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Newspaper : Volcano Newspaper Article

CATEGORY Layout - Headlines & Captions 4 All articles a!e eadlines t at capture t e reader"s attention and accurately descri#e t e content$ All articles a!e a #yline$ All %rap ics a!e captions t at ade&uately descri#e t e people and action in t e %rap ic$ All articles ade&uately address t e , )"s -+ o* + at* + en* + ere and o+.$ All o2 t e re&uired content +as present$ 3 All articles a!e eadlines t at accurately descri#e t e content$ All articles a!e a #yline$ All %rap ics a!e captions$ 2 'ost articles a!e eadlines t at accurately descri#e t e content$ All articles a!e a #yline$ 'ost %rap ics a!e captions$ 1 Articles are (issin% #ylines OR (any articles do not a!e ade&uate eadlines OR (any %rap ics do not a!e captions$

) o* ) at* ) en* ) ere & Ho+

/0-//1 o2 t e articles ade&uately address t e , )"s -+ o* + at* + en* + ere and o+.$ Al(ost all t e re&uired content +as present$ 7o (ore t an a couple o2 spellin% or %ra((ar errors re(ain a2ter one or (ore people -in addition to t e typist. read and correct t e ne+spaper$

3,-4/1 o2 t e articles ade&uately address t e , )"s -+ o* + at* + en* + ere and o+.$ At least 3,1 o2 t e re&uired content +as present$ 7o (ore t an 3 spellin% or %ra((ar errors re(ain a2ter one or (ore people -in addition to t e typist. read and correct t e ne+spaper$

Less t an 3,1 o2 t e articles ade&uately address t e , )"s -+ o* + at* + en* + ere* and o+.$ Less t an 3,1 o2 t e re&uired content +as present$ 5e!eral spellin% or %ra((ar errors re(ain in t e 2inal copy o2 t e ne+spaper$


5pellin% and 6roo2readin%

7o spellin% or %ra((ar errors re(ain a2ter one or (ore people -in addition to t e typist. read and correct t e ne+spaper$

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