Manual FOR Prosecutors: Department of Justice National Prosecution Service

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DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE National Prosecution Service



PAG E FOREWORD ACKNOWLEDGEMENT PART I. PROSECUTION OF OFFENSES Sec. 1. Cri inal Action Sec. !. "o# an$ %&ere Co ence$ Sec. '. Co (laint Sec. ). O**en$e$ Part+, De*ine$ Sec. -. In*or ation Sec. .. Su**icienc+ o* co (laint or in*or ation. Sec. /. Ot&er Essential Matters to 0e alle1e$ in Co (laint or In*or ation Sec. 2. A$$itional Contents o* a Co (laint Sec. 3. Na e o* Accuse$ Sec. 14. Desi1nation o* O**ense Sec.11. Cause o* Accusation Sec. 1!. Place o* t&e Co ission o* O**ense Sec. 1'. Ti e o* Co ission o* O**ense Sec. 1). Title o* Co (laint or In*or ation Sec. 1-. Contents o* Ca(tion o* an In*or ation Sec. 1.. List o* Prosecution %itnesses Sec. 1/. Nu 0er o* O**enses C&ar1e$ Sec. 12. A en$ ent o* In*or ation or Co (laint Sec. 13. Mista5e in For an$ Su0stance Sec. !4. "o# Perio$ o* Prescri(tion Co (ute$ an$ Interru(te$

1 1 1 1 1 ! ! ! ! ! ' ' ' ..' ' ..' ) ) ) )


INQUEST Sec. 1. Conce(t Sec. 2 Desi1nation o* In6uest O**icer Sec. '. Co ence ent an$ Ter ination o* In6uest Sec. ). Docu ents Re6uire$ in S(eci*ic Cases Sec. -. Inco (lete Docu ents Sec .. Presence o* Detaine$ Person Sec. /. C&ar1es an$ Counter7c&ar1es Sec. 2. Initial Dut+ o* In6uest O**icer Sec. 3. %&ere Arrest Not Pro(erl+ E**ecte$ Sec. 14.%&ere Arrest Pro(erl+ E**ecte$ Sec. 11. In6uest Pro(er Sec. 1!. Meanin1 o* Pro0a0le Cause Sec. 1'. Presence o* Pro0a0le Cause 1! Sec. 1). Contents o* In*or ation . 1' Sec. 1-. A0sence o* Pro0a0le Cause 1'

Sec. 1.. Presetice at Cri e Scene 1' Sec. 1/. San$i1an0a+an Cases 1) Sec. 12. Recovere$ Articles Sec. 13. Release o* Recovere$ Articles

1) 1)

PART III. PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION Sec. 1. Concep o* Preli inar+ Investi1ation 1/ Sec. !. Pur(ose o* Preli inar+ Investi1ation 1/ Sec. '. Nature o* Preli inar+ Investi1ation 1/ Sec. ). E**ect o* A en$ ent o* In*or ation 1/ Sec. -. %&ere Ri1&t o* Preli inar+ Investi1ation a+ 0e Invo5e$ 1/ Sec. .. O**icers Aut&ori8e$ to Con$uct Preli inar+ Investi1ation 1/ Sec. /. Co ence ent o* Preli inar+ Investi1ation 12 Sec. 2. Co (laint Sec. 3. Su((ortin1 A**i$avits Sec. 14.Nu 0er o* Co(ies o* A**i$avits Sec. 11.9aran1a+ Certi*ication Sec. 1!.Lac5 o* 9aran1a+ Certi*ication Sec. 1'.Initial Action on t&e Co (laint Sec. 1). Dis issal :* Co (laint Sec. 1-.Personal Service o* Docu ents 0+ Investi1atin1 Prosecutor Sec. 1. Service o* Su0(oena in Preli inar+ Investi1ation . Sec. 1/. %&ere Res(on$ent Cannot 0e Su0(oenae$ Sec. 12.Counter7A**i$avit Sec. 13. Motion *or Dis issal;9ill o* Particulars Sec. !4. Consoli$ation !! Sec. !1. E<tension o* Ti e !! Sec. !!. Sus(ension o* Procee$in1s !' :ec. !'. Conce(t o* Pre=u$icial >uestion !' :ec. !). Ele ents o* Pre=u$icial >uestion !' Procee$in1s !' Sec. !.. Re(l+7A**i$avits an$ Re=oin$ers !' 12 12 13 13 13 13 !4 !4 !4 !1 !1 !!

Sec. !/. Clari*icator+ >uestions !) Sec. !2. Su0 ission o* Case *or Resolution !) Sec. !3. Lac5 o* Pro0a0le Cause Sec. '4. Fin$in1 o* Pro0a0le Cause Sec. '1. Reo(enin1 o* Investi1ation Sec. '!. Cases Trans itte$ 0+ t&e Munici(al Trial Ju$1e . Sec ''. Me oran$a Sec. '). Perio$ *or Resolvin1 a Case Sec. '-. For o* Resolution an$ Nu 0er o* Co(ies Sec. '.. Contents o* t&e Resolution Sec. '/. Ca(tion o* Resolution Sec. '2. Na es o* Parties Sec. '3. Case Nu 0er Sec. )4. Desi1nation o* O**ense C&ar1e$ . Sec. )1. Contents o* 9o$+ o* Resolution . Sec. )!. Parts o* a Resolution Sec. )'."o# Reco en$e$ 9ail is %ritten Sec. )).Reco en$e$ 9ail Sec. )-.Parties to 0e Furnis&e$ #it& a Co(+ o* t&e Resolution Sec. )..Si1nature an$ Initials o* Investi1atin1 Prosecutor . Sec. )/.Recor$s o* t&e Case Sec. )2.Action o* t&e Provincial or Cit+ Prosecutor or C&ie* State Prosecutor on Resolution Sec. )3.Reversal 0+ t&e Provincial or Cit+ Prosecutor or C&ie* State Prosecutor o* Resolution o* Investi1atin1 Prosecutor Sec. -4.A((roval o* Plea$in1 0+ "ea$ o* Prosecution Sec. -!. Con*i$entialit+ o* Resolutions !3 Sec. -'. In*or ation;Co (laint !3 Sec. -). Docu ents to 0e Attac&e$ to In*or ationi Co (laint '4 Sec. --. Pro ul1ation o* Resolution '4 Sec. -.. Motion *or Reconsi$eration '4 Sec. -/. In&i0ition '4 Sec. -2. Perio$ to Resolve Cases Un$er Preli inar+ Investi1ation '1 !) !). !) !!!!. !. !. !. !. !. !/ !/ !2 !2 !2 !2 !2 !2 !2 !2 !3


'4 '4 '4 '4




Sec. 1. Su0=ect o* Petition *or Revie# ') Sec. !. Perio$ to File Petition Sec '. For an$ Contents ') Sec. ). Cases not Su0=ect to Revie#? E<ce(tions 'Sec. -. Ans#er Sec. .. %it&$ra#al o* Petition 'Sec. /. Motion *or Reinvesti1ation 'Sec. 2. Dis(osition o* Petition Sec. 3. Motion *or Reconsi$eration Sec. 14. E**ect o* Filin1 o* Petition PART V. BAIL Sec. 1. 9ail De*ine$ Sec. !. Nature o* Ri1&t to 9ail Sec. '. Non79aila0le O**ense Sec. ). Criteria in Reco en$in1 A ount o* 9ail Sec. -. 9ur$en o* Proo* in 9ail A((lication Sec. .. Reco1ni8ance Sec. /. 9ail, %&en not Re6uire$? Re$uce$ 9ail or Reco1ni8ance Sec. 2. Notice o* A((lication *or 9ail to Prosecutor Sec. 3. Cancellation o* 9ail 9on$ Sec. 14.Arrest o* Accuse$ Out on 9ail Sec. 11.No 9ail A*ter Final Ju$1 ent, E<ce(tion Sec. 1!.Rules in Co (utin1 t&e 9ail to 0e Reco en$e$ Sec. 1'.Petition *or 9ail in a Continuous Trial

') ') ') ''-

'''. '.

'2 '2 '2 '2 '2 '3 '3 '3 '3 '3 '3 )4 )1

PART VI. ARREST Sec. 1. De*inition o* Pro0a0le Cause as a @roun$ *or an Arrest or Issuance o* a %arrant o* Arrest )' Sec. !. Re e$+ i* no %arrant o* Arrest is Issue$ 0+ t&e Investi1atin1 Ju$1e )' Sec. '. Re6uest *or a Co(+ o* t&e Return )'


ARRAIGNMENT AND PLEA Sec. 1. Conce(t o* Arrai1n ent Sec. !. Duties o* Trial Prosecutor Sec. '. E**ect o* Filin1 a Petition *or Revie# . Sec. ). Conce(t o* Plea


PART VIII. PRE!TRIAL Sec. 1. Conce(t o* Pre7trial Sec. !. Duties o* Prosecutor 9e*ore an$ A*ter t&e Pre7trial Con*erence Sec. '. Su0=ect Matters o* Pre7trial

). ). ).

Sec. ). Plea o* @uilt+ to a Lesser O**ense Sec. -. %&en Accuse$ Plea$s @uilt+ to a Ca(ital O**ense ...

)/ )2

PART I". TRIAL Sec. 1. De*inition o* Trial Sec. !. Conce(t o* Trial Sec. '. E<(e$itious Prosecution o* Cri inal Cases File$ #it& t&e Courts Sec. ). Or$er o* Presentation o* %itnesses . . . Sec. -. Pre(aration o* For al O**er o* E<&i0its Sec. .. De*ense Evi$ence Sec. /. Disc&ar1e o* Accuse$ to 0e State %itness Sec. 2. %itness Protection Sec. 3. Ot&er Persons %&o Ma+ Avail o* t&e %itness Protection Pro1ra Sec. 14. Motions *or Post(one ent o* Accuse$ Sec. 11. Discontinuance o* Procee$in1s Sec. 1!. Presentation o* Evi$ence Sec. 1'. Or$er o* Trial Sec. 1). Presentation o* %itnesses Sec. 1-. E<a ination o* %itness *or t&e Prosecution Sec. 1.. Cross7E<a ination o* De*ense %itnesses Sec. 1/. Re0uttal Evi$ence Sec. 12. Re6uest *or Su0(oena Sec. 13. Custo$+ o* P&+sical an$ Real Evi$ence Pen$in1 Trial PART ". MOTION TO QUAS#
Sec. 1. Definition and Purpose of Motion to Quash 58 Sec. 2. Form of Motion to Quash 58 Sec. 3. Time to Move to Quash 58 Sec. 4. rounds of Motion to Quash Sec. 5. !mendment of "omp#aint or $nformation 5% Sec. &. "ourt !ction Sustainin' Motion to Quash Sec. (. )ature of "ourt *rder rantin' a Motion to Quash Sec. 8. Denia# of Motion to Quash Sec. %. )ature of *rder Den+in' Motion to Quash 5% Sec.1,. Meanin' of -!ppea# in Due Time &, Sec. 11. *rder Sustainin' the Motion to Quash not a .ar to !nother Prosecution/ 01ception

-4 -4

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58 5% 5% 5%


PART "I. MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS Sec. 1. "ol$ De(arture Or$ers o* Accuse$ Persons Sec. !. Cancellation o* Travel Docu ents

.! .!

Sec. '. "an$lin1 o* Co (laints File$ A1ainst Pu0lic O**icers an$ E (lo+ees .! Sec. ). Noti*ication o* Prosecutor o* t&e Filin1 o* an A((lication *or Pro0ation .' Sec. -. Co ent on A((lication *or Pro0ation .' Sec. .. Release o* A((licant *or Pro0ation .' Sec. /. O0=ection to @rant o* Pro0ation .' Sec. 2. "earin1 *or Revocation o* Pro0ation .) Sec. 3. Proce$ure in Cases Involvin1 C&il$ren .) APPENDICES

A((en$i< AA1,Control o* Case Recor$ /1


A((en$i< D97iD, NPS For !, Release Or$er O* Detaine$ Person /! A((en$i< D97!D, NPS For ', Re6uest *or Preli inar+ Investi1ation an$ %aiver o* Article 1!-, Revise$ Penal Co$e /' A((en$i< D97'D, NPS For ), Certi*ication BFor In*or ation in In6uest CasesC /) /A((en$i< D97SD, NPS For ., Re6uest *or Release O* Recovere$ Articles /.

FOREWORD T&ere is a nee$ t: ii:aintain t&e level o* co (etence o* our (rosecutors to ena0le t&e t: cre$ita0l+ (er*or t&eir $elicate tas5s o* (rosecutin1 t&e 1uilt+ an$ (rotectin1 t&e innocent. T&is Manual (artl+ ans#ers t&is nee$.

A co (ilation o* (ertinent p$o%&'&on' o* t&e Rules on Cri inal Proce$ure, De(art ent o* Justice issuances an$ $ecisions o* t&e Su(re e Court, t&is #or5 #ill 0e a use*ul teac&in1 1ui$e *or t&ose #&o ::ire to 0e (rosecutors an$ a &an$+ re*erence 0oo5 *or t&e (rosecutors in t&e *iel$. %e e<(ect t&is Manual to 0e enric&e$ an$ i (rove$ t&rou1& use. BC:A'rcls t&is en$ an+ su11estions *or its i (rove ent #ill CC &i1&l+ a((reciate$. Dou0tless, t&is Manual #ill &el( elevate t&e 6ualit+ o* (rosecutorial : an$ ans#er t&e cla or :i? our (eo(le *or *ast an$ e**icient =ustice.



This manua# 2as put to'ether 3+ a "ommittee created 3+ Secretar+ of 4ustice Teofisto T. uin'ona5 4r. under Department of 4ustice *rder )o.153 dated 28 Ma+ 1%%&. The .od+ is headed 3+ !ssistant "hief State Prosecutor Francisco 6. Santos and the fo##o2in' as mem3ers7 then !ssistant "hief State Prosecutor and no2 "hief State Prosecutor 4ovencito 8. 9uno5 !ssistant "hief State Prosecutors )i3 ". Mariano and !po#inario . 01evea5 8e'iona# State Prosecutor "#aro !. !re##ano5 Que:on "it+ Prosecutor "andido F. 8ivera5 Pasi' "it+ Prosecutor !ntonio 6. 6iorente56a'una Provincia# Prosecutor eor'e ". Dee and 8i:a# 2nd !ssistant Provincia# Fisca# !po#inario D. .ruse# as5 4r. The "ommittee 2as assisted in its 2or; 3+ former 8i:a# Provincia# Prosecutor Mauro M. "astro and Deput+ *m3udsman for 6u:on 4esus F. uerrero 3oth of 2hom contri3uted va#ua3#e and refined insi'hts into the 2or; of a prosecutor. $n this re'ard5 $ 2ish to ac;no2#ed'e the rote of 8i:a# Provincia# Prosecutor re'ono !. !ri:a#a and his team in puttin' the Manua# in

its fina# form and State Prosecutor $$ Teresita 8. Domin'o for ta;in' pains in readin' the manuscript.

RAMON J. LI%A@ Un$ersecretar+ C&air an, Co ittee create$ un$er De(art ent Or$er No.1-', series o* 133.

T<$S M!)=!6 $S D0S$ )0D T* .0 80>$S0D !)D =PD!T0D !S T<0 )00D !8$S0S. ?<0) "<!) 0S *""=8 $) T<0 8060>!)T 6!?5 $SS=!)"0 *8 4=8$SP8=D0)"0 5T<0S0 "<!) 0S ?$66 .0 F*8?!8D0D T* @*= $) T<0 F*8M *F )0? 6**S0 60!F P! 0S. F$60 T<0S0 )0? P! 0S !S S**) !S P*SS$.60 T* A00P @*=8 M!)=!6 "=880)T !)D "*MP60T0.


PART I. PROSECUTION OF OFFENSES SECTION 1. Criminal action. - A cri inal action is one 0+ #&ic& t&e state (rosecutes a (erson *or an act or o ission (unis&a0le 0+ la#. 1 SEC. !. How and where commenced. - A cri inal action is co ence$ 0+ t&e *ilin1 o* a co (laint #it& t&e Cit+;Provincial Prosecution O**ice or #it& t&e Munici(al Trial Court or Munici(al Circuit Trial Court. "o#ever, a cri inal action *or an o**ense co itte$ #it&in Metro Manila, a+ 0e co ence$ onl+ 0+ t&e *ilin1 o* t&e co (laint #it& t&e ProsecutorAs O**ice. SEC. '. Complaint. 7 A co (laint is a s#orn #ritten state ent c&ar1in1 a (erson #it& an o**ense an$ su0scri0e$ 0+ t&e o**en$e$ (art+, an+ (eace o**icer or (u0lic o**icer c&ar1e$ #it& t&e en*orce ent o* t&e la# violate$. ! Sec. 3 B3C5 8u#e 15 1%%( 8u#es of "ivi# Procedure. Sec. ', Rule 114, Rules on Cri inal Proce$ure? E<a (le o* (u0lic o**icer c&ar1e$ #it& t&e en*orce ent o* t&e la# violate$F 9ureau o*
1 !

To $iscoura1e t&e *ilin1 o* &arass ent c&ar1es, t&e (rosecutor s&all #arn t&e co (lainant t&at an+ *alse state ent in t&e co (laint a+ 1ive rise to a *in$in1 o* a prima facie case *or (er=ur+ 0e*ore t&e sa e o**ice. SEC. ). Offended party, defined. - T&e o**en$e$ (art+ is t&e (erson a1ainst #&o a1ainst #&ose (ro(ert+ t&e cri e #as co itte$. ' or

SEC. -. Information. 7 An in*or ation is t&e accusation in #ritin1 c&ar1in1 a (erson #it& an o**ense, su0scri0e$ 0+ t&e (rosecutor, an$ *ile$ #it& t&e court. T&e in*or ation nee$ not 0e (lace$ un$er oat& 0+ t&e (rosecutor si1nin1 t&e sa e. T&e (rosecutor ust, &o#ever, certi*+ un$er oat& t&at 7 aC &e &as e<a ine$ t&e co (lainant an$ &is #itnesses? 0C t&ere is reasona0le 1roun$ to 0elieve t&at a cri e &as 0een co itte$ an$ t&at t&e accuse$ is (ro0a0l+ 1uilt+ t&ereo*? cC t&e accuse$ #as in*or e$ o* t&e co (laint an$ o* t&e evi$ence su0 itte$ a1ainst &i ? an$ $C t&e accuse$ #as 1iven an o((ortunit+ to su0 it controvertin1 evi$ence.)

SEC. .. Su**icienc+ o* co (laint or in*or ation. 7 A co (laint or in*or ation t s&all 0e consi$ere$ su**icient i* it states 7 aC 0C cC t&e na e o* t&e accuse$? t&e $esi1nation o* t&e o**ense co itte$? t&e act or o ission co (laine$ o*?

Custo s o**icials *or violation o* t&e custo s la#? 9ureau o* Forest Develo( ent o**icials *or violation o* *orestr+ la#s? c&ie* o* (olice o* a unici(alit+ *or violation o* a unici(al or$inance #&ic& constitutes a cri inal o**ense. T&e s#orn co (laint re*erre$ to usuall+ re*ers to a co (laint *ile$ in court an$ not in t&e (rosecutorAs o**ice. It is not necessar+ to *ile a s#orn co (laint #it& t&e (rosecutor 0e*ore t&e latter can con$uct a (reli inar+ investi1ation. A ere uns#orn letter su**ices to start an investi1ation, e<ce(t i* t&e o**ense c&ar1e$ is one #&ic& cannot 0e (rosecute$ de oficio or is (rivate in nature i.e., #&ere t&e la# re6uires t&at it 0e starte$ 0+ a co (laint s#orn to 0+ t&e o**en$e$ (art+. In a case involvin1 a (rivate o**ense, t&e (&rase Dco (laint *ile$ 0+ t&e o**en$e$ (art+D as use$ in Section -, Rule 114 s&oul$ 0e 1iven a li0eral or loose inter(retation, eanin1 a Dc&ar1e, alle1ation, 1rievance or accusationD rat&er t&an a strict construction *or o*ten t&an not t&e o**en$e$ (art+ #&o *iles it is unsc&oole$ in la# T&e (ur(ose o* t&e co (laint in Section -, Rule 114, is erel+ to initiate or co ence t&e (rosecution o* t&e accuse$. T&us, t&e DSinu (aan1 Sala+sa+D o* t&e victi o* a (rivate o**ense is alrea$+ $ee e$ a co (laintD re6uire$ in t&e a*oresai$ Sec. -. BPeo(le vs. San1il, !42 SCRA .3. G133!HC.
3 )

Sec. 125 par. 15 8u#es on "rimina# Procedure

Sec. ), Rule 11!, i0i$.

$C eC *C

t&e na e o* t&e o**en$e$ (art+? t&e a((ro<i ate ti e o* t&e co ission o* t&e o**ense? an$ t&e (lace #&ere t&e o**ense #as co itte$. -

SEC. /. Other essential matters to be alleged in complaint or information. - T&e *ollo#in1 s&all also 0e alle1e$ in a co (laint or in*or ationF aC ever+ essential ele ent OI t&e o**ense? 0C t&e cri inal intent o* t&e accuse$ an$ its relation to t&e act or o ission co (laine$ o*? cC all 6uali*+in1 an$ 1eneric a11ravatin1 circu stances #&ic& are inte1ral (ans o* t&e o**ense? $C all atters t&at are essential to t&e constitution o* t&e o**ense, suc& as t&e o#ners&i( an$;or value o* t&e (ro(ert+ ro00e$ or $estro+e$? t&e (articular 5no#le$1e to esta0lis& cul(a0le intent? or t&e (articular intention t&at c&aracteri8es t&e o**ense? eC a1e o* t&e inor accuse$, an$ #&enever a((lica0le, t&e *act t&at &e acte$ #it& $iscern ent? an$ *C a1e o* t&e inor co (lainant, #&en a1e is aterial. SEC. 2. Additional contents of a complaint - In a$$ition to t&e atters liste$ a0ove, a co (laint or in*or ation s&all contain a certi*ication t&at t&e recitals t&erein are true an$ correct an$ not in t&e nature o* a counterc&ar1e to avoi$ con*lict in t&e a((reciation o* t&e *acts an$ evi$ence. 'EC. 3. Name of accused. - T&e co (laint or in*or ation s&all state t&e na e an$ surna e o* t&e accuse$, i* 5no#n, or an+ a((ellation or nic5na e 0+ #&ic& &e 7&as 0een or is 5no#n. I* &is na e is not 5no#n, t&e accuse$ s&all 0e entione$ un$er a *ictitious na e suc& as DJo&n DoeA1 or DJane Doe.D SEC. 14. Designation of offense. - To (ro(erl+ in*or t&e accuse$ o* t&e nature an$ cause o* t&e accusation a1ainst &i , t&e co (laint or in*or ation s&all state, #&enever (ossi0le, 7 aC

t&e $esi1nation 1iven to t&e o**ense 0+ t&e statute?

t&e state ent o* t&e act or o ission constitutin1 t&e sa e, an$ i* t&ere is no suc& $esi1nation, re*erence s&all 0e a$e to t&e section or su0section o* t&e la# (unis&in1 it..

SEC. 11. Cause of accusation. - T&e act or o ission co (laine$ o* as constitutin1 t&e o**ense s&all 0e state$ in an or$inar+ an$ concise lan1ua1e #it&out re(etition. T&e state ent nee$ not use t&e ter s o* t&e statute $e*inin1 t&e o**ense so lon1 as a (erson o* co on un$erstan$in1 is a0le to 5no# #&at o**ense #as inten$e$ to 0e c&ar1e$ an$ to ena0le t&e court to (ronounce (ro(er =u$1 ent./

SEC. 1!. lace of the commission of offense. - T&e co (laint or in*or ation is

Sec. ., Rule 114, i0i$.

& (

Sec. 85 i3id. Sec. %5 i3id.

su**icient i* it states t&at t&e cri e c&ar1e$ #as co itte$ or so e o* t&e in1re$ients t&ereo* occurre$ at so e (lace #it&in t&e =uris$iction o* t&e court, unless t&e (articular (lace in #&ic& t&e cri e #as co itte$ is an essential ele ent o* t&e cri e e.1. in a (rosecution *or violation o* t&e (rovision o* t&e Election Co$e #&ic& (unis&es t&e carr+in1 o* a $ea$l+ #ea(on in a tA(ollin1 (lace D, or i* it is necessar+ to i$enti*+ t&e o**ense c&ar1e$ e.1., t&e $o icile in t&e o**ense o* Dviolation o* $o icile.D 2
SEC. 1'. !ime of commission of offense. - T&e (recise ti e o* t&e co ission o* t&e o**ense s&all 0e state$ in t&e co (laint or in*or ation i* ti e is a aterial in1re$ient o* t&e o**ense e.1. ,treason, in*antici$e. Ot&er#ise, it is su**icient t&at it 0e alle1e$ t&at t&e o**ense #as co itte$ at an+ ti e as near to t&e actual $ate at #&ic& t&e o**ense #as co itte$. 3 SEC. 1). !itle of complaint or information. - T&e title o* t&e co (laint or in*or ation s&all 0e in t&e na e o* t&e DPeo(le o* t&e P&ili((inesD as Plainti** a1ainst all (ersons #&o a((ear to 0e res(onsi0le *or t&e o**ense involve$. 14 SEC. 1-. Contents of caption of an information. - T&e ca(tion o* an in*or ation s&all, in a$$ition to t&e na e o* t&e Plainti**, in$icate t&e *ollo#in1F aC t&e co (lete na es i.e., 1iven na e, aternal na e, surna e, an$ a$$resses, o* all t&e accuse$. In t&e case o* accuse$ inors, t&eir a1e s&all 0e in$icate$ in t&e ca(tion? 0C t&e case nu 0er? an$ cC t&e o**ense c&ar1e$. T&e $eno ination o* t&e o**ense an$ t&e s(eci*ic la# an$ (rovision violate$ s&all 0e s(eci*ie$. SEC. 1.. "ist of prosecution witnesses. - T&e in*or ation s&all contain t&e co (lete na es an$ a$$resses o* all i$enti*ie$ #itnesses *or t&e (rosecution. In cases *or violation o* 9. P. 9l1. !! an$ esta*a cases, t&e list o* #itnesses s&all inclu$e t&e co (lainant, t&e 0an5 re(resentative #it& s(eci*ic re*erence to t&e c&ec5 an$ account nu 0ers involve$ an$ in t&e (ro(er cases, t&e co (an+ au$itor? an$ in (&+sical in=uries cases, t&e atten$in1 (&+sician #it& s(eci*ic re*erence to t&e e$ical re(ort an$ $ate o* t&e inci$ent. SEC. 1/. Number of offenses charged. - A co (laint or in*or ation s&all c&ar1e onl+ one o**ense so as not to con*use t&e accuse$ in &is $e*ense, e<ce(t in t&ose cases in #&ic& e<istin1 la#s (rescri0e a sin1le (unis& ent *or various o**enses, e.1., co (le< cri es un$er Article )2 o* t&e Revise$ Penal Co$e.11

Sec. 14, i0i$. 3.Sec. 11, i0i$. Sec. !, i0i$. Sec. !, i0i$. Sec. 1', i0i$? # enalty for comple$ crimes. - %&en a sin1le act constitutes t#o or ore 1rave or less 1rave *elonies, or #&en an o**ense is a necessar+ eans *or co ittin1 t&e ot&er, t&e (enalt+ *or t&e ost serious cri e s&all 0e i (ose$, t&e sa e to 0e a((lie$ in its a<i u (erio$D. BAn. )2, Revise$ Penal Co$eC.



SEC. 12. Amendment of information or complaint. - An in*or ation or co (laint a+ 0e a en$e$ 0e*ore t&e accuse$ (lea$s, a*ter t&e accuse$ &as (lea$e$, an$ $urin1 t&e trial. 9e*ore (lea, a en$ ent o* t&e in*or ation or co (laint, in su0stance or *or , is a atter o* ri1&t. A*ter (lea an$ $urin1 trial, a en$ ent a+ 0e a$e onl+ #it& leave o* court an$ onl+ as to atters o* *or #&erein t&e sa e can 0e $one #it&out (re=u$ice to t&e ri1&ts o* t&e accuse$. At an+ ti e 0e*ore =u$1 ent, i* t&ere &as 0een a ista5e in c&ar1in1 t&e (ro(er o**ense, t&e court s&all $is iss t&e ori1inal co (laint or in*or ation u(on t&e *ilin1 o* a ne# one c&ar1in1 t&e (ro(er o**ense in accor$ance #it& Rule 113, Section 11, 1! (rovi$e$ t&e accuse$ #oul$ not 0e (lace$ t&ere0+ in $ou0le =eo(ar$+. T&e court a+ also re6uire t&e #itnesses to 1ive 0ail *or t&eir a((earance at t&e trial. 1' SEC. 13. %ista&e inform and substance. - A ista5e in *or re*ers to clerical errors, atters #&ic& are not essential to t&e c&ar1e, an$ t&ose #&ic& #ill not islea$ or (re=u$ice t&e accuse$ as #&en a $e*ense un$er t&e ori1inal in*or ation can 0e use$ a*ter t&e a en$ ent is a$e an$ an+ evi$ence t&at t&e accuse$ a+ &ave #oul$ 0e e6uall+ a((lica0le to t&e one *or as in t&e ot&er. A ista5e in su0stance is an+ o ission or isstate ent #&ic& (revents an in*or ation *ro s&o#in1 on its *ace t&at an o**ense &as 0een co itte$, or *ro s&o#in1 1) #&at o**ense is inten$e$ to 0e c&ar1e$. SEC. !4. How eriod of rescription Computed and Interrupted. - For an o**ense (enali8e$ un$er t&e Revise$ Penal Co$e, t&e (erio$ o* (rescri(tion co ences to run *ro t&e $a+ on #&ic& t&e cri e is $iscovere$ 0+ t&e o**en$e$ (art+, t&e aut&orities, or t&eir a1ents, an$ s&all 0e interru(te$F aC 0+ t&e *ilin1 o* t&e co (laint #it& t&e O**ice o* t&e Cit+;Provincial Prosecutor? 1- or #it t&e O**ice o* t&e O 0u$s an?1. or #when mista&e has teen made in charging the proper offense. - %&en it 0eco es ani*est at an+ ti e 0e*ore =u$1 ent, t&at a ista5e &as 0een a$e in c&ar1in1 t&e (ro(er o**ense, an$ t&e accuse$ cannot 0e convicte$ o* t&e o**ense c&ar1e$, or o* an+ o**ense necessaril+ inclu$e$ t&erein, t&e accuse$ s&all not 0e $isc&ar1e$, i* t&ere a((ears to 0e 1oo$ cause to $etain &i . In suc& case, t&e court s&all co it t&e accuse$ to ans#er *or t&e (ro(er o**ense an$ $is iss t&e ori1inal case u(on t&e *ilin1 o* t&e (ro(er in*or ation.D
1! 1'

Sec. 1), Rule 114, i0i$. 42 ".4.S.5Sec. 24, at pp.124%D125,. Sec. 1, (ar. !, Rule 114, Rules on Cri inal Proce$ure. Llenes vs. Dic$ican, !.4 SCRA !4/ B133.C.




0C 0+ t&e *ilin1 o* t&e co (laint or in*or ation #it& t&e court even i* it is erel+ *or (ur(oses o* (reli inar+ e<a ination or investi1ation, or even i* t&e court #&ere t&e co (laint or in*or ation is *ile$ cannot tr+ t&e case on its erits. 1/ "o#ever, *or an o**ense covere$ 0+ t&e Rules on Su ar+ Proce$ure, t&e (erio$ o* (rescri(tion is interru(te$ onl+ 0+ t&e *ilin1 o* t&e co (laint or in*or ation in court. 12 T&e (rescri(tion o* an o**ense *ile$ 0e*ore t&e Prosecutor or O 0u$s an s&all co ence to run a1ain #&en suc& (rocee$in1s ter inate? #&ile t&e (rescri(tion o* an o**ense *ile$ in court starts to run a1ain #&en t&e (rocee$in1s ter inate #it&out t&e accuse$ 0ein1 convicte$ or ac6uitte$ or are un=usti*ia0l+ sto((e$ *or an+ reason not i (uta0le to t&e accuse$.13
For violation o* a s(ecial la# or or$inance, t&e (erio$ o* (rescri(tion s&all co ence to run *ro t&e $a+ o* t&e co ission o* t&e violation, an$ i* t&e sa e is not 5no#n at t&e ti e, *ro t&e $iscover+ an$ t&e institution o* =u$icial (rocee$in1s *or its investi1ation an$ (unis& ent. T&e (rescri(tion s&all 0e interru(te$ onl+ 0+ t&e *ilin1 o* t&e co (laint or in*or ation in court an$ s&all 0e1in to run a1ain i* t&e (rocee$in1s are $is isse$ *or reasons not constitutin1 $ou0le =eo(ar$+. !4

For cases *allin1 #it&in t&e =uris$iction o* t&e Jatarun1an1 Pa 0aran1a+, t&e (erio$ o* (rescri(tion is li5e#ise interru(te$ 0+ t&e *ilin1 o* t&e co (laint #it& t&e (unon1 0aran1a+? 0ut s&all resu e to run a1ain u(on recei(t 0+ t&e co (lainant o* t&e certi*icate o* re(u$iation or o* t&e certi*ication to *ile action issue$ 0+ t&e lu(on or (an15at secretar+? Provi$e$, &o#ever, T&at suc& interru(tion s&all not e<cee$ si<t+ B.4C $a+s *ro t&e *ilin1 o* t&e co (laint #it& t&e (unon1 0aran1a+.!1

Prescri(tion s&all not run #&en t&e o**en$er is a0sent *ro

t&e countr+. !!

In cases #&ere t&e i (osa0le (enalt+ is i (rison ent an$;or a *ine, t&e 1reater (enalt+ s&all 0e t&e 0asis *or t&e co (utation o* (rescri(tion.

PART II. INQUEST2( SECTION 1. Concept. - In6uest is an in*or al an$ su


ar+ investi1ation con$ucte$




An. 31 Revise$ Penal Co$e. Sec. 25 !ct )o.332&5 as amended. Sec. 4, par.56oca# ovt. "ode. Art. 31, (ar. !, Revise$ Penal Co$e.
De(art ent o* Justice Circular No..1 $ate$ !1 Dece 0er 133'.

2, 21



0+ a (u0lic (rosecutor in cri inal cases involvin1 (ersons arreste$ an$ $etaine$ #it&out t&e 0ene*it o* a #arrant o* arrest issue$ 0+ t&e court *or t&e (ur(ose o* $eter inin1 #&et&er or not sai$ (ersons s&oul$ re ain un$er custo$+ an$ corres(on$in1l+ 0e c&ar1e$ in court. SEC. !. Designation of In 'uest Officer. T&e Cit+ or Provincial Prosecutor s&all $esi1nate t&e Prosecutors assi1ne$ to in6uest $uties an$ s&all *urnis& t&e P&ili((ine National Police BPNPC a list o* t&eir na es an$ t&eir sc&e$ule o* assi1n ents. If, &o#ever, t&ere is onl+ one Prosecutor in t&e area, all in6uest eases s&all 0e re*erre$ to &i *or a((ro(riate action. Unless ot&er#ise $irecte$ 0+ t&e Cit+ or Provincial Prosecutor, t&ose assi1ne$ to in6uest $uties s&all $isc&ar1e t&eir *unctions $urin1 t&e &ours o* t&eir $esi1nate$ assi1n ents an$ onl+ at t&e (olice stations;&ea$6uarters o* t&e PNP in or$er to e<(e$ite an$ *acilitate t&e $is(osition o* in6uest eases. SEC. '. Commencement and termination of in'uest.- T&e in6uest (rocee$in1s s&all 0e consi$ere$ co ence$ u(on recei(t 0+ t&e In6uest O**icer *ro t&e la# en*orce ent aut&orities o* t&e co (laint;re*erral $ocu ents #&ic& s&oul$ inclu$eF aC 0C cC $C t&e a**i$avit o* arrest? t&e investi1ation re(ort? t&e state ent o* t&e co (lainant an$ #itnesses? an$ ot&er su((ortin1 evi$ence 1at&ere$ 0+ t&e (olice in t&e course o* t&e latterAs investi1ation o* t&e cri inal inci$ent involvin1 t&e arreste$ or $etaine$ (erson.

T&e In6uest O**icer s&all, as *ar as (ractica0le, cause t&e a**i$avit o* arrest an$ state ents;a**i$avits o* t&e co (lainant an$ t&e #itnesses to 0e su0scri0e$ an$ s#orn to 0e*ore &i 0+ t&e arrestin1 o**icer an$ t&e a**iants. T&e in6uest (rocee$in1s ust 0e ter inate$ #it&in t&e (erio$ (rescri0e$ un$er t&e (rovisions o* Article 1!- o* t&e Revise$ Penal Co$e, as a en$e$. !) SEC. ). Documents re'uired in specific cases. - T&e In6uest O**icer s&all, as *ar as (ractica0le, re6uire t&e su0 ission;(resentation o* t&e $ocu ents liste$ 0elo#, to #itF

Mur$er, "o ici$e an$ Parrici$e

aC certi*ie$ true; ac&ine co(+ o* t&e certi*icate o* $eat& o* t&e victi ? an$

0C necro(s+ re(ort an$ t&e certi*icate o* (ost7 orte rea$il+ availa0le. Frustrate$ or Atte (te$ "o ici$e, Mur$er, Parrici$e an$ P&+sical In=uries

e<a ination, i*

aC e$ical certi*icate o* t&e co (lainin1 #itness s&o#in1 t&e nature or e<tent o* t&e in=ur+?

1! "ours *or li1&t o**enses? 12 &ours *or less 1rave o**enses? an$ '. &ours *or 1rave


0C certi*ication or state ent as to $uration o* t&e treat ent or e$ical atten$ance? an$ cC certi*icate or state ent as to $uration o* inca(acit+ *or #or5. Eiolation o* t&e Dan1erous Dru1s La# BR.A. No..)!-, as a en$e$C aC c&e istr+ re(ort or certi*icate o* la0orator+ e<a ination $ul+ si1ne$ 0+ t&e *orensic c&e ist or ot&er $ul+ aut&ori8e$ o**icer. I* t&e *ore1oin1 $ocu ents are not availa0le, t&e In6uest O**icer a+ te (oraril+ rel+ on t&e *iel$ test results on t&e sei8e$ $ru1, as atteste$ to 0+ a PNP Narcotics Co an$ o(erative or ot&er co (etent (erson, in #&ic& event, t&e In6uest O**icer s&all $irect t&e arrestin1 o**icer to i e$iatel+ *or#ar$ t&e sei8e$ $ru1 to t&e cri e la0orator+ *or e<(ert testin1 an$ to su0 it to t&e (rosecutorAs o**ice t&e *inal *orensic c&e istr+ re(ort #it&in *ive B-C $a+s *ro t&e $ate o* t&e in6uest? 0C ac&ine co(+ or (&oto1ra(& o* t&e 0u+70ust one+? an$ cC a**i$avit o* t&e (oseur70u+er, i* an+. T&e*t an$ Ro00er+, Eiolation o* t&e Anti7Pirac+ an$ Anti7"i1&#a+ Ro00er+ La# BP.D. No.-'!C an$ Eiolation o* t&e Anti7Fencin1 La# BP.D. No.1.1!C aC a list;inventor+ o* t&e articles an$ ite s su0=ect o* t&e o**ense? an$ 0C state ent o* t&eir res(ective values. Ra(e, Se$uction an$ Forci0le A0$uction #it& Ra(e aC t&e e$ico7le1al re(ort Blivin1 case re(ortC, i* t&e victi &ersel* *or e$ical or (&+sical e<a ination. Eiolation o* t&e Anti7Carna((in1 La# BR.A. No..-'3C aC

su0 itte$

ac&ine co(+ o* t&e certi*icate o*

otor ve&icle re1istration?

ac&ine co(+ o* t&e current o**icial recei(t o* (a+ ent o* t&ere1istration


*ees o* t&e su0=ect otor ve&icle? an$ ot&er evi$ence o* o#ners&i(.

Eiolation o* t&e Anti7Cattle Rustlin1 La# BP.D. No.-''C aC 0C ac&ine co(+ o* t&e cattle certi*icate o* re1istration? an$ (&oto1ra(& o* t&e cattle, i* rea$il+ availa0le.

Eiolation o* Ille1al @a 0lin1 La# BP.D. No.1.4!C aC 0C 1a 0lin1 (ara(&ernalia? an$ cas& one+, i* an+.

Ille1al Possession o* E<(losives BP.D. No.12..C aC c&e istr+ re(ort $ul+ si1ne$ 0+ t&e *orensic c&e ist? an$


(&oto1ra(& o* t&e e<(losives, i* rea$il+ availa0le.

Eiolation o* t&e Fis&eries La# BP.3. No./4)C aC 0C (&oto1ra(& o* t&e con*iscate$ *is&, i* rea$il+ availa0le? an$ certi*ication o* t&e 9ureau o* Fis&eries an$ A6uatic Resources.

Eiolation o* t&e Forestr+ La# BP.3. No./4-C aC scale s&eets containin1 t&e volu e an$ s(ecies o* t&e *orest (ro$ucts con*iscate$, nu 0er o* (ieces an$ ot&er i (ortant $etails suc& as esti ate$ value o* t&e (ro$ucts con*iscate$? 0C certi*ication o* De(art ent o* Environ ent an$ Natural Resources;9ureau o* Forest Mana1e ent? an$ cC sei8ure recei(t. T&e su0 ission o* t&e *ore1oin1 $ocu ents s&all not 0e a0solutel+ re6uire$ i* t&ere are ot&er *or s o* evi$ence su0 itte$ #&ic& #ill su**icientl+ esta0lis& t&e *acts sou1&t to 0e (rove$ 0+ t&e *ore1oin1 $ocu ents. SEC. -. Incomplete documents. - %&en t&e $ocu ents (resente$ are not co (lete to esta0lis& (ro0a0le cause, t&e In6uest O**icer s&all $irect t&e la# en*orce ent a1enc+ to su0 it t&e re6uire$ evi$ence #it&in t&e (erio$ (rescri0e$ un$er t&e (rovisions o* Article 1!o* t&e Revise$ Penal Co$e, as a en$e$.!- Ot&er#ise, t&e In6uest O**icer s&all or$er t&e release o* t&e $etaine$ (erson!. an$, #&ere t&e in6uest is con$ucte$ outsi$e o* o**ice &ours, $irect t&e la# en*orce ent a1enc+ concerne$ to *ile t&e case #it& t&e Cit+ or Provincial Prosecutor *or a((ro(riate action. SEC. (. resence of detained person. - T&e (resence o* t&e $etaine$ (erson #&o is un$er custo$+ s&all 0e ensure$ $urin1 t&e (rocee$in1s. "o#ever, t&e (ro$uction o* t&e $etaine$ (erson 0e*ore t&e In6uest O**icer $is(ense$ #it& in t&e *ollo#in1 casesF aC 0C cC $C a+ 0e

i* &e is con*ine$ in a &os(ital? i* &e is $etaine$ in a (lace un$er a<i u securit+? i* (ro$uction o* t&e $etaine$ (erson #ill involve securit+ ris5s? or i* t&e (resence o* t&e $etaine$ (erson is not *easi0le 0+ reason o* a1e, &ealt&, se< an$ ot&er si ilar *actors.

T&e a0sence o* t&e $etaine$ (erson 0+ reason o* an+ o* t&e *ore1oin1 *actors s&all 0e note$ 0+ t&e In6uest O**icer an$ re*lecte$ in t&e recor$ o* t&e case. SEC. /. Charges and counter-charges.- All c&ar1es an$ counter7c&ar1es arisin1 *ro


No.1. No.!.


t&e sa e inci$ent s&all, as *ar as (ractica0le, 0e consoli$ate$ an$ in6ueste$ =ointl+ to avoi$ contra$ictor+ or inconsistent $is(ositions. SEC. 2. Initial duty of In'uest Officer. - T&e In6uest O**icer s&all *irst $eter ine i* t&e arrest o* t&e $etaine$ (erson #as a$e in accor$ance #it& (ara1ra(&s BaC an$ B0C o* Section -, Rule 11' o* t&e 132- Rules on Cri inal Proce$ure, as a en$e$, #&ic& (rovi$e t&at arrests #it&out a #arrant a+ 0e e**ecte$F !/ aC 0C #&en, in t&e (resence o* t&e arrestin1 o**icer, t&e (erson to 0e arreste$ &as co itte$, is actuall+ co ittin1, or is atte (tin1 to co it an o**ense? or #&en an o**ense &as in *act =ust 0een co itte$, an$ t&e arrestin1 o**icer &as (ersonal 5no#le$1e o* *acts in$icatin1 t&at t&e (erson to 0e arreste$ &as co itte$ it.

For t&is (ur(ose, t&e In6uest O**icer a+ su aril+ e<a ine t&e arrestin1 o**icers on t&e circu stances surroun$in1 t&e arrest or a((re&ension o* t&e $etaine$ (erson. SEC. 3. where arrest not properly effected. - S&oul$ t&e In6uest O**icer *in$ t&at t&e arrest #as not a$e in accor$ance #it& t&e Rules, &e s&all? aC 0C cC

reco en$ t&e release o* t&e (erson arreste$ or $etaine$? note $o#n t&e $is(osition on t&e re*erral $ocu ent? (re(are a 0rie* e oran$u in$icatin1 t&e reasons *or t&e action ta5en? an$
*or#ar$ t&e sa e, to1et&er #it& t&e recor$ o* t&e case, to t&e Cit+ or Provincial Prosecutor *or a((ro(riate action.

%&ere t&e reco en$ation *or t&e release o* t&e $etaine$ (erson is a((rove$ 0+ t&e Cit+ or Provincial Prosecutor 0ut t&e evi$ence on &an$ #arrants t&e con$uct o* a re1ular (reli inar+ investi1ation, t&e or$er o* release s&all 0e serve$ on t&e o**icer &avin1 custo$+ o* sai$ $etainee an$ s&all $irect t&e sai$ o**icer to serve u(on t&e $etainee t&e su0(oena or notice o* (reli inar+ investi1ation, to1et&er #it& t&e co(ies o* t&e c&ar1e s&eet or co (laint, a**i$avits or s#orn state ents o* t&e co (lainant an$ &is #itnesses an$ ot&er su((ortin1 evi$ence.!2 SEC. 14. where arrest properly effected. - S&oul$ t&e in6uest O**icer *in$ t&at t&e arrest #as (ro(erl+ e**ecte$, t&e $etaine$ (erson s&all 0e as5e$ i* &e $esires to avail &i sel* o* a (reli inar+ investi1ation an$, i* &e $oes, &e s&all 0e a$e to e<ecute a #aiver o* t&e (rovisions o* Article 1!- o* t&e Revise$ Penal Co$e, as a en$e$ !3, #it& t&e assistance o* a la#+er an$, in case o* non7availa0ilit+ o* a la#+er, a res(onsi0le (erson o* &is c&oice. '4 T&e (reli inar+ investi1ation a+ 0e con$ucte$ 0+ t&e In6uest O**icer &i sel* or 0+ an+ ot&er @o vs. Court o* A((eals, !4. SCRA 1'2 G133!H? U il, vs. Ra os, !4! SCRA !-1 G1331H an$ co (anion cases Peo(le vs. Mal ste$t, 132 SCRA )41 an$ Peo(le vs. A inu$in, 1.' SCRA )4! G1322H.
!/ !2

See NPS For See NPS For

No.!. No.'.


Assistant Prosecutor to #&o t&e case a+ 0e assi1ne$ 0+ t&e Cit+ or Provincial Prosecutor, #&ic& investi1ation s&all 0e ter inate$ #it&in *i*teen B1-C $a+s *ro its ince(tion.

SEC. 11. In'uest (reli inar+ investi1ation In6uest O**icer s&all state ents;a**i$avits o* evi$ence su0 itte$ to &i . proper.- %&ere t&e $etaine$ (erson $oes not o(t *or a or ot&er#ise re*uses to e<ecute t&e re6uire$ #aiver, t&e (rocee$ #it& t&e in6uest 0+ e<a inin1 t&e s#orn t&e co (lainant an$ t&e #itnesses an$ ot&er su((ortin1 I* necessar+, t&e In6uest O**icer s&all re6uire t&e (resence o* t&e co (lainin1 #itnesses an$ su0=ect t&e to an in*or al an$ su ar+ investi1ation or e<a ination *or (ur(oses o* $eter inin1 t&e e<istence o* (ro0a0le cause. SEC. 1!. %eaning of probable cause.- Pro0a0le cause e<ists #&en t&e evi$ence su0 itte$ to t&e In6uest O**icer en1en$ers a #ell7*oun$e$ 0elie* t&at a cri e &as 0een co itte$ an$ t&at t&e arreste$ Or $etaine$ (erson is (ro0a0l+ 1uilt+ t&ereo*. SEC. 1'. resence of probable cause.- I* t&e In6uest O**icer *in$s t&at (ro0a0le cause e<ists, &e s&all *ort&#it& (re(are t&e corres(on$in1 co (laint;in*or ation #it& t&e reco en$ation t&at t&e sa e 0e *ile$ in court. T&e co (laint;in*or ation s&all in$icate t&e o**ense co itte$ an$ t&e a ount o* 0ail reco en$e$, i* 0aila0le. T&erea*ter, t&e recor$ o* t&e case, to1et&er #it& t&e (re(are$ co (laint;in*or ation, s&all 0e *or#ar$e$ to t&e Cit+ or Provincial Prosecutor *or a((ro(riate action. T&e co (laint;in*or ation a+ 0e *ile$ 0+ t&e In6uest O**icer &i sel* or 0+ an+ ot&er Assistant Prosecutor to #&o t&e case a+ 0e assi1ne$ 0+ t&e Cit+ or Provincial Prosecutor. SEC. 1). Contents of Information.- T&e in*or ation s&all, a on1 ot&ers, containF aC a certi*ication 0+ t&e *ilin1 Prosecutor t&at &e is *ilin1 t&e sa e in accor$ance #it& t&e (rovisions o* Section /, Rule 11!, Rules on Cri inal Proce$ure, in cases co1ni8a0le 0+ t&e Re1ional Trial Court? '1 t&e *ull na e an$ aliases, i* an+, an$ a$$ress o* t&e accuse$? t&e (lace #&ere t&e accuse$ is actuall+ $etaine$? t&e *ull na es an$ a$$resses o* t&e co (lainant an$ #itnesses?

0C cC $C

Suc& res(onsi0le (erson

a+ 0e a (arent, el$er 0rot&er or sister, s(ouse, t&e


a+or, t&e BSec. ! B$C

unici(al =u$1e, $istrict sc&ool su(ervisor, or (riest; inister o* t&e 1os(el as c&osen 0+ &i

RA /)'2, An Act De*inin1 Ri1&ts o* Person Arreste$, Detaine$ or un$er Custo$ial Investi1ationC



eC *C 1C &C

a $etaile$ $escri(tion o* t&e recovere$ ite s, i* an+? t&e *ull na e an$ a$$ress o* t&e evi$ence custo$ian? t&e a1e an$ $ate o* 0irt& o* t&e co (lainant or t&e accuse$, i* ei1&teen B12C +ears o* a1e or 0elo#? an$ t&e *ull na es an$ a$$resses o* t&e (arents, custo$ians or 1uar$ians o* t&e inor co (lainant or accuse$, as t&e case a+ 0e.

SEC. )*. Absence of probable cause.- I* t&e In6uest O**icer *in$s no (ro0a0le cause, &e s&allF aC 0C cC $C reco en$ t&e release o* t&e arreste$ or $etaine$ (erson? '! note $o#n &is $is(osition on t&e re*erral $ocu ent? (re(are a 0rie* e oran$u in$icatin1 t&e reasons *or t&e action ta5en? an$ *ort&#it& *or#ar$ t&e recor$ o* t&e case to t&e Cit+ or Provincial Prosecutor *or a((ro(riate action.

I* t&e reco en$ation o* t&e In6uest O**icer *or t&e release o* t&e arreste$ or $etaine$ (erson is a((rove$, t&e or$er o* release s&all 0e serve$ on t&e o**icer &avin1 custo$+ o* t&e sai$ $etainee. S&oul$ t&e Cit+ or Provincial Prosecutor $isa((rove t&e reco en$ation o* release, t&e arreste$ or $etaine$ (erson s&all re ain un$er custo$+, an$ t&e corres(on$in1 co (laint;in*or ation s&all 0e *ile$ 0+ t&e Cit+ or Provincial Prosecutor or 0+ an+ Assistant Prosecutor to #&o t&e case a+ 0e assi1ne$. SEC. 1.. resence at crime scene. - %&enever a $ea$ 0o$+ is *oun$ an$ t&ere is reason to 0elieve t&at t&e $eat& resulte$ *ro *oul (la+, or *ro t&e unla#*ul acts or o issions o* ot&er (ersons an$ suc& *act &as 0een 0rou1&t to &is attention, t&e In6uest O**icer s&allF
aC *ort&#it& (rocee$ to t&e cri e scene or (lace o* $iscover+ o* t&e $ea$ (erson?


cC $C


cause an i e$iate auto(s+ to 0e con$ucte$ 0+ t&e a((ro(riate e$ico7le1al o**icer in t&e localit+ or t&e PNP e$ico7le1al $ivision or t&e N9I e$ico7 le1al o**ice, as t&e case a+ 0e? $irect t&e (olice investi1ator to cause t&e ta5in1 o* (&oto1ra(&s o* t&e cri e scene or (lace o* $iscover+ o* t&e $ea$ 0o$+? su(ervise t&e investi1ation to 0e con$ucte$ 0+ t&e (olice aut&orities as #ell as t&e recover+ o* all articles an$ (ieces o* evi$ence *oun$ t&ereat an$ see to it t&at t&e sa e are sa*e1uar$e$ an$ t&e c&ain o* t&e custo$+ t&ereo* (ro(erl+ recor$e$? an$ su0 it a #ritten re(ort o* &is *in$in1 to t&e Cit+ or Provincial Prosecutor *or a((ro(riate action.

SEC. 1/. +andiganbayan cases.- S&oul$ an+ co (laint co1ni8a0le 0+ t&e San$i1an0a+an 0e re*erre$ to an In6uest O**icer *or investi1ation, t&e latter s&all, a*ter con$uctin1 t&e corres(on$in1 in6uest (rocee$in1, *ort&#it& *or#ar$ t&e co (lete recor$ to t&e Cit+ or Provincial Prosecutor *or a((ro(riate action.




SEC. 12. ,eco-ered articles.- T&e In6uest O**icer s&all see to it t&at all articles recovere$ 0+ t&e (olice at t&e ti e o* t&e arrest or a((re&ension o* t&e $etaine$ (erson are (&+sicall+ inventorie$, c&ec5e$ an$ accounte$ *or #it& t&e issuance o* corres(on$in1 recei(ts 0+ t&e (olice o**icer;investi1ator concerne$. T&e sai$ articles ust 0e (ro(erl+ $e(osite$ #it& t&e (olice evi$ence custo$ian an$ not #it& t&e (olice investi1ator. T&e In6uest O**icer s&all ensure t&at t&e ite s recovere$ are $ul+ sa*e1uar$e$ an$ t&e c&ain o* custo$+ is (ro(erl+ recor$e$. SEC. 13. ,elease of reco-ered articles.- T&e In6uest O**icer s&all, #it& t&e (rior a((roval o* t&e Cit+ or Provincial Prosecutor or &is $ul+ aut&ori8e$ re(resentative, or$er t&e release'' o* recovere$ articles to t&eir la#*ul o#ner or (ossessor, su0=ect to t&e con$itions t&atF aC 0C cC $C t&ere is a #ritten re6uest *or t&eir release? ') t&e (erson re6uestin1 t&e release o* sai$ articles is s&o#n to 0e t&e la#*ul o#ner or (ossessor t&ereo*? t&e re6uestin1 (art+ un$erta5es un$er oat& to (ro$uce sai$ articles 0e*ore t&e court #&en so re6uire$? t&e re6uestin1 (art+, i* &e is a aterial #itness to t&e case, a**ir s or rea**ir s &is state ent concernin1 t&e case an$ un$erta5es un$er oat& to a((ear an$ testi*+ 0e*ore t&e court #&en so re6uire$? t&e sai$ articles are not t&e instru ents, or tools in t&e co ission o* t&e o**ense c&ar1e$ nor t&e (rocee$s t&ereo*? an$ (&oto1ra(&s o* sai$ articles are *irst ta5en an$ $ul+ certi*ie$ to 0+ t&e PART III. PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION SECTION 1. Concept of preliminary in-estigation - A (reli inar+ investi1ation is an in6uir+ or (rocee$in1 to $eter ine #&et&er t&ere is su**icient 1roun$ to en1en$er a #ell *oun$e$ 0elie* t&at a cri e co1ni8a0le 0+ t&e Re1ional Trial Court &as 0een co itte$ an$ 't&at t&e res(on$ent is (ro0a0l+ 1uilt+ t&ereo* an$ s&oul$ 0e &el$ *or trial. A (reli inar+ investi1ation is essentiall+ a =u$icial in6uir+ since t&ere is t&e o((ortunit+ to 0e &ear$, t&e (ro$uction an$ #ei1&in1 o* evi$ence, an$ a $ecision ren$ere$ on t&e 0asis o* suc& evi$ence. In t&is sense, t&e investi1atin1 (rosecutor is a 6uasi7=u$icial o**icer.'.

eC *C

(olice evi$ence custo$ian as accuratel+ re(resentin1 t&e evi$ence in &is custo$+.

See NPS For See NPS For

No.-. No...



Section 1, Rule 11!, Rules on Cri inal Proce$ure. Cru8, Jr. vs. Peo(le, !'' SCRA )'3 G133)H.


SEC. !. urpose of preliminary in-estigation. - A (reli inar+ investi1ation is inten$e$F aC to secure t&e innocent a1ainst &ast+, alicious an$ o((ressive (rosecution an$ to (rotect &i *ro an o(en an$ (u0lic accusation o* a cri e an$ *ro t&e trou0le, e<(ense an$ an<iet+ o* a (u0lic trial? '/ an$ to (rotect t&e State *ro &avin1 to con$uct useless an$ e<(ensive trials. '2


SEC. '. Nature of preliminary in-estigation. - T&e con$uct o* a (reli inar+ investi1ation is a su0stantive ri1&t #&ic& t&e accuse$ a+ invo5e (rior to or at least at t&e ti e o* (lea, t&e $e(rivation o* #&ic& #oul$ 0e a $enial o* &is ri1&t to $ue (rocess. SEC. ). .ffect of amendment of information. - In case an in*or ation is a en$e$, a ne# (reli inar+ investi1ation s&all 0e con$ucte$ i* t&e a en$e$ c&ar1e is not relate$ to t&e cri e ori1inall+ c&ar1e$? i* t&ere is a c&an1e in t&e nature o* t&e cri e c&ar1e$? or i* t&e in*or ation on its *ace is null an$ voi$ *or lac5 o* aut&orit+ to *ile t&e sa e. SEC. *. where right of preliminary in-estigation may he in-o&ed. - T&e ri1&t to a (reli inar+ investi1ation a+ 0e invo5e$ onl+ in cases co1ni8a0le 0+ t&e Re1ional Trial Court. T&e ri1&t is not availa0le in cases tria0le 0+ in*erior courts. SEC. .. Officers Authori/ed to Conduct reliminary In-estigation. - T&e *ollo#in1 a+ con$uct a (reli inar+ investi1ation?'3 aC 0C cC $C Provincial or Cit+ Prosecutors an$ t&eir assistants? Ju$1es o* Munici(al Trial Courts an$ Munici(al Circuit Trial Courts? National an$ Re1ional State Prosecutors? an$ Ot&er o**icers as a+ 0e aut&ori8e$ 0+ la#. )4

T&eir aut&orit+ to con$uct (reli inar+ investi1ation s&all inclu$e all cri es co1ni8a0le 0+ t&e (ro(er court in t&eir res(ective territorial =uris$iction. )1 SEC. 0. Commencement of reliminary In-estigation.- A (reli inar+ investi1ation (rocee$in1 is co ence$F Peo(le vs. Poculan, 1./ SCRA 1/. G1322H? Ro$is, Sr. vs. San$i1an0a+an, Secon$ Division, 1.. SCRA .12 G13221? Salon1a vs. Pano, 1') SCRA )'2 G132-H? Trocio vs. Manta, 112 SCRA !)1 G132!H? Sausi vs. >ueru0in, .! SCRA 1-- G13/-H? an$ "as&i vs. .oncan5 (1 Phi#. 21& E1%41F. '2 Tan$oc vs. Resultan, 1/- SCRA '/ G1323H.


Par. 1, Sec. !, Rule 11!, su(ra.

T&e S(ecial Prosecution O**icers an$ @ra*t Investi1ation O**icers in cases co'ni:a3#e 3+ the *ffice of the *m3udsman and the "*M060" officia#s in cases invo#vin' vio#ations of the 0#ection "ode5 P" *fficers 41 Par. 25 Section 25 8u#e 1125 supra.

aC 0C cC

$C eC

0+ t&e *ilin1 o* a co (laint 0+ t&e o**en$e$ (art+ or an+ co (etent (erson 2)! $irectl+ #it& t&e O**ice o* t&e Investi1atin1 Prosecutor or Ju$1e? 0+ re*erral *ro or u(on re6uest o* t&e la# en*orce ent a1enc+ t&at investi1ate$ a cri inal inci$ent? u(on re6uest o* a (erson arreste$ or $etaine$ (ursuant to a #arrantless arrest #&o e<ecutes a #aiver o* t&e (rovisions o* Article 1!- o* t&e Revise$ Penal Co$e, as a en$e$? 0+ or$er or u(on $irective o* t&e court or ot&er co (etent aut&orit+? or *or election o**enses, u(on t&e initiative o* t&e Co ission on Elections, or u(on #ritten co (laint 0+ an+ citi8en, can$i$ate, re1istere$ (olitical (art+, coalition o* re1istere$ (arties or or1ani8ations un$er t&e (art+7list s+ste or an+ accre$ite$ citi8en ar o* t&e Co ission on Elections. )'

SEC. 2. Complaint. 7 For (ur(oses o* (reli inar+ investi1ation, t&e co (laint *ile$ #it& t&e (rosecutorAs o**ice s&all, as *ar as (ractica0le, 0e acco (anie$ or covere$ 0+ an In*or ation S&eet an$ s&all state, a on1 ot&ers 7 aC 0C cC $C t&e *ull an$ co (lete na es an$ e<act &o e, o**ice or (ostal a$$resses o* t&e co (lainant an$ &is #itnesses? T&e *ull an$ co (lete na e an$ e<act &o e, o**ice or (ostal a$$ress o* t&e res(on$ent? T&e o**ense c&ar1e$ an$ t&e (lace an$ e<act $ate an$ ti e o* its co ission? an$ %&et&er or not t&ere e<ists a relate$ case an$, i* so, t&e $oc5et nu 0er o* sai$ case an$ t&e na e o* t&e Investi1atin1 Prosecutor t&ereo*.

SEC. 3. +upporting affida-its.- T&e co (laint s&all 0e acco (anie$ 0+ t&e a**i$avits o* t&e co (lainant an$ &is #itnesses, as #ell as ot&er su((ortin1 (roo*s or $ocu ents, i* an+. T&e a**i$avits s&all 0e s#orn to 0e*ore a Provincial, Cit+ or State Prosecutor, or ot&er 1overn ent o**icial aut&ori8e$ to a$ inister oat&s or, in t&eir a0sence or unavaila0ilit+, a notar+ (u0lic, #&o ust certi*+ t&at &e (ersonall+ e<a ine$ t&e a**iants an$ t&at &e is satis*ie$ t&at t&e+ voluntaril+ e<ecute$ an$ un$erstoo$ t&eir a**i$avits.)) %&en t&e (reli inar+ investi1ation is co ence$ 0+ re*erral *ro or u(on re6uest o* t&e la# en*orce ent a1enc+ t&at investi1ate$ t&e inci$ent, t&e a**i$avits o* t&e co (lainant an$ &is #itnesses to 0e su0 itte$ 0+ t&e sai$ a1enc+ s&all consist o* t&e ori1inal or $u(licate ori1inal or certi*ie$ ac&ine co(ies t&ereo*. SEC. 14. Number of copies of affida-its. - T&e co (laint an$ su((ortin1 a**i$avits s&all 0e in suc& nu 0er o* co(ies as t&ere are res(on$ents, (lus *our B)C co(ies *or t&e court;o**icial *ile. %&ere a co (laint c&ar1es

ulti(le o**enses #&ic& cannot 0e t&e su0=ect o* one in$ict ent or

E0arle vs. Sucal$ito, 1-. SCRA 24' G132/H.


Sections ' K -, Rule '), COMELEC Rules o* Proce$ure. Sec. 'BaC, Rule 11!, Rules on Cri inal Proce$ure.


in*or ation, t&e co (lainant a+ 0e re6uire$ to su0 it suc& a$$itional co(ies o* t&e co (laint an$ su((ortin1 a**i$avits as t&ere are o**enses c&ar1e$ in t&e co (laint. SEC. 11. 1arangay certification . - I* t&e o**ense c&ar1e$ is (unis&a0le 0+ i (rison ent not e<cee$in1 one B1C +ear or a *ine not e<cee$in1 Five T&ousan$ Pesos B-,444.44C an$ t&e (arties to t&e case are all resi$ents o* t&e sa e cit+ or unici(alit+, t&e co (laint s&all 0e acco (anie$ 0+ t&e certi*ication re6uire$ un$er Section )1! BaC o* R.A. Act No./1.4, DT&e Local @overn ent Co$e o* 1331.)SEC. 1!. "ac& of harangay certification.- T&e a0sence o* a 0aran1a+ certi*ication s&all not 0e a 1roun$ *or t&e $is issal o* t&e co (laint. T&e Investi1atin1 Prosecutor s&all, &o#ever, a5e t&e corres(on$in1 re*erral o* t&e co (laint to t&e (ro(er "upong !agapamayapa *or a((ro(riate action (ursuant to t&e (rovisions o* C&a(ter /, 9oo5 III o* R.A. No./1.4. In connection t&ere#it&, t&e co (lainant a+ 0e su one$ *or t&e (ur(ose o* $eliverin1 t&e re*erral to t&e C&air an o* t&e a((ro(riate 0aran1a+ an$ to secure t&e necessar+ certi*ication #it&in t&irt+ B'4C $a+s. In an+ o* t&e *ollo#in1 cases. t&e Investi1atin1 Prosecutor s&all (rocee$ to ta5e co1ni8ance o* t&e co (laint *or (ur(oses o* (reli inar+ investi1ation). even i* t&ere is no 9aran1a+ Certi*icationF aC #&ere t&e res(on$ent is un$er $etention? or #&ere t&e res(on$ent &as 0een $e(rive$ o* (ersonal li0ert+ callin1 *or &a0eas cor(us (rocee$in1s? or #&ere t&e case a+ 0e 0arre$ 0+ t&e Statute o* Li itations.


SEC. 1'. Initial2 action on the Complaint.- %it&in ten B14C $a+s a*ter t&e *ilin1 o* t&e co (laint, t&e Investi1atin1 Prosecutor s&all eit&er $is iss t&e sa e i* &e *in$s no 1roun$ to continue #it& t&e in6uir+, or issue a su0(oena to t&e res(on$ent, attac&in1 t&ereto a co(+ o* t&e co (laint to1et&er #it& t&e a**i$avits o* #itnesses an$ ot&er su((ortin1 $ocu ents. )/

SEC. 1). Dismissal of complaint. - T&e *ollo#in1, a on1 ot&ers, s&all constitute su**icient 0asis *or t&e outri1&t $is issal o* a co (laintF aC 0C cC t&at t&e o**ense c&ar1e$ in t&e co (laint #as co itte$ outsi$e t&e territorial =uris$iction o* t&e O**ice o* t&e Investi1atin1 O**icer? )2 t&at, at t&e ti e o* t&e *ilin1 o* t&e co (laint, t&e o**ense c&ar1e$ t&erein &a$ alrea$+ (rescri0e$? t&at t&e co (lainant is not aut&ori8e$ un$er t&e (rovisions o* (ertinent la#s to *ile t&e co (laint?


See A((en$i< *+*, List o* O**enses co1ni8a0le 0+ t&e Lu(on1 Ta1a(a a+a(a BCri es Covere$ 0+ t&e Jatarun1an1 Pa 0aran1a+C. Sec. )1!B0C, R.A. No./1.4. Section 'B0C, Rule 11!, Rules o* Cri inal Proce$ure.



T&e resolution o* $is issal s&oul$ inclu$e a state ent t&at t&e entire recor$ o* t&e case is 0ein1 *or#ar$e$ to t&e o**ice &avin1 =uris$iction over t&e sa e.



t&at t&e acts an$;or o issions alle1e$ in t&e co (laint an$;or t&e su((ortin1 a**i$avits $o not su**icientl+ s&o# t&at a cri inal o**ense or violation o* a (enal la# &as 0een co itte$? or t&at t&e co (laint an$ t&e su((ortin1 a**i$avits are unsi1ne$ an$;or &ave not 0een $ul+ su0scri0e$ an$ s#orn to as (rescri0e$ un$er t&e Rules on Cri inal Proce$ure.

SEC. 1-. ersonal ser-ice of documents by in-estigating prosecutor. -%&enever circu stances #arrant an$ to (revent t&e loss o* $ocu ents in t&e course o* t&e service o* a su0(oena t&rou1& or$inar+ o$es, t&e Investi1atin1 Prosecutor a+ re6uire t&e res(on$ent or ot&er (arties to a((ear 0e*ore &i on a $esi1nate$ $ate, ti e an$ (lace an$ t&en an$ t&ere (ersonall+ *urnis& t&e #it& co(ies o* t&e co (laint, su((ortin1 a**i$avits an$ ot&er $ocu ents. At t&e sai$ or an+ ot&er settin1, t&e res(on$ent s&all &ave t&e ri1&t to e<a ine all ot&er evi$ence su0 itte$ 0+ t&e co (lainant. Failure on t&e (art o* t&e res(on$ent or &is counsel;re(resentative to a((ear 0e*ore t&e Investi1atin1 Prosecutor to o0tain co(ies o* t&e co (laint, su((ortin1 a**i$avits an$ ot&er $ocu ents $es(ite recei(t o* notice or su0(oena s&all 0e consi$ere$ a #aiver or *or*eiture o* res(on$ent3s ri1&t to 0e *urnis&e$ co(ies o* t&e co (laint, su((ortin1 a**i$avits an$ ot&er $ocu ents, as #ell as to e<a ine all ot&er evi$ence su0 itte$ 0+ t&e co (lainant. For t&e (ur(oses s(eci*ie$ in t&e *irst (ara1ra(& &ereo*, t&e Investi1atin1 Prosecutor s&all not re6uire t&e a((earance 0e*ore &i o* t&e res(on$ent or ot&er (arties #&o are resi$in1 in $istant (laces. In suc& cases, t&e Investi1atin1 Prosecutor s&all issue an$ sen$ t&e su0(oena, to1et&er #it& co(ies o* t&e co (laint, su((ortin1 a**i$avit an$ ot&er $ocu ents, 0+ re1istere$ s(ecial $eliver+ ail #it& return car$. SEC. 1.. +er-ice of subpoena in preliminary in-estigation. - To e<(e$ite t&e con$uct o* a (reli inar+ investi1ation, t&e *ollo#in1 1ui$elines s&all 0e o0serve$ in t&e service o* su0(oenas7 aC Service o* su0(oena an$ all (a(ers;$ocu ents re6uire$ to 0e attac&e$ a t&ereto s&all 0e 0A:7 (ersonal service 0+ re1ular (rocess servers. In t&eir A0sence, t&e coo(eration o* t&e Provincial Cit+;Munici(al Station Co an$ers o* t&e P&ili((ine National Police BPNPC a+ 0e re6ueste$ *or t&e (ur(ose. Un$er ot&er circu stances, #&ere (ersonal service cannot 0e e**ecte$ 0ut t&e res(on$ent cannot 0e consi$ere$ as inca(a0le o* 0ein1 su0(oenae$ as #&en &e continues to resi$e at &is 5no#n a$$ress 0ut t&e return states t&at &e D&as le*t &is resi$ence an$ &is return is uncertainD or #or$s o* si ilar i (ort, service o* su0(oena an$ its attac& ents s&all 0e e**ecte$ 0+ re1istere$ ail #it& return car$ at res(on$entAs 5no#n &o e;o**ice a$$ress. On t&e *ace o* t&e envelo(e s&all 0e in$icate$ I. t&e na e an$ return a$$ress o* t&e sen$er1 an$ t&e T+(e#ritten;(rinte$ (&rase DFirst Notice Ma$e onLLLLLLLLLLLLLLD, t&us instructin1 t&e (ost aster;(ostal e (lo+ee o* t&e necessit+ o* in*or in1 t&e sen$er o* t&e


$ate t&e *irst notice #as

a$e on t&e a$$ressee? an$

ii.t&e t+(e#ritten;(rinte$ re6uestF DI* not clai e$ #it&in *ive B-C $a+s *ro *irst notice, (lease return to sen$er.D cC U(on recei(t o* t&e unclai e$;returne$ envelo(e, t&e Investi1atin1 Prosecutor a+ t&en (rocee$ to resolve t&e co (laint on t&e 0asis o* t&e evi$ence (resente$ 0+ t&e co (lainant.)3

SEC. 1/. where ,espondent cannot he subpoenaed - I* a res(on$ent cannot 0e su0(oenae$, as, *or instance, &e trans*erre$ resi$ence #it&out leavin1 an+ *or#ar$in1 a$$ress, t&e Investi1atin1 Prosecutor s&all 0ase &is resolution on t&e evi$ence (resente$ 0+ t&e co (lainant. SEC. 12. Counter-Affida-its.- In cases #&ere t&e res(on$ent is su0(oenae$, &e s&all #it&in ten B14C $a+s *ro recei(t o* t&e co (laint an$ ot&er $ocu ents, su0 it &is counter7 a**i$avit an$ ot&er su((ortin1 $ocu ents #&ic& s&all 0e s#orn to an$ certi*ie$ as (rescri0e$ in t&e secon$ sentence o* (ar. 1 o* Section 3 t&is Part, co(ies o* #&ic& s&all 0e *urnis&e$ 0+ t&e res(on$ent to t&e co (lainant.-4
Onl+ a counter7a**i$avit su0scri0e$ an$ s#orn to 0+ t&e res(on$ent 0e*ore t&e Pu0lic Prosecutor can $is(ute or (ut at issue t&e alle1ations in t&e co (laint. A e oran$u , ani*estation or otion to $is iss si1ne$ 0+ t&e counsel cannot ta5e t&e (lace o* a counter7a**i$avit. T&us, a res(on$ent rel+in1 on t&e ani*estation, e oran$u or otion to $is iss o* &is counsel is $ee e$ to &ave not controverte$ co (lainantAs evi$ence. -1

"o#ever, i* suc& e oran$u , ani*estation or otion to $is iss is veri*ie$ 0+ t&e res(on$ent &i sel*, t&e sa e a+ 0e consi$ere$ a counter7a**i$avit. SEC. 13. %otion for dismissal of bill of particulars.-!he *ilin1 o* a otion *or t&e $is issal o* t&e co (laint or *or t&e su0 ission o* a 0ill o* (articulars s&all not sus(en$ or interru(t t&e runnin1 o* t&e (erio$ *or t&e su0 ission o* counter7a**i$avits an$ ot&er su((ortin1 $ocu ents. All t&e 1roun$s *or t&e $is issal o* t&e co (laint, as #ell as o0=ections to t&e su**icienc+ t&ereo*, s&all 0e alle1e$ or incor(orate$ in t&e counter7a**i$avit an$ s&all 0e resolve$ 0+ t&e Investi1atin1 Prosecutor =ointl+ on t&e erits o* t&e case. T&e Investi1atin1 Prosecutor a+ 1rant a otion to $is iss *ile$ 0+ a res(on$ent #&o is +et to *ile or &as not *ile$ &is counter7a**i$avit i* t&e sai$ otion is veri*ie$ an$

Sec 'B$C, Rule 11!, Rules on Cri inal Proce$ure? De(art ent o* Justice Me oran$u Circular No.!- $ate$ ! Octo0er 1323. Secs. 'B0C K BcC, Rule 11!, su(ra. DOJ Resolution No.143, Series o* 1334. BI. S. NO.237!)', D9ulacan @ar$en Cor(oration



vs. Filo enaD, OPP, 9ulacanC.

satis*actoril+ esta0lis&es, a on1 ot&ersF aC t&e circu stances s(eci*ie$ in su07(ara1ra(&s BaC, B0C 3 BcC an$ B$C an$ BeC o* Section 1) o* t&is Part? 0C t&e *act t&at t&e co (laint, or one si ilar t&ereto or i$entical t&ere#it&, &as (reviousl+ 0een *ile$ #it& t&e O**ice an$ &as 0een *ull+ a$=u$icate$ u(on on t&e erits a*ter $ue (reli inar+ investi1ation (rocee$in1s? or cC t&e e<tinction o* res(on$entts cri inal lia0ilit+ 0+ reason o* $eat&, (ar$on, a nest+, re(eal o* t&e la# un$er #&ic& (rosecution is sou1&t, or ot&er le1al causes. SEC. !4. Consolidation.- T&e *ollo#in1 cases s&all, as *ar as (ractica0le, 0e consoli$ate$ *or (reli inar+ investi1ation (ur(oses an$ assi1ne$ to an$ =ointl+ &ear$ 0+ one Investi1atin1 O**icerF aC c&ar1es an$ counter7c&ar1es? 0C cases arisin1 *ro one an$ t&e sa e inci$ent or transaction or series o* inci$ent or transactions? an$ cC cases involvin1 co on (arties an$ *oun$e$ on *actual an$;or le1al issues o* t&e sa e or si ilar c&aracter. SEC. !1. .$tension of time. - No otion or re6uest *or e<tension o* ti e to su0 it counter7a**i$avits s&all 0e allo#e$ or 1rante$ 0+ t&e Investi1atin1 Prosecutor e<ce(t #&en t&e interest o* =ustice $e an$s t&at t&e res(on$ent 0e 1iven reasona0le ti e or su**icient o((ortunit+ toF aC

en1a1e t&e services o* counsel to assist &i investi1ation (rocee$in1s?

in t&e (reli inar+

e<a ine or veri*+ t&e e<istence, aut&enticit+ or accurac+ o* volu inous recor$s, *iles, accounts or ot&er (a(ers or $ocu ents (resente$ or su0 itte$ in su((ort o* t&e co (laint? or


un$erta5e stu$ies or researc& on novel, co (licate$ or tec&nical 6uestions or issues o* la# an$ o* *acts atten$ant to t&e case un$er investi1ation.

E<tensions o* ti e to su0 it a counter7a**i$avit *or an+ o* t&e reasons state$ a0ove s&all not e<cee$ ten B14C $a+s. A$$itional e<tensions a+ 0e aut&ori8e$ 0+ t&e Provincial;Cit+ Prosecutor concerne$. SEC. !!. +uspension of proceedings.- U(on otion o* a (art+, or #&en raise$ in a counter7a**i$avit, t&e Investi1atin1 Prosecutor a+ sus(en$ t&e (reli inar+ investi1ation (rocee$in1s i* t&e e<istence o* a (re=u$icial 6uestion is satis*actoril+ esta0lis&e$. -! T&e e<istence o* a (re=u$icial 6uestion s&all, &o#ever, not 0e a 1roun$ *or t&e $is issal o* t&e co (laint.

Sec.., Rule 111, i0i$.

SEC. !'. Concept of pre3udicial 'uestion.- A (re=u$icial 6uestion is one t&e resolution o* #&ic& is a lo1ical antece$ent o* t&e issue involve$ in a case an$ t&e co1ni8ance o* #&ic& (ertains to anot&er tri0unal.-' It is 0ase$ on a *act $istinct an$ se(arate *ro t&e cri e c&ar1e$ 0ut so inti atel+ connecte$ #it& it t&at it $eter ines t&e 1uilt or innocence o* t&e accuse$. To sus(en$ t&e cri inal action, it ust not onl+ a((ear t&at sai$ case involves *acts inti atel+ relate$ to t&ose u(on #&ic& t&e cri inal (rosecution #oul$ 0e 0ase$ 0ut also t&at in t&e resolution o* t&e issue or issues raise$ in t&e civil case, t&e 1uilt or innocence o* t&e accuse$ #oul$ necessaril+ 0e $eter ine$. -)

SEC. !). .lements of pre3udicial 'uestion. - T&e essential ele ents o* a (re=u$icial 6uestion areF aC 0C cC t&e civil action involves an issue si ilar or inti atel+ relate$ to t&e issue raise$ in t&e cri inal action? t&e resolution o* suc& issue $eter ines #&et&er or not t&e cri inal action a+ (rocee$ ? an$ t&e co1ni8ance o* t&e sai$ issue (ertains to anot&er tri0unal. -.

SEC. !-. Issuance of orders of suspension of proceedings.- No resolution or or$er sus(en$in1 t&e (reli inar+ investi1ation 0ase$ on t&e e<istence o* a (re=u$icial 6uestion s&all 0e issue$ 0+ t&e Investi1atin1 Prosecutor #it&out t&e #ritten a((roval o* t&e Provincial;Cit+ Prosecutor concerne$ or &is $ul+ $esi1nate$ assistant.
SEC. !.. ,eply-affida-its and re3oinders.- T&e Investi1atin1 Prosecutor s&all not re6uire or allo# t&e *ilin1 or su0 ission o* re(l+7a**i$avits an$;or re=oin$ers, e<ce(t #&ere ne# issues o* *act or 6uestions o* la# #&ic& are aterial an$ su0stantial in nature are raise$ or invo5e$ in t&e counter7 a**i$avit or su0se6uent (lea$in1s an$ t&ere e<ists a nee$ *or sai$ issues or 6uestions to 0e controverte$ or re0utte$, clari*ie$ or e<(laine$ to ena0le t&e Investi1atin1 Prosecutor to arrive at a *air an$ =u$icious resolution o* t&e case. In suc& a case, t&e (erio$ *or t&e su0 ission o* re(l+ a**i$avits or re=oin$ers s&all in no case e<cee$ *ive B-C $a+s unless a lon1er (erio$ is aut&ori8e$ 0+ t&e Provincial;Cit+ Prosecutor concerne$.

SEC. !/. Clanficatory 'uestions. - T&e Investi1atin1 Prosecutor a+ set a &earin1 to (ro(oun$ clari*icator+ 6uestions to t&e (arties or t&eir #itnesses i* &e 0elieves t&at t&ere are atters #&ic& nee$ to 0e in6uire$ into (ersonall+ 0+ &i . In sai$ &earin1, t&e (arties s&all 0e a**or$e$ t&e o((ortunit+ to 0e (resent 0ut #it&out t&e ri1&t to e<a ine or cross7e<a ine. I* t&e+ so $esire, t&e+ a+ su0 it #ritten 6uestions to t&e Investi1atin1 Prosecutor #&o a+ (ro(oun$ suc& 6uestions to t&e (arties or #itnesses concerne$. -/

Ras vs. Rasul, 144 SCRA 1!- G1324H? >uia 0ao vs. Osono, @. R. No.)21-/, Marc& 1., 1322? an$

A((en$i< MPN


Donato vs. Luna, @.R. No.-'.)!, A(ril 1-, 1322? Pra$o vs. Peo(le, 1'' SCRA .4! G132)H? an$

Li0ro$o vs. Coscolluela, Jr., 11. SCRA '4' G132!H.


Sec. -, Rule 111, su(ra. "f. 8as vs. 8asu#5 supra/ Quiam3ao vs. *sono5 supra. Sec. 'BeC, Rule 11!, su(ra.

5& -/

T&e Investi1atin1 Prosecutor s&all a5e a recor$ o* t&e 6uestions as5e$ an$ ans#ers 1iven $urin1 t&e clari*icator+ 6uestionin1 #&ic& s&all 0e si1ne$ 0+ t&e (arties concerne$ an$;or t&eir res(ective counsel. Sai$ notes s&all *or (art o* t&e o**icial recor$s o* t&e case. Parties #&o $esire to *ile a (etition *or revie# o* t&e Investi1atin1 O**icerAs resolution a+, at t&eir o(tion, cite s(eci*ic (ortions o* t&e oral testi on+ 0+ re*erence to t&e transcri(t o* steno1ra(&ic notes. Sai$ notes s&all onl+ 0e transcri0e$ in cases o* a((eal an$ s&all 0e o0taine$ at t&e e<(ense o* t&e intereste$ (art+. !2. +ubmission of case for resolution. - T&e Investi1atin1 Prosecutor s&all case su0 itte$ *or resolutionF aC #&en t&e res(on$ent cannot 0e su0(oenae$ or, i* su0(oenae$, $oes not su0 it &is counter7a**i$avit #it&in t&e re1le entar+ (erio$. In suc& a case, t&e Investi1atin1 Prosecutor s&all 0ase &is resolution on t&e evi$ence (resente$ 0+ t&e co (lainant? -2 or u(on su0 ission 0+ t&e (arties o* t&eir res(ective a**i$avits an$ su((ortin1 (roo* or $ocu ents, in #&ic& event, &e s&all, u(on t&e evi$ence t&us a$$uce$, $eter ine #&et&er or not t&ere is su**icient 1roun$ to &ol$ t&e res(on$ent *or trial -3


SEC. !3. "ac& of probable cause.- I* t&e Investi1atin1 Prosecutor $oes not *in$ su**icient 0asis *or t&e (rosecution o* t&e res(on$ent, &e s&all (re(are t&e resolution reco en$in1 t&e $is issal o* t&e co (laint.
SEC. '4. 4inding of probable cause. - I* t&e Investi1atin1 Prosecutor *in$s t&at (ro0a0le cause e<ists, &e s&all (re(are t&e resolution an$ t&e corres(on$in1 in*or ation or co (laint in t&e a((ro(riate cases.

%&ere t&e res(on$ent is a (u0lic o**icer or e (lo+ee or a e 0er o* t&e P&ili((ine National Police BPNPC, t&e Investi1atin1 Prosecutor s&all also $eter ine #&et&er or not t&e o**ense #it& #&ic& &e is c&ar1e$ #as co itte$ in relation to &is o**ice an$, i* so co itte$, suc& *act s&oul$ 0e alle1e$ in t&e in*or ation to 0e *ile$ #it& t&e San$i1an0a+an t&rou1& t&e O 0u$s an .4 SEC. '1. ,eopening of in-estigation.- A*ter a case un$er (reli inar+ investi1ation &as 0een su0 itte$ *or resolution un$er t&e (rovisions o* t&e (rece$in1 Section 0ut 0e*ore (ro ul1ation o* t&e resolution, t&e (reli inar+ investi1ation a+ 0e reo(ene$ *or t&e (ur(ose o* receivin1 ne# an$;or a$$itional evi$ence u(on t&e (rior aut&ori8ation 1iven 0+ t&e Provincial;Cit+ Prosecutor concerne$ or u(on otion o* t&e intereste$ (art+, Provi$e$, T&at Secs. ' B$C K B*C, Rule 11!, i0i$. Sections 'B$C K B*C, Rule 11!, i0i$. Re(u0lic vs. Ma<i iano Asuncion, @.R. No. L7142!42, Marc& 133).




in t&e latter case, it s&all 0e su0=ect to t&e *ollo#in1 con$itionsF aC t&e otion is veri*ie$ an$ a co(+ t&ereo* *urnis&e$ t&e o((osin1 (art+? 0C t&e otion is acco (anie$ #it& t&e ne# an$;or a$$itional evi$ence? an$ cC t&e otion su**icientl+ an$ satis*actoril+ s&o#s vali$ an$ =usti*ia0le reason *or t&e *ailure o* t&e ovant to su0 it t&e ne# an$;or a$$itional evi$ence $urin1 t&e (reli inar+ investi1ation (rocee$in1s. SEC. '!. Cases !ransmitted by the %unicipal !rial 5udge. - U(on recei(t o* t&e recor$s o* t&e case *ro t&e Munici(al Trial Court or Munici(al Circuit Trial Court #&ic& con$ucte$ t&e Preli inar+ Investi1ation, t&e Prosecution O**ice s&all revie# t&e case 0ase$ on t&e e<istin1 recor$s, #it&out re6uestin1 t&e (arties to su0 it e oran$u o* aut&orities ,.1 an$ a+ a**ir , o$i*+ or reverse t&e *in$in1 o* t&e Munici(al Trial Court =u$1e. "o#ever, i* t&e interest o* =ustice so re6uires, t&e (rosecutor a+ con$uct a *ull 0lo#n reinvesti1ation 1ivin1 t&e (arties t&e o((ortunit+ to su0 it a$$itional evi$ence, an$ t&erea*ter, resolve t&e case on t&e 0asis o* t&e totalit+ o* t&e evi$ence t&us a$$uce$. SEC. ''. %emoranda. 7 T&e Investi1atin1 Prosecutor s&all not re6uire nor allo# t&e *ilin1 or su0 ission 0+ t&e (arties o* e oran$a unless t&e case involves $i**icult or co (licate$ 6uestions o* la# or o* *act. In an+ event, t&e *ilin1 o* e oran$a 0+ t&e (arties s&all 0e $one si ultaneousl+ an$ t&e (erio$ t&ere*ore s&all not e<cee$ ten B14C $a+s, unless a lon1er (erio$ is aut&ori8e$ 0+ t&e Provincial;Cit+ Prosecutor concerne$. SEC. '). eriod for resol-ing a case. - T&e Investi1atin1 Prosecutor s&all resolve t&e case #it&in ten B14C $a+s *ro t&e ti e t&e case is $ee e$ su0 itte$ *or resolution, .! unless ot&er#ise (rovi$e$ &erein or a lon1er (erio$ is aut&ori8e$ 0+ t&e Provincial;Cit+ Prosecutor concerne$. +.C. 6*. 4orm of resolution and number of copies.- T&e resolution s&all 0e #ritten in t&e o**icial lan1ua1e, (ersonall+ an$ $irectl+ (re(are$ an$ si1ne$ 0+ t&e Investi1atin1 Prosecutor. It s&all 0e (re(are$ in as an+ co(ies as t&ere are (arties, (lus t&ree B'C a$$itional co(ies. SEC. '.. Contents of the resolution. - A resolution s&all contain a ca(tion an$ a 0o$+.

SEC. '/. Caption of resolution. - T&e ca(tion o* t&e resolution s&all in$icate t&eF

aC na es o* all t&e co (lainants an$ all o* t&e res(on$ents? 0C Case Nu 0er, ot&er#ise 5no#n as t&e Investi1ation Sli( Nu 0er or 1.2. No.?

De(art ent o* Justice Me oran$u Sec. 'B*C, Rule 11!, su(ra.

Circular No./, s.1322.


cC t&e o**ense c&ar1e$? $C t&e $ate o* t&e *ilin1 o* t&e co (laint #it& t&e o**ice? eC t&e $ate o* t&e assi1n ent o* t&e case to or recei(t o* t&e case recor$ 0+ t&e Investi1atin1 O**icer? an$ *C t&e $ate t&e case #as su0 itte$ *or resolution. SEC. '2. Names of parties. - T&e co (lete na es o* all t&e co (lainants an$ res(on$ents in t&e case s&all 0e set out in t&e ca(tion o* t&e resolution. It is not (ro(er to use t&e (&rase Det. al.D to re*er to ot&er co (lainants an$ res(on$ents. T&e na e o* t&e victi or in=ure$ (art+, not t&eir re(resentative, s&all a((ear in t&e ca(tion. In cases re*erre$ to t&e (rosecution 0+ t&e (olice #&ere t&ere is no i$enti*ie$ victi , as in (ro&i0ite$ $ru1s cases, t&e co (lainant s&all 0e t&e (olice station involve$, *ollo#e$ 0+ t&e na e an$ $esi1nation o* t&e (olice o**icer re(resentin1 t&e (olice station. In &o ici$e or ur$er cases, t&e na e o* t&e victi or o* t&e co (lainant s&all 0e in t&e ca(tion. T&e &eirs or relatives o* t&e slain victi s&all 0e in$icate$ as DLe1al &eirs o* $ecease$ Bna e or (erson 5ille$CD, re(resente$ 0+ DBeit&er t&e survivin1 s(ouse, *at&er or ot&erCD. In t&e case o* a cor(oration or =u$icial entit+, its cor(orate na e or i$entit+ s&all 0e in$icate$ an$ #ritten as *ollo#s. D AOA Cor(oration, re(resente$ 0+ its B(osition titleC, Bna e o* cor(orate o**icerCD. SEC. '3. Case number. - T&e nu 0er o* a case s&all in$icate t&e +ear an$ ont&? it #as *ile$ an$ its entr+ nu 0er in t&e lo1 0oo5 o* t&e o**ice, e.1. 3/ B+earCAB ont&C74!)Bentr+ nu 0erC. SEC. )4. Designation of offense charged. - For o**enses t&at are (unis&a0le un$er t&e Revise$ Penal Co$e, t&e ca(tion s&all set *ort& t&e $eno ination o* t&e o**ense an$ t&e s(eci*ic article an$ (ara1ra(& o* t&e statute violate$. %&ere t&ere is anot&er c&ar1e or counterc&ar1e in t&e sa e case &avin1 one case nu 0er or in case o* a consoli$ate$ resolution involvin1 t#o or ore cri inal cases #it& t#o or ore $oc5et nu 0ers, t&e ca(tion s&all also contain sai$ in*or ation. SEC. )1. Contents of body of resolution. - In 1eneral, t&e 0o$+ o* resolution s&oul$ containF aC 0C cC a 0rie* su ar+ o* t&e *acts o* t&e case? a concise state ent o* t&e issues involve$? an$ t&e *in$in1s an$ reco en$ations o* t&e Investi1atin1 Prosecutor.

All aterial $etails t&at s&oul$ 0e *oun$ in t&e in*or ation (re(are$ 0+ t&e Investi1atin1 Prosecutor s&all 0e state$ in t&e resolution. SEC. )!. arts of a resolution. - As a rule, t&e 0o$+ o* a resolution is (arts, na el+F aC a$e u( o* *our

Part 1 s&all state t&e nature o* t&e case as $isclose$ in t&e evi$ence (resente$ 0+ t&e co (lainant suc& as &is a**i$avit7co (laint, t&e a**i$avit o* #itnesses


cC $C

an$ $ocu entar+ an$ (&+sical evi$ence. T&e a**i$avits s&all 0e nu 0ere$ in t&e or$er o* t&e (resentation o* t&e (rosecution #itnesses as $isclose$ in t&e list o* #itnesses a((earin1 in t&e in*or ation. As *or t&e $ocu entar+ evi$ence, t&e+ s&all 0e al(&a0eticall+ ar5e$ as t&e+ #oul$ 0e ar5e$ $urin1 t&e (re7trial an$ trial sta1es o* t&e case. Part ! s&all contain t&e version o* co (lainant o* t&e inci$ent. T&e (resentation o* t&e co (lainantAs case s&oul$ 0e concise an$ s&all not 0e cluttere$ #it& $etails t&at are not necessar+ to s&o# t&e ele ents o* t&e o**ense. Part ' s&all alle1e t&e res(on$ent1s version o* t&e inci$ent. T&is ust also 0e concise. Part ) s&all contain t&e $iscussion, anal+sis an$ evaluation 0+ t&e (rosecutor o* t&e evi$ence (resente$ 0+ t&e co (lainant an$ t&e res(on$ent, #it&out rel+in1 on t&e #ea5ness o* t&e $e*ense o* t&e res(on$ent. It s&all also contain t&e conclusion o* t&e (rosecutor. T&e co (lainantAs an$ res(on$entAs versions o* t&e inci$ent nee$ not 0e re(eate$ in t&is (art e<ce(t to (oint out e<cer(ts relatin1 to t&e e<istence or a0sence o* t&e ele ents o* t&e cri e. Citations o* (ertinent la#s an$ =uris(ru$ence s&oul$ su((ort t&e conclusions reac&e$. %&ere nu erical values are i (ortant, t&e nu 0er s&all 0e #ritten in #or$s an$ *i1ures. en$e$ in t&e resolution

SEC. )'. How recommended hail is written. - T&e 0ail reco s&all 0e #ritten in #or$s an$ *i1ures.

SEC. 77. ,ecommended bail. - T&e 0ail reco en$e$ in t&e resolution s&all 0e state$ in t&e in*or ation, #ritten in #or$s an$ *i1ures, an$ initiale$ 0+ t&e investi1atin1 (rosecutor. SEC. )-. arties to be furnished with a copy of the resolution. - T&e co (lete na es an$ a$$resses o* t&e co (lainant an$ t&e res(on$ent s&all 0e set out at t&e en$ o* t&e resolution a*ter t&e si1nature o* t&e investi1atin1 (rosecutor an$ t&e &ea$ o* t&e ProsecutorAs O**ice concerne$ un$er t&e (&raseF DCo(+ *urnis&e$FD. I* t&e (arties are re(resente$ 0+ counsel an$ t&e latterAs a((earance is entere$ *or all+ in t&e recor$,.' t&e counsel, not t&e (art+, s&all 0e 1iven a co(+ o* t&e resolution. SEC. 7(. +ignature and initials of in-estigating prosecutor. - T&e investi1atin1 (rosecutor s&all si1n t&e resolution an$ i* t&e resolution consists o* t#o or ore (a1es, t&e (rosecutor s&all initial all o* sai$ (a1es, e<clu$in1 t&e si1nature (a1e. SEC. )/. ,ecords of the case. - T&e investi1atin1 *iscal s&all *or#ar$ &is resolution, to1et&er #it& t&e co (lete recor$s o* t&e case, to t&e Provincial or Cit+ Prosecutor or C&ie* State Prosecutor concerne$ #it&in *ive B-C $a+s *ro t&e $ate o* &is resolution. .) SEC. )2. Action of the ro-incial or City rosecutor or Chief +tate rosecutor on resolution. 7 T&e Provincial or Cit+ Prosecutor or C&ie* State Prosecutor concerne$ s&all act

NoteF A s(ecial a((earance $oes not 6uali*+. Sec. ), (ar.1,Rule 11!, su(ra.


on all resolutions #it&in ten B14C $a+s *ro recei(t t&ereo* 0+ eit&er a((rovin1 or $isa((rovin1 t&e resolution or returnin1 t&e sa e to t&e investi1atin1 (rosecutor *or *urt&er a((ro(riate action.A Ai e$iatel+ a*ter a((rovin1 or $isa((rovin1 t&e resolution, t&e Provincial or Cit+ Prosecutor or C&ie* State Prosecutor concerne$ s&all trans it a co(+ o* t&e resolution to t&e (arties. SEC. )3. ,e-ersal by the ro-incial or City rosecutor or Chief +tate rosecutor of resolution of in-estigating prosecutor. 7 I* t&e Provincial or Cit+ Prosecutor or C&ie* State Prosecutor reverses t&e reco en$ation in t&e resolution o* t&e investi1atin1 (rosecutor, t&e *or er a+, 0+ &i sel*, *ile t&e corres(on$in1 in*or ation or $irect an+ ot&er assistant (rosecutor or state (rosecutor, as t&e case a+ 0e, to $o so #it&out nee$ o* con$uctin1 anot&er (reli inar+ investi1ation. SEC. -4. Appro-al of pleading by head of prosecution office. - A (lea$in1 (re(are$ 0+ t&e trial (rosecutor, inclu$in1 e$parte otions, s&all not 0e *ile$ in court #it&out t&e (rior #ritten a((roval 0+ t&e Provincial or Cit+ Prosecutor or C&ie* State Prosecutor, as t&e case a+ 0e, o* sai$ (lea$in1.

SEC. -1. %otion for rein-estigation, where filed. - 9e*ore t&e arrai1n ent o* t&e accuse$, a otion *or reinvesti1ation o* t&e case a+ 0e *ile$ #it& t&e Cit+;Provincial Prosecutor, Provi$e$, T&at #&en t&e case &as 0een a((eale$ to t&e Re1ional State Prosecutor or t&e De(art ent o* Justice, suc& otion a+ 0e *ile$, res(ectivel+, #it& t&e sai$ o**ices. A*ter arrai1n ent, sai$ otion a+ onl+ 0e *ile$ #it& t&e =u$1e &earin1 t&e case. SEC. -!. Confidentiality of resolutions. - All resolutions (re(are$ 0+ an Investi1atin1 Prosecutor a*ter (reli inar+ investi1ation, #&et&er &is reco en$ation 0e *or t&e *ilin1 or $is issal o* t&e case, s&all 0e &el$ in strict con*i$ence an$ s&all not 0e a$e 5no#n to t&e (arties, t&eir counsel an$;or to an+ unaut&ori8e$ (erson until t&e sa e s&all &ave 0een *inall+ acte$ u(on 0+ t&e Provincial;Cit+ Prosecutor or &is $ul+ aut&ori8e$ assistant an$ a((rove$ *or (ro ul1ation an$ release to t&e (arties. Eiolation o* t&e *ore1oin1 s&all su0=ect t&e Investi1atin1 Prosecutor or t&e e (lo+ee o* t&e o**ice concerne$ to severe $isci(linar+ action. SEC. -'. Information2Complaint.- T&e in*or ation;co (laint s&all 0e (ersonall+ an$ $irectl+ (re(are$ 0+ t&e Investi1atin1 Prosecutor or suc& ot&er (rosecutor $esi1nate$ *or t&e (ur(ose an$ si1ne$ 0+ &i or t&e co (lainant, as t&e case a+ 0e. It s&all state an$ contain, in a$$ition to t&e re6uire ents o* t&e Rules o* Court on t&e su**icienc+ o* t&e alle1ations in an in*or ation or co (laint, t&e *ollo#in1F aC 0C cC $C eC *C t&e *ull na e an$ aliases, i* an+, an$ a$$ress o* t&e accuse$? t&e a1e an$ $ate o* 0irt& o* t&e co (lainant or t&e accuse$, i* ei1&teen B12C +ears o* a1e or 0elo#? t&e *ull na es an$ a$$resses o* t&e (arents, custo$ian or 1uar$ian o* t&e inor co (lainant or accuse$, as t&e case a+ 0e? t&e (lace #&ere t&e accuse$ is actuall+ $etaine$? t&e *ull na es an$ a$$resses o* t&e co (lainant an$ #itnesses? a $etaile$ $escri(tion o* t&e recovere$ ite s, i* an+?

1C &C

t&e *ull na e an$ a$$ress o* t&e evi$ence custo$ian? an$ t&e 0ail reco en$e$, i* t&e c&ar1e is 0aila0le.

T&e Investi1atin1 Prosecutor s&all certi*+ un$er oat& t&at &e or, as s&o#n 0+ t&e recor$, an aut&ori8e$ o**icer, &a$ (ersonall+ e<a ine$ t&e co (lainant an$ &is #itnesses? t&at t&ere is reasona0le 1roun$ to 0elieve t&at a cri e &as 0een co itte$ an$ t&at t&e accuse$ is (ro0a0l+ 1uilt+ t&ereo*? t&at t&e accuse$ #as in*or e$ o* t&e co (laint an$ o* t&e evi$ence su0 itte$ a1ainst &i an$ t&at &e #as 1iven an o((ortunit+ to su0 it controvertin1 evi$ence? an$ t&at &e is *ilin1 t&e co (laint or in*or ation #it& t&e (rior aut&orit+ an$ a((roval o* t&e Provincial;Cit+ Prosecutor concerne$. .SEC. *7. Documents to be attached to information2complaint. - An in*or ation;co (laint t&at is *ile$ in court s&all, as *ar as (ractica0le, 0e acco (anie$ 0+ a co(+ o* t&e resolution o* t&e Investi1atin1 Prosecutor, t&e co (lainantAs a**i$avit, t&e s#orn state ents o* t&e (rosecutionAs #itnesses, t&e res(on$entAs counter7a**i$avit an$ t&e s#orn state ents o* &is #itnesses an$ suc& ot&er evi$ence as a+ &ave 0een ta5en into account in arrivin1 at a $eter ination o* t&e e<istence o* (ro0a0le cause. .. SEC. --. romulgation of resolution.- T&e result o* t&e (reli inar+ investi1ation s&all 0e (ro ul1ate$ 0+ *urnis&in1 t&e (arties or t&eir counsel a co(+ o* t&e resolution 0+F aC 0C cC (ersonal service? re1istere$ ail #it& return car$ to t&e co (lainant, an$ 0+ or$inar+ ail to t&e res(on$ent, i* t&e resolution is *or t&e $is issal o* t&e co (laint? or re1istere$ ail #it& return car$ to t&e res(on$ent, an$ 0+ or$inar+ ail to t&e co (lainant, i* t&e resolution is *or t&e in$ict ent o* t&e res(on$ent.

SEC. -.. %otion for reconsideration. - A otion *or reconsi$eration a+ 0e *ile$ #it&in ten B14C $a+s *ro recei(t o* t&e resolution. T&e otion s&all 0e veri*ie$, a$$resse$ to t&e Provincial;Cit+ Prosecutor or t&e C&ie* State Prosecutor, an$ acco (anie$ 0+ (roo* o* service o* a co(+ t&ereo* on t&e o((osin1 (art+ an$ ust state clearl+ an$ $istinctl+ t&e 1roun$s relie$ u(on in su((ort o* t&e otion. A otion *or reconsi$eration is still (art o* $ue (rocess in t&e (reli inar+ investi1ation. T&e $enial t&ereo* is a reversi0le error as it constitutes a $e(rivation o* t&e res(on$entAs ri1&t to a *ull (reli inar+ investi1ation (re(arator+ to t&e *ilin1 o* t&e in*or ation a1ainst &i ../ T&e court t&ere*ore a+ not (rocee$ #it& t&e arrai1n ent an$ trial (en$in1 resolution o* t&e otion *or reconsi$eration. SEC. -/. Inhibition. - A Prosecutor s&all in&i0it &i sel* *ro (reli inar+ investi1ation in a case #&erein 7 aC

con$uctin1 a

&e or &is #i*e or c&il$ is intereste$ as &eir, le1atee, cre$itor or ot&er#ise? or

Section ) B!C Rule 11!, su(ra.

Li E. Feli<, @. R. No.3)4-)7-/, an$ Fernan$e8 E. Feli<, @.R. No.3)!..7-/, 13) SCRA !3!


G1331H? See also Alla$o E. Dio5no, !'! SCRA 13! G133)H.


Torra#3a vs. Sandi'an3a+an5 23, S"8! 33 E1%%4F.


&e is relate$ to eit&er a**init+ or to counsel

&e &as 0een na e$ counsel. (art+ #it&in t&e .t& $e1ree o* consan1uinit+ or #it&in t&e )t& $e1ree? or e<ecutor, a$ inistrator, 1uar$ian, trustee or

A otion to $is6uali*+ or in&i0it t&e Investi1atin1 Prosecutor a+ 0e *ile$ #it& t&e Cit+;Provincial or C&ie* State Prosecutor concerne$ *or =ust or vali$ reasons ot&er t&an t&ose entione$ a0ove. SEC. -2. eriod to resol-e cases under preliminary in-estigation. - T&e *ollo#in1 (erio$s s&all 0e o0serve$ in t&e resolution o* cases un$er (reli inar+ investi1ationF aC T&e (reli inar+ investi1ation o* co (laints c&ar1in1 a ca(ital o**ense s&all 0e ter inate$ an$ resolve$ #it&in ninet+ B34C $a+s *ro t&e $ate o* assi1n ent to t&e Investi1atin1 Prosecutor. T&e (reli inar+ investi1ation o* all ot&er co (laints involvin1 cri es co1ni8a0le 0+ t&e Re1ional Trial Courts s&all 0e ter inate$ an$ resolve$ #it&in si<t+ B.4C $a+s *ro t&e $ate o* assi1n ent.
In cases o* co (laints involvin1 cri es co1ni8a0le 0+ t&e Metro(olitan Trial Courts, Munici(al Trial Courts an$ Munici(al Circuit Trial Courts, t&e (reli inar+



investi1ation 7 s&oul$ t&e sa e 0e #arrante$ 0+ t&e circu stances 7 s&all 0e ter inate$ an$ resolve$ #it&in si<t+B.4C $a+s *ro t&e $ate o* assi1n ent to t&e Investi1atin1 Prosecutor. In all instances, t&e total (erio$ B*ro t&e $ate o* assi1n ent to t&e ti e o* actual resolutionC t&at a+ 0e consu e$ in t&e con$uct o* t&e *or al (reli inar+ investi1ation s&all not e<cee$ t&e (erio$s (rescri0e$ &erein. .2 PART IV. PETITION FOR REVIEW-) SECTION 1. +ub3ect of petition for re-iew.- Onl+ resolutions o* t&e C&ie* State Prosecutor;Re1ional State Prosecutor;Provincial or Cit+ Prosecutor $is issin1 a cri inal co (laint a+ 0e t&e su0=ect o* a Petition *or Revie# to t&e Secretar+ o* Justice e<ce(t as ot&er#ise (rovi$e$ in Section ) &ereo*. A (etition *ro t&e resolution o* a Provincial;Cit+ Prosecutor #&ere t&e (enalt+ (rescri0e$ *or t&e o**ense c&ar1e$ $oes not e<cee$ prision correccional, re1ar$less o* t&e i (osa0le *ine, s&all 0e a$e to t&e Re1ional State Prosecutor #&o s&all resolve t&e (etitions #it& *inalit+. Suc& (etitions s&all also 0e 1overne$ 0+ t&ese rules. T&e (rovision o* t&e (rece$in1 (ara1ra(& on t&e *inalit+ o* t&e resolution o* t&e Re1ional State Prosecutor not#it&stan$in1, t&e Secretar+ o* Justice a+, in t&e interest o* =ustice an$ (ursuant to &is resi$ual aut&orit+ o* su(ervision an$ control over t&e (rosecutors o* t&e De(art ent o* Justice, or$er t&e auto atic revie# 0+ &is o**ice o* t&e resolution o* t&e

De(art ent o* Justice Circular No.!) $ate$ !) Marc& 133-.

De(art ent Or$er No.!!' $ate$ June '4,133' as a en$e$ 0+ DO No.'-3 $ate$ Octo0er 1/, 133-.

Re1ional State Prosecutors in t&e cases a((eale$ to t&e latter. SEC. !. eriod to file petition.- T&e (etition ust 0e *ile$ #it&in a (erio$ o* *i*teen B1-C $a+s *ro recei(t o* t&e 6uestione$ resolution 0+ t&e (art+ or &is counsel. T&e (erio$ s&all 0e interru(te$ onl+ 0+ t&e *ilin1 o* a otion *or reconsi$eration #it&in ten B14C $a+s *ro recei(t o* t&e resolution an$ s&all continue to run *ro t&e ti e t&e resolution $en+in1 t&e otion s&all &ave 0een receive$ 0+ t&e ovant or &is counsel. SEC. '. 4orm and contents. - T&e (etition s&all 0e veri*ie$ 0+ t&e (etitioner an$ s&all contain t&e *ollo#in1F aC $ate o* recei(t o* t&e 6uestione$ resolution? $ate o* *ilin1 o* t&e ot Cn *or reconsi$eration? i* an+? an$ $ate o* recei(t o* t&e resolution on t&e otion *or reconsi$eration? na es an$ a$$resses o* t&e (arties? t&e Investi1ation Sli( Nu 0er or I.S. No. an$;or cri inal case nu 0er an$ t&e title o* t&e case? t&e venue o* t&e (reli inar+ investi1ation? a clear an$ concise state ent o* t&e *acts, t&e assi1n ent o* errors, an$ t&e le1al 0asis o* t&e (etition? in case o* a *in$in1 o* (ro0a0le cause, t&at (etitioner &as *ile$ in court a otion to $e*er *urt&er (rocee$in1s? an$
(roo* o* service o* a co(+ o* t&e (etition to t&e a$verse (art+ or &is counsel an$ t&e (rosecutor eit&er 0+ (ersonal $eliver+ or re1istere$ ail evi$ence$ 0+ t&e re1istr+ recei(ts an$ a**i$avit o* ailin1.

0C cC $C eC *C

T&e (etitioner s&all a((en$ to &is (etition co(ies o* t&e aterial an$ (ertinent a**i$avits;s#orn state ents Binclu$in1 t&eir translations, i* an+, $ul+ certi*ie$ 0+ t&e cit+;(rovincial (rosecutorC an$ evi$ence su0 itte$ in t&e (reli inar+ investi1ation 0+ 0ot& (arties an$ t&e 6uestione$ resolution. T&e (rosecutor concerne$ s&all i e$iatel+ in*or t&e De(art ent or t&e Re1ional State Prosecutor o* t&e action o* t&e court on t&e otion to $e*er *urt&er (rocee$in1s. I* t&e accuse$ is arrai1ne$ $urin1 t&e (en$enc+ o* t&e (etition, t&e (rosecutor concerne$ s&all li5e#ise i e$iatel+ in*or t&e De(art ent or t&e Re1ional StatK Prosecutor o* suc& arrai1n ent. SEC. 7. Cases not sub3ect to re-iew8 e$ceptions.- No (etition a+ 0e allo#e$ *ro a resolution o* t&e C&ie* State Prosecutor;Re1ional State Prosecutor;Provincial or Cit+ Prosecutor *in$in1 (ro0a0le cause e<ce(t u(on s&o#in1 o* ani*est error or 1rave a0use o* $iscretion. Eit&er co (lainant;o**en$e$ (art+ or res(on$ent;accuse$ a+ *ile a (etition. Not#it&stan$in1 t&e s&o#in1 o* ani*est error or 1rave a0use o* $iscretion no (etition s&all 0e entertaine$ #&ere t&e accuse$ &a$ alrea$+ 0een arrai1ne$. Once arrai1ne$, t&e (etition s&all 0e $is isse$ otu (ro(rio 0+ t&e Secretar+ o* Justice. SEC. -. Answer.- %it&in a non7e<ten$i0le (erio$ o* *i*teen B1-C $a+s recei(t o* a co(+ o* t&e (etition, t&e res(on$ent a+ *ile a veri*ie$ ans#er


in$icatin1 t&erein t&e $ate t&at t&e co(+ o* t&e (etition #as receive$ #it& (roo* o* service o* t&e ans#er to t&e (etitioner. I* no ans#er is *ile$, t&e case s&all 0e resolve$ on t&e 0asis o* t&e (etition. SEC. .. 9ithdrawal of petition.- T&e (etition a+ 0e #it&$ra#n at an+ ti e 0e*ore it is *inall+ resolve$, in #&ic& case t&e 6uestione$ resolution s&all stan$. SEC. /. %otion for rein-estigation.- At an+ ti e a*ter t&e *ilin1 o* t&e (etition an$ 0e*ore its resolution, t&e (etitioner a+, #it& leave o* court, *ile a otion *or reinvesti1ation on t&e 1roun$ t&at ne# an$ aterial evi$ence &as 0een $iscovere$ #&ic& (etitioner coul$ not, #it& reasona0le $ili1ence, &ave $iscovere$ $urin1 t&e (reli inar+ investi1ation an$ #&ic& i* (ro$uce$ an$ a$ itte$ #oul$ (ro0a0l+ c&an1e t&e resolution. T&e De(art ent or t&e Re1ional State Prosecutor, as t&e case a+ 0e, s&all t&en issue a resolution $irectin1 t&e reinvesti1ation o* t&e case, i* still le1all+ *easi0le. %&en reinvesti1ation is 1rante$, it s&all ta5e (lace in t&e O**ice o* t&e Prosecutor *ro #&ic& t&e (etition #as ta5en.
SEC. 2. Disposition of petition.- T&e Secretar+ o* Justice or t&e Re1ional State Prosecutor reverse, a**ir or o$i*+ t&e 6uestione$ resolution. T&e+ a+, otu (ro(rio or on otion o* t&e (etitioner, $is iss outri1&t t&e (etition on an+ o* t&e *ollo#in1 1roun$sF


aC 0C cC $C


t&at t&e o**ense &as (rescri0e$? t&at t&ere is no s&o#in1 o* an+ reversi0le error? t&at t&e (roce$ure or re6uire ents &erein (rescri0e$ &ave not 0een co (lie$ #it&? t&at t&e 6uestione$ resolution is interlocutor+ in nature, e<ce(t #&en it sus(en$s t&e (rocee$in1s 0ase$ on t&e alle1e$ e<istence o* a (re=u$icial 6uestion? or t&at ot&er le1al or *actual 1roun$s e<ist to #arrant a $is issal.

SEC. :. %otion for ,econsideration.- T&e a11rieve$ (art+ a+ *ile a otion *or reconsi$eration #it&in a non7e<ten$i0le (erio$ o* ten B14C $a+s *ro recei(t o* t&e resolution on t&e (etition, *urnis&in1 t&e a$verse (art+ or &is counsel an$ t&e (rosecutor #it& co(ies t&ereo*. No secon$ otion *or reconsi$eration s&all 0e entertaine$. SEC. 14. .ffect of filing of petition. - A (etition *or revie#, otion *or reconsi$eration;reinvesti1ation *ro a resolution *in$in1 (ro0a0le cause s&all not &ol$ t&e *ilin1 o* t&e in*or ation in court. Pen$in1 resolution o* t&e Petition *or revie#, t&e accuse$ is entitle$ to a sus(ension o* t&e (rocee$in1s, to t&e &ol$in1 in a0e+ance o* t&e issuance o* #arrant o* arrest, an$ $e*er ent o* t&e arrai1n ent./4 6i;e a motion for reconsideration of the reso#ution of the "it+GProvincia# Prosecutor5 the ri'ht to a petition for revie2 is a part of due process. )ot2ithstandin' the ru#in' in "respo vs. Mo'u# B151 S"8! 4&3 E1%8(FC5 the "ourt ma+ not proceed 2ith the crimina# proceedin's unti# after the reso#ution of the 8e'iona# Prosecutor or of the Secretar+ of 4ustice sha##


SECTION 1. 1ail defined. - 9ail is t&e securit+ 1iven *or t&e release o* a (erson in custo$+ o* t&e la#, *urnis&e$ 0+ &i or a 0on$s an, con$itione$ u(on &is a((earance 0e*ore an+ court as re6uire$ un$er t&e con$itions &ereina*ter s(eci*ie$. 9ail a+ 0e 1iven in t&e *or o* cor(orate suret+, (ro(ert+ 0on$, cas& $e(osit, or reco1ni8ance. SEC. !. Nature of right to bad.- T&e ri1&t to 0ail is 1uarantee$ 0+ t&e Constitution. It is t&e $ut+ o* t&e (rosecutor to reco en$ suc& a ount o* 0ail to t&e courts o* =ustice as, in &is o(inion, #oul$ ensure t&e a((earance o* an accuse$ (erson #&en so re6uire$ 0+ t&e court./! SEC. '. Non-bailable offense. - No (erson c&ar1e$ #it& a ca(ital o**ense, or an o**ense (unis&a0le 0+ reclusion perpetua or li*e i (rison ent, #&en evi$ence o* 1uilt is stron1, s&all 0e a$ itte$ to 0ail re1ar$less o* t&e sta1e o* t&e cri inal (rosecution. SEC. ) Criteria in recommending amount of bail. - In reco en$in1 t&e a ount o* 0ail to 0e 1rante$ 0+ t&e court, t&e (rosecutor s&all ta5e into consi$eration t&e *ollo#in1 stan$ar$s an$ criteriaF aC 0C cC $C eC *C 1C &C *inancial a0ilit+ o* t&e res(on$ent;accuse$ to (ost 0ail? nature an$ circu stances o* t&e o**ense? (enalt+ *or t&e o**ense c&ar1e$? a1e, state o* &ealt&, c&aracter an$ re(utation o* t&e res(on$ent;accuse$ un$er $etention? #ei1&t o* t&e evi$ence a1ainst t&e res(on$ent;accuse$ un$er $etention? *or*eiture o* ot&er 0on$s an$ (en$enc+ o* ot&er cases #&erein t&e res(on$ent;accuse$ un$er $etention is un$er 0on$? t&e *act t&at res(on$ent;accuse$ un$er $etention #as a *u1itive *ro =ustice #&en a((re&en$e$? an$ ot&er *actors a**ectin1 t&e (ro0a0ilit+ o* t&e accuse$ a((earin1 at t&e trial. /'

SEC. -. 1urden of proof in bail application. - At t&e &earin1 o* an a((lication *or a$ ission to 0ail *ile$ 0+ an+ (erson #&o is in custo$+ *or t&e co ission o* an o**ense (unis&a0le 0+ $eat&, reclusion perpetual or li*e i (rison ent, t&e (rosecution &as t&e 0ur$en have 3ecome fina#5 and the correspondin' motion has 3een fi#ed in "ourt 3+ the tria# prosecutor to 2ithdra2 or dismiss the information or to proceed 2ith the tria# as the case ma+ 3e5 per findin's in the petition for revie2. BSee 8o3erts/ 4r. et a#. vs. ".!. et a#.5 254 S"8! 3,( E1%%&FC. /1 Rule 11), Rules on Cri inal Proce$ure, as a en$e$ 0+ Su(re e Court A$ inistrative Circular No.1!73) $ate$ Au1ust 1., 133).

De(art ent o* Justice Circular No.'., Se(t. 1, 1321.

Sec. ., Rule 11), su(ra? De(art ent o* Justice Circular No.), series o* 133., e**ective 1 Fe0ruar+ 133..

o* s&o#in1 t&at evi$ence o* 1uilt is stron1. T&e evi$ence (resente$ $urin1 t&e 0ail &earin1s s&all 0e consi$ere$ auto aticall+ re(ro$uce$ at t&e trial, 0ut u(on otion o* eit&er (art+, t&e court a+ recall an+ #itness *or a$$itional e<a ination unless t&e #itness is $ea$, outsi$e o* t&e P&ili((ines or ot&er#ise una0le to testi*+.

SEC. (. ,ecogni/ance. - %&enever allo#e$ (ursuant to la# or t&ese Rules, t&e court a+ release a (erson in custo$+ on &is o#n reco1ni8ance or t&at o* a res(onsi0le (erson. SEC. /. 1ail, when not re'uired8 reduced bail or recogni/ance. - No 0ail s&all 0e re6uire$ #&en t&e la# or t&e Rules issue$ 0+ t&e Su(re e Court so (rovi$e /). %&en a (erson &as 0een in custo$+ *or a (erio$ e6ual to or ore t&an t&e (ossi0le a<i u i (rison ent o* t&e o**ense c&ar1e$ to #&ic& &e a+ 0e sentence$, &e s&all 0e release$ i e$iatel+ #it&out (re=u$ice to t&e continuation o* t&e trial t&ereo* or t&e (rocee$in1s on a((eal. In case t&e a<i u (enalt+ to #&ic& t&e accuse$ a+ 0e sentence$ is destierro, &e s&all 0e release$ a*ter t&irt+ B'4C $a+s o* (reventive i (rison ent. A (erson in custo$+ *or a (erio$ e6ual to or ore t&an t&e ini u o* t&e (rinci(al (enalt+ (rescri0e$ *or t&e o**ense c&ar1e$ #it&out a((lication o* t&e In$eter inate Sentence La# or an+ o$i*+in1 circu stance, s&all 0e release$ on a re$uce$ 0ail or on &is o#n reco1ni8ance, at t&e $iscretion o* t&e court. SEC. 2. Notice of application for hail to prosecutor. - In an a((lication *or 0ail, t&e court s&all 1ive reasona0le notice o* t&e &earin1 to t&e (rosecutor or re6uire &i to su0 it &is reco en$ation. SEC. 3. Cancellation of hail bond. - U(on a((lication *ile$ #it& t&e court an$ a*ter $ue notice to t&e (rosecutor, t&e 0ail 0on$ a+ 0e cancele$ u(on surren$er o* t&e accuse$ or (roo* o* &is $eat&. T&e 0ail 0on$ s&all 0e $ee e$ auto aticall+ cancele$ u(on ac6uittal o* t&e accuse$ or $is issal o* t&e case or e<ecution o* t&e *inal =u$1 ent o* conviction. In all instances, t&e cancellation s&all 0e #it&out (re=u$ice to an+ lia0ilit+ on t&e 0on$. SEC. 14. Arrest of accused out on hail. - For t&e (ur(ose o* surren$erin1 t&e accuse$, t&e 0on$s en a+ arrest &i , or on #ritten aut&orit+ en$orse$ on a certi*ie$ co(+ o* t&e un$erta5in1 a+ cause &i to 0e arreste$ 0+ an+ (olice o**icer or an+ ot&er (erson o* suita0le a1e an$ $iscretion. An accuse$ release$ on 0ail a+ 0e re7arreste$ #it&out t&e necessit+ o* a #arrant i* &e atte (ts to $e(art *ro t&e P&ili((ines #it&out (rior (er ission o* t&e court #&ere t&e case is (en$in1.


See RA .4'. an$ Rules on Su ar+ Proce$ure? Art. !3, Revise$ Penal Co$e? 9P 9I1 2- G1324H? Sec. 1', Rule 11), i0i$.

SEC. 11. No had after final 3udgment, e$ception. - An accuse$ s&all not 0e allo#e$ 0ail a*ter t&e =u$1 ent &as 0eco e *inal, unless &e &as a((lie$ *or (ro0ation 0e*ore co encin1 to serve sentence, t&e (enalt+ an$ t&e o**ense 0ein1 #it&in t&e (urvie# o* t&e Pro0ation La#. In case t&e accuse$ &as a((lie$ *or (ro0ation, &e a+ 0e allo#e$ te (orar+ li0ert+ un$er &is 0ail 0on$, 0ut i* no 0ail #as *ile$ or t&e accuse$ is inca(a0le o* *ilin1 one, t&e court a+ allo# &is release on reco1ni8ance un$er t&e custo$+ o* a res(onsi0le e 0er o* t&e co unit+. In no case s&all 0ail 0e allo#e$ a*ter t&e accuse$ &as co ence$ to serve sentence. SEC. 1!. ,ules in computing the bail to be recommended. - To ac&ieve uni*or it+ in t&e a ount o* 0ail to 0e reco en$e$, t&e *ollo#in1 rules s&all 0e o0serve$F aC %&ere t&e (enalt+ is reclusion perpetua, li*e i (rison ent, reclusion perpetua to $eat& or $eat&, 0ail is not a atter o* ri1&t? &ence, it s&all not 0e reco en$e$. %&ere 0ail is a atter o* ri1&t an$ t&e i (osa0le (enalt+ is i (rison ent an$;or *ine, t&e 0ail s&all 0e co (ute$ on t&e 0asis o* t&e (enalt+ o* i (rison ent a((l+in1 t&e *ollo#in1 rulesF






#&ere t&e (enalt+ is reclusion temporal Bre1ar$less o* (erio$C to reclusion perpetua, 0ail s&all 0e co (ute$ 0ase$ on t&e a<i u o* reclusion temporal. #&ere t&e i (osa0le (enalt+ is correccional or a**lictive, 0ait s&all 0e 0ase$ on t&e a<i u o* t&e (enalt+, ulti(lie$ 0+ P!,444.44. A *raction o* a +ear s&all 0e roun$e$7o** to one +ear. *or cri es covere$ 0+ t&e Rules on Su ar+ Proce$ure an$ Re(u0lic Act No. .4'., 0ail is not re6uire$ e<ce(t #&en res(on$ent;accuse$ is un$er arrest, in #&ic& case, 0ail s&all 0e co (ute$ in accor$ance #it& t&is 1ui$eline. *or cri es o* rec5less i (ru$ence resultin1 in &o ici$e arisin1 *ro violation o* t&e Lan$ Trans(ortation an$ Tra**ic Co$e, 0ail s&all 0e P'4,444.44 (er $ecease$ (erson. *or violation o* 9atas Pa 0ansa 9l1. !!, 0ail s&all 0e -4P o* t&e a ount o* c&ec5 0ut s&oul$ not 0e less t&an P!,444.O4nor ore t&an P'4,444.44.

%&ere t&e i (osa0le (enalt+ is onl+ a *ine, 0ail s&all 0e co (ute$ as *ollo#sF



*ine not e<cee$in1 P!,444.44,0ail is not re6uire$. *ine o* ore t&an P!,444.44,0ail s&all 0e -4P o* t&e *ine 0ut s&oul$ not e<cee$ P'4,444.44.
in case o* rec5less i (ru$ence resultin1 to $a a1e to (ro(ert+, 0ail s&all 0e t&ree7ei1&t&s B';2C o* t&e value o* t&e $a a1e 0ut not e<cee$in1 P'4,OOO.OO e<ce(t #&en covere$ 0+ t&e Rules on Su ar+ Proce$ure.


9ail 0ase$ on t&e a<i u (enalt+, ulti(lie$ 0+ P1O,OOO.OO,s&all 0e a((lie$ to t&e *ollo#in1 o**enses un$er t&e *ollo#in1 la#sF

ii. iii. iv. v. vi.

Re(u0lic Act No..)!- BDan1erous Dru1s ActC, as a en$e$ 0+ RA /.-3? Re(u0lic Act No..-'3 BAnti7Carna((in1 ActC, as a en$e$ 0+ RA /.-3? Re(u0lic Act No./.-3 B*or ot&er cri es covere$ 0+ itC? Presi$ential Decree No. 12. BIlle1al Possession o* Firear s, A unition or E<(losivesC, as a en$e$ 0+ RA 2!3)? Re(u0lic Act No. 13'/ BTari** an$ Custo s Co$eC, as a en$e$? or Re0ellion, insurrection or Cou( $Aetat as a en$e$ 0+ Re(u0lic Act No..3.2.

SEC. 1'. etition for bail in a continuous trial. - In case a (etition *or 0ail is *ile$ 0+ t&e accuse$ an$ t&e court or$ers a continuous trial o* t&e case, t&e (u0lic (rosecutor s&all 0e (re(are$ #it& &is (rinci(al #itnesses. %&ere t&ere are several accuse$ an$ one or t#o *ile$ a (etition to 0ail, t&e trial (rosecutor s&all, 0e*ore t&e (resentation o* &is *irst #itness, ani*est in o(en court t&at t&e evi$ence to 0e (resente$ in t&e &earin1 o* t&e (etition *or 0ail s&all 0e a$o(te$ as its evi$ence7inc&ie*.


SECTION 1. Definition of probable cause as a ground for an arrest or issuance of a warrant of arrest. 7 Pro0a0le cause is suc& *acts an$ circu stances #&ic& #oul$ lea$ a reasona0l+ $iscreet an$ (ru$ent an to 0elieve t&at an o**ense &as 0een co itte$ 0+ t&e (erson sou1&t to 0e arreste$./SEC. !. ,emedy if no warrant of arrest is issued by the in-estigating 3udge. - I* t&e investi1atin1 =u$1e is satis*ie$ t&at t&ere is (ro0a0le cause 0ut $i$ not issue t&e #arrant o* arrest contrar+ to t&e (rosecutorAs 0elie* t&at t&ere is a nee$ to (lace t&e accuse$ un$er custo$+, t&e s(ee$+ an$ a$e6uate re e$+ o* t&e (rosecutor is to i e$iatel+ *ile t&e in*or ation so t&at t&e Re1ional Trial Court =u$1e a+ issue t&e #arrant *or t&e arrest o* t&e accuse$./. SEC. '. ,e'uest for a copy of the return. - I* a #arrant o* arrest &as 0een issue$, t&e (rosecutor a+ re6uest t&e #arrant o**icer t&at &e 0e *urnis&e$ #it& t&e o**icerAs return relative t&ereto. T&e (rosecutor s&all, as *ar as (ractica0le, coor$inate #it& t&e #itnesses *ro ti e to ti e to ascertain t&e #&erea0outs o* t&e accuse$ (en$in1 t&e latterAs arrest. 9e as, T&e Constitution o* t&e Re(u0lic o* t&e P&ili((ines, a Co entar+, Eol. I, First E$., 132/, ((.2.72/ cite$ in De(art ent Circular No.!), $ate$ Marc& !) 133-.

Samu#de vs. Sa#vani54r.5 1&5 S"8! (24 E1%88F.


SECTION 1. Concept of arraignment. - Arrai1n ent is a an$ator+ re6uire ent t&at see5s to 1ive t&e accuse$ t&e o((ortunit+, at t&e *irst instance, to 5no# #&+ t&e (rosecutin1 ar o* 1overn ent &as 0een o0ili8e$ a1ainst &i an$ to (lea$. At t&e arrai1n ent, t&e accuse$ a+ enter a (lea o* 1uilt+ or not 1uilt+. SEC. !. Duties of trial prosecutor. aC 9e*ore t&e arrai1n ent o* t&e accuse$, t&e trial (rosecutor s&all e<a ine t&e in*or ation vis7a7vis t&e resolution o* t&e investi1atin1 (rosecutor in or$er to a5e t&e necessar+ corrections or revisions an$ to ensure t&at t&e in*or ation is su**icient in *or an$ su0stance. A*ter arrai1n ent, t&e trial (rosecutor s&all (re(are &is #itnesses *or trial. @overn ent #itnesses, e.1. e$ico7le1al o**icer, c&e ist, *orensic e<(erts, e<a iners etc. s&oul$, as uc& as (ractica0le, 0e (resente$ in accor$ance #it& t&e lo1ical a:$ c&ronolo1ical se6uence o* t&e tec&nical as(ects to 0e (rove$.


SEC. '. .ffect of filing a petition for re-iew. - %&en an a11rieve$ (art+ ani*ests in court t&at &e &as a (en$in1 (etition *or revie# #it& t&e De(art ent o* Justice an$ oves *or a $e*er ent o* t&e arrai1n ent (en$in1 resolution o* &is (etition, t&e Trial Prosecutor a+ con*or t&ereto once (roo* o* sai$ (etition &as 0een (resente$ 0+ t&e (etitioner to &is satis*action. SEC. ). Concept of plea. - T&e (lea is t&e re(l+ o* t&e accuse$ to t&e c&ar1e. It raises t&e issue to 0e trie$ an$ on #&ic& t&e =u$1 ent;sentence o* t&e court can 0e (ro(erl+ 0ase$.

PART VIII. PRE!TRIAL.. SECTION 1. Coflc;pt ofpre-trial. - A (re7trial is a (rocess #&ere0+ t&e accuse$ an$ t&e (rosecutors in a cri inal case #or5 out, usuall+ at t&e arrai1n ent sta1e, a naturall+ satis*actor+ $is(osition o* a case su0=ect to court a((roval in or$er to e<(e$ite t&e trial o* t&e case. /2 T&e (rosecutor s&all enter into a (re7trial onl+ #&en t&e accuse$ an$ counsel a1ree an$ u(on or$er o* t&e court. SEC. !. Duties of prosecutor before and after the pre-trial conference. - 9e*ore t&e (re7trial con*erence, t&e (rosecutor s&oul$ 5no# ever+ *act an$ $etail o* t&e case. T&is can 0e acco (lis&e$ 0+ intervie#in1 t&e co (lainant an$ ot&er #itnesses an$ a*ter a t&orou1& e<a ination o* t&e availa0le $ocu entar+ an$ ot&er (&+sical evi$ence. T&e (rosecutor s&oul$ (lace i (ortance A??n t&e testi on+ o* t&e e<(ert #itness. T&e 5no#le$1e t&at t&e (rosecutor #ill 1ain *ro sai$ #itness #ill &el( &i $eter ine t&e (roce$ures un$erta5en in t&e e<a ination o* a su0=ect or t&in1? t&e scienti*ic or tec&nical ter s a((lie$, an$ t&e reason;s in

Rule 112, Rules on Cri inal Proce$ure. .#ac;Hs 6a2 Dictionar+5 5th 0d. 1%(%5 p.1,3(.


arrivin1 at a certain conclusion. Durin1 t&e (re7trial (rocess, t&e (rosecutor s&all 0ear in in$ t&at &e &as to (rove &is case 0e+on$ a reasona0le $ou0t an$ t&at ever+ act or inci$ent s&oul$ 0e (rove$ 0+ t&e testi on+ o* 6uali*ie$ an$ co (etent #itnesses. A*ter t&e (re7trial con*erence, t&e (rosecutor s&all ensure t&at an+ a1ree ent or a$ ission a$e or entere$ t&erein is in #ritin1 an$ si1ne$ 0+ t&e accuse$ an$ &is counsel. SEC. '. +ub3ect matters - T&e (re7trial con*erence s&all consi$er t&e *ollo#in1F aC Plea 0ar1ainin1 7 T&is is a (rocess #&ere t&e $e*en$ants usuall+ (lea$ 1uilt+ to a lesser o**ense or to onl+ one or so e o* t&e counts o* a ulti7count in$ict ent in return *or a li1&ter sentence t&an t&at *or t&e 1raver c&ar1e /3?
Sti(ulation o* *acts7 T&is is t&e a1ree ent o* t&e (arties on so e *acts a$ itte$, so e *acts covere$ 0+ =u$icial notice BSec. 1, Rule 1!3C, =u$icial a$ issions BSec. ! Rule 1!3C, or on atters not ot&er#ise $is(ute$ 0+ t&e . In cases re6uirin1 t&e (resentation o* 1overn ent #itnesses or evi$ence, t&e Trial Prosecutor s&oul$ e<ert ever+ e**ort to secure a #aiver 0+ t&e accuse$ o* o0=ections to t&e a$ issi0ilit+ o* certain $ocu entar+ evi$ence, e.1., e$ical or $eat& ceni*icare, necro(s+ re(ort, *orensic c&e istr+ re(ort, 0allistics re(ort, P&ili((ineOverseas an$ E (lo+ ent A$ inistration BPOEAC Certi*ication, an$ t&e li5e, i* suc& evi$ence &as no relevance #&atsoever to t&e t&eor+ o* t&e $e*ense, in or$er to $:s(ense #it& t&e (resentation an$ testi on+ in court o* 1overn ent #itnesses. %&enever a((ro(riate or necessar+, t&e counter7a**i$avit o* t&e accuse$ su0 itte$ lurin1 t&e (reli inar+ investi1ation a+ 0e resorte$ to or availe$ o* to $enions:rate or esta0lis& t&e $e*ense t&eor+?


cC $C eC


Mar5in1 o* $ocu entar+ evi$ence in a$vance *or i$enti*ication? %aiver in a$vance o* o0=ections to a$ issi0ilit+ o* evi$ence? List o* #itnesses to 0e (resente$ #&ic& s&oul$ 0e 6uali*ie$ 0+ t&e *ollo#in1 state entF Dt&at ot&er #itnesses a+ 0e (resente$ in t&e course o* t&e trialD? an$ Suc& ot&er atters as #ill (ro ote a *air an$ e<(e$itious trial.

SEC. ). lea of guilty to a lesser offense. - T&e *ollo#in1 rules s&all a((l+ to cases #&ere t&e accuse$ (lea$s 1uilt+ to a lesser o**enseF aC T&e Trial Prosecutor s&all i e$iatel+ ove *or t&e sus(ension o* t&e (rocee$in1s #&enever t&e accuse$ ani*ests &is intention in court to (lea$ 1uilt+ to a lesser o**ense. T&is #ill ena0le t&e Trial Prosecutor to evaluate t&e i (lications o* t&e o**er. I* t&e lesser o**ense to #&ic& t&e accuse$ #ill (lea$ 1uilt+ is not a ca(ital o**ense, t&e Trial Prosecutor a+ $is(ense #it& t&e (resentation o* evi$ence unless t&e court $irects ot&er#ise. T&e Trial Prosecutor, #it& t&e consent o* t&e o**en$e$ (art+, a+ motu propno a1ree to t&e o**er o* t&e accuse$ to (lea$ 1uilt+ to a




i0i$, (.14'/.



lesser o**ense i* t&e (enalt+ i (osa0le t&ere*or is prision correcional B a<i u o* si< G.1 +earsC or less or a *ine not e<cee$in1 P1!,OOO.OO. %&en t&e (enalt+ i (osa0le *or t&e o**ense c&ar1e$ is prision mayor Bat least si< G.H +ears an$ one G11 $a+ or &i1&erC or a *ine e<cee$in1 :1!,OOO.OO, t&e Trial Prosecutor s&all *irst su0 it &is co ent;reco en$ation to t&e Cit+ or Provincial Prosecutor or to t&e C&ie* State Prosecutor, as t&e case a+ 0e, *or a((roval. I* t&e reco en$ation is a((rove$ in #ritin1, t&e Trial Prosecutor, a+, #it& t&e consent o* t&e o**en$e$ (art+, a1ree to a (lea o* 1uilt+ to a lesser o**ense. For t&is (ur(ose, t&e C&ie* State Prosecutor or t&e Provincial or Cit+ Prosecutor concerne$ s&all act on t&e reco en$ation o* t&e Trial Prosecutor #it&in *ort+7ei1&t B)2C &ours *ro recei(t t&ereo*. In no case s&all t&e su0=ect (lea to a lesser o**ense 0e allo#e$ #it&out t&e #ritten a((roval o* t&e a0ove res(ective &ea$s o* o**ice. In all cases, t&e (enalt+ *or t&e lesser o**ense to #&ic& t&e accuse$ a+ 0e allo#e$ to (lea$ 1uilt+ s&all not 0e ore t&an t#o B!C $e1rees lo#er t&an t&e i (osa0le (enalt+ *or t&e cri e c&ar1e$, not#it&stan$in1 t&e (resence o* iti1atin1 circu stances. T&e lesser o**ense s&all also 0e one t&at is necessaril+ relate$ to t&e o**ense c&ar1e$ or t&e o**ense ust 0elon1 to t&e sa e classi*ication or title un$er t&e Revise$ Penal Co$e or t&erelevant s(ecial la#s. 24

"o#ever, t&e (lea o* 1uilt+ to a lesser o**ense a+ not 0e allo#e$ #&ere it so contravenes lo: n$ co on sense as to 0e unconsciona0le, t&ere0+ resultin1 in us, #&ere t&e o**ense c&ar1e$ is &o ici$e, a (lea o* 1uilt+ to a lesser o**ense o* *rustrate$ or atte (te$ &o ici$e, a+ not 0e allo#e$, since t&e *act o* $eat& cannot 0e reconcile$ #it& t&e (lea o* 1uilt+ to *rustrate$ or atte (te$ &o ici$e. "o ici$e necessaril+ (ro$uces $eat&, #&ile *rustrate$ or atte (te$ &o ici$e $oes not. 21 SEC. -. when accused pleads guilty to a capital offense. - I* t&e accuse$ (lea$s 1uilt+ to a ca(ital o**ense, t&e Trial Prosecutor ust (resent evi$ence to (rove t&e 1uilt o* t&e accuse$ an$ t&e (recise $e1ree o* &is cul(a0ilit+. T&is is an$ator+.


SECTION 1. Definition of trial. - A trial is a =u$icial e<a ination o* t&e clai s at issue in a case #&ic& are (resente$ 0+ t&e (rosecution an$ $e*ense to ena0le t&e court to arrive at a =u$1 ent (ronouncin1 eit&er t&e 1uilt or innocence o* t&e accuse$. ! SEC. !. Concept of trial. - T&e o0=ect o* a trial is to ete out =ustice, an$ to convict t&e 1uilt+ an$ (rotect t&e innocent. T&us, t&e trial s&oul$ 0e a searc& *or t&e trut& an$ not a contest over tec&nicalities an$ ust 0e con$ucte$ un$er suc& rules as #ill (rotect t&e

De(art ent o* Justice Circular No.--, $ate$ '1 Jul+ 1334. A atan vs. Au=ero !)2 SCRA -11B133-C.


innocent.' SEC. '. .$peditious prosecution of criminal cases filed with the courts. 7T&e Trial Prosecutor s&all al#a+s 0e (re(are$ to con$uct t&e (rosecution #it& &is #itnesses #&o s&all 0e su0(oenae$ #ell in a$vance o* t&e sc&e$ule$ trial $ates. ) No (ost(one ent o* t&e trial or ot&er (rocee$in1s o* a cri inal case s&all 0e initiate$ or cause$ 0+ t&e Trial Prosecutor e<ce(t in instances #&ere t&e (ost(one ent is occasione$ 0+ t&e a0sence o* aterial #itnesses or *or ot&er causes 0e+on$ &is control or not attri0uta0le to &i . SEC. ). Order of presentation of witnesses. aC T&e or$er in t&e (resentation o* #itnesses #ill 0e le*t to t&e $iscretion o* t&e Trial Prosecutor. "o#ever, t&e (rosecutor s&oul$ ta5e into consi$eration t&e or$er o* events as esta0lis&e$ 0+ t&e evi$ence o* t&e (rosecution. 0C %itnesses #&o #ill testi*+ *or t&e *irst ti e s&all 0e a**or$e$ t&e o((ortunit+ to 0e a$vise$ to o0serve cri inal (rocee$in1s in court to &el( t&e overco e t&eir an<iet+, e<cite ent an$ tension. SEC. -. reparation of formal offer of e$hibits. - T&e Trial Prosecutor s&all sa*el+ 5ee( &is $ocu entar+ an$ ot&er (&+sical evi$ence an$ (re(are a list t&ereo* in t&e or$er t&e+ &ave 0een ar5e$ as e<&i0its, i$enti*+in1 eac& 0+ letter or nu 0er, $escri0in1 it 0rie*l+, an$ statin1 its s(eci*ic (ur(ose or (ur(oses. SEC. .. Defense e-idence. aC

9e*ore rece(tion o* evi$ence *or t&e $e*ense starts, t&e Trial Prosecutor s&all as5 *ro t&e a$verse counsel t&e nu 0er o* #itnesses &e inten$s to (resent.
I* t&e na es o* $e*ense #itnesses are $isclose$ t&e Trial Prosecutor s&all elicit *ro relia0le sources t&e #&erea0outs o* t&ese #itnesses, t&eir oral c&aracter,, 0ac51roun$, reasons *or testi*+in1 an$ relations&i( #it& t&e accuse$, a on1 ot&er t&in1s, to ena0le &i o* t&e $e*ense o* t&e accuse$. to &ave a clear vie#

SEC. 0. Discharge of accused to he state witness. - %&en t#o or ore (ersons are =ointl+ c&ar1e$ #it& t&e co ission o* an+ o**ense, u(on otion o* t&e (rosecution 0e*ore restin1 its case, t&e court a+ $irect one or ore o* t&e accuse$ to 0e $isc&ar1e$ #it& t&eir consent so t&at t&e+ a+ 0e #itnesses *or t&e state (rovi$e$ t&e court, a*ter &earin1, is satis*ie$ t&atF aC T&ere is a0solute necessit+ *or t&e testi on+ o* t&e accuse$ #&ose $isc&ar1e is re6ueste$.0C T&ere is no ot&er $irect evi$ence availa0le *or t&e (ro(er (rosecution o* t&e o**ense co itte$, e<ce(t t&e testi on+ o* sai$ accuse$, . as #&en &e alone &as 5no#le$1e o* t&e cri e, an$ not #&en &is testi on+ #oul$ si (l+ corro0orate or ot&er#ise stren1t&en t&e evi$ence in t&e &an$s o* t&e (rosecution?/ T&e testi on+ o* sai$ accuse$ can 0e su0stantiall+ corro0orate$ in its aterial (oints. T&is is an in$is(ensa0le re6uire ent 0ecause it is a notorious *act in &u an nature t&at a cul(rit, con*essin1 to a cri e, is li5el+ to (ut t&e 0la e on ot&ers rat&er t&an




&i sel*. T&us, even t&ou1& a court a+ 1et t&e state ent o* a $isc&ar1e$ accuse$ t&at ot&er (articular (ersons #ere en1a1e$ in t&e cri e, it is unsa*e to acce(t #it&out corro0oratin1 evi$ence, &is state ents concernin1 t&e relative 0la e to 0e attac&e$ to $i**erent e 0ers o* &is 1an1?: Sai$ accuse$ $oes not a((ear to 0e t&e ost 1uilt+.3 T&e ere *act t&at t&e #itness sou1&t to 0e $isc&ar1e$ &a$ (lea$e$ 1uilt+ In t&e cri e c&ar1e$ $oes not violate t&e rule t&at t&e $isc&ar1e$ $e*en$ant ust not Da((ear to 0e t&e ost 1uilt+N. An$ even i* t&e #itness s&oul$ lac5 so e o* t&e 6uali*ications enu erate$ 0+ Sec. 3, Rule 113, &is testi on+ #ill not, *or t&at reason alone, 0e $iscar$e$ or $isre1ar$e$.14 T&e 1roun$ un$erl+in1 t&e rule is not to let a cri e t&at &as 0een co itte$ 1o un(unis&e$? so an accuse$ #&o is not t&e ost 1uilt+ is allo#e$ to testi*+ a1ainst t&e ost 1uilt+, in or$er to ac&ieve t&e 1reater (ur(ose o* securin1 t&e conviction o* t&e ore or ost 1uilt+ an$ t&e 1reatest nu 0er a on1 t&e accuse$ (er itte$ to 0e convicte$ *or t&e o**ense t&e+ co itte$.AA "o#ever, alt&ou1& an accuse$ $i$ not co it anv o* t&e sta00in1, it is a ista5e to $isc&ar1e &i as a state Q#itness #&ere &e is 0oun$ in a cons(irac+. All t&e (er(etrators o* t&e o**ense 0oun$ in cons(irac+ are e6uall+ 1uilt+. Sai$ accuse$ &as not at anv ti e 0een convicte$ o* an+ o**ense involvin1 oral tur(itu$e. (art o* t&e trial. I*

Evi$ence a$$uce$ in su((ort o* t&e $isc&ar1e s&a11 auto aticall+ *or

t&e court $enies t&e otion *or $isc&ar1e o* t&e accuse$ as state #itness, &is s#orn state ent s&all 0e ina$ issi0le in evi$ence. SEC. 2. 9itness protection. - An accuse$ #&o is $isc&ar1e$ *ro an in*or ation or cri inal co (laint in or$er t&at &e a+ 0e a state #itness as (rovi$e$ in t&e (rece$in1 section a+, u(on &is (etition, 0e a$ itte$ to t&e %itness Protection Pro1ra un$er R.A. No..321, DT&e %itness Protection, Securit+ an$ 9ene*it ActD i* &e co (lies #it& t&e ot&er re6uire ents o* sai$ Act. SEC. 3. Other persons who may a-ail of the 9itness rotection rogram. -T&e *ollo#in1 a+ also avail o* t&e %itness Protection Pro1ra un$er R.A. No. .321F aC An+ (erson #&o &as #itnesse$ or &as 5no#le$1e o* or in*or ation on t&e co ission o* a cri e an$ &as testi*ie$ or is testi*+in1 or is a0out to testi*+ 0e*ore an+ =u$icial or 6uasi=u$icial 0o$+, or 0e*ore an+ investi1atin1 aut&orit+, Provi$e$, t&atF t&e o**ense in #&ic& &is testi on+ #ill 0e use$ is a 1rave *elon+ as $e*ine$ un$er t&e Revise$ Penal Co$e or its e6uivalent un$er s(ecial la#s? ii. &is testi on+ can 0e su0stantiall+ corro0orate$ on its aterial (oints? iii. &e or an+ e 0er o* &is *a il+ #it&in t&e secon$ civil $e1ree o* consan1uinit+ or a**init+ is su0=ecte$ to t&reats to &is li*e or 0o$il+ in=ur+ or t&ere is a li5eli&oo$ t&at &e #ill 0e 5ille$, *orce$, inti i$ate$, &arasse$ or corru(te$ to (revent &i *ro testi*+in1, or to testi*+ *alsel+ or evasivel+, 0ecause or on account o* &is testi on+? an$

iv. &e is not a la# en*orce ent o**icer, even i* &e #oul$ 0e testi*+in1 a1ainst ot&er la# en*orce ent o**icers. In suc& a case, onl+ t&e i e$iate e 0ers o* &is *a il+ a+ avail t&e selves o* t&e (rotection (rovi$e$ *or un$er t&e Act. 0C An+ (erson #&o &as (artici(ate$ in t&e co ission o* a cri e an$ $esires to 0e a #itness *or t&e State, #&enever t&e *ollo#in1 circu stances are (resentF t&e o**ense in #&ic& testi on+ #ill 0e use$ is a 1rave *elon+ as $e*ine$ un$er t&e Revise$ Penal Co$e or its e6uivalent un$er s(ecial la#s? ii. t&ere is a0solute necessit+ *or &is testi on+? iii. t&ere is no ot&er $irect evi$ence availa0le *or t&e (ro(er (rosecution o* t&e o**ense co itte$?
&. .

iv &is testi on+ can 0e su0stantiall+ corro0orate$ on its aterial (oints? E. &e $oes not a((ear to 0e t&e ost 1uilt+? an$ vi &e &as not at an+ ti e 0een convicte$ o* an+ cri e involvin1 oral tur(itu$e. SEC. 14. %otions for postponement of accused. - Motions *or (ost(one ent t&at are initiate$ 0+ t&e accuse$ s&oul$ 0e vi1orousl+ o((ose$ 0+ t&e Trial Prosecutor an$ &e s&oul$ a5e o* recor$ &is o0=ections t&ereto, leavin1 to t&e courtAs $iscretion t&e $is(osition o* t&e su0=ect otions.A' SEC. 11. Discontinuance of proceedings. - Durin1 t&e (resentation o* t&e (rosecutionAs evi$ence, t&e Trial Prosecutor s&all not cause or allo# t&e $iscontinuance o* t&e (rocee$in1s e<ce(t *or ot&er si ilarl+ co (ellin1 reasons not attri0uta0le to &i . 1) SEC. 1!. resentation of e-idence. - Eac& (art+ is 0oun$ to co (lete t&e (resentation o* &is evi$ence #it&in t&e trial $ates assi1ne$ to &i . A*ter t&e la(se o* sai$ $ates, t&e (art+ is $ee e$ to &ave co (lete$ &is evi$ence (resentation. "o#ever, u(on veri*ie$ otion 0ase$ on serious reasons, t&e =u$1e a+ allo# t&e (art+ a$$itional trial $ates in t&e a*ternoon? (rovi$e$ t&at sai$ e<tension #ill not 1o 0e+on$ t&e t&ree7 ont& li it co (ute$ *ro t&e *irst trial $ate. A%&ere a Trial Prosecutor, #it&out 1oo$ cause, secures (ost(one ents o* t&e trial over t&e o0=ections o* a $e*en$ant 0e+on$ a reasona0le (erio$ o* ti e, t&e accuse$ is entitle$ to relie* 0+ a (rocee$in1 in mandamus to co (el a $is issal o* t&e in*or ation, or i* &e 0e restraine$ o* &is li0ert+, 0+ &a0eas cor(us to o0tain &is *ree$o 1.. SEC. 1'. Order of trial.- U(on recei(t o* t&e notice o* trial, t&e (rosecutor s&all revie# t&e recor$ o* t&e case *or trial an$ co (lete &is (re(aration t&ere*ore 0earin1 in in$ t&at trial, once co ence$, a+ continue *ro $a+ to $a+ until ter inate$, an$ t&at trial s&all (rocee$ in t&e *ollo#in1 or$er (ursuant to Sec. ', Rule 113 o* t&e Rules o* Cri inal Proce$ureF aC T&e (rosecution s&all (resent evi$ence to (rove t&e c&ar1e an$, in t&e

(ro(er case, t&e civil lia0ilit+. 0C T&e accuse$ a+ (resent evi$ence to (rove &is $e*ense, an$ $a a1es, i* an+, arisin1 *ro t&e issuance o* an+ (rovisional re e$+ in t&e case. cC T&e (arties a+ t&en res(ectivel+ (resent re0uttin1 evi$ence onl+, unless t&e court, in *urt&erance o* =ustice, (er its t&e to (resent a$$itional evi$ence 0earin1 u(on t&e ain issue.
$C U(on a$ ission o* t&e evi$ence, t&e case s&all 0e $ee e$ su0 itte$ *or $ecision unless t&e court $irects t&e (arties to ar1ue orall+ or to su0 it e oran$a. eC "o#ever, #&en t&e accuse$ a$ its t&e act or o ission c&ar1e$ in t&e co (laint or in*or ation 0ut inter(oses a la#*ul $e*ense, t&e or$er o* trial a+ 0e o$i*ie$ accor$in1l+. SEC. )7. resentation of witnesses.- T&e or$er in t&e (resentation o* #itnesses s&all, as *ar as (ractica0le, con*or to &e lo1ical se6uence o* events o0tainin1 in t&e case on trial in or$er to (resent a clear, or1ani8e$ an$ co&erent (icture to t&e court o* t&e (rosecutionAs evi$ence. For e<a (le, in t&e case o* (rosecution un$er t&e Dan1erous Dru1s La#, t&e Trial Prosecutor s&oul$ (resent t&e *orensic c&e ist #&o e<a ine$ t&e $an1erous $ru1 a&ea$ o* t&e ot&er #itnesses in or$er t&at t&e court a+ at once &ave a vie# o* t&e real evi$ence Beit&er t&e (ro&i0ite$ or re1ulate$ $ru1 su0=ect o* t&e caseC an$ so t&at suc& evi$ence a+ i e$iatel+ i$enti*ie$ 0+ t&e ot&er #itnesses t&us avoi$in1 t&e recall o* #itnesses later on. T&e rule o* lo1ical se6uencin1 not#it&stan$in1, a #itness #&ose testi on+ is vital to t&e case an$ #&ose li*e is in $an1er or #&o a+ 0e sic5;in=ure$ ari$ a+ (ossi0l+ $ie, s&oul$ 0e a$e to testi*+ as earl+ as (ractica0le. SEC. 1-. Examination of witnesses for the prosecution.-9here it s&all satis*actoril+ a((ear t&at t&e #itness *or t&e (rosecution is too sic5 or in*ir to a((ear at t&e trial as $irecte$ 0+ or$er o* t&e court, or &as to leave t&e P&ili((ines #it& no $e*inite $ate o* returnin1 t&ereto, &e a+ *ort&#it& 0e con$itionall+ e<a ine$ 0e*ore t&e =u$1e or t&e court #&ere t&e case is (en$in1. Suc& e<a ination in t&e (resence o* t&e accuse$, or a*ter reasona0le notice to atten$ t&e e<a ination &as 0een serve$ on &i , #ill 0e con$ucte$ in t&e sa e anner as an e<a ination at t&e trial. Failure or re*usal on t&e (art o* t&e accuse$ to atten$ t&e e<a ination a*ter notice &erein 0e*ore (rovi$e$, s&all 0e consi$ere$ a #aiver. T&e state ent t&us ta5en a+ 0e a$ itte$ on 0e&al* o* or a1ainst t&e accuse$. SEC. 1.. Cross-.$amination of defense witnesses. T&e (rosecutor s&all en$eavor to secure #ell in a$vance all availa0le in*or ation a0out a $e*ense #itness in or$er to (re(are *or an e**ective cross7e<a ination. %&ere t&e testi on+ o* a $e*ense #itness 0ears no e**ect on t&e evi$ence o* t&e (rosecution, a cross7e<a ination nee$ not 0e con$ucte$. SEC. )0. ,ebuttal e-idence.- T&e (resentation an$ nature o* re0uttal evi$ence #ill $e(en$ on t&e e**ect #&ic& t&e $e*ense evi$ence a+ &ave cause$ on t&e (rosecutionAs evi$ence7in7c&ie*. T&e recall o* a #itness #&o alrea$+ testi*ie$ $urin1 t&e evi$ence7in7c&ie* (resentation erel+ to re*ute #&at a $e*ense #itness a+ &ave state$ $urin1 &is $e*ense testi on+ is not 1enerall+ a re0uttal evi$ence. Q%&ere t&ere is not&in1 to re*ute, re0uttal evi$ence is unnecessar+.


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