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October 30th - November 6th

Thursday Music Friday - Library Monday - Computer Tuesday - PE Wednesday - Enrichment

A Look Ahead
November 11th Veterans Day Holiday November Holiday !th "th Thanksgi ing

$mportant $n%ormation
!ith the "eather getting cooler# please make sure your child has an e1tra change o$ clothes in their book bag that is seasonally appropriate% &lso# please "rite your childs name on the tag o$ their 2acket that they "ear to school% This "ill help to ensure it "ill not get lost or con$used "ith another childs% &ny child that returns the ne"sletter signed by a parent this "eek "ill recei e a piece o$ candy corn'

What We Are Learnin#

!e are "orking on counting# ordering numbers and di$$erent "ays to represent numbers in math% &sk your child i$ they can tell you one "ay to represent a number' (n reading# "e are "orking on se)uencing# story elements# main ideas and key details% !e "ill be reading se eral $ictional spooky stories to celebrate Hallo"een' &sk your child i$ they can tell you the di$$erence bet"een $iction and non$iction' *or phonics# "e are learning all about letter +% !e "ill be learning more about rhyming and

Wish List
,and"ich si-e .iploc bags /allon si-e .iploc bags 0o1es o$ tissues 0ags o$ skittles# starburst 2ellybeans or m3m to use as class re"ards%

begin syllables this "eek'

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