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Change Log Functionality

The change log is to record the changes (updates) made by the user in the Master.When ever user triggers the Update process and updates any field, then system should post the line in the db for each update made. If user make multiple updated in single transaction then system should record multiple lines. This is applicable only for the masters having the UI ( front end) The following were the Db Fields and the respective functionality to be implemented

Trans ID. TRANS_ID: This is the Db Line ID Form ID FORM_ID: This the Id of the Form(master) where the Update has done Form Description FORM_DESC: This is the Name of the form were the Update has done Table Name TABLE_NAME: This is the Db table which is effected (in which the change is updated) due to the change Key Value KEY_VALUE: The value in the Unique key column of the Table where the change has done need to be populated here Field Name FIELD_NAME : This is the name of the column in which the Updated has made Previous Value PREV_VALUE: this is value of the field before the Update Changed Value CHNGD_VALUE:This is value of the field after the Update Changed by CHNGD_BY: The User Id of the user who initiated & done the update Changed date and Time CHNGD_DATE: this is the Date of the server when

the Update is made

DB Table:
Field Name Trans ID. Form ID Form Descrption Column Name CHANGELOG_DTLS TRANS_ID FORM_ID FORM_DESC Constraints Values PK Comment

Table Name Key Value Field Name Previous Value Changed Value Changed by Changed date and Time


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