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How to Teach Writing to Primary Children

By Kathy Price Establish a creative learning environment for young writers.

For most children, the foundation to literacy is laid long before they arrive at school. Teaching writing to primary school-age children is especially important to establish a strong foundation. Classroom tone is very significant. Instead of approaching writing as an isolated lesson, integrating writing with other educational disciplines contributes to keeping writing fresh and meaningful. Language-rich environments stimulate good writing skills and imaginative resources offer young children incentive in learning to write.


Set up a literacy center in the classroom. Create a literacy center, literary station or writer's center in the classroom. he literacy center inclu!es materials such as in!ivi!ual noteboo"s, computers, woo!en or magnetic letters an! letter# boar!s.

$ntro!uce an au!itory guessing game to inspire !escriptive writing. Play a recor!ing of varie! soun!s or sha"e a colorful bag with one au!ible item at a time. %s" stu!ents to write a !escription of what they hear before they guess. &ea!'rite hin", a website containing lessons en!orse! by the (ational Council of eachers of English, encourages basic or simple e!ucational activities that integrate the use of !escriptive language.

)mit the en! of a story an! as" stu!ents to write it instea!.

&ea! or tell a story. Brainstorm with the stu!ents hypothetical en!ings that occur after the en! of the story. $nstruct stu!ents to write their own after#the#en! en!ings.

$nclu!e stuffe! animals as e!ucational motivators. *ive each stu!ent a stuffe! animal or puppet an! as" stu!ents to interview their animal by writing +uestions they'! li"e to as". Stu!ents ta"e turns rea!ing their +uestions alou!, an! the class respon!s by writing !own the answers.

%s" stu!ents to to write an! illustrate a sleepy#time story. Coor!inate a class pa,ama#!ay with story#time an! a writing activity. &ea! a be!time story such as -*oo!night .oon- by .argaret 'ise Brown or .aurice Sen!a"'s -'here the 'il! hings %re- an! as" stu!ents to write their own illustrate! versions.

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