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The Fight for Civil Rights

Name: ________________________ Date : ___________________ 1

Create a poster board of the civil Poster board reects rights gure little or no effort chosen. Poster creatively and provides should creatively little to no detail of who reect who the the person is. Poster individual is and provides little to no the impact he or details of the person. she had on the There are many ght for civil grammatical or/and rights in the spelling errors. United State.

Teacher: Mr. McNabb Title of Work: ___________________ Criteria 2 3 4 Points

Poster board reects Poster board is Poster board is effort for creativity creative and creative and and provides provides good provides great moderate detail of detail of who the detail of who the who the person is. person is. Poster person is. Poster Poster provides provides solid provides signicant moderate or little details of the details of the details of the person. person. There are person. There are There are few or no or few no grammatical many grammatical grammatical or/and or/and spelling or/and spelling spelling errors. errors. errors. Powerpoint is Powerpoint reects Powerpoint is creative and Create a effort for creativity creative and Powerpoint reects little provides good powerpoint and provides provides great or no effort creatively detail of who the presentation of the moderate detail of detail of who the and provides little to no person is. your person who the person is. person is. detail of who the person Powerpoint chosen for the Powerpoint provides Powerpoint is. Powerpoint provides provides solid project. Minimum moderate or little provides signicant little to no details of the details of the if 5 slides details of the person. details of the person. There are many person. There are reelecting on his There are few or person. There are grammatical or/and no or few or her signicance many grammatical no grammatical spelling errors. Includes grammatical or/and in the ght for or/and spelling or/and spelling less than 5 slides. spelling errors. civil rights. errors. Includes 5 or errors. Includes 5 or Includes 5 or more more slides more slides. slides Speech is almost 3 Speech is at least 3 Give a 3 minute minutes in length. minutes in length. Speech is at least 3 oral presentation Presentation is The speech is minutes in length. Speech is not clearly of the gure clearly presented, clearly presented, The speech is presented. Presenter chosen. little or moderately not or little read off clearly presented, seems to have given Presentation read off the the powerpoint, and not read off the little effort to the should coincide powerpoint, and coincides with the powerpoint, and assignment. Presenter with the coincides with the powerpoint. There coincides with the gives no or little eye powerpoint powerpoint. There are few powerpoint. There contact to audience. presentation (DO are little to grammatical errors are no grammatical Speech does not NOT READ OFF signicant amount of during the speech. errors during the coincide with YOUR grammatical errors Presenter makes speech. Presenter powerpoint POWERPOINT!) during the speech. frequent to makes frequent eye presentation. You may glance at Presenter sometimes moderate eye contact with note cards. gives eye contact to contact with the audience. the audience. audience. Dress Professionally!




Males must wear dress shirt, tie, dress paints, and dress shoes. Females must wear pants suits or Student does not fulll professional dress requirements and dresses. (ANY didn't notify Mr. STUDENT McNabb beforehand if UNABLE TO unable to fulll the FULFILL obligation. PROFESSIONAL DRESS REQUIREMENT FOR ASSIGNMENT SHOULD NOTIFY ME IMMEDIATELY!)

Student attempts to fulll dress requirement for the assignment.



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