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B. Subjective Questions Answer all the questions. A. Count and write the numbers in numerals and words. 1. 2.



B. Arrange the numbers in the correct order.





1. Increasing order :

. !ecreasing order: -------------------------------------

C. Complete the following 1. .

!ens tens

"nes ones

!ens tens

"nes ones

#. Complete the number sentences. 1. 2.

+ = +


%. Answer the following. 1. . 3. 4. 8 ) 11 $ $ ( ( 7 ' 7 5 & & & & 5. '. 7. 8. 3 1 $ ( ( $ ' 7 &4 & ' & 3

& 14

". Solve these #roblems

1. $hat is the total o% %our and three.

. Ahmad has & boo's. (is brother has ) boo's. (ow man* boo's do the* have all together + ,

-. $hat is . less than 1/ +

0. 1here are 2 birds on a tree. - birds %l* awa*. (ow man* birds are le%t +

). 3avi has 34 . (is %ather gives him 340. (ow much mone* does he have now + ,

G. 1.

Draw the hour hand and the minute hand to show the given time. 2.

H. 1.

Name the shapes correctly 2.



5. 6.

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