Prezi Ideas

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Beginning A girl who is a cambion (half-human, half-demon) is being hunted by the hooded ones that only she can see. She has taken refuge in an abandoned asylum with other outcasts. Middle She enlists other outcasts and lans to fight back against the hooded ones. She notices that some of the outcasts are disa earing. She disco!ers that the hooded ones are hiding in the asylum. She and other outcasts try to esca e but only a few make it. She tries to hide in a town. End "he girl finds a hooded one that is talking to members of the ublic. She thinks they are searching for her and she attacks the hooded one, and is tasered by the olice. She wakes u in a straight#acket in a added room. $t is re!ealed that the abandoned asylum is not abandoned and she is actually a atient there, the outcasts were the other atients, and the hooded ones are the doctors.

Ideas for Loglines

%. A young girl flees from strange hooded beings that no-one else can see. &. A young girl leads a grou of outcasts to try and defeat the hooded ones who are hiding in an abandoned asylum. '. (ane), an outcast from society, has taken refuge in an abandoned asylum with other outcasts. *hen strange beings in hooded robes start abducting eo le, can (ane) and her friends find out what is really going on.
)+ro!isional name, ermanent one can be decided later

General info
Target audience- teenagers, young adults Why would they be attracted? / Main selling points- $t has action and mystery, lot isn.t too com licated and is easy to follow.

+rotagonist/ame (ane ( ro!isional) Age mid to late teens

A earance dark boots, trousers and t-shirt, torn clothes, messy hair, some dirt and scratches on face and arms. Antagonists/ame the hooded ones Age doesn.t really matter (there faces are going to co!ered so audience aren.t going to see) A earance hooded robes and surgical masks. 0lothes should be white, blue or green to reflect their real identity as doctors1 nurses.

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