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General Chemistry Lab Safety

ProperHandlingof ChemicalsandEquipment
11. Consider

all chemicals to be hazardous unless you are instructed otherwise. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are available in lab for all chemicals in use. These will inform you of any hazards and precautions of which you should be aware. 12. Know what chemicals you are usin . Carefully read the label twice before ta!in anythin from a bottle. Chemicals in the lab are mar!ed with "#$% hazardous materials diamond labels. &earn how to interpret these labels. '(.)*cess rea ents are never to be returned to stoc! bottles. +f you ta!e too much, dispose of the e*cess. '-.Many common rea ents, for e*ample, alcohols and acetone, are hi hly flammable. Do not use them anywhere near open flames. '..%lways pour acids into water. +f you pour water into acid, the heat of reaction will cause the water to e*plode into steam, sometimes violently, and the acid will splatter. '/.+f chemicals come into contact with your s!in or eyes, flush immediately with copious amounts of water and consult with your instructor. '0."ever point a test tube or any vessel that you are heatin at yourself or your nei hbor11it may erupt li!e a eyser. '2.Dispose of chemicals properly. 3aste containers will be provided and their use will be e*plained by your T%. 4nless you are e*plicitly told otherwise, assume that only water may be put in the lab sin!s. '5.Clean up all bro!en lassware immediately and dispose of the bro!en lass properly. 67.Contact the stoc!room for clean1up of mercury spills. 6'."ever leave burners unattended. Turn them off whenever you leave your wor!station. 8e sure that the as is shut off at the bench rac! when you leave the lab. 66. 8eware of hot lass11it loo!s e*actly li!e cold lass.

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