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Name: Class: No 1

English Term Test

Subject 1: Fill in the blanks with a word each:
Shanghai Surprise " could not see the look on 1####### $ace when " stood with a com!lete ta%i door in m& hands in Shanghai' " ma& 2#######some strength( but the e%!erience o$ ri!!ing a door out o$ a ta%i )#######new to me' The dri*er o*erwhelmed me with a torrent o$ words( which " did +######understand( but it was clear that he was not !leased with the situation' ,$ter two minutes( the crime scene was surrounded b& Shanghai inhabitants who -####### laughing themsel*es sill&' .hat t&!e o$ businessman am "/ " $elt hel!less: dri*er shouting( s!ectators enjo&ing this 0######## e*ent' Suddenl& there was a twist( the dri*er !ushing me into his car( and care$ull& managed to !ut 1######### the door' This was rather strange( how did he2/ " started to $eel relie*ed on m& 3######### to the hotel( until " saw the doorman who normall& o!ens doors( including ta%i doors' .ith wild gestures " tried to !re*ent this( but there it went again( a totall& ama4ed doorman with a ta%i door' The scene that 5######### was somehow $amiliar( the e%!ression on the doorman6s $ace must ha*e been the same as mine )0 minutes earlier' , tough discussion $or com!ensation( lasting 1- minutes( $ollowed' Starting with 7100( the ta%i 10 ####### $inall& agreed to 7)' ,nd o$$ he went looking $or new *ictims in business suits8 his wa& o$ o!ening doors $or a new car' 9ust another 1(000 or so customers to go'

10X2 20!

Subject 2: :ut the *erbs in the $ollowing sentences in the right tense: 10X) )0! a; " ##########<recei*e; a letter $rom 9ason &esterda&' =e ########<be; in the arm& $or si% months now' b; "$ the& ###### <!romise; to beha*e( we ###### <take; the kids on the tri!' c; .e usuall& ####### <ha*e; dinner at home( but toda& we #### <eat; out' d; .hen " #### <get; home e*er&bod& #### <dance;' e; >e$ore he #### <join; the arm&( he ###### <work; alread& $or the F>"' Subject ): )0 ! "magine &ou ha*e ordered a camera on the internet' "t was intended as a gi$t $or &our best $riend' The& said it would arri*e in u! to 10 da&s( but it onl& came a$ter three weeks( too late $or his birthda&' >esides( it was not 1+ mega!i%els( as ad*ertised( but 3' ,lso( the lens was broken' .rite a letter to e%!lain all these( and ask $or a re$und' ?ou should write &our letter in about 1-0 words <1- lines;' @i*en: 10 ! Total: 100!

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