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Rachel Schuetz

Form 3: Course Revision Thoughts Pharmacology

Complete the following form and upload to the Dropbo ! "se this form if you are revising an e isting course! Red Te t # $ee% & 'odule & Thoughts (reen Te t # Final $ee% 'odule ) - *nd of course +,nstructional Design: *--earning. reflective thoughts Description: What is this course about? Where/how will it be taught? The course I want to redesign is my Pharmacology or !llied "ealth# $urrently it is taught in a hybrid ormat with a ocus on the ace to ace %&'&( portion# I would li)e to redesign and urther de*elop the online portion o this class and transition it to an online ormat# Pro+ecting ahead I thin) I might set speci ic &'& dates that would be completely optional choice or students to come or a tutoring session# I would li)e to design this course utilizing the online tools that are a*ailable to enhance student learning o a more di icult and broad topic, pharmacology# I thin) urther modularizing the course topics will help ma)e the content more applicable and easier to digest# !nother bene it to the redesign is the le-ibility and the ability to let students to wor) ahead# !s Smith points the le-ibility that online learning allows to sel .pace is an ad*antage to online learning# /i)e this course we are able to wor) ahead but not get too ar ahead with the guidelines o the discussion board post during a speci ic wee)# This is a great way to maintain the pace as an instructor as well as to ensure that no one is too ar behind or too ar ahead# 0esides the things listed rom wee) 1 o this course, I am doing to design this pharmacology course in an online ormat with a couple o ' synchronous sessions# Throughout the Instructional Design: 2. /earning course I ha*e had the opportunity to urther de*elop some o the modules and ha*e better aligned the course ob+ecti*es and learning acti*ities# I will continue to de*elop the other modules# 3y goal is to ha*e this completed or the whole course or Spring '415 semester#

/earners: Who are the learners? What do you )now about them that might ma)e a di erence in what you design? %Thin) about age, prior )nowledge, amiliarity with technology( The learners or this course are second semester medical assistant &orm adapted rom Smith, R# 3# Conquering the Content# San &rancisco: 6ossey.0ass, '447#

Rachel Schuetz students# There is a di*ersity o ages rom high school graduates to those returning and starting a second career, 849# 3ean age is around :4# There is a di*erse range o com ort and s)ills with technology# 3any ha*e a ;beginner< )now o technology all the way to those who would pre er to complete e*erything online# This will be a challenge I need to consider when de*eloping this course online# I will need to ensure directions are clear and easy to ollow# De*eloping a ;Prototype< li)e Dan suggested rom the ;/earning Time = >reen Room< discussion# Perhaps ha*ing a person who is a no*ice and a person who is an e-pert in technology re*iew the prototype might pro*e bene icial in o*ercoming this barrier# 3ost o our courses are o ered &'& so the resistance or completely online ormat o course is also there# "owe*er, I do thin) that one pro most students will see as winning them o*er is the le-ibility and the act that they do not ha*e to come on campus or the course# This will sa*e both money and time or students# This same in ormation stated abo*e applies or uture semesters#

Things that are wor)ing well in my course# This can be related to what or how you teach, how students respond, or about the technology# What do you li)e about teaching this course? The things that are wor)ing well are the discussion board that encourages students to re*iew other resources outside o their te-t to help apply what they are learning# The module set up o the course content? howe*er, I would li)e to urther de*elop this to allow or ease in le-ible learning# In class group acti*ities which allow student to critically thin) in group and apply their )nowledge# Throughout this course I ha*e had the opportunity to learn about di erent tools that I can use or some o the assignments# I ha*e a good handle on the content but need to urther de*elop the di erent ways in ormation is shared and gi*en bac) the student reaches all o the di erent types o learners, there ore implementing uni*ersal design learning techni@ues# Some o these tools are 6ing, !udio boo, Aoice Thread, and other web lin)s#

Things that IBd li)e to change about my course# !gain, what drags you down? It could be technology, disinterested students, lac) o discussion, etc# There is a lot I would li)e to change about this course# &irst this course needs to be ormatted into a more online ormat or at least in a lipped &orm adapted rom Smith, R# 3# Conquering the Content# San &rancisco: 6ossey.0ass, '447#

Rachel Schuetz classroom ormat with a large ocus online# $urrently I eel trap between the online and ace to ace world# 3eaning, I do not ha*e enough ace to ace time and yet too much to put it all online# "ow to better acilitate all o the content we co*er in such a short span o time# !ll o the second semester courses I teach are 1C wee)s o content compressed into 11 wee)s# This poses a challenge? balancing time with the content while at the same time not o*erwhelming students# Ways to ma)e this content engaging and not a content that they ha*e to su er throughD I need to learn about new technology resources I can implement into this course that would be bene icial to students learning the content# I would also li)e to ind additional engaging acti*ities that would allow the students to apply more readily the content, li)e case studies or group acti*ity# I gained a lot o insight into how to handle all o the content that needs to be co*ered# Through the reading on chun)ing content, aligning assignments/learning acti*ities/learning ob+ecti*es in the Smith te-t and the additional resources and readings Dr# Susan 3anning shared with us, all o the application through the *arious assignments, and guest spea)er in this course I ha*e tools I can implement to ma)e the course more manageable or me and the students# I can see what matter I need to co*er and that which would be additional resources or students to re*iew on their own i they choose# The assignment that helped to better put this into ocus or me was the chun)ing e-ercise#

The most rustrating or irritating aspect o my course as I am currently teaching it is: Time is the main rustration# The eeling o not ha*ing enough time in the semester to co*er all o the content areas additionally not enough time to learn about the great technology resources a*ailable# I )now there is so much in ormation out there to aid in online learning but where to begin# I need the cli note *ersion# Sel .assessing the pharmacology course I was able to di*ide out the material/content co*ered into two main categories the ;need to )nows< and the ;nice to )nows<# The ;need to )nows< are the content and learning ob+ecti*es that must be co*ered and content must be shared and learned# The ;nice to )nows< are content that i the student would li)e to )now more about they can re*iew that content but it is not a re@uirement# !lso chun)ing the content also helps the instructor and the student through the course# 3a)ing all o the content that is re@uired manageable and not o*erwhelming# &orm adapted rom Smith, R# 3# Conquering the Content# San &rancisco: 6ossey.0ass, '447#

Rachel Schuetz

The most time consuming aspect o teaching it is:

my course as I am currently

The most time consuming aspect o this course is de*elopment o the online content or this course# %i#e#: de*elopment lashcards through my So t $hal) account#( I ha*e also struggle with the 0lac)board en*ironment with setting up @uizzes and then blac)board times them out# Eot ha*ing a suitable option to remedy this has been both time consuming and rustrating# Fnce again, I gained much insight in to how I can design my course no matter the ormat, whether online, hybrid, and ace to ace through this course# Smith outlines early in her te-t ways to uni*ersally it your class so that i the *ersion or te-t used or the course change the main content does not ha*e to be changed only minor re*isions need to be made# !lthough it may seem common sense the step by steps ways to e ecti*ely conduct can be o*erwhelming# Smith outlines these easy to ollow steps that ma)e logical sense and are *ery manageable# Throughout our course we had the opportunity to irst.hand e-perience a well.designed course by Dr# Susan 3anning and applied what we ha*e learned through this course# I am ore*er grate ul to my co. wor)ers who had ta)en this course be ore me and told me how much they learned and how much they applied into their own courses# I must agree and eel so ortunate to ha*e learned so many e-ceptional techni@ues in instructional design# I am e-cited to implement these techni@ues into my courses and )now that my +ourney is ne*er o*er in instructional design as I continue to learn more and more about how to better reach the students I ha*e the opportunity to acilitate their leaning#

&orm adapted rom Smith, R# 3# Conquering the Content# San &rancisco: 6ossey.0ass, '447#

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