (time, amount, steps) The plan was detailed enough because the plan is told step by step with understandable language and it is easier because all the things needed to make the recipe is inside the plan. The steps are really clear and the amount of time given in the plan is longer so it will be better if the steps of making it are done faster. o Could it be followed by someone else and why?
The plan could be followed by others because all the materials, steps, time and kitchen items are given detailed and it is able to be understand. It can be followed by someone else because of the time I put in the plan. I put the time longer because it would help them arrange their time and to make the food faster and planned.

o Will I have enough time? What if I dont have enough time? What things should I anticipate? Should I have the back-up plan?

I will have enough time to do it because we are given 2 periods to do it and I calculate my estimated time and make it under 80 minutes. I have also given some extra time about 11 minutes before 80 minutes to clean up the dishes. I think this will work perfectly because I think some steps will be done faster.
Justification of any modifications that seem necessary at this stage to original design Up to this stage of planning, do I need to modify my planning? Why? I think I don't need to modify my planning because it is completed enough and it is able to be understand.

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