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Dr. Michael Smith 123 ABC St. New York City, NY 99999 April 17, 2012 Dr.

atricia Brow! "!i#er$ity o% Cali%or!ia, &o$ A!'ele$ Me(ical Ce!ter 777 Me(ical Dr. &o$ A!'ele$, CA 11111 Dear Dr. Brow!, ) am the chairma! o% the 2012 Metropolita! Me(ical Co!%ere!ce that i$ *ei!' hel( i! Miami, +lori(a o! ,-ly ., 2012, a!( ) wo-l( like to i!#ite yo- to pre$e!t yo-r re$earch o! *eta *locker$. /e wo-l( *e (eli'hte( to li$te! to yo- (i$c-$$ yo-r work, a!( ) hope yo- will al$o a'ree to r-! a $hort 0-e$tio!1a!(1a!$wer $e$$io! a%ter the pre$e!tatio!. A((itio!ally, Metropolita! Me(ical wo-l( *e plea$e( to co#er yo-r tra#el a!( lo('i!' e2pe!$e$ while yo- #i$it the co!%ere!ce, i! a((itio! to pro#i(i!' yo- with a per (iem *-('et. lea$e reply with yo-r a!$wer a$ $oo! a$ yo- are a*le, $o that we may *e'i! to arra!'e yo-r tra#el. ) e!co-ra'e yo- to co!tact me with a!y 0-e$tio!$ or co!cer!$. 3i!( re'ar($, Dr. Michael Smith

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