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Richmond Consolidated School PTO Meeting Minutes September 10, 2013

By: Kara Bertelli Smith Attendants: Michelle Smith, Melissa Roller, Tracy Crawford, Grace Daley, Beth Smith, Louise Brogan, Danielle Mullen, Kara Bertelli Smith, enny Sau!e, Gretchen "insor, rinci!al Monica #anin, $ennifer $ennings, $osh Bennett, $oad Bowman, Rachel Kan%& Treasurer s Report ! "udget: Grace Daly re!resented the Treasurer tonight& una.le to attend tonight/s meeting& riscilla 'singa is our treasure for ()*+,()*- .ut she was

Grace re0iewed the .udget for the year which is currently at 1*2,+3)&)) .ecause we had money roll o0er from the !ast year& The amount allocated to T' is 1-()) which co0ers the BB4, mo0ie license, the family directory, end of the year !ool day, and the e5tra e0ents such as the ice cream social, etc& The money we are fundraising this year goes to ne5t year/s .udget& Grace also discussed the .us reim.ursement 6 for each field tri! the teachers re7uest 1+&)) 8local tri!s9 or 1:&)) 8out of town9 from the !arents for each child to hel! offset the .us fees& The T' will fund u! to the cost of a school .us for field tri!s& Tracy Crawford stated that ;ust .ecause a field tri! is not on the schedule doesn/t mean you can/t as< for a field tri! or e0ent& The T' will always re0iew it and 0ote on it& Monica #anin tal<ed a.out the R==> grants& The T' will gi0e an ad0ance !ayment if a R==> grant is awarded .ut the !ayment has not .een recei0ed yet& Grace mentioned other reim.ursement !rograms we ha0e& The toner recycling, cell !hone reim.ursement, etc& Monica noted the 3th and 2th grade "ashington DC tri! does not come out of the T' .udget& The 3th and 2th grades do their own fundraising that goes towards their tri!& Principal s Report: Monica #anin said the .eginning of school was a great start? The focus has .een on the climate, e5!ectations, and .eliefs 6 C@R=S& The long term goal is to connect more wA the community and families& The middle school will continue coffee hour wA senior citi%ens of the community& She wants to see the <ids gi0ing .ac< and is loo<ing for more ideas to ma<e this wor<& There was a discussion a.out com.ining the town hall newsletter wA the school/s newsletter& Monica would li<e to initiate a family lunch and in0ite the community& The school council team changes e0ery two years& Last year their focus was on the school im!ro0ement !lan& This year they will focus on community and how to .ridge the ga! wA out of district !lacements& Benchmar< testing is currently ta<ing !lace& The school has safety nets so that if a student is not !rogressing e5tra hel! will .e offered&

#undraising: Tag sale: Saturday BA3 the school had a tag sale that was organi%ed .y am Glass& "e charged 1(:&)) !er s!ace& This e0ent went really well& lans are .eing made to do it again in the s!ring and ma<e this an annual e0ent& There was discussion a.out the tag sale the church holds in the summer& rofits were C1-))& "e had *) sellers and a cou!le families donated their !rofits to the school& The only cost was an =agle ad for 1:-&))& >all >undraiser: Cathy Gam.eroni is heading this 8a.sent from meeting9& This year we will .e offering DBetter "orldE again& Sale starts BA(+ and runs though *)A3& "e will continue to include the direct donation letter& This year incenti0es for to! sellers will .e offered& 'ther ideas: school wide maga%ine sale, the .ig cou!on .oo< 8Louise will loo< into this and ha0e a ta.le at the craft fair9& Bo5 To!s: The summer .o5 to! collection is due BA*FA*+& "inner will .e announced at the BB4& Melissa will .e see<ing 0olunteers to hel! her wA the counting& Melissa also suggested offering the .o5 to! collections to the community and including it in the town wee<ly email& Tracy is trying to .ridge the ga! .etween the teachers and the T'& She will send a wee<ly email to the teachers with T' u!dates of e0ents& Craft >air: The craft fair is Saturday, Go0em.er (nd from *) @M to - M& This is our .iggest fundraiser of the year& "e will ha0e C:) crafters, a silent auction, Chinese raffle, lunch will .e offered& =ach grade will .e res!onsi.le for !utting together a raffle .as<et to sell at the silent auction& @dmission fee is 1(&)) !er !erson& Crafter ta.les are 1+:&)) each& The Scholastic .oo< fair is a large !art of the craft fair& This is ty!ically running the wee< .efore the craft fair and all day Saturday& This year we will cut it down to two days during the wee< and all day Saturday& Last year we made 1(,))) and also earned !oints for .oo< !urchases for the teachers in addition to the teacher wish list .eing fulfilled& "= @R= HG D=S =R@T= G==D >'R S'M='G= T' 'RG@GH#= TI= B''K >@HR TIHS J=@R& $%ents: Welcome Back BBQ: The BB4 is Thursday, Se!tem.er *Bth from ::+) to 3 M& Tracy will send out a list of needed food donations and the needed 0olunteer list& "e are still in need of 0olunteers for all as!ects of the BB4& "e will also mention that Richmond t,shirts, water .ottles and car magnets can .e !urchased& The '!en Iouse will follow from 3 to 3:+) M& Melissa Roller offered to send out a !ersonali%ed in0ite to the new families& Melissa will touch .ase wA Gatalie for addresses& Matt Kerwood, the selectmen and the fire de!artment will also .e in0ited& Tracy will get the 0olunteer list for the T' ta.le from Bianca Daigle& Beth Smith also re7uested a ta.le for the garden community& She will .e selling eas on =arth shirts& The T' will ha0e a :)A:) raffle and a grou! of <ids will organi%e donations for DSa0e the andasE& @n announcement will go in the wee<ly newsletter so that families will .ring cash to this e0ent& Dining to Donate: Kara will organi%e an e0ent soon& The ne5t meeting will .e on Tuesday, 'cto.er 2, ()*+ at ::+) M&

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