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Clarissa Geralno 23 October 2013 Biblical Studies 8 Biblical Studies Reflection Essay Biblical Studies in Sekolah Pelita Harapan

International Sentul City is mandatory. I think what made it mandatory is that this school is a Christian School. This school also want to make us into better people by knowing God and being the student who knows that God will always help us in every way He can if it is really the best for us. So while I am studying in this school, I will try my best to not give up because I know God has prepared a perfect plan for me in the future. From what I know is that all religion has the same meaning. We dont lie, we dont steal, we worship God, and do nice things to others. We may not do bad things to other, and treat others as you want them to treat you. I am a Catholic, and I am dont go to church often. For me, as the school has Biblical Studies and as I always remember God, its okay. I have a different view to Christianity from other religion. I dont know much, and maybe its just because I am a Catholic, which is similar to Christian. For me, Christianity is different because its not that we have to live a very religious life, but it tells us to do the right thing and ask God for help. It also tells that everyone sinned, although it tells us to not sin. We have to follow the 10 commandments, and I also think it is different because it has so many interesting stories that happened like magic with the power of God. I think Christianity is special for that reason, and probably other people have more ideas than me, but Its what I can think about. For me, living a Christian life is about believing in God and also not doing bad things purposely to sin, but to try to reduce our sin as we follow the 10 commandments. Sometimes I know I sinned, and sometimes I dont care. However I do believe in God and I believe that what he do is the best. Sometimes I get mad for things happening, and thinking about why should it be like this. But I am sure because of a mistake, I can learn and that is probably one of Gods way to tell me what is right or what is wrong. I believe that I am half-living a Christian life, because I dont always remember to pray at night or when I eat. In fact, I often forgot. Another reason is that sometimes I got mad for the reality, and I think about how god doesnt help me. When I reflect today, I just know that either He has given me punishment for what I have done wrong, or that God is trying to tell me something by using my surroundings and experience. Next time, I should remember that God is not an angry God who is always making bad things to happen. In fact, He does that for a reason that I havent know and that I should try to understand the situation and what is God trying to tell me. In This Biblical Studies Class, I learned about the disciples, the Plan of God and I learned about basic things about the Bible. I learned that the Bible have 66 books, and I think this will not help me in real life unless its a biblical studies quiz or test. Miss Janet told me how to remember the amount of Books in the Old Testament and the New Testament. I learned about verses of Truth, that it will lead us to the right path. I learned about the fruit of the spirit, being the love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. I also learned that even some of Jesus disciples betrayed Him and sinned for the safety of themselves. I learned abut the plan of God and how is the relationship between us normal people and God, who is willing to sacrifice His son for us sinful people. This will help me in real life by knowing that God is a very good God, restoring relationship between the

Holy Father and we sinful people by sacrificing His son to die on the cross taking our sins. This means that we have to appreciate God and be thankful for what we have right now because its not worse than God sacrificing His own son for human beings. It will also help in real life so we never give up because anything can happen in Gods hands, and that he will help us if it is the part of His plan for me. God will always have a plan for me in the future. I know because God has given the perfect life to me, the best for me that He plans everything already. He wants me to do something, that is what he wants me to. It is important to know what is it because its His plan. We have to follow His perfect plan for us. I havent known yet what would my purpose of life be, but I know that in time, I will understand the purpose of life in myself. Either its from my environment, a voice from my heart, popping up to my mind, someone telling me what suits me well, or even magical ways we never knew. I will keep on following what I think will be true, what will satisfy me, ding the best not only for me but what is around me, trying my best to score the best I can in school and make my family proud and happy of me, help others, do good things to others, and always remember that God is always there waiting if I need any help in making decisions for my life. Until I havent know, I will continue doing what I am doing or even better things. Until I know what I want to be and what is my purpose, I should never stop trying my best. Even when I know, I should never give up on Gods plan because I know that it is the best, better than what I think my perfect life will be if its all up to me. I respected the characters from the bible that faced their problems fearless. One of them is Daniel. I respect him because lions surrounded him, but then he was fearless and believed in God still, risking his life rather then losing to the king and worship the king. He is punished because he was worshipping God. He was thrown to the lions den, but he was fearless. His faith kept strong. Tis is why I respect him. I would have said to the king that I would not worship God anymore and start to worship the king if that situation happens in my life. I would surrender and ask the king to get me out of the lions den. My God sent his angel,and he shut the mouths of the lions. They have not hurt me, because I was found innocent in his sight. Nor have I ever done any wrong before you, Your Majesty. It is from Daniel 6:22 the story of Daniel in the lions Den in New International Version on the Bible. This is a verse that shows how Daniel kept his faith and was saved from being eaten by the lions in the lions den. I hope I can be as faithful I can be to God like Daniel because God will help me through my problems when I cant do anything, just like how God saved Daniel from the lions. God is a very good God, as I said before. In Quarter Ones Biblical Studies Class, I learned a lot and I was satisfied with the class. Its a very fun class and I didnt go blank as I would in other classes, because it was fun and I can process the information properly because its easy to understand. It helps me through real life by making me remember God more. If there were no Biblical Studies Class ever in the school, I would not believe in Jesus today. I would have no religion in the worst case. This helped me when I remember God, how I should try my best, and also why should I never give up. I hope I can remember God until I grow older and older, and I hope I can grow to a person that believes in God still, faithful to God and I hope God can help me through life and all the problems life have. I think I grown a bit through the biblical studies class spiritually, remembering God even more often then I had before. The proof is that I can make this essay, and I didnt think it would be as easy as I think now. I believe that God has helped me think so I have time to do other homework too. I hope God will help me go further as I can

graduate from school and continue this journey, a great gift from God that was given to everyone that ever lived, the life.

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